Cattani Kahler Manifolds
Cattani Kahler Manifolds
Cattani Kahler Manifolds
E. Cattani
University of Massachussetts at Amherst
Amherst MA
Preliminary Version
These notes are intended to accompany the course Introduction to Complex, Her-
mitian and Kähler Manifolds at the ICTP Summer School on Hodge Theory. Their
purpose is to review the concepts and results in the theory of Kähler manifolds
that both motivate and are at the center of Hodge Theory. Although we have tried
to clearly define the main objects of study we have often referred to the literature
for proofs of the main results. We are fortunate in that there are several excellent
books on this subject and we have freely drawn from them in the preparation of
these notes, which make no claim of originality. The classical references remain the
pioneer books by A. Weil [38], S. S. Chern [10], J. Morrow and K. Kodaira [22, 25],
R. O. Wells [39], S. Kobayashi[21], and P. Griffiths and J. Harris [15]. In these notes
we refer most often to two superb recent additions to the literature: the two-volume
work by C. Voisin [34, 35] and D. Huybrechts’ book [18].
We assume from the outset that the reader is familiar with the basic theory of
smooth manifolds at the level of [2], [23], or [33]. Some of this material as well as
the basics of cohomology theory will be reviewed in the course by Loring Tu. The
book by R. Bott and L. Tu [3] is an excellent introduction to the algebraic topology
of smooth manifolds.
These notes consist of five sections which correspond, roughly, to the five lectures
in the course. There is also an Appendix which collects some results on the linear
algebra of complex vector spaces, Hodge structures, nilpotent linear transformations,
and representations of sl(2, C). There are many exercises interspersed throughout
the text, many of which ask the reader to prove, or complete the proof, of some
result in the notes.
A final version of these notes will be posted after the conclusion of the Summer
1. Complex Manifolds 3
1.1. Definition and Examples 3
1.2. Holomorphic Vector Bundles 11
2. Differential Forms on Complex Manifolds 14
2.1. Almost Complex Manifolds 14
2.2. Tangent and Cotangent space 16
2.3. de Rham and Dolbeault Cohomologies 19
3. Hermitian and Kähler metrics 22
3.1. Kähler Manifolds 23
3.2. The Chern Class of a Holomorphic Line Bundle 26
4. Harmonic Forms - Hodge Theorem 28
4.1. Compact Real Manifolds 28
4.2. Compact Hermitian Manifolds 32
5. The Hodge Decompositon Theorem 33
5.1. Kähler identities 34
5.2. Lefschetz Theorems 36
5.3. Hodge-Riemann Bilinear Relations 38
Appendix A. Linear Algebra 41
A.1. Real and Complex Vector Spaces 41
A.2. Hodge structures 45
A.3. Symmetric and Hermitian Forms 47
A.4. Polarized Hodge Structures 48
A.5. The Weight filtration of a nilpotent transformation. 49
A.6. Representations of sl(2, C) 50
A.7. Lefschetz decomposition 52
References 53
1. Complex Manifolds
1.1. Definition and Examples. Let U ⊂ Cn be an open subset and f : U → C.
We say that f is holomorphic if and only if it is holomorphic as a function of each
variable separately; i.e. if we fix z = a , = j then the function f (a1 , . . . , zj , . . . , an )
is a holomorphic function of zj . A map F = (f1 , . . . , fn ) : U → Cn is said to be
holomorphic if each component fk = fk (z1 , . . . , zn ) is holomorphic. If we identify
Cn ∼ = R2n , and set zj = xj + iyj , fk = uk + ivk , j, k = 1, . . . , n, then the functions
uk , vk are C ∞ functions of the variables x1 , y1 , . . . , xn , yn and satisfy the Cauchy-
Riemann equations:
∂uk ∂vk ∂uk ∂vk
(1.1) = ; = −
∂xj ∂yj ∂yj ∂xj
Conversely, if (u1 , v1 , . . . , un , vn ) : R2n → R2n is a C ∞ map satisfying the Cauchy-
Riemann equations (1.1) then the map (u1 + iv1 , . . . , un + ivn ) is holomorphic. In
other words a C ∞ map F : U ⊂ R2n → R2n defines a holomorphic map Cn → Cn if
and only if the differential of F , written in terms of the basis
(1.2) {∂/∂x1 , . . . , ∂/∂xn , ∂/∂y1 , . . . , ∂/∂yn }
of the tangent space Tp (R2n ) and the basis {∂/∂u1 , . . . , ∂/∂un , ∂/∂v1 , . . . , ∂/∂vn } of
TF (p) (R2n ) is of the form:
A −B
(1.3) DF (p) =
for all p ∈ U . Thus, it follows from Exercise 36 in Appendix A.1 that F is holomor-
phic if and only if DF (p) defines a C-linear map Cn → Cn .
Exercise 1. Prove that a (2n) × (2n)-matrix is of the form (1.3) if and only if it
commutes with the matrix J:
0 −In
(1.4) J := ,
In 0
Definition 1.1. A complex structure on a topological manifold M consists of a
collection of coordinate charts (Uα , φα ) such that:
i) The sets Uα are an open covering of M .
ii) φα : Uα → Cn is a homeomorphism of Uα onto an open subset of Cn for some
fixed n. We call n the complex dimension of M .
iii) If Uα ∩ Uβ = ∅, the map
(1.5) φβ ◦ φ−1
α : φα (Uα ∩ Uβ ) → φβ (Uα ∩ Uβ )
is holomorphic.
Example 1.2. The most basic example of a complex manifold is Cn or any open
subset of Cn . For any p ∈ Cn , the tangent space Tp (Cn ) ∼
= R2n which is identified,
in the natural way, with C itself.
Example 1.3. Since GL(n, C), the set of non-singular n × n matrices with complex
coefficients, is an open set in Cn , we may view GL(n, C) as a complex manifold.
Example 1.4. The basic example of a compact complex manifold is complex pro-
jective space which we will simply denote by Pn . Recall that:
Pn := Cn+1 \ {0} / ∼ ,
where ∼ is the equivalence relation: z ∼ z if and only if there exists λ ∈ C∗ such that
z = λz; z, z ∈ Cn+1 \ {0}. We denote the equivalence class of a point z ∈ Cn+1 \ {0}
by [z]. The sets
(1.6) Ui := {[z] ∈ Pn : zi = 0}
are open and the maps
z0 zi−1 zi+1 zn
(1.7) φi : Ui → C ;
φi ([z]) = ,..., , ,...,
zi zi zi zi
define local coordinates such that the maps
(1.8) φi ◦ φ−1
j : φj (Ui ∩ Uj ) → φi (Ui ∩ Uj )
are holomorphic.
In particular, if n = 1, P1 is covered by two coordinate neighborhoods (U0 , φ0 ),
(U1 , φ1 ) with φi (Ui ) = C. The coordinate changes are given by the maps
φ1 ◦ φ−1 ∗
0 : C →C :
φ1 ◦ φ−1
0 (z) = φ1 ([1, z]) = 1/z.
Thus, this is the usual presentation of the sphere S 2 as the Riemann sphere. We
usually identify U0 ∼
= C and denote the point [0, 1] = ∞.
Exercise 2. Verify that the map (1.8) is holomorphic.
Example 1.5. To each point [z] ∈ Pn we may associate the line spanned by z in
Cn+1 ; hence, we may regard Pn as the space of lines in Cn+1 . This construction
may then be generalized by considering k-dimensional subspaces in Cn . This is the
so-called Grassmann manifold G(k, n). To define the complex manifold structure on
G(k, n), we consider first of all the open set in Cnk :
V (k, n) = {W ∈ M(n × k, C) : rank(W ) = k}.
The Grassmann manifold G(k, n) may then be viewed as the quotient space:
G(k, n) := V (k, n)/ ∼ ,
where W ∼ W if and only if there exists M ∈ GL(k, C) such that W = W · M ;
equivalently, W ∼ W if and only if the column vectors of W and W span the same
k-dimensional subspace Ω ⊂ Cn .
Given an index set I = {1 ≤ i1 < · · · < ik ≤ n} and W ∈ V (k, n), we consider
the k × k matrix WI consisting of the I-rows of W and note that if W ∼ W then,
for every index set I, det(WI ) = 0 if and only if det(WI ) = 0. We then define:
UI := {[W ] ∈ G(k, n) : det(WI ) = 0}
This is clearly an open set in G(k, n) and the map:
φI : UI → C(n−k)k ; φI ([W ]) = WI c · WI−1 ,
for some fixed k. In this case, as we saw above, N has the structure of an (n − k)-
dimensional complex manifold.
Proposition 1.11. There are no compact complex submanifolds of Cn of dimension
greater than zero.
Proof. Suppose M ⊂ Cn is a submanifold. Then, each of the coordinate functions
zi restricts to a holomorphic function on M . But, if M is compact, it follows from
Theorem 1.6 that zi must be locally constant. Hence, dim M = 0.
Remark 1. The above result means that there is no chance for a Whitney Embedding
Theorem in the holomorphic category. One of the major results of the theory of
complex manifolds is the Kodaira Embedding Theorem which gives necessary and
sufficient conditions for a compact complex manifold to embed in Pn .
Example 1.12. Let f : Cn → C be a holomorphic function and suppose Z =
f −1 (0) = ∅. Then we say that 0 is a regular value for f if rankp (f ) = 1 for all p ∈ Z;
i.e. for each p ∈ X there exists some i, i = 1, . . . , n such that ∂f /∂zi (p) = 0. In
this case, Z is a complex submanifold of Cn and codim(Z) = 1. We call Z an affine
hypersurface. More generally, given F : Cn → Cm , we say that 0 is a regular value
if rankp (F ) = m for all p ∈ F −1 (0). In this case or F −1 (0) is either empty or is a
submanifold of Cn of codimension m.
Example 1.13. Let P (z0 , . . . , zn ) be a homogeneous polynomial of degree d. We
X := {[z] ∈ Pn : P (z0 , . . . , zn ) = 0}.
We note that while P does not define a function on Pn , the zero locus X is still well
defined since P is a homogeneous polynomial. We assume now that the following
regularity condition holds:
n+1 ∂P ∂P
(1.11) z∈C : (z) = · · · = (z) = 0 = {0};
∂z0 ∂zn
i.e. 0 is a regular value of the map P |Cn+1 {0} . Then X is a hypersurface in Pn .
To prove this we note that the requirements of Definition 1.10 are local. Hence,
it is enough to check that X ∩ Ui is a submanifold of Ui for each i; indeed, an affine
hypersurface. Consider the case i = 0 and let f : U0 ∼ = Cn → C be the function
f (u1 , . . . , un ) = P (1, u1 , . . . , un ). Set u = (u1 , . . . , un ) and ũ = (1, u1 , . . . , un ).
Suppose [ũ] ∈ U0 ∩ X and
∂f ∂f
(u) = · · · = (u) = 0
∂u1 ∂un
∂P ∂P
(ũ) = · · · = (ũ) = 0
∂z1 ∂zn
But, since P is a homogeneous polynomial of degree d, it follows from the Euler
identity that:
0 = d · P (ũ) = (ũ).
Hence, by (1.11), we would have ũ = 0, which is impossible. Hence 0 is a regular
value of f and X ∩ U0 is an affine hypersurface.
C/Λ −−−−→ C/Λ
commutes. In particular, given z ∈ C, λ ∈ Λ, there exists λ ∈ Λ such that
F̃ (z + λ) = F̃ (z) + λ .
This means that the derivative F̃ must be Λ-periodic and, hence, it defines a holo-
morphic function on C/Λ which, by Theorem 1.6, must be constant. This implies
that F̃ must be a linear map and, after translation if necessary, we may assume
that F̃ (z) = μ · z, μ = a + ib ∈ C. Conversely, any such linear map F̃ induces a
biholomorphic map C/Λ → C/F̃ (Λ). In particular, if {ω1 , ω2 } is a Z-basis of Λ then
Im(ω2 /ω1 ) = 0 and we may assume without loss of generality that Im(ω2 /ω1 ) > 0.
Setting μ = ω2 /ω1 we see that TΛ is always biholomorphic to a torus Tτ associated
with a lattice
{m + nτ ; m, n ∈ Z}
and where Im(τ ) > 0.
Now, suppose the tori Tλ , TΛ are biholomorphic and let {ω1 , ω2 } (resp. {ω1 , ω2 })
be a Z-basis of Λ (resp. Λ ) as above. We have
μ · ω1 = m11 ω1 + m21 ω2 ; μ · ω2 = m12 ω1 + m22 ω2 , mij ∈ Z.
Moreover, m11 m22 −m12 m21 = 1, since F is biholomorphic and therefore F̃ (Λ) = Λ .
ω1 m11 ω1 + m21 ω2 m11 + m21 τ
τ = = =
ω2 m12 ω1 + m22 ω2 m12 + m22 τ
Consequently, Tτ ∼= Tτ if and only if τ and τ are points in the upper-half plane
congruent under the action of the group SL(2, Z) by fractional linear transformations.
Remark 2. Note that while all differentiable structures on the torus S 1 × S 1 are
equivalent there is a continuous moduli of different complex structures. This is one
of the key differences between real and complex geometry and one which we will
study using Hodge Theory.
1.2. Holomorphic Vector Bundles. We may extend the notion of smooth vector
bundle to complex manifolds and holomorphic maps:
Definition 1.18. A holomorphic vector bundle E over a complex manifold M is a
complex manifold E together with a holomorphic map π : E → M such that:
i) For each x ∈ M , the fiber Ex = π −1 (x) is a complex vector space of dimension
d (the rank of E).
ii) There exists an open covering {Uα } of M and biholomorphic maps
Φα : π −1 (Uα ) → Uα × Cd
such that
(a) p1 (Φα (x)) = x for all x ∈ U , where p1 : Uα ×Cd → Uα denotes projection
on the first factor, and
(b) For every x ∈ Uα the map p2 ◦ Φ|Ex : Ex → Cd is an isomorphism of
E is called the total space of the bundle and M its base. The covering {Uα } is
called a trivializing cover of M and the biholomorphisms {Φα } local trivializations.
When d = 1 we often refer to E as a line bundle.
We note that as in the case of smooth vector bundles, a holomorphic vector bundle
may be described by transition functions. That is, by a covering of M by open sets
Uα together with holomorphic maps
gαβ : Uα ∩ Uβ → GL(d, C)
such that
(1.16) gαβ · gβγ = gαγ
on Uα ∩ Uβ ∩ Uγ . The maps gαβ are defined by the commutative diagram:
(1.17) π −1 (Uα ∩ Uβ )
mm QQQ
Φβ mmm QQQΦα
mm QQQ
mmm QQQ
v mm
m (id,gαβ )
(Uα ∩ Uβ ) × Rd / (Uα ∩ Uβ ) × Rd
and let π : T → Pn be the projection to the first factor. Let Ui be as in (1.6). Then
we can define
Φi : π −1 (Ui ) → Ui × C
Φi ([z], v) = vi .
The transition functions gij are defined by the diagram (1.17) and we have
Φi ◦ Φ−1
j ([z], 1) = Φi ([z], (z0 /zj , . . . , 1, . . . , zn /zj )) = ([z], zi /zj ),
with the one in the j-th position. Hence,
gij : Ui ∩ Uj → GL(1, C) ∼
= C∗
is the map [z] → zi /zj . It is common to denote the tautological bundle as O(−1).
Exercise 11. Generalize the construction of the tautological bundle over projective
space to obtain the universal rank k bundle over the Grassmann manifold G(k, n).
Consider the space:
(1.18) U := {(Ω, v) ∈ G(k, n) × Cn : v ∈ Ω},
where we regard Ω ∈ G(k, n) as a k-dimensional subspace of Cn . Prove that U
may be trivialized over the open sets UI defined in Example 1.5 and compute the
transition functions relative to these trivializations.
Let π : E → M be a holomorphic vector bundle and suppose F : N → M is
a holomorphic map. Given a trivializing cover {(Uα , Φa )} of E with transition
functions gαβ : Uα ∩ Uβ → GL(d, C), we define
(1.19) hαβ : F −1 (Uα ) ∩ F −1 (Uβ ) → GL(d, C) ; hαβ := gαβ ◦ F.
It is easy to check that the functions hαβ satisfy the cocycle condition (1.16) and,
therefore, define a holomorphic vector bundle over N denoted by F ∗ (E), and called
the pullback bundle. Note that we have a commutative diagram:
F ∗ (E) −−−−→ E
⏐ ⏐
(1.20) *
⏐ ⏐π
N −−−−→ M
L L are their transition functions relative
If L and L are line bundles, and gαβ , gαβ
to a common trivializing cover then the functions:
hαβ = gαβ · gαβ
defined by
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
(2.1) J := ; J := −
∂xj ∂yj ∂yj ∂xj
is well defined, provided that the functions zj = xj + iyj , j = 1, . . . , n, define local
holomorphic coordinates near the point p. We note that J is a (1, 1) smooth tensor
on M such that J 2 = − id and that, for each p ∈ M , Jp defines a complex structure
on the real vector space Tp (M ) (cf.(A.8)).
Definition 2.1. An almost complex structure on a C ∞ (real) manifold M is a (1, 1)
tensor J such that J 2 = − id. An almost complex manifold is a pair (M, J) where
J is an almost complex structure on M . The almost complex structure J is said to
be integrable if M has a complex structure inducing J.
If (M, J) is an almost complex manifold then Jp is a complex structure on M and
therefore by Proposition A.1, M must be even-dimensional. We also have:
Exercise 12. If M has an almost complex structure then M is orientable.
Exercise 13. Let M be an orientable (and oriented) two-dimensional manifold and
let , be a Riemannian metric on M . Given p ∈ M let v1 , v2 ∈ Tp (M ) be a
positively oriented orthonormal basis. Prove that Jp : Tp (M ) → Tp (M ) defined by:
Jp (v1 ) = v2 ; Jp (v2 ) = −v1 ,
defines an almost complex structure on M . Show, moreover, that if , is a
Riemannian metric conformally equivalent to , then the two metrics define the
same almost complex structure.
The discussion above shows that if M is a complex manifold then the operator
(2.1) defines an almost complex structure. It is natural to ask about the converse
of this statement; i.e. when does an almost complex structure J on a manifold
arise from a complex structure? The answer, which is provided by the Newlander-
Nirenberg Theorem, may be stated in terms of the Nijenhuis torsion of J:
Exercise 14. Let J be an almost complex structure on M . Prove that
(2.2) N (X, Y ) = [JX, JY ] − [X, Y ] − J[X, JY ] − J[JX, Y ]
is a (1, 2)-tensor satisfying N (X, Y ) = −N (Y, X). N is called the torsion of J.
Exercise 15. Let J be an almost complex structure on a two-dimensional manifold
M . Prove that N (X, Y ) = 0 for all vector fields X and Y on M .
Theorem 2.2 (Newlander-Nirenberg). Let (M, J) be an almost complex man-
ifold, then M has a complex structure inducing the almost complex structure J if
and only if N (X, Y ) = 0 for all vector fields X and Y on M .
Proof. We refer to [38, Proposition 2], [34, §2.2.3] for a proof in the case when M is
a real analytic manifold.
Remark 4. Note that assuming the Newlander-Nirenberg Theorem, it follows from
Exercise 15 that the almost complex structure constructed in Exercise 13 is inte-
grable. We may explicitly construct the complex structure on M by using local
2.2. Tangent and Cotangent space. Let (M, J) be an almost complex manifold
and p ∈ M . Let Tp (M ) denote the tangent space of M . Then Jp defines a com-
plex structure on Tp (M ) and therefore, by Proposition A.1, the complexification:
Tp,C (M ) := Tp (M ) ⊗R C, decomposes as
Tp,C (M ) = Tp (M ) ⊕ Tp (M )
where Tp (M ) = Tp (M ) and Tp (M ) is the i-eigenspace of J acting on Tp,C (M ). More-
over, by Proposition A.2, the map v ∈ Tp (M ) → v − iJp (v) defines an isomorphism
of complex vector spaces (Tp (M ), Jp ) ∼ = Tp (M ).
If J is integrable, then given holomorphic local coordinates {z1 , . . . , zn } around
p, we may consider the local coordinate frame (1.2) and, given (2.1), we have that
the above isomorphism maps:
∂/∂xj → ∂/∂xj − i ∂/∂yj .
We set
∂ 1 ∂ ∂ ∂ 1 ∂ ∂
(2.3) := −i ; := +i .
∂zj 2 ∂xj ∂yj ∂ z̄j 2 ∂xj ∂yj
Then, the vectors ∂/∂zj ∈ Tp (M ) are a basis of the complex subspace Tp (M ).
for all j. Moreover, in this case ∂z∂ j (f ) coincides with the partial derivative of f with
respect to zj . This justifies the choice of notation. However, we point out that it
makes sense to consider ∂z∂ j (f ) even if the function f is only a C ∞ function.
Note that, given holomorphic coordinates {z1 , . . . , zn }, the local differential forms
dzI ∧ dz̄J := dzi1 ∧ · · · dzia ∧ dz̄j1 ∧ · · · dz̄jb ,
where I (resp. J) runs over all strictly increasing index sets 1 ≤ i1 < · · · < ia ≤ n
of length a (resp. 1 ≤ j1 < · · · < jb ≤ n of length b) are a local frame for the bundle
Λa,b (M ).
We note that the bundles Λk,0 (M ) are holomorphic bundles of rank nk . We de-
note them by ΩkM to emphasize that we are viewing them as holomorphic, rather than
smooth, bundles. We denote the O(U )-module of holomorphic sections by Ωk (U ). In
particular Λn,0 (M ) is a holomorphic line bundle over M called the canonical bundle
and usually denoted by KM .
Example 2.5. Let M = P1 . Then as we saw in Example 1.4, M is covered by two
coordinate neighborhoods (U0 , φ0 ), (U1 , φ1 ). The coordinate changes are given by
the maps φ1 ◦ φ−1 ∗
0 : C →C :
w = φ1 ◦ φ−1
0 (z) = φ1 ([1, z]) = 1/z.
This means that the local sections dz, dw of the holomorphic cotangent bundle are
related by
dz = (−1/z)2 dw.
It follows from (1.17) that g01 [z0 , z1 ] = −(z0 /z1 )2 . Hence KP1 ∼
= O(−2) = T 2 .
Exercise 17. Find the transition functions for the holomorphic cotangent bundle
of Pn . Prove that KPn ∼
= O(−n − 1) = T n+1 .
2.3. de Rham and Dolbeault Cohomologies. † We recall that if U ⊂ M is an
open set in a smooth manifold M and Ak (U ) denotes the space of C-valued differ-
ential k-forms on U , then there exists a unique operator, the exterior differential:
d : Ak (U ) → Ak+1 (U ) ; k≥0
satisfying the following properties:
i) d is C-linear;
ii) For f ∈ A0 (U ) = C ∞ (U ), df is the one-form on U which acts on a vector
field X by df (X) := X(f ).
iii) Given α ∈ Ar (U ), β ∈ As (U ), the Leibniz property holds:
(2.7) d(α ∧ β) = dα ∧ β + (−1)r α ∧ dβ;
iv) d ◦ d = 0.
It follows from (ii) above that if {X1 , . . . , Xm } is a local frame on U ⊂ M and
ξ1 , . . . , ξm ∈ A1 (U ) is the dual coframe, then given f ∈ C ∞ (U ) we have
df = Xi (f )ξi .
In particular, if M is a complex manifold and (U, z1 , . . . , zn ) are local coordinates
then for f ∈ C ∞ (U ) we have
∂f n
∂f n
(2.8) df = dxj + dyj = dzj + dz̄j
∂xj ∂yj ∂zj ∂ z̄j
j=1 j=1 j=1 j=1
Many of the topics in this section will be studied in greater depth in the courses by L. Tu and
F. Elzein.
The properties of the operator d imply that for each open set U in M we have a
C → C ∞ (U ) → A1 (U ) → · · · → A2n−1 (U ) → A2n (U )
d d d d
The quotients:
ker{d : Ak (U ) → Ak+1 (U )}
(2.10) k
HdR (U, C) :=
d(Ak−1 (U ))
are called the de Rham cohomology groups of U . The elements in
Z k (U ) := ker{d : Ak (U ) → Ak+1 (U )}
are called closed k-forms and the elements in B k (U ) := d(Ak−1 (U )) exact k-forms.
We note that if U is connected then HdR0 (U, C) ∼ C. Unless there is possibility of
confusion we will drop the subscript since, in this notes, we will only consider de
Rham cohomology.
Exercise 18. Prove that the closed forms are a subring of the ring of differential
forms and that the exact forms are an ideal in the ring of closed forms. Deduce that
the de Rham cohomology
(2.11) H ∗ (U, C) := H k (U, C),
inherits a ring structure:
(2.12) [α] ∪ [β] := [α ∧ β].
This is called the cup product on cohomology.
If F : M → N is a smooth map, then given an open set V ⊂ N , F induces maps
F ∗ : Ak (V ) → Ak (F −1 (V ))
which commute with the exterior differential; i.e. F ∗ is a map of complexes. This
implies that F ∗ defines a map between de Rham cohomology groups:
F ∗ : H k (V, C) → H k (F −1 (V ), C)
which satisfies the chain rule (F ◦ G)∗ = G∗ ◦ F ∗ . Since (id)∗ = id it follows that if
F : M → N is a diffeomorphism then F ∗ : H k (N, C) → H k (M, C) is an isomorphism.
In fact, the de Rham cohomology groups are a (smooth) homotopy invariant:
Definition 2.6. Let f0 , f1 : M → N be smooth maps. We say that f0 is (smoothly)
homotopic to f1 if there exists a smooth map
H: R×M → N
such that H(0, x) = f0 (x) and H(1, x) = f1 (x) for all x ∈ M .
Theorem 2.7. Let f0 , f1 : M → N be smoothly homotopic maps. Then
f0∗ = f1∗ : H k (N, C) → H k (M, C).
Proof. We refer to [3, §4] for a proof of this important result.
Corollary 2.8 (Poincaré Lemma). Let U ⊂ M be a contractible open subset then
H k (U, C) = {0} for all k ≥ 1.
Proof. The result follows from Theorem 2.7 since in a contractible open set the
identity map is homotopic to a constant map.
Hence, if U is contractible, the sequence
0 → C → C ∞ (U ) → A1 (U ) → · · · → A2n−1 (U ) → A2n (U ) → 0
d d d d
is exact.
The exterior differential operator is not of “pure bidegree” relative to the decom-
position (2.6). Indeed, it follows from (2.8) that
d(Aa,b (U )) ⊂ Aa+1,b (U ) ⊕ Aa,b+1 (U ).
¯ where ∂ (resp. ∂)
We write d = ∂ + ∂, ¯ is the component of d of bidegree (1, 0) (resp.
(0, 1)). From d = 0 we obtain:
(2.14) ∂ 2 = ∂¯2 = 0 ; ∂ ◦ ∂¯ + ∂¯ ◦ ∂ = 0.
Exercise 19. Generalize the Leibniz property to the operators ∂ and ∂.
It follows from (2.14) that, for each p, 0 ≤ p ≤ n, we get a complex
∂¯ ∂¯ ∂¯ ∂¯
(2.15) Ap,0 (U ) → Ap,1 (U ) → · · · → Ap,n−1 (U ) → Ap,n (U )
called the Dolbeault complex. Its cohomology spaces are denoted by H∂p,q
¯ (U ) and
called the Dolbeault cohomology groups.
Exercise 20. Let α ∈ Ap,q (U ). Prove that ∂α = ∂¯ᾱ. Deduce that a form α
is ∂-closed if and only if ᾱ is ∂-closed. Similarly for ∂-exact forms. Conclude
that via conjugation the study of ∂-cohomology reduces to the study of Dolbeault
Proposition 2.9. Let M be a complex manifold, then H∂p,0 ∼ p
¯ (M ) = Ω (M ).
Proof. Let α ∈ Ap,0 (M ) and suppose ∂α ¯ = 0. Let (U, {z1 , . . . , zn } be local coordi-
nates in M and let α|U = I fI dzI , where I runs over all increasing index sets
{1 ≤ i1 < · · · < ip ≤ n}. Then
¯ U =
∂α| dz̄j ∧ dzI = 0 ,
∂ z̄j
I j=1
This implies that ∂fI /∂ z̄j = 0 for all I and all j. Hence fI ∈ O(U ) for all I and α
is a holomorphic p-form.
Given a = (a1 , . . . , an ) ∈ Cn and ε = (ε1 , . . . , εn ) ∈ (R>0 ∪ ∞)n we denote by
Δε (a) = {z ∈ Cn : |zi − ai | < εi }
the n-dimesional polydisk. For n = 1, a = 0, ε = 1 we set Δ = Δ1 (0), the unit disk,
and Δ∗ = Δ \ {0} the punctured unit disk. The following result is known as the
∂-Poincaré Lemma:
Theorem 2.10. If q ≥ 1 and α is a (p, q), ∂-closed form on a polydisk Δε (a), then
α is ∂-exact; i.e.
¯ (Δε (a)) = 0 ; q ≥ 1 .
∂¯ ∂¯ ∂¯
(2.16) 0 → Ωp (U ) → Ap,0 (U ) → Ap,1 (U ) → · · · → Ap,n (U ) → 0
Remark 6. It will be shown in the course by L. Tu that:
C if 0 ≤ k = 2 ≤ 2n
(2.17) H k (Pn , C) ∼
0 otherwise.
n ∼ C if 0 ≤ p = q ≤ n
(2.18) H∂p,q
¯ (P ) =
0 otherwise.
Also in that course you will see how to realize the de Rham and Dolbeault coho-
mology groups as sheaf cohomology groups. This will show, in particular, that even
though our definition of the de Rham cohomology uses the differentiable structure
they are, in fact, topological invariants. On the other hand, the Dolbeault cohomol-
ogy groups depend essentially on the complex structure. This observation is at the
core of Hodge Theory.
Hence ω(∂/∂zj , ∂/∂ z̄k ) = (i/2) hjk from which it follows that
ω(∂/∂xj , ∂/∂xk ) = −Im(hjk ).
Proof. Indeed, this is true of all compact symplectic manifolds as the forms ω k ,
k = 1, . . . , n, induce non-zero de Rham cohomology classes. Suppose, otherwise,
that ω k = dα, then
ω n = d(ω n−k ∧ α).
But then it would follow from Stokes’ Theorem that
ωn = 0
which contradicts the fact that ω n is a non-zero multiple of the volume element.
Remark 7. As we will see below, the existence of a Kähler metric on a manifold
imposes many other topological restrictions beyond those satisfied by symplectic
manifolds. The earliest examples of compact symplectic manifolds with no Kähler
structure are due to Thurston [30]. We refer to [36] for further details.
Example 3.5. Affine space Cn with the Kähler form:
ω = dzj ∧ dz̄j
is a Kähler manifold. The form ω gives the usual symplectic structure on R2n .
The following theorem states that, locally, a Kähler metric agrees with the Eu-
clidean metric up to order two.
Theorem 3.6. Let M be a complex manifold and g a Kähler metric on M . Then,
given p ∈ M there exist local coordinates (U, {z1 , . . . , zn }) around p such that zj (p) =
0 and
ω = hjk dzj ∧ dz̄k ,
where the coefficients hjk are of the form
(3.4) hjk (z) = δjk + O(||z||2 ).
Proof. We refer to [34, Proposition 3.14] for a proof.
Example 3.7. We will now construct a Kähler form on Pn . We will do this by
exhibiting a positive, real, closed (1, 1)-form on Pn , the resulting metric is called the
Fubini-Study metric on Pn .
Given z ∈ Cn+1 we denote by
||z||2 = |z0 |2 + · · · + |zn |2 .
Let Uj ⊂ Pn be the open set (1.6) and let ρj ∈ C ∞ (Uj ) be the positive function
(3.5) ρj ([z]) := ,
|zj |2
and define ωi ∈ A1,1 (Uj ) by
−1 ¯
(3.6) ωj := ∂ ∂ log(ρj ).
is called the Chern class of the vector bundle L and denoted by c(L). In fact, the
factor 1/2π factor is chosen so that the Chern class is actually an integral cohomology
(3.11) c(L) ∈ H 2 (M, Z).
Recall that if gαβ are the transition functions for a bundle L then the functions
gαβ are the transition functions of the dual bundle L∗ . In particular, if ρα are
a collection of positive C ∞ functions defining a Hermitian metric on L then the
functions ρ−1 ∗ ∗ ∗
α define a Hermitian metric, H on L . We call H the dual Hermitian
metric. We then have:
(3.12) c(L∗ ) = −c(L).
Definition 3.10. A holomorphic line bundle L → M over a compact Kähler mani-
fold is said to be positive if and only if there exists a Hermitian metric H on L for
which the (1, 1) form (3.10) is positive. We say that L is negative if its dual bundle
L∗ is positive.
We note that in Example 3.7 we have:
|zk |2 ρk ([z]) = |zj |2 ρj ([z])
on Uj ∩ Uk . Hence
ρk ([z]) = ρj ([z])
and, by (3.8), it follows that the functions ρj define a Hermitian metric on the
tautological bundle O(−1). Hence taking into account the sign change in (3.6) it
follows that for the Kähler class of the Fubini-study metric agrees with the Chern
class of the hyperplane bundle O(1).
i ¯
(3.13) c(O(1)) = [ω] = ∂ ∂ log(||z||2 ) .
Hence, the hyperplane bundle O(1) is a positive line bundle. Moreover, if M ⊂ Pn
is a complex submanifold then the restriction of O(1) to M is a positive line bundle
over M . We can now state:
Theorem 3.11 (Kodaira Embedding Theorem). A compact complex manifold
M may be embedded in Pn if and only if it there exists a positive holomorphic line
bundle π : L → M .
We refer to [34, Theorem 7.11], [25, Theorem 8.1], [15], [39, Theorem 4.1], and
[18, §5.3] for various proofs of this theorem.
Remark 8. The existence of a positive holomorphic line bundle π : L → M implies
that M admits a Kähler metric whose Kähler class is integral. Conversely, any
integral cohomology class represented by a closed (1, 1) form is the Chern class of a
line bundle (cf. [10, §6]), hence a compact complex manifold M may be embedded
in Pn if and only if it admits a Kähler metric whose Kähler class is integral.
When the Kodaira Embedding Theorem is combined with Chow’s Theorem that
asserts that every analytic subvariety of Pn is algebraic we obtain a characteriza-
tion of complex projective varieties as those compact Kähler manifolds admitting a
Kähler metric whose Kähler class is integral.
where sign(I, I c ) is the sign of the permutation {I, I c }, and extend it linearly to an
(4.2) ∗ : Λr (Tp∗ (M )) → Λn−r (Tp∗ (M ))
Note that since ∗ maps an orthonormal basis to an orthonormal basis, it must
preserve the inner product.
Exercise 26. Verify that ∗ is well defined by proving that for α, β ∈ Λr (Tp∗ (M )):
(4.3) α ∧ ∗β = α, β Ω(p).
Exercise 27. Prove that ∗ is an isomorphism and that ∗2 acting on Λr (Tp∗ (M ))
equals (−1)r(n−r) id.
Suppose now that M is compact. We can then define an L2 -inner product on the
space of r-forms on M by:
(4.4) (α, β) := α ∧ ∗β = α(p), β(p) Ω ; α, β ∈ Ar (M ).
Proposition 4.1. The bilinear form ( , ) is a positive definite inner product on
Ar (M ).
Proof. First of all we check that ( , ) is symmetric:
(β, α) = β ∧ ∗α = (−1) r(n−r)
∗(∗β) ∧ ∗α = ∗α ∧ ∗(∗β) = (α, β).
Now, given 0 = α ∈ Ar (M ), we have
(α, α) = α ∧ ∗α = α(p), α(p) Ω > 0
since α(p), α(p) is a non-negative function which is not identically zero.
Proposition 4.2. The operator δ : Ar+1 (M ) → Ar (M ) defined by:
(4.5) δ := (−1)nr+1 ∗ d ∗
is the formal adjoint of d, that is:
(4.6) (dα, β) = (α, δβ) ; for all α ∈ Ar (M ), β ∈ Ar+1 (M ).
(dα, β) = dα ∧ ∗β = d(α ∧ ∗β) − (−1) r
α∧d ∗β
Exercise 30. Prove that the pairing (4.8) is well-defined.
Exercise 31. Prove that ∗ maps (p, q)-forms to forms of bidegree (n − q, n − p).
Exercise 32. Let M be a compact, complex, n-dimensional manifold and α ∈
A2n−1 (M, C). Prove that
∂α = ¯ = 0.
we have
H∂p,q ∼ p,q
(4.12) ¯ (M ) = H (M ).
Proof. This assertion follows from (5.7) together with the fact that hp,q = hq,p .
Remark 11. Thurston’s examples of complex symplectic manifolds with no Kähler
structure are manifolds which do not satisfy Corollary 5.3.
Remark 12. As pointed out in Example 18, the de Rham cohomology H ∗ (M, C) is
an algebra under the cup product. We note that the Hodge decomposition (5.6) is
compatible with the algebra structure in the sense that
(5.8) H p,q ∪ H p ,q ⊂ H p+p ,q+q .
This additional topological restriction for a compact, complex, symplectic manifold
to have a Kähler metric has been successfully exploited by C. Voisin [36] to obtain
remarkable examples of non-Kähler, symplectic manifolds.
Let M be a compact, n-dimensional Kähler manifold and X ⊂ M a complex
submanifold of codimension k. We may define a linear map:
(5.9) :H (M, C) → C ; [α] → α|X .
This map defines an element in (H 2(n−k) (M, C))∗
and, therefore, by Corollary 4.8
a cohomology class ηX ∈ H 2k (M, C) defined by the property that for all [α] ∈
H 2(n−k) (M, C):
(5.10) α ∧ ηX = α|X .
The class ηX is called the Poincaré dual of X and one can show that:
(5.11) ηX ∈ H k,k (M ) ∩ H 2k (M, Z).
One can also prove that the construction of the Poincaré dual may be extended to
singular analytic subvarieties (cf. [15, 18]).
Conjecture 5.4 (Hodge Conjecture). Let M be a smooth, projective manifold.
H k,k (M, Q) := H k,k (M ) ∩ H 2k (M, Q)
is generated, as a Q-vector space, by the Poincaré duals of analytic subvarieties of
The Hodge Conjecture is one of the remaining six Clay Millenium Problems [11].
5.1. Kähler identities.
Definition 5.5. Let (M, ω) be an n-dimensional, compact, Kähler manifold. We
(5.12) Lω : Ak (M, C) → Ak+2 (M, C) ; Lω (α) = ω ∧ α ,
Y : A∗ (M, C) → A∗ (M, C), where A∗ (M, C) = 2nk=0 A (M, C) by
Proof. We refer to [18, Proposition 3.1.12] for a full proof. It is clear that it suffices
to prove one of the identities in each item since the others follow from conjugation
or the adjoint property of these operators. We have
[∂, L]α = ∂(Lα) − L(∂α) = ∂(ω ∧ α) − ω ∧ ∂α = (∂ω) ∧ α = 0,
Proof. This is a direct consequence of Theorem 5.9. The last statement follows from
the fact that L, Y , and N+ are of bidegree (1, 1), (0, 0) and (−1, −1), respectively.
Corollary 5.11 (Hard Lefschetz Theorem). Let (M, ω) be an n-dimensional,
compact Kähler manifold. For each k ≤ n the map
(5.15) Lkω : H n−k (M, C) → H n+k (M, C)
is an isomorphism.
Proof. This follows from the results in A.5. Indeed, we know from (A.34) that the
weight filtration of Lω is given by:
Wk = Wk (Lω ) = Ej (Y ).
We now have
Theorem 5.14 (Lefschetz Decomposition). Let (M, ω) be an n-dimensional,
compact Kähler manifold. For each k = p + q ≤ n, we have
(5.18) H p,q (M ) = H0p,q (M ) ⊕ Lω (H p−1,q−1 (M )),
The Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations then take the form: Q(H 1,0 (X), H 1,0 (X)) = 0
and, since H01,0 (X) = H 1,0 (X),
iQ(α, ā) = i α ∧ ᾱ > 0
if α is a non-zero form in H 1,0 (X). Note that, locally,
iα ∧ ᾱ = i|f (z)|2 dz ∧ dz̄ = 2|f (z)|2 dx ∧ dy,
so both bilinear relations are clear in this case. We note that it follows that H 1,0 (X)
defines a point in the complex manifold D = D(H 1 (X, R), Q) defined in Exam-
ple 1.16.
Example 5.19. Suppose now that (M, ω) is a compact, connected, Kähler surface
and let us consider the Hodge structure in the middle cohomology H 2 (X, R). We
have the Hodge decomposition:
H 2 (X, C) = H 2,0 (X) ⊕ H 1,1 (X) ⊕ H 0,2 (X) ; H 0,2 (X) = H 0,2 (X).
Moreover, H02,0 (X) = H 2,0 (X) while
H 1,1 (X) = H01,1 (X) ⊕ Lω H 0,0 (X) = H01,1 (X) ⊕ C · ω,
H01,1 (X) = {α ∈ H 1,1 (X) : [ω ∧ α] = 0}.
The intersection form on H 2 (X, R) is given by
Q(α, β) = − α ∧ β,
and the second Hodge-Riemann bilinear relation become:
α ∧ ᾱ > 0 if 0 = α ∈ H 2,0 (X),
ω 2 > 0,
where, as always, V ∗ = HomR (V, R) and (VC )∗ = HomC (VC , C) are the dual vector
spaces. Thus, we may drop the parenthesis and write simply VC∗ . Note that for
α ∈ VC∗ , its conjugate ᾱ is defined by
ᾱ(w) = α(w̄) ; w ∈ VC .
We may similarly extend the notion of complexification to the tensor products
a times b times
(A.6) T a,b
(V ) := V ⊗ · · · ⊗ V ⊗ V ∗ ⊗ · · · ⊗ V ∗ ,
and to the exterior algebra: Λr (V ∗ ) and we have
T a,b (V ) ∼
= T a,b (VC ) ; (Λr (V ∗ ))C ∼
= Λr (VC∗ ).
In particular, a tensor B ∈ T 0,2 (V ), which defines a bilinear form
B: V × V → R
may be viewed as an element in T 0,2 (VC ) and defines a bilinear form
B : VC × VC → C
satisfying B̄ = B. Explicitly, given v1 , v2 ∈ V we set:
B(iv1 , v2 ) = B(v1 , iv2 ) = iB(v1 , v2 )
and extend linearly. A bilinear form B : VC × VC → C is real if and only if
B(w, w ) = B(w̄, w̄ ),
for all w, w ∈ VC . Similarly, thinking of elements α ∈ Λr (V ∗ ) as alternating multi-
linear maps
r times
α: V × · · · × V → R
we may view them as alternating multilinear maps
α : VC × · · · × VC → R
α(w1 , . . . , wr ) = α(w̄1 , . . . , w̄r ),
for all w1 , . . . , wr ∈ VC .
On the other hand, given a C-vector space W we may think of it as a real vector
space simply by “forgetting” that we are allowed to multiply by complex numbers
and restricting ourselves to multiplication by real numbers (this procedure is called
“restriction of scalars”). To remind ourselves that we are only able to multiply by
real numbers we write W R when we are thinking of W as a real vector space. Note
dimR (W R ) = 2 dimC (W ),
and that if {e1 , . . . , en } is a C-basis of W then {e1 , . . . , en , ie1 , . . . , ien } is a basis of
W R.
It is now natural to ask when a real vector space V is obtained from a complex
vector space W by restriction of scalars. Clearly, a necessary condition is that
dimR (V ) be even. But, there is additional structure on V = W R coming from the
We say that the Hodge structure is rational (resp. integral) if there exists a rational
vector space VQ (resp. a lattice VZ ) such that V = VQ ⊗Q R (resp. V = VZ ⊗Z R).
The following statement is valid for Hodge structures defined over R, Q, or Z.
Proposition A.4. Let V and W be vector spaces with Hodge structures of weight
k, respectively. Then Hom(V, W ) has a Hodge structure of weight − k.
Proof. We set
(A.17) Hom(V, W )a,b := {X ∈ HomC (VC , WC ) : X(V p,q ) ⊂ W p+a,q+b } .
Then Hom(V, W )a,b = 0 unless p + a + q + b = , that is unless a + b = − k. The
rest of the verifications are left to the reader.
In particular, if we choose W = R with the Hodge structure WC = W 0,0 , we see
that if V has a Hodge structure of weight k, then V ∗ has a Hodge structure of weight
−k. Similarly, if V and W have Hodge structures of weight k, respectively, then
V ⊗R W ∼ = HomR (V ∗ , W ) has a Hodge structure of weight k + and
(A.18) (V ⊗ W )a,b = V p,q ⊗C W r,s .
Needless to say, we could take (A.18) as our starting point rather than (A.17). Note
that if V has a Hodge structure of weight k then the tensor product T a,b (V ) defined
in (A.6) has a Hodge structure of weight k(a − b).
Example A.5. Let V be a real vector space with a complex structure J and consider
the complex structure J ∗ on the dual vector space V ∗ . We may define a Hodge
structure of weight 1 on V ∗ by setting (V ∗ )1,0 = W+⊥ and (V ∗ )0,1 = W−⊥ in the
decomposition (A.15). The exterior algebra Λk (V ∗ ) now inherits a Hodge structure
of weight k, where for p + q = k:
p times q times
(A.19) Λ p,q
(V ) = (Λk
(VC∗ ))p,q = (V ∗ )1,0 ∧ . . . ∧ (V ∗ )1,0 ∧ (V ∗ )0,1 ∧ . . . ∧ (V ∗ )0,1 .
There are two alternative ways of describing a Hodge structure on a vector space
V that will be very useful to us.
Definition A.6. A real (resp. rational, integral) Hodge structure of weight k ∈ Z
consists of a real vector space V (resp. a rational vector space VQ , a lattice VZ ) and
a decreasing filtration
· · · F p ⊃ F p−1 · · ·
since (v̄)p,q = vq,p . Hence ϕ(z)(v) = ϕ(z)(v). We note also that for λ ∈ R∗ ⊂ C∗ ,
ϕ(λ)(v) = λk v for all v ∈ V .
Conversely, it follows from the representation theory of S(R) that every every finite
dimensional representation of S(R) on a complex vector space splits as a direct sum
of one-dimensional representations where z ∈ S(R) acts as multiplication by z p z̄ q ,
with p, q ∈ Z. Hence, a representation ϕ : S(R) → GL(VC ) defined over R (i.e.
ϕ̄ = ϕ) decomposes VC into subspaces V p,q
(A.21) VC = V p,q ; V q,p = V p,q ,
Example A.10. Let (V, J) be a real vector space with a complex structure and
let B be a positive definite symmetric bilinear form on V compatible with J. Let
VC = W+ ⊕ W− be the induced decomposition and consider the Hodge structure of
weight one on V defined by V 1,0 = W+ . The form Q(u, v) = B(u, Jv) is alternating
and for w = u − iJu, w = u − iJu ∈ W+ we have:
Q(u − iJu, u − iJu ) = Q(u, u ) − Q(Ju, Ju ) − iQ(u, Ju ) − iQ(Ju, u ) = 0.
Similarly, for 0 = u ∈ V :
iQ(u − iJu, u + iJu) = i (Q(u, u) + Q(Ju, Ju) + iQ(u, Ju) − iQ(Ju, u))
= −2Q(u, Ju) = 2B(u, u) > 0 .
Hence Q polarizes the Hodge structure defined by J.
A.5. The Weight filtration of a nilpotent transformation. In this section we
will construct a filtration canonically attached to a nilpotent linear transformation
and study its relationship with representations of the Lie algebra sl(2, R).
Throughout this section N : V → V will be a nilpotent linear transformation of
nilpotency index k; i.e. k the first positive integer such that N k+1 = 0. Given an
integer ≤ k, we will say that a subspace A ⊂ V is a Jordan block of weight m if
A has a basis {f0A , f1A , . . . , fm
A } such that N (f A ) = f A , where we set f A
i i+1 m+1 = 0. It
is convenient to reindex the basis as
eA A
m−2j := fj .
Note that if m is even then the index of eA takes even values from m to −m, while
if m is odd then it takes odd values from m to −m.
It is known from the study of the Jordan Normal Form for a nilpotent transfor-
mation N : V → V of a nilpotency index k, that we may decompose V as a direct
V = Um ,
where Um is the direct sum of all Jordan blocks of weight m. In fact, these subspaces
Um are unique. Clearly, each Um decomposes further as
Um = Um,m−2j ,
Proof. The first statement is clear since for any Jordan block A, N (fjA ) = fj+1A
which implies the assertion. Suppose now that is even. Then, E is spanned by all
basis vectors of the form eA A
= f(m−)/2 where A runs over all Jordan blocks of even
weight m ≥ .
Proposition A.12. Let N be a nilpotent transformation with nilpotency index k.
Then there exists a unique increasing filtration W = W (N ):
(A.29) {0} ⊂ Wk ⊂ W−k+1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Wk−1 ⊂ Wk = V ,
with the following properties:
i) N (W ) ⊂ W−2 ,
ii) For ≥ 0 : N : GrW
→ Gr− , where Gr := W /W , is an isomorphism.
Indeed, it is enough to check this statement for each irreducible representation and
there the statement is clear.
Exercise 41. Let N ∈ gl(V ) be nilpotent and Y ∈ gl(V ) be semisimple. Then the
following are equivalent.
i) There exists an sl2 -triple {N+ , N− , Y } with N− = N .
ii) [Y, N ] = −2N and the weight filtration of N is given by (A.34).
The above exercise implies that if N is a nilpotent element, W its weight filtration
and we {V } is a splitting of the filtration W in the sense that:
(A.35) W = V ⊕ W−1 ,
then if we define Y ∈ gl(V ) by Y (v) = v if v ∈ V , the pair {N, Y } may be extended
to an sl2 -triple. Moreover if N is defined over Q (resp. over R) and the splitting is
defined over Q (resp. over R) so is the sl2 -triple.
Exercise 42. Apply Exercise 41 to prove that if N is a nilpotent transformation,
then there exists an sl2 -triple with N = N− . This is a version of the Jacobson-
Morosov Theorem.
A.7. Lefschetz decomposition. Let N be a nilpotent transformation with nilpo-
tency index k. Then, for any , with 0 ≤ ≤ k we have
N : GrW → Gr−
is an isomorphism. We define
(A.36) P := ker{N +1 : GrW → Gr−−2
and call it the -th primitive space.
Example A.16. For any k we have Pk = GrkW since N k+1 = 0. Suppose k = 1
then, P0 = Gr0W = ker(N )/Im(N ).
Exercise 43. Let k = 2. Prove that P1 = Gr1W but that
P0 = ker(N )/(ker(N ) ∩ Im(N )) ⊂ Gr0N .
Proposition A.17. Let N ∈ gl(V ) be a nilpotent transformation with nilpotency
index k. Then for any sl2 -triple with N− = N we have
P := ker{N+ : GrW → Gr+2
Moreover, for every , 0 ≤ ≤ k, we have:
(A.37) GrW = P ⊕ N (Gr+2
Proof. Let {N+ , N− , Y } with N− = N be an sl2 -triple with N− = N . Then P
is given by all eigenvectors of Y of eigenvalue living in the sum of irreducible
components of the representation of weight and this is are exactly the elements
by N+ . Similarly, it suffices to verify the decomposition (A.37) in each irreducible
component which is easy to do.
The decomposition (A.37), or more precisely, the decomposition obtained from
(A.37) inductively:
(A.38) GrW = P ⊕ N (P+2 ) ⊕ N 2 (P+4 ) + · · ·
is called the Lefschetz decomposition.
Example A.18. The only interesting term in the Lefschetz decomposition for k = 2
occurs for = 0, where, according to Exercises 38 and 43 we get:
Gr0W = P0 ⊕ N (P2 ) = ker(N )/(ker(N ) ∩ Im(N )) ⊕ N (V / ker(N 2 )).
[1] Werner Ballmann. Lectures on Kähler manifolds. ESI Lectures in Mathematics and Physics.
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