Non-Conformance and Corrective Action Procedure
Non-Conformance and Corrective Action Procedure
Non-Conformance and Corrective Action Procedure
ENGINEERING Procedure Non-conformity and OCTOBER 2022 Date
Corrective Action
1.2 To ensure existing or potential Non-Conformities are expeditiously and effectively dealt
with to prevent any adverse alterations to KOKE SHEQ Management Systems.
2.0 Scope
2.1 This procedure covers all Non-Conformities that relate to KOKE operations.
2.2 The procedure documents corrective and preventive actions aimed at preventing accidents
arising from the materialization of significant hazards, aspects, near misses and quality issues
within the working environment.
3.0 Responsibility
3.1.2 Ratifying decisions made by HODs and HOSs in their departments and to ensure that
the agreed corrective actions are implemented.
3.2.3 Ensuring that this procedure requirements are communicated, implemented and
maintained in their departments.
4.0 Definition
4.5 NC -Non-Conformity.
4.16 Corrective Action -Action taken to address the causes of identified Non-
Conformities to prevent their recurrence.
4.18 Potential - A situation that has the capacity to cause failure to comply
Non-Conformity with KOKE procedures controls and/or other requirements if not
5.0 Special Requirements
5.1 All identified Non-Conformities shall be recorded and investigated to ensure their
effective close-out through corrective action development.
6.1 Raised NCs shall be submitted to the relevant HODs and HOSs who, in
consultation with SHEQ personnel, shall investigate and establish the root causes to
any raised NC.
7.1 HODs, HOSs and all personnel shall identify NCs through, but not limited to:
7.1.6 Incidents/accidents
7.1.10 Benchmarking
7.3 Any employee can raise an NC and all such NCs shall be recorded on a CAPA
Form and directed to the SHEQ office.
7.4 The SO shall direct the form to the respective department to initiate action and
forward the CAPA form to the SM.
7.5 Corrective action shall be taken according to the nature of the NC and
addressed as soon as possible but within three (3) months.
7.6 Upon receiving a CAPA form, the relevant HOD/HOS shall coordinate and
conduct appropriate root-cause analysis of the NC in liaison with the SHEQ
personnel, to prevent recurrence.
7.7 After investigation of the NC the HOD/HOS shall submit to the SM for
corrective action plan review.
7.8 All persons affected by the NC shall be involved in the investigation and
corrective action process.
7.9 Where NCs have a significant impact on the image and brand of the company,
these shall be directed to the Branding &Marketing office and handled through the
Customer Feedback Handling Procedure.
7.10 HODs and HOSs shall record all raised NCs in NC Registers for effective
tracking. analysis and follow up.
7.11 Potential NCs shall also be addressed through the CAPA forms and proactive
action determined to prevent the ascendance into an NC.
7.12 The HOD and HOS, in consultation with other relevant personnel/interested
stakeholders, shall put controls in accordance to the Hierarchy of Controls (Eliminate,
Reduce, Isolate, and Protect) for the identified causes of NCs.
7.13 Where it is not possible to eliminate the causes of the NC, the cause is identified
as a hazard or aspect requiring monitoring and for which a procedure shall be
7.14 Action plans for raised NCs shall be attended to within specified periods as
indicated on the CAPA Form.
7.16 The SHEQ department shall follow up with the respective HOD and HOS on the
root cause identification and implementation of appropriate corrective action.
7.17 If the proposed plan is acceptable, the HOS and HOD shall proceed with
implementation of the plan and maintain all records of the action taken to address
each NC.
7.18 The HOS and HOD are responsible for ensuring that all generated CAPA forms
are formally reviewed at a minimum of one (1) month intervals.
7.20 Where the NC persists, the SM, HOD and HOS shall meet to solve the NC.
7.21 Any changes in Standard Operating Procedures, work instructions, etc, resulting
from corrective action plans, shall be done in accordance with Control of Documented
Information Procedure.