Top 1
Top 1
Top 1
Sylvain Cappell,
Transcribed by Ian Tobasco
Abstract. This is part one of a two semester course on algebraic topology.
The course was offered in Fall 2011 at the Courant Institute for Mathematical
Sciences, a division of New York University. Though the course is not taken
from any particular text, some references are Introduction to Algebraic Topol-
ogy by Munkres, Hatcher’s series of texts on algebraic topology, Greenberg
& Hauper, Spanier, etc. Milnor’s Topology from the Differentiable Viewpoint
may be useful in the manifolds portion of the course; Kelly’s text may be use-
ful for the review of point-set. There will be a final and suggested homework
Chapter 1. Introduction 5
Chapter 2. Point-Set Topology 7
1. Metric Space 7
2. Topological Space 9
3. The Separation Axioms 10
4. Compactness 11
5. The Product Topology 13
6. Connectedness 14
7. Quotient Spaces and Gluing 15
Chapter 3. The Fundamental Group 17
1. Homotopy of Paths 17
2. Independence of Basepoint 18
3. Comparing Spaces Algebraically 20
4. Homotopy of Maps 23
5. Homotopy of Spaces 25
6. Combinatorial Group Theory and Van Kampen’s Theorem 26
7. Application to Knot Theory 34
8. Application to Topological Groups and H-spaces 37
Chapter 4. Covering Space Theory 41
1. Covering Spaces 41
2. Higher Homotopy Groups 42
3. The Lifting Problem 43
4. Comparing Covering Maps 45
Lecture 1, 9/12/11
We begin with a discussion of some famous topological questions. Historically,
topologists studied the classification of spaces. Soon enough we’ll make the notion
of “space” rigorous; a first example is any X ⊂ Rn with the Euclidean distance
X 2
dRn (u, v) = ||u − v|| = (ui − vi ) .
Some “nice” spaces are manifolds, e.g. S 2 . We call this a manifold as it is locally
Eucliean. Another example is the surface of a donut, or T 2 . Notice T 2 ⊂ R3 has
one hole – we say it has genus g = 1. A surface with two holes is genus g = 2,
and so on. There is an infinite family of spaces in this manner, each with different
One of the basic classification results in topology is that of one-manifolds.
Obviously R1 is a one-manifold. Another is S 1 ⊂ R2 , for it is locally homeomorphic
to R1 . It is a classic result that S 1 is the only compact connected one-manifold.
A second problem in topology concerns embeddings of manifolds into Euclidean
space. Given a manifold M n , can one construct a copy of M n in RN for some N ?
This naturally gets easier as N increases. The interesting question is: What is
the lowest N for which this is possible for all n-dimensional manifolds? Whitney
answered this question with the astounding result that M n ,→ R2n for any n.
Actually, Whitney first proved M n ,→ R2n+1 , then worked very hard to reduce the
dimension of the ambient space by one.
There are more two-manifolds than one-manifolds. One interesting example is
the real projective space RP 2 . Here is a first description. We can view the two-
sphere as the result of gluing two hemispheres together along their boundary (so
along S 1 ). We write S 2 = D+ 2
∪S 1 D− 2
to mean this. Now consider the Mobius
band. It is a two-dimensional manifold with boundary, but it has only one boundary
component, and in fact ∂ (Mobius) = S 1 . To construct RP 2 , we’ll glue D2 to the
Mobius band along S 1 . So RP 2 = D2 ∪S 1 Mobius. We can’t carry this out physically
in R3 ; RP 2 is a closed, compact two-dimensional manifold which does not embed
in R3 . But of course, it will embed in R4 .
Here is a second description of RP 2 . We have RP 1 = S 1 , so perhaps we can
think along the same lines for RP 2 . We proceed by identifying each v ∈ S 2 with
−v, its antipode. This yields RP 2 . An informal proof is as follows: consider S 2
as consisting of north and south polar caps along with an equatorial band. After
identifying the two caps, there is only one cap left. And the space we’re left with
is (cap) ∪ (Mobius). Somehow, we’ve arrived at our previous construction.
A third question from topology stems from the observation that S n = ∂Dn+1
for each n. The question is: Given a manifold without boundary, M n , does there
exists W n+1 such that ∂W = M ? The answer in general is no. For example, RP 2
is not a boundary. Thom answered this question by determining a set of numerical
invariants that determine completely wheter a manifold is a boundary.
A large and powerful part of topology consists of the so-called “fixed point
theorems”. We ask: Given continuous f : X → X, does there exist x ∈ X with
f (x) = x? It is a standard trick to turn an equation of interest into a question
about fixed points. One famous result is the Brouwer fixed point theorem, which
says that every continuous f : Dn → Dn has a fixed point. We can prove this with
calculus in the case n = 1. If f (x) 6= x for all x, define
f (x) − x
g (x) =
|f (x) − x|
which is (pointwise) either +1 or −1. Since g is continuous, we have the two cases
g ≡ 1 and g ≡ −1. In the first case we get f (1) > 1 and in the second f (−1) < 1,
both of which are contradictions.
Here is the idea for arbitrary n. Assuming f (x) 6= x for all x ∈ Dn , construct
g as in the following picture: (D1) Clearly g is continuous, so we’ve exhibited a
continuous map g : Dn → ∂Dn = S n−1 which restricts to the map g|S n−1 = idS n−1 .
Lecture 2, 9/19/11 As it turns out, this is impossible, a fact which we’ll prove later in the course.
Analysis and topology are deeply connected. There are many results in which
analytical quantities are topological quantities as well. A 19th century example is
the Riemann-Rach Theorem, which gives a topological formula for the dimension
of the space of meromorphic functions with prescribed zeros/poles on a Riemann
surface. In the 20th century, the theorem was extended to all dimensions, to sin-
gular varieties, to differential operators (Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem for elliptic
operators). But perhaps this is too grand for now.
Here is a more naive story – Morse Theory. This subject consists of the study
of topological consequences of critical points of functions on a given manifold. A
critical point of a function f is where f looks constant to first order. Consider the
height function h : T 2 ⊂ R3 → R given by h (x) = x3 . h then has four crtical
points. Now observe that we can always increase the number of critical points of h
by deforming the manifold T 2 . A central result of Morse Theory is that no matter
how we deform T 2 , h will always have at least four critical points. The justification
of this fact is in the “Morse inequalities,” which are formulae for the minimum
number of critical points. Another example is S 2 : the height function always will
have two critical points, no matter how S 2 is deformed. Somehow, the topology of
a space (a global result) is determined by the critical points of functions (a local,
analytic result).
In this course we’ll discuss continuous and differentiable functions. In topology,
there is a vast interest in generalizing these notions to manifolds. So one could ask:
how unique is the idea of differentiability on a manifold? More explicitly, suppose
we have a function f defined on a manifold. Can we give that manifold two different
differential structures, one on which f is considered differentiable and the other on
which f is not? Remarkably, the answer is yes! It is a theorem of Milnor that S 7
has 28 differential structures. And R4 has uncountably many differential structures
(though Rn for n 6= 4 only has one). RP 4 also has more than one differential
structure (due to Cappell and Sharean). It is unknown whether S 4 has a unique
differential structure.
Point-Set Topology
1. Metric Space
The first thing to do is make the notion of “space” rigorous. Recall the notion
of a metric space, (X, d), a set X and a distance d : X × X → R≥0 which satisfies
(1) d (u, v) = 0 ⇐⇒ u = v in X
(2) d (u, v) = d (v, u) for all u, v ∈ X
(3) d (u, v) ≤ d (u, w) + d (w, v) for all u, v, w ∈ X.
The third requirement is called the “triangle inequality”.
Examples 1.1.
P 1/2
(1) Rn with the Euclidean metric d (u, v) = i (ui − vi ) .
(2) If (X, dX ) is a metric space, then any subset A ⊂ X can be made into a
metric space by setting dA = dX |A .
(3) Function spaces, e.g. C [0, 1] with d (f, g) = max[0,1] |f (x) − g (x)|.
(4) We can give Rn a different metric, dmax (u, v) = maxi=1,...,n |ui − vi |.
Exercise 1.2. Check dmax is a metric.
(5) Any set X can be made into a metric space with d (u, v) = δu=v .
Exercise 1.3. Check d is a metric.
(6) The p-adic metric on Z. The idea is to compare Z with Z/pZ = Zp .
Given a prime number p, we’ll define a metric dp on Z with small ||p||.
Here ||v|| = d (v, 0). Given n ∈ Z, write n = pa b with b prime to n, and
set ||n||p = p−a . (E.g. ||12||2 = 1/4.) Then define dp (u, v) = ||u − v||p for
u, v ∈ Z. (E.g. d2 (4, 12) = 1/8, d2 (11, 12) = 1.)
Exercise 1.4. Prove dp is a metric. In fact, prove the “ultra-metric
inequality” which says
dp (u, w) ≤ max {dp (u, v) , dp (v, w)} .
(Hint: This follows from ||a + b||p ≤ max {||a||p , ||b||p }. Let a = u − v and
b = u − w, then a + b = u − w. The point here is that the power of p
which divides a + b is at least as big as the minimum of the powers of p
dividing a and b.)
We can extend the definition of p-adics to Q. We have Q = u/v v 6= 0 .
So define ||u/v||p = ||u||p /||v||p . In other words, given u/v = pα m where
m has no powers of p (α can be negative ), set ||u/v||p = p−α . (E.g.
||1/12||2 = 4.)
Exercise 1.5. Check this satisfies the metric axioms and the ultra-
metric condition.
2. Topological Space
Definition 2.1. Let X be a set. T is called a topology on X if it is a collection
of subsets of X, called the open sets, so that
(1) ∅, X ∈ T
(2) If Aα ∈ T for all α then ∪α Aα ∈ T .
(3) If A, B ∈ T then A ∩ B ∈ T .
Examples 2.2.
(1) Any metric space with T consisting of the open sets as determined by the
(2) Given a topological space (X, TX ) and any A ⊂ X we can define the
relative topology on A by taking TA = B ∩ A B ∈ TX .
Exercise 2.3. (A, TA ) is a topological space.
Remark. The open sets in TA are not necessarily the open sets in
TX . Consider the open sets on R1 and the open sets in A = [0, 1] in the
relative topology.
Exercise 2.4. TA ⊂ TX ⇐⇒ A ∈ TX
Exercise 2.5. Let B ⊂ A ⊂ X and let TX be a topology on X. We
can give A the relative topology from X, then B the relative topology
from A. Show this is the same as going directly from X to B.
(3) Given any set X, we gave it the discrete metric d (u, v) = δu=v . Thus
any set X gets a topology from d, and its not hard to show TX = P (X).
We’ll call this the discrete topology. It is the largest topology. The smallest
topology is TX = {∅, X}, which we’ll call the indiscrete topology. Note
that with any space X and any topology TX we have Tindiscrete ⊂ TX ⊂
Tdiscrete , so the terms “smallest” and “largest” are meaningful.
Exercise 2.6. Consider id : X → Xdiscrete , id : Xdiscrete → X, id :
X → Xindiscrete , and id : Xindiscrete → X. Which of these is continuous,
no matter what topology X has?
(4) The Zariski topology. The idea (from algebraic geometry) is to only study
open sets defined by algebraic equations. For example, we could take
the open sets to be CN \ {solutions of systems of polynomial equations}
along with the empty set. These are “fat” open sets, in that they are very
big. To be precise, if A, B are non-trivial open sets, then A ∩ B will also
be a non-trivial open set.
Theorem 2.7. The Zariski topology is a topology on CN .
This is a highly non-trivial theorem. But we can prove it in C1 . By
definition, the open sets are of the form A = C\ {roots of some poly}, but
as we can write p (z) = Πi (z − ai ) for any polynomial p the result follows.
Lecture 3, 9/26/11
(5) On any set X we can produce the finite-complement topology by set-
ting T = A ⊂ X #Ac < ∞ and adding the emptyset. Note that this
topology does not derive from a metric if X is infinite, because any two
non-trivial sets have non-trivial intersection (one cannot separate open
• For each pair of distinct points p, q ∈ X, there is an open set with one
and not the other.
• For each pair of distinct points p, q ∈ X, there is an open set containing
p but not q (and one containing q but not p).
The first condition is very weak. The second is still weak – it is even satisfied by
the Zariski topology on a set X (take U = X\ {p} and V = X\ {q}). A stronger
condition is the so-called Hausdorff condition (T2 condition):
• Given p, q ∈ X there exist open sets U, V containing p, q with U ∩ V = ∅.
This is the condition one would use to do geometry.
Proposition 3.1. Metric spaces are Hausdorff.
But the Zariski topology is not Hausdorff, which really shows we have found a
stronger condition. Throughout we’ll assume our spaces are T2 .
Exercise 3.2. If a finite topological space is Hausdorff, then it is the discrete
Consequently, the only metric topology on a finite set is the discrete topology.
4. Compactness
Let’s go back to metric spaces to build some intuition. Let (X, d) be a metric
space. As usual, a sequence of points {xj } in X is said to be convergent if there
exists a point x∞ ∈ X so that d (xj , x∞ ) → 0 as j → ∞. In this case, we write
x∞ = limj→∞ xj or xj → x∞ .
Exercise 4.1. x∞ is unique.
Also recall
Definition 4.2. A sequence of points {xj } in X is said to be Cauchy if for
every > 0 there exists N so that if k, l > N then d (xk , xl ) < .
Exercise 4.3. If xj → x∞ then {xj } is Cauchy.
Remark. The converse does not hold in general. Consider X = (0, 1) and the
sequence xj = j −1 .
Definition 4.4. A space is called complete if a sequence is Cauchy iff it is
Example 4.5. R is complete, but (0, 1) is not complete.
Observe, however, that (0, 1) is homeomorphic to R. (Send 1 7→ ∞ and 0 7→
Definition 4.6. A property of a space is called topological if it is equivalent
for homeomorphic spaces.
Thus completeness is not topological.
Definition 4.7. A metric space (X, d) is said to be pre-compact if for every
> 0 there are finitely many points x1 , . . . , xN such that each u ∈ X satisfies
d (u, xj ) < for some j ∈ {1, . . . , N }.
In the previous definition, we have X = ∪N
j=1 B (xj ). So a pre-compact X is
covered by finitely many balls of radius .
5.6. The
Definition on A × B is the topology generated by
product topology
the basis B = U × V U ∈ TA , V ∈ TB .
Proposition 5.7. If f : C → A and g : C → B, then f, g are continuous iff
(f, g) : C → A × B is continuous.
Proof. Notice that A × B comes with the coorindate projections p1 , p2 onto
A, B. First we claim p1 , p2 are continuous. To see this, let U be open in A, then
1 (U ) = U × B which is open. It’s the same for p2 . Now if (f, g) are continuous,
then f = p1 ◦ (f, g) and g = p2 ◦ (f, g) are the composition of continuous functions
and hence continuous.
Conversely, suppose f, g are continuous. We only need check (f, g) (U × V )
is open, but (f, g) (U × V ) = f −1 (U ) ∩ g −1 (V ) and so we’re done.
Note. We have developed a satisfactory theory of continuity for maps into
product spaces. There is no characterization in general for maps from product
spaces. This extends beyond topology: one can take a whole course on multivariable
calculus, where the results do not follow simply from single-variable calculus!
For the infinite product Πα∈I Xα , the first guess would be to say that the open
sets are of the form Πα∈I Uα with Uα open in X. This fails for the same reason as
in the finite product.
Definition 5.8. The product topology on Πα∈I Xα has as basis sets of the form
U1 × U2 × · · · × Uk × Πα6=1,...,k Xα .
Theorem 5.9. The product of compact Hausdorff spaces is also compact Haus-
The proof of this in the case of two sets is not hard, and neither is the proof in
the finite case. But the infinite product requires some non-trivial logic.
Example 5.10. The solid cubes are compact. Since solid cubes and solid
spheres are homeomorphic, solid spheres are compact as well.
Many spaces (not most) are product spaces.
Examples 5.11.
(1) I × I ' D2
(2) S 1 × I, the cylinder.
(3) S 1 × S 1 ' T 2 ⊂ R3 . This is the only closed two-manifold which has a
product decomposition.
(4) X × I ' X × S 1 by a gluing construction. For S 2 × I we would have to
glue the inner surface to the outer surface. This is possible in R4 .
Lecture 4, 10/3/11
6. Connectedness
What do we mean when we say a space is disconnected? Think of two disjoint
blobs A, B which together make up a space X. This is the intuitive idea. How do
we formalize this? Note that both A and B are open in the topology of X (each
point in A has a ball around it, and the same with B), but so they are both closed.
Definition 6.1. A space X is said to be connected if we cannot decompose X
as a union of disjoint, non-trivial open subsets A, B ⊂ X. Equivalently, there does
not exist A ⊂ X with A 6= φ, X and A is both open and closed.
There is a stronger notion of connectedness. Intuitatively, a space should be
path-connected if any two points have a path between them. What is a path?
Definition 6.2. A (parameterized) path in a space X is a continuous map
ω : I = [0, 1] → X. If u = ω (0),v = ω (1) then ω is said to be the path from u to v,
which themselves are the initial and terminal points of ω (the endpoints of ω).
Given a path ω from u to v in X and a path γ from v to w in X, we can splice
them together to form a new path ω·γ : I → X. But note we need to reparametrize:
ω (2t) 0 ≤ t ≤ 12
ωγ (t) = .
γ (2t − 1) 21 ≤ t ≤ 1
We have what begins to look like an algebra among paths – we can combine two
paths to form a new path. But there is a difficulty, as the product is only defined
if ω (1) = γ (0).
Definition 6.3. A space X is said to be path-connected if for any points
u, v ∈ X, there exists a path from u to v.
Given a space X, define a relation ∼ among points of X by setting u ∼ v if
there exists a path from u to v in X. Observe that ∼ is an equivalence relation
among points. We have u ∼ u by the trivial path eu : I → {u} with eu (t) = u for
all 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, and u ∼ v =⇒ v ∼ u for if we have ω from u to v then we have
ω −1 (t) = ω (1 − t) from v to u. Finally, we have u ∼ v + v ∼ w =⇒ u ∼ w by the
1. Homotopy of Paths
Consider a two dimensional space X with a hole cut out. Given points u, v ∈ X
on opposite sides of the hole, there is a family of paths which can be deformed into
each other. But there is a second such family, and any path in that second family
cannot be deformed into a path in the first family. Let’s formalize this.
Definition 1.1. Given two paths α, β from u to v in X, a homotopy of α to
β is a continuous map H : I × I → X with
H (0, s) = u, 0 ≤ s ≤ 1
H (1, s) = v, 0 ≤ s ≤ 1
H (t, 0) = β (t) , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1
H (t, 1) = α (t) , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1.
There is another way to think of what homotopy means. Think of Hs as the
the path from u to v given by Hs (t) = H (t, s). So Hs is a parameterized family of
paths (from u to v) from H0 = β to H1 = α.
Exercise 1.2. The relation α ∼ β (α ∼ β if α is homotopic to β) is an
equivalence relation among paths from u to v. (Hint: The tricky one is transitivity.)
One of our goals in this course is to decide when paths are homotopic to each
other. We’re not ready for that now, though.
1.3. Recall
a subset A ⊂ R is said to be convex if for all p, q ∈ A
we have tp + (1 − t) q 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 ⊂ A. Show that if A is convex, then any two
paths from u to v in A are homotopic.
Recall the product operation between paths. A nice fact is that the product
operation is compactible with homotopy.
Proposition 1.4. Suppose α ∼ β with
α (0) = β (0) = u
α (1) = β (1) = v
and γ ∼ δ with
γ (0) = δ (0) = v
γ (1) = δ (1) = w,
Then α · γ ∼ β · δ.
As a result,
Corollary 2.2. If X is path-connected, π1 (X, x) is independent of the choice
of x ∈ X.
Remark. As we’ll see, there is not a natural isomorphism. We’ll have to make
a choice. But there is not always a natural isomorphism: Z ' Z in (at least) two
ways (via x 7→ x + 1 or x 7→ x − 1).
To prove the theorm, we’ll first need some ideas from algebra.
Definition 2.3. If G is a group, then φ is an automorphism of G if φ : G → G
is an isomorphism. We’ll write Auto (G) to mean the set of automorphisms of G to
Example 2.4. x 7→ x + 1 and x 7→ x − 1 on Z are automorphisms.
Proposition 2.5. Auto (G) forms a group under composition.
Example 2.6. Auto (Z) ' {±1} ' Z2 . Also, Auto (Zp ) ' Z∗p (' Zp−1 ). The
last result is a theorem from number theory.
As in the previous example, given a ring R we write R∗ to mean the multi-
plicative invertible elements of R. So R∗ forms a group under multiplication.
Definition 2.7. G is cyclic if it is generated by one element, G = g k k ∈ Z .
Proposition 2.8. If G is infinite cyclic, then G ' Z±1 . If G is finite cyclic,
then G ' Zm+ (generated by 1).
Definition 2.9. Given a group G and an element g ∈ G, define conjugation
of u by g to be the map φg : G → G, u 7→ gug −1 . We call φg (u) the conjugate of
u by g.
Proposition 2.10. φg = idG if G is abelian.
We call conjugation by an element an inner automorphism of G. The set of all
inner automorphisms of G is denoted Inner (G).
Exercise 2.11. φg (uv) = φg (u) φg (v). Also φg is 1-1, as φg−1 = (φg ) .
Exercise 2.12. φhg = φh ◦ φg .
As a consequence, we get
Proposition 2.13. Inner (G) ⊂ Auto (G).
Exercise 2.14. G is abelian iff Inner (G) = {e}.
We can relate the group of inner automorphisms to G very easily, by the map
Φ : G → Inner (G), g 7→ φg .
2.15. Show
Φ is a homomorphism. Also show Ker (Φ) = Z (G) =
g ∈ G gh = hg ∀h ∈ G .
Definition 2.16. Z (G) = g ∈ G gh = hg ∀h ∈ G is called the center of G.
G is abelian iff Z (G) = G. And if A is abelian then Z (G × A) ⊃ A. So we can
easily produce centers out of any group in this way.
Now let’s go back to topology. Our goal is to see why the group of homotopic
loops is independent of the basepoint. The proof is almost geometric.
Proof of theorem.
Draw a path γ from x to x. Define a map χγ : π1 (X, x) →
π1 (X, x ), [α] 7→ γαγ . (This is not a conjugation, since γ is not in the group.
But it is close.) Now it’s easy to check
(1) This depends only, up to homotopy of loops, on the homotopy class of α.
So it is well-defined.
(2) It
it a−1homomorphism. Check χγ(αβ) = χγ (α) χγ (β). The LHS is
and the RHS is γαγ −1 γβγ −1 .
(3) It has an inverse, hence χγ is an isomorphism. This proves the proposition.
Exercise 2.17. Check step three. Specifically, show that (χγ ) = χγ −1 .
How canonical was the choice of isomorphism in the proof? Notice χγ depends
only on the choice of the homotopy class of paths from x0 to x. One can check that
this isomorphism of π1 (X, x) and π1 (X, x0 ) is “almost” canonical, in that any two
isomorphisms differ by an inner automorphism. If χγ1 , χγ2 : π1 (X, x) → π1 (X, x0 )
are two choices of isomorphism via paths γ1 , γ2 from x0 to x, then the composite
γ2 χγ1 is an automorphism of π1 (X, x).
apply this to homotopy classes to get (p1 )∗ × (p2 )∗ ([α × β]) = ([α] , [β]). This is
For injectivity, we apply this principle to homotopy classes (go one dimension
higher, it’s a general principle in topology when we want to check injectivity). We
only need to check that ker (p1 )∗ × (p2 )∗ = {0} = {e}. Suppose for some loop in
the product α × β : I → X × Y we have (p1 )∗ × (p2 )∗ ([α × β]) = e and so
(p1 )∗ ([α × β]) = e
(p2 )∗ ([α × β]) = e.
Hence, [α] = e in π1 (X) and [β] = e in π1 (Y ), so we have a homotopy Hx in X of
α to the constant loop at x and similarly a homotopy Hy in Y of β to the constant
loop at y. Thus Hx × Hy is a homotopy of α × β in X × Y to the constant loop at
(x, y).
Note. The proofs of surjectivity and injectivity followed the same pattern.
Surjectivity was done at the level of paths; injectivity was done at the level of
homotopies (one dimension higher).
Now we can compute some fundamental groups.
3.6. Consider that T 2 ' S 1 × S 1 . So π1 S 1 × S 1 = π1 S 1 ×
π1 S 1 = Z × Z =Z2 . This is the group of lattice points in the plane. Similarly,
left, right, and bottom sides and let q : I 2 → I 2 / ∼ be the quotient map. Let H
be so the diagram commutes.
H /X
zz H
I 2/ ∼
Since I 2 / ∼= D2 in fact we can think of H as a map from D2 to X. Then H S 1 = α
so this is the extension we want.
The converse is proved similarly.
Exercise 3.10. Work out the details above.
Given an inclusion i : A,x ,→ X,x , note that i∗ : π1 (A, x) → π1 (X, x) need not
be injective, and may even be zero.
3.11. If i : S 1 ,→ D2 is the inclusion, then i∗ : π1 S 1 = Z →
π1 D2 = 0 must be the zero map.
But inclusions can still useful.
Definition 3.12. Given i : A ,→ X, a retraction is a map r : X → A with
r ◦ i = idA . If there is a retraction r : X → A, we say A is a retract of X.
Example 3.13. Let X,x and Y,y be disjoint and define X∨ Y = X ∪ Y /x ∼ y.
Let i : X ,→ X∨ Y be inclusion, q : X∨ Y → X∨ Y /Y the quotient map, and
g : X∨ Y /Y → X the natural identification.
i /
X∨ Y /Y
Given the above, the map r = g ◦ q −1 is a retraction. Check that r ◦ i = idX .
As usual, a retract+ map will be a retract that preserves basepoint.
Proposition 3.14. Suppose A is a retract+ of X and let i : A ,→ X be the
inclusion. Then the induced map i∗ : π1 (A) ,→ π1 (X) is injective.
Example 3.15. i∗ : π1 (X) ,→ X∨ Y is injective.
Proof. (D2) r ◦ i : idA so (r ◦ i)∗ = (idA )∗ and hence r∗ ◦ i∗ = idπ1 (A) by
naturality. So i∗ is injective.
Example 3.16. As a result, S 1 is not a retract of D2 . We’ve already seen the
importance of this fact.
4. Homotopy of Maps
(D3) Suppose we have a space X,x and consider Y = X × I/x × I. There are
(at least) two inclusions, j : X ,→ Y which maps to X × {1} and i : X ,→ Y which
maps to X × {0}. The picture suggests that for [α] ∈ π1 (X, x), i∗ ([α]) = j∗ ([α])
in π1 (Y ). So we expect i∗ = j∗ . We’ll capture this in general with a new notion of
deformation for maps.
As we’ll see, [X, Y ] will turn out to be countable for reasonable spaces. In many
cases of interest, [X, Y ] will also turn out to be a group. Let’s also introduce the
notation f ∼ g to mean f (x) = y, g (x) = y, and there exists a homotopy+ H
with H (x, t) = y for all 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. And then
[X, Y ]+ = [X, Y ] = {continuous maps+ from Xto Y } / ∼ .
The name here is due to Hurewicz, who discovered them.1 A priori it’s not
obvious these are groups, but we’ll prove it, and in fact we’ll also see they are
abelian for k > 1. As k increases, πk provides a way to study higher dimensional
(spherical) holes.
Definition 4.9. A is called a deformation retract(+) of X if there is an inclusion(+)
i : A ,→ X and a map(+) r : X → A so that r ◦ i ∼ idA .
h (+)
5. Homotopy of Spaces
For the purposes of algebraic calculation in topology, we need to loosen the no-
tion of homeomorphism. Recall a continuous map f : X → Y is a homeomorphism
if there is a continuous map g : Y → X so that g ◦ f = idX and f ◦ g = idY .
Definition 5.1. A map f : X → Y is called a homotopy equivalence(+) (h.e.)
if there is a map(+) g : Y → X so that g ◦ f ∼ idX and f ◦ g ∼ idY . If there
h (+) h (+)
is such a map, then we say X and Y are homotopy equivalent(+) spaces.
Proposition 5.2. Homotopy equivalence is an equivalence relation among
Exercise 5.3. Check this in detail. The main point (as usual) is transitivity.
Proposition 5.4. If f : X → Y is a homotopy equivalence, then the induced
map f∗ : π1 (X) → π1 (Y ) is an isomorphism.
Proof. Suppose g ◦ f ∼ idX and f ◦ g ∼ idY as in the definition. Then
h+ h+
g ◦ f ∼ idX and (g ◦ f )∗ = (idX )∗ so by naturality g∗ ◦ f∗ = idπ1 (X) . It’s the same
for f ◦ g.
In light of this,
Definition 5.5. Spaces h.e. to X are said to have the same homotopy type as
Exercise 5.6. [X, Y ] depends only on the homotopy types (respectively) of X
and Y .
Remark. The converse does not hold. There are counterexamples showing
πk (X) and πk (Y ) can be the same for all k even though X and Y are not homotopy
1 is an interesting non-trivial map from S 3 to S 2 , discovered by Hurewicz, which shows
` There
π3 S 2 6= 0.
Now step two. Suppose the points we chose above correspond to times 0 =
t0 < t1 < t2 < · · · < tk−1 < 1 = tk . Let γi be the path γ|[ti−1 ,ti ] . Finally,
[γ] = γ1 δ1−1 δ1 γ2 δ2−1 δ2 γ3 δ3−1 · · · (δk−1 γk )
Already F2 is non-abelian.
By construction, A ⊂ F (A). A behaves almost like a basis in linear algebra
(but now F (A) can be non-abelian).
Proposition 6.12. Let G be a group and i : A ,→ F (A) inclusion. Given a
map φ : A → G, there is a unique homomorphism Φ : F (A) → G with Φ ◦ i = φ.
Proof. Set Φ (x11 x22 · · · xkk ) = φ (x1 ) 1 φ (x2 ) 2 · · · φ (xk ) k .
Exercise 6.13. Check the details.
The construction above is very concrete. It would be better, philosophically,
to say the free group F (A) on a set A is the unique group with the property that
given the inclusion i : A ,→ F (A) any map φ : A → G there exists a unique
homomorphism Φ so that Φ ◦ i = φ. (So that the diagram commutes.) (D1) This
is the true defining characteristic of the free group. Of course, one can check that
everything we’ve done above holds in the more general view.
Proposition 6.14. Every group is a quotient of a free group. Every finitely
generated group is a quotient of a free group on a finite set.
Say a group G is generated by a set S ⊂ G. WriteS = {a, b, c, . . . } and
let S = a, b, c, . . . . Now define a homomorphism Φ : F S → G by Φ (u) = u.
(By the previous proposition
it is enough to specify Φ on the generators.) Since Φ
is surjective, G ' F S / ker (Φ).
Exercise 6.15. Let Φ : H → G be a surjective homomorphism. Check that
G ' H/ ker (Φ).
Examples 6.16.
(1) Zn = F1 /an where F1 = F (a).
(2) Consider the symmetric group (permutation group) on n elements, Sn .
Exercise 6.17. Sn is generated by two elements a : (1, 2, . . . ) → 7
(2, 1, . . . ) (permutation of the first two entries) and b : (1, . . . , n) → 7
(n, 1, . . . , n − 1).
Define Φ : F (A, B) → Sn by Φ (A) = a and Φ (B) = b. Then
Sn = F2 / ker (Φ). Note ker (Φ) contains A2 , B n , etc.
Now we know we can always write G = F (A) /something. In fact the “some-
thing” must be a so-called “normal” subgroup.
Definition 6.18.
H be a subgroup
of G. Define the right coset of H in G
to be the set Hg = hg h ∈ H, g ∈ G .
Exercise 6.19. Show that if Hg1 ∩ Hg2 6= ∅, then Hg1 = Hg2 .
So we can write write G = He ∪ Hg1 ∪ Hg2 ∪ · · · which is a disjoint union of
right cosets. (This is the right coset decomposition of G). What about left cosets?
Consider that if Hg = gH for all g ∈ G, then H = gHg −1 for all g. So we have
Definition 6.20. A subgroup H ⊂ G is called normal if H = gHg −1 for all
g ∈ G.
Proposition 6.21. If G is abelian, all subgroups are normal.
Example 6.22. S3 has 3! = 6 elements. It has subgroups Z2 of order two
and Z3 of order three. The first permutes elements (ab) and the second shuffles
(abc) 7→ (cab).
Exercise 6.23. Check that Z2 is not normal and Z3 is normal.
If H . G (read: H is normal in G), then the left and right cosets are the same.
Definition 6.24. Supose
H . G,
then the quotient group G/H is the group
consisting of the cosets Hg g ∈ G with product (Hg1 ) · (Hg2 ) = Hg1 g2 .
Proposition 6.25. |G/H| = |G|/|H|.
If we let [G : H] be the number of cosets of H in G, then the proposition reads
[G : H] = |G|/|H|.
Proposition 6.26. Given a homomorphism χ : K → L, ker (χ) = u ∈ K χ (u) = e
is a normal subgroup.
Proof. Let H = ker (χ) so that χ (H) = e. Then χ gHg −1 = χ (g) χ (H) χ g −1 =
χ (g) eχ (g) = e for all g ∈ G. Hence gHg −1 ⊂ H and H ⊂ gHg −1 , so we’re
Exercise 6.27. Check the proof.
Now suppose we have a surjective homomorphism Φ : F (A) → G, then as above
G ' F (A) / ker (Φ). Of course, we could describe ker (Φ) by listing its generators,
but this is in general too difficult and not necessary. Recall xg = gxg −1 is the
conjugate of x by g. And recall we said a set S generates a subgroup H ⊂ G if
H is the smallest subgroup containing S. Explicitly, H is all the finite products of
elements of S or their inverses. Now we have
Definition 6.28. A set S normally generates the normal subgroup H of G if
H is the smallest normal subgroup of G containing S.
We’ll write hSi to mean the subgroup H normally generated by S. H now
consists of all products of elements of S, their inverses, or conjugates of S.
Example 6.29. Let F (a, b) be the free group on two generators. Then we
have F (a, b) / hbi = F (a). Lots of elements are killed (not just b)! hbi contains
bk , abk a−1 , aj bk a−j , etc. The point here is that we did not need to specify that
all these elements are killed; we only needed to say b (and the normal subgroup it
generates) are killed.
This is a general phenomena: ker (Φ) is often easily describable by its normal
generators. This gives a more efficient way to describe the quotient F (A) / ker (Φ).
Example 6.30. A clock with ten hours (dihedral group of order 2n). There is
an element σ which is rotation by 1/n. Then σ n = e. And there is an element τ
which is a flip. Then τ 2 = e (τ = τ −1 ). And one can show τ στ = τ −1 (flip, rotate,
then flip). This is equivalent to writing (τ σ) = e. These three relations describe
the whole multiplication table of the group. There are 2n elements in the group;
and n flips. In the notation above, we have D2n = free/ hrelationsi =
n rotations
F (s, t) / S n , T 2 , T ST S . This is a very convenient way to describe the whole
group. We can write this in the notation
n 2
D2n = s, t S , T , T ST S .
| {z }
generators relations
Note that it is both diffucult in theory and in practice to recognize that a group
is trivial from its presentation.
Definition 6.32. A group is finitely presented if both |I| and |J| are finite.
yxy −1 = x2
zyz −1 = y 2
wzw−1 = z 2
xwx−1 = w2 ,
The following Tietze moves modify the presentation while keeping G the same:
(1) G = n(xi ) , y (Rj ) , y o
±1 ±1
(2) G = (xi ) (Rj ) , Rα Rβ
(3) G = (xi ) (Rj ) with one replaced by a conjugate
These moves are the non-commutative analogue to Gaussian elimination from linear
algebra. But here, the number of relations can change (in Gaussian elimnation the
number of rows/columns stay the same).
Theorem 6.36. Given two finite presentations of a group G, they are related
by a sequence of such moves.
Proof sketch. Represent the second set of relations in terms of the first and
mimic with a sequence of moves.
Remark. There are moves which preseve balance. But the corresponding
theorem in this case is unknown (see the Andrews-Curtis conjecture, which people
believe is false). This is interesting to topologists since balanced presentations arise
naturally for low-dimensional manifolds.
6.2. Van Kampen’s Theorem. Van Kampen’s theorem describes the fun-
damental group of X = A ∪ B in terms of the fundamental groups of A and B.
So we need a way to combine fundamental groups. We already have the direct
product, but this was only useful in describing π1 (X × Y ). Here is a second way to
combine groups.
Definition 6.37. Suppose G1 = xi Rj and G2 = yk Sl are groups.
Their free product is the group
G1 ? G2 = (xi ) , (yk ) (Rj ) , (Sl ) .
Note. This is independent of the choice of presentations of G1 , G2 .
Example 6.38. Fk ? Fl = Fk+l . So Fk = Z ? Z ? · · · ? Z where there are k copies
of Z.
Here is a more conceptual way to describe the free product. Given groups
G1 , G2 , a group K is called a free product of G1 and G2 if there exists a diagram
of group homomorphisms (D1) such that given any homomorphsisms φ1 : G1 → L
and φ2 : G2 → L into some group L, there exists a unique Φ : K → L so that
Φ ◦ i = φ1 and Φ ◦ j = φ2 . (D2) Then one can prove:
(1) If K exists it must be unique (use uniqueness of Φ to get, when L, K
satisfy the hypotheses, maps both ways, etc.).
(2) There exists such a K. (Take K = G1 ? G2 .)
Recall the direct product G1 × G2 . First, note that (a, b) · (a0 , b0 ) = (aa0 , bb0 ) so
then (a, e) and (e, b) commute. So G1 ? G2 6= G1 × G2 , and in fact
G1 × G2 = (xi ) , (yk ) (Rj ) , (Sl ) , xi yk x−1 y −1 .
i k
But still the two products are related: (D3). Though the existence of Φ is guaran-
teed by the definition of free product we gave above, we already knew it was possible
to find such a homomorphism. Indeed, it is always possible to get a homomorphism
just by adding more relations (to get a quotient group).
Why does all of this matter for topology? Here is another weak form of Van
Kampen’s theorem.
Theorem 6.39 (Weak van Kampen). Let X = A ∪ B with A, B open and
assume A, B, A ∩ B are path connected. Choose a common base point x ∈ A ∩ B.
Assume A ∩ B is simply connected, then
π1 (X, x) = π1 (A, x) ? π1 (B, x) .
Remark. We usually can apply van Kampen’s theorem even when A, B are
not open. If A is not open, the trick is to replace A by a slightly larger open set
A0 such that i : A ,→ A0 is a homotopy equivalence (similarly replace B with B 0 ),
then apply van Kampen’s theorem to A0 and B 0 .
Example 6.40. We know π1 S 1 = Z. So then π1 ∨2 S 1 = Z ? Z. More
generally, π1 ∨k S 1 = Fk . And π1 ∨k S 2 = {0} since S k = D+ k k
∪S k−1 D− .
Here is the first non-trivial example of a free product.
Example 6.41. The infinite dihedral group, Z2 ? Z2 . What does this look like?
Say the first is generated by a, the second by b, then
Z2 × Z2 = a, b a2 , b2 .
= Z ×Z×Z Z
with the respective maps i∗ = (0, 1) and j∗ = (1, 0) (written as matrices). So
π1 D2 × S 1 ∪S 1 ×S 1 S 1 × D2 = x, y i∗ (a) = j∗ (a) , i∗ (b) = j∗ (b)
= x, y e = y, x = e
= {e} .
Now here are two proofs of the claim. The first is symbolic. For manifolds
M, N we have
∂ (M × N ) = ∂M × N ∪∂M ×∂N M × ∂N.
(Think about ∂ (I × I).) So
∂ (Dp × Dq ) = ∂Dp × Dq ∪∂Dp ×∂Dq Dp × ∂Dq
and then
S p+q−1 = ∂ Dp+q = S p−1 × Dq ∪S p−1 ×S q−1 Dp × S q−1 .
In particular,
S 3 = ∂ D2 × D2 = S 1 × D2 ∪S 1 ×S 1 D2 × S 1 .
Note. This particular definition of equivalence does not keep track of direction.
For example, it cannot tell a knot from its mirror image.
Usually we restrict further the notion of a “knot.” One could have a knot with
a infinite amount of “knottedness”, (D5) Pictures like this are excluded by making
any of several requirements: one could require the knot to be
• piecewise linear (a finite number of line segments)
• a differential submanifold (with tangents non-zero)
• topologically locally flat (near each point it looks standard).
But we won’t do any of these, since we only care to make a difference between the
trefoil and the unknot.
Step one is to consider everything that’s not the knot.
Definition 7.5. The knot complement of a knot K1 ,→ S 3 is the space S 3 \K1 .
The knot complement of the unknot is quite simple. But we’ll see that the
knot complement of the trefoil knot is quite complicated. The idea now is to show
that S 3 \trefoil and S 3 \unknot are not homeomorphic. Indeed, if there were an
equivalence of knots φ : S 3 → S 3 then restricting it to the knot φ| : K1 → K2 gives
a homeomorphism and so does restricting it to the knot complement φ| : S 3 \K1 →
S 3 \K2 . This raises a philisophical question: Is a knot uniquely determined by its
complement? The answer is yes in dimension three (due to Gordon and Leucke).
The answer is no in higher dimensions, e.g. dimension five.
The second step is to realize that it would suffice to show the knot complements
are not homotopy equivalent. Are we throwing away more information again? Yes,
but we’ll skip over this for the discussion here. We have only one technique for
showing spaces are not homotopy equivalent. So the third step is to show that the
fundamental groups of the complements are not isomorphic.
Definition 7.6. Given a knot K1 ,→ S 3 , the group of the knot G is the group
G = π1 S 3 \K1 .
We’ll show
Proposition 7.7. The group of the trefoil knot is not abelian, whereas the
group of the unknot is Z.
From this it immediately follows
Proposition 7.8. The unknot and the trefoil are not equivalent.
There are generalizations of knot theory to higher dimensions.
Theorem 7.9 (Zeeman unknotting). Any knot S k ,→ S n , k ≤ n, is equivalent
to the standard knot unless k = n − 2.
The first person to discover knots in higher dimensions was Artin.
It’s often annoying to deal with non-compact spaces. So we often work with
what’s called the closed complement of the knot. Suppose we have S 1 ,→ S 3 a knot.
Then one can prove there exists a tube S 1 ×D2 in which the knot is included. Then
S 3 \ S 1 × D2 ,→ S 3 \S 1 × {0}. On the left we have the closed complement, on the
right the knot complement. These are not very different. The closed complement is
a three-dimensional manifold with boundary, but the manifold without its boundary
is homotopy equivalent to the knot complement.
= Z.
And the complement of the unknot is
S 3 \unknot ' (open disc) × S 1 ' R2 × S 1
so again π1 = Z. (D7)
Now for the trefoil knot. The trefoil can be drawn on the standard torus in R3 .
In general, torus knots are knots that can be drawn on the torus. (D8) Segments
I, II, III, IV altogether form a loop on the torus. We claim I ∪ II ∪ III ∪ IV =
trefoil. (D9) So the trefoil is the (2, 3)-torus knot. In general we have the (p, q)-torus
knots where p, q are relatively prime.
Now we want to prove (2, 3)-torus knot is not the unknot. Let’s compute
G(p,q) = π1 S 3 \ (p, q) -torus knot . Now
(D10) So
π1 S 3 \K(p,q) = π1 S 1 ?π1 (S 1 ) π1 S 1
= Z ?Z Z
where the inclusions are multiplication by p on the first Z and q on the second Z.
π1 S 3 \K(p,q) = x, y xp = y q .
is the non-commutative group of order six. These relations are a quotient of the
relations on G(2,3) . Take the homomorphism φ : x 7→ σ, y 7→ τ since σ 2 = τ 3
anyways in D6 . So if we take G(2,3) and add additional relations then we get D6 .
So the trefoil knot is not the unknot.
A natural question is: Which spaces are topological groups? If a space X has
a toplogical group structure, then X satisfies a certain “uniformity”. Let e ∈ X be
the identity element. Then given any g ∈ X, we can produce a homeomorphism
by (left or right) multiplication by g. That is, the map ×g : X → X, x 7→ xg is
a homeomorphism. Notice that ×g : e 7→ g. So given any point g ∈ X, there is a
homeomorphism carrying e to g, and therefore there is a homeomorphism between
any two points x, y ∈ X. Thus if a space is to be a topological group, then it
must look the same at all points. For example, the figure eight, X, and Y are not
topological groups.
Theorem 8.3. If G is a topological group, then π1 (G, e) is abelian.
This is another way to see that the figure eight is not a topological group, for
its fundamental group is the free group on two elements.
Example 8.4. R2 \ {p} is a topological group. But R2 \ {p1 , p2 } is not a topo-
logical group, for R2 \ {p1 , p2 } ∼ S 1 ∨ S 1 .
(2) There exists an identity element e, with m (e, u) = u = m (u, e) for all
u ∈ X.
Example 8.7. Any topological group is a H-space. This is the main example.
The proofs above give the next theorem.
Theorem 8.8. If X is a H-space, then π1 (X, e) is abelian.
Remark. Lots of topological spaces have non-abelian fundamental groups.
This theorem says that such topological spaces cannot have multiplication.
There are spaces that have more than one H-space structure. There is a large
literature on finite dimensional H-spaces. Before we move on, let us see an inter-
esting example of a Lie group.
Example 8.9. S 3 is a Lie group. A concrete way
to see this is via a system
arithemetic called the quaternion numbers, H = a + bi + cj + dk a, b, c, d ∈ R .
The quaternions are associative and satisfy i2 = j 2 = k 2 = −1, ij = k, ji = −k.
They form a group. One can define a norm via |z| = a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 . Then
(|z||z|) = |z| where z = a − bi − cj − dk.
Claim. S 3 = z ∈ H |z| = 1 .
So S 3 has a multiplication via the quaternions, so it is a group. The quaternions
were discovered by Hamilton.
What spheres are Lie groups? As it turns out, S 0 = {±1}, S 1 , and S 3 are Lie
groups. S 7 is an H-space, via the Cayley numbers. But the multiplication is not
associative. In fact, S 7 has no associative H-space structure, where multiplication
is associative up to homotopy. So it cannot be a Lie group. In general, we would
hope that “nice” multiplication in a Euclidean space satisfies the property
(8.1) a 6= 0, b 6= 0 =⇒ ab 6= 0.
As it were, R , R = C, R = H, and R8 = Cayley numbers have such a multipli-
1 2 4
cation. The surprise is that these are the only Euclidean spaces on which such a
multiplication can be defined.
Theorem 8.10 (J. Frank Adams). S n is a H-space iff n = 0, 1, 3, 7.
Exercise 8.11. Suppose Rn , n 6= 1, 2, 4, 8, is made into a H-space via the
multiplication m : Rn × Rn → Rn . Show that the above theorem implies that
property 8.1 must fail. Therefore show that the only Euclidean spaces Rn on which
a “nice” multiplication is defined are with n = 1, 2, 4, 8.
There is strong evidence for the following conjecture.
Conjecture 8.12. Every finite dimensional H-space is homotopy equivalent
to a manifold.
1. Covering Spaces
Intuitively, a covering space gives a way to unwrap a space. As we’ll see, there
is a way to translate any question about a fundamental group into a question about
a covering space, and vice-versa.
Examples 1.1.
(1) Consider the real line R and take the map f : R → S 1 , f (x) = e2πx .
Then f −1 (1) = Z ⊂ R. In some sense this map wraps the line around
and around the circle. We want to think about the circle being unwrapped
to the line.
1 1
k −1 2πil/k
So consider the map gk : S → S ,
(2) Wrap a circle k times arounda circle.
gk (z) = z . Then gk (1) = e , and gk is a k-to-1 map.
We’ll see that these are the only covering spaces of the circle, the first is the
infinite cover and the second the finite cover.
Example 1.2. Wrap C around C\ {0}. The map is f : C → C\ {0}, f (z) = ez .
The inverse map on a peice of this is a log.
Definition 1.3. A continuous map f : Y → X is said to be a covering map
if each point u ∈ X has an open neighborhood U so that f −1 (U ) = ∪j∈J Vj where
the Vj are disjoint open sets so that f |Vj : Vj → U is a homeomorphism. Such a
neighborhood U is said to be evenly covered by f .
Note. So a mapping f is a covering map if X is the union of evenly covered
open subsets.
Example 1.4. The map f : (−5, 7) → S 1 which wraps the open interval around
S is a local homeomorphism, for we can find a neighborhood on which f restricts
to a homeomorphism. But it does not hit each point the same number of times. So
f is not a covering map.
Proposition 1.5. Let X be a connected space. If f : Y → X is a covering
map, then for all p, q ∈ X we have #f −1 (p) = #f −1 (q).
Proof. We claim #f −1 (p) is locally constant, i.e. #f −1 (p) is constant in a
neighborhood of every p ∈ X. To see this, pick U an evenly covered neighborhood
of p, then #f −1 (q) = |J| for all q ∈ U . Then the set of points q so that #f −1 (q) =
#f −1 (p) is an open subset of X. Therefore, X is a disjoint union of open sets
(whose non-trivial inverse images have given cardinality). Since X is connected,
one of these open subsets is all of X, and the rest are null.
Definition 1.6. Let X be connected and f a covering map. Its degree is the
number deg (f ) = #f −1 (p).
does there exist a map+ ĝ : A,a → Y,y so that f ◦ ĝ = g? (This is existence and
uniqueness, combined.) Such a map ĝ is called a lift of g (to the cover Y ). The lift
preserving the base-point is unique.
Theorem 3.1 (Lifting Theorem). Let X, Y be path connected, let f : Y,y → X,x
be a covering map+ , and let g : A,a → X,x be a map+ . There exists a lift+ iff
Im g∗ ⊂ Im f∗ . Moreover, if a lift+ exists, then it is unique.
Proof of =⇒ . Formally, if the diagram of spaces (D6) exists, then the dia-
gram of groups (D7) exists. That is, if there exists a map ĝ so that f ◦ ĝ = g, then
the induced maps must satisfy f∗ ◦ ĝ∗ = g∗ . Hence Im g∗ ⊂ Im f∗ .
The direction ⇐= is much harder, and we won’t see it now.
Corollary 3.2. If A is simply connected, then there exists a unique lift+ .
Proof. The condition is that Im g∗ ⊂ Im f∗ where g∗ : π1 (A) → π1 (X). But
π1 (A) = 0 so the condition is vacuous.
Corollary 3.3. If f : X → Y is a covering map, then f∗ : πk (Y ) → πk (X)
is an isomorphism for k > 1.
Example 3.4. πk S 1 ' πk R1 = 0 for k > 1 by the corollary. Also
πk S 1 × · · · × S 1 = 0 either since πk S 1 = 0 or because there is a covering
map wrapping Rn around T n .
Proof sketch. Given ω : S k → X representing [ω] ∈ πk (X), we can lift
this to Y as S k is simply connected for k > 1. Hence f ◦ ω̂ = ω for some ω̂, and
hence f∗ ([ω̂]) = [ω] in πk (X). This is surjectivity. The proof that f∗ is injective is
similar, by lifting maps of Dk+1 .
Exercise 3.5. Fill in the details above.
Example 3.6. As we observed before, there is a map q : S n → RP n = S n /v ∼
(−v) which is the quotient map. This is a covering map of degree two. Thus
0 1<k<n
πk (RP n ) ' πk (S n ) = .
The cases k ≥ n are unknown in general.
Let us go in another direction. Consider S 0 ⊂ S 1 ⊂ S 2 ⊂ · · · , then define
S = ∪k S k . This space is contractible (for the spheres are nested to begin with).
Similarly, RP 0 ⊂ RP 1 ⊂ RP 2 ⊂ · · · and RP ∞ = ∪k RP k . One can show that
π1 (RP ∞ ) = Z2 (we’ll prove it later). And πk (RP ∞ ) ' πk (S ∞ ) = 0 for S ∞ is
contractible. So RP ∞ = K (Z2 , 1).
Here is a nice fact about covering spaces.
Proposition 3.7. Let X, Y be path connected, and f : Y → X a covering map.
Then f∗ : π1 (Y ) → π1 (X) is injective.
Remark. So we can view π1 (X) as being isomorphic to Im f∗ .
Exercise 3.8. Prove the proposition via the technique used in the proof of
corollary 3.3.
prove a simply connected covering space always exists. And πk (X) =
πk X̃ . (??)
Exercise 4.11. X
^ × Y = X̃ × Ỹ .
Examples 4.12.
1 × S n = R × S n with n > 1.
(1) S^
(2) S 1 ×^
· · · × S 1 = Rn
| {z }
n times
]n = S n with n > 1.
(3) RP
] = R2 . (D9)
(4) Klein
1 × X = R × X.
(5) If X is simply connected, then S^
Exercise 4.13. Work out the details in the previous examples.
Exercise 4.14. What is the universal cover of S 1 ∨ S 2 ?