Lec7 Breakwater
Lec7 Breakwater
Lec7 Breakwater
Professor R. Sundaradivelu.
Department of Ocean Engineering.
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.
So we have so far discussed 5 lectures, all these 5 lectures are introductory lectures only. Our
course starts only from this lecture 6 onwards. But we have given elaborate introduction
because when you want to learn a subject, not for getting grades are marks, you should know
what is the background, so the background I have given. The background I have given 5
lecture, all the important points that are to be considered for port and harbour structures. So
from now onwards we will be giving in detail about various components.
This figure shows the layout of Chennai port, here the construction is going on, as you see
here from the satellite imagery, this is the 2nd terminal, this is the entrance to your their word,
this is shown here and this is a breakwater which was extended over here like this. Original
breakwater alignment you can see here like this, it goes here and goes here like this. This area
is being filled up here, that work is on progress. So we are going to discuss about the design
of this breakwater, how to design this.
(Refer Slide Time: 1:47)
As you see here the waves are coming, they can come in this direction, they can come in any
other direction also. So this breakwater should not get disturbed because of these waves,
should not get damaged also. 1st definition, breakwater is the structure protecting the shore
area harbour, Anchorage, or basin from wave disturbance. It is the general definition but the
main purpose is, this is a structure to protect the basin from wave disturbance. It can be 2
types, one is rubble mound, another is concrete caisson. I will show the figures, combination
of these 2, that is called as the composite type.
This breakwater can be connected to the shoreline and extending out into the water, but
sometimes the construction is, I am sorry, breakwater construction is mostly parallel or
perpendicular to the coast. So it is not that it is always parallel to the coast or always
perpendicular to the coast. As you see in the previous slide, it can be either parallel or
perpendicular to maintain tranquillity. You know what is meant by tranquillity? What is
tranquillity? Tranquillity is calm. Tranquillity is a word, the physical meaning is calm, calm
condition in the port. Tranquillity means the wave disturbance you said, wave disturbance
should be reduced. That is the purpose of the breakwater.
(Refer Slide Time: 3:24)
There are 3 major categories according to the functional requirements. One is called is rubble
mound breakwaters, or simply called as mound type, the next one is vertical breakwaters, it is
called as wall type, then we have vertical wall on rubble base, it is called as composite type.
See whenever you study any subject, when we are giving 3 different types, we should find
out where each type is used, the reason for that. If you are using vertical wall on rubble base,
a composite type, there must be a reason where we have to use them. If you are using a
rubble mound, you should know where they are using.
You will get to know more about it at the end of the lecture but in this continuation of this, we
will see which type of breakwater is to be selected. These are controlled by some factors, one
is availability of rock. The rubble mound breakwater, mostly will be using rock. The rock is
available nearby, nearby means how near is near, it is about 30 kilometres, sometimes even
60 kilometres. But if it is more than 100 kilometres, it is not near. Another thing is there
should be some, there are certain conditions for this rock, it is not all the rocks can be used
for breakwater construction.
So the rock that can be used for construction, if it is available, let us say within 30 kilometres,
then we can go in for rubble mound. 60 kilometre also if possible but more than 100
kilometre, we should think of some alternatives. Depth of water, so this depth of water is
another important parameter. Suppose the depth of water is less than 15 metres, 15, then we
can go for either rubble mound or vertical breakwaters. If the water depth is more than 15
metres, then we have to go for composite type. Greater the water depth, you have to go for
composite type.
Geotechnical nature of seabed, so what are the types of soil I said, what are the different types
of soil that can be encountered?
Sand and clay. There is one more in between that is silt and another soil that is rock. You can
have either clay, silt, sand or rock. So out of all these things, if rock is available, that is this
availability of rock is for getting the stones for the breakwater, whereas this rock what I am
telling is the seabed rock, if seabed rock is available, then we can go in for vertical
breakwater. Vertical breakwater is the concrete Caisson type, so the load intensity is very
high. So is we have a good foundation, we can go for vertical breakwater.
In Sand if it is a very dense sand, then we can go for vertical breakwater. But if you have a
very soft soil, clay or loose sand, then we have to go for rubble mound. It is not only the soil
which is governing, we have the other 2 parameters also, you have to see it in combination.
Even if the soil is rocky, still we may go for rubble mound breakwater because rock is
available, depth is less than 15 metres. The function of breakwater, the function of breakwater
is generally to protect the harbour against the waves.
Sometimes what they do is on the Leaside, Leaside means the backside, backside of the
breakwater, if we want berthing to be carried out, then we go for wall type, is it clear. Rubble
mound breakwater means it has slope on both the sides, seaside and the Harbourside, vertical
wall type breakwater means it has vertical face. So one side of the breakwater we can go in
for berthing of vessel, that is on the Harbourside, then we go in for vertical breakwaters. So
this is the way in which you have to understand the subject, you should know what all the 3
different types, then you should know where it will be used, what condition you have to
But in India we normally use rubble mound breakwater, most of the places. There is one
reason for that, that is the technology, availability of construction equipment. Vertical
breakwater means you have to build the Caisson elsewhere, either you have to lift it or you
have to float it and sink it, that is more expensive. In Indian condition, transporting the rock
from the quarry to the site and casing it will be cheaper, because a lot of man-hours required
for that. Whereas vertical breakwater, man-hours are less but equipment cost is more.
In Japan and all, they go for vertical breakwater, whereas in India mostly we go for rubble
mound breakwater. So if you want to design any structure, either you can use numerical
method or use experimental method. Experimental means physical model studies are to be
carried out to see whether the structure what we have designed is appropriate. Mainly in
ocean engineering and port and Harbor engineering, we use port and, we use physical model
studies. But for breakwater, it is mandatory. You know what is meant by mandatory? What is
the meaning?
Compulsory, you have to do a physical model test when you do a rubble mound breakwater.
Mainly this is because the formula which is used is semiempirical. Semiempirical means it is
not having 100 percent analytical or numerical basis. There are certain formulas which are
derived based on experiments and based on certain concepts. So when you are designing that,
then there is likelihood of certain inconsistency or certain deficiencies in the design. So to
take care of that, you have to do is physical understudy.
Another thing at this level of higher semesters of B tech and post graduation, you should
know that whatever structure you are designing, it is sometimes it becomes impossible to
make it 100 percent foolproof. So you would have seen the recent cyclone, it is called as the
Thani cyclone, what happened, most of the electrical distribution systems have failed, that is
the towers have fallen down. You may wonder whether we can design it to resist this wind
force. Wind is very high, we have not designed it for that wind force.
Why we are not designing it for that wind force what is the reason? You think that we do not
know that this much wind will occur? Then why we are not designing? Or we do not know
how to design? Why this failure has taken place? It will take one month to restore the power.
Why are we not designing for that wind force?
What is it?
Occurrence is less.
For a hundred-year probability, this may come, we may not have used it. Yours is a very good
answer but still if it is coming in a hundred-year probability, we may not design, why? See
hundred-year is a return period, once in a hundred-year, whatever is the wind that is coming,
you will use it for the design purpose. See it is only the cost factor, if you are designing for
the wind, your structure becomes very heavy. Sometimes you may not have the cost, you may
not have the finance, you build for that. So these are the 2 reasons, one is what is the return
period which you are considering. Mostly what they do is there is certain structures we have
seen which are designed for one in a hundred-year return period, they fail, then we go for one
in 1000 year return period.
Gulf of Mexico, where we have mostly offshore platforms, certain conditions, we will be
designing it for one in 1000 years. Certain conditions means not the design of the structure,
we know what is the air Gap is required, air Gap means water level + half the wave height
than 1 metre air gap. For that case wave height, we take one in 1000 years, only for the air
gap. Because if the wave is hitting the bottom of the deck, the wave force will be enormous,
we want to avoid that. You understood no?
The return period that is used for design condition is not the same for all, one needs to find
out the forces in the members and another is to design the foundation, the 3 rd one is to fix the
top level of the structure, for all these things we can use different design wave conditions.
Similarly designed wind also you can consider, one is for operation, another is for extreme
condition which will be used for which this will not be falling down. I what they have done,
whether they have used one in hundred-year wind or otherwise.
Even if they have used one in hundred-year wind, there is what is known as gust. Anybody
knows what is gust? For example, you are measuring the wind over a period of let us say 12
hours, can take an average, that is one minute speed. If we measure over a period of 1 minute,
over a 12 hour record, you select 1 minute, where the wind is very high, that will be another
wind speed. Average is not the same, I think today because of Sarang, the class is very less.
You take the average of this class, you take the height and take the average, you will get one
height, one average height.
Suppose all the students earlier, you can take an average, another average become, like that
depending on which direction you are taking the average, it will be different. Best is for a
smaller period, when you take the average. We may not design it for that, even if you take
only in hundred-year, you may not take the average of a shorter wind period. So normally in
design purpose wind we do it for gust also. So in this case when you do your rubble mound
breakwater, what they assume is, they assume about 5 percent damage.
5 percent damage criteria means whenever the wind for wave for which it is designed, it
occurs, certain components of the breakwater may get damaged but the damage should be
limited to 5 percent. After the damage is over of the, after the cyclonic storm has receded 5
percent damage has occurred, you have to go and repair the structure. It should not be
complete collapse but we permit 5 percent damage. That is how the formulas are developed.
Here it is mixture of different size. So we have different types of rubble mound breakwater,
we have berm breakwater, armoured with natural rock, then we have conventional multilayer
breakwater with armour over Crest, no crown wall. Conventional multilayer breakwater with
Crown wall, then we have a composite structure incorporating caisson with armour
protection, these are the various types. We will be discussing these 2 types conventional
multilayer breakwater with Crown and without Crown.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:24)
This shows the rubble mound breakwater. I will be asking you to draw this figure, so you
please try to draw it to the scale which it is drawn. Do not draw it to some other scale. And I
also would like you to have the proportion of the thickness what is shown here in the various
layers. The previous slide we have shown, it is a heterogenous mixture of stones, size of
stones. So we have, starting from the bottom, we have what is known as the bedding layer,
you remember that we are working in the sea and we are dumping the stone from the barge or
by endow method from the already constructed breakwater.
The control is difficult to achieve, but still we are able to achieve certain control. So initially
we have what is known as the bedding layer. The bedding layer thickness is uniform for
below the core, whereas we need this toe, the toe, the bedding layer is slightly higher
thickness and this you provide, I am sorry, over the bedding layer we provide the toe and I
should not have shown the same colour, the toe is slightly different colour, then we have
under layer, this under layer also goes like this.
Sometimes we may use the bedding layer itself as a come up to this portion, then use this
under layer as a toe layer, otherwise we will do it separately also, either way it is possible. So
one thing is to have the same bedding layer continued for increased thickness, then have the
under layer or have the bedding layer like this itself, then provide a uniform to layer which
will be different from the under layer. Then we have the core layer, more than 50 percent of
the stones, of the stones, used here for a rubble mound will be in the core layer.
Then we have a armour layer, then we have the Crest, top of the Crest we can have a wall,
that is called as the Crown wall. So we will have the waves coming from one side, this side if
it is waves coming, this is the seaside, this side is the Harbourside. Typically the top width is
about 8 metres, but if it is for fishing harbour, it can be about 4 metres. We cannot have
anything less than 4 metres because we need certain vehicles to pass through this. So when a
vehicle has to go, there should be minimum width available, so this is like this.
And that is a slope here, this slope is typically one vertical to 2 horizontal, 1 is to 2 slope,
similarly here, here it can be steeper, 1 vertical to 1.5 horizontal. So we have the road which
is formed separately by Crest, then we have the armour layer, under layer, core layer, bedding
layer and these toe layers are important. Because whenever you see any failure of any type of
structure, 90 percent of the failure can be associated to one component, any type of structures,
any failure, the reason can be mostly it will be the same, 90 percent of failure.
This toe failure is one of the main reason for most of the failures of rubble mound breakwater.
So the toe has to be done properly. A complete collapse may take place if there is a true
failure. Any structure, there are certain components which fails, which triggers the collapse,
you should know that.
This also shows the typical cross-section, in this cross-section we have the, whether mistaken,
this side is the Harbourside, this side is the seaside, then we have this artificial armour units,
this is called as armour layer with armour stones and we has the stone which is called core
layers, this is quarry run, this is a concrete cap, there is a slope 1 vertical to 1.5 horizontal.
Here the toe is not shown here, sometimes toe is not required if the water depth is less. And
we have the armour layer, under layer 1, under layer 2, then we have the core layer.
This is the shape of the armour layer, I have this, this is another type of armour layer, this is
called as core lock, it is a patented technology. This core clock has certain advantages
because interlocking is better. When you dump the stone, interlocking is not good, whereas
here the interlocking is good. Another thing is, this can be with single layers. So if we see this
figure, what is written on the figure is 2 layers of armour blocks. We have to put 2 layers,
suppose we used this type of Tetrapod, we should use only 2 layers.
If it is stone also, you have to put 2 layers. Right, with this core clock we can put single layer
alone. But this is a patented technology, you have to pay some royalty for this. In Ennore
port, they have used this, armour layers. The other type of breakwater is called as vertical
wall caisson breakwater.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:41)
So as you see here there is a vertical face. This can be made of concrete or steel, here they use
steel sheet pile wall on either side, then in between their filled with sand, here they have put a
cap on top of it. They have provided some rip rap on either side as a toe protection for this
steel sheet pile wall. And since it has a vertical face, suppose this is the seaside, the
Harbourside you can bring in smaller vessel and berth. That is the, what is called as function
of breakwater, it is only for breaking the waves or for using the Leaside as berthing.
Now we will see what is vertical breakwater, vertical breakwater is formed by Construction
in a regular and systematic manner of a vertical wall of masonry concrete blocks or mass
concrete, with vertical and seaward face. See when we discuss about the breakwater,
whenever there is energy from the wave, the wave is formed by the wind. See whenever there
is a wind which is blowing in the sea over an area, which is called as pitch and for a
considerable duration, then the wind is transforming the energy into the sea which creates the
When the waves are created, when the water surface goes up, due to gravity waves come
down. That is why this is called as gravity waves. So these waves when they are formed, the
energy has to be either absorbed or reflected when it comes to the breakwater. When you see
the rubble mound breakwater, the waves will come and hit the rubble mound slope and there
is a voids in that, so through the voids the energy will get dissipated and the waves also will
run up, run-up means it will climb over the top. So that is called as energy dissipation, that is
the concept of rubble mound breakwater.
Whereas in vertical face breakwater, the incident waves are reflected without this impending
much wave energy. Then will be some dissipation devices in a vertical face but that will be
very less, maybe 70 to 80 percent will be reflected, we are not absorbing the energy.
Normally we construct this vertical break whatever the depth of the sea is greater than twice
the design wave height. So this is another consideration which I have not told earlier. So
whenever the designed wave height is, when the water depth is twice the designed wave
height, then we go in for rubble mound breakwater.
When the depth is less than twice the design wave height, let us say the design wave height is
5 metre, twice the design wave height is 10 metre, that is of water is 15 metre, then we go for
this. Depth of water is 10 metre, we go for rubble mound breakwater.
This is called as caisson, the width B is the main parameter that you have to design in this
case. Due the width of the caisson, there is a weight here, due to wave there is horizontal
force, so the base friction into the weight, mu into V, should be greater than the horizontal
force due to the waves, that is the concept for the design. The B is important because
whenever there is a horizontal force coming, it creates an overturning movement, it may
create some tension and compression. Due to the weight there will be uniform compression
and the width is sufficient, everywhere there will be compression, one side the compression
will be more, other side the compression will be less.
If the width is small, one side there will be tension, another side there will be compression.
So that is another concept. So 2 things I have told, the 1 st one is, the horizontal force should
be less than mu times vertical force, the 2 nd one is due to the horizontal force and about
turning movement and due to the vertical force there will be a distribution of pressure at the
seabed. The distribution of pressure should be always compression, a combination of these 2,
that condition also should be seen.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:57)
A composite breakwater is a combination of rubble mound base and vertical walls, besides
vertical wall it can be others form of superstructure. This is adapted where the depth of water
this more, more than 15 metres. Then we have other types of floating breakwaters, 2 nd type of
breakwater. The 3 types of breakwater rubble mound, caisson, composite, we can say 95
percent of the breakwater in the world, they are of that type. Whereas the other types, maybe
5 percent will be used.
The advantage is removable breakwater, this can be constructed by caissons or pontoons with
valves for trimming whilst afloat and fall sinking when is in position and some connections
for refloating moored to the seabed. You can float it in place, use the valves and you can sink
in position and you can refloat also. They are inexpensive, easily moved from site to site, this
can be often very quickly fabricated, this can be used for defence purposes also. But we do
not use this because this is ineffective for long waves and this also should be anchored.
This is typically a breakwater, floating breakwater with mooring. This can be used when the
current is very high, it is environmental friendly, the cost does not depend on the water depth,
whereas other type of breakwaters, the cost is proportional to the cube of the water depths. So
it is insensitive to the water depth in the sense the mooring line cost only has to be added.
Mooring line cost is not more than 10 percent of the total cost. These are 3 different types of
floating breakwaters. But one problem with this floating breakwater is this cannot be used for
long period wave.
In one of the class I told you what is the period of the wave, range of periods of the waves,
what is it? 5 to 20 seconds. Sometimes it can be smaller also, 3 seconds also is there but
floating breakwater is used between 3 seconds and 7 seconds, nowhere used for more than 7
seconds, very difficult, for 5 seconds, it is good.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:35)
These are other forms of floating breakwater, this is called as twin pontoon, is open
compartment, then this is A frame. This is tyre breakwaters, flexible membrane, this is a tyre
mat, this is a long mat. These are some of the photograph showing the various breakwaters,
built at various locations. This is called as rubble mound breakwater. This is called as tripod
which is used, here we use what is known as the X block. So we will see the design in
another class, but I was telling you about the model studies.
When the water is running up, it can go on top of it and then overflow, that is called as
overtopping. Here what is happening is, it is splashing only, the run-up is going only up to
this level and the waves that are generated is a random wave, random wave means waves of
different wave heights and wave periods. Here you have wave probe which is used to
measure the waves. And on the Leaside also imagine the waves. This is the wave probe, this
is the frame, this is the probe which is seen here.
What kind of damage that will be there? 5 percent damage I was telling, damages i some of
these armour units may roll down, may fall down, that is called the damage. Once the
damages happened, after the software subsided, you can go and replace the armour units, no
complete collapse. So what is the design issue here, design issue for this type of breakwater
is, you have to find out the weight of the armour units. For rubble mound breakwater, you
have to find out the weight of the breakwater.
There is a formula what is called as Hudson’s formula, I will be discussing only that formula,
Hudson’s formula. There is another formula called VanderMeer, I will not be discussing that,
I will be discussing only about the Hudson’s formula. This breakwater weight, that is the
armour weight what you have calculated, that will be used to find out the weight of the
underlayer, core layer and other things. So only one single parameter you have to calculate.
So we will see that in the next class.