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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I


(Module No. 3) Week No. 3 Quarter 4
S.Y. 2023-2024


The learners demonstrate an understanding of the different phenomena that occur in
Content Standard:
the atmosphere.
A. Most Essential Discuss how energy from the Sun interacts with the layers of the atmosphere (S7ES -
Learning Competency IVd - 5 )

A. Define what the atmosphere is and its importance to life on Earth.

B. Learning Objectives B. Name and identify the five main layers of the atmosphere - Troposphere,
(KSA) Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, and Exosphere.
C. Understand the role each layer plays in protecting the Earth and supporting life.

Topic: Layers of Atmosphere

(The Effect of Light Ray in an Object)

SDG Integration:

II. CONTENT GOAL 7: Affordable and clean energy

TARGET 7.3 : Double the improvement in energy efficiency

By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials Science 7 Learning Materials
4th Quarter Self-Learning Module 3- Lesson 1
3. Textbook
4. Additional Materials
from the LR portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing the Elicit: A. Preliminary Activities
previous lesson or (The activities in this 1. Greetings
presenting the new section will evoke or 2. Prayer
Gen. Luna St., Poblacion Zone II, Villasis, Pangasinan
(075) 564-4032
(075) 564-3249
lesson draw out prior 3. Attendance
concepts or prior 4. Giving reminders, precautionary measures and encourage
experiences from the students to participate during discussion.
B. Lesson Proper

The students will be grouped into 4.
They will solve a picture puzzle.

After the game, the teacher will introduce the topic and the
objectives of the lesson.

Engage: Ask the students what is in the picture.

(The activities in this
section will stimulate Ask the students what they know about the atmosphere and
their thinking and help why it is important for life on Earth.
them access and
connect prior Objectives of the lesson:
B. Establishing a knowledge as a jump A. Define what the atmosphere is and its importance to life
purpose for the lesson start to the present on Earth.
lesson) B. Name and identify the five main layers of the
atmosphere - Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere,
Thermosphere, and Exosphere.
C. Understand the role each layer plays in protecting the
Earth and supporting life.

C. Presenting
examples/instances of
Show a short video or images of the Earth's atmosphere
the new lesson
from space to provide a visual representation.

D. Discussing new Explore: 1. Activity Title: Exploring the Layers of the Atmosphere
concepts and practicing (In this section, 2. Objective: To understand the characteristics and
new skills #1 students will be given importance of each layer of the atmosphere.
time to think, plan, 3. Materials Needed:
investigate, and 4. Chart paper
organize collected 5. Colored markers
information; or the 6. Internet access for research
performance of the 7. Procedure:
planned/prepared 8. Divide the participants into five groups. Each group will be
activities from the assigned one layer of the atmosphere to
student's manual with research: Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermos
data gathering with phere, and Exosphere.

Gen. Luna St., Poblacion Zone II, Villasis, Pangasinan

(075) 564-4032
(075) 564-3249
Each group will be responsible for creating a poster that
includes the following information about their assigned layer:

After the posters are created, each group will present their
findings to the rest of the participants.

E. Discussing new Guide Questions:

concepts and practicing
new skills #2 1. What layer of the atmosphere were you assigned and
guide questions)
what are its main characteristics?
2. How does the temperature change with altitude in your
assigned layer?
3. What unique features does your assigned layer have?

4.How does your assigned layer contribute to life on Earth or

space exploration?

5. What did you find most interesting about your assigned

layer of the atmosphere?

F. Developing mastery Explain: Discuss the Five Layers of Atmosphere

(In this section,
students will be  Troposphere: This is the lowest layer of the
involved in an atmosphere, extending from the Earth's surface up to
analysis of their about 8 kilometers at the poles and about 17 kilometers
exploration. Their at the equator. This layer contains about 75% of the
understanding is atmosphere's mass and 99% of its water vapor. The
clarified and modified weather we experience on Earth occurs in the
because of reflective troposphere.
activities/ Analysis of
the gathered data and  Stratosphere: Above the troposphere is the
results and being able stratosphere, which extends from about 10 kilometers
to answer the Guide to about 50 kilometers above the Earth's surface. The
Questions leading to ozone layer, which absorbs most of the Sun's harmful
the focus concept or ultraviolet radiation, is located in this layer. The
topic for the day) temperature in the stratosphere increases with altitude,
unlike the troposphere.

 Mesosphere: The mesosphere extends from about 50

kilometers to about 85 kilometers above the Earth's
surface. This is the layer where most meteors burn up
upon entering the Earth's atmosphere. The temperature
decreases with altitude in this layer.

 Thermosphere: The thermosphere extends from about

85 kilometers to about 600 kilometers above the Earth's
surface. This layer is characterized by high
temperatures, which can reach up to 2,500 degrees

Gen. Luna St., Poblacion Zone II, Villasis, Pangasinan

(075) 564-4032
(075) 564-3249
Celsius, due to the absorption of intense solar radiation.
However, despite the high temperatures, this layer
would still feel cold to us because of the low air

 Exosphere: The exosphere is the outermost layer of the

Earth's atmosphere, extending from about 600
kilometers to about 10,000 kilometers above the Earth's
surface. This layer is mainly composed of light gases
such as hydrogen and helium. The exosphere merges
into outer space and is where satellites orbit the Earth.

Discuss the importance of each layer in protecting the Earth

and supporting life.

G. Finding practical Elaborate:

applications of the (This section will
concept allow students to  Weather Forecasting: The troposphere is the layer
expand and solidify/ where all weather conditions occur. Understanding its
concretize their dynamics helps meteorologists predict weather patterns
understanding of the and forecast weather conditions.
concept and/or apply  Environmental Protection: The ozone layer in the
it to a real-world stratosphere absorbs most of the Sun's harmful
situation) ultraviolet radiation. Monitoring the health of the ozone
layer is crucial for protecting life on Earth.
 Space Exploration: Understanding the properties of the
mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere is crucial
for the successful launch and return of spacecraft. The
mesosphere is where most meteors burn up upon
entering the Earth's atmosphere, while the
thermosphere is where the International Space
Station orbits. The exosphere is the gateway to outer
 Telecommunications: Satellites, which facilitate global
communications and GPS systems, orbit in the
exosphere. Understanding this layer helps in the
successful deployment and operation of satellites.
 Astronomy: The thermosphere is where the Northern
and Southern Lights (auroras) occur due to the
interaction of solar particles with gases in this layer.
This understanding aids astronomers and all those
interested in these phenomena.

H. Making
generalizations and Summarize the key takeaways of the lesson
abstractions about the

Gen. Luna St., Poblacion Zone II, Villasis, Pangasinan

(075) 564-4032
(075) 564-3249
I. Evaluating learning Evaluation: Multiple Choice
(This section will 1. Which layer of the atmosphere is closest to Earth's
provide opportunities surface?
for concept check test a) Troposphere
items and answer b) Stratosphere
keys which are c) Mesosphere
aligned to the d) Thermosphere
learning objectives- 2. Which layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer?
content and a) Troposphere
performance b) Stratosphere
standards and c) Mesosphere
address d) Thermosphere
misconceptions if 3. Where do most meteors burn up upon entering Earth's
any) atmosphere?
a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere
4. In which layer of the atmosphere do temperatures reach
up to 2,500 degrees Celsius?
a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere
5. Which layer of the atmosphere merges into outer space
and is where satellites orbit the Earth?
a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere
e) Exosphere
6.Which layer of the atmosphere contains about 75% of the
atmosphere's mass and 99% of its water vapor?
a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere
7.In which layer of the atmosphere does the temperature
increase with altitude?
a) Troposphere
Gen. Luna St., Poblacion Zone II, Villasis, Pangasinan
(075) 564-4032
(075) 564-3249
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere
8. Which layer of the atmosphere is characterized by low air
pressure despite high temperatures?
a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere
9. Which layer of the atmosphere is the outermost layer?
a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere
e) Exosphere
10. In which layer of the atmosphere does the weather we
experience on Earth occur?
a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere

J. Additional activities Extend: Encourage students to explore current issues related to the
for application and (This section gives a atmosphere, such as air pollution or climate change, and
remediation situation that explains discuss how these impact the Earth's layers.
the topic in a new
context, or integrates
it into another
disciple/ societal
 The ratee’s class has no identified learner/s with disabilities, giftedness and/or talents.
 The ratee’s class has no identified learner/s from indigenous groups.



Special Science Teacher I



Master Teacher II OIC- Science Department

Gen. Luna St., Poblacion Zone II, Villasis, Pangasinan

(075) 564-4032
(075) 564-3249

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