PE Petroleum Engineering
PE Petroleum Engineering
PE Petroleum Engineering
Module - 1
Lecture - 1
Introduction and Objectives
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to module one of a course on ocean structures and
materials. Ocean structures and materials is a very important fundamental course, which
is of inter-discipline in nature, which can be attended by almost all branches of
engineering students. This is a virtual course which been discussed under the braces of
NPTEL, IIT, Madras. I am Dr. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran, Department of Ocean
Engineering at IIT, Madras, who will be the instructor for this course.
Let us quickly see what will be the presentation outline of this lecture one of module one.
We will talk about course objectives in this lecture. We will talk about how we are going
to plan for the course, in this lecture. We will discuss very briefly in detail about the
syllabus for various modules which I will be covering in this lecture. We will also talk
about some references and additional support materials that are required for this course.
Of course, I will also give you where a very brief over view or different types of offshore
structures in this lecture.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:32)
So, now, the course titled ocean structures and materials, is a very fundamental and
interesting course which can be followed by any engineering student. For your
understanding, let me tell you, this course has got multi-disciplinary initiatives. An
engineering student with civil engineering background, structural engineering
background, naval architecture and ocean engineering can all understand this course in a
very simple format. Graduates with mechanical engineers, electrical engineering,
chemical engineering, chemistry, physics will also find this course very interesting,
because the course will be cover in a very simple module for you to understand.
Let us look at the objectives of this course. The principle objectives are the following.
We would like to provide a complete overview of different types of ocean structures,
which are generally deployed for oil and gas exploration in sea. We will also discuss the
structural action of various types of ocean structures, which will be deployed in sea for
oil and gas exploration. The course will also discuss very briefly different stages of
construction operation and process, which are happening in the construction, installation,
and commissioning of various types of ocean structures. The course will also discuss
briefly planning, design, and construction-regulations and also highlight certain
important aspects which are recommended by international codes of practices. We will
also cover and make you to understand in detail different materials, which are used for
marine applications. We will also discuss different methods of inspection and testing of
ocean structures. Interestingly, we will also discuss the advanced methods of repair,
rehabilitation, and retrofitting of various ocean structures under this course.
Ladies and gentlemen, can very well see here that the objectives of the set course are
very broad in spectrum. It has got interest of chemical engineers, civil engineers
inspection and testing may attract mechanical, electrical, electronic engineers. Material
science and metallurgy students will be interested to undergo detail understanding on
different materials used for marine applications. Structural engineers, naval architects,
and civil engineers will have interest in understanding the construction process,
structural action, analysis and design and planning guidelines based on different
international codes of practice.
So, ladies and gentlemen, be prepared, you have a multi-disciplinary classroom in front
of you, where I will be handling all these points as objectives of the course in a very
simple manner. It is the one of the interesting and fundamental course which one has to
undergo in ocean engineering and naval architecture.
Let us see how you are going to plan for the layout of this course. The course shall be
covered and instructed by me in four different modules. Each module is designed with
few tutorial sheets at the end. One should sincerely complete these tutorial sheets before
attempting to read the successive module. Is my principle request to all the viewers that
attempt to solve all the tutorial sheets on your own with the support material given in this
course. You should also refer to additional reading material which are suggested and the
end of each module; one should read these resource materials to achieve complete
understanding of the course. As I said, I am addressing an audience of multi-disciplinary
in nature. Therefore, I will cover the basic and fundamental concept of the course in
detail. However, I will always recommend strongly each one of you should go through
additional reading material, if you really want to well understand the course in depth.
In module one, we will talk about different types of offshore structure. We will discuss
various structural systems deployed for shallow water, medium, deep and ultra-deep
waters. One may wonder, how do we classify depth of water of shallow, medium, deep
and ultra-deep. I will tell you the classification in the due course when we explain the
lectures. However, it will be interesting for you to know that is the different structural
systems deployed for different water depth or not similar. Their structural actions where
varied variedly, therefore one must understand for different kinds of water depths what
kind of structural system should I suggest.
We will also discuss various environmental loads that are acting on offshore structures.
We will very briefly discuss the structural action exercised by the installed offshore
structures in sea. We will also discuss about different types of coastal structures in the
first module.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:07)
As we move on to the second module, we will discuss briefly in the planning, which are
necessary for constructions of ocean structures. We have also briefly introduced you to
the design of ocean structures. Ladies and gentlemen, you will appreciate that the design
of ocean structure by itself is a full course. So, I will discuss here only basic
fundamentals which are applied to the design of ocean structures. We will also discuss
different processor involved in the constructions of offshore structures like towing,
launching, and installation. We will also see the same process applications for pipeline
We will also discuss regulations and codes of practice that are used for planning, design,
construction, and maintenance of ocean structures. We will very briefly see different
types of foundation systems that are generally used for ocean structures. We will also
discuss different types of anchors, which are used for holding down these structures to
the sea bed. All these topics will be covered in module two.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:43)
As we move forward, we will also discuss in module three, material for marine
applications, different types of materials, and their applicability in marine environment.
We will also discuss in detail various critical properties that are useful in selecting a
material for marine environment based on international coddle regulations. We will also
address specific problems that are related to materials, in particular, in marine
environment. For example, corrosion for steel is one of the critical problem, which will
be addressed in detailed in this course. We will discuss about the problems associated
with corrosion of metals in marine environment. We will also discuss what are the
various corrosion protection methods and techniques that can be used for protecting the
marine structures from corrosive environment in the sea.
We will also talk about composites which are recent development used in the
construction of marine structures are used in marine environment in general. Of course, it
is a very elaborate area which requires lot of material characteristics’ understanding. So,
we will not get them in detail; however, we will talk about introduction to composites as
material for marine environment. We will also discuss different courses of practice,
which are used for selecting materials in marine environment. All these things will be
covered in module three.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:31)
In module four, we will talk about inspection and testing of ocean structures. Ladies and
gentlemen, it is one of the interesting segments where lot of reasoning investments in
terms of research and development is happening in the oil and gas sector. Because
offshore structures are even cost to structures are highly very expansive when they are
constructed. Generally their material detrition happens at a very rapid rate than expected
detritions characteristics. Therefore, one is interested to maintain the service ability or
extend the service life of existing structures for few more couple of years. If that is the
goal of any offshore engineering company, then one should invest on periodic inspection
and testing of ocean structures for preventive maintenance. We will talk about that in
module four.
We will also talk about various methods of non-destructive testing as applicable to ocean
structures. We will also to discuss difference advanced materials, which are used in
repair and rehabilitations of marine structures. We will also to discuss, what are the
possible planning guidelines, which can be used for maintenance of ocean structures. All
these things will be discussed in module four. Finally, in module four has one of the
advanced topics are research; we will talk about structural health monitoring of ocean
Ladies and gentlemen, structural health monitoring is a very common methodology and
common practice being use in bridges and land way structures for extending the service
ability or for emphasizing the safety. However, in terms of ocean structures, this is really
a new domain of research which is still under very strong exploration. We will talk about
some advanced methods of SHM as applied to ocean structures in this course. So, as you
from this presentations made by me, you will understand at that the course covers
elaborately many set objectives an audience address of inter-disciplinary in nature.
Therefore, one can really trust that the course will have fundamental addressed in a very
simple manner, so that every designer can understand and fulfill their basic requirements
of understanding fundamentals of ocean structures and relevant materials as on today
applicable to marine environment. Nevertheless, the course will cover interesting
features which can attracts construction engineers on repair and rehabilitation of marine
structures. Of course, it can attract professionals because the course will also address
planning guidelines for maintenance schedule of ocean structures. The course can also
attract research engineers who are interested on advanced techniques of structural health
monitoring as applicable to ocean structures.
For every course as we all understand the text books, reports, and reference materials are
very important. So, in that contexts let me list few important reference materials
available now. The detailed list of these reference materials are available in the template
given in the NPTEL web site again this course title ocean structures and materials. I am
not going to reproduce all those references indicated on the template on the first page of
NPTEL, but nevertheless, I will certainly mention some important references which you
would require to follow the course. My sincere advice is locate the nearest possible
library, try to locate all these books or reports in original. Try to read them in detail as
you keep on following this course parallelly. That will help you to do a very good
capacity building on your own.
Similarly, we have code of practice for fixed offshore structures released by British
standard institution UK, which is given as BS6235 released in the year 1982. We also
have ascertained standards which will help you to plan the (( )) facilities for helicopter
landing, offshore helicopter landing areas guidance on standards sixth edition given by
Civil Aviation Authority, United Kingdom. Similarly, we have very good text books
written by (( )) researchers and authors available in the public domain for example,
Subratha k Chakraverthy book published in 1987 on hydrodynamics of offshore
structures, computational mechanics very important reference which can be handy for
this particular course.
Of course rules for designed construction inspection given by DNV released in Oslo in
1982. It is a very important reference which will be very handy concept and topic of
these courses. DOE-OG, 1985 released by department of energy London on offshore
installation talks about guidance on design and construction of installations is also in
interesting reference, which can be used by the user.
In addition, Gerwick released a book in 1986 by John Wiley, New York. Let us talk
about cost of construction involved in offshore structures is the very interesting reference
for self-learning. Graff released in 1981 talks about introduction offshore structures,
explains various stage of introduction offshore structures as design, fabrication,
installation and commissioning.
Graff also has a book on introduction offshore structures, which is given by gulf
publishing company in the same year 1981. Helvacioglu and Incecik discuss dynamics of
double articulated towers which is the one of the type of the offshore structure is
expressed in Elsevier in 2004 in release volume four. Hiroshi Iwaski discusses
preliminary design study on TLP, which is the report published by MIT university
United States. It is talking about the design concepts of tension leg platform, which is
one of the types of offshore structures which is very vital and very latest development in
offshore structural engineering.
Continue with the references we also have books on health safety executives talk about
planning guidelines for Helideck in offshore platforms given by john Burt associates
limited UK released in the year 2010 co has a book on nineteen eighty one applied
offshore structural engineering. The very important book for reference, Jeom keepaik
and Anilkumar Thayamballi, has a book on ship shaped offshore installation, talks about
design building and operations which is an executive report released by Cambridge
university press matter. As a book on introduction offshore engineering released by two
thousand very interesting reference regulation for structural design of load bearing
structures intended for exploitation of petroleum resources. The report submitted by
Norwegian petroleum directorate in 1985, we shortly called as NPD, by the very
interesting reference. Very handy for the learners understand many concepts explained in
this course.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:21)
OCS which is talking about the requirements for verifying the structural integrity of
offshore platforms released by us, geological survey in execute delete port released in
1980 is a very important reference. Patel discussed about dynamics of offshore structure
in 1989 talks about different types of load carrying capacity of the structures in the
dynamic associated with environmental loads acting on the structures. Very interesting
and basic reference, handy for many learners to talk about design of offshore structures.
Sadehi in 1989 explains design and analysis of marine structures which is the University
of Technology, Tehran, Iran. Report can be referred as a very good reference.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:10)
So, ladies and gentlemen, the PIC and choosy reference are indicated to you as and when
we discuss. I also have a book along with my alley, SK Bhattacharyya, on analysis and
design of offshore structures with illustrated examples published by Changwon national
university press republic of Korea. So, all these references put together become handy
for the listeners to follow the course very easily; however, the course will have detail
explanation of all the points explained in the lecture itself here. You can write an email
to me, we will be constantly supporting you to the NPTEL brace at NPTEL IIT Madras
Similar thing happened in Summerland in California. You can see many of the drilling
bricks can be installed very close to the coast to be at a shallow water depths, men
essentially for oil exploration. Not one, you can see many of them as a cluster being
constructed and elected very close to the coast in Summerland in California.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:19)
We can also see a photograph of a production platform which was simple as that which
as trust system not one many of them resting on few of the legs may be six legs in this
case as well it is got a depth they got a trust they got a supporting system located in a
shallow depth because the structural system appears to me as very simple. So, is one of
the production form which is be in photograph in Summerland California.
Now the question comes look at this figure lake in Maracaibo Venezuela it is again a
taller trust system which is having two levels depths one for operation one for
maintenance we have some inspection depths also on the higher ends and you can see
some cantilever structure coming out from operation and take here essentially these are
all tower form construction which are essentially a steel. So, one can see that the offshore
structures as the move from the coast towards of the course you will see the height of the
tower the structural complications the dimensions of the member and the size of the
member all getting larger and larger as you go deeper and deeper you require a stronger
structural system to encounter the environmental loads coming and acting of the
structural system
Now the fundamental question comes to mine is when this industry actually start it
beginning its exploration look at an example here Caspian sea soviet era which is having
up to hundred kilo meters offshore you will see the series of platforms as seen here we
will also having an approach role constructed to carry the oil explore or the carry the oil
generated or collected from these recourses to off course. So, people are an idea initially
to construct offshore structures as for as possible closer to the coast.
When we not possible to explore oil closer to the coast people actually to move from
onshore to offshore that is way this is called offshore structures. So, Caspian sea soviet
era has structures closed to sea there are hundred kilo meter long offshore.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:44)
So, the question inquisitive being ask by every listener is a if at all such as old
photographs as to be taken if at all see these different countries soviet union united states
as contributed are started beginning oil exploitation actually when this industry at started.
It is a very interesting question the industry started in 1891 very old a first oil well was
drilled at grand lake Saint Mary’ Sohio you straight 1896 first submerged oil wells in salt
water were drilled in the Summerl and field I showed in the photograph of that in santa
Barbara channel in California followed by which in 1900 early submerged drilling
activities started taking place in lake Erie on Canadian side 1910 Caddo lake in
Louisiana at the first offshore platform 1920 the drilling started concrete structures in
lake Maracaibo Venezuela which is showed a photograph 1920 three the oldest subsea
well was recorded in construction in bibieibat well Azerbaijan in 1930 texas company
developed the first mobile steel barges which are men for drilling and exploration of oil.
In 1937 the pure oil company now a part of chevron corporation and superior oil
company we is now a part of ExxonMobil corporation used a fixed platform to develop a
field at a very small depth of 4.2 meter only which is offshore at one mile from Calcasieu
parish in Louisiana. So, you can the depth of water exploration was as low as 4.2 meters
as an the structure was constructed as close as one mile from the beach in 1946 magnolia
petroleum company which now a part of exxonmobil erected a drilling platform in depth
of this 5.4 meter deep which a 18 miles off the coast of Saint Mary Parish in Louisiana
1947 superior oil erected a drilling production platform in 6 meter depth at vermilion
Parish in Louisiana.
Sub oil industries which are now Anadarko petroleum corporation finished petroleum
which is know Conoco Phillips stanoilind oil and gas which is bp completed in historical
ship shoal block 32 well in October 1947 which is one of the major exploration of the oil
industry in the country of another state.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:39)
If we look at the statistics of the number of platforms being constructed all over the
world in us especially in gulf of Mexico we got about as highest 4000 platforms as on
today where is in Asia middle east Europe west Africa all put to gather would do you
much lower then they are appearing in gulf of Mexico. So, one can if the summaries that
offshore industry as got an dominant development in United States.
There is a something very important to understand which we called gspr which is global
strategic petroleum reserve when we talk about oil exploration first we must understand
terminology GSPR now what is the GSPR crude oil inventories hold by the government
of the particular country is what we called as a global strategic petroleum reserve of a
country this is called strategic reserve in financial terms this shall be used in case of any
energy crisis for example, the strategic reserve in India is managed by ministry of energy
this is consider as one of the important index of the net import cover of the country it
means offshore industry is closely associated with the economic growth of any country
because global strategic petroleum reserve is consider as an one of the important index of
the net import cover of the country. So, they economy of the country which also
governed by the petroleum reserve the country has what we called strategic reserve
therefore, it is interesting and important for all of has to know what are the different
kinds of install ration that are constructed for oil exploration all over the world as follows
in India what are those technologies where available can we designed one of them for
country what are the materials being used for constructing such installations how can that
be maintained all these things will be discussed in these course in detail.
Let us slowly move on to the first kind of platform of offshore structure, which we called
fixed type of platform. Ladies and gentlemen, the fundamental questions which comes to
your mind could be what you have understand of the fixed type. The base of the platform
or the bottom of the leg of the platform will be fixed to the seabed that is why the name
fixed type appears in this category. Such structures are generally very stiff. On the other
hand, the mechanical properties will cause lot of rigidity to the structure. So, because of
the stiffness imposed of the structural system, they tend to attract more environmental
forces acting on them. On the other hand, alternatively, if you have the flexible system
which is less stiff compare to this then the forces attracted to the offshore structures
could be for lesser than the top of the stiff system, because in general stiff structures tend
to attract more forces.
However, the greatest advantage is the response these forces by the platform is relatively
very low. You may ask me, why? The fundamental reason is as the base of the structure
is fixed to the seabed, the response of the platform to the environmental loads are very
less relatively.
But, this is very great demerit in this kind of structure. They are very expensive; the
structural system will be very expensive. In the early stage of oil exploration, these kind
of platforms is very popular. Then now these kinds of platform are practically obsolete
for oil and gas exploration because these platforms can be deployed only in shallow
medium waters, unfortunately the shallow in medium waters we do not have oil deserve
for exploration now. Therefore, these types of platforms are completely and practically
obsolete in the presence stage. Mostly these platforms are constructed by steel as a
material; however, the exceptions where such platforms are constructed using concrete
as a material.
If we look at this table of categories the numbers of platforms constructed in terms of its
water depth, majority of the platforms fixed type have been constructed, install,
commissions and executed only at a depth less than about the 100 meters. So, less than
100 meters, they got the majority of the platforms; however, more than the seventy
present total performs constructed as on today where all constructed depth up to 200
meters. So, it is seen from the table it is clearly that beyond 200 meters for example,
fixed type of platforms are not attempted, because they found to be highly uneconomical.
Out of these platforms US alone host 13 out of the 16 platforms that are fixed that a
water depth greater than 200 meters. So, greater than 200 meters, you got about 16
platforms, out of which US alone attempted host 13 out them. Closed to 90 percent yours
had tried to install fixed offshore structures at a depth more than 200 meters.
Let us look at the interesting statistics of deepest platforms and shallowest platforms. For
example, deepest platforms, all of them are located in the United States – Bullwinkle,
Pompano and Harmony at different water depth as seen in the table. The shallowest
platforms where never installed in US, because United States had in utilization of deep
water oil exploitation like from the day of beginning of the oil exploration, we are
attempted to design structures at higher water depths. Whereas we look at the
comparison of the water depth, where structures constructed in US compared that of
other structures constructed elsewhere, there only about 25 meters where are they are at
least about 20 times of these depths. So, US had always a flavors for (( )) structures at
deeper water depths.
(Refer Slide Time: 37:39)
Let us quickly look at the over view of difference kinds of platforms constructed in US
for the deepest waters. Bullwinkle platform is a photograph what you see here. Located
in Manatee Field, Gulf of Mexico, approximately 260 kilo meters southwest of New
Orleans. The cost of this platform then constructed about 2500 crores Indian rupee;
costing about 5 into 10 power 8 US dollars approximately. Heerema marine contractors
construct these platforms at a depth of 4112 meters. The total height of the platform is
about 529 meters, the water depth is 412 is about 110 meters is the top side height what
you see here. Constructed in the year 1988, it took about three years contractor to
complete the platform. The total weight of the structure is about 77,000 metric tons. It
produce about 59,000 BOPD.
Now the question comes is what we understand by the term BOPD. It also produced
about 100 MMcft per d of gas. BOPD is expressed as barrels per day; one barrels about
158.98 liters. One BPD is about closed to 50 tons in year that the statistics of oil
production. In the present price, for example, if you want to understand the figure,
financially, the revenue, which this platform could get to the US is about 6 millions US
dollars in one day, that is the revenue of this platform. Now imagine, commercial value
of offshore platform structures when they are commissioned in any sequenced, they are
very high.
(Refer Slide Time: 39:27)
Let us look at the next platform. The photograph shows here a pompano platform;
constructed at the water depth of 393 meters. It rest on four legged, 12 piled structural
system; constructed in the year 1994. The total weight of the structure is about 38,000
tons, and this produced about 60,000 BOPD, which is equivalent to 90 MMcf per d of
The next platform what we see here is a troll A platform. The troll gas field is located off
coast of Norway in the western coast of Norway. In 1996, the platform set a Guinness
world record for being the largest offshore gas platform in the world. It cost is about
2500 crores Indian rupee at the time in 1996. It is constructed at the water depth of 303
meters; the total height of the platform is about 472 meters. So, 472 minus 303 about
150, a 160 a meter is a top side height of the platform. It has about 245 into 10 power 3
cubic meters of concrete can imagine the depth feet of the concrete of the platform, and it
as used 110 power 5 cubic meter of steel for its construction that is a very amazing
statistics this platform has.
(Refer Slide Time: 41:19)
This figure shows a very comprehensive look out of different fixed platforms constructed
above 328 meters at Shell Cognac, 1978. BP Amberjack, Exxon Mobil Heritage, Total
Fina ELF Virgo, Exxon Harmony, BP Pompano, Shell Bullwinkle, the year of
construction is shown here. It is been indicated the increasing water depth, starting from
312 meter, the water depth of the construction status increasing and went as deep as 412
meter in Gulf of Mexico for fixed platforms, as the deepest fixed platform the available
in the record.
These are some photographs on installing the jacket structures. We will discuss about the
installation process in detail in the coming lectures.
This is the process what we call as upending that is erecting the leg from on towing
position to the upright position.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:03)
These are some internal lifting tool being used for erection.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:12)
These are the some photograph of during the welding of the piles or the members.
Now, the deck is being transported which is pre fabricated transported to get placed in
position for the platforms.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:28)
After the whole deck has being built on the building module are erected and commission
the whole plat form is now ready as you see here.
The plat form is now complete is what we have one of the classical jacket structures,
which is fixed offshore structure in Bombay High Court.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:49)
So, in this lecture, in this course, we will have selected references which are list down
here. Of course, the detail references and the research papers, which will concern for this
course are already available in the website at NPTEL, IIT Madras. Some of the
interesting references I want to read are the following, which has been shown in the slide
now. Ben Gerwick, Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures; James Wilson,
Dynamic of Offshore Structure; Kabir Sadeghi, An Overview of Design, Analysis,
Construction and Installation of Offshore Production Platform. Offshore structures -
General design and classification considerations is given by Research Center
Classification Society and so on. In the next lecture, we will talk about fixed type
offshore platforms; we will speak about gravity platforms.
Thank you.