The Influence of Social Media Usage and Political Behaviors Qvo7i815
The Influence of Social Media Usage and Political Behaviors Qvo7i815
The Influence of Social Media Usage and Political Behaviors Qvo7i815
political behaviors was also moderated by the social media users among young adults are more likely to be
media platform used (=.16, p.01), with the relationship politically active and have a deeper understanding of
being stronger for respondents who reported using politics. The results of this study demonstrate that social
Twitter. The relationship between social media use and media has both positive and negative effects on young
political knowledge was finally moderated by frequency adults’ political participation. The study also discovered
of use (=.25, p.001), with the relationship being stronger that using social media can result in polarisation and echo
for respondents who reported using social media more chambers, which may have detrimental effects on political
frequently. discourse and democracy. Use of social media can boost
political awareness and participation, but it can also create
Limitations polarization and echo chambers. Teaching young adults
The study has a number of limitations that should be how to use media and engage in critical thought will help
noted. First, a convenience sampling technique was used them navigate social media’s challenging and occasionally
to select the sample, which may have limited how broadly divisive world. Future studies should look at how social
the results can be applied to other populations. Second, media affects political participation across a range of
the study used self-reported data, which can be subject contexts and age groups.
to recall bias or social desirability bias. Finally, the study
was cross-sectional in nature, which restricts our ability to Bibliography
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HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Jain, Lalitank ., Pandey, V. (2023).The Influence of Social Media Usage and Political Behaviors among Adults. Journal
of Communication and Management, 2(2), 98-100. DOI: 10.58966/JCM2023224
100 Journal of Communication and Management, April-June, 2023, Vol 2, Issue 2, 98-100