Field Programmable Analog Array (FPAA) Based Control of An Atomic Force Microscope
Field Programmable Analog Array (FPAA) Based Control of An Atomic Force Microscope
Field Programmable Analog Array (FPAA) Based Control of An Atomic Force Microscope
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2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Georg Schitter on 21 May 2014.
A. Vertical Dynamics
The scanner dynamics in the vertical direction have been
characterized by applying a sweep signal to the power
amplifier of the Z-piezo. The Z-piezo’s position, regarded
as the system output, is sensed by an AFM-cantilever
(resonance frequency > 500 kHz) and the AFM’s optical
deflection detection system. Generation of the input signal
and recording of the system’s response is done with a
network analyzer (HP35639A, Agilent, Palo Alto, CA,
Figure 2 shows the measured frequency response between
10 and 300 kHz for excitation amplitudes of 1 mV,
25 mV, and 50 mV at the input of the power amplifier,
demonstrating the linearity of the system’s dynamics.
Potential nonlinearities of the piezo actuator, such as Fig. 3. Step response of the AFM in vertical direction. Measured response
hysteresis and creep, are compensated by the feedback loop (dotted red); simulated response of the 10th order model (solid black).
and have to be considered at the data acquisition side when
recording and displaying the AFM signals.
The frequency response in Z-direction reveals two
decay of the oscillations in the Z-piezo’s position.
resonance–anti-resonance pairings due to the integration
of the piezo in the scanner structure (cf. [7]) at 70 and
100 kHz, respectively, and three resonances between 150
and 200 kHz, which can be attributed to the Z-piezo itself.
A fitted 10th -order mathematical model of the scanner is The oscillatory behavior of the AFM scanner imposes
shown by the solid black line in Fig. 2. limitations to the achievable imaging speed. In Z-direction
This model is also chosen as the nominal model of the the higher order oscillatory modes (see Figs. 2 and 3) cannot
scanner for the controller design (see Section III-A). be compensated by a simple PI controller, and therefore limit
Figure 3 demonstrates the good agreement between the the achievable closed-loop bandwidth for tracking the sample
simulated step-response of the modeled system (solid black topography with PI-feedback. For such oscillatory systems a
line) and the measured step-response (dotted red line). The model-based feedback controller, which is derived in the this
weakly damped multiple resonances of this system are section, enables to achieve a higher closed-loop bandwidth
obvious by the aggressive initial response and the slow (cf. [14]).
A. Controller for Topography Tracking for the control error (We ) and for the output tracking
Figure 4 shows a block-diagram of the AFM topography (Wy ), as well as the achieved sensitivity function S and
measurement system. The blocks connected by solid lines complementary sensitivity T when closing the loop with
form the control-loop for tracking the sample topography. the H∞ -feedback controller, derived using Matlab (The
During this feedback operation two signals are recorded, MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA). The resulting controller is
forming the AFM images (i) the topography signal, which
is represented by the control action u, and (ii) the deflection
signal, which corresponse to the residual control error e.
The control goal is to keep the cantilever deflection close
to the deflection setpoint denoting the nominal imaging
force, which means to keep variations of the imaging force
small and to shift as much information as possible from the
deflection image to the topography image (cf. Fig. 11).
The frequency response (Fig. 2) and step response (Fig. 3)
Fig. 5. Weighting function 1/We (dotted green) and 1/Wy (dashed red)
for the H∞ controller design, and achieved sensitivity S (dash-dotted blue)
and complimentary sensitivity T (solid black).
the maximum capability of the used control hardware [19], directly be implemented in the FPAA software using pre-
and the 10th -order controller also meets the specified control defined elements, where the user adjusted parameters are
performance, only the 10th -order controller is implemented the respective frequency and damping of the corresponding
and tested on the AFM setup. poles and zeros. The higher-order controller C( s) eventually
is realized by connecting the first and second order filters in
B. Controller Implementation on FPAA series
For an effective implementation of the new feedback KI Y Y
controller the control-hardware has to fulfill the following C(s) = G(s)bilin(i) G(s)biquad(j) , (3)
s i j
three requirements:
• For a bandwidth of more than 100 kHz and the tight where the factor KI corresponds to an integral gain and
control objectives (fast settling time without oscilla- i and j are the respective indices of the bilinear (1) and
tions), the sampling rate of a digital controller should biquadratic filters (2). The FPAA is eventually programmed
be at least 1 MHz. via a serial connection with the development-board.
• The resolution of the D/A-converter of a digital control Figure 7 shows the user interface for programming the
system has to be 16-bit or higher to achieve the required FPAA, showing the structure of the 10th -order feedback
accuracy over the entire positioning range of the Z- controller implemented at a switching frequency of 4 MHz.
actuator. The first element of the implemented controller is a
• The controller should be easy to implement and modify summing stage for calculating the error signal. The second
for varying applications of the AFM. element is an integrator, followed by four biquadratic and
The high demand on the fast sampling rate excludes most one bilinear filter.
digital signal processors (DSP) enabling floating point oper- In order to scale and interface the differential input of
ation from the choice for the implementation of the feedback
controller. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) may give
the high sampling frequency, but due to the fixed point
implementation programming is tedious and easy and fast
modification is not possible. A new type of hardware (see e.g.
[20]) that fulfills all the above listed requirements are field
programmable analog arrays (FPAA). These analog arrays
are based on switched capacitor filters with a switching
frequency up to 16 MHz [19]. The analog nature of these
circuits omits the quantization issue completely, and the
achievable resolution is determined only by the system’s
signal-to-noise ratio. Furthermore, programming of these Fig. 7. User interface for the implementation of the 10th order filter on the
circuits is fast and easy and can be updated on the fly. FPAA. Reprogramming the FPAA on the fly via a serial connection allows
The used FPAAs development boards [19] allow imple- for fast and easy changes of the implemented feedback controller.
mentation of first- and second-order elements (bilinear and
biquadratic filters) with left half-plane poles and zeros. the FPAA with the single-ended AFM signals, we used
s + ωz operational amplifiers AD-8132 (Analog Devices, Norwood,
G(s)bilin = , (1)
s + ωp MA, USA). The differential FPAA-output signal has been
s2 + 2ζz ωz s + ωz2 scaled and converted to a single-ended signal using an
G(s)biquad = , (2) operational amplifier AD-8130 (Analog Devices), and
s2 + 2ζp ωp s + ωp2
consecutively has been connected to the power amplifier
with frequencies fz = ωz /(2π) and fp = ωp /(2π) and driving the Z-piezo.
quality-factors Qz = 1/(2ζz ) and Qp = 1/(2ζp ) of poles In order to characterize the achieved closed-loop
and zeros, respectively. It should be noted that these FPAAs performance we measured the sensitivity function S
cannot implement non-minimum phase zeros, which may and complementary sensitivity T, as is shown in Figure 8.
be accounted for in the design and implementation of the The sweep-signals for measuring S and T are generated
controller. with the network analyzer and are applied to the closed-loop
For the implementation, the above designed 10th -order con- system by using an additional input of the FPAA, which
troller has to be converted into a biquadratic structure. This is connected with the summing stage for the error signal
is done by transforming the state space representation of generation (see Fig. 7). The corresponding response signal
the controller into a zero-pole-gain representation, using for S and T is recorded by the network analyzer via an
the Matlab command zpk, and by combining (pairs of) additional output of the FPAA. Tuning of the integral gain of
poles and zeros with neighboring frequencies to first- and the FPAA has been done during AFM imaging (see Figs. 10
second order subsystems. These first and second order sub- and 11) in order to increase the imaging bandwidth as much
systems, given by their transfer functions (1) and (2), can as possible, which explains the slightly higher bandwidth
(red line). Please note that the error signal returns to its
initial value (zero), whereas the cantilever deflection does
not since the disturbance step has been added to it after
the point where the deflection is recorded. The apparent
high noise-level on the FPAA output (blue signal) are
high-frequency oscillations due to the switching-frequency
of the capacitors, which get suppressed by the low-pass
characteristics of the power amplifier driving the Z-piezo
(green signal).
The authors would like to thank Prof. Tsu-Chin Tsao from
UCLA for fruitful discussions.
This work is supported in part by TU-Delft 3mE faculty grant
PAL-614, by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific
Research (NWO) under Innovational Research Incentives
Scheme (VENI DOV.7835), and by the National Institutes
of Health under Award RO1 GM 065354-05.
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