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Chapter 1, 2 & 3

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CensusCentral: Web-Based Information Management System with Data-Driven Decision

Support for CUDHAO Cabuyao, Laguna

Chapter I


This chapter serves as the foundation for the research, laying the groundwork by presenting the
context, significance, and objectives of the study. It typically includes an introduction to the
research topic, background information, the statement of the problem or research question, the
purpose and objectives of the study, the scope and limitations, and a brief overview of the
organization of the remainder of the document. Through this chapter , readers gain insight into
the rationale behind the research, its relevance, and the direction it will take.

1.1 Introduction:
Cabuyao City is known as “The Enterprise City of the Philippines,” where all business
opportunities are everywhere and it is located approximately 54 kilometers from Santa Cruz, the
provincial capital, and 9 kilometers from Calamba City, the regional center of the
CALABARZON region. The city also surrounds the Laguna De Bay. This city was also known
before as one of the richest local government units in the country due to its large number of
immigrants who are working. Back in the year 2000, Cabuyao had a population of 106,630
people. According to the 2015 census for the city years later, the city was found to have a
population density of 7,100 people per square kilometer, with a total population of 308,745
people. The more recent 2020 census, however, shows a population increase, noting that the city
now has a population density of 8,200 people per square kilometer, with a total population of
355,330. (Crownasia, 2023)

Based on the analysis of (Mactrotrends, 2024) the current metro area population of Cabuyao in
2024 is 430,000, a 2.87% increase from 2023.
City Urban Development And Housing Affairs Office (CUDHAO), The City Urban
Development and Housing Affairs Office is the local housing agency of Cabuyao City. Under the
mandate of Republic Act 7279 otherwise known as the Urban Development and Housing Act of
1992 with the objective of uplifting the condition of the underprivileged and homeless citizens in
urban and resettlement areas by providing them decent housing at affordable cost, basic services
and employment opportunities and providing for the rational use and development of urban

Their Mission is Uplifting the condition of the underprivileged and homeless citizens by
providing them decent resettlement areas at affordable cost where all basic necessities are
available and delivering effective support to private communities in implementing rules and
regulations. (FindGlocal, 2023)

The census stands as a cornerstone of modern societies, serving as a vital instrument for
governments, businesses, researchers, and policymakers alike. Rooted in the ancient practice of
population enumeration, today's census is a comprehensive survey conducted at regular intervals
to gather demographic, social, and economic data about a population. It offers invaluable insights
into the composition, distribution, and dynamics of a society, forming the bedrock upon which
informed decisions are made and resources allocated.

The census serves as a crucial tool for governments to maintain accurate and up-to-date records
pertaining to their citizens. It is a comprehensive endeavor that not only involves updating
demographic information but also delves into various aspects of societal well-being.

During the census, authorities collect detailed data on household compositions, including the
number of individuals residing in each household and their respective demographics. This
includes identifying persons with disabilities (PWDs) among household members, as well as
determining the presence of senior citizens, the count of undergraduate individuals and other
socio-economic criteria.
Moreover, the census goes beyond mere headcounts by addressing pressing societal issues. It
involves assessing the prevalence of malnutrition among the population, highlighting areas
where nutritional interventions may be necessary. Additionally, the census identifies families
residing in danger zones, providing vital information for disaster preparedness and risk
mitigation efforts.

In essence, the census serves as a comprehensive snapshot of a nation's populace, enabling

policymakers to make informed decisions and allocate resources effectively to address the
diverse needs of their citizens.

The City Urban Development and Housing Affairs Office (CUDHAO) in Cabuyao Laguna faces
challenges in census operations, data management, and report generation. To address these
issues, a web-based information management system with data-driven decision support is
proposed. This system will simplify census processing by transitioning manual processes into a
web-based platform, incorporating actual information data, and facilitating report generation for
various government offices. Additionally, it will modernize data collections, data storage
practices, enhance accessibility and retrieval, and develop a decision support module that will
provide and generate recommendations for the different projects for CUDHAO, based on the
patterns in the collected data during censusing. By implementing a web-based system, CUDHAO
can efficiently manage census data, improve operational efficiency, and fulfill its mandate for
urban development and housing affairs in Cabuyao Laguna.

By systemizing processes, the City Urban Development and Housing Affairs Office (CUDHAO)
can improve manual census operations and centralize their data collection. This means
transitioning from paper-based forms to digital tools for data collection, reducing paperwork and
simplifying the process. Centralizing data storage ensures all information is stored securely in
one place, making it easily accessible for analysis and decision-making. This approach boosts
efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility, empowering CUDHAO to fulfill its mandate more
effectively in Cabuyao Laguna.
1.2 Objectives of the Study

General Objective:

To develop a web-based information management system with data-driven decision

support for the City Urban Development and Housing Affairs Office in Cabuyao Laguna.
It intends to develop and innovate a census processing system using web-based censusing
together with actual information data that will help the whole department for generating
reports for other offices

Specific Objectives:

1. Determine the current practice and problems encountered by City Urban Development and
Housing Office in terms of:

a. Manual collections of data during censusing

b.Generating and requesting of document reports of census

c . Penalties for each Informal Settler Families (ISF)

2. Determine how the proposed system would help City Urban Development and Housing
Affairs office in terms of processing data in a way that it should provide:

a. Monitoring and managing information collected during census processes.

b. Digitizing forms to replace manual data gathering procedures.

3. To develop a module that will generate an overall reports(weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly)
from the collected data during their censusing process

4. Determine how the proposed system would help the City Urban Development and Housing
Affairs Office in terms of handling penalties in way that it should provide:

a. monitoring and supervising of Barangay that has penalties;

b. distribution of penalty notice for each Barangay

5. To develop a decision support module that will provide and generate recommendations for the
different projects for CUDHAO, based on the patterns in the collected data during censusing
such as:

a. Housing programs for Informal Settler Families (ISF)

b. Job Fair
c. Eligible for being a 4P’s (Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program)

5 To determine the assessment of the users with regards to the proposed system in terms of:

a. usability;

b. functional suitability;

c. performance efficiency; and

d. security.

6. Determine the assessments of the IT experts with regards to the proposed system in
terms of:

a. usability;

b. reliability;

c. maintainability; and

d. Security
1.4 Scope and Limitation
A web-based information management system is exclusively designed for the City
Urban Development and Housing Affairs Office (CUDHAO) in Cabuyao, Laguna. The
system boasts digitalized forms covering essential questions pertaining to census
questionnaires, including inquiries about socio-economic status, government
beneficiaries, and other relevant criteria. Additionally, it features a monitoring module
enabling users to track data gathered throughout the census process and the overall

Moreover, the system includes a module capable of generating quarterly document

reports for other government offices. It also produces reports on penalty notices for
barangays exceeding the fixed number of informal settler populations.

Furthermore, the system incorporates a data-driven decision support module, providing

help to the CUDHAO staff to create a plan of an action needed for projects for the City
Urban Development and Housing Affairs Office (CUDHAO). These recommendations
are derived from patterns and trends identified in the collected census data,identifying
areas that need improvement, potential opportunities, and priority projects for
CUDHAO's initiatives.

To enhance resident engagement and issue resolution, to integrate a feedback and

complaint modal. This module includes feedback forms and complaint forms, serving as
vital channels for residents to provide input on community initiatives, raise concerns, and
report any encountered issues. This direct line of communication fosters continuous
improvement and promotes transparency and accountability within the community
management process.
Also, a web-based information management system offers a comprehensive suite of
features tailored for the City Urban Development and Housing Affairs Office
(CUDHAO) in Cabuyao, Laguna; it does have its limitations.

For the limitations of the system, it does not facilitate the actual collection of penalty
fees. This means that manual intervention or coordination with relevant departments may
be necessary for the enforcement of penalties.

Secondly, it does not specifically address health concerns or provide healthcare-related

services. Therefore, collaboration with health authorities or the inclusion of health-related
modules are not applied

Furthermore, while the system caters to the needs of ISF and homeowners associations, it
may not fully address the concerns of other government institutions.

Lastly, the system's decision support is primarily focused on projects under the scope of
the City Urban Development and Housing Affair Offices (CUDHAO). Other government
projects outside of CUDHAO's scope are not included in the recommendations.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study aims to help CUDHAO adapt into new technology to help them with their current
manual censusing system

The study is expected to bring benefits to those mentioned:

The CUDHAO Department: The department will benefit from the system's actual information
data and database updates. Additionally, it will generate reports with decision support for other
departments and transactions once the Population Survey Team completes their survey in a
The Population Survey Team: The team will benefit from increased efficiency by the using
web-based information systems. Reducing the need for paper surveys. Utilizing a digital device
for surveys enables actual information data and database recording, making their work easier and
more convenient.

Researchers: This research project will help researchers improve and enhance their skills in
website development and database management, skills deemed vital for their future professional

Future Researchers: This study will be a useful tool for future researchers, providing them with
valuable information and insights to support their own academic endeavors

1.6 Definition of Terms

Conceptual terms

Census - a regularly occurring and official inventory of the human population and
housing units in the Philippines, The beneficiaries of the census in Cabuyao are the informal
settler families (ISFs).

Cabuyao City - A city located in the Philippines, known as "The Enterprise City of the
Philippines" due to its abundant business opportunities.

City Urban Development and Housing Affairs Office (CUDHAO) - the local housing
agency of Cabuyao City, responsible for urban development and housing affairs.
Informal Settler Families - are groups of people living in unauthorized settlements,
often lacking basic infrastructure and legal recognition, due to economic constraints or limited
housing options.

Danger Zone Settlers - are people living in hazardous areas prone to natural disasters,
facing increased risks to their safety and well-being.

Homeowners Association (HOA) - which manages shared facilities and services in

housing developments, condominiums, or communities.

Republic Act 7279 - Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992, this law aims to
uplift the condition of underprivileged and homeless citizens in urban and resettlement areas by
providing them with decent housing at affordable costs, basic services, and employment

Population Density - The number of people per unit area, typically expressed as people
per square kilometer.

Web-based Information Management System - a digital platform accessed via the

internet that organizes and stores data, facilitating easy retrieval and sharing of information.

Data-driven Decision Support - refers to the use of data analysis and insights to aid in
making informed decisions.

Penalty - refers to a punishment or consequence imposed for breaking a rule, law, or


Reports - refer to formal documents that present information, findings, or analysis on a

particular topic or subject.
Barangay - is the smallest administrative division in the Philippines, akin to a
neighborhood or village.

Technical terms

Digitized forms - are electronic versions of paper-based forms that have been converted
into digital format, typically for easier storage, retrieval, and processing.

Decision Support Module - is a component or feature within a system or software that

provides information, analysis, and recommendations to assist users in making informed

Web-Based Information Management System - A software application accessed

through a web browser that facilitates the collection, storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data
for organizational purposes.


This chapter presents a thorough review of relevant literature and studies, encompassing both
local and foreign sources. Through meticulous investigation, the researchers have amassed a
comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand. By synthesizing and critically evaluating
existing works, this chapter offers valuable insights that contribute significantly to the
development and refinement of the current study.

2.1 Conceptual Literature

The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), initially conceptualized by Fred Davis in

1989 and expanded from the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) by Fishbein and Ajzen, serves
as a theoretical framework to elucidate users' acceptance and adoption of new technology,
notably within the domain of Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) systems
(Anggorowati, 2017). TAM revolves around two primary constructs: Perceived Usefulness (PU)
and Perceived Ease of Use (PEU). Perceived Usefulness refers to users' beliefs regarding the
extent to which employing a specific technology enhances job performance or simplifies tasks,
while Perceived Ease of Use denotes users' perceptions of the effortlessness or difficulty
associated with utilizing the technology (Anggorowati, 2017). In the context of CAPI, these
constructs encapsulate users' perceptions of how CAPI streamlines data collection processes,
making them more efficient and less cumbersome. The model posits that users are more inclined
to adopt and employ a technology if they perceive it as both useful and user-friendly
(Anggorowati, 2017).
Furthermore, TAM integrates additional factors that may influence users' perceptions and
acceptance of technology, such as subjective norms and user experience. Subjective norms
encompass social influences that shape users' attitudes and behaviors toward technology
adoption, while user experience encapsulates individuals' firsthand encounters with the
technology (Anggorowati, 2017). TAM's utility extends beyond CAPI systems, as it has been
broadly applied in diverse research contexts to assess users' attitudes and behaviors regarding
technology adoption. By comprehending the factors that underpin users' acceptance of
technology, organizations can formulate strategies to bolster adoption rates and optimize the
efficacy of technology implementation endeavors (Anggorowati, 2017).

2.2 Related Literature

2.2.1 Importance of Censusing

Accurate census data is crucial for various demographic and planning activities,
impacting decision-making processes in numerous sectors. (O'Hare, 2019) highlights the
significance of census accuracy and its implications for population estimates, projections,
survey weighting, rate construction, and planning activities.

The precision of the Census directly influences the quality of post-Census population
estimates and projections. Undercounts in specific age cohorts during the Census result in
their under-representation in population estimates for the subsequent decade, affecting
national, state-level, and long-term projections Census data, alongside post-Census
population estimates, serve as crucial weighting factors for sample surveys conducted
within and outside government domains. Inaccuracies in the Census, particularly
underestimation of certain population groups, lead to distorted survey results, impacting
analyses such as poverty rate estimations for Census data and associated estimates play
pivotal roles in various planning endeavors, encompassing fields like education and
healthcare. Flaws in Census counts can lead to inefficient resource allocation and
compromise planning efforts, particularly in areas experiencing significant undercounts,
such as large cities and urban counties

In essence, the accuracy of census data underpins informed decision-making across

multiple sectors, influencing resource allocation, public policy formulation, and
community well-being. Therefore, ensuring the precision of census data is paramount for
effective planning and policymaking processes

2.2.2 Digitalization

In an era of rapid technological advancement, digitalization stands as a pivotal

force shaping the trajectory of socio-economic development worldwide. Saori Shibata's
(2021) examination of digitalization in Japan underscores the paramount importance of
this phenomenon in driving innovation, transforming industries, and reshaping the
political economy.

Digitalization holds the promise of revolutionizing traditional practices across various

sectors, offering unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, connectivity, and growth. By
leveraging digital technologies, organizations can streamline processes, enhance
productivity, and unlock new avenues for value creation. From automated workflows to
data-driven insights, digitalization empowers businesses to adapt to changing market
dynamics and stay competitive in an increasingly digital landscape.

Furthermore, the impact of digitalization extends beyond the realm of business,

permeating into the fabric of society and governance. Through digital platforms and
services, governments can improve service delivery, foster citizen engagement, and
facilitate inclusive development. From e-governance initiatives to smart city projects,
digitalization offers transformative potential in addressing complex societal challenges
and enhancing quality of life for citizens.
Moreover, digitalization serves as a catalyst for innovation and entrepreneurship,
democratizing access to markets and empowering individuals to pursue creative
endeavors. With the rise of digital platforms and online marketplaces, entrepreneurs can
reach global audiences, disrupt traditional industries, and drive economic growth.

Importantly, digitalization is not merely a technological shift but also a driver of social
and cultural change. By facilitating connectivity and collaboration, digital technologies
bridge geographical barriers, facilitate knowledge sharing, and foster cross-cultural
exchange. From social media networks to online learning platforms, digitalization
enriches human interactions, expands educational opportunities, and promotes cultural

In the context of Japan, Shibata's analysis highlights how digitalization intersects with
broader socio-economic processes, shaping the landscape of labor relations, industrial
organization, and economic governance. Recognizing the transformative potential of
digitalization, policymakers, businesses, and civil society must embrace a
forward-thinking approach to harnessing its benefits while mitigating its risks.

As we navigate the complexities of the digital age, it is imperative to foster an ecosystem

that fosters innovation, fosters inclusive growth, and upholds ethical principles. By
embracing digitalization as a catalyst for progress, societies can unlock new opportunities
for prosperity, resilience, and sustainability in the 21st century and beyond.

2.2.3 High risk danger zone areas and Informal Settlers

High-risk areas are the exploration of how participants' trust levels vary depending on the
level of visible environmental danger and the robot's judgment. The authors in (2022)
investigate how trust is influenced by contextual threat levels, particularly in security settings
where accurate threat assessment is crucial. They find that trust levels are higher when there is a
match between perceived danger cues and the robot's judgment, indicating a sensitivity to
environmental risk factors. Moreover, the study examines individual differences in dispositional
trust measures and their association with situational trust, shedding light on how attitudes toward
robots as teammates or tools may impact trust in high-risk scenarios[1].

According to Valenzuela, Esteban, Motoharu 2020. An informal settler refers to individuals or

families who reside in settlements that have emerged without formal approval or legal
recognition from authorities. These settlements often lack secure land tenure and may be located
in areas prone to hazards such as coastal zones or riverbanks.

The authors perceive informal settlers as facing significant socioeconomic challenges, including
poverty, inadequate access to basic services, and vulnerability to disasters. Informal settlements
are depicted as communities where residents adapt to their surroundings and address everyday
needs, often prioritizing immediate concerns over long-term risks such as natural disasters or the
consequences of land reclamation projects.

high-risk areas and the prevalence of informal settlements, as exemplified in the context of the
BASECO Compound and similar coastal zones. These areas, often reclaimed or located in
low-lying coastal regions, are prone to natural hazards like floods, storm surges, and tsunamis.
Informal settlers, typically low-income individuals and families, are drawn to these marginalized
areas due to limited housing options and economic constraints. The lack of formal land titles and
inadequate regulation further facilitate settlement in these hazardous zones. Consequently,
informal settlers bear a disproportionate burden of risk, lacking access to essential infrastructure
and services critical for disaster preparedness and response. Their marginalized status
exacerbates vulnerability, impeding access to resources and hindering resilience-building efforts.
Additionally, the precarious legal tenure in informal settlements leaves residents vulnerable to
eviction, perpetuating cycles of vulnerability and impeding long-term investments in
disaster-resistant infrastructure. Thus, the correlation between high-risk areas and informal
settlements underscores complex intersections of socioeconomic factors, urban development
dynamics, and disaster vulnerability, highlighting the urgent need for holistic approaches to
address the needs of vulnerable populations in hazard-prone areas[2].

2.3 Related Studies

2.3.1 Studies Regarding the Importance of Data driven

In recent years, data-driven approaches have emerged as pivotal tools across diverse
domains, promising groundbreaking advancements in fields ranging from healthcare and
education to transportation and engineering. Gunhild Waldemar's research underscores the
profound impact of data-driven methodologies in revolutionizing medical care, particularly in the
prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. By leveraging vast amounts
of data, researchers and healthcare professionals can enhance the precision and cost-effectiveness
of interventions while navigating the ethical challenges inherent in providing care to individuals
with intellectual impairments (Waldemar, 2023).

Similarly, V. V. Kadnikov's work highlights the transformative potential of data-driven practices

in education. Understanding and analyzing student data serve as essential components in
improving learning outcomes and shaping teaching practices. By immersing pre-service teachers
in school-based data analysis, educators can cultivate a deep understanding of student learning
needs, facilitating the development of high-quality learning tasks and instructional strategies
(Kadnikov, 2023).

Karen Levy's exploration of digital surveillance in the trucking industry sheds light on the
complex interplay between technology, privacy, and labor. The mandatory installation of digital
monitors in trucks exemplifies the pervasive integration of data-driven solutions in
transportation. While intended to address safety concerns, such measures also raise critical
questions about autonomy and social control in the workplace. Levy's research underscores the
need for careful consideration of the implications of data collection and surveillance practices on
individual rights and industry dynamics (Levy, 2022).

Furthermore, Francisco Chinesta et al. delve into the application of data-driven models in
engineering, particularly in scenarios where traditional physics-based approaches may fall short.
By harnessing advanced data analysis techniques, engineers can construct predictive models with
enhanced accuracy and efficiency. This is particularly crucial in critical systems such as virtual
and augmented reality in bioengineering and surgical applications, where real-time
decision-making relies on reliable predictive capabilities (Chinesta et al., 2023).

Collectively, these studies underscore the transformative power of data-driven approaches in

driving innovation and addressing complex challenges across diverse fields. By harnessing the
insights derived from data analysis, researchers, educators, industry professionals, and healthcare
providers can unlock new possibilities for advancement while navigating the ethical
considerations inherent in the data-driven era.

2.3.2 Studies Regarding Decision Support

Decision support plays a pivotal role across diverse fields by leveraging available data,
theoretical knowledge, and empirical insights to provide recommendations that enhance
decision-making processes. It encompasses a range of methodologies and tools aimed at assisting
decision-makers in navigating complex problems and optimizing outcomes.

Bina Nusantara's research emphasizes the significance of decision support systems (DSS) in
education, particularly in selecting appropriate learning methods tailored to the unique needs of
schools, teachers, and students. By utilizing DSS, educational institutions can make informed
decisions that align with learning objectives, student perspectives, and technological support,
thus enhancing the effectiveness of learning activities (Nusantara, 2023).

Yves Meinard and Alexis Tsoukiàs delve into the theoretical underpinnings of decision support,
highlighting the importance of validity and legitimacy in decision-making processes. Their work
underscores the social and empirical nature of decision support, emphasizing the interactions
between stakeholders and the broader organizational context. By proposing a general theory of
legitimacy, they provide a framework for ensuring that decision support interventions effectively
convince stakeholders and actively consider diverse perspectives (Meinard & Tsoukiàs, 2022).
In the context of agriculture, Latief Ahmed and Firasath Nabi discuss the role of decision support
systems in intelligent farming practices. As farming becomes increasingly digitized, the
management of complex information becomes crucial. Decision support systems facilitate
optimized decision-making by providing actionable insights based on data analysis, thus
improving agricultural outcomes and supporting farmers and their professional networks (Ahmed
& Nabi, 2021).

Collectively, these studies underscore the importance of decision support in facilitating informed
decision-making across diverse domains. Decision support enables decision-makers to navigate
complexity, optimize outcomes, and consider diverse perspectives, ultimately driving positive
results and advancements in education, organizational management, and agricultural practices.
2.3.4 Studies Regarding Socio-Economic Status

The determination of socioeconomic status within households, as highlighted by

(Islam, Mahmud, Das, & Razu, 2023),, holds significant importance and offers numerous
benefits for understanding and addressing various societal issues. Firstly, analyzing
socioeconomic determinants allows policymakers and researchers to gain insights into the
socio-economic landscape of a country, such as Bangladesh. By identifying factors like
education, occupation, and wealth index, we can assess the economic well-being of
households, thereby informing targeted interventions and policies to alleviate poverty and
promote economic development.By recognizing patterns such as larger household sizes
being prevalent in rural areas or among certain religious or occupational groups,
policymakers can tailor interventions to target vulnerable populations and ensure more
equitable distribution of resources and opportunities.

Determining the socioeconomic status of households serves as a fundamental step

towards understanding and addressing societal challenges such as poverty, inequality, and
population growth. By identifying the factors influencing household size, we can inform
evidence-based policies and interventions aimed at promoting economic development,
reducing disparities, and improving overall well-being in communities.
2.4 Theoretical / Conceptual Framework

The research model and hypotheses proposed for the study outline several determinants
influencing the behavioral intentions and adoption of digital technologies in the context of
census operations (Kani, 2023). Performance expectancy (PE) is defined as the extent to which
the use of digital census tools enhances enumerators' effectiveness in carrying out their duties.
The study hypothesizes that PE influences behavioral intentions (BI) and the use of digital
census tools. Hedonic motivation (HM) refers to the pleasure or happiness derived from using an
innovation, with hypotheses suggesting its influence on BI and technological readiness (TR).
Technological readiness (TR) pertains to the capacity, infrastructure, and innovation supporting
technology adoption, hypothesized to influence BI to use digital census tools. Self-efficacy (SE)
reflects individuals' judgment of their capabilities to perform tasks, with proposed effects on BI
and TR. BI, as a cognitive process of readiness to perform specific behavior, is hypothesized to
influence the use of digital census tools.
The methodology adopted for the study involves a mixed research method utilizing a survey
questionnaire and interviews (Kani, 2023). The study aims to investigate the determinants of
behavioral intention and adoption of digital technologies in census operations, particularly in the
context of Ghana. Enumerators recruited by the Ghana Statistical Service for the Population and
Housing Census (PHC) form the target population. A convenience sampling technique was
employed, utilizing WhatsApp platforms to collect data from enumerators. Formal consent was
obtained, and data collection occurred via both paper-based and online questionnaires due to
COVID-19 protocols. A total of 206 valid responses were obtained, which underwent analysis
using structural equation modeling (SEM) through SPSS and SmartPLS software.

2.5 Conceptual Paradigm

2.6 Synthesis


This chapter outlines the research design, methods, and procedures that will be used to
conduct the study. It provides a detailed overview of how the research will be carried out
and why specific methods were chosen.

Research Design

The proponents’ uses a descriptive research design. A descriptive research design offers a
structured and systematic approach to understanding various aspects of a research problem. In
this proposed research , it provides a methodical way to explore and analyze the current practices
and challenges faced by the City Urban Development and Housing Affairs Office (CUDHAO) in
Cabuyao Laguna. By employing descriptive research, the proponents’ can impartially investigate
essential questions, such as who is involved in the processes, what procedures are in place, when
events occur, where they take place, and how they are executed. This approach ensures that the
proponents’ study remains objective and free from any bias or preconceived notions, allowing
the proponents to accurately capture the nuances of the situation within CUDHAO.

Through descriptive research, the proponents’ have the opportunity to delve into specific areas
such as manual data collection during censusing, document report generation, penalty
management for Informal Settler Families (ISF), and decision-making processes. By thoroughly
examining these aspects, the proponents’ can gain a comprehensive understanding of the current
state of affairs within CUDHAO. This detailed insight serves as a solid foundation for the design
and implementation of a web-based information management system tailored to address the
unique needs and challenges of the office.

Moreover, descriptive research recognizes its limitations in providing conclusive answers to the
question of why certain phenomena occur. Instead, it focuses on providing a comprehensive
description of the current situation. This ensures that the proponents’ investigation remains
grounded in objective analysis and avoids any subjective interpretations or biases. Descriptive
research offers a robust framework for our research project, enabling the proponents’ to gather
accurate and reliable information essential for the successful development of the information
management system for CUDHAO.

Respondents of the Study

The research will be conducted in Cabuyao City, located in the province of Laguna,
Philippines. Cabuyao City is known as "The Enterprise City of the Philippines", the regional
center of the CALABARZON region. The study will specifically focus on the operations of the
City Urban Development and Housing Affairs Office (CUDHAO) within Cabuyao City.

Population of the Study:

The population of the study comprises the following groups:

City Urban Development and Housing Affairs Office (CUDHAO) Staff: This includes
personnel directly involved in census operations, data management, report generation, and
decision-making within the CUDHAO office.

Population Survey Team: This refers to the team responsible for conducting census surveys in
various barangays (villages) within Cabuyao City.
Category No. Of Respondents

Population Survey Team 6

(CUDHAO) Staff 8


The study involves a total of 12 respondents, consisting of 8 staff members from the City Urban
Development and Housing Affairs Office (CUDHAO) and 6 members from the Population
Survey Team. Among the CUDHAO staff, 2 individuals also serve on the Population Survey
Team. This diverse group of respondents provides insights into both organizational-level
operations and on-the-ground data collection activities. By including perspectives from both
groups, the study aims to comprehensively understand the challenges and opportunities in census
operations and data management within CUDHAO.

Data Gathering Procedure

- Data Gathering Tools

Open-Ended Interviews: The proponents conducted open-ended recorded

interviews with key personnel at the City Urban Development and Housing Affairs
Office (CUDHAO) in Cabuyao City. These interviews aimed to gather insights into the
current practices, challenges, and needs related to census operations and data
management within CUDHAO. The interviews were structured to cover topics such as
manual data collection procedures, report generation and the overall functioning of the

Observations: The proponents observed the process of surveying conducted by

the Population Survey Team. This involved observing and documenting the methods,
tools, and procedures used by the survey team during their census surveys in various
barangays (villages) within Cabuyao City. The survey observations provided firsthand
knowledge of the practical aspects of data collection, challenges encountered, and
opportunities for improvement.

Focus Groups: Focus groups will be conducted to gather insights from key
stakeholders involved in census operations and housing affairs in Cabuyao Laguna.
Participants from diverse backgrounds will discuss predetermined topics guided by a
trained facilitator. The discussions will cover various aspects related to data collection
processes, challenges in data management, community needs, and potential opportunities
for improvement. Insights from the focus groups will be analyzed to identify recurring
themes and inform the development of the web-based information management system.
Overall, focus groups will engage stakeholders and generate qualitative data to gain
insights into census operations and housing affairs in Cabuyao Laguna.

Survey Questionnaires: this serve as valuable tools for evaluating the

effectiveness and usability of the created information management system for the City
Urban Development and Housing Affairs Office (CUDHAO). These questionnaires are
designed to gather feedback from various stakeholders involved in using the system,
including CUDHAO staff members, administrators, and other relevant parties.

- Data Analysis Plan

The proponents’ will use a descriptive statistics, specifically focusing on measures of
central tendency.Among the available options - mean, median, and mode - the mean has
been chosen as the primary measure to summarize and represent the central or typical
value within the collected data.

The decision to utilize the mean is particularly relevant for the analysis of survey
questionnaires that will be administered to evaluate the proposed system. These surveys
will incorporate the system evaluation questionnaires, which present respondents with a
range of options to express their level of agreement or disagreement with specific
statements or questions. By calculating the mean of the system evaluation responses, the
analysis can identify the most frequently selected choice among participants, providing
valuable insights into the overall perception and evaluation of the system.

Furthermore, the mean offers a comprehensive approach, as it accounts for every data
point in the dataset, ensuring that the influence of all responses, including potential
outliers or extreme values, is captured. This aligns with the objective of obtaining a
holistic understanding of stakeholders' perspectives on the system's usability,
functionality, and effectiveness.
- System Development

Figure 1. Agile Methodology in System Development

1.1 Agile methodology follows an iterative and incremental approach to software

development, consisting of five core stages that form the Agile development lifecycle. These
stages ensure a structured yet flexible process that emphasizes collaboration, adaptation, and
frequent delivery of working software.

1. Requirements Phase: In this stage, the researchers conducted an interview with a set of
questions for their data gathering, in collaboration with the Officer in Charge from
CUDHAO the problems and their current system are defined. Based on the conducted
interview, (discuss briefly the data gathered and problem, analysis of problems.) the
client wants to systemize their censusing process and to have an efficient handling of
their collected data.

2. Design Phase: During the design phase, the concept and system requirements of the
proposed system for CUDHAO are established. This involves outlining each system
component and constructing them using a wireframe created on Figma. The wireframe
serves as a visual representation, laying out the structure and functionality of the system's
various elements. It's a crucial step in the design process as it allows for thorough
planning and ensures alignment with the project objectives.

3. Development Phase - This process includes the development of the system with the use
of different tools. Collecting needed materials such as photos and descriptions. Coding
and Developing User Interface is required. The proponents use Laravel framework
because it is a popular framework for making websites with PHP. It's known for being
easy to use and having lots of helpful tools. It makes building websites simpler by giving
shortcuts for things like directing users, letting the users/client log in securely, and
managing data.

The proponents’ study on improving census operations for the City Urban Development
and Housing Affairs Office (CUDHAO) in Cabuyao Laguna, The proponents’ study
propose utilizing the Laravel framework to develop a web-based information
management system with data-driven decision support, the development process using
Laravel frameworks leverages its built-in tools and libraries to implement key
functionalities such as user authentication, data management, and report generation. By
using Laravel's testing framework, The proponents can identify and address any issues or
bugs, ensuring that the system meets the requirements and expectations of their client
Another tool is Visual Studio Code is a software tool that helps people write and edit
computer code. It's called an Integrated Development Environment, or IDE for short.
This tool is handy for the proponents because it provides a simple and organized way to
write, edit, and manage their code. With Visual Studio Code, proponents’ can work on
different programming languages like JavaScript, HTML, PHP etc. It also has features
like auto-completion and debugging tools to help catch mistakes and make coding easier.
The proponents’ study aims to enhance census operations for the City Urban
Development and Housing Affairs Office (CUDHAO) in Cabuyao Laguna; with use
Visual Studio Code as the main tool for building the system. Since the system will be
using the Laravel framework, Visual Studio Code's support for PHP, the language Laravel
is based on, will be really helpful as well as the other languages like HTML and
Javascript. It'll help write the code faster and more accurately. Overall, Visual Studio
Code will be a key tool for this study, helping to develop a system that meets the needs of
CUDHAO and makes census operations more efficient.
Next tool is bootstrap, which is a popular framework used in web development to make
designing websites easier. It provides a set of pre-made design elements, like buttons,
forms, and navigation bars, that can easily be added to a website. Bootstrap helps to
create attractive and responsive websites with less effort.
The proponents’ plan to incorporate Bootstrap into the design of the web-based
information management system. Bootstrap is a handy framework used by web
developers to simplify the process of creating visually appealing websites. This means
the programmers won't have to start from scratch when designing the look and feel of the
system with the use of Bootstrap's ready-made elements, the programmers can quickly
build a professional and user-friendly interface. Additionally, Bootstrap ensures that the
system will be responsive, meaning it will look good and work well on various devices,
including computers, tablets, and smartphones. By integrating Bootstrap into the system,
it will create a visually appealing and user-friendly system that meets the needs of
CUDHAO and enhances census operations in Cabuyao Laguna.
For the host is where all the files and data for a website are stored, like a home for the
website on the internet. It's like a computer that's always connected and holds everything
needed for the website to work and a domain is the address people type into their web
browser to visit a website. It's like the name or location of the website on the internet. For
example, in "www.example.com", "example.com" is the domain. It helps people find and
access websites easily. The proponents use a hostinger service focused on improving
census operations for the City Urban Development and Housing Affairs Office
(CUDHAO) in Cabuyao Laguna, needing both a host and a domain to make our
web-based information management system accessible on the internet. By connecting a
host and domain in the study, the researchers ensure that the system is not only securely
stored but also easily accessible to users, ultimately supporting the census operations of
CUDHAO in Cabuyao Laguna.
The database of systems is MySQL it is a type of software that helps manage databases.
It's like a digital filing system where information is stored in organized tables. With
MySQL, it can store, retrieve, and manipulate data easily. It's commonly used in web
development to store information for websites, like user accounts, product listings, and
more. MySQL is known for being reliable, fast, and easy to use, making it a popular
choice for managing data in various applications. XAMPP is a software package and tool
that helps create a mini web server on a computer. With XAMPP, proponents can run
websites and web applications without needing to connect to the internet. It includes all
the necessary tools, like a web server, a database system, and programming languages, so
the proponents can build and test websites locally.
MySQL will serve as the digital filing system where all the data collected during the
census process will be stored and organized. With MySQL, it can easily retrieve and
manipulate the data needed, allowing it to generate reports, analyze trends, and make
informed decisions to support CUDHAO's census operations effectively. MySQL's
reliability, speed, and ease of use make it an ideal choice for managing the vast amounts
of data involved in census operations, ensuring that the information is stored securely and
can be accessed and utilized efficiently.
Lastly, the programming languages one is HTML used to create the structure and content
of web pages. It's like the backbone of a website, defining the layout, text, images, and
other elements that users see in their web browsers. Second, PHP is a programming
language used for creating dynamic and interactive websites. It's like the engine behind
the scenes, processing data, interacting with databases, and generating dynamic content
based on user inputs and JavaScript is a scripting language used to add interactivity and
functionality to web pages. It's like the glue that holds everything together, enabling
features like form validation, animations, and dynamic updates without needing to reload
the entire page.
The proponents’ study aims to utilize the use of HTML, PHP, and JavaScript to develop a
comprehensive web-based information management system. HTML will be used to
create the structure and content of the system's web pages, defining the layout and
displaying the data collected during the census process. PHP will handle the server-side
processing, interacting with databases like MySQL to store and retrieve census data,
generate reports, and perform other backend tasks. JavaScript will add interactivity and
functionality to the system, enabling features such as form validation, dynamic updates,
and user-friendly interfaces. Together, these languages will enable us to create a robust
and user-friendly system that supports CUDHAO's census operations effectively in
Cabuyao Laguna.

4. Testing Phase - The testing phase for the created web-based information management
system is scheduled for the last week of October 2024. During this period, a
comprehensive test plan will be developed. This plan will cover various testing types
such as functional, usability, performance, security, and integration testing.

A test environment will be set up, replicating the production environment as closely as
possible. This includes configuring servers, databases, and other necessary infrastructure
components. Test cases will be created based on the system's requirements and
specifications, covering different scenarios and functionalities. Realistic test data,
simulating the actual data CUDHAO will work with, will be prepared to verify the
system's ability to handle diverse data scenarios and edge cases.

Throughout the last week of October, the test cases will be executed, and results
documented. Any defects or issues encountered will be logged in a defect tracking
system, prioritized based on severity, and assigned to the development team for
resolution. After fixes are implemented, regression testing will be conducted to ensure no
new issues arise and existing functionalities remain intact.
5. Deployment Phase - The deployment phase for the web-based information management
system is scheduled for the second week of November 2024. During this phase, the
system will be prepared for use by the client, CUDHAO. The various components and
modules developed will be integrated into a complete system.

Prior to deployment, final testing will be conducted to ensure the system is functioning as
expected and meets the necessary quality standards. Any remaining issues or defects will
be addressed and resolved.

Documentation and training materials will be prepared to support the end-users during
the deployment and ongoing operations of the system. This may include user manuals,
troubleshooting guides, and training sessions or workshops.

In the second week of November 2024, the system will be deployed and made available
for use by CUDHAO staff. This may involve installing the system on designated servers
or cloud infrastructure, configuring user accounts and access permissions, and providing
necessary support during the initial deployment period.

After deployment, the system will be closely monitored to identify and promptly address
any issues or bugs that may arise during actual usage. User feedback will be collected and
documented for future improvements and enhancements.

6. Review Phase - The review phase for the web-based information management system is
scheduled for the second week of December 2024. During this phase, a comprehensive
evaluation and revision process will take place to ensure the system continues to meet the
evolving requirements and needs of the client, CUDHAO.

The system will undergo a thorough review, analyzing its performance, functionality, and
alignment with the initial specifications and objectives. Feedback and input will be
gathered from CUDHAO staff and stakeholders who have been using the system since its
Any issues, bugs, or areas for improvement identified during the review process will be
documented and prioritized. A plan will be developed to address these concerns, which
may involve system updates, enhancements, or modifications to specific modules or

The review phase will also assess the system's scalability and adaptability to handle
future growth or changes in CUDHAO's operations. This may include evaluating the
need for additional modules, integrations with other systems, or improvements to the
existing decision support and data processing capabilities.

After the review phase in the 2nd week of December 2024, if significant system changes
or enhancements are recommended based on feedback, the development process will
iterate again through the Agile cycle until

The review phase is a crucial step in ensuring the web-based information management
system remains effective, efficient, and aligned with the client's evolving needs, fostering
continuous improvement and adaptation.

Ethical Considerations

This study adhered to the provisions of the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act 10173), in
the researcher's process of data collection from the client through interviews. The researchers
ensured that the data collected from the clients were used and processed in accordance with the
policies of the Data Privacy Act, would be accurate in stating and referring to the data that is
related to the study, and be secured based on the rights of the client and respondents. To
implement this, the researchers did the following:
1. Informed Consent - Participants will be fully informed about the purpose of the study
and how their data will be used. Informed consent will be obtained from all participants
before proceeding with any data gathering activities.

2. Respect for Autonomy - Participants will be treated with respect and given the
opportunity to freely express their opinions. Their autonomy will be respected, and they
will have the right to withdraw from the study at any time.

3. Data Processing - The data provided were ensured and only be used for the studies and
the systems purpose

Statistical Treatment of Data

- Population and Sampling

The proponents’ chose to use a Purposive Sampling Approach for this study. With
Purposive Sampling, the proponents’ handpick participants based on their own judgment. Unlike
convenience sampling, where researchers simply study whoever is available, in purposive
sampling, the researchers select participants they believe will provide the most relevant data for
the project's needs. This approach is particularly suitable for this study due to the small
population size, allowing the researchers to use their understanding of the subject matter to select
participants who can contribute meaningfully to the research. By selecting participants based on
specific criteria, the researchers can ensure that the data collected aligns closely with the research
objectives, improving the relevance and validity of the findings.
- Evaluation and Scoring

The researchers utilized a Likert-type rating scale to collect data on participants' attitudes,
opinions or perceptions regarding a particular topic or set of statements. A Likert scale presents
respondents with a series of declarative statements, and they are asked to indicate their level of
agreement or disagreement with each statement using an ordered scale of response options. The
specific format of the Likert scale employed in this study consisted of five response categories:

Option Code

Strongly Disagree 1

Disagree 2

Moderately Agree 3

Agree 4

Strongly Agree 5

This scale provides an option with two levels of disagreement and three levels of
agreement. The researchers chose to use this balanced 5-point response format rather than scales
with fewer or more response options.

By using a Likert-type scale, the researchers were able to quantify subjective data by assigning
numeric values to the qualitative response categories. While the defensive distances between
each option are treated as equal intervals, this is an assumption that has limitations. However,
such scales allow convenient data analysis using descriptive and inferential statistical methods.

The ordered nature of the response options is a useful feature, as it enables evaluating whether
participants' attitudes tend towards one end of the scale or the other. At the same time, such
scales may introduce response set biases if respondents avoid extreme or neutral responses

In addition to utilizing Likert-type rating scales to collect data on participants' attitudes, opinions,
or perceptions, the researchers have chosen to employ the mean as a method of evaluation. The
mean, also known as the average, provides a measure of central tendency by summing up all the
responses and dividing by the total number of responses. By calculating the mean for each
statement or set of statements, the researchers can quantitatively assess the overall level of
agreement or disagreement among participants

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