Week 4
Week 4
Week 4
Teaching Dates and Time SEPTEMBER 12-16, 2022 2:00 – 3:00 PM (M-TH) Quarter FIRST QUARTER : WEEK 4
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the emergence of the Social Sciences and the different disciplines.
B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations.
C. Learning Compare and contrast the various Social Science disciplines and their fields, main areas of inquiry, and methods.
Competency/Objectives Social Science disciplines and their fields, main areas of inquiry, and methods The learners race the historical foundation and social context that lead to the
Write the LC code for each. (HUMSS_DISS11-IIIbd-3) development of each discipline
Think- Pair- Share Short Video presentation: The teacher play a dialectical song (e.g
Direction: Teacher will present the short video Manang Biday) Student will be asked
1. Student will look for a partner. entitled " An Animated Introduction to 1. What is message of the song?
2. They will be instructed to ask each Social 2. Where the song came from?
other about their similarities and Science" 3. Who are the Government officials in
differences. (4:35 minutes) that particular province?
3. The teacher will ask volunteers to https://m.youtube.com/watch? 4. Upon hearing the song, what do you
B. Establishing a purpose for the
share their output. v=DSIdaTSG2Gg think is the way of life of the people
(10 minutes) leaving in that place?
The class will be grouped into Eight (8). Presentation of the lesson: Open discussion of the
Each group will be collaborating on a Teacher discusses the historical foundation word mapping
specific discipline. (e.g. group 1 and social context that led to the
D. Discussing new concepts and Anthropology. . .) and will be given meta development of the latter discipline through
practicing new skills # 1 cards to write the following definition and power point presentation.
(35 minutes)
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will post a Compare and The class will do their group activity; Each The class will be divide
practicing new skills # 2 Contrast Template on the board for group will show a free style creative into five (5) groups; each group will fill-
students to accomplish. presentation (e.g. Rap, Song, Poem, up an info sheet and will be asked to
Each group will discuss their output on the Tableau, etc.) of each discipline that will create a tabular task sheet.
class. show the emergence of each discipline.
(20 minutes)
Each group will choose a representative to Ask student randomly with the following The info sheet will be discussed in the
compare and contrast their assigned questions: group for 2 minutes and afterwards will
discipline to other disciplines of social 1. Who is the father of Anthropology? pass to the next group. The activity will
science. 2. Why was anthropology developed? continue and end until all groups has
(20 minutes) 3. What is the two main parts of History of discussed the entire info sheet. Task
F. Developing mastery Geography? sheet are expected to be accomplished
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) 4. What is meant by history? after ten (10) minutes:
The teacher will elicit responses from
student based on the accomplished
task sheet.
(10 minutes)
Recitation: Think-Pair-Share: Reflection:
Ask the learners: What are the anthropological, economic, Imagine Life without language, leaders,
1. Among all the disciplines of Social geographical and historical activities at laws, family.
G. Finding practical application of Science, what do you think would be the home?
concepts and skills in daily living most useful discipline? 5mins.
(10 minutes)
Ask the students: Sentence Completion: Teacher ask student randomly with the
1. What is the significance of studying The teacher will ask the class to complete following question:
Social Science? the sentence, Anthropology/Economics/ 1. Is linguistic is a science?
(5 minutes) Geography/History started during Explain? Is Politics a Science? Who
________________ in first used the term politics? Who
_________ because ______. created the term Psychology? How did
H. Making generalizations and Example: psychology developed as a science?
abstractions about the lesson Economics started even before the ancient Explain? What sociology all about?
time in early civilizations because during Why do we need study demography?
that time, people have needs to be Explain?
satisfied. They started producing goods at
the same time, exchange goods with