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Iimb Ar 2022-23

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ISSN 2320 –2114

Research & Publications

Annual Report
Research and Publications Team

Prof. Kanchan Mukherjee

Chairperson, Research and Publications

Members of Research and Publications Committee

Prof. Kanchan Mukherjee

Prof. Jishnu Hazra

Prof. Rahul De’

Prof. Dalhia Mani

Prof. Ritwik Banerjee

Prof. Gopal Das

Research and Publications Team

Nirmala Manoj
Assistant Manager
I Strategy (S)

(April 2022 – March 2023)

Strategy (S)


Preface 3

Research Output 4

IIMB Cases at Harvard Business Publishing (HBP) 7

Leading Journal Publications 9

Awards, Honours, and Achievements 12

Area-wise Publications and Research Output

I Strategy (S) 14

II Economics (E) 33

III Finance and Accounting (F&A) 58

IV Marketing (M) 76

V Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management 86


VI Productions and Operations Management (P&OM) 111

VII Decision Sciences (DS) 124

VIII Information Systems (IS) 139

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP) 146

X Entrepreneurship 178

XI Centre for Management Communication 189

XII Centre for Corporate and Governance and Citizenship (CCGC) 193

XIII Data Centre and Analytics Lab (DCAL) 199

XIV Supply Chain Management Centre (SCMC) 202


XV Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) 206

XVI Mizuho India Japan Study Centre (MIJSC) 213

XVII IIMB Research Seminar Series 219

Guest Seminar Speakers 224

Author Index 225


I IMB’s vision and mission entail thought leadership,

innovation, and excellence in education. The faculty at
IIMB engages in original academic research and in developing
case studies to expand the frontiers of knowledge and evolve
tools for an enriching classroom experience. This report
provides details of these research and publication activities
at IIMB from April 2022 to March 2023.

This year, IIMB faculty members have published 82 papers in

academic journals. In addition, they have written 15 cases,
which are distributed by Harvard Business Publishing (HBP).
They have also published 9 books during the year.

IIMB continues to distribute case studies through HBP. The

research culture at IIMB is enriched by seminars at which
researchers from various academic institutes and research
organizations share their work. Over 36 researchers from
across the globe visited IIMB and delivered research seminars.
Several conferences and open house meetings were conducted
as well to discuss contemporary research themes.

Faculty members and doctoral students gained national

and international recognition for their outstanding work by
winning 27 awards during this period. We look forward to
continuing the momentum towards increased research output,
both in terms of quality and quantity, in the future.

Research and Publications

Research Output Tables

R esearch and publication activities undertaken by IIMB community during the

academic year 2022–2023 (April 2022 to March 2023) in various forms, namely, books,
peer-reviewed journal publications, cases, working papers, conference presentations, research
projects, etc. can be found below.

Research Output: 2022–2023

Research Projects 128

Articles in IIMB Journal List 28

Total Number of Publications 82

Books 9

Chapters in Books 10

Case Studies and Teaching Notes Distributed through HBP 30

Awards, Honours, and Achievements 27

Research Output Tables

Working Papers 18

Articles in Newspapers/Magazines, etc. 27

Other Publications (Monographs, Reports, etc.) 2

Seminar/Conference/Workshop Presentations/Invited Talks by Faculty 220

Conferences/Seminar/Workshop Presentations by Doctoral Students 58

Total Number of Conferences/Seminar/Workshop Presentations/Invited 278

Talks by IIMB Faculty and Students

Articles in Conference Proceedings 18

Doctoral Theses Completed 17

Research Output Tables

Research Output for 2008–2022

The following table provides the research output for the previous academic years: 2008–09; 2009–10;
2010–11; 2011–12; 2012–13; 2013-14; 2014–15; 2015–16; 2016-17; 2017-18; 2018-19; 2019-20; 2020-21;
2021-22; and 2022-23.

Sl. 2008– 2009– 2010– 2011– 2012– 2013– 2014– 2015– 2016– 2017- 2018- 2019- 2020- 2021- 2022-
No. 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

1 Total 59 45 78 56 69 62 58 56 60 60 48 48 61 84 82
Number of
2 Books 06 14 10 05 07 04 05 06 13 12 2 5 4 6 9
3 Chapters in 22 12 25 15 13 19 11 21 21 14 21 8 14 11 10
4 Total 84 65 112 108 217 276 207 211 234 246 202 197 202 260 221
Number of
in National
5 Research and 93 93 84 70 72 79 53 83 119 92 126 158 145 127 128
Case Writing
6 Cases and - - 32 22 56 19 40 48 62 42 74 44 30 62 30

Research Output Tables

through HBP
7 Working 17 20 28 28 39 54 30 21 40 22 18 22 30 23 18
8 Other 15 21 10 21 18 18 24 25 19 13 6 14 15 12 2
Reports, etc.)
9 Articles in 70 80 93 71 94 124 121 106 97 44 49 37 140 71 27
10 Research 37 38 24 42 40 38 37 54 38 51 49 56 2 - 36
Seminars at

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Doctoral Programme Output for 2011–2023

The following table provides the research output by Doctoral students during the
academic years: 2011–12; 2012–13; 2013–14; 2014-15; 2015-16; 2016-17; 2017-18; 2019-20;
2020-21; 2021-22 and 2022-23.
Sl. 2011– 2012– 2013– 2014– 2015– 2016– 2017- 2018- 2019- 2020- 2021- 2022-
No. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
1 Doctoral 13 13 6 18 20 20 20 24 14 22 11 17
2 Working 1 2 5 2 3 5 3 - 6 4 4 3
3 Publications in 9 4 7 11 7 7 3 2 4 6 4 6
4 Conference 43 25 49 37 36 46 58 44 50 13 29 58
/ Seminar /
by Doctoral
5 Doctoral 2 15 14 - 6 7 4 2 4 - 1 1
Research Output Tables

IIMB Cases Distributed by
Harvard Business Publishing (HBP)

IIMB Cases Distributed by Harvard Business Publishing

IMB was the first Indian business school to board the Harvard Business Publishing
(HBP) platform. In April 2011, IIMB and HPB entered into a distribution agreement and
following this collaboration, IIMB has joined a select group of business schools such as the
Stanford Graduate School of Business, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, and the Darden
School of Business, that also distribute their cases through HBP. Several reputed institutes
have procured our cases including University of Texas at Austin, Cambridge University,
Harvard Business School, Boston University, Harvard School of Public Health, University of
Baltimore, George Washington University, etc. Back home, IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Lucknow,
IIM Kozhikode, and ISB Hyderabad have bought IIMB cases in large numbers. The industry/
corporate companies abroad to whom IIMB cases were sold include Gillette (USA), Mars
Symbioscience (USA), Fundatia Asebuss (Romania), Value Partners (Italy), Sandefer Capital
Partners LP (USA), ASSIST (South Korea), etc. Around 248 universities across more than 300
countries have purchased the IIMB cases.
The Research and Publications (R&P) team under the leadership of Prof. Dinesh Kumar has
achieved success in the area of case writing and publishing in 2022–2023 by adding more cases
to the Harvard collection. About 30 cases and teaching notes developed by IIMB faculty and
scholars have been distributed by Harvard Business Publishing till date. The list of cases and
teaching notes published and distributed through HBP in 2022–2023 is provided below.

Author Title

1 Ludvig Levasseur and Jacqueline Gomes Pridebites: Roles and Decisions of

Entrepreneurs and Investors

2 Debolina Dutta Firstconnect Solutions – Gig Working to

Solve the Leaking Bucket

3 Debolina Dutta dotin: Color me a talent!

4 Anshuman Tripathy, Avani Mishra, and Akshaya Patra: The Covid-19 Pandemic
Shlok Sangoi and Thereafter

5 Haritha Saranga and Shailaja Grover Shawls or Stoles? Resource Optimization

Problem at Looms of Ladakh

6 Srinivasan R (CSP), Satya Nandini A and Knolskape: Transforming Learning

Srividya V Dynamics

7 Debolina Dutta and Chaitali Vedak entomo – Enabling People Experience for
the Digital World of Work

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Author Title

8 Abhishek Sahu, and Debolina Dutta The Industry Dilemma: Allow Ethical
Moonlighting or Lose to Gig Working?

9 Deepti Ganapathy, Jacqueline Gomes Net Zero To Net Hero – Can We Gross It?
IIMB Cases Distributed by Harvard Business Publishing

and Garima Dua – Part 1

10 Deepti Ganapathy, Jacqueline Gomes Net Zero To Net Hero – Can We Gross It?
and Garima Dua – Part 2

11 K S Ranjani, Neeraj Pandey, Sumi Jha, Shri Ram Temple: A Fintech Solution for
Poonam Singh, Upasna Agarwal, Vivek Large Scale Project
Khanzode, Manoj K Tiwari and Dinesh
Kumar U

12 Gopal P Mahapatra and Sourav HR Facilitator at IOCL: Reviving Human

Mukherji Touch

13 Charu Rastogi, Srivardhini K. Jha and Mylab Discovery Solutions: Innovating

Rishikesha T. Krishnan Against all Odds

14 Padmini Srinivasan and Gopal Career at Crossroads: Passion or

Mahapatra Profession? (A)

15 Padmini Srinivasan and Gopal Career at Crossroads: Passion or

Mahapatra Profession? (B)

Leading Journal Publications

I IMB has nurtured the research culture of giving high priority to publications in revered
academic journals with high impact factor that are relevant to the current business
and management scenario. Over the years, the knowledge generated by faculty at IIMB has
been appearing in leading academic journals including journals listed in Financial Times 50,
UT Dallas, etc. During the academic year 2022–2023, there were about 30 such prominent
publications which are listed below.

Sl. Publication
Authors Title of the article Journal
No. Details
1 Srikanth Krishnaprasad and A pricing mechanism to Journal of the Vol. 73(4),
Rajeev R. Tripathi improve capacity utilisation in Operational 2022,
ridesharing Research Society Pg. 741-753
2 E S Srinivas, Tom Taiyi Yan, How Employees Learn to Journal of Vol. 107(4),
Subra Tangirala, A. Vadera Speak Up from Their Leaders: Applied April 2022,
Gender Congruity Effects in the Psychology Pg. 650-667
Development of Voice Self-
3 Amit K. Nandkeolyar, Damned if she does, damned Journal of Vol. 143,
Jessica Bagger and if she doesn’t: The interactive Business April 2022,
E S Srinivas effects of gender and Research Pg. 62-71
agreeableness on performance

Leading Journal Publications

4 Park, H., Tangirala, S., How and When Managers Journal of Vol. 107(12),
Hussain, I., and E S Srinivas Reward Employees’ Voice: The Applied 2022,
Role of Proactivity Attributions Psychology Pg. 2269-2284
5 Yuanyuan (Gina) Cui, Surge price precision and Journal of Vol. 143,
Patrickvan Esch, Gopal Das political ideology Business April 2022,
and Shailendra Jain Research Pg. 214-224
6 James Agarwal, Gopal Das and Online group buying behavior: Psychology & Vol. 39(10),
Mark T. Spence A study of experiential versus Marketing October 2022,
material purchases Pg. 1946-1963
7 Abhinav Anand, Platform exploitation in the Operations Vol. 51(1),
Souvik Dutta, and sharing economy Research Letters January 2023,
Prithwiraj Mukherjee Pg. 47-53
8 Sankarshan Basu, Climate-related discussions in Economics Vol. 220,
Sharad Nath Bhattacharyya, firms’ 10-K: Who does it and Letters November
Mousumi and Jalaj Pathak what is its impact? 2022, 110855,
Pg. 1-6

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Sl. Publication
Authors Title of the article Journal
No. Details
9 Diana Hechavarria, Cross-Cultural Implications Strategic Vol. 17(1),
Steven Brieger, of Linguistic Future Time Entrepreneurship March 2023,
Ludvig Levasseur, and Reference and Institutional Journal Pg. 61-94
Siri Terjesen Uncertainty on Social
10 Naveen Bharathi, Ethnic diversity and economic Economics Vol. 222,
Deepak Malghan, and development with spatial Letters January 2023
Andaleeb Rahman segregation
11 Ritwik Banerjee, Anti-tax evasion, anti- Journal of Vol. 197,
Amadou Boly and corruption and public good Economic May 2022,
Robert Gillanders provision: An experimental Behavior & Pg. 179-194
analysis of policy spillovers Organization
12 Venkatesh Panchapagesan, When is the Order-to-trade fee Journal of Vol. 62,
Susan Thomas and effective? Financial January 2023,
Nidhi Aggarwal Markets Pg. 1-22
13 Kaushal Joshi, Contextualizing Individual- Journal of Vol. 58(6),
Arturo M. Martinez, Level Asset Data Collection: Development 2022,
Mildred Addawe, Evidence from Household Studies Pg. 1258-1279
Christian Flora Mae Soco and Surveys
Hema Swaminathan
14 Sonali Rakshit, and Biased teachers and gender gap Journal of Vol. 161,
Leading Journal Publications

Soham Sahoo in learning outcomes: Evidence Development March 2023

from India Economics
15 Nishant Kumar Verma and Process flexibility in International Vol. 256,
Ashish K. Chatterjee the presence of product Journal of February 2023,
modularity: Does modularity Production Pg. 1-15
help? Economics
16 Prithwiraj Mukherjee, Did clickbait crack the code on Journal of the Vol. 50(3),
Souvik Dutta and virality? Academy of May 2022,
Arnaud De Bruyn Marketing Pg. 482-502
17 Rashmeet Singh, Network cooperation and Journal of Vol. 148,
Deepak Chandrashekar, economic performance of Business September
Bala Subrahmanya Mungila SMEs: Direct and mediating Research 2022,
Hillemane, Arun Sukumar and impacts of innovation and Pg. 116-130
Vahid Jafari-Sadeghi internationalisation
18 Nilam Kaushik and Sequential Innovation in Mobile Manufacturing Vol. 25(1),
Bilal Gokpinar App Development & Service February 2023,
Operations Pg. 182-199

Leading Journal Publications

Sl. Publication
Authors Title of the article Journal
No. Details
19 Abhoy K. Ojha and Understanding the colonial Journal of Vol. 149,
Ramya Tarakad Venkateswaran roots of Indian management Business October 2022,
thought: An agenda to Research Pg. 700-712
decolonise and theorise for
Indian contexts
20 Saptarshi Purkayastha, Type I and type II agency Journal of Vol. 153,
Rajaram Veliyath and conflicts in family firms: An Business December
Rejie George empirical investigation Research 2022,
Pg. 285-299
21 Jitamitra Desai, A 0–1 mixed-integer program- Naval Research Vol. 69(7),
Sandeep Srivathsan and based group-and-release Logistics October 2022,
Chuhang Yu, Dong Zhang strategy for solving the Pg. 939-957
integrated runway scheduling
and taxiway routing problem
22 Sunanda Katewa and Mobile Application’s Quality Decision Sciences Vol. 53(5),
Tarun Jain and Pricing Decisions Under October 2022,
Competition Pg. 896-931
23 Amar Sapra and Integration of long- and short- Productions Vol. 31(7),
Peter L. Jackson term contracts in a market for and Operations July 2022,
capacity Management Pg. 2872-2890
24 Bibek Bhattacharya, Shaking Up (and Keeping Journal of Vol. 177, 2022,

Leading Journal Publications

Ipsu Khadka and Dalhia Mani Intact) the Old Boys’ Network: Business Ethics Pg. 763-778
The Impact of the Mandatory
Gender Quota on the Board of
Directors in India
25 Yewon Kim Pradeep K. Government Policy, Strategic Marketing Vol. 41(6),
Chintagunta and Consumer Behavior, and Science November
Bhuvanesh Pareek Spillovers to Retailers: The Case 2022,
of Demonetization in India Pg. 1029-1182
26 Michael R. Parke, How Strategic Silence enables Organizational Vol. 173,
Subrahmaniam Tangirala, Employee Voice to be Valued Behavior and November
Apurva Sanaria and and Rewarded Human Decision 2022, 104187,
Srinivas E S Processes Pg. 1-18
27 Akansha Misra, Channel choice and incentives European Journal Vol. 302(3),
Haritha Saranga and in the cadaveric organ supply of Operational November
Rajeev R. Tripathi chain Research 2022,
Pg. 1202-1214
28 Tarun Jain, Jishnu Hazra and New product design decisions Journal of the Vol. 74(1),
T. C. E. Cheng and free sharing of patents with Operational 2023, Pg. 59-80
rivals Research Society

Awards, Honours, and Achievements
1. Prof. Deepak Chandrashekar, Secured One of the Best Papers Award: Certificate of
Appreciation for outstanding services as a reviewer at Asian Journal of Management
Cases, 12th Asian Society for Innovation and Policy conference at Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru and Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bengaluru during
November 24-26, 2022.

2. Prof. Shailendra Kumar, Teaching Excellence - Received IIMB Excellence in Teaching

Award 2023 after first teaching term.

3. Prof. Ritwik Banerjee, Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researcher, Fellowship

from the State of Germany.

4. Prof. Varun Jindal, Distinguished Alumnus Award by Panjab University Alumni


5. Prof. Venkatesh Panchapagesan, Excellence in Teaching at IIMB.

6. Prof. Arpita Pandey, Research Award, North American Society for Marketing Research
Awards, Honours, and Achievements


7. Prof. Gopal Das, 2% Researcher in the world by Stanford University

8. Prof. Mukta Kulkarni, Elected Representative at large for the GDO division of the
Academy of Management, 2022.

9. Prof. Mukta Kulkarni, Co-organizer, AOM GDO writing mentoring workshop 2022.

10. Prof. Mukta Kulkarni, Chair, Carolyn Dexter Award Committee, Academy of
Management 2022.

11. Prof. Mukta Kulkarni, Chair, Saroj Parasuraman Outstanding Publication award, GDO
(now DEI) division, Academy of Management 2022.

12. Prof. Mukta Kulkarni, Co-chair, doctoral student consortium, GDO (now DEI) division,
Academy of Management 2022.

13. Prof. Mukta Kulkarni, Associate Editor at Journal of Management Inquiry and Equality,
Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal.

14. Prof. Mukta Kulkarni, Editorial Board member at Journal of Organization Behaviour
and Human Relations.

15. Prof. Gopal Mahapatra, Recognition at the Faculty Retreat: In the recent Faculty Retreat
on April 12, 2023, he was appreciated/recognised by Director for Faculty Teaching
Feedback for his elective course on Managing Career Success and Transition.

Awards, Honours, and Achievements

16. Prof. Haritha Saranga, Vice President, POMS India Chapter Board.

17. Prof. Pulak Ghosh, 2023 Outstanding Paper Award in Financial Institutions (WRDS)
at the MidWest Finance Association Annual Meeting for the paper ‘Safety Nets, Credit,
and Investment: Evidence from a Guaranteed Income Programme.’

18. Prof. Shankhadeep Banerjee, Excellence in Teaching Award at Annual Faculty Retreat
IIM Bangalore 2022.

19. Prof. Allen P Ugargol, International Award – Fellowship. Awarded Yusuf Hamied
Fellowship at Columbia Aging Centre, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia

20. Prof. Allen P Ugargol, National Award - Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR).
ICMR’s Professor Surinder Mohan Marwah Award for his sustained and significant
research in the area of Ageing and Geriatric Care in India.

21. Prof. Soham Sahoo, Visiting Fellow, London School of Economics.

22. Prof. Ludvig Levasseur, Outstanding Reviewer Award, Managerial and Organizational
Cognition (MOC) Division of Academy of Management 2022.

Awards, Honours, and Achievements

23. Prof. Murthy Ramya, E ISPIM Dissertation Award 2022.

24. Prof. Sushanta K Mishra, The paper, co-authored with the 5C group, published in
the Journal of Vocational Behavior, received the Career Division Best Published Paper
award Finalist at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2022.

25. Prof. Sushanta K Mishra, Contributed as the convenor of the 8th Indian Academy of
Management (INDAM) Conference at NMIMS, Mumbai, in January 2023.

26. Prof. Sushanta K Mishra, Invited as an external member of the Selection Committee
for the Prof. Tirath Gupta Memorial Award for Best Thesis at IIM Ahmedabad.

27. Prof. Sushanta K Mishra, Appointed as the Associate Editor of Personnel Review,
IIMB Management Review, and review editor of Frontiers in Psychology.

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

I Strategy (S)

T he success or failure of any business is largely dependent on how the

various functional areas in management are combined to produce
and deliver value to different stakeholders. This integration of functions
is taking place in a continuously changing and complex environment.
The Strategy Area deals with issues related to the formulation and
implementation of management and changing strategies, as organizations
strive to remain successful and grow in an increasingly complex,
competitive, and globalised world. It is, therefore, interdisciplinary by
nature and requires an understanding of all functional areas.

The Area is well endowed in terms of faculty resources for dealing with
these complex problems. The areas of research interest of the faculty
in the Strategy Area cover the entire spectrum of problems that affect
current globalised businesses. Apart from the core aspect of strategic
management, other areas of research include international business,
strategic alliances, new product development, and the management of
technology & innovation, among others.

Members of the Area offer a number of core and elective courses for
various programmes of the institute, such as PGP, EPGP, PGPEM,
and FPM. They are also actively involved in guiding various student
projects. The Area offers specialisation in the field of Corporate Strategy
for the doctoral programme of the institute. Other activities include case
writing by faculty members, sponsored research, and consulting. Themes
of current business and research interests form the basis for a number
of Executive Education Programmes (EEP) that the Area members
offer directly or in collaboration with faculty members from other
Strategy (S)

Areas. Faculty members of Strategy Area have also been publishing

influential academic papers in international and national journals
such as Strategic Management Journal, Harvard Business Review, and
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Area members are
on the boards of several companies and also serve as part of national
committees dealing with strategic and policy issues.

I Strategy (S)

I-A Research Projects

I-A1 Partnering for Success: Advancing Sustainability Research and Education in India

Project Team: P D Jose, U Dinesh Kumar, and Vasanthi Srinivasan

Summary: The project promotes collaboration between IIM Bangalore and

University of North Carolina on sustainability-related education.
This project received the prestigious ‘Obama–Singh 21st Century
Knowledge Initiative Award’. The initiative strengthens collaboration
and builds partnerships between American and Indian institutions
of higher education in priority fields. IIM Bangalore is one of the
eight institutions that are recipients of the prestigious award. Each
project will receive an award of approximately $250,000 that can be
utilized over a three-year period, with the objectives of cultivating
educational reform, fostering economic growth, generating shared
knowledge to address global challenges, and developing junior
faculty at Indian and American institutions of higher learning. As part
of the project, IIM Bangalore and the UNC Kenan-Flagler Business
School, in collaboration with Wipro, organised a symposium titled
“Advancing Sustainability Research and Education” in January 2015.

Sponsor: USEFI

Status: Ongoing

I-A2 Better Place: A Case Study of a Corporate Failure

Project Team: P D Jose, Gadi Ariav, and Menaka Rao

Summary: The proposed study aims to explore the reasons for the failure of
one of the best-funded start-ups of all times, Better Place, a company
that pioneered battery-charging and battery-swapping services for
electric cars. Better Place was set up by Shai Agassi, an Israeli
entrepreneur, with strong support from the government, investors,
and politicians. In less than a year, Better Place burned through over
900 million dollars and was shut down. The author has written a
draft case study on the failure and has had Shai Agassi speak to his
Strategy (S)

class in the PGP course, ‘Learning from Corporate Failures’.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

I-A3 Artificial Intelligence-Based Learning Management Systems

Project Team: P D Jose

Summary: The study aims to help create an approach towards an AI-based

learning management platform for the Ministry of Human Resources

Sponsor: MHRD

Status: Ongoing

I-A4 Developing the Management Curriculum for the Digital Era (MaCuDE)

Project Team: P D Jose

Summary: The AACSB Digital Transformation Affinity Group, with Stevens

Institute of Technology, has undertaken a project to revise the
Management Curriculum for the Digital Era (MaCuDE). The initiative
is a collaborative one, involving a consortium of about 100 business
schools and is designed to be carried out over a two-year period.

Sponsor: Stevens Institute of Technology

Status: Ongoing

I-A5 Sustainability Initiatives of South Asian Firms

Project Team: P D Jose

Summary: The paper is a policy document to be used by ERIA for its sustainability

Sponsor: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)

Status: Ongoing

I-A6 Management Curriculum for the Digital Era (MaCuDE)

Project Team: P D Jose

Summary: The changes in business education necessitated by the technological

Strategy (S)

revolution are likely to impact all areas of business education. The

Management Curriculum for the Digital Era (MaCuDE) is a study
initiated by the AACSB Digital Transformation Affinity Group, under
the leadership of Stevens Institute of Technology and PwC.

Sponsor: Stevens Institute of Technology and PwC

Status: Ongoing

I Strategy (S)

I-A7 Lull after the Storm: Cases on Strategic Persistence in Indian Firms

Project Team: Srinivasan R and S Karthika

Summary: Organisations oscillate between periods of transformation and

reorientations (Tushman and Romanelli, 1985). Most prior
literature has focused on studying periods of transformation,
including antecedents, processes, and consequences of change and
transformation. It is the periods of convergence or equilibrium
periods (Gersick, 1991) that are of interest to us in this research.
During these periods, organisations experience, at best, incremental
changes to their deep structures which are otherwise relatively inert.
We intend to distinguish conscious persistence from rigidity arising
out of dysfunctional intent/processes. We also intend to study
strategic persistence as a precursor to conscious strategic change/

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Completed

I-A8 Diversification at Amara Raja Group

Project Team: Srinivasan R and Sai Yayavaram

Summary: Amara Raja Group (AR Group) is a family-managed Indian business

group that is present in a diverse range of related businesses such
as batteries, power control equipment, etc. and unrelated businesses
such as construction, fruit juices & pulp, and hospitals. Over the
years, the group has increased its level of diversification as well as
vertical integration for a variety of reasons. Some of its diversification
decisions such as entry into fruit pulp & juices and electronic
manufacturing services were taken with the intention of giving back
to society. In line with such a motive, the group also located all
its manufacturing facilities in the rural areas of Chittoor district in
Andhra Pradesh. Other motives included lack of a reliable supplier
base and an opportunity to introduce new technologies.

After several such diversification moves, the AR Group is now at

a critical juncture. They must decide on the rationale for further
Strategy (S)

diversification, which becomes imperative given the opportunities in

infrastructure and electronics manufacturing that are arising from the
Government of India’s “Make in India” initiatives. The group also
must now decide on how to exploit the synergies across businesses,
the appropriate structure of the corporate group, and the role that
the corporate office should play. The case study on AR Group delves
into all the aforementioned aspects.

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Sponsor: Amara Raja Group

Status: Ongoing

I-A9 Understanding Individual Level of Search

Project Team: Sai Yayavaram and Kannan Srikanth

Summary: Following the seminal work of Simon (1947) and Cyert and March
(1963), the field of management has given considerable attention to
the concept of search. Most of the work in this stream of literature has
focused on search at the organisational level. In our study, building
on prior studies in psychology and organisational behaviour, we
intend to examine search at the individual level and then seek to
understand the role of aspirations, experience, and changes in the
environment on the locus and type of search. We will develop a
game to simulate a decision-making environment and then run
experiments in a lab to track search processes that individuals use.
Our study has the potential to contribute to the literature on search
by unpacking mechanisms at a granular level, which is not possible
with a large sample study based on archival data.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

I-A10 Drivers of Cluster Growth: Role of Institutions and Economic Complexity

Project Team: Sai Yayavaram and Prateek Raj

Summary: It is well known that economic activity benefits from agglomeration.

Indian economic planners have recognised the importance of
agglomeration and attempted to create industrial clusters. However,
their attempts have achieved only partial success. Lack of successful
industrial clusters is a plausible reason for manufacturing not
taking off in India. With the laudable objective of balanced regional
development, Indian governments have tried to push cluster
development to the hinterland and away from large urban centres.
We hypothesise that the failure of clusters is due to their location
Strategy (S)

in regions with low economic complexity. Our basic premise is

that a cluster requires a threshold level of economic complexity
before it starts benefiting from agglomeration. We intend to build a
measure of economic complexity and test its relationship with cluster
growth. Our work can potentially provide an answer to how the
trade-offs between balanced development and agglomeration can be
achieved—identify potential urban centres that are close to achieving

I Strategy (S)

the threshold of economic complexity and are the best candidates for
concerted development efforts such as establishment of educational
and research institutions and public undertakings and provision of
incentives to private companies to attract investment. A concerted
development of industrial clusters in such cities can lead to a more
balanced regional development across India while facilitating the
growth of manufacturing.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

I-A11 ESRC-ICSSR UK-India Trade Grant

Project Team: Prateek Raj, Sunil Kumar (KCL), and Kamini Gupta (KCL)

Summary: To study the enablers and obstacles for UK-India Trade in the context
of banks and diasporas.

Sponsor: ICSSR

Status: Ongoing

I-A12 Regional Ecosystems in Medical Devices

Project Team: Vijay Venkataraman, David Ku, and Sandeep Pillai

Summary: Strategy scholars have often been interested in knowing why some
regional ecosystems do better than others (Porter, 1990). Research in
this stream can be traced back to Marshall’s work on the economics
of agglomeration (Marshall, 1920). Agglomeration where firms in an
industry tend to co-locate within a limited area has been observed in
a wide range of industries such as semi-conductors (Saxenian, 1994),
automotive (Klepper, 2007), hotel (Baum and Haveman, 1997), and
wine (Harrison, 2007).

Sponsor: VRSP, IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing
Strategy (S)

I-A13 Platform Ecosystems

Project Team: Vijay Venkataraman and Chris Forman

Summary: Across industries such as gaming, mobile, business software,

e-commerce, and credit cards, the nature of competition has shifted
from product-based to platform-based competition (Bresnahan and
Greenstein, 1999; McIntyre and Srinivasan, 2016; Choudary, Van

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Alstyne, and Parker, 2016). A platform ecosystem may be thought

of as taking a “hub and spoke” form composed of a central product
that is connected to complementors that contribute towards building
around it through their product or service offerings (Jacobides,
Cennamo, and Gawer, 2018; Adner and Kapoor, 2010; Gawer, 2014)

Sponsor: VRSP, IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

I-A14 Experiments in Innovation Management

Project Team: Nilam Kaushik and Kevin Boudreau

Summary: Knowledge recombination is a key ingredient of the innovation

process. There are two existing views in the innovation literature that
explain how diversity affects innovation performance. The burden
of knowledge view (Jones, 2009) suggests that distinct specialised
knowledge is an antecedent for innovation. According to the
recombinant diversity view (Weitzman, 1998), novel recombinations
arise from the cross-pollination of existing ideas and knowledge. In
this project, we aim to understand the precise mechanisms through
which knowledge diversity impacts innovation performance through
a randomised controlled experiment in which individuals are
randomly assigned to teams that compete to develop proposals for
new IoT applications. Each team works virtually and has to complete
the proposal within a designated period. The final proposals are
evaluated by a panel of experts and prizes are given to the top 3

Sponsor: VRSP, IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

I-A15 Balancing Traditionality and Innovation: Strategic Entrepreneurship in the

Production of Handloom Saris

Project Team: Nilam Kaushik and Suresh Bhagavatula

Strategy (S)

Summary: Recent research calls for more dedicated attention towards crafts-
based ventures (Bell et. al, 2018; Korezen et. al, 2021). A call for
papers for a special issue on craft-based ventures in the Strategic
Entrepreneurship journal attests to the need for creating a dedicated
space for studying crafts-based ventures. In India, the study of
strategic entrepreneurship in the production and sales of handloom
saris is a relevant and rather understudied context which we aim to

I Strategy (S)

use as our empirical setting to make a contribution to the management

literature on craft-based ventures. We are broadly interested in
understanding how producers and intermediaries involved in the
production of handloom saris balance authenticity, traditionality
and innovation (Kuhn and Galloway, 2015; Kroezen and Heugens,
2019) to seek opportunities in the market and attain competitive

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

I-A16 Imagination and Strategic Choice: A Framework of Creative Rationality

Project Team: Shubha Patvardhan and Chad Murphy

Summary: The proposed project aims to, conceptually and empirically, explore
the question: How does imagination inform managers’ strategic
choices and, thereby influence firms’ competitive advantage? Overall
the project will introduce imagination, a defining aspect of the
human cognitive architecture, into the cognitive micro-foundations
of strategic management. As imagination per se and its role in
strategic choice is currently undertheorized in strategic management,
our fundamental task is to “discover” and “build” new theory—
rather than test existing theory. Our research strategy, therefore,
comprises a mix of conceptual and empirical studies aimed at
developing conceptual and theoretical frameworks on the role of
imagination in strategy-making.

Sponsor: Strategic Management Society USA

Status: Ongoing

I-B Articles in Academic Journals

Sl. Name of Details of

Authors Title of Paper
No. Journal Publication
I-B1 Rashmeet Singh, Network cooperation Journal of Vol. 148,
Strategy (S)

Chandrashekar, Deepak, and economic Business September

M.H. Bala Subrahmanya, performance of Research 2022,
Arun Sukumar and SMEs: Direct and Pg. 116-130
Vahid Jafari-Sadeghi mediating impacts
of innovation and

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Sl. Name of Details of

Authors Title of Paper
No. Journal Publication
I-B2 Kshitija Joshi, Monitoring and value- International Vol. 14(2),
Chandrashekar, Deepak add by venture capital Journal of April 2022,
and firms in investee Entrepreneurial Pg. 202-229
M.H. Bala Subrahmanya firms: The case of Venturing
foreign VCs operating
in India
I-B3 Kshitija Joshi, VC Funded Start-Ups International Vol. 17, 2022,
Chandrashekar, Deepak, in India: Innovation, Journal of Global Pg. 104-113
Krishna Satyanarayana and Social Impact, and the Business and
Apoorva Srinivas Way Forward Competitiveness
I-B4 Krishna Satyanarayana, How does International Vol. 28(7),
Chandrashekar, Deepak, international Journal of 2022,
Arun Sukumar and entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial Pg. 1702-1731
Vahid Jafari-Sadeghi orientation Behaviour &
influence firms’ Research
An exploration with
Indian software
product top
management teams
I-B5 Kaushik, Nilam and Sequential Innovation Manufacturing Vol. 25(1),
Bilal Gokpinar in Mobile App & Service February 2023,
Development Operations Pg. 182-199
I-B6 Saptarshi Purkayastha, Type I and type II Journal of Vol. 153,
Rajaram Veliyath and agency conflicts Business December
George, Rejie in family firms: Research 2022,
An empirical Pg. 285-299

I-F Articles in Periodicals, Financial Dailies, and Newspapers

Name of
Sl. Date of
Strategy (S)

Authors Title of Article Newspaper/

No. Publication
I-F1 Komal Nanwani, Quick commerce last mile Forbes December
Ankit Raj and delivery: Indispensable or 21, 2022
Prabhu, Ganesh N superfluous?
I-F2 Prabhu, Ganesh N Quick Commerce: Suggestions for Indian March 27,
Players to Sustain & Grow in India Retailer 2023

I Strategy (S)

I-H Seminar/Conference/Workshop Presentations/Invited Talks

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
I-H1 Prabhu, Ganesh N Invited Panellist at the Silver IISc Bangalore April 4,
Jubilee Celebrations of the 2022
CPDM MDes Programme
I-H2 Prabhu, Ganesh N Invited Talk – Innovation R1 RCM, Bangalore April 6,
at Special Valedictory 2022
of Strategic Leadership
I-H3 Kaushik, Nilam Performance Effects of Team Max Planck Institute June 2022
and Diversity in Innovation: for Innovation and
Kevin Boudreau Field Experimental Evidence Competition
from a Collaborative Product
Development Platform
I-H4 Kaushik, Nilam Performance Effects of Team 32nd Production April
and Diversity in Innovation: and Operations 21-25, 2022
Kevin Boudreau Field Experimental Evidence Management
from a Collaborative Product Conference
Development Platform
I-H5 Kaushik, Nilam Performance Effects of Team INSEAD Doriot June
and Diversity in Innovation: Entrepreneurship 2022
Kevin Boudreau Field Experimental Evidence Conference in
from a Collaborative Product Fontainebleau
Development Platform
I-H6 Kaushik, Nilam Performance Effects of Team Open and User June 20-21,
and Diversity in Innovation: Innovation Virtual 2022
Kevin Boudreau Field Experimental Evidence Conference
from a Collaborative Product
Development Platform
I-H7 Jose P D Invited Talk Virtual PRME Global June 6,
Forum 2022
I-H8 Jose P D Emerging Ways of Enriching National Conference on September
Student Learning and Transformations and 21-22, 2022
Strategy (S)

Experience Changing Perspectives

in Indian Higher
Education, Christ
University, Bangalore
I-H9 Jose P D GRI South Asia Roundtable Webinar on CSR and December
Series: Achieving SDGs Indian Industry 5, 2022
from Retrofit to Strategic

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
I-H10 George, Rejie, Interplay between Southern Management October
Abu Rehan Abbasi Liberalization and Association 18-22, 2022
and Mani, Dalhia Ownership Networks: Small Conference, USA
Worlds in India
I-H11 George, Rejie, Diversification Strategy Southern Management October
Saptarshi & Performance Among Association 18-22, 2022
Purkayastha and Business Group and M-Form Conference, USA
Rajaram Veliyath Firms: The Moderating
Effects of Institutional
I-H12 George, Rejie Lecture Series on Indian Corporate Governance, May 13,
Economy@75 Cochin University 2022
of Science and
I-H13 Krishnan, Enhancing the Sustainability ASIALICS 2022 June 30,
Rishikesha T Quotient of Frugal International 2022
Innovation Conference (online)
I-H14 Krishnan, Making Frugal Innovation Jain University Centre September
Rishikesha T More Sustainable for Management 2, 2022
I-H15 Krishnan, Inaugural Address: A International September
Rishikesha T Contemporary Perspective Conference on Strategic 24, 2022
on Strategy Execution Perspectives 2022, DAV
University Jalandhar
I-H16 Krishnan, Invited Talk – Indian National Convention November
Rishikesha T Management Research: on Indian Management 20, 2022
Contextual Focus or Thought and Ethos,
Paradigm Shift? MIT World Peace
I-H17 Krishnan, Valedictory Address: 12th ASIP Conference November
Rishikesha T Evolution of the Indian 2022, organised by 24-26, 2022
Innovation System Asian Society for
Innovation & Policy
Strategy (S)

(Korea), Indian
Institute of Science &
MS Ramaiah University
of Applied Sciences

I Strategy (S)

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
I-H18 Krishnan, Chief Guest/Inaugural International December
Rishikesha T Speaker Conference on 1, 2022
Advances in People
organised by School of
Business Management,
Christ University
I-H19 Krishnan, Panellist in Valedictory ISDSI Global December
Rishikesha T Session: Internationalization Conference 2022 on 29, 2022
of Business Schools Building Sustainable
Businesses in the
Phygital World,
organised by Jagdish
Seth School of
Management (JagSOM)
I-H20 Krishnan, Plenary Speaker on Leading INDAM 2023 January 7,
Rishikesha T Innovation in the Digital Era Conference, organised 2023
by Indian Academy
of Management
(INDAM) & Narsee
Monjee Institute of
Management Studies,
I-H21 Krishnan, Guest of Honour and Foundation Day@ May 31,
Rishikesha T Speaker Institute for 2022
Bioinformatics &
Applied Biotechnology,
I-H22 Krishnan, Plenary Speaker: Building National Conference September
Rishikesha T Research & Innovation on NEP Readiness: 29, 2022
Culture in HEIs Scope and Challenges
for Transforming
Higher Education,
organised by Centre for
Strategy (S)

Educational and Social

I-H23 Krishnan, Keynote Speaker: Managing Wells Fargo Leadership July 15,
Rishikesha T Change Conclave 2022 2022
I-H24 Krishnan, Opening Keynote (virtual) SAP Industry 4.0 August
Rishikesha T Partner Summit 2022

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
I-H25 Krishnan, Talk on Leading Innovation Wabtec Technical February
Rishikesha T in the Digital Era (virtual) Lecture Series 13, 2023
I-H26 Krishnan, Building a Systematic 18th CII Innovation August 25,
Rishikesha T Innovation Capability in the Summit; Keynote 2022
Digital Era Speaker for a session
on Global Innovation
Landscape and Key
I-H27 Krishnan, Invited Speaker/Panellist: Akhil Bharatiya July 7,
Rishikesha T Multi-Disciplinary Education Shiksha Samagam 2022
(National Conference
on National Education
Policy), organised by
UGC and Ministry of
I-H28 Krishnan, Invited Thematic Lecture: Space Leadership February
Rishikesha T Leading Innovation in the Programme, organised 14, 2023
Digital Era by ISRO
I-H29 Krishnan, Foundation Day Lecture on Driving Future February
Rishikesha T Supporting Biotechnology Biotechnology 26, 2023
Innovation in India: The Revolution, Amrit
Next Frontier Kaal Department of
Biotechnology, Govt. of
India 37th Foundation
I-H30 Kalubandi, Sai Invited Panellist for India BizBuzz April 2022
Chittaranjan panel discussion on Conference,
entrepreneurship Visakhapatnam
I-H31 Patvardhan, Beyond Bounded Rationality: ISB Hyderabad, Guest September
Shubha Exploring the Role of Speaker Series 2022
Imagination in Strategy-
I-H32 Patvardhan, Commonalities and Panel discussion hosted May 2022
Strategy (S)

Shubha Differences Between STR by STR Division AOM

and OMT
I-H33 Venkataraman, Organizational and Political SMS, London, UK September
Vijay and Pluralism in Digital Platform 17-20, 2022
A. Karunakaran Adoption: Evidence from the
Banking Ecosystem in India

I Strategy (S)

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
I-H34 Venkataraman, Being Close to the Center SMS, London, UK September
Vijay, A. Lamin or Following your Peers? 17-20, 2022
and Benegal S. Software Firms’ Location
Choices within Bangalore
I-H35 A. Lamin, Geographies of Innovation: AoM Paper August
Venkataraman, Challenges and Symposium, Seattle, 5-9, 2022
Vijay and Opportunities USA
Benegal S.
I-H36 Kang H. Y., Innovation Challenge in ISA, Wharton, June 24-25,
Sohn E. and Nascent Ecosystems: DARPA Philadelphia, USA, 2022
Venkataraman, and the Rise of Autonomous 2022
Vijay Vehicles Ecosystem

I-I Articles in Conference Proceedings

Sl. Details of the Conference

Authors Title of Paper
No. Proceedings
I-I-1 Srivastava, M and The Choice Between 82nd Annual Meeting of the
Yayavaram, Sai Alliances and Acquisitions: Academy of Management
A Knowledge Recombination August 5-9, 2022
Perspective Seattle, Washington, USA
I-I-2 Toegel, I and Grounded Model of Personal 82nd Annual Meeting of the
Patvardhan, Rivalry and Covert Politics Academy of Management
Shubha in Field-Identity Formation August 5-9, 2022
Seattle, Washington, USA
I-I-3 Patvardhan, Imagination: The Cognitive Strategic Leadership Conference,
Shubha Microfoundations of Salt Lake City, Utah
Strategic Leadership January 5-7, 2023
I-I-4 Toegel, I and Grounded Model of Personal European Group of
Patvardhan, Rivalry and Covert Politics Organizational Studies, Vienna
Shubha in Field-Identity Formation July 5, 2022
I-I-5 Venkataraman, Backing the Right Jockey? 82nd Annual Meeting of the
Strategy (S)

Vijay, Founder Traits and Early- Academy of Management

Subramanian, H Stage Funding in Digital August 5-9, 2022
and Jiang, H Entrepreneurship Seattle, Washington, USA
I-I-6 Subramanian, H, Backing the Right Jockey? Academy of International
Venkataraman, Founder Traits and Early- Business Conference, Miami,
Vijay and Stage Funding in Digital USA
Jiang, H Entrepreneurship July 6-9, 2022

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

I-J IIMB Case Studies @ Harvard Business Publishing

I-J1 Title: Knolskape: Transforming Learning Dynamics

Author: Srinivasan R, Satya Nandini A and Srividya V

Summary: The case on KNOLSKAPE traces the firm’s evolution from a service
provider of simulation games for academia to becoming a full-stack
provider of customised products and learning journeys for corporations
around the world. Through its growth journey, KNOLSKAPE had
transformed from a typical pipeline business to a platform business
model that integrates the value propositions laid out by providers of
technology, content, and service. The case is set in 2019-2020 when
the business and learning worlds were disrupted by the COVID-19
pandemic and the resultant shift to online learning. This case allows
students to analyse KNOLSKAPE’s platform architecture, including
open-closed and proprietary-shared architectures and globalization

I-J2 Title: Mylab Discovery Solutions: Innovating Against all Odds

Author: Charu Rastogi, Srivardhini K. Jha and Rishikesha T. Krishnan

Summary: Mylab Discovery Solutions is a biotechnology firm based in Pune,

Maharashtra, a state in the western part of India. The company is
focused on developing and commercialising diagnostic solutions
and automation in molecular, serology, and immunology areas. Its
applications are in clinical diagnostics, drug discovery, biomedical
research, agri genomics, and animal and food safety. Till early 2020, like
any other young venture in a nascent market, Mylab was struggling
to raise funds and spread awareness of high-priced but more accurate
“molecular diagnostics” in a price-sensitive market. Its fortunes changed
in March 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic struck. The firm was
dubbed the “poster child of the COVID-19 pandemic” after it rose to
the limelight for developing COVID-19 RTPCR and rapid antigen test
kits. The next two years saw Mylab raising funds, automating and
scaling production, doubling down on research and development,
Strategy (S)

launching multiple new products, and pursuing inorganic growth

through acquisitions and alliances. However, by January 2022, the
pandemic seemed to have run its course. The founders, Hasmukh
Rawal and Shailendra Kawade, were considering strategies to maintain
Mylab’s growth momentum. Through a series of interviews with key
players at Mylab, we have developed a case study to delve into how
a startup in the nascent biotechnology industry in India succeeded in

I Strategy (S)

turning out innovation after innovation and scaling up production of

test kits from a few hundred to hundreds of thousands in the span of
a few months. The learning objectives of this case are to understand
the unique challenges faced by ventures in nascent markets, compare
the ecosystem of ventures in nascent industries with those in mature
industries, and discuss how stakeholder relationships evolve as a
venture advances in its journey.

I-K Leading Journal Publications

Articles which have appeared in leading academic journals, listed in Financial

Times 50, UT Dallas.

I-K1 Authors: Rashmeet Singh, Deepak Chandrashekar, Bala Subrahmanya Mungila

Hillemane, Arun Sukumar and Vahid Jafari-Sadeghi

Title: Network cooperation and economic performance of SMEs: Direct and

mediating impacts of innovation and internationalisation

Journal: Journal of Business Research

Abstract: Small firms’ performance has been recognised as an important topic

for researchers dealing with the topics of internationalisation and
innovation. The existing literature has examined the individual
influence of network cooperation, innovation, and internationalisation
on firm performance. However, there is an absence of research to
explore the coherent relationship between network linkages, innovation
performance, internationalisation performance and its cumulative
influence on economic performance. That is, this research examines
the mediating roles of innovation and internationalisation between
network cooperation and firm performance. Based on the sample of 117
exporting Indian SMEs and using structural equation modelling, the
results note that indirect effects produced by customers and Research
and Development (R&D) organisations via innovation performance
explain a higher proportion of their total effect on the economic
performance of SMEs. Conversely, the relationship between three
network stakeholders—customers, government agencies, and R&D
Strategy (S)

organisations—and economic performance are mediated by the

internationalisation performance of SMEs.

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

I-K2 Authors: Nilam Kaushik and Bilal Gokpinar

Title: Sequential Innovation in Mobile App Development

Journal: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Abstract: In today’s highly dynamic and competitive app markets, a significant

portion of development takes place after the initial product launch
via the addition of new features and the enhancement of existing
products. In managing the sequential innovation process in mobile app
development, two key operational questions arise:

(i) What features and attributes should be added to existing products

in successive versions?

(ii) How should these features and attributes be implemented for

greater market success?

We investigate the implications of three different types of mobile app

development activities on market performance. Our study contributes to
the operations management literature by providing an empirically based
understanding of sequential innovation and its market performance
implications in mobile app development, an important industry in
terms of size, scope and potential.

Listings: Financial Times 50

I-K3 Authors: Saptarshi Purkayastha, Rajaram Veliyath and Rejie George

Title: Type I and type II agency conflicts in family firms: An empirical


Journal: Journal of Business Research

Abstract: Dominant family control reduces Type I agency conflicts because

of monitoring efficiencies, while increasing Type II agency conflicts
because of the family’s voting power. Additionally, Type II agency
conflicts could be exacerbated if the family agents managed the firm
solely for the family’s benefit. The two different types of agency
conflicts were examined in a sample of 499 public Indian family
businesses during the years 2006 to 2015. Family-controlled and non-
Strategy (S)

family-managed firms appeared to be optimally configured to minimise

both types of agency conflicts. The absence of management control
appeared to alleviate some of the dissipative agency conflict effects of
dominant family ownership.

I Strategy (S)

I-L Awards, Honours, and Achievements

I-L1 Prof. Deepak Chandrashekar, Secured One of the Best Papers Award: Certificate of
Appreciation for outstanding services as a reviewer at Asian Journal of Management
Cases, 12th Asian Society for Innovation and Policy conference at Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru and Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bengaluru during
November 24-26, 2022.

I-L2 Prof. Shailendra Kumar, Teaching Excellence - Received IIMB Excellence in Teaching
Award 2023 after first teaching term.

I-M Doctoral Theses Completed by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Sl. Name of the Members of the

Dissertation Title
No. Student DAC Committee
I-M1 Caruna Bhat Essays on Board Structure, Rejie George,
Interlocking and Director Networks Ganesh N Prabhu,
Suresh Bhagavatula,
S Raghunath
I-M2 Shooj Bhaskaran Raj Creativity in Strategic Thinking: Mind Sai Yayavaram,
Wandering, Complexity, and Strategic Rejie George,
Outcomes Prithwiraj Mukherjee
I-M3 Abu Rehan Abbasi Essays on Internationalization, Rejie George,
Corporate Governance, Ownership Sai Chittaranjan K,
Networks, and Firm Performance Dalhia Mani

I-N Dissertation Proposals by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Sl. Name of the

Topic Date
No. Student
I-N1 Bibek Bhattacharya Essays on Non-Market Strategies in India May 10, 2022
I-N2 Vikas Namadeva On Orchestrating Ecosystems June 8, 2022
I-N3 Gaurav G B Essays on Firm Capabilities January 21,
Strategy (S)

I-N4 Himanshu Shekhar Essays on the Impact of Corporate Governance December 22,
on Environmental Disclosures: The Role of 2022
Institutional and Organizational Contexts
I-N5 Veethica Smriti Essays on Firm Capabilities February 27,

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

I-O Papers Presented by Doctoral Students in Conference/Seminar during


Sl. Details of the

Name of the Student Title of the Paper Date
No. Conference
I-O1 Gaurav G B, Capability Spillovers Journal of June 2022
Prof. Prateek Raj and and its Implications on Management Idea
Prof. Sai Yayavaram Heterogeneity Development
in Capabilities Workshop, (virtual)
I-O2 Gaurav G B Platform Business Models: INDAM 2023, January
A Stakeholder View NMIMS, Mumbai 2023
I-O3 Himanshu Shekhar From Seat to Say: Impact GRONEN Doctoral May 2022
of Cultural Dimensions of Consortium
Board Independence on 2022, Hybrid
I-O4 Himanshu Shekhar From Seat to Say: Influence ONE Doctoral August
of Culture on Impact of Consortium, 2022
Board Independence on Academy of
Environmental Management
Transparency Meeting, Hybrid

I-P Publications by Doctoral Students (Journal articles/book chapters/

cases/book reviews) during 2022–2023

Sl. Name of the Name of the Publications

Title of the Paper
No. Student Journal/Book Details
I-P1 Himanshu Shekhar Sustainable Growth Defining Systems Cutter
Pathway: Aligning with Change in Consortium,
Macro, Accomplishing in Sustainable May 2022
Micro Business: Part II
I-P2 Himanshu Shekhar, Building the Private Sustainable Springer, June
P D Jose, and Sector Engagement Development 2022
Venkatachalam Strategy and Monitoring Goals and
Anbumozhi Changes at the Corporate Pandemic
Strategy (S)

Level: Case of Corporate Planning: Role of

Disclosures on SDGs Efficiency
Based Regional

II Economics (E)

II Economics (E)

T he Area engages in teaching, research, external engagements, and

media and policy outreach in a wide range of fields. These include
Behavioural Economics, Development Economics, Environmental
Economics, Game Theory, Industrial Organization, IPRs, International
Trade, International Monetary Economics, and Labour Economics. It has
a good mix of faculty members with theoretical, empirical, and policy-
related work. Some have been members of national and international
expert committees in their fields of interest.

The ESS Area has a vibrant doctoral programme, attracting candidates

from reputed programmes in Economics as well as other disciplines from
universities and programmes in India and abroad. Our PhD candidates
have specialized in many of the above fields and have also published their
thesis work in reputed international journals. Many have been placed
successfully at other IIMs and management institutes in the country.
Some have undertaken post-doctoral research fellowships while some
others have joined industry and research/policy think tanks.

The ESS Area provides job opportunities in the form of Academic Associate
(AA) and Research Assistant (RA) positions to aspiring young candidates
who wish to pursue an academic career and develop the required academic
skills. Some ESS AAs and RAs have gained admission to reputed doctoral
programmes in Economics and Public Policy at institutions overseas,
including Notre Dame, Penn State, Arizona State, and George Mason
University, among others. Some even went on to obtain faculty and
Economics (E)
research positions at these institutions along with those in India.

The Area has an active presence in the institute through its Brown Bag
talks for students, RAs, Academic Associates, and faculty members. It also
participates in organizing institute-wide research seminars conducted by
visiting faculty and scholars from Indian and foreign universities.

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

II-A Research Projects

II-A1 WIPO IPR Economic Studies Project

Project Team: Damodaran A

Summary: In its initial phase, we explored the economic dynamics of IPRs

in the developing context and submitted the project in 2017 to
the WIPO. The current phase of the project explores the link of IPRs
and development goals in the creative industry.

Sponsor: WIPO

Status: Completed

II-A2 Applying Distributed Network Technologies to Spices Commodity Chains for

Competitive Advantage

Project Team: Damodaran A

Summary: India’s spices exports (notably pepper and cinnamon) have followed
the spices route since time immemorial. The oldest spice routes of
the world involved travel from Cochin to the Arabian Sea and across
the port of Aden and the Gulf of Hormuz towards the Mediterranean
and then to Europe. This trade was conducted by Arabs through
the land route and across the Cape of Good Hope to Europe. With
Vasco da Gama’s discovery of Malabar (Calicut) in 1498, there was
a new development in the spices route. The post-Vasco da Gama
spices route commenced from Calicut/Cochin and circled the Cape
of Good Hope to reach the European ports. Later, the spice route
set by Vasco da Gama underwent further branching as shipments
crossed the Cape of Good Hope to reach the Atlantic and from the
Atlantic to the United States.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Completed
Economics (E)

II-A3 Information, Market Creation, and Agricultural Growth

Project Team: Gopal Naik

Summary: The project deals with identification of direct and economy-wide

impact of ICT on agriculture. It also explores the kind of impact
new information has on agricultural production, sustainability, and
income of farmers.

II Economics (E)

Sponsor: ESRC and IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

II-A4 Building English Proficiency Through Tele-education in Government First-Degree


Project Team: Gopal Naik

Summary: The objective of the study is to assess the extent to which English
proficiency can be built in Government First-Degree Colleges through

Sponsor: Higher Education Department, Government of Karnataka

Status: Ongoing

II-A5 Hybrid Geospatial Technology for Improving Crop Area Data Management in

Project Team: Gopal Naik

Summary: We propose a hybrid geospatial technology which combines remote

sensing with GPS-GIS as a potential method of overcoming this
problem. We illustrate the methodology for a village unit in India
and assess the performance of this methodology. This is particularly
beneficial in countries like India, where the holdings are small,
individual crop plot sizes are small, and crop diversity is high.

Status: Ongoing

II-A6 Sustainable Water Use in Agriculture

Project Team: Gopal Naik

Summary: The goals of the project are as follows:

1. To identify the influence of the management factors on equal and

efficient use of water.
Economics (E)
2. To analyze the irrigation process and to identify the factors which
influence the level of farmers’ efficient water use.

3. To identify the initiatives taken individually and by the community

to improve the management of water resources.

Sponsor: HSS

Status: Ongoing

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

II-A7 How Innovation and Best Practices Aid in Value Creation and Realization? A
Case Study of Akshayakalpa in the Dairy Sector

Project Team: Gopal Naik and Prashant Chintapalli

Summary: Dairy farming forms a secondary source of income for around 70

million rural households, who together produce an estimated 139
million tonnes of milk annually. India is also one of the largest
consumers of milk and milk products; and as of 2014, the industry was
estimated at USD 70 billion (The Hindu Business, 2014). Cooperatives
such as Amul play a key role in the milk industry, particularly by
handling the production and marketing of milk. This has aided in
higher value realization for milk producing farmers. However, there
are many questions about the quality of milk supplied to consumers.
Chemical and pathogen-free safe milk production and its movement
in the dairy value chain have been a significant challenge. Having
recognized this challenge, the Government of India in 2003-04,
launched a scheme called Strengthening Infrastructure for Quality
& Clean Milk Production (SIQ-CMP) that aims to improve quality of
milk by implementing better milking procedures at the farmer level
(Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, 2019). Despite its
launch and imposition of strict food safety rules and regulations
by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), milk
is found to be the most highly adulterated food product in India
(Neo, 2019). According to the results of the FSSAI’s National Milk
Quality Survey, 2018, about 10% of the total samples analyzed had
contaminants that make it unsafe for consumption and the main
reasons for contamination were meagre quality of cattle feed, careless
use of antibiotics, and poor farm practices (FSSAI, 2018).

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

II-A8 Village Adoption to Catalyse Rural Development under the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
of Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India
Economics (E)

Project Team: Gopal Naik, Ramesh G, Arnab Mukherjee, Deepak Malghan, and
Rajluxmi V Murthy

Summary: This is an action research project where the focus is on assisting the
existing institutions to do their functions better at the village level
using better information and technology. Under the project, 5 gram
panchayats have been taken into consideration and work has been
done in the fields of agriculture, health, education, drinking water,
and employment.

II Economics (E)

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

II-A9 Machine Learning Models to Create a Robust Farm Advisory System to Improve
Farm Performance and Welfare of Farmers

Project Team: Gopal Naik and U Dinesh Kumar

Summary: The study aims to achieve the following:

1. Develop a multivariate price and yield forecasting model using

both endogenous and exogenous factors through Auto Regressive
Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model and Artificial Neural
Network (ANN).

2. Develop machine learning (ML) algorithm-based models for crop

disease prediction.

3. Build an early warning system by predicting crop disease, crop

failure, and farmer distress in a region due to prevalent diseases
and weather conditions.

Sponsor: DST, Government of India

Status: Ongoing

II-A10 Inequality of Opportunity in Australia: Occupational Network of Parents and

Labor Market Outcomes of Children

Project Team: Arpita Chatterjee, Andrew Carter, Aarti Singh, and Satoshi Tanaka

Summary: In this project, we aim to achieve the following:

A. Document the overall degree of intergenerational persistence in

labor market outcomes, income, and occupation in Australia using
comprehensive tax records data.

B. Document regional variation in intergenerational mobility in

Australia and relate it to spatial variation in infrastructure, social Economics (E)
network, and school quality.

C. Examine joint determination of occupational and income mobility

in a structural model.

We have nearly completed aim A described above and are currently

preparing a draft. We plan to submit this study for an Australian
Research Council grant this year.

Sponsor: UNSW, University of Queensland

Status: Ongoing

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

II-A11 Macroeconomics and Inequality in the Context of India: Role of Monetary and
Fiscal Policies

Project Team: Arpita Chatterjee, Saroj Bhattarai and Gautham Udupa

Summary: Traditionally, the field of macroeconomics studies the determination

of aggregate dynamics of macroeconomic variables, such as national
income and price level. However, experience of recent decades,
especially the Global Financial Crisis and now the COVID-19
pandemic in the context of sharply rising trends of inequality and
rapidly rising commodity prices and general inflation as its aftermath,
have refocused macroeconomists to study the distributional aspect
of macroeconomic policies. The literature (see, for example, Ahn et
al 2018 and Gornemann et al 2016), largely focused on the US and
other developed economies, increasingly recognize this bi-directional
relationship: macroeconomic policies impact inequality, and existing
inequalities influence the aggregate impact of macroeconomic

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

II-A12 International Trade and Firms – Exploring Relationships between Firm Performance
and International Trade

Project Team: Rupa Chanda, Rahul Singh, and Ankita Dash

Summary: The past few years have witnessed a major flux in trade literature
with the focus shifting from trading nations to trading firms. The next
generation New Trade Theory has enriched analysis of international
trade with active use of firm-level data since it is firms that engage
in exchange of goods and services. Traditional trade theories and
New Trade Theory have limitations in predicting international
trade patterns involving firms, since their basic assumption of
representative firms within an industry is essentially fallacious as, in
reality, all firms are not qualitatively equal in terms of productivity.
Economics (E)

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Completed

II-A13 Keiretsus and Indian Business Houses: A Comparative Study

Project Team: Subhashish Gupta and Mandar Oak

Summary: Japanese business houses or keiretsus were a novel feature of industrial

organization in Japan. One of its distinguishing features were cross

II Economics (E)

shareholdings among the group companies and the use of a main

bank. The network linkages have decreased over time, particularly
with the upheaval in the banking sector, but still exist. We study
the implications of Japanese firms entering India and their keiretsu

Sponsor: India Japan Study Centre, IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

II-A14 Market Concentration in the Indian Economy

Project Team: Subhashish Gupta and Gaurav Ghosh

Summary: Societies are increasingly worried about inequality, of late. Most

of their disquiet stems from the growing inequality of incomes.
Newspapers regale us with tales of the fortunes of Zuckerberg,
Bezos, and Adani, and million-dollar salaries are common for CEOs,
especially of technology companies, while the rest of us scrape
together a living. Sometimes, the glare of attention focuses on
economic or market concentration. Firms like Google, Facebook, and
Amazon stride their respective industries like giants, obliterating all
challenge while taking consumers for a ride. This perception, true
or false, has led to competition authorities to conduct investigations
of wrongdoing and to impose penalties if evidence can be found.
Most of the concern with market concentration seems to be directed
towards high technology businesses usually within the IT sector.
These are prone to monopolization and dominance according to
commentators. However, there has been consolidation within other
industries as well, in Europe and North America. The economic
consequences of concentration could include increased prices for
consumers and reduced prices for inputs. Besides, concentration of
economic power is usually frowned upon. The oldest competition
law, the Sherman act, was specifically introduced to curb the power
of trusts (a conglomeration of businesses) in the USA. Some countries
in Europe and Asia resorted to nationalization of some industries to
Economics (E)
reduce concentration. The social and political effects of concentration
are substantial and undesirable. On the flip side, one can argue that
concentration provides the necessary scale to compete in international

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

II-A15 Intergenerational Correlation in Earnings: The Role of the Private Share in Total
Health Expenditure

Project Team: Chetan Subramanian and Shailender Swaminathan

Summary: This project contributes to the growing debate on whether the

delivery of healthcare should be public or private by examining the
link between the shares of public and private health expenditure in
an economy and intergenerational mobility of income. Although the
total spending on public and private healthcare has been rising in
most countries, there are considerable differences in the mixture of
public and private health spending both within and across countries.
Our objective is to examine— both theoretically and empirically—the
role that the mix of health expenditure between public and private
healthcare plays in explaining the intergenerational transmission
of income. We examine this issue in a two-period overlapping
generations growth model in which mortality is endogenous and is
determined by both public and private investment in healthcare.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

II-A16 Effect of factoring on the growth of MSME firms

Project Team: Chetan Subramanian and Tanya Jain

Summary: Small firms play an important role in a country’s social as well as

economic development by generating employment and cultivating
entrepreneurship. However, small firms’ growth is constrained
by unavailability of finance due to lack of collateral and banking
relationships [Beck and Demirguc-Kunt, 2006]. In such a credit
constrained environment, large firms use their market power to
buy goods on credit and extract favourable payment terms from
small suppliers [Klapper et al., 2012; Murfin and Njoroge, 2015].
This immediately raises many questions: How do these small firms
finance their receivables? Do they have to forego investment opportunities
Economics (E)

to finance their large buyers? In this project, we plan to quantify the

cost of receivables for small firms in terms of foregone investment
opportunities and firm growth.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

II Economics (E)

II-A17 Caste Fractionalization and Public Good Provision in India

Project Team: Ritwik Banerjee

Summary: Data shows that public good provision in India decreases with
an increase in caste-based fractionalization. While past research
documents this association, the causal interpretation and the deeper
mechanisms driving the result is an open question. This project
aims to plug this gap by identifying the precise causal connection
between caste fractionalization in India and under-provisioning
of public goods. Our hypothesis is that the under-provisioning of
public good is driven, in part, by associative distaste emanating
from sharing a public good. For example, suppose people from
different castes need to coordinate or lobby with local authorities
to build a well. In a more fractured village, people may be less
likely to coordinate and build the well because they have a distaste
for sharing the public good with outgroup members. This form
of associative distaste is markedly different from free riding, the
dominant theme examined in the context of public good provision.
Our study aims to disentangle all possible alternative explanations.
In doing so, we will also examine if punishment mechanism can be
used to sustain high levels of public good and how punishment as a
strategy is deployed by different caste groups belonging to different
levels of social hierarchy. We will study this in the context of Bihar.

Sponsor: International Growth Center

Status: Ongoing

II-A18 Economic and Behavioural Impacts of Anti-Discrimination Policy in the Context

of Caste

Project Team: Ritwik Banerjee and Nabanita Datta Gupta

Summary: Recent years have seen an increased interest in the economic and
non-economic impacts of anti-discrimination (AD) policies across
the social sciences, with most of the work focusing on developed
Economics (E)
economies (Holzer and Neumark, 2000). While the traditional
response of economists to affirmative action (AA) policy has been
negative, more and more research is showing positive effects in
settings where discrimination is deep-rooted. However, a number
of unresolved issues relating to the effective design of such a policy
remain. These include—how to minimize stigma and stereotyping
effects, at what ages interventions should take place, whether these
policies carry disincentives for skill investment, and if there are any

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

effects on the majority. Above all, there is a lack of research linking

anti-discrimination policies to the individual level.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

II-A19 Social Identity, Caste Bias, and Under-Provisioning of Public Good

Project Team: Ritwik Banerjee, Ashokankur Datta, and Arka Roy Chaudhuri

Summary: Data shows that public good provision in India decreases with an
increase in caste-based fractionalization. This pattern indicates that
if a society is more fractured, i.e., the share of various social groups
in the population gets closer to each other, while public goods
become more and more scarce. While past research documents this
association, the causal interpretation and the deeper mechanisms
driving the result is an open question. This project aims to plug
this gap by identifying the precise causal connection between caste
fractionalization in India and under-provisioning of public goods.
Our hypothesis is that the under-provisioning of public good is
driven, in part, by associative distaste emanating from sharing.
To give an example, suppose people from different castes need to
coordinate to build a well. In a more fractured village, people may
be less likely to coordinate and build the well because they have a
distaste for sharing the public good with outgroup members. This
form of associative distaste is markedly different from free riding, the
dominant theme examined in the context of public good. Our study
aims to disentangle all possible alternative explanations by writing
down a structural model and doing some careful data analysis.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Completed

II-A20 Using social recognition to address the gender difference in volunteering for
Economics (E)

low- promotability tasks

Project Team: Ritwik Banerjee and Priyoma Mustafi

Summary: The labor market outcomes remain systematically different between

men and women, despite half a century’s research-based policies
(Altonji and Blank, 1999; Marianne, 2011). While some scholars have
focused on the role of discrimination and differences in productivity,
others have taken preference or belief-based approaches as key
mechanisms driving the stubborn gender gap in such outcomes.

II Economics (E)

These mechanisms can result in equilibria where the nature of tasks

men and women end up performing are different. Such a separating
equilibrium may be perpetuated for several reasons: managers may
assign women fewer challenging tasks (De Pater et al., 2010) or
women themselves may choose challenging tasks less often (Niederle
and Yestrumskas, 2008).

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

II-A21 Demographic and behavioural representativeness of online labor markets:

Understanding development through alternate data sources

Project Team: Soham Sahoo, Ritwik Banerjee, and Satarupa Mitra

Summary: In the social sciences, online surveys using convenience samples

are growing in popularity. These online platforms and recruitment
through commercial internet panels have proven to be a cheaper
alternative to the collection of data from the field, including data on
university students. Further, the alternative of using administrative
data, especially in developing nations like India, is riddled with
multiple shortcomings. First, observational data, often collected by
administration, lack the details conforming to international standards.
This difficulty is exacerbated by the disparity in nature between the
data necessary for academic research and the administrative data
that is usually collected to monitor programs. Second, the data
collection process is infrequent and at irregular intervals. Third,
given the limited state capacity in developing nations, the cost
of collection of data is considerably high. This adversely affects
coverage of observational datasets that are often compromised
even when nationally representative. Finally, these datasets lack a
comprehensive focus on the whole range of behavioral outcomes. For
instance, none of India’s administrative datasets provide information
on behavioral characteristics such as time and risk preferences.
However, it is now well established that these behavioral traits have
Economics (E)
important micro and macro implications (Akerlof, 2002; Frederick
et al., 2002; Levitt and List, 2007).

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

II-A22 Competitiveness and Business School

Project Team: Srinivasan Murali, Ritwik Banerjee, and Anand Kumar

Summary: Wage gap and labour market experiences of women compared to

men have always evoked interest among economists. Reuben et al.
(2017) documents a large gender gap in expected future earnings.
Women, on average, expect to earn 31% less than men at the age
of 30 and 39% less at the age of 45. Many reasons have been put
forward by past literature. Recent advances in literature show that
gender differences in competitiveness could potentially lead to
gender differences in wages and labour market experience. In this
paper, we aim to understand what effect the 2-year PGP programme
has on the competitiveness of students, and more importantly, the
gender differences in competitiveness.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

II-A23 Dispersion, Markup, and Labour Share

Project Team: Srinivasan Murali

Summary: There has been a surge of interest in investigating the evolution of

labour share and markups in the US and across the world. A few
studies like Karabarbounis and Neiman (2013) and Autor et al. (2017)
have documented a decline in labour share in the United States
and other economies. Dao et al. (2017) have documented a decline
in labour share in several countries, including India, which is the
economy of interest for the current study. We use a comprehensive
_RM level data, Prowess, to document that there is a secular decline
in labour share from 1990 till 2010. Thus, with respect to the changes
in labour share, India follows the experiences of the US and other
developed economies.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Economics (E)

Status: Ongoing

II-A24 Choices of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Occupations and Earnings in India

Project Team: Tirthatanmoy Das

Summary: The objective of this study is to examine how individuals choose

between agricultural and non-agricultural occupations in India and
assess how these choices influence their overall earnings distribution.
Specifically, it intends to estimate a tractable empirical structural

II Economics (E)

model to examine the relationships between heterogeneity in

occupation-specific skills and the choices of occupations. To my
knowledge, there exists no study that analyses occupational choices
in India in the context of unobserved skill heterogeneity. This study
aims to fill this gap.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

II-A25 Automation, Aging, Skill Realignment, and Labor Market Outcomes in Japan

Project Team: Tirthatanmoy Das

Sponsor: MIJSC, IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

II-A26 Deterrent Effect of Antitrust Laws: Evidence from India

Project Team: Vidhya Soundararajan

Summary: In this project, we test whether the antitrust law in India, instituted
by the Competition Commission of India deterred monopolistic
activities and tendencies among companies.

Sponsor: Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)

Status: Completed

II-B Articles in Academic Journals

Sl. Details of
Authors Title of Paper Name of Journal
No. Publication
II-B1 Tanushree Haldar Can cooperatives influence Environment, Vol. 24, 2022,
and Damodaran A farmer’s decision to Development and Pg. 5718-5742
adopt organic farming? Sustainability
Agri‑decision making
Economics (E)
under price volatility
II-B2 Banerjee, Ritwik Anti-tax evasion, anti- Journal of Vol. 197,
Amadou Boly and corruption, and public Economic Behavior May 2022,
Robert Gillanders good provision: An & Organization Pg. 179-194
experimental analysis of
policy spillovers
II-B3 Ayona Bhattacharjee Trade in health products World Economy Vol. 46(1),
and Chanda, Rupa and population health: A January 2023,
long-run relation Pg. 182-207

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Sl. Details of
Authors Title of Paper Name of Journal
No. Publication
II-B4 Gupta, Subhashish The interaction between IIMB Management Vol. 34(2),
technology, business Review June 2022,
environment, society, Pg. 103-115
and regulation in ICT
II-B5 Shrinivas, Aditya, The importance of wage Social Science & Vol. 317,
Suhani Jalota, loss in the financial burden Medicine January 2023,
Aprajit Mahajan, of illness: Longitudinal Pg. 1-7
and Grant Miller evidence from India
II-B6 Pranjal Chandrakar, Sequential Auctions with International Game Vol. 25(1),
Bhalla, Manaswini Multiple Synergies Theory Review 2023, 1-39
Das, Shubhabrata

II-C Books

II-C1 Damodaran A

Managing Arts in Times of Pandemics and Beyond

Oxford University Press, July 2022

This book seeks to approach arts organizations in India and abroad

from a management perspective, against the backdrop of COVID-19
and in the light of the advances made by digital technologies such as

II-E Working Papers

Author Title Working Year
Paper No.
Economics (E)

II-E1 Dasgupta, Kunal and Trade, Transport and Territorial 663 2022
Arti Grover Development
II-E2 Bernardo S Blum, Foreign Intermediate Inputs, Import 664 2022
Sebastian Claro, Intermediaries, and Aggregate
Dasgupta, Kunal, Productivity
Ignatius J Horstmann,
and Marcos Rangel

II Economics (E)

Author Title Working Year
Paper No.
II-E3 Dasgupta, Kunal and Land Misallocation and Industrial 668 2022
Rahul Rao Development
II-E4 Ayona Bhattacharjee, Exploring the Canadian Market for 669 2022
Banantika Datta, and Indian Health Workers
Chanda, Rupa
II-E5 Dhasmana, Anubha Foreign Reserves, Government Debt, and 670 2022
Endogenous Risk Premium
II-E6 Gaurav Ghosh and Industrial Concentration in India 677 2023
Gupta, Subhashish
II-E7 Gupta, Subhashish Japanese and Korean Firms in India 678 2023
II-E8 Murali, Srinivasan Wage Cyclicality Across Time and 681 2023
and Shweta Sogani Frequencies

II-F Articles in Periodicals, Financial Dailies, and Newspapers

Name of
Sl. Date of
Authors Title of Article Newspaper/
No. Publication
II-F1 Arti Grover and The effect of external and World Bank July 27, 2022
Dasgupta, Kunal internal trade costs on regional Blogs
development (Published on Let’s
Talk Development)
II-F2 Dasgupta, Kunal Land misallocation and Ideas for February 7,
and Rahul Rao industrial development India 2023
II-F3 Monisankar Bishnu, India’s Labour Market Databases Moneycontrol October 10,
S Chandrasekhar 2022
Murali, Srinivasan
II-F4 Prakshi Goyal, How policymakers can find Forbes January 9,
Economics (E)
Durga Shirsat, and better solutions to solve 2023
Murali, Srinivasan housing and labour markets

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

II-G Other Publications (Magazines, Monographs, Reports, Working

Papers of other Institutes, etc.)

Authors Title of Publication Type of Publication
II-G1 Subramanian, Chetan Ideas for India ‘Budget Ideas for India for more
2023-24: A wish list of evidence-based policy
priorities’ January 2023

II-H Seminar/Conference/Workshop Presentations/Invited Talks

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
II-H1 Chatterjee, Arpita Keynote Address on Australasian Trade March
‘Productivity and Workshop at Cairns, 18-19, 2023
Quality of Multi-Product Australia
II-H2 Chatterjee, Arpita Invited Talk on ‘Food, Ashoka University December
Fuel, and Facts: Annual Conference, 11, 2022
Distributional Effects of Haryana
External Shocks’
II-H3 Chatterjee, Arpita Invited Talk on ‘Food, Shiv Nadar February
Fuel, and Facts: University, UP 9, 2023
Distributional Effects of
External Shocks’
II-H4 Chatterjee, Arpita Invited Talk on ‘Food, Crawford School March 28,
Fuel, and Facts: of Public Policy, 2023
Distributional Effects of Australian National
External Shocks’ University
II-H5 Chatterjee, Arpita Invited Talk on Centre For October
‘Productivity and Advanced Financial 19, 2022
Quality of Multi-Product Research and
Firms’ Learning (CAFRAL),
Economics (E)

II-H6 Chatterjee, Arpita Invited Talk on Indian Statistical February
‘Productivity and Institute, Delhi 10, 2023
Quality of Multi-Product
II-H7 Subramanian, Chetan Keynote Speaker CREDAI Jaipur September

II Economics (E)

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
II-H8 Subramanian, Chetan Invited Lecture CREDAI Bangalore 2022
II-H9 Jakhu, Gaurav Integrating a Free Online Institute of Economic February
Service: Underlying Growth, New Delhi, 10, 2023
Mechanisms and India
Competitive Implications
II-H10 Jakhu, Gaurav Endogenous Data 15th European August
Collection in Platform Association 2022
Market: Privacy and for Research in
Welfare Industrial Economics
(EARIE), Vienna
II-H11 Jakhu, Gaurav Bundling a Free Product: SERI Conference, September
Competition and Welfare ISB, Hyderabad 2022
II-H12 Jakhu, Gaurav Integrating a Free Online Winter School, Delhi December
Service: Competition and School of Economics 2022
II-H13 Jakhu, Gaurav Integrating a Free Online Annual Conference December
Service: Competition and on Economic Growth 2022
Welfare and Development,
ISI, Delhi
II-H14 Naik, Gopal How do cooperatives Organizations September
manage hybridity and Sustainable 7-9, 2022
for organizational Development, Asian
sustainability? (Virtual Development Bank
Meeting on Farmers) Institute
II-H15 Naik, Gopal Institutional design Development July 6-8,
for inclusive market Studies Association 2022
access and smallholders’ Conference,
livelihood security: A University College of
mixed-methods study London
Economics (E)
II-H16 Naik, Gopal Farm Management Using Indo-Japanese Smart March
Remote Support Services City Conference 29-31, 2023
and Automated Query
Generation Method
II-H17 Naik, Gopal Inequality: Observations CPP Inequality May 17,
from Rural India Seminar Series, 2022

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
II-H18 Naik, Gopal Agricultural NCDEX IPF Trust June 7,
Warehousing in India: Initiative, New Delhi 2022
Trends, Constraints, and
II-H19 Naik, Gopal Water Production and IEEE at IISc October 1,
Consumption Bangalore 2022
II-H20 Naik, Gopal Presentations Emerging Issues March 23,
on ‘Envisaging in Rural Drinking 2023
Sustainability in RDWS Water Governance in
in the context of JJM’ India
II-H21 Naik, Gopal Ideating on community Emerging Issues March 23,
participation in the in Rural Drinking 2023
context of government Water Governance in
schemes India
II-H22 Naik, Gopal Discussant for a paper IMRDC Conference, February
on ‘Assessing the Effects IIMB 3-4, 2023
of Vulnerability and
Workfare on Poverty
Measures: Evidence
from the Mahatma
Gandhi National Rural
Employment Guarantee
II-H23 Naik, Gopal Invited Talk on ‘Good Karnataka Science December
Governance: Where we and Technology 2022
are?’ Association,
II-H24 Naik, Gopal Developments in Indian Celebrating 75 years August 15,
Agriculture of Independence 2022
II-H25 Dasgupta, Kunal Wholesalers in CSSS, Kolkata August 31,
Economics (E)

International Production 2022

Networks and their
Effects on Aggregate
II-H26 Dasgupta, Kunal Wholesalers in Delhi School of September
International Production Economics, Delhi 16, 2022
Networks and their
Effects on Aggregate

II Economics (E)

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
II-H27 Dasgupta, Kunal Wholesalers in Ashoka University, December
International Production Haryana 11, 2022
Networks and their
Effects on Aggregate
II-H28 Dasgupta, Kunal Wholesalers in IEG, New Delhi March 17,
International Production 2023
Networks and their
Effects on Aggregate
II-H29 Dasgupta, Kunal Trade, Transport, and IIT Kanpur March 2,
Regional Development 2023
II-H30 Bhalla, Manaswini Segregation and American Economic January
Connectivity Association 6-8, 2023
Conference in 2023,
New Orleans
II-H31 Banerjee, Ritwik, Affirmative Action and 17th Annual December
Marcela Ibanez, Application Strategies: Conference on 19-21, 2022
Gerhard Riener, and Evidence from Field Economic Growth
Sahoo, Soham Experiments in Colombia and Development,
ISI, Delhi
II-H32 Patil, Sanket Invited talk at a Ashoka University, March 18,
Microeconomic Theory Haryana 2023
II-H33 Patil, Sanket Strategic Justifications Asia Meetings of January
Econometric Society, 12, 2023
South Central and
Western Asia -
Indian Institute of
Technology, Bombay Economics (E)
II-H34 Patil, Sanket Strategic Justifications 17th Annual December
Conference on 19, 2022
Economic Growth
and Development,
ISI, Delhi

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
II-H35 Bandhu, Sarvesh A Large Population 17th Annual December
Approach to Conference on 19-21, 2022
Implementing Efficiency Economic Growth
with Minimum and Development,
Inequality ISI, Delhi
II-H36 Murali, Srinivasan Gender Differences in Asian Meeting of August 9,
Job Search Behaviour Econometric Society, 2022
II-H37 Murali, Srinivasan Gender Differences in Ashoka University November
Job Search Behaviour 23, 2022
II-H38 Murali, Srinivasan Gender Differences in Women and Paid December
Job Search Behaviour Work, Great Lakes 9, 2022
II-H39 Murali, Srinivasan Gender Differences in 17th Annual December
Job Search Behaviour Conference on 19, 2022
Economic Growth
and Development,
ISI, Delhi
II-H40 Murali, Srinivasan Gender Differences in Asian Meeting of January
Job Search Behaviour Econometric Society, 11, 2023
IIT Bombay
II-H41 Gupta, Subhashish Industrial Concentration 8th National March 3,
and Ghosh, Gaurav in India Conference on 2023
Economics of
Competition Law,
Commission India,
India Habitat Centre,
New Delhi
II-H42 Das, Tirthatanmoy What does the Evidence National Council of June 9,
Economics (E)

Show? Consumption, Applied Economics 2022

Poverty, and the Labour Research, India
Market in India

II Economics (E)

II-I Articles in Conference Proceedings

Sl. Details of the Conference

Authors Title of Paper
No. Proceedings
II-I-1 Banerjee, Ritwik, Affirmative Action and Paper presented at a conference
Marcela Ibanez, Application Strategies: which includes peer reviewed
Gerhard Riener Evidence from Field proceedings, 17th Annual
and Sahoo, Soham Experiments in Colombia Conference on Economic Growth
and Development, ISI Delhi,
December 19-21, 2022

II-K Leading Journal Publications

Journal articles which have appeared in leading academic journals, listed in Financial
Times 50, UT Dallas.

II-K1 Authors: Ritwik Banerjee, Amadou Boly, and Robert Gillanders

Title: Anti-tax evasion, anti-corruption, and public good provision: An

experimental analysis of policy spillovers

Journal: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

Abstract: Our framed laboratory experiment analyses the causal relationship

between corruption and tax evasion to explore whether deterring one
may have desirable spillover effects on the other. We find that the
possibility of corruption causally increases tax evasion. The data offers
weak evidence that tax evasion leads to more corruption. Introducing
a policy to detect and punish public officials who embezzle from tax
revenues significantly reduces tax evasion on the part of citizens.
However, auditing and punishing tax-evading citizens do not deter
embezzlement on the part of public officials. The public good provision
increases in all deterrence treatments compared to a baseline, with
a “Big Bang” treatment, in which both tax evasion and corruption
are liable to be detected and punished, being the most effective. A
Economics (E)
standalone anti-corruption monitoring and punishment strategy is the
next most effective policy followed by tax auditing. Thus, when faced
with two “evils” regarding public good provision, allocating more
resources to fight corruption may be a better policy response.

II-L Awards, Honours, and Achievements

II-L1 Prof. Ritwik Banerjee, Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researcher, Fellowship
from the State of Germany.

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

II-M Doctoral Theses Completed by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Sl. Name of the Members of the

Dissertation Title
No. Student DAC Committee
II-M1 Garima Servicification of Manufacturing Rupa Chanda, Tirthatanmoy
Chaklader Industries Das, Vidhya Soundararajan

II-N Dissertation Proposals by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Sl. Name of the

Topic Date
No. Student
II-N1 Banantika Datta Essays on Role of Bilateral Agreements in Service May 31, 2022
Trade and Migration
II-N2 Tanya Jain Innovation in Emerging Economies: Role of May 20, 2022
Institutions and Policies
II-N3 Rahul Rao Essays on Misallocation May 18, 2022
II-N4 Anand Kumar Essays on Behavioural and Education Economics June 6, 2022
II-N5 Muneer Kalliyil Essays in Education Economics December 8,
II-N6 Pragati Essays on Human Capital Investments November 25,

II-O Papers Presented by Doctoral Students in Conference/Seminar during


Sl. Details of the

Name of the Student Title of the Paper Date
No. Conference
II-O1 Satarupa Mitra Demographic and ESA-BREW December
Behavioral Conference 2022, 2022
Representativeness of IIM Bangalore
Indian Labour Market
Economics (E)

II-O2 Satarupa Mitra, Teachers’ Caste and Multidimensional January

Prof. Ritwik Banerjee, Students’ Mental Approach to 2023
Prof. Soham Sahoo, and Health Development
Ashmita Gupta of a Girl Child,
II-O3 Satarupa Mitra, Demographic and 100 Years of September
Prof. Ritwik Banerjee, and Behavioral Economic 2022
Prof. Soham Sahoo Representativeness of Development,
Online Labour Market Cornell
University (Virtual)

II Economics (E)

Sl. Details of the

Name of the Student Title of the Paper Date
No. Conference
II-O4 Satarupa Mitra, Demographic and ESA Global November
Prof. Ritwik Banerjee, and Behavioral Meetings 2022, 2022
Prof. Soham Sahoo Representativeness of Santa Barbara,
Online Labour Market California USA
II-O5 Banantika Datta and Prof. Bilateral Agreements SITES 2022 Annual September
Rupa Chanda as an Instrument to Conference, 2022
Regulate Mobility Università
of Healthcare Parthenope, Naples,
Professionals: A Case Italy
Study on India
II-O6 Banantika Datta Bilateral Agreements SITES 2022 Annual September
as an Instrument to Conference, 2022
Regulate Mobility Università
of Healthcare Parthenope, Naples,
Professionals: A Case Italy
Study on India
II-O7 Banantika Datta, and Prof. Bilateral Agreements Asia-Pacific December
Rupa Chanda as an Instrument to Conference on 2022
Regulate Mobility Economics and
of Healthcare Finance (APEF),
Professionals: A Case Singapore
Study on India
II-O8 Banantika Datta, and Prof. Mobility of Health 62nd Annual April 2022
Rupa Chanda Workforce from India Conference of
– Bilateral Agreements Indian
as a Regulating Society of Labour
Instrument Economics, Roorkee
II-O9 Banantika Datta Role of Deeper and Eighth International December
Broader Preferential Conference on 2022
Trade Agreements in Empirical Issues in
International Services International Trade
Trade & Finance (EIITF),
Economics (E)
IIFT Delhi
II-O10 Banantika Datta and Prof. Role of Broader and 2nd Society for December
Rupa Chanda Deeper Preferential Economics Research 2022
Trade Agreements in in India – Doctoral
International Services (SERI-D) Annual
Trade and Migration Ph.D. Students
Conference 2022

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Sl. Details of the

Name of the Student Title of the Paper Date
No. Conference
II-O11 Tanya Jain, Debt Contract European Financial June 2022
Rahul Singh, and Enforcement and Management
Prof. Chetan Subramanian Product Innovation: Association
Evidence from a Legal Meeting 2022,
Reform in India Rome, Italy
II-O12 Tanya Jain, Debt Contract European August
Rahul Singh, and Enforcement and Economics 2022
Prof. Chetan Subramanian Product Innovation: Association
Evidence from a Legal Meeting 2022,
Reform in India Milan, Italy
II-O13 Rahul Rao and Land Misallocation 2nd Macroeconomics May 2022
Kunal Dasgupta and Industrial Workshop at
Development Shiv Nadar
University, Noida
II-O14 Anand Kumar, Effect of Social ESA-BREW 2022, December
Ritwik Banerjee, Information on IIM Bangalore 2022
Lata Gangadharan, and Competition Choice
Srinivasan Murali
II-O15 Anand Kumar, Effect of Social 17th Annual December
Ritwik Banerjee, Information on Conference on 2022
Lata Gangadharan and Competition Choice Economic Growth
Srinivasan Murali & Development, ISI

II-P Publications by Doctoral Students (Journal articles/book chapters/

cases/book reviews) during 2022–2023

Sl. Name of the Name of the Publications

Title of the Paper
No. Student Journal/Book Details
II-P1 Anand Kumar Caste, Gender, and Education Taylor &
and Soham Sahoo Intersectionality in Economics Francis,
Economics (E)

Stream Choice: Evidence February, 2022

from Higher Secondary
Education in India

II Economics (E)

II-Q Awards, Honours, and Achievements by Doctoral Students in


Name of the Student Details of the Award Date
II-Q1 Banantika Datta Mirae Asset Scholar Award, AY 2022-2023, Grant July 2022
by Mirae Asset Foundation
II-Q2 Tanya Jain Mirae Asset Scholar Award, AY 2022-2023, Grant July 2022
by Mirae Asset Foundation
II-Q3 Rahul Rao Mirae Asset Scholar Award, AY 2022-2023, Grant July 2022
by Mirae Asset Foundation
II-Q4 Muneer Kalliyal DAAD PhD Exchange Program AY 2022-2023 October
Grant by Gottingen University 2022

II-R Working Papers Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Sl. No. Author Title Year
II-R1 Kunal Dasgupta and Land Misallocation and Industrial 668 2022
Rahul Rao Development
II-R2 Ayona Bhattacharjee, Exploring the Canadian Market for Indian 669 2022
Banantika Datta, and Health Workers
Rupa Chanda
II-R3 Srinivasan Murali Wage Cyclicality Across Time and 681 2022
and Shweta Sogani Frequencies

Economics (E)

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

III Finance and Accounting (F&A)

F aculty members in the Finance and Accounting (F&A) Area have

research, teaching, and consulting expertise in financial accounting,
managerial accounting, corporate governance, corporate finance, capital
markets (including equity, fixed-income securities, and derivatives), and
financial institutions and services (including banking and insurance).

The Area faculty offers core courses in Financial Accounting and Reporting,
Managerial Accounting, and Corporate Finance. The faculty here also
teaches a large number of second year electives that relate to Corporate
Finance, Investments and Portfolio Management, Financial Markets,
Banking and Other Financial Institutions, International Finance, Risk
Management, Project Financing, Corporate Valuation, and Corporate

Additionally, the Area faculty teaches doctoral level courses such

Finance and Accounting (F&A)

as Financial Economics-I, Financial Economics-II, and Accounting

Theory. Besides offerings in the five long-duration programmes, the faculty
here also offers several domestic and international executive education
programmes targeted at finance professionals.

The F&A Area faculty is affiliated to the Centre for Banking and Finance
Technology, the Centre for Capital Markets and Risk Management (www.
ccmrm.org), and the Centre for Corporate Governance and Citizenship.
They are also involved in the activities of other IIMB Centres and research
initiatives such as Public Policy, Real Estate, Entrepreneurship, and
Software Management.

Faculty members influence firm-level and economy-level policy making

by virtue of being on the boards of corporate, regulatory, and standard-
setting organisations.

III Finance and Accounting (F&A)

III-A Research Projects

III-A1 Handelsbanken

Project Team: Ashok Thampy and Rolf Wolff

Summary: This project examines the business and organisation model of

Handelsbanken, one of the largest banks in Sweden.

Sponsor: Handelsbanken

Status: Ongoing

III-A2 An Analysis of Cash Flow versus Collateral-Based Lending

Project Team: Ashok Thampy and Anand Srinivasan

Summary: Lending by banks to finance economic activity is crucial for any

firm and the wider economy. Banks evaluate loan requests and
grant loans based on the cash flows of the firm, the collateral value,
or a combination of the two. This project intends to explore the
characteristics of the firm, industry, and bank under which the two
approaches are applied, while also taking a look at the associated
impact on the firm.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Finance and Accounting (F&A)

Status: Ongoing

III-A3 Motives for and Consequences of Disclosures-Related Financial Statement Line


Project Team: Srinivasan Rangan

Summary: Firms around the world provide three or four financial statements
(FS) and disclose a wealth of textual and tabular information in the
footnotes and in the management discussion section (FN_MDA) of
their annual reports. FN_MDA information is provided to explain
and clarify the data contained in the financial statements. While prior
research has extensively studied both FS and FN_MDA information,
the links between these two types of information are not well
understood. In this project, I expect to use text-mining tools to
link each line item in the financial statements to the disclosures
related to these items, and then characterise the information in these
disclosures in terms of readability and tone. Thus, I will be able to
rank items in terms of amount and quality of the disclosure. I can
then study the consequences of each line item, having interacted

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

with the amount and quality of its disclosures for firm valuation
and risk. Prior research has examined these questions for line items
separately or for the readability and tone of the entire annual report.
However, I am unaware of research that conducts such analysis at
the line item level. The results would be of interest to regulators,
audit firms, investors, and academics.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

III-A4 Strategic Disclosure of Transitory Items

Project Team: Srinivasan Rangan and Prabhu Venkatachalam

Summary: Our research aims to examine how quantitative and textual

information can be combined to (a) identify transitory items, (b)
assess whether firms are being strategic in the disclosure of these
transitory items, and (c) examine how investors price transitory items
and the associated disclosures. The results would be of interest to
regulators, audit firms, investors, and academics.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing
Finance and Accounting (F&A)

III-A5 Expected Returns and Idiosyncratic Volatility

Project Team: V Ravi Anshuman

Summary: An outstanding puzzle in empirical asset pricing is the relationship

between expected returns and idiosyncratic volatility. In a seminal
paper, researchers show that stocks with lower idiosyncratic risk have
higher expected returns. In other words, the empirical relationship
between expected returns and idiosyncratic volatility is negative.

If one goes by the traditional asset pricing literature, there should

be no relationship between expected returns and idiosyncratic
volatility, because idiosyncratic volatility can be diversified away,
and therefore, should not affect asset prices in an economy with
risk-averse investors. However, the empirical findings in the study
differ with this theoretical proposition.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Completed

III Finance and Accounting (F&A)

III-A6 Case Study of Arthayantra

Project Team: V Ravi Anshuman and Srijith Mohanan

Summary: Arthayantra is an Indian online financial advisory firm founded

by Nitin Vyakaranam in 2012. It uses technology and analytics to
provide customised financial advisory services to its users, a service
which has typically been provided by private wealth management

Its online financial platform, Arthos, provides comprehensive service

starting from risk profile assessment, personal goal identification,
developing actionable financial plans/targets, and providing
execution avenues. Since its inception, the firm has gained 100,000
customers across 600 cities and established itself as one of the largest
firms in this space. The company raised seed funding from a set of
investors in 2012.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Completed

III-A7 Regulatory Redundancy or Impact: A Study of a Regulatory Intervention to

Increase Public Ownership of Indian Stocks

Project Team: V Ravi Anshuman and Venkatesh Panchapagesan

Finance and Accounting (F&A)

Summary: The study aims to assess whether the regulatory mandate to ensure
minimum public shareholding was effective in increasing liquidity
and price discovery in Indian listed stocks.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Completed

III-A8 Case Study on Traffic Forecast and Demand Estimation for Road Projects
Undertaken by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) Projects

Project Team: V Ravi Anshuman and N Karthik

Summary: Any road construction project around the world is a high

infrastructural investment on the state. Recouping the same through
enhanced economic activity is essential for sustainability. For this
purpose, the National Highways’ Authority of India (NHAI) uses
various financing and operating models such as the hybrid annuity
model. However, for all these models to work, one needs a good
estimate of the demand for the road itself. This project aims to study
the different techniques NHAI currently deploys to forecast the

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

traffic for a given project. This estimation forms part of the feasibility
study and acts as an input for budgeting, contracting, financing, etc.
of the project. The project approval itself hinges on the feasibility

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

III-A9 Can Governments Increase Revenues by Lowering Taxes? A Study of Competing

Policies to Reduce Tax Evasion During House Purchase in India

Project Team: Venkatesh Panchapagesan and Madalasa Venkataraman

Summary: The study examines, through a natural experiment, the impact

of competing government policies to reduce under-reporting in
property transactions.

Sponsor: International Growth Centre (IGC from LSE), UK

Status: Ongoing

III-A10 Effectiveness of E-Auctions in Emerging Economies

Project Team: Venkatesh Panchapagesan and Madalasa Venkataraman

Summary: The study examines whether e-auctions of land result in better price
Finance and Accounting (F&A)

discovery for government agencies.

Sponsor: International Growth Centre (IGC from LSE), UK

Status: Ongoing

III-A11 Study of the Impact and the Mode of Operation of Entities Who Expropriate
Value in the Real Estate Industry

Project Team: Venkatesh Panchapagesan and Madalasa Venkataraman

Summary: The project aims to study the method of operation, the specific
processes, regulatory requirements, and market failures that enable
entities involved in the real estate value chain to step in and
expropriate value. Our work will also provide an estimate of the
impact of rent-extracting activities on the cost of real estate in India.
Specifically, we plan to achieve the following:

1. Document the various entities who exploit weaknesses and extract

rents in the real estate value chain either directly or indirectly
through collusion.

III Finance and Accounting (F&A)

2. Identify key processes and players who facilitate and feed this
network, including governmental approval processes such as
construction permits.

3. Estimate the impact of each entity on the overall cost of real estate
to end users.

4. Evaluate and recommend potential reforms that could mitigate

this rent seeking behaviour and streamline processes such as
construction permits.

Sponsor: HUDCO

Status: Ongoing

III-A12 Costs and Benefits of Regulatory Interventions in Stock Markets: A Case of

Minimum Public Shareholding Rule in India

Project Team: Venkatesh Panchapagesan and V Ravi Anshuman

Summary: The study aims to assess whether the regulatory mandate to ensure
minimum public shareholding was effective in increasing liquidity
and price discovery in Indian listed stocks.

Sponsor: NSE-NYU Stern Initiative for the Study of Indian Capital Markets

Finance and Accounting (F&A)

Status: Ongoing

III-A13 Private Placements and Wealth Constraints of Owner-Managers

Project Team: Venkatesh Panchapagesan, V Ravi Anshuman, and Marti


Sponsor: NSE-NYU Stern Initiative for the Study of Indian Capital Markets

Status: Ongoing

III-A14 When is the Order-to-Trade Fee Effective?

Project Team: Venkatesh Panchapagesan, Nidhi Aggarwal, and Susan Thomas

Sponsor: NSE-NYU Stern Initiative for the Study of Indian Capital Markets

Status: Ongoing

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

III-A15 Do Indian Business Group-Owned Mutual Funds Maximize Value for their

Project Team: Venkatesh Panchapagesan, Jayant Kale, and Prasad Hegde

Sponsor: NSE-NYU Stern Initiative for the Study of Indian Capital Markets

Status: Ongoing

III-A16 Developing a Dynamic Credit Risk Model for Estimation of Repayment Burden
and Probability of Defaults for Educational Loans

Project Team: Jayadev M and Krishna Sunder D

Summary: The objective of this project is quantification of default risk and

development of credit scoring model for educational loans and credit
rating software.

Sponsor: Centre for Digital Financial Inclusion

Status: Ongoing

III-A17 Bankruptcy Prediction

Project Team: Jayadev M and Aishwarya Krishna

Finance and Accounting (F&A)

Summary: The primary objective of this report is to understand the distress and
bankruptcy risk of Indian firms by application of various statistical
and machine learning models on data from Ministry of Corporate
Affairs (MCA) for the period 2011-2020.

Sponsor: Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India

Status: Ongoing

III-A18 Model Validation Union Bank of India

Project Team: Jayadev M and Abhinav Anand

Summary: Validation of credit, market, and operational risk models of the

bank by using various statistical and machine learning techniques.
Suggestions are made to the bank to modify the risk factors in select
credit risk models and suitable methodologies are recommended for
quantification of market and operational risk. The report has been
approved by the bank.

Sponsor: Union Bank of India

Status: Ongoing

III Finance and Accounting (F&A)

III-A19 Integration among US Banks

Project Team: Abhinav Anand

Summary: We study integration dynamics for a large sample of US banks

for a quarter century from 1993 to 2017. We define a US bank’s
integration with the banking sector as the degree of dependence
of its stock market returns on a set of common banking factors.
To operationalise this definition, we identify these common factors
as the principal components constructed from stock returns of the
whole dataset of US banks’ return series. Such principal components
can be interpreted as a set of anonymous, orthogonal common factors
driving each bank’s returns – strongly for those more exposed to
such common factors (banks with high integration) and weakly
for those more exposed to idiosyncratic factors (banks with low
integration). To measure the degree of dependence on these common
factors, we employ the explanatory power, in terms of adjusted
R square, of bank returns regressed on the principal components
(Pukthuanthong and Roll, 2009).

Sponsor: VRSP, IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

III-A20 Spillover Effects of Corporate Events

Finance and Accounting (F&A)

Project Team: Varun Jindal

Summary: While the literature on firm-level effects of corporate decisions/

events is voluminous, there is scarce evidence on the effects of these
events on the industry rivals of the event firms (henceforth, intra-
industry spillover effects). If the primary driver of many of these
corporate decisions by event firms is based on industry-level factors
rather than firm-level factors, the revelation of the event to investors
should lead to intra-industry spillover effects. Further, if the event
firm is affiliated to a business group, the effect of the event by the
group-affiliated event firm is likely to spill over to non-event firms
within the same business group due to intra-group linkages/ties
(henceforth, within-group spillover effects).

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

III-B Articles in Academic Journals

Sl. Name of Details of

Authors Title of Paper
No. Journal Publication
III-B1 Anand, Abhinav, Platform exploitation in Operations Vol. 51(1),
Souvik Dutta, and the sharing economy Research January 2023,
Prithwiraj Mukherjee Letters Pg. 47-53
III-B2 Basu, Sankarshan, Climate-related Economics Vol. 220,
Sharad Nath discussions in firms’ 10-K: Letters November
Bhattacharyya, and Who does it and what is 2022, 110855,
Mousumi and its impact? Pg. 1-6
Jalaj Pathak
III-B3 Panchapagesan, When is the order-to-trade Journal of Vol. 62,
Venkatesh, fee effective? Financial January 2023,
Susan Thomas, and Markets Pg. 1-22
Nidhi Aggarwal
III-B4 Anupam Dutta, In search of time-varying Energy Vol. 114,
Ugur Soytas, jumps during the turmoil Economics October 2022,
Das, Debojyoti, and periods: Evidence from 106275,
Asit Bhattacharyya crude oil futures markets Pg. 1-17
III-B5 Anupam Dutta and Forecasting the realized Journal of Vol. 42(12),
Das, Debojyoti volatility: New evidence Futures December
Finance and Accounting (F&A)

from time-varying jumps Markets 2022,

in VIX Pg. 2165-2189
III-B6 Das, Debojyoti, Financial stress and crude Energy Vol. 115,
Debasish Maitra, oil implied volatility: New Economics November
Anupam Dutta, and evidence from continuous 2022, 106388
Basu, Sankarshan wavelet transformation Pg. 1-25
III-B7 Das, Debojyoti, Do precious metals hedge International Vol. 83,
Vaneet Bhatia, crude oil volatility jumps? Review of October 2022,
Surya Bhushan Kumar, Financial Pg. 1-16
and Sankarshan Basu Analysis
III-B8 Jalaj Pathak, Whose Speeches Impact European Vol. 28(5),
Anand, Abhinav, European Markets: ECBs’ Financial November
Basu, Sankarshan, and or the National Central Management 2022,
Thampy, Ashok Banks? Pg. 1413-1476

III Finance and Accounting (F&A)

III-C Books

III-C1 Sankarshan Basu and John C. Hull

Option, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 11e

Pearson Education, India

The first edition of this book was published in 1988, and in the last
two decades, massive changes and developments have happened
in the options and the derivatives markets. The 11th edition of
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives takes these changes into account and
presents the reader with an up-to-date scenario. Like earlier editions, this edition
has also been designed to address the needs of a wide spectrum of the market. The
book will be appropriate for students pursuing graduate courses in business, finance,
economics, and financial engineering. It can be used for advanced undergraduate
courses involving quantitative skills. Many practitioners who are involved in
derivatives markets should also find the book useful.

III-C2 James Jiambalvo and Padmini Srinivasan

Managerial Accounting, 7ed (An Indian Adaptation)

Wiley, May 2022

Finance and Accounting (F&A)

To be a successful manager, you need to understand how
foundational managerial accounting concepts apply to the business
world. Managerial Accounting, 7th edition helps students make
direct connections between the classroom and the boardroom by presenting robust
cases and managers’ comments on real company issues. Known for its “You Get
What You Measure” framework, this edition presents an updated focus on building
students’ decision-making and critical thinking skills through incremental analysis
and data analytics coverage.

III-D Chapters in Books

Authors Title of Chapter Title of Book Publication Details
III-D1 Jayadev M Expanding and IBC – Idea, Part IV, Pg. 245-262
Strengthening Credit Impressions and Published by
Markets: Post IBC Implementation Insolvency Bankruptcy
Board of India, New
Delhi, 2022

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

III-E Working Papers

Author Title Working Year
Paper No.
III-E1 Narendra Nath Kushwaha, Related Party Transactions and 667 2022
Anand, Abhinav, Audit Fees: Indian Evidence
Jayadev M and
K Raghunandan
III-E2 Anand, Abhinav, Platform Exploitation in the Sharing 673 2022
Souvik Dutta and Economy
Prithwiraj Mukherjee
III-E3 Sabarinathan G Zomato Ltd. – Understanding The 675 2022
“Cap Table” from a Governance
III-E4 Viral V. Acharya, Bankruptcy Exemption of Repo 676 2022
Anshuman, V Ravi and Markets: Too Much Today for Too
S. Viswanathan Little Tomorrow?
III-E5 Basu, Sankarshan, Return Anomalies, Disagreement, 680 2022
Rangan, Srinivasan and and Trading Volume
Nikhil Vidhani
Finance and Accounting (F&A)

III-F Articles in Periodicals, Financial Dailies, and Newspapers

Name of
Sl. Date of
Authors Title of Article Newspaper/
No. Publication
III-F1 Jayadev M Digital Currency: India’s Move Towards International June 23,
a Digital Financial System Banker 2022

III-H Seminar/Conference/Workshop Presentations/Invited Talks

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
III-H1 Anand, Abhinav Does the choice of words of Seminar: ISI Delhi September
Fed’s Board of Governors’ 2, 2022
speeches matter?
III-H2 Anand, Abhinav Does the choice of words of Seminar: IIT Kanpur September
Fed’s Board of Governors’ 12, 2022
speeches matter?

III Finance and Accounting (F&A)

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
III-H3 Anand, Abhinav A new proxy of financial European May 11-13,
texts’ readability Accounting 2022
Association Annual
Meeting, Bergen,
III-H4 Anand, Abhinav Does financial disclosures’ European May 11-13,
readability predict Accounting 2022
shareholder proposals? Association Annual
Meeting, Bergen,
III-H5 Anand, Abhinav Related party transactions: FUI Business and November
Evidence from India IIMB Annual 8-9, 2022
III-H6 Anand, Abhinav Do poorly readable 10-Ks British Accounting April
elicit more shareholder and Finance 12-13, 2022
proposals? Association 2022
Annual Conference,
III-H7 Anand, Abhinav Do poorly readable 10-Ks European Financial June 29
elicit more shareholder Management - July 2,

Finance and Accounting (F&A)

proposals? Association 2022 2022
Conference, Italy
III-H8 Anand, Abhinav Do poorly readable 10-Ks French Finance May 23-25,
elicit more shareholder Association 2022
proposals? Conference 2022,
III-H9 Anand, Abhinav Does the choice of words of Seminar: ISI Delhi September
Fed’s Board of Governors’ 2, 2022
speeches matter?
III-H10 Dhawan, Anirudh Getting burned by Behavioral Research December
frictionless financial in Economics 16, 2022
markets Workshop, IIMB
III-H11 Jayadev M Invited Talk: Data Driven Colloquium of NCLT March 26,
Research for Effective Member, Bangalore 2023
Execution of IBC
III-H12 Aishwarya Krishna Effect of Bankruptcy International April 30
and Jayadev M Reform on Default Risk of Research Conference - May 1,
Firms: Evidence from India on Insolvency and 2022
Bankruptcy, IIM

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
III-H13 Aishwarya Krishna Is corporate governance Second Credit October
and Jayadev M more important than Scoring and Credit 14-16, 2022
company financials in Rating Conference
predicting bankruptcy? (CSCR II), Ningbo,
III-H14 Nabendu Paul and Financing Constraints, International April 30
Jayadev M Creditor Rights and Research Conference - May 1,
Corporate Borrowing: on Insolvency and 2022
An Analysis through the Bankruptcy, IIM
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Ahmadabad
III-H15 Srinivasan, Padmini Promoter’s Role in Fostering Growth March
a Technological and through Good 2023
Financial Reporting Governance,
Outsourced Environment Assocham-IIMB
Being Part of Dynamic and
High-Performance Board
III-H16 Srinivasan, Padmini Business Ethics and Bank of India Staff May 27,
Corporate Goal / Training College, 2022
Governance Bhopal
Finance and Accounting (F&A)

III-H17 Srinivasan, Padmini Sustainability Risk International November

Management Disclosure: Conference 9, 2022
An Exploratory Study on Corporate
Governance and
Analytics, Florida
University Campus,
III-H18 Srinivasan, Padmini Managing Risks, Resource Capacity-Building September
Mobilization and Workshop for 19, 2022
Budgeting NGO Leaders
on Leadership &
Governance, HCL
Foundation -IIMB
III-H19 Srinivasan, Padmini Managing Risk, Resource NGO HCL August 22,
Mobilization and foundation -IIMB 2022
Budgeting, Capacity CCGC

III Finance and Accounting (F&A)

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
III-H20 Basu, Sankarshan Indian Financial Markets The Heritage College December
- From Gandhi to of Management, 21, 2022
Globalization Kolkata
III-H21 Mansabdar, S., The impact of embedded 26th Annual APRIA July 26,
Yaganti, C. H., and location options on the Conference, 2022
Basu, Sankarshan hedging effectiveness of Shanghai University
agricultural commodity of Finance and
futures contracts in India Economics
III-H22 Rangan, Srinivasan Discussion on Search of ISB Accounting December
Shares: Passive Ownership, Research Conference 19, 2022
Short Covering, and Price
III-H23 Rangan, Srinivasan, Discussion of Consolidated JAAF Conference, January 6,
Sudhakar V or Standalone Earnings - ISB Hyderabad 2023
Balachandran, What do Investors React
Sudershan Kuntluru, to?
Hariom Manchiraju,
and Sumeet Rajput
III-H24 Jindal, Varun Overlapping insiders and Financial November
the method of payment Management 15, 2022

Finance and Accounting (F&A)

in acquisitions: New tests Association (FMA)
and evidence on adverse Global Conference
selection in the Middle East,
Dubai, UAE
III-H25 Jindal, Varun Overlapping insiders and Financial October
the method of payment Management 20, 2022
in acquisitions: New tests Association (FMA)
and evidence on adverse Annual Meeting in
selection Atlanta, GA, USA
III-H26 Jindal, Varun Discussion of the paper Financial November
titled “Does bilateral Management 15, 2022
trust matter during Association (FMA)
M&A negotiations?” Global Conference
and authored by Farooq in the Middle East,
Ahmad, Nihat Aktas, and Dubai, UAE
Saqib Aziz
III-H27 Jindal, Varun Invited by the outgoing IIM Bangalore March 2,
PGP/PGPBA Class of 2023 2023
to deliver The Last Lecture

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
III-H28 Panchapagesan, On Future of Indian Real National Association August
Venkatesh Estate of Realtors Annual 2022
III-H29 Panchapagesan, Data Driven Research IBBI Conference February
Venkatesh on Insolvency and 23-25, 2023
III-H30 Panchapagesan, On Best Practices in Karnataka CREDAI 2022
Venkatesh Customer Service STATECON
III-H31 Panchapagesan, On Conflict Resolution and RERA, Karnataka 2022
Venkatesh Conciliation Process CREDAI
III-H32 Panchapagesan, On Conciliation Process in Indian Institute of 2022
Venkatesh RERA Housing Settlements

III-J IIMB Case Studies @ Harvard Business Publishing

III-J1 Title: Career at Crossroads: Passion or Profession? (A) & (B)

Author: Padmini Srinivasan and Gopal Mahapatra

Finance and Accounting (F&A)

Summary: The case focuses on the journey of a young professional and

multifaceted artist, Manasi Prasad. It follows her career progression
as she strives to excel while balancing her profession and passion.
Manasi Prasad faces multiple dilemmas, trials, and tribulations
during her journey. The case highlights the inherent conflict of a
young professional at every stage of life. The classic dilemma is
between a well-trodden path or a road less travelled and various
other decision-making situations. Part A of the case ends at the peak
of Manasi’s career when she is faced with a crisis, that is, losing her
voice, being unable to sing, and having an autoimmune disease.
Part B deals with her transition. The case deals with how she led
the IME team from concept to reality and subsequently managed
the operations, throwing light on the unique challenges she faced
in each stage of her career.

III Finance and Accounting (F&A)

III-K Leading Journal Publications

Journal articles which have appeared in leading academic journals, listed in Financial
Times 50, UT Dallas.

III-K1 Authors: Abhinav Anand, Souvik Dutta, and Prithwiraj Mukherjee

Title: Platform exploitation in the sharing economy

Journal: Operations Research Letters

Abstract: We model a revenue sharing contract between a sharing economy

platform and a freelance service provider, where the latter hides
revenue from the former by cancelling some assignments and
performing them for cash (“platform exploitation”). The platform
counters this via costly, imperfect audits with endogenous
success probability and a variable payment. We show that at
equilibrium, all agent types except the highest, indulge in revenue
falsification. This problem is exacerbated by the principal’s ability
to extract restitution from the agent.

III-K2 Authors: Sankarshan Basu, Sharad Nath Bhattacharyya, and Mousumi and
Jalaj Pathak

Title: Climate-related discussions in firms’ 10-K: Who does it and what

Finance and Accounting (F&A)

is its impact?

Journal: Economics Letters

Abstract: We examine the impact of climate-related discussions in the

Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A) section of the 10-K
filings of S&P 500 firms from 2007 to 2018 and find that only firms
from three specific industries (Energy, Utilities and Finance) have
such discussions. We also find that the increase in mention of climate
related words and n-grams is significantly associated with a fall in
holding period return (HPR), post the filing date and especially post
the Paris agreement. This suggests that investors perceive higher
climate change discussion in a negative light even without any
change in fundamentals.

III-K3 Authors: Venkatesh Panchapagesan, Susan Thomas, and Nidhi Aggarwal

Title: When is the Order-to-Trade Fee Effective?

Journal: Journal of Financial Markets

Abstract: Regulators use measures such as a fee on high order-to-trade ratio

(OTR) to slow down high-frequency trading. Their impact on market

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

quality is, however, mixed. We study a natural experiment in the

Indian stock market where such a fee was introduced twice, with
differences in motivation and implementation. Using a difference-
in-difference approach, we find that the fee decreased OTR and
improved market quality when it was imposed on all orders, while
it had little effect when it was imposed selectively on some orders.
Improvement in liquidity was driven by a reduction in adverse
selection costs following lower OTR.

III-L Awards, Honours, and Achievements

III-L1 Prof. Varun Jindal, Distinguished Alumnus Award by Panjab University Alumni
III-L2 Prof. Venkatesh Panchapagesan, Excellence in Teaching at IIMB.

III-M Doctoral Theses Completed by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Sl. Members of the

Name of the Student Dissertation Title
No. DAC Committee
III-M1 A Prabhu Venkatachalam Essays on Revenue Recognition Srinivasan Rangan,
S G Badrinath,
Rejie George
III-M2 Padma Narayanan Essays on Loan Defaults Jayadev M,
Finance and Accounting (F&A)

Abhinav Anand,
Ashok Thampy
III-M3 Srijith Mohanan Essays on Creditor Rights V Ravi Anshuman,
Ashok Thampy,
Abhinav Anand
III-M4 Velavan S Environmental Performance Srinivasan Rangan,
and Firm Decisions V Ravi Anshuman,
Arnab Mukherji

III-N Dissertation Proposals by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Sl. Name of the

Topic Date
No. Student
III-N1 Arnab Biswas Macroeconomic and Monetary Policy Risk and June 24, 2022
Bond Premia: Indian Market Perspective
III-N2 Prateek Jain Essays on Mutual Fund Industry in India May 26, 2022
III-N3 Rajdeep Sharma Essays on International Capital Flows May 27, 2022
III-N4 Akshay Dhuria Essays on Stock Price Crash Risk January 25,

III Finance and Accounting (F&A)

III-O Papers Presented by Doctoral Students in Conference/Seminar during


Sl. Details of the

Name of the Student Title of the Paper Date
No. Conference
III-O1 Chhavi Shekhawat Do Indian Mutual Funds India Finance December
Beat the Market? Conference, IIM 2022
An Empirical Analysis Calcutta, Kolkata
III-O2 Arnab Biswas Inflation Uncertainty, Biannual December,
Macroeconomic and Development 2022
Monetary Policy Risk: Economics
Indian Market Evidence Conference, IGIDR
III-O3 Prateek Jain Overreaction in Daily Financial Markets April 2022
Top Gainers and Losers: and Corporate
An Event Study Analysis Governance
Monash University,
Australia (Virtual)
III-O4 Prateek Jain, Predictability of 8th Paris Financial December
Prof. V Ravi Anshuman, Equity Risk Premium Management 2022
Rajdeep Sharma Conditional on Economic Conference
Policy Uncertainty: (PFMC-2022), Paris

Finance and Accounting (F&A)

Evidence from an
Emerging Market

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

IV Marketing (M)

I IM Bangalore has the strongest Marketing Department among the

leading management institutes of the country. It consists of nine
full-time faculty members with academic expertise and international
exposure, demonstrating experience and youth. All the members in the
Area have industry experience, prior to their doctoral work or before
joining academics. Faculty members of the Area have obtained Ph.D./
Fellowship from leading institutions in India and abroad. The Marketing
faculty in the institute has engaged in research and is offering post-
graduate courses on Brand Management, Product Management, Business
to Business Marketing, Competitive Marketing Strategy, Consumer
Behaviour, Digital Marketing, Research for Marketing Decisions, Sales
and Distribution Management, Retailing Management, Pricing Strategy,
Mobile Media and Communication, Customer Relationship Marketing,
and Services Marketing.

The Area faculty is actively involved in consulting and executive education

programmes targeting both domestic and international clientele. The books
written by the Area faculty have received wide acclamation and awards.
Over the years, the Marketing Area faculty has presented papers in leading
international conferences and published articles in both international
and leading Indian journals. The members are also actively involved in
various industry and corporate forums through participation in seminars,
workshops, and as professional members on corporate boards.
Marketing (M)

IV Marketing (M)

IV-A Research Projects

IV-A1 Sustainable Consumption

Project Team: Shainesh G and Dr Cecilia Soler (Goteborg University)

Summary: We study the role of social capital in meeting the consumption needs
of subsistence communities through a multi-method approach. Based
on practice theory, we assess the self-reported consumption needs
of informal workers belonging to a subsistence urban community
through a longitudinal study that focused on the material, meaning,
and competence elements of social practices. Social capital emerged
as a key source in fulfilling the evolving needs of the urban poor.
We conduct interviews with almost 100 consumers across 8 cities
to assess the role played by different forms of social capital, viz.,
bonds, bridges, and linkages in meeting their consumption needs.
Preliminary analysis of the qualitative empirical interview data
shows that subsistence consumers leverage different forms of social
capital to access resources and meet their socio-material consumption
needs. We discuss contributions to theory and implications for policy
makers as well as managers.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore and Goteborg University

Status: Ongoing (data collection and preliminary analysis completed)

IV-A2 IT-Enabled Service Innovation in Indian Health Care Industry: From Digital
Divide to Digitally Enabled Inclusion

Project Team: Shainesh G and Shirish Srivastava

Summary: Unlike the economically developed world, developing countries

have a number of institutional voids (Khanna, et. al., 2005). These
voids are related to market creation, market functioning, and
market participation. Market creation and market functioning are
generally catered to by businesses whereas market participation is
Marketing (M)
facilitated by social entrepreneurs. In this paper, we focus on the
market participation void. From a production-centric logic, market
participation void is also the result of digital divide (access to
ICT tools, ICT capability, and ICT-enabled outcomes). Developing
countries are often viewed as places where differences in the
level of digital resources (computer access and related knowledge
& skills) lead to a digital divide, which eventually results in a
difference in impact across various segments. Hence, digitally
challenged segments lose out on the possible benefits from the

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

transformational power of IT. By integrating ideas from ‘institutional

void as spaces of opportunity’ with ‘bottom of pyramid marketing
strategy’ (Prahalad and Hart, 2002) for emerging economies,
we explicate how IT-enabled innovation can create a space for better
customer access and service, thereby including the traditionally
digitally challenged sections of the society.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

IV-A3 Collaboration with University of Leeds

Project Team: Sreelata Jonnalagedda and Shainesh G

Summary: With Shankha Basu and Maximillian Gerarth, researchers from

University of Leeds, we are exploring mutual collaboration to take
our research further. Univ. of Leeds approved a grant, which will
allow us to visit Leeds in June, while their researchers will visit us
in September. We hope for something purposeful.

Sponsor: University of Leeds

Status: Ongoing

IV-A4 Household Composition and Joint Consumption Effects in Consumer Demand

Project Team: Srinivas Prakhya and Vedha Ponnappan

Summary: Marketing literature typically models household demand as arising

from utility maximization of a single individual. This approach
ignores preference heterogeneity within a multi-member household
and the possibility that some categories of goods can be shared by
members within a household.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing
Marketing (M)

IV-A5 Examining consumer-specific factors that influence sustainable consumption


Project Team: Arpita Pandey

Summary: In view of the increasing concern for the environment, a great number
of organizations have responded by creating ‘green’ products and
services. Examples include electric vehicles, ‘green’ garments,
sustainable retailing practices, and sustainable travel options. While
awareness about the need to preserve the environment is increasing,
surveys indicate that only a small proportion of consumers are

IV Marketing (M)

actually willing to pay a premium for environment-friendly products

and service options. In this context, it becomes important to examine
the drivers of sustainable consumption among consumers. While
recent research has begun to examine the issue, there is a lack of
clarity on how consumer-specific factors, such as regulatory focus
(Higgins, 2012), drive sustainable consumption.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

IV-A6 Studying the placement of online cause-related marketing advertisements in the

consumer’s decision journey

Project Team: Arpita Pandey and Rajeev Batra

Summary: Online advertisements for cause-related marketing (CRM) campaigns

(partnerships between brands and social causes for mutual benefit)
can be placed at different pages on an e-commerce website (e.g.,
homepage, individual product/service pages, payment page, etc.)
How does this variation in placement impact consumer behaviour?
In this study, we combine theoretical insights from the literature
on CRM campaigns and the consumer decision journey to propose
that the placement of CRM advertisements towards the end of the
consumer decision journey (e.g., payment page) would lead to better
outcomes for the brand and cause, as compared to placement at the
beginning (e.g., homepage). The effects are mediated by scepticism
towards the CRM campaign. Specifically, the placement of CRM
advertisements towards the end would result in lower scepticism. We
propose to conduct five laboratory studies and one field experiment
to provide evidence in support of our theorisation. We also plan to
study the moderating effects of perceived control in the shopping
process and demonstrate that CRM ads that increase perceived
control over the process would reduce consumer scepticism at the
beginning improving the effectiveness of the CRM ad. Our work
answers the call for more research on online CRM and is among
Marketing (M)
the first to study the impact of placement on consumer behavior
in the context of CRM. In doing so, our work will provide an
approach for future researchers to categorise and study online
interruption-based advertisements in the context of the consumer
decision journey. Practically, our findings will enable managers to
improve the effectiveness of CRM campaigns through appropriate
placement strategies.

Sponsor: VRSP, IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

IV-B Articles in Academic Journals

Sl. Name of Details of

Authors Title of Paper
No. Journal Publication
IV-B1 Jochen Wirtz, Viewpoint: cost-effective Journal of Vol. 36(4),
Chen Lin and health care developments Services 2022,
Das, Gopal and research opportunities Marketing Pg. 461-466
in China, India and
IV-B2 Yuanyuan (Gina) Cui, Surge price precision and Journal of Vol. 143,
Patrick van Esch, political ideology Business April 2022,
Das, Gopal and Research Pg. 214-224
Shailendra Jain
IV-B3 Patrick van Esch, Tourists and AI: A Annals of Vol. 97,
Yuanyuan (Gina) Cui, Political Ideology Tourism November
Das, Gopal, Perspective Research 2022, 103471,
Shailendra Pratap Jain Pg. 1-14
and Jochen Wirtz
IV-B4 James Agarwal, Online group buying Psychology & Vol. 39(10),
Das, Gopal and behavior: A study of Marketing October 2022,
Mark T. Spence experiential versus Pg. 1946-1963
material purchases
IV-B5 Pandey, Arpita and To go or to let it go: Journal Vol. 26(1),
Sanjeev Tripathi A regulatory focus of Service 2023,
perspective on Bundle Research Pg. 136-150
IV-B6 Mukherjee, Prithwiraj, Did clickbait crack the Journal of the Vol. 50(3),
Souvik Dutta and code on virality? Academy of May 2022,
Arnaud De Bruyn Marketing Pg. 482-502

IV-C Books

IV-C1 Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Alexander Chernev,

Marketing (M)

Jagdish N Sheth and G. Shainesh

Marketing Management, 16e

Pearson Education

This edition has been updated keeping in view the tremendous

disruptions in the business models due to the ongoing globalisation,
the increasing role of corporate social responsibility, technological advancement,
growth in e-commerce, increasing digital communication, the growing impact of

IV Marketing (M)

social media, and the widespread use of data analytics, marketing automation,
and artificial intelligence. These created opportunities as well as challenges for
businesses. Co-authored by noted academicians, Prof. Kevin Lane Keller, Prof.
Alexander Chernev, Prof. Jagdish N. Sheth and Prof. G. Shainesh, the book continues
to draw on the rich findings of various scientific disciplines—such as economics,
behavioural science, and management theory—for fundamental concepts and tools
that are directly applicable to marketing challenges and opportunities. Enriched
with Indian case studies, the text is comprehensive, lucid and engaging at the same
time, with the latest examples that illustrate effective marketing principles, strategies
and practices. The points of discussion and the discourse on the topics are useful
not just for students of marketing but also for industry practitioners to design and
execute successful marketing strategies.

IV-E Working Papers

Author Title Working Year
Paper No.
IV-E1 Durairaj Maheswaran Person Thing Orientation and Brand 671 2022
and Malika M Extensions

IV-H Seminar/Conference/Workshop Presentations/Invited Talks

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
IV-H1 Shainesh G Sustainable Value Chain and 28th annual ISDRS June 15-17
Trade Conference 2022
– Sustainable
Development and
Courage: Culture, Art
and Human Rights,
IV-H2 Das, Gopal The Impact of Information ACR 2023, Washington, May 6-10,
Search Modality on Brand DC 2022
Marketing (M)
Attitude: How Voice Search
Differs from Text Search
IV-H3 Nagpal, Mayank From Words to Indices: Indira Gandhi Institute February
Measuring Digitalization of Development 15, 2023
from Corporate Reports Research, Mumbai

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

IV-I Articles in Conference Proceedings

Sl. Details of the Conference

Authors Title of Paper
No. Proceedings
IV-I-1 Pandey, Arpita Impact of dynamic The Association for Consumer
ranks on consumer Research (ACR) Conference 2022
perceptions Sheraton Denver Downtown
Hotel, Denver, USA
October 20-23, 2022
IV-I-2 Pandey, Arpita Impact of regulatory 16th NASMEI International
focus and temporal Marketing Conference 2022
distance on sustainable Great Lakes Institute, Chennai
consumption December 2022
IV-I-3 Givi, Julian and Eschewing gifts The Association for Consumer
Das, Gopal that are inferior to Research (ACR) Conference 2022
one’s products: How Sheraton Denver Downtown
regulatory focus Hotel, Denver, USA
and concerns about October 20-23, 2022
offending lead givers to
go awry
IV-I-4 Kanagal, Nagasimha Cutting-edge Product Proceedings of the 2023 American
Balakrishna Strategy Marketing Association Winter
Academic Conference,
Nashville, Tennessee, USA,
February 9-12, 2022

IV-K Leading Journal Publications

Journal articles which have appeared in leading academic journals, listed in Financial
Times 50, UT Dallas.

IV-K1 Authors: Yuanyuan (Gina) Cui, Patrick van Esch, Gopal Das and
Shailendra Jain
Marketing (M)

Title: Surge price precision and political ideology

Journal: Journal of Business Research

Abstract: Across three studies, we investigate the interaction of political

ideology and surge pricing precision on consumer decision making.
Our findings suggest that when compared to liberals, politically
conservative consumers respond to rounded (vs. precise) surge
pricing more negatively (Study 1). Furthermore, we show that this
effect occurs because rounded (vs. precise) surge pricing exerts

IV Marketing (M)

greater resentment for politically conservative (vs. liberal) consumers

(Studies 2 and 3). The findings offer practical implications for
marketers and advance our understanding of surge pricing, such
that consumer responses towards surge pricing strategies differ
based on their political ideology, and surge pricing precision is
associated with perceptions of the status quo.

IV-K2 Authors: James Agarwal, Gopal Das and Mark T. Spence

Title: Online group buying behavior: A study of experiential versus

material purchases

Journal: Psychology & Marketing

Abstract: More than 50 million consumers participate in online group buying,

hence its importance to retailers cannot be ignored. Four studies
are conducted to determine (a) whether customers’ preferences
to participate in group buying relative to buying alone are more
in the case of experiential (vs. material) purchases; (b) underlying
psychological mechanisms affecting an individual’s willingness to
invite additional buyers; and (c) the moderating role of analytic
versus holistic thinking orientation within the mediational
framework. Consistent with expectations, preferences to invite
additional buyers to receive a further discount (vs. buying alone and
taking the deal-of-the-day) were greater for experiential purchases
than material purchases. Three psychological motivators—social
relatedness, conversational value, and anticipatory enjoyment—act as
parallel mediators. Finally, moderated-mediation analysis shows that
holistic thinking accentuates the mediational pathway of anticipatory
enjoyment but not for social relatedness, whereas analytical thinking
accentuates the mediational pathway of conversational value. Of
practical relevance to those designing group buying websites is
that offering an additional discount to buyers if they are willing
to expend the effort to form a larger group not only reduced the
number of individuals indicating that they would not make a
Marketing (M)
purchase at all, but about a quarter of respondents indicated that
they would endeavour to find additional buyers. In addition, there is
a clear preference for experiential goods; and for material goods, the
findings suggest drawing attention to the experiences that material
goods offer.

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

IV-K3 Authors: Prithwiraj Mukherjee, Souvik Dutta and Arnaud De Bruyn

Title: Did clickbait crack the code on virality?

Journal: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Abstract: Although clickbait is a ubiquitous tactic in digital media, we

challenge the popular belief that clickbait systematically leads to
enhanced sharing of online content on social media. Using the
Persuasion Knowledge Model, we predict that clickbait tactics may
be perceived by some readers as a manipulative attempt, leading
to source derogation where the publisher may be perceived as less
competent and not trustworthy. This, in turn, may reduce some
readers’ intention to share content. Using a controlled experiment,
we confirm that high-emotional headlines are shared more often and
show evidence that clickbait often leads to inferences of manipulative
intent and source derogation. We then use a well-known secondary
data set containing 19,386 articles from 27 leading online publishers.
We supplement it with Twitter share data, sentiment analysis, topic
modeling, and additional control variables. We confirm that, on
average, clickbait articles elicit far fewer shares than non-clickbait
articles. Our results are stable, with large effect sizes even after
controlling for endogenous selection.

Listings: Financial Times 50

IV-L Awards, Honours, and Achievements

IV-L1 Prof. Arpita Pandey, Research Award, North American Society for Marketing
Research Award

IV-L2 Prof. Gopal Das, 2% Researcher in the world by Stanford University

IV-M Doctoral Theses Completed by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Sl. Name of the Members of the

Dissertation Title
No. Student DAC Committee
Marketing (M)

IV-M1 Mauli Soni Exploring Emerging Market Ashish Mishra,

Heterogeneity Avinash G Mulky,
Ganesh N Prabhu,
Ramya Neelamegham
(Ex Member)
IV-M2 Dhrithi Mahadevan Essays on Customer Experience G Shainesh,
in Access-Based Services Sreelata Jonnalagedda,
Vidhya Soundararajan

IV Marketing (M)

IV-N Dissertation Proposals by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Sl. Name of the

Topic Date
No. Student
IV-N1 Ravikanth Vazrapu Models to Understand Consumer Behaviour in December 8,
Auctions and Household Purchases 2022

IV-O Papers Presented by Doctoral Students in Conference/Seminar during


Sl. Details of the

Name of the Student Title of the Paper Date
No. Conference
IV-O1 Jose Manu M A Customer Engagement Customer Engagement June 2022
in Review Platforms: in Review Platforms: A
A Study on the Study on the Impact of
Impact of Network Network Characteristics,
Characteristics Glasgow, Scotland
IV-O2 Gopinath Annadurai, Planning Fallacy - Online Student Research October
Midhila K S, and Breaking it Down Conclave on Behavioral 2022
Krishna A Science, Judgment, and
Decision Making, IIT

Marketing (M)

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

V Organizational Behavior &

Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

he OBHRM area at IIM Bangalore offers courses, conducts research,

and provides consultancy in the domains of management and
leadership, focused on deriving the best out of employees in organizations
and institutions. These include macro-organizational issues such as
structures, processes and culture, along with micro issues such as
motivation and personal effectiveness that affect individual employees
across the entire spectrum of organizations and institutions, namely for-
profit commercial enterprises, public institutions, not-for-profit social
enterprises, and entrepreneurial organizations. The area’s faculty members
offer courses in the postgraduate and doctoral programmes of IIMB and
in executive development programmes for industry practitioners through
intense classroom sessions as well as through Massive Open Online
Courses (MOOCs).

During the past year, scholarly papers written by area members have
been published in top quality journals such as Academy of Management
Journal and Human Relations. Meanwhile, cases written by area members
continue to be among the top selling cases distributed globally by Harvard
Business Publishing. Faculty members have designed and offered many
new courses and workshops – Learning to Lead, Innovation and Change
in Teams, Organizations and Ecosystems, and Inspirational Leadership:
Insights from East and West, to name a few. Apart from their teaching
and research, area faculty members continue to create impact through
their positions of responsibility in editorial boards of journals (Journal
of Organization Behaviour, Human Relations, etc.), advisory boards
of organizations, external institutions such as National Human Rights
Commissions as well as by occupying key leadership positions at IIM
Bangalore such as that of Dean of Programmes and Chair of Internal

V Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

V-A Research Projects

V-A1 Sports and Indian Society

Project Team: Sourav Mukherji

Summary: Playing games and sports has been a defining characteristic of

human existence. The Dutch historian, Johan Huizinga, wrote that

Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

Homo sapiens (thinking reasoning beings) are also Homo ludens,
i.e., playing is a significant feature of human culture and society.
French sociologist Roger Caillois classified four categories of play
that human beings have engaged with (agon - competition, alea -
chances, mimicry, and ilinx - disorientation) since time immemorial;
Sigmund Freud argued that human beings engage in games and
sports because it provides both eros (pleasure) and thanatos (wish for
destruction). Several anthropologists have revealed how the world
of sports is reflective of the social and cultural dynamics of human
existence and sporting practices mirror societal beliefs about race,
class, and gender equity. A study of Olympians, boxers or golfers,
would reveal how racial and gender prejudices have provided
opportunities to a certain category of sportspersons and how the
suppressed categories have used their success in sports as platforms
for protests and movements.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

V-A2 Higher Educational Institutes of Excellence: IIT Bombay (Tentative and Indicative)

Project Team: Sourav Mukherji and Rishikesha T Krishnan

Summary: This research is part of our effort in trying to understand the higher
education ecosystem in India with a special focus on institutions
that have excelled in certain dimensions. The Indian Institutes
of Technology (IIT) had been set up after India’s independence
with the objective of laying a strong foundation for engineering/
technical education in India. During the last decade, IIT Bombay
(in Mumbai) has established itself as a leading institute among
the IITs. They have risen rapidly in national and international
rankings, with close to 75% of students among the top 100 in the
IIT-JEE merit list preferring to join IIT Bombay. Anecdotal evidence
indicates that faculty members from IIT Bombay, especially those
with background in Computer Science and Electronics, are in great
demand from leading IT organizations such as Google and Microsoft

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

as advisers and research collaborators. Through our research, we

would like to understand the practices and measures that IIT Bombay
had adopted which, in turn, resulted in their ascendancy towards
global recognition thereby surpassing their peer group. Insights
thus obtained would help to disseminate best practices that may be
adopted by other similar institutes to create positive impact on the
higher education ecosystem in India.
Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

V-A3 Comparative Study of Systems of Justification among Indian Students of Business/

Management Institutions

Project Team: Israel Fortin and Andre Tremblay

Summary: The Indianization of business/management discourses remains

a major issue in Indian higher education institutions (Thakur &
Babu, 2016). This project analyses how Indian students appropriate
neo-managerial and entrepreneurial discourses during their MBA
programme. The manner in which students justify their social conduct
reveals the dynamics of systems of justification among them. We will
interview the students of MBA programmes of two prominent Indian
management schools. We will conduct approximately twenty to thirty
interviews of one hour in each school which mostly focus on the
projections of the students of their courses of action in their future
careers. Furthermore, we will record and analyse five to ten focus
groups in these two schools to better understand the dynamics of
group discussions and networking among the students. This research
will help to better understand economic mutations in light of social
transformations and how discursive transformations among Indian
management students will shape the future of entrepreneurship in

Sponsor: Shastri Research Student Fellowship: Doctoral Category 2019-20 R1

Status: Completed

V-A4 Which Logic Prevails? Intra-logic Plasticity, Inter-logic Plasticity, and Bounded
Custodial Work in Temporary Organizing

Project Team: Israel Fortin

Summary: I observed an interorganizational cycle in publicly funded

university-industry innovation projects in port logistics. In the ten

V Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

projects investigated, an exaggerated emphasis that was placed on

some practices at the expense of others involuntarily postponed
innovation implementation, while still allowing collaborations
between universities and the industry to thrive. These practices
led to a self-sustaining cycle of innovation projects that rarely
resulted in implemented innovations despite being the chief goal
of these projects. This qualitative multiple-case study contributes

Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

to explaining the disappointing results of some publicly funded
innovation projects involving academia and the industry, compared
to the results of academic innovation projects that are funded by the

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Completed

V-A5 The Affordance of Ambiguity: Visually Communicating the Integration of

Conflicting Logics

Project Team: Israel Fortin

Summary: This study analyses the formal visual communications of the integration
of digital platforms with supply and service chains in port logistics.
I argue that these two types of coordination carry competing
logics, which explains the ambiguous visual representations of the
implementation of digital platforms in a major European port. In
addition to the digital platform coordination logic that conflicts
with a chain coordination logic, I identified two logics that maintain
a chain coordination logic in the formal visual communications to
port members. I also identified several ambiguous trade-offs and
synergies between the logics. Based on these findings, I argue that
the smooth integration of a competing logic into an existing logic
framework might not be possible without clear visual representations
that are aligned with verbal and textual communication. Such visual
representations might suggest a disruptive rearrangement of the
existing logic framework, or even the suspension of some existing
competing logics. This study contributes to discussions about
unintentional institutional maintenance, the integration of conflicting
logics into an existing logic framework, and the ambiguous visual
representation and communication of competing logics.

Sponsor: Port of Rotterdam Authority, City of Rotterdam, Dutch Government

Status: Completed

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

V-A6 Entrepreneurial Gravity: Toward an Integrative View of Entrepreneurial Tie


Project Team: Israel Fortin

Summary: “Entrepreneurial gravity” locates the most attractive actors of an

entrepreneurial ecosystem within the most central and cohesive
areas of that ecosystem. This metaphor encompasses four meanings
Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

that describe a phenomenon that integrates several established

tie dynamics and explicitly connects them with entrepreneurship
literature. I justify the need for an additional metaphor of tie
dynamics in the entrepreneurship field. Next, I establish links between
centralization, cohesion, and attraction. The integration of these three
tie dynamics leads to the definition of entrepreneurial gravity, which
includes a self-reinforcing process that can be disrupted by external
shocks or by internal resistance.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Completed

V-A7 Leadership Agility: An Exploratory Research in the Indian Context

Project Team: Gopal P Mahapatra, Sadhna Dash, and Sajeet Pradhan

Summary: The work world is rapidly transforming, and the nature of work
is evolving too. It has implications for various workplaces and the
workforce. The changing times prove particularly challenging for
leadership, which is continuously under PR and execution pressure
in a dynamic and tremulous environment. However, there could be
a significant opportunity to research leadership agility and resilience,
especially in the Indian context.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

V-A8 Leader as a Coach: Examining the Role of a Leader Going Forward

Project Team: Gopal P Mahapatra, Sajeet Pradhan, and Inika Sharma

Summary: The leader’s focus today is on facilitating organisational goals by

integrating every individual into the system, as against the previously
adopted traditional practices of command and control. Lawrence
(2013) describes how leaders across levels are vital in ensuring their
organisations respond to the VUCA environment’s requirements.
The necessity for leaders to build several new capacities for shared
sense-making is a significant component of leadership frameworks

V Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

in the 21st century (O’Connell, 2014). Alldredge and Nilan (2000)

emphasise how the behaviour of an organisation’s leaders will be the
deciding factor in either unleashing or inhibiting such differentiation
in its human capital.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

V-A9 Framing of Time and Subjective Likelihood Judgements

Project Team: Kanchan Mukherjee and Kriti Jain

Summary: Predicting future events is a constant human endeavour. In

many domains, this necessarily involves subjective judgements of
probabilities of future events, since well-defined data-generating
processes often do not exist (Braun & Yaniv, 1999; Vaughan &
Spouge, 2002). For example, consider predicting the price of oil or the
level of Dow Jones Industrial Average one year from today, or the
outcome of a political process, or the risk of a climatic event. It has
been extensively shown that subjective assessments of probabilities of
such uncertain events is often severely and systematically biased due
to various cognitive factors such as representativeness, availability,
anchoring, and so on, not just for the laymen but also for experienced
“experts” (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974).

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

V-A10 Employee Voice and Performance Ratings

Project Team: Apurva Sanaria, Michael Parke, and Subra Tangirala

Summary: Voice represents employees’ expression of suggestions, opinions, or

concerns on work issues (Van Dyne & Lepine, 1998). In contrast, silence
represents their intentional withholding of suggestions, opinions,
or concerns on work issues (Tangirala & Ramanujam, 2008). The
prevailing viewpoint is that voice is helpful and functional, whereas
silence is harmful or dysfunctional. That is, when employees speak
up, teams are said to avoid mistakes and make improvements in their
products and processes; by comparison, when employees suppress
their input, teams are posited to suffer performance decrements
(Morrison, 2014). In this way, the literature treats voice as an
indicator of employees’ engagement and experience of psychological
safety, and silence as a symptom of their fear, defensiveness, or
disengagement (Brinsfield, 2013; Kish-Gephart, Detert, Treviño, &

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Edmondson, 2009; Knoll & van Dick, 2013; Morrison, 2011). As

a result, most studies aim to identify the antecedents of voice
and silence so as to prescribe ways of maximising the former and
minimising the latter (Detert & Edmondson, 2011; Morrison, See, &
Pan, 2015; Sherf, Parke, & Isaakyan, 2020).

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

Status: Ongoing

V-A11 A study of Mentoring from Mentor and Mentee Perspective

Project Team: Apurva Sanaria, Jayant Narayanan, and Srinivas E S

Summary: Briefly describe the background of the problem and the literature. A
manager plays an important role as a mentor to his/her subordinates,
which enhances the career as well as psychosocial development of the
subordinates (Kram, 1983). Workplace mentoring serves primarily
two functions: career mentoring or psychosocial mentoring (Kram,
1985; Kram & Isabella, 1985; Allen, et al., 2004; Wanberg et al., 2003;
Allen et al., 2008; Eby et al., 2008). The manager is recommended
as a mentor because he/she is argued to be in a better position to
influence workplace mentoring outcomes (Raabe & Beehr, 2003).
This is important and beneficial for the manager as it provides
them with better performing subordinates, better relationships with
subordinates, as well as more power and visibility in the organisation
(Orth, Wilkinson, & Benfari, 1987). However, only 5.7% of mentoring
studies have used manager-subordinate sample (Allen et al., 2008).
This paper focuses on the manager-subordinate mentoring.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

V-A12 Manager Trustworthiness and Voice

Project Team: Srinivas E S, Subra Tangirala, and Hyusun Park

Summary: Organisational units often face threats or events that potentially can
cause harm to their survival and well-being (Lazarus 1966, Staw et al.
1981). For instance, the entry of a new competitor or the emergence
of novel technology can disrupt markets and trigger unit failure
(Christensen and Overdof 2000). In the face of such threats, units are
said to have a limited time within which they can respond to threats
or prepare to do so, termed the “recovery window” (Edmondson
et al. 2005). When units take advantage of this recovery window
and make an appropriate realignment of their internal products

V Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

or processes to meet the demands of the threat, they can remain

successful; otherwise, they can falter.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

V-A13 Managing HRM in Project-Based Organizations

Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

Project Team: Vasanthi Srinivasan

Summary: Our HRMJ paper was a qualitative case study of a single organisation.
We have a small grant to do a set of interviews to validate the
findings and write a project for a large-scale study.

Sponsor: Middlesex University

Status: Ongoing

V-A14 Gender Diversity Index

Project Team: Vasanthi Srinivasan

Summary: The project intends to review the gender diversity indices available
globally and develop a gender diversity index for Indian companies.

Sponsor: NFCG

Status: Ongoing

V-B Articles in Academic Journals

Sl. Name of Details of

Authors Title of Paper
No. Journal Publication
V-B1 Srinivas E S, How Employees Learn Journal of Vol. 107(4),
Tom Taiyi Yan, to Speak Up from Applied April 2022,
Subra Tangirala, and Their Leaders: Gender Psychology Pg. 650-667
A. Vadera Congruity Effects in the
Development of Voice
V-B2 Amit K. Nandkeolyar, Damned if she does, Journal of Vol. 143,
Jessica Bagger, and damned if she doesn’t: Business April 2022,
Srinivas E S The interactive Research Pg. 62-71
effects of gender and
agreeableness on
performance evaluation

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Sl. Name of Details of

Authors Title of Paper
No. Journal Publication
V-B3 Park, H., Tangirala, S., How and When Journal of Vol. 107(12),
Hussain, I., and Managers Reward Applied 2022,
Srinivas E S Employees’ Voice: The Psychology Pg. 2269-2284
Role of Proactivity
Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

V-B4 Tripathi, Ritu and Culture and Attitudes Journal of Vol. 86(2),
Anjana Karumathil Towards Euthanasia: Death and 2022,
An Integrative Review Dying Pg. 688-720
V-B5 Amitabh Anand, Applying systematic Global Vol. 71(8/9),
Tripathi, Ritu, bibliometric methods Knowledge, 2022,
Anjana Karumathil and to track a journal’s Memory, and Pg. 928-946
Tanvika Kalra impact and review its Communication
knowledge contribution
V-B6 Anjana Karumathil and Mere Algorithms may Nature Reviews Vol. 1, 2022,
Tripathi, Ritu be Demotivating Psychology Pg. 682
V-B7 Ankur Jain and What happened to Organizational Vol. 51(4),
Srinivasan, Vasanthi the work I was doing? Dynamics November
Sociomateriality and 2022, Pg, 1-8
cognitive tensions in
technology work
V-B8 Malvika Chhatwani, Active and Passive Behaviour and Vol. 42(2),
Mishra, Sushanta K, and Social Media Usage Information 2023,
Himanshu Rai and Depression among Technology Pg. 215-226
the Elderly during
COVID-19: Does Race
V-B9 Gunjan Tomar, Features of technology International Vol. 66,
Mishra, Sushanta K, and its linkages with Journal of October
and Israr Qureshi turnover intention Information 2022, Pg. 1-16
and work exhaustion: Management
A multi-study
investigation among IT
V-B10 Mit Vachhrajani, Direct and indirect Frontiers in Vol. 13,
Mishra, Sushanta K, effect of neuroticism on Psychology October 2022
Himanshu Rai, and work engagement of
Amit Paliwal nurses during Covid-19:
A temporal analysis

V Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

Sl. Name of Details of

Authors Title of Paper
No. Journal Publication
V-B11 Shanu Shukla, Reflection of Types Qualitative Vol. 32(13),
Mishra, Sushanta K, and of Prosocial Behavior Health Research September
Rahmi Agustino during COVID-19 in 2022,
Collectivistic Asian Pg. 1993-2005
Countries — India and

Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

V-B12 Ravisankar Jayaraman Work and non-work life Management Vol. 60(6),
and of R&D professionals Decision 2022,
Mishra, Sushanta K during Covid-19: A Pg. 1744-1762
cultural perspective
V-B13 Sushanta Kumar Sarma, Strategic response Social Vol. 18(4),
Kunal Kamal Kumar, and to COVID-19: How Enterprise 2022,
Mishra, Sushanta K do social enterprises Journal Pg. 626-642
navigate crisis
V-B14 Dutta, Debolina, Ethics in competency IIMB Vol. 34(3),
Mishra, Sushanta K, and models: A framework Management September
Pawan Budhwar towards developing Review 2022,
ethical behaviour in Pg. 208-277
V-B15 Dutta, Debolina, The old order VINE Journal Vol. 53(2),
Chaitali Vedak, and Changeth! Building of Information 2023,
Harshal Sawant sustainable knowledge and Knowledge Pg. 210-231
management post Management
covid-19 pandemic Systems
V-B16 Kulkarni, Mukta Hiding but hoping to Equality, Vol. 41(3),
be found: Workplace Diversity and April 2022,
disclosure dilemmas of Inclusion Pg. 491-507
individuals with hidden
V-B17 Yang Yang, Earnings of persons Equality, Vol. 41(6),
Kulkarni, Mukta, with disabilities: Who Diversity and 2022,
David Baldridge and earns more (less) from Inclusion Pg. 847-865
Alison M. Konrad entrepreneurial pursuit?
V-B18 Kulkarni, Mukta, Conceptualizing Equality, Vol. 42(2),
David Baldridge, and disability Diversity and 2023,
Michele Swift accommodation Inclusion Pg. 285-299
device acceptance by
workgroups through a
sociomaterial lens

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Sl. Name of Details of

Authors Title of Paper
No. Journal Publication
V-B19 Ojha, Abhoy K and Understanding the Journal of Vol. 149,
Ramya Tarakad colonial roots of Business October
Venkateswaran Indian management Research 2022,
thought: An agenda to Pg. 700-712
decolonise and theorise
Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

for Indian contexts

V-B20 Michael R. Parke, How Strategic Silence Organizational Vol. 173,
Subrahmaniam Tangirala, Enables Employee Behavior November
Sanaria, Apurva, and Voice to be Valued and and Human 2022, 104187,
Srinivas E S Rewarded Decision Pg. 1-18

V-C Books

V-C1 Joy E. Beatty, Sophie Hennekam, and Mukta Kulkarni

De Gruyter Handbook of Disability and Management

De Gruyter, 2023

Globally, the prevalence of disability is growing, as is disability

awareness. The disability rights movement argues that the right to
employment is essential for full participation and human dignity.
While there have been improvements related to broad diversity programs and
policies, those for persons with disabilities, especially less visible or invisible
disabilities, have received less attention.

Contextual factors such as the legal environment and protections, cultural and social
values, religious norms, and broader economic conditions shape the employment
prospects for persons with disabilities. The De Gruyter Handbook of Disability and
Management uses an interdisciplinary lens to study disability and management,
integrating perspectives from disability studies, psychology, education, and legal
domains. It aims to incorporate a contextually sensitive and global perspective to
emphasise actionable areas of inclusion and provide a more international focus by
including contributions from countries and regions that have till date received less
attention in the area of disability studies.

Managers, human resource professionals, and policymakers can be more proactive

to support persons with disabilities, and more insights, best practices, and tools are
needed to facilitate this support. This handbook will guide and support efforts of
organisational stakeholders and policymakers as they strive to be more inclusive.

V Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

V-D Chapters in Books

Sl. Title of Publication

Authors Title of Chapter Editors
No. Book Details
V-D1 Kulkarni, Mukta The making Research Yousafzai, S., Chapter 17,
and Yangerjungla of a (dis)abled Handbook Coogan, T., Pg. 247-261,
Pongener entrepreneur: An on Disability Sheikh, S., & Edward Elgar

Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

entrepreneurial and Entre- Ng, W. (Eds.) Publishing,
identity preneurship UK, 2022
V-D2 Mahapatra, Gopal Innovative Indigenous Ashish Pandy, Palgrave
and Practices in Indian Pawan Budhwar, Macmillan,
Mishra, Sushanta K, Management Management and Dharam P S August 2022
Education in Bhawuk (Eds)
V-D3 Bishakha Majumdar, Human Resource HRM in Toyin Ajibade Pg. 217-252,
Mishra, Sushanta K, Management in the Global Adisa and 2022 Palgrave
and the Twenty-First South: A Chima Mordi Macmillan
Pawan Budhwar Century: Present Critical (Eds) Cham
Stand and Perspective
the Emerging
Trends in Indian

V-F Articles in Periodicals, Financial Dailies, and Newspapers

Name of
Sl. Date of
Authors Title of Article Newspaper/
No. Publication
V-F1 Abhinayan Sridhar Swept by intuition: Bad Forbes March 9,
and decisions by good leaders 2023
Mukherjee, Kanchan
V-F2 Saranga, Haritha, Can children make parents Times of February 28,
Satyajit Roy, and adopt more sustainable India 2023
Mukherjee, Kanchan lifestyles? What is the role of
New Education Policy?
V-F3 Shanti Raghavan and Include purple to energize the Deccan May 20,
Kulkarni, Mukta economy Herald 2022

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

V-H Seminar/Conference/Workshop Presentations/Invited Talks

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
V-H1 Ojha, Abhoy K Undoing the enduring Eurocentric January 8,
colonial influence of perspective on India, 2023
Weber’s INDAM Conference
Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

V-H2 Dutta, Debolina Panel Speaker – The Alliance University, April 23,
Future of HR and Bangalore 2022
Employee Wellbeing
V-H3 Dutta, Debolina Panel Speaker Zinnov Confluence, July 21,
– Designing the Bangalore 2022
Leadership Archetypes
of the Future
V-H4 Dutta, Debolina Keynote Speaker – Vinod Gupta School August 4,
New Trends in HR of Management 2022
and Changing Ways of (VGSOM),
Working IIT Kharagpur
V-H5 Dutta, Debolina Panel Speaker – Presidency September
Inclusive Work Culture: University, 29, 2022
Benefits and Challenges Bangalore
V-H6 Mahapatra, Gopal Session Chair – Building IFTDO May 20,
Agility to Talent 49th International 2022
Refactoring Conference and
Exhibition, Le
Meridian, New Delhi
V-H7 Mahapatra, Gopal Psychological Resilience IFTDO May 20,
and Tanvika Karla during the Covid-19 49 International
Pandemic Conference and
Exhibition, Le
Meridian, New Delhi
V-H8 Mukherjee, 30 Promising Leaders of Forbes India Event, February
Kanchan 2023 Bangalore 22, 2023
V-H9 Sonpar, K., Negotiating a new role Academy of August
Pazzaglia, F., identity: The experiences Management, Seattle 5-9, 2022
Kulkarni, Mukta, of first batches of female
and Maheshwari, N military officers
V-H10 Kulkarni, Mukta Mentor, OMT Global Academy of August
Consortium: Doing Management, Seattle 5-9, 2022
Organizational Research
around the World
V-H11 Kulkarni, Mukta Co-Chair, GDO Doctoral Academy of August
Student Consortium Management, Seattle 5-9, 2022

V Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
V-H12 Kulkarni, Mukta Presenter Symposium. Academy of August
and Baldridge, D. Rethinking workplace Management, Seattle 5-9, 2022
inclusion of persons
with disabilities through
multiple levels and

Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

V-H13 Kulkarni, Mukta Discussant, Work and Academy of August
Collaboration across Management, Seattle 5-9, 2022
and between the Global
South and Global North
(Chaired by Thomason,
V-H14 Kumar, K. K., and Deepening the divide by 38th EGOS July 7-9,
Mishra, Sushanta K legitimizing the stigma: Colloquium 2022, 2022
The fake promise of WU Vienna, Austria
V-H15 Shukla, M., Being on a foreign land 38th EGOS July 7-9,
Tyagi, D., and amid the COVID-19 Colloquium 2022, 2022
Mishra, Sushanta K pandemic: Examining WU Vienna, Austria
the expatriates’
experiences during
the pandemic and
reconsidering the tenets
of the push-pull theory
V-H16 Tyagi, D., and Too Clean to Do 38th EGOS July 7-9,
Mishra, Sushanta K the Dirty Work: Colloquium 2022, 2022
Understanding the WU Vienna, Austria
Influence of Dirty
Workers Caste on their
Work and Non-Work
V-H17 Singh, S., Leveraging Artificial Indian Academy January
Kumar, K. K., and Intelligence and Human of Management 6-8, 2023
Mishra, Sushanta K Intelligence for HRM Conference, SBM-
in Uncertainty: A NMIMS, Mumbai
COVID-19 Research
V-H18 Kumar, K. K., and Good at political skills, EURAM, Zurich, June 15-17,
Mishra, Sushanta K close to my boss: I keep Switzerland 2022
my lips closed, and I
don’t voice to boss

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
V-H19 Mishra, Sushanta K Delivered a lecture in HRDC-JNU December
5th Refresher Course on 27, 2022
Research Methodology
(IDC) through online
Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

V-H20 Mishra, Sushanta K Conducted a workshop Goa Institute of February

on Social Impact of Management 20, 2023
Research - Measurement
& Challenges
V-H21 Mishra, Sushanta K Guest speaker in the Sanjivani Group, November
MBA induction program Ahmednagar, 17, 2022
V-H22 Smriti Zubin Irani, The Necessity and IIM Udaipur February
Kunal Kamal Kumar, Pitfalls of Ranking 28, 2023
and Management
Mishra, Sushanta K Institutions: The NIRF
V-H23 Kunal Kamal Kumar For the Sake of Science: 7th EMIC Conference May 25,
and Being Non-Aligned in organized by the 2022
Mishra, Sushanta K an Increasingly Unipolar Stockholm Business
World of Academic School
V-H24 Mukherji, Sourav Guest Lecture: Inclusive University of British 2022
Business Models Columbia Executive
V-H25 Mukherji, Sourav Challenges in Christ University April 2022
Management Education FDP
V-H26 Mukherji, Sourav Learning from Failures SELCO’s Impact October
Failure Conference 2022
V-H27 Mukherji, Sourav Inclusive Business Flanders Business 2022
Models School
V-H28 Mukherji, Sourav Writing Research Papers Masterclass at 2022
Society General
V-H29 Mukherji, Sourav Re-energizing the IIT Madras, 2022
classroom Department of

V Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

V-I Articles in Conference Proceedings

Sl. Details of the Conference

Authors Title of Paper
No. Proceedings
V-I-1 Sonpar, K., Negotiating a new role 82nd Annual Meeting of the
Pazzaglia, F., identity: The experiences Academy of Management
Kulkarni, Mukta of first batches of female August 5-9, 2022

Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

and Maheshwari, N. military officers Seattle, Washington, USA
V-I-2 Kulkarni, Mukta Rethinking workplace 82nd Annual Meeting of the
and Baldridge, D. inclusion of persons with Academy of Management
disabilities through multiple August 5-9, 2022
levels and lenses Seattle, Washington, USA
V-I-3 Kulkarni, Mukta Discussant, Work and 82nd Annual Meeting of the
Collaboration across and Academy of Management
between the Global South August 5-9, 2022
and Global North Seattle, Washington, USA
V-I-4 Poyil, A. K., Employee Share Academy of Management
Dutta, D., and Participation: The Proceedings, Vol. 22(1), 2022
Mishra, Sushanta K Anticipated and
Unanticipated Outcomes on
Employee Performance

V-J IIMB Case Studies @ Harvard Business Publishing

V-J1 Title: FirstConnect Solutions: Gig Working to Solve the Leaking Bucket

Author: Debolina Dutta

Summary: Founded in May 2020, FirstConnect Solutions is a micro, small, and

medium enterprise (MSME) focused on providing recruitment and
staffing solutions. When the pandemic hit recruitment activities across
industries, FirstConnect Solutions demonstrated its mettle through
robust growth within the first year, meeting clients’ expectations
by successfully filling the few but challenging recruitment
mandates. The pandemic environment also allowed the firm to hire
inexperienced recruiters and train them on the job. The company
motivated recruiters with monetary incentives linked to successful
placement and a powerful reward and recognition program. While
all employees appreciated the organisation’s culture, FirstConnect
continued to lose recruiters after they were painstakingly trained
and had just started to become productive. To ensure client service
did not suffer, FirstConnect hired gig recruiters, who were paid only
for sourcing relevant candidate profiles through a milestone-based

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

incentive system. The variability in quality and availability meant

that this route of ensuring client satisfaction was not entirely reliable
owing to an uncertain talent pool. The dilemma for FirstConnect
was to identify the target demographic segments for its permanent
workforce and how to build its employer brand and employee value
proposition to prevent attrition. Further, it needed to determine the
percentage of work to be managed by gig workers without risking
Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

their client servicing capability.

V-J2 Title: dotin: Color me a talent!

Author: Debolina Dutta

Summary: dotin.in was a technology startup founded by Ganesh Iyer in

California, a spin-off from a product venture incubated by Cisco
Systems created to solve the attraction and retention of talent.
Leveraging their understanding of artificial intelligence (AI), natural
language processing (NLP), and machine learning (ML) techniques,
dotin incorporated the motivation science developed from the Color
Munsell Theory. The insights of individual motivations are assessed
through a quick 60-second colour preference assessment based on
Holland’s vocational personality type, Gardner’s multiple intelligence
theory, and the Color Munsell System. It also incorporated an
assessment of learning style to develop individual fit reports for
specific job roles. dotin then based their report of fit based on
a standard job competency dictionary of ONET taxonomy. The
patented product was proposed as an end-to-end solution for
talent management. dotin appealed to the recruiter community
by providing a large database of potential candidates comprising
passive job seekers. This database was developed by accessing and
stitching together applicant information from multiple data sources,
compliant with data privacy norms and laws. Recruiters could then
connect with these passive applicants and invite them for specific job
opportunities. If the applicant evinced interest, they responded to a
one-minute colour motivation patented assessment. The emerging
analysis delivered a comprehensive functional (skill) fit, motivation
and behaviour, and preferred learning style. The resulting report
offered insights to recruiters who hire internal and external talent. By
assessing the fit and suitability for future roles, organisations could
make informed data-based decisions on the potential capability of
their talent and succession pipelines. The dotin assessment suggests
appropriate development interventions to develop future leaders
based on individual learning styles and motivation.

V Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

V-J3 Title: entomo – Enabling People Experience for the Digital World of

Author: Debolina Dutta and Chaitali Vedak

Summary: A people experience platform, entomo delivers a digital experience

for all customers’ employees to revamp talent development,
performance, and engagement through hyper-personalised insights

Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

and nudges for each employee. The entomo talent experience suite
provides a solution for all facets required for enhanced talent
development and people performance. Recognising that ‘enterprises
of tomorrow’ require hyper-personalised experiences of relevant
upskilling, the entomo platform enables an individualised skill gap
analysis, learning journey, and nudges for self-development. At an
aggregate level, the platform also indicated skill repository analysis,
which enabled strategic investment in talent acquisition and/or
development. entomo is increasingly receiving recognition and
awards as a leader in digital performance management. However,
a myopic view by some industry practitioners, who preferred to use
the subjective assessment of organisational skills or focus on other
HR initiatives rather than getting the organisation future-ready,
presented some challenges to entomo. Employees, those experiencing
technology and digital fatigue, were further challenged by yet
another platform, thus reducing the stickiness of the offering.

V-J4 Title: The Industry Dilemma: Allow Ethical Moonlighting or Lose to

Gig Working?

Author: Abhishek Sahu and Debolina Dutta

Summary: NHRD, a leading HR industry forum in India, had organised an HR

Conclave to discuss the future of the workplace and the unfolding
methods of work. However, the discussion quickly segued to the
problem of moonlighting. For many HR leaders, the dilemma was
whether they should strictly enforce single employment laws, risk
the pain of increased attrition in a talent-short market, or embrace
moonlighting by allowing employees to acknowledge it and define
boundaries in which moonlighting could be allowed.

V-J5 Title: HR Facilitator at IOCL: Reviving Human Touch

Author: Gopal P Mahapatra and Sourav Mukherji

Summary: This case relates to a novel human resource initiative undertaken

by IOCL, one of India’s largest public sector organisations. IOCL,

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

a Fortune 500 organisation, had 33,000 employees spread across

seven business divisions and 40 offices across India and abroad.
When Ranjan Mahapatra assumed office as Director of Human
Resources at IOCL in February 2018, he realised that many IOCL
employees perceived that the human resources department is distant
and indifferent, in spite of increasing automation of human resources
function. Several concerns related to human resource policies
Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

remained unaddressed, although the organisation had complaint

redressal forums. Mahapatra proposed an idea of a novel role of a
human resource facilitator (HRF), an HR personnel who would act
as a single point of contact for employees within their department
and ensure that employee concerns are addressed while navigating
the organisational bureaucracy. The case describes how Mahapatra
and his team implemented the new HRF scheme. Within seven
months of its introduction, the 41 HRFs successfully resolved 1600
queries raised by the employees, which was widely appreciated.
The case ends by highlighting some challenges faced by HRFs and
leaves Mahapatra wondering whether he should delay the launch
of the HRF scheme in other business verticals until these challenges
are overcome.

V-J6 Title: Career at Crossroads: Passion or Profession? (Parts A & B)

Author: Padmini Srinivasan and Gopal Mahapatra

Summary: The case focuses on the journey of a young professional and

multifaceted artist, Manasi Prasad. It reveals her career progression
as she strives to excel while balancing her profession and passion.
Manasi Prasad faces multiple dilemmas, trials, and tribulations
during her journey. This case highlights the inherent conflict of a
young professional at every stage of life. The classic dilemma is
between a well-trodden path or a road less travelled and various
other decision-making situations. Part A of the case ends at the peak
of Manasi’s career when she is faced with a crisis, that is, losing her
voice, being unable to sing, and having an autoimmune disease.
Part B deals with her transition. The case deals with how she led
the IME team from concept to reality and subsequently managed
the operations, throwing light on the unique challenges she faced
at each stage of her career.

V Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

V-K Leading Journal Publications

Journal articles which have appeared in leading academic journals, listed in Financial
Times 50, UT Dallas.

V-K1 Authors: E S Srinivas, Tom Taiyi Yan, Subra Tangirala, and A. Vadera

Title: How Employees Learn to Speak Up from Their Leaders: Gender

Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

Congruity Effects in the Development of Voice Self-Efficacy

Journal: Journal of Applied Psychology

Abstract: Voice or the expression of ideas, concerns, or opinions on work

issues by employees can help organisations thrive. However, we
highlight that men and women differ in their voice self-efficacy, or
the personal confidence in formulating and articulating work-related
viewpoints. Such differences, we argue, can impede women’s voice
from emerging at work. Drawing on social cognitive theory (SCT),
we propose that women tend to develop greater voice self-efficacy
and thereby speak up more when they have the opportunity to
observe female rather than male leaders speak up. Hence, we point
to the potential absence of women leaders who can role model
speaking up at work as a likely inhibiter of women’s voice. We found
support for our hypotheses using data from a correlational field
study involving 368 employees and their leaders from a variety of
industries in India and an experimental study in an online panel of
546 US-based workers. We discuss the implications of our research
for theory and practice. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA,
all rights reserved).

Listings: Financial Times 50

V-K2 Authors: Amit K. Nandkeolyar, Jessica Bagger, and E S Srinivas

Title: Damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t: The interactive effects
of gender and agreeableness on performance evaluation

Journal: Journal of Business Research

Abstract: The role congruity theory and research on gender stereotypes suggest
that communion and agency tendencies explain gender discrimination
in performance evaluations. We propose that high agreeableness,
a Big Five personality trait, captures the communal dimension of
an individual’s concern for others. Across two studies conducted in
India and the United States, we found evidence that the relationship
between agreeableness and performance evaluations is nonlinear
for female employees. Women are rated as high performers when

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

they exhibit moderate levels of agreeableness. For male employees,

we find a communal bonus effect in which they benefit from being
agreeable in the workplace. Our findings demonstrate the stability
of these findings across Indian and North American cultures. Our
findings contribute to the literature on role congruity, personality
theories, and job performance.

V-K3 Authors: Park, H., Tangirala, S., Hussain, I., and E S Srinivas
Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

Title: How and When Managers Reward Employees’ Voice: The Role of
Proactivity Attributions

Journal: Journal of Applied Psychology

Abstract: Recent voice research has noted that providing adequate job
rewards for speaking up can sustainably motivate voice from
employees. We examine why managers who seek out voice at
work might not always properly reward the behaviour. Drawing
on theories of dispositional attribution, we propose that, in general,
managers tend to reward voice because it signals to them that
employees possess a valued underlying trait—proactivity—which
is characterised by change-orientation and foresight. However, we
argue that when managers engage in more voice solicitation—that
is, explicitly ask for voice and take a listening posture towards it—
their tendency to infer proactivity from employees’ voice weakens.
Thus, we make a case that voice solicitation, a managerial behaviour
intended to set facilitating conditions for speaking up at work,
inadvertently weakens the (indirect) relationship between employee
voice and job rewards. We establish support for our theory in
a set of two studies with complementary designs. Study 1 was
a preregistered between-subjects experiment that used a realistic
vignette design with an online panel of 592 working adults based
in the United States. Study 2 was a multisource field survey with
a sample of 385 employees and their managers working at the
Indian branch of a global technology company in the oil and gas
industry. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of
our results.

Listings: Financial Times 50

V-K4 Authors: Abhoy K. Ojha and Ramya Tarakad Venkateswaran

Title: Understanding the colonial roots of Indian management thought:

An agenda to decolonise and theorise for Indian contexts

Journal: Journal of Business Research

V Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

Abstract: Despite several calls to develop indigenous theories to contribute

to Indian management knowledge, there has been limited success.
There is no well-developed alternate Indian paradigm in management
that can sustain a rigorous research programme and be relevant
to practice. We argue that the intellectual colonisation of Indian
academia due to the prevailing Eurocentrism (and US-centrism)
and the use of English as a language for research and dissemination

Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

of knowledge are two key reasons underlying this failure. We
demonstrate this by illustrating the near absence of scholarly work
on Kautilya’s Arthashastra despite its wide acceptance in popular
writings in India and its use in management practice. Finally, we
suggest strategies to achieve intellectual decolonisation or freedom
to enable scholars to engage with Indian issues and phenomena
using indigenous knowledge perspectives and to contribute to
an indigenous paradigm that might provide unique insights into
managing the Indian way.

V-K5 Authors: Michael R. Parke, Subrahmaniam Tangirala, Apurva Sanaria, and

E S Srinivas

Title: How strategic silence enables employee voice to be valued and


Journal: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Abstract: We challenge the predominant viewpoint in the literature that

employee silence is inherently harmful. We theorise that employees
can engage in strategic silence, or the intentional withholding of
untimely ideas or concerns, in order to raise issues that resonate
better with managers when they do speak up. More specifically, we
propose that employees’ voice is deemed higher quality by managers,
and as a result, earns them higher performance evaluations and
rewards, when those employees also engage in strategic silence. In
a qualitative study (Study 1), we document the dimensions and real-
life examples of strategic silence. In two multi-source survey-based
field studies (Study 2a and Study 2b) and a pre-registered online
experiment (Study 3), we demonstrate support for our theoretical
model. Through our findings, we highlight that strategic silence is
a functional and useful type of silence that employees use to gain
more positive appraisal of their voice from managers.

Listings: Financial Times 50

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

V-L Awards, Honours, and Achievements

V-L1 Prof. Mukta Kulkarni, Elected Representative at large for the GDO division of the
Academy of Management, 2022.

V-L2 Prof. Mukta Kulkarni, Co-organizer, AOM GDO writing mentoring workshop
Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

V-L3 Prof. Mukta Kulkarni, Chair, Carolyn Dexter Award Committee, Academy
of Management 2022.
V-L4 Prof. Mukta Kulkarni, Chair, Saroj Parasuraman Outstanding Publication
award, GDO (now DEI) division, Academy of Management 2022.
V-L5 Prof. Mukta Kulkarni, Co-chair, doctoral student consortium, GDO (now DEI)
division, Academy of Management 2022.
V-L6 Prof. Mukta Kulkarni, Associate Editor at Journal of Management Inquiry
and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal.
V-L7 Prof. Mukta Kulkarni, Editorial Board member at Journal of Organization
Behaviour and Human Relations.
V-L8 Prof. Gopal Mahapatra, Recognition at the Faculty Retreat: In the recent Faculty
Retreat on April 12, 2023, he was appreciated/recognised by Director for Faculty
Teaching Feedback for his elective course on Managing Career Success and Transition.

V-L9 Prof. Sushanta K Mishra, The paper, co-authored with the 5C group, published
in the Journal of Vocational Behavior, received the Career Division Best Published
Paper award Finalist at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2022.

V-L10 Prof. Sushanta K Mishra, Contributed as the convenor of the 8th Indian Academy
of Management (INDAM) Conference at NMIMS, Mumbai, in January 2023.

V-L11 Prof. Sushanta K Mishra, Invited as an external member of the Selection Committee
for the Prof. Tirath Gupta Memorial Award for Best Thesis at IIM Ahmedabad.

V-L12 Prof. Sushanta K Mishra, Appointed as the Associate Editor of Personnel Review,
IIMB Management Review, and review editor of Frontiers in Psychology.

V-N Dissertation Proposals by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Name of the Student Topic Date
V-N1 Rajashik Roy Choudhury Memento Vivere: Response from Organizations October
and Individuals to Exogenous Shocks 28, 2022

V Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

V-O Papers Presented by Doctoral Students in Conference/Seminar during


Sl. Details of the

Name of the Student Title of the Paper Date
No. Conference
V-O1 Anupama Kondayya The Expansion of the 4th India Public December
‘Drug’ Regulatory Policy Network 2022

Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

Category in the Drugs Act, Conference, IIM
1940 Ahmedabad
V-O2 Anupama Kondayya Emergence of a Values- PhD Workshop, June 2022
and Based Category: The Alberta Institutions
Prof. Abhoy K Ojha Case of Ayurvedic Conference 2022,
Pharmaceuticals Alberta, Canada
V-O3 Anupama Kondayya Emergence of a Values- Pre-Colloquium July 2022
and Based Category: The PhD Workshop,
Prof. Abhoy K Ojha Case of Ayurvedic EGOS 2022, Vienna,
Pharmaceuticals (Hybrid)
V-O4 Anupama Kondayya Category Status Annual Meeting August
and Prof. Dalhia Mani Reclamation: How a of the Academy 2022
Marginalized Gender of Management,
Reclaimed its Status Seattle
V-O5 Anupama Kondayya Emergence of a Values- Annual Meeting August
and Based Category: The of the Academy 2022
Prof. Abhoy K Ojha Case of Ayurvedic of Management,
Pharmaceuticals Seattle (Hybrid)
V-O6 Anupama Kondayya The Exercise of Fiat by the 4th Annual Research March
and State and the Emergence Workshop on 2023
Prof. Abhoy K Ojha of Values-Based “The Nexus of
Categories: The Case of Business and
Ayurvedic Government in the
Pharmaceuticals in India Global Economy”,
V-O7 Nitesh Bhat Delving into the Micro INDAM 2023, January
Foundations of Strategy: NMIMS, Mumbai 2023
The Potential Role of
Meaningful Work in
Managerial Cognition
V-O8 Nitesh Bhat and Meaningful Work or Peer INDAM 2023, January
Prof. Rajalaxmi Kamath Influence? A Structuration NMIMS, Mumbai 2023
Theory Perspective of
Voluntary Career

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Sl. Details of the

Name of the Student Title of the Paper Date
No. Conference
V-O9 Harshith P D Influence of CSR Practices International September
on Employees with Research 2022
Disabilities Conference on
Sustainable Goals,
IIM Bodh Gaya
Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management (OBHRM)

V-P Publications by Doctoral Students (Journal articles/book chapters/

cases/book reviews) during 2022–2023

Sl. Name of the Publications

Name of the Student Title of the Paper
No. Journal/Book Details
V-P1 Anupama Kondayya Leader Development: IIMB March, 2023
and How ‘Leaders in the Management
Ankur Jain Making’ Manage Review
V-P2 Harshith P D and Work Identity Among GLIMS Journal March, 2023
Prof. Apurva Sanaria Differently Abled of Management
Employees Review and

VI Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

VI Productions and
Operations Management (P&OM)

T he Production & Operations Management (POM) Area plays

a leading role in addressing key and topical issues of concern to
businesses. The faculty in POM brings together a diverse and rich set of

Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

expertise in several areas pertaining to managing both manufacturing
and service organisations. The Area faculty conducts research and
offers graduate-level courses in the areas of Supply Chain Management,
Operational Analytics, Technology Management and Strategy, Product
Development, Game Theory, Revenue Management, Empirical Operations,
Service Operations Management, Operations Strategy, and Project

In addition to basic and applied research, the Area faculty is active in

consulting and executive education programmes. Over the years, the
faculty has contributed to thought leadership in numerous ways including
publications in international journals of repute, participation in national
and international conferences, developing case studies for research and
teaching, writing professional textbooks and research monographs, and
regularly contributing to business dailies. The Area members also offer
professional advice to business and academic institutions by serving as
members of professionally constituted boards.

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

VI-A Research Projects

VI-A1 Supply Chain Challenges Faced by Indian SMEs

Project Team: Haritha Saranga

Summary: 90% of industrial organisations in India are categorised into micro,

small, and medium scale industries (IBEF Report). The small and
medium scale enterprises (SMEs) contribute towards 17% of India’s
GDP and account for 40% of India’s total exports. SMEs in India
generate millions of jobs, especially at the low-skill level, as they
Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

employ approximately 40% of India’s workforce. SMEs also act

as key channel partners in the industrial supply chains, as they
contribute to 45% of India’s manufacturing output.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

VI-A2 Facilitators of Cashless Transactions in Retail Supply Chains with Specific

Reference to Convenience (kirana) Stores

Project Team: Krishna Sundar D

Summary: The objective of this study is to develop an understanding of

the current nature of convenience stores (kiranas) and suggest an
experimental retail application model that facilitates micro-payments
for retail transactions conducted at these stores. It also examines
viability of an acceptance network for cashless transactions at
kirana stores, potential issues faced in the adoption of cashless retail
transactions when a vast number of consumers at lower income
levels acquire the means to make cashless purchases, benefits that
could flow to kirana stores from the digitisation of their transactions
and accompanying analytics, linkages with the supplier networks
and the causal relationships between the kirana stores and their
suppliers, and credit flows to kirana stores through digital linkages
with banks.  

Sponsor: Centre for Digital Financial Inclusion, New Delhi

Status: Ongoing

VI Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

VI-A3 Developing a Dynamic Credit Risk Model for Estimation of Repayment Burden
and Probability of Default for Educational Loans

Project Team: Krishna Sundar D and Jayadev M

Summary: The objective of this project is to quantify default risk and develop a
credit scoring model for educational loans and credit rating software.  

Sponsor: Centre for Digital Financial Inclusion, New Delhi

Status: Ongoing

Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

VI-A4 BETS Project

Project Team: Krishna Sundar D

Sponsor: Centre for Digital Financial Inclusion, New Delhi

Status: Ongoing

VI-A5 Development of a Textbook on IKS

Project Team: B Mahadevan

Sponsor: AICTE, New Delhi

Status: Ongoing

VI-B Articles in Academic Journals

Name of Details of
Sl. No. Authors Title of Paper
Journal Publication
VI-B1 Srikanth Krishnaprasad A pricing mechanism Journal of the Vol. 73(4),
and Tripathi, Rajeev R to improve capacity Operational 2022,
utilisation in ridesharing Research Society Pg. 741-753
VI-B2 R. Sreedevi, Impact of a country’s Supply Chain Vol. 28(1),
Saranga, Haritha, and logistical capabilities on Management 2023,
Sirish Kumar Gouda supply chain risk Pg. 107-121
VI-B3 Verma, Nishant K and Social Media Information Vol. 25, 2023,
Ashish K Jha Sustainability Systems Pg. 723-742
Communication: Frontiers
An Analysis of
Firm Behaviour and
Stakeholder Responses

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Name of Details of
Sl. No. Authors Title of Paper
Journal Publication
VI-B4 Verma, Nishant K and Process flexibility in International Vol. 256,
Ashish K. Chatterjee the presence of product Journal of February
modularity: Does Production 2023, Pg. 1-15
modularity help? Economics
VI-B5 Debarati Basu, Customer reciprocity International Vol. 14(2),
Kamalika Chakraborty, in greening: The role of Journal of 2022,
Shabana Mitra and service quality Quality and Pg. 238-257
Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

Verma, Nishant K Service Sciences

VI-B6 Debarati Basu, Mitigating credit Applied Vol. 55(29),
Shabana Mitra and risk: Modelling and Economics 2023,
Verma, Nishant K optimizing co-insurance Pg. 3422-3441
in loan pricing
VI-B7 Satyam Mukherjee and Social brokerage and Journal of Vol. 40(2),
Jain, Tarun productivity of users Product March 2023,
in online innovation Innovation Pg. 231-254
networks Management
VI-B8 Sunanda Katewa and Mobile Application’s Decision Vol. 53(5),
Jain, Tarun Quality and Pricing Sciences October
Decisions Under 2022,
Competition Pg. 896-931
VI-B9 Satyam Mukherjee and Impact of COVID-19 on PLOS One Vol. 17(5),
Jain, Tarun the mobility patterns: An May 2022,
investigation of taxi trips Pg. 1-19
in Chicago
VI-B10 Sapra, Amar and Integration of long- and Production Vol. 31(7),
Peter L. Jackson short-term contracts in a and Operations July 2022,
market for capacity Management Pg. 2872-2890
VI-B11 Akansha Misra, Channel choice and European Vol. 302(3),
Saranga, Haritha and incentives in the Journal of November
Tripathi, Rajeev R cadaveric organ supply Operational 2022,
chain Research Pg. 1202-1214
VI-B12 Jain, Tarun, New product design Journal of the Vol. 74(1),
Hazra, Jishnu and decisions and free Operational 2023,
T. C. E. Cheng sharing of patents with Research Society Pg. 59-80
VI-B13 Jain, Tarun, Analysis of upstream Annals of Vol. 320,
Hazra, Jishnu and pricing regulation and Operations 2023,
T. C. E. Cheng contract structure in an Research Pg. 85-122
agriculture supply chain

VI Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

VI-C Books

VI-C1 Mahadevan, B., Bhat, V.R., and Nagendra Pavana, R. N.

Introduction to Indian Knowledge System: Concepts & Applications

PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, June 2022

This textbook is a culmination of multiple efforts of the authors to

fill in the gap for offering a required course on Indian Knowledge
System (IKS), recently mandated by AICTE. Moreover, the New

Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

Education Policy (NEP) has also provided a clear trajectory for imparting IKS in
the higher education curriculum, necessitating a book of this kind in several higher
education institutions in the country in the days to come.

The book seeks to introduce the epistemology and ontology of IKS to the Engineering
and Science students in a way they can relate, appreciate and explore further, should
there be a keen interest in the matter. After a brief section on the key concepts of
IKS, the remaining part of the book traces IKS and brings out the applications. After
a formal and concise introduction to IKS, the book provides certain foundational
concepts applicable across all domains of Science and Engineering. These form the
second part. The Science applications are laid out in Part 3, Engineering applications
in Part 4 and other important topics in the final part of the book.

VI-D Chapters in Books

Title of Title of Publication

Sl. No. Authors Editors
Chapter Book Details
VI-D1 Ashish Kumar Jha, Measuring The Digital MacCarthy, B. Chapter 12,
Verma, Nishant K., and managing Supply and Ivanov, D. Pg. 199-214,
and Indranil Bose digital Chain (Eds) 2022, Elsevier
supply chain

VI-E Working Papers

Author Title Working Year
Paper No.
VI-E1 Tripathy, Anshuman Make in India: So Far and Going 674 2023
and Ahead
Sudha Madhavi Dastrala

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

VI-F Articles in Periodicals, Financial Dailies, and Newspapers

Name of
Sl. Date of
Authors Title of Article Newspaper/
No. Publication
VI-F1 Saranga, Haritha, Can children make parents Times of February 28,
Satyajit Roy, and adopt more sustainable India 2023
Mukherjee, Kanchan lifestyles? What is the role of
New Education Policy?
Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

VI-H Seminar/Conference/Workshop Presentations/Invited Talks

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
VI-H1 Sapra, Amar Optimal Storage and INFORMS Annual October
Trading for a Commodity Meeting, Indianapolis 17, 2022
in the Presence of
Inventory Conversion
VI-H2 Sapra, Amar Expert Talk on ‘Mitigating Bosch September
the Impact of Supply Chain 14, 2022
VI-H3 Haritha Saranga Lessons to Prevent Crop Women in Data April 9,
Residue Burning through Science (WiDS) 2022
the Lens of DATA Bengaluru Conference,
IIM Bangalore
VI-H4 Prakash Awasthy Buyer-supplier ISDSI Global December
and Jishnu Hazra collaboration under Conference 2022, 27-29, 2022
risk and information Bangalore
VI-H5 Rajeev R Tripathi Fair Pricing on a Platform 33rd Stony Brook July 18-21,
with Heterogeneous International 2022
Sellers: A Cooperative Conference on Game
Game Approach Theory, New York
VI-H6 Sudha Madhavi Interplays of Sponsored Conference on July 11-15,
Dastrala and Data, Free Subscription Mechanism 2022
Rajeev R Tripathi Offerings, and Emerging and Institution
Roles of Network Service Design, Economics
Providers in the Internet Department, National
Value Chain University of

VI Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
VI-H7 Rajeev R Tripathi Building a career in IME Seminar Series, September
academia: An early career IIT Kanpur 15, 2022
academic’s perspective
VI-H8 Shalique M S, Investigating the role of BREW-ESA December
Sidhartha S Padhi, intertemporal preferences Conference 2022, IIM 16-18, 2022
and Nagesh in multimodal comparisons Bangalore
Murthy for farmers’ investment

Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

decisions in sustainable

VI-J IIMB Case Studies @ Harvard Business Publishing

VI-J1 Title: Akshaya Patra: The Covid-19 Pandemic and Thereafter

Author: Anshuman Tripathy, Avani Mishra, and Shlok Sangoi

Summary: The Akshaya Patra Foundation (TAPF) is a Non-Governmental

Organisation (NGO) headquartered in Bengaluru, India. It was
founded by ISKON (religious foundation) in the year 2000 and runs
the world’s largest school meal program that was serving 1.8 million
children every day in 2019. In March 2020, however, as the COVID-19
pandemic struck India, schools were shut and hence the mid-day
meals were stopped. This gave rise to not only a new challenge of
still continuing to feed underprivileged children but also fulfilling
other needs such as relief feeding for poor families and migrant
workers. The foundation has a mission to feed 5 million children
every day in the near future and are challenged in not only how to
scale up but also how to sustain their operations and growth (both in
terms of capital and operating expenditures), especially considering
that the government subsidisation of their meals (as a fraction of the
total cost per meal) is only reducing.

VI-J2 Title: Shawls or Stoles? Resource Optimization Problem at Looms of


Author: Haritha Saranga and Shailaja Grover

Summary: Looms of Ladakh (LL) is a women’s cooperative that has a vision

to empower local women artisans of Ladakh by not just upskilling
but also making them independently manage the entire cooperative.
The cooperative is managed and governed by the local artisans

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

and has recently hired talent from leading design and management
schools to oversee their operations. The founders realised that to
scale up and collaborate with design houses and online retailers,
and thereby increase their presence and profits, they will have to
work in a more structured and data-driven fashion. Optimal use
of resources and material is key to compete in the modern market
and sell their products in international market at competitive prices.
The case provides students with an opportunity to come up with
a resource optimisation model using the data collected by LL over
a period of time. The objective is to help LL earn maximum profits
Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

by making optimum usage of the available human and material

resources and by identifying an optimal product mix that maximises
their profitability.

VI-K Leading Journal Publications

Journal articles which have appeared in leading academic journals, listed in Financial
Times 50, UT Dallas.

VI-K1 Authors: Srikanth Krishnaprasad and Rajeev R Tripathi

Title: A pricing mechanism to improve capacity utilisation in ridesharing

Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society

Abstract: Low vehicle occupancy is an issue faced by many ridesharing

platforms. One of the ways to address this issue is to design a
pricing mechanism that incentivises riders to join large-size pools.
In this study, we propose a pricing mechanism and a decision rule
to aid the platforms in achieving high-capacity utilisation (forming
large-size pools), even in the presence of rider inconveniences. We
factor inconveniences due to both detouring and sharing of personal
space while designing the mechanism. The proposed mechanism
incentivises riders to join the “largest size” pool and also ensure
that no rider benefits at the cost of others. The decision rule helps to
identify the right participants to share a ride. We employ cooperative
game theory for this study.

VI-K2 Authors: Nishant K Verma and Ashish K Chatterjee

Title: Process flexibility in the presence of product modularity: Does

modularity help?

Journal: International Journal of Production Economics

VI Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

Abstract: One of the primary goals of supply chain management is to reduce

supply–demand mismatch (SDM). Product variety explosion is a
common occurrence across industries and is one of the primary
sources of demand uncertainty, resulting in SDM and the associated
costs. Researchers and practitioners have investigated the role of
process flexibility in addressing SDM caused by product variety.
This study investigates the impact of product modularity on the
benefits of process flexibility. It answers the critical question:
Does introducing modularity in product structure lead to reduced
process flexibility requirements? As flexibility investment is costly,

Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

the reduced requirement in the presence of product modularity
positively impacts financially constrained manufacturing firms (e.g.,
those belonging to the SME sector or start-up ecosystem). Two
stochastic optimisation problems are formulated, one with two
products and one with multiple products. The results show that in
the presence of product modularity, the optimal production policy
handles demand uncertainty better and thus reduces SDM cost more
than the integrated product case. Further, the need for investment
in process flexibility decreases in the presence of modularity. In the
multi-product formulation, the researchers investigate the supply-
chain process flexibility structure requirement. In the presence of
product modularity, a 2-chain process flexibility structure is sufficient
to almost achieve the performance of a full flexibility structure, in
contrast to integrated product scenarios where at least 3 to 4 chains
are required.

VI-K3 Authors: Sunanda Katewa and Tarun Jain

Title: Mobile Application’s Quality and Pricing Decisions Under


Journal: Decision Sciences

Abstract: In this article, we investigate the pricing and quality decisions of

mobile applications (apps) by the platform owner and third-party
app developer. The third-party app developer shares some fraction
of revenue with the platform owner. We investigate the impact
of revenue sharing fraction on quality enhancement and pricing
decisions. One would expect that, as the revenue sharing fraction
earned by the platform increases, the platform’s effort towards
enhancing the quality of the app should increase. However, our
analysis reveals that when the third-party app developer’s cost
structure is high (/low), and the difference between initial app
quality valuation of the platform’s app and developer’s app is

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

high (/low), then the platform decreases the quality improvement

efforts. Similarly, we also find that if the developer’s revenue-sharing
fraction increases, they may also decrease the quality efforts. Later,
we also analyse the scenario where a platform can influence the
competing developer’s app quality. We find that if the platform’s
effort only influences the competing third-party developer’s app
quality, then the platform reduces the rival’s app quality. Finally,
in our analysis, we find that if the platform’s effort towards the
rival’s app enhances its own app’s quality, it may increase the rival’s
app quality.
Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

VI-K4 Authors: Amar Sapra and Peter L. Jackson

Title: Integration of long- and short-term contracts in a market for


Journal: Production and Operations Management

Abstract: Motivated by the potential growth of capacity markets due to 3D

manufacturing, we examine the integration of long- and short-
term contracts for a capacity marketplace. In the marketplace,
manufacturers and suppliers first participate in long-term contracts
in which manufacturers reserve capacity at one or more suppliers.
Subsequently, manufacturers and suppliers trade in a spot market to
fulfill residual demand and sell residual capacity, respectively; in the
spot market, the equilibrium price is determined dynamically and
endogenously by the balance of supply and demand for capacity.
We build a model to derive insights on the decisions taken by the
manufacturers and suppliers and on the equilibrium characteristics
of the market. We show existence of equilibria in both long- and
short-term contract markets and establish a relationship between the
equilibrium prices for the two types of contracts. We also find that
when short-term–only contracts are available, the expected backlog
is lower compared to when integrated contracts are used for much
of the planning horizon. Further, we find that the presence of long-
term contracts increases the volatility of spot prices. Our results will
make practising managers aware that contractual arrangement can
influence spot price volatility.

VI Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

VI-K5 Authors: Akansha Misra, Haritha Saranga and Rajeev R. Tripathi

Title: Channel choice and incentives in the cadaveric organ supply chain

Journal: European Journal of Operational Research

Abstract: The low rate of cadaveric organ donation is a challenge that most
countries struggle with. In this study, we examine factors and alternate
decision-making setups that influence the supply of cadaveric organs
and identify possible incentives and mechanisms to increase it. We
develop a model that captures the interaction between supply-side

Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

entities – a coordinating organisation, whose objective is to maximise
the social welfare, and a hospital that performs the organ retrieval.
Under different setups, we evaluate the two levers available to
the coordinating organisation, its own effort and reimbursement
fees, which can be used to induce higher effort by hospitals. We
contrast these decisions and payoffs to determine if any benefits are
forthcoming from the coordinating organisation’s effort commitment.
We also examine the hospital’s optimal channel decision in the
presence of an unauthorised channel and a low paying authorised
channel and derive the conditions under which the hospital would
prefer the authorised channel over the unauthorised channel. Our
results provide insights that lead to better outcomes for the players,
and result in the improved organ donation rate.

VI-K6 Authors: Tarun Jain, Jishnu Hazra, and T. C. E. Cheng

Title: New product design decisions and free sharing of patents with

Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society

Abstract: Intrigued by observations in the automobile industry where some

firms share their new battery technologies with their competitors,
we consider the problem where an innovator firm, that owns a novel
technology, licenses it to a rival firm that uses the conventional
technology to manufacture an existing product. The rival firm uses
the licensed technology to develop a new product to compete with the
innovator firm in the downstream market. We address the innovator
firm’s pricing issue of the new technology licence and characterise
the design features of the new product the rival firm develops using
the licenced technology. We show that under specific conditions, it
makes sense for the innovator firm to license its technology free of
charge to the rival firm. We conduct numerical studies to examine
the impact of the model parameters on the optimal outcomes and
generate some practical insights.

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

VI-L Awards, Honours, and Achievements

VI-L1 Prof. Haritha Saranga, Vice President, POMS India Chapter Board.

VI-M Doctoral Theses Completed by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Sl. Name of the Members of the

Dissertation Title
No. Student DAC Committee
VI-M1 Ranajyoti Datta Contractual Issues in Digital Platforms Tarun Jain, Jishnu Hazra
Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

VI-N Dissertation Proposals by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Name of the Student Topic Date
VI-N1 Ashish Singh Bhandari Impact of Battery Energy Storage System on August
Electricity Generation through Renewable and 29, 2022
Non-Renewable Energy Sources
VI-N2 Ayesha Arora Operational Issues in Digital Supply Chains February
7, 2023
VI-N3 Subhankar Saha Essays on Agricultural Supply Chain January
Management 27, 2023
VI-N4 Shubham Singh Essays on the Impact of Suppliers, Competitors, February
and Strategic Partners on a Firm’s Innovation 14, 2023

VI-O Papers Presented by Doctoral Students in Conference/Seminar during


Sl. Details of the

Name of the Student Title of the Paper Date
No. Conference
VI-O1 Sayan Chowdhury and Walking a Tightrope: Impact POMS HK January
Prof. Nishant Verma of Adopting Voluntary Conference, 2023
Right-to-Repair Hongkong
Policy on Firm Profit and
Consumer Welfare
VI-O2 Subhankar Saha, Impact Assessment of Large- POMS India December
Prof. Haritha Saranga and scale Community-level International 2022
Sriram Narayanan Intervention to Encourage Conference,
Adoption of Sustainable IIM
Practices Kozhikode

VI Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

Sl. Details of the

Name of the Student Title of the Paper Date
No. Conference
VI-O3 Subhankar Saha, Patient Insurance Status, POMS India December
Sriram Thirumalai and Healthcare Procedures, and International 2022
Sarang Sunder Patient Outcomes: An Conference,
Empirical Study of Physician IIM
Behavioural Biases Kozhikode
VI-O4 Subhankar Saha and Impact of Access to Credit on POMS 2022 April 2022
Prof. Sreelata Jonnalagedda Supply Chain Outcomes Annual

Productions and Operations Management (P&OM)

VI-O5 Subhankar Saha, Patient Insurance Status, POMS 2022 April 2022
Sriram Thirumalai and Healthcare Procedures, Annual
Sarang Sunder and Patient Outcomes: An Conference
Empirical Study of Physician (Virtual)
Behavioural Biases

VI-Q Awards, Honours, and Achievements by Doctoral Students in 2022–


Name of the Student Details of the Award Date
VI-Q1 Subhankar Saha Best Paper Award: POMS India International December
Conference 2022 2022
VI-Q2 Ayesha Arora Mirae Asset Scholar Award, AY 2022-2023, July 2022
Mirae Asset Foundation

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

VII Decision Sciences (DS)

T he faculty in the Decision Sciences area of IIMB is well-known

and highly respected and comprises award winning scholars. The
members are research active and present papers in leading conferences
and publish articles in top international and Indian journals. The books
written by the Area faculty have received wide acclamation and awards.
The members are also actively involved in various industry and corporate
forums through participation in seminars, workshops, and as professional
members on corporate boards. Some of them serve on the editorial boards
of top-rated journals. They are also engaged in training and consultancy

The Area faculty participates in and influences policy making at the

national and international levels as members of critical committees. They
are also involved in managing important initiatives with significant
social impact.
Decision Sciences (DS)

VII Decision Sciences (DS)

VII-A Research Projects

VII-A1 Healthcare Analytics at Manipal Health Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Project Team: Dinesh Kumar U

Summary: The aim of the project is to advise Manipal Health Enterprises

Pvt. Ltd. on various data-driven strategic, tactical, and operational

Sponsor: Manipal Health Enterprises

Status: Ongoing

VII-A2 Impact Assessment Model

Project Team: Dinesh Kumar U

Summary: The aim of the project is to design a model that can be used for impact
assessment of programmes conducted by Agastya Foundation.

Sponsor: Agastya Foundation

Status: Ongoing

VII-A3 HR Analytics – Early Warning System for Job Offer Decline

Project Team: Dinesh Kumar U

Summary: The project aims to advise ScaleneWorks on various data-driven

strategic, tactical, and operational decisions in the field of human
resource management.

Decision Sciences (DS)

Sponsor: ScaleneWorks, Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

VII-A4 Customer Analytics in the Banking Sector: Improving the Quality of Credit Rating
and Identifying Fraud Symptoms Using Big Data Algorithms

Project Team: U Dinesh Kumar and Jayadev M

Summary: The following are the objectives of the study:

1. Develop customer segmentation for better service.

2. Design credit-rating models that can assist banks to quantify risks

associated with retail loans under big data context.

3. Develop statistical models to predict probability of default (PD).

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

4. Develop models for predicting different types of frauds within

the banking sector.

5. Design and develop web-enabled software that will assist banks

to easily adopt the models.

Sponsor: Department of Electronics and Information Technology

Status: Ongoing

VII-A5 Data Management and Machine Learning Models to Create a Robust Farm
Advisory System to Improve Farm Performance and Welfare of Farmers

Project Team: U Dinesh Kumar and Gopal Naik

Summary: The project aims to develop a data-driven farm advisory system

that will advise farmers and policymakers on issues such as crop
selection, crop rotation, disease management, pest and fertilizer
management, and marketing of crops.

Sponsor: DST, Government of India

Status: Ongoing

VII-A6 Optimal Sourcing and Inventory Management of Blood at the VHS

Project Team: U Dinesh Kumar

Summary: Voluntary Health Services (VHS) Blood Bank was established in 1963
as a part of the Voluntary Health Services and Research Centre, a
multi-specialty hospital in Chennai. VHS Blood Bank supplies quality
blood to various hospitals in and around Chennai. The blood bank
organizes blood donation camps at various locations, which has
Decision Sciences (DS)

helped VHS meet the demand for blood at their own hospital as
well as other hospitals across Chennai. The total revenue generated
by the blood bank in 2017-18 was INR 2.16 crores. It supplies over
3200 units of blood on average every month.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

VII-A7 Institutional Co-operation across Status among Healthcare Workers and its
Influence on Hospital Performance

Project Team: Rishideep Roy, Fabio Rojas, Emily Meanwell, Shibashis Mukherjee,
and Clayton Thomas

Summary: The project aims to study mixed method analysis in hospital

management, longitudinal data analysis of hospital performance, and
collaboration of healthcare provider’s influence on that performance.

VII Decision Sciences (DS)

Sponsor: VRSP, IIM Bangalore

Status: Completed

VII-A8 New techniques to analyze categorical and discrete time series data

Project Team: Soudeep Deb, Rishideep Roy, and Anagh Chattopadhyay

Summary: Integer-valued time series (popularly known as count data) appears

in many disciplines, ranging from economics to public health to social
sciences. Popular examples of such data are the number of people
affected from a virus, the number of a certain product sold per day,
the number of website visits, the number of extreme environmental
events at a location, or the number of accidents at an intersection.
Generalized linear models (GLM) with Poisson or negative binomial
distribution are suitable to deal with the discreteness, and they can
assess the effect of different regressors on the response variable, but
they fail to address the correlated nature of the data. Meanwhile,
models like autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA)
can analyze the covariance structure for a real-valued time series
in an appropriate way, but they are also inappropriate for count
data as they do not produce coherent forecasts. In fact, modeling
count data demands one to consider both the discreteness and the
time-dependence properties of the series. To that end, under specific
assumptions, models like INAR, GLARMA, ACP, INGARCH, etc.
have been developed. However, they lack a sense of generality in
the modeling framework. The same can be stated about categorical
time series data and related models as well. In this project, we
aim to develop a general modeling framework for both categorical

Decision Sciences (DS)

and discrete time series data; especially in the context of analyzing
economic data. We also aim to extend the work to deal with spatio-
temporal models for categorical and discrete random variables, and
work on some interesting applications on environmental datasets.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

VII-A9 Biopharmaceutical Supply Chains: Global Challenges and Local Opportunities

Project Team: Ananth Krishnamurthy and Tugce Martagan

Summary: The biopharmaceutical industry uses biomanufacturing technologies

to produce vaccines, blood components, and proteins. These products
have a wide range of application areas from therapeutic use to
diagnosis, drug discovery, and drug development. Market analysis

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

by BioPlan Associates shows that the biopharmaceutical industry has

been experiencing an overall consistent growth of 14-15%, and that
the global biopharmaceutical market is expected to reach $341 billion
by 2023 (Mordor Intelligence). Unlike traditional pharmaceuticals,
biopharmaceutical products are produced using living cells which
brings additional manufacturing and optimization challenges. While
investment in specialized equipment can address these challenges in
part, the effective management of resources plays a key role in the
ultimate success. Langer and Rager emphasize that more than 50%
of biopharmaceutical companies have been running into capacity
problems resulting from poor resource utilization.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

VII-A10 Strategies for Dynamic Management of Innovation in Technology Products

Project Team: Ishwar Murthy

Summary: In the domain of technology products, innovation is a key component

to becoming a market leader for any company. A couple of decades
back, the notion of technology products was limited to personal
computers, television sets, and smartphones. Today, technology
products span a much wider canvas of consumer goods, services,
and industrial products. They now include such items as smart
watches, sky cameras, drones, electric cars, net banking, robotics in
manufacturing, surgery, physiotherapy, and several more. What is
common across all these products is that they contain innovations
in the form of embedded software that seeks to enhance the
Decision Sciences (DS)

functionality of the basic product, whether they be cameras, cars,

or watches. These innovations, if managed properly and with some
luck, can dramatically swing the fortunes of a company vis-à-vis its

There are three major challenges to managing innovations in a

technology product. First, the upfront investment required to fund
this type of innovation is enormous—both in terms of research and
development, as well as integrating the innovations into an existing
product. Second, while the development cost associated with the
innovation is enormous, as to how well would these innovations
be received by the target consumer is largely unknown. The high
degree of uncertainty in the potential consumer demand makes
investing in any innovation a daunting task. Furthermore, even
if the potential demand is high, its shelf life is relatively short.

VII Decision Sciences (DS)

By definition, innovations in technology products tend to become

obsolete in a few years. Lastly, despite the risks associated with
investing in innovations, in the presence of competitors, product
technology companies have no option but to engage in innovations
of particular interest. In the context of Japan, it is important to study
those Japanese companies that were in the forefront, but have lost
ground to others, as well as those that have maintained their edge in
the innovation race. What strategic lessons can we learn from those
companies that were in the forefront, but failed to maintain their
edge? Sony’s Walkman is a classic case in point. How did it lose out
to Apple’s iPod? Similarly, what strategic interventions helped some
companies develop their leadership? What managerial actions were
taken by Boston Dynamics, a wholly owned subsidiary of SoftBank
Group, that explains their success in robotics? These are two such
questions that motivate this research.

Sponsor: Mizuho India Japan Study Centre, IIMB

Status: Completed

VII-A11 Assessment of Socio-Economic Impact of Investment in National Highways


Project Team: Jitamitra Desai, Kunal Dasgupta, Arpita Chatterjee, and Sai

Sponsor: National Highway Authority of India (NHAI)

Status: Ongoing

Decision Sciences (DS)

VII-A12 Cash Transfers, Credit, and Entrepreneurial Activity: Evidence from a Universal
Basic Income Program

Project Team: Pulak Ghosh

Sponsor: NSE - NYU Stern Grant

Status: Ongoing

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

VII-B Articles in Academic Journals

Name of Details of
Sl. No. Authors Title of Paper
Journal Publication
VII-B1 Merve Ozen and G-Network Models International Vol. 60(5),
Krishnamurthy, Ananth to Support Planning Journal of 2022,
for Disaster Relief Production Pg. 1621-1632
Distribution Research
VII-B2 Deb, Soudeep A goal-based index to Journal of Vol. 18(3),
analyze the competitive Quantitative October
balance of a football Analysis in 2022,
league Sports Pg. 171-186
VII-B3 Das, Shubhabrata Maximum Likelihood Communications Vol. 52(9),
Estimation of Two- in Statistics 2023,
Sample Population – Theory and Pg. 2836-2851
Proportions under Methods
Constraint on their
VII-B4 Desai, Jitamitra, A 0–1 mixed-integer Naval Research Vol. 69(7),
Sandeep Srivathsan, program-based group- Logistics October
Chuhang Yu, and and-release strategy for 2022,
Dong Zhang solving the integrated Pg. 939-957
runway scheduling and
taxiway routing problem
VII-B5 Desai, Jitamitra, An optimization-based Computers Vol. 175,
Sandeep Srivathsan, decision support tool for and Industrial January 2023
Woen Yon Lai, Liqun Li, air cargo loading Engineering
and Chuhang Yu
Decision Sciences (DS)

VII-B6 Abhiroop Mukherjee, Measuring vaccine Science Vol. 8(18),

George Panayotov, effectiveness from Advances May 2022,
Rik Sen, Harsha Dutta, limited public health Pg. 1-11
and Ghosh, Pulak datasets: Framework
and estimates from
India’s second COVID
VII-B7 Yewon Kim, Government Policy, Marketing Vol. 41(6),
Pradeep K. Chintagunta, Strategic Consumer Science November
and Pareek, Bhuvanesh Behavior, and Spillovers 2022,
to Retailers: The Case of Pg. 1029-1182
Demonetization in India
VII-B8 Pranjal Chandrakar, Sequential Auctions International Vol. 25(1),
Bhalla, Manaswini and with Multiple Synergies Game Theory 2023, 1-39
Das, Shubhabrata Review

VII Decision Sciences (DS)

VII-C Books

VII-C1 Sharada Sringeswara, Purvi Tiwari, and U Dinesh Kumar

Data Visualization - Storytelling with Data

Wiley, July 2022

This book explains data insights through visuals and shows how
to make them compelling and comprehensible through a series of
real-world examples. It provides a roadmap that covers everything
from understanding “why data visualization and storytelling are important” to
learning “how to visualize data and communicate it to an audience effectively.”
This book attempts to provide students and industry professionals with a practical
method for mastering data storytelling skills.

VII-C2 Soudeep Deb and Debangan Dey

Mathematical Techniques for Competitive Examinations

Orient Blackswan Pvt. Ltd., January 2023

This is a problem-based book aimed at high-school students

interested in mathematical topics related to the ISI and CMI
entrance tests as well as Mathematics Olympiads. This book will
help students in designing a well-planned pathway to tackle complicated problems
from topics such as number theory, combinatorics, algebra, calculus, Euclidean and
coordinate geometry, probability, and statistics. The problem-solving strategies and
pointers described here will help students become confident in mathematics and
pave the way to attaining success.

Decision Sciences (DS)

VII-E Working Papers

Author Title Working Year
Paper No.
VII-E1 Chandrasekharan, Reshma A Constructive Matheuristic 665 2022
and Tony Wauters Approach For The Vertex
Colouring Problem

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

VII-H Seminar/Conference/Workshop Presentations/Invited Talks

Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

Sl. No. Authors
Invited Talk and Venue Event
VII-H1 Murthy, K. and Letting the Samples SNAPP Onne Seminar February
Deo, Anand Speak: A New Approach Series 20, 2023
Towards Efficient
Importance Sampling for
Tail Events
VII-H2 Krishnamurthy, Ananth Analytics and FUI Business and November
E-commerce: Exciting IIMB Annual 8-9, 2022
Opportunities Conference
VII-H3 Krishnamurthy, Ananth Coordination of Polling 9th International December
Queues Conference on 15-17, 2022
Business Analytics
and Intelligence, IIMB
VII-H4 Pareek, Bhuvanesh Balancing on the leaves IISA Conference, IISc December
Bangalore 26-30, 2022
VII-H5 Desai, Jitamitra Keynote Address: 9th International December
Intersection between Conference on 15-17, 2022
optimization and Business Analytics
machine learning and Intelligence, IIMB
VII-H6 Ghosh, Pulak Keynote Address on 3rd Pan India Fintech January
‘Open Banking and Summit 2023
ChatGPT: Future of
Banking and Financial
Decision Sciences (DS)

VII-H7 Ghosh, Pulak Third Wave of State Bank of India November

Economics- Data & Data Economics Conclave 17, 2022
VII-H8 Chandrasekharan, A Matheuristic approach EURO 2022, Espoo, June 11,
Reshma and for the graph vertex Finland 2022
Tony Wauters coloring problem
VII-H9 Chandrasekharan, Decomposition International January
Reshma and approaches for the graph Conference on 10-12, 2023
Tony Wauters vertex coloring problem Graphs, Networks,
and Combinatorics,
Ramanujan College,
University of Delhi
VII-H10 Roy, Rishideep Effect of media attention ICSDS Conference in December
on crude oil price Florence, Italy 15, 2022
volatility using a non-
parametric time series

VII Decision Sciences (DS)

Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

Sl. No. Authors
Invited Talk and Venue Event
VII-H11 Roy, Rishideep Effect of media attention Kings College London December
on crude oil price 19, 2022
volatility using a non-
parametric time series
VII-H12 Roy, Rishideep Coexistence in discrete University of London June 27,
time multi type 2022
competing frog models
VII-H13 Roy, Rishideep Some results in IIT Bombay February
interacting particle 23, 2023
VII-H14 Das, Shubhabrata Optimal Soccer Squad EURO 2022, Espoo, July 2022
Selection Finland
VII-H15 Deb, Soudeep A Bayesian approach to IISA 2022 Conference, December
identify changepoints in Bengaluru, India 2022
spatio-temporal ordered
categorical data
VII-H16 Deb, Soudeep A nonparametric 15th International December
approach to deal with Conference of the 2022
spatio-temporal quantile ERCIM WG on
regression problems Computational and
Statistics (CMStatistics
2022), London, UK
VII-H17 Deb, Soudeep Analyzing count EURO 2022 July 2022

Decision Sciences (DS)

data using a time Conference, Espoo,
series model with an Finland
exponentially decaying
covariance structure
VII-H18 Deb, Soudeep A goal based index to 8th Western Football May 2022
analyze the competitive and Finance
balance of a football Conference (virtual),
league Reading, UK
VII-H19 Deb, Soudeep Developing statistical SERB-AV Workshop December
methods in Health on Data Science and 2022
(Epidemiological) Data its Applications in
Health Technology,
IIIT Dharwad, Hubli,

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

Sl. No. Authors
Invited Talk and Venue Event
VII-H20 U Dinesh Kumar Invited Talk: Masterclass Dayananda February
on Markov Process Sagar Institute of 28, 2023
VII-H21 U Dinesh Kumar Invited Talk: Healthcare International School February
Analytics of Management 24, 2023
Excellence, Bangalore
VII-H22 U Dinesh Kumar Invited Talk: Masterclass Dr. NGP College of February
on Demystifying Arts and Sciences, 15, 2023
Artificial Intelligence Coimbatore
VII-H23 U Dinesh Kumar Invited Talk: Masterclass SRM University, January
on Demystifying Chennai 31, 2023
Artificial Intelligence
VII-H24 U Dinesh Kumar Invited Talk: Masterclass College of January 5,
on Data Analytics Engineering, 2023
VII-H25 U Dinesh Kumar Invited Talk: Masterclass ICFAI Business January
on Demystifying School, Bangalore 19, 2023
Artificial Intelligence

VII-I Articles in Conference Proceedings

Details of the Conference

Sl. No. Authors Title of Paper
VII-I-1 Chandrasekharan, A constructive 13th International Conference
Reshma and Matheuristic approach on the Practice and Theory of
Decision Sciences (DS)

Tony Wauters for the vertex colouring Automated Timetabling;

problem Leuven, Belgium, August 30 -
September 2, 2022

VII-J IIMB Case Studies @ Harvard Business Publishing

VII-J1 Title: Shri Ram Temple: A Fintech Solution for Large Scale Project

Author: K S Ranjani, Neeraj Pandey, Sumi Jha, Poonam Singh, Upasna

Agarwal, Vivek Khanzode, Manoj K Tiwari, and U Dinesh Kumar

Summary: This case focuses on the challenges faced by the Shri Ram Janma
Bhoomi Teerth Kshetra (SRJBTK) in managing the fund collection
drive project for the construction of the Shri Ram Janma Bhoomi
Temple in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India. The campaign was

VII Decision Sciences (DS)

designed to raise awareness of the temple’s construction, enlist

public support, generate a large base of contributors, and accept
contributions, regardless of size. While raising funds was part of
the campaign, the focus remained on the masses’ emotional and
social support. The targets were defined based on the number of
connections established and the number of people reached out
to, rather than on the collected funds, the COVID-19 pandemic
notwithstanding. The campaign wanted to reach out to as many
people’s hearts and not just their wallets. Various strategic dilemmas
needed to be resolved. Accountability, integrity, and trust were the
key focus areas of this campaign since misuse of funds can create a
huge trust gap between the people and the campaign management
team of SRJBTK. What role does communication play in building and
sustaining trust? Could a loosely defined network of organizations
run an extensive campaign with no formal organizational structures
in place?

VII-K Leading Journal Publications

Journal articles which have appeared in leading academic journals, listed in Financial
Times 50, UT Dallas.

VII-K1 Authors: Jitamitra Desai, Sandeep Srivathsan, Chuhang Yu, and Dong Zhang

Title: A 0–1 mixed-integer program-based group-and-release strategy

for solving the integrated runway scheduling and taxiway routing

Journal: Naval Research Logistics

Decision Sciences (DS)

Abstract: With growing air traffic demand and the required airport infrastructure
lagging behind by at least a decade, it has become imperative for
air traffic controllers to efficiently squeeze the available capacity
at an airport in order to minimize aircraft delays. It has been well
documented that the two major bottlenecks affecting the smooth
functioning of air traffic operations at an airport are runways and
taxiways. The key problem involving these resources includes the
scheduling of flights on the runway, and the determination of the
taxiway paths to be traversed by flights from their assigned gates
to the runway. We address this problem by modeling an integrated
runway scheduling and taxiway routing problem as a 0–1 mixed-
integer program (MIP) in a free-path setting where any feasible
taxiway route can potentially be assigned to a flight. As a direct
application of this MIP model is not suitable for solving large-scale

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

instances, we develop a three-step group-and-release strategy that

first segregates the flights based on their allocated gates and associated
ramps, and then solves the MIP model for each ramp to determine
the taxiway path for each flight. In the final step, the path for each
flight is fixed, and a sequencing problem over all flights is solved to
determine high quality, feasible solutions. The performance of the
proposed methodology is benchmarked against three algorithms,
namely: (i) constraint-generation; (ii) sequential two-stage algorithm;
and (iii) FCFS algorithm. Our numerical experiments, based on actual
flight data from Changi airport (Singapore), show that, on average,
the optimality gap as well as the computational time is considerably
reduced for our strategy as compared to existing methods, thereby
highlighting the efficacy of the proposed approach in solving realistic

VII-K2 Authors: Yewon Kim, Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Bhuvanesh Pareek

Title: Government Policy, Strategic Consumer Behavior, and Spillovers

to Retailers: The Case of Demonetization in India

Journal: Marketing Science

Abstract: This paper studies strategic consumer shopping behavior in response

to a macroeconomic policy and quantifies its unintended consequences
for retailers vis-à-vis the policy goal. Using transaction-level data
from a large retail chain in India, we document consumer strategies
that leverage retailers to avoid costs associated with the country’s
currency reform policy. We observe both an increase in returns
of cash-purchased items that were bought before demonetization
(strategic returns) and a spike in final (unreturned) cash purchases
Decision Sciences (DS)

with soon-to-be-illegal notes (strategic purchases). Both practices serve

consumer incentives either to receive legal notes from the retailer
or to avoid depositing cash in formal bank accounts. Our analysis
suggests that strategic consumers hindered the intended policy
effect while partly benefiting the retail chain, leaving INR 20 million
(USD 0.3 million) of demonetized notes outside the formal tax network
through this retail chain only; when we scale up the estimates to
the country’s market size, the estimated total impact reaches INR
100 billion (USD 1.5 billion). Our findings offer implications for
policymakers by quantifying a wide spillover effect of government
interventions that go beyond the target group and document a new
role of the retail industry—absorbing and facilitating a response to
macro shocks.

VII Decision Sciences (DS)

VII-L Awards, Honours, and Achievements

VI-L1 Prof. Pulak Ghosh, 2023 Outstanding Paper Award in Financial Institutions (WRDS)
at the MidWest Finance Association Annual Meeting for the paper ‘Safety Nets,
Credit, and Investment: Evidence from a Guaranteed Income Programme.’

VII-M Doctoral Theses Completed by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Name of the Members of the

Sl. No. Dissertation Title
Student DAC Committee
VII-M1 Akshita Srivastava Essays on Warranty Claims U Dinesh Kumar,
Rajluxmi V Murthy,
Srinivas Prakhya
VII-M2 Anchal Soni Methods of Analyzing Structural Soudeep Deb,
Breaks in Multivariate Time Series: Rishideep Roy,
Applications to Financial Data Debojyoti Das
VII-M3 Aishvarya Essays on Evaluation of Skill U Dinesh Kumar,
Dominance, Game Design, and Online Rajluxmi V Murthy,
Community of Daily Fantasy Sports Tirthatanmoy Das

VII-N Dissertation Proposals by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Sl. No. Name of the Student Topic Date

VII-N1 Md. Shahrukh Anjum Improving the Solvability of Combinatorial October 28,
Optimization Problems 2022
VII-N2 Siddharth Rawat Spatio-Temporal Models in Epidemiology May 28, 2022
and Climate Change

Decision Sciences (DS)

VII-N3 Antra Essays on Healthcare Analytics February 9,

VII-O Papers Presented by Doctoral Students in Conference/Seminar

during 2022–2023

Details of the
Sl. No. Name of the Student Title of the Paper Date
VII-O1 Md. Shahrukh Anjum, A Cardinality Based Institute of May 2022
Prof. Jitamitra Desai Extended Formulation Industrial and
for the Unsplittable Multi Systems Engineers
Commodity Network (IISE), USA
Design Problem

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Details of the
Sl. No. Name of the Student Title of the Paper Date
VII-O2 Siddharth Rawat, A Bayesian Approach to Computational and December
Soudeep Deb, Identify Change Points in Methodological 2022
Candace Berrett Spatio-Temporal Ordered Statistics
Categorical Data: An Conference
Application to COVID-19 (CMStat), London
VII-O3 Kapil Gupta, What Elements of the IMR Doctoral February
Vijayshankar Opening Set Influence Conference 2023, 2023
Krishnamurthy, the Outcome of a Tennis IIMB
Soudeep Deb Match? An In-depth
Analysis of Wimbledon

VII-P Publications by Doctoral Students (Journal articles/book chapters/

cases/book reviews) during 2022–2023

Sl. Name of the Name of the Publications

Title of the Paper
No. Student Journal/Book Details
VII-P1 Kapil Gupta An Integrated Batting Decision August, 2022
Performance Analytics Analytics Journal
Model for Women’s
Cricket using Principal
Component Analysis and
Gini Scores
Decision Sciences (DS)

VIII Information Systems (IS)

VIII Information Systems (IS)

T he Information Systems Area at IIM Bangalore brings to bear

considerable experience and expertise in teaching and research
on managing IT. The core focus of the Area is on managing information
systems across organizations, whether in the private or public sectors,
and in society at large. The Area has faculty and students doing
research on projects related to, for example, social media, digital
payments, outsourcing, internet governance, data mining, big data, cloud
technologies, mergers of systems, Agile methods, and so on. Research
is also done on socially relevant topics such as computing ethics, green
information systems, security, trust, privacy, etc. These diverse aspects
of IT management inform teaching in long-duration programmes of the
institute and also executive education programmes.

The IS Area has a long-term vision of delivering cutting-edge ideas in IT

management through its research and teaching activities.

Information Systems (IS)

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

VIII-A Research Projects

VIII-A1 Study on antecedents and consequences of user’s trust and circumvention in

sharing platforms

Project Team: Rajendra K Bandi and Sowmya Kini

Summary: For a platform to sustain, effective functioning of both providers

and consumers is necessary. Trust in the platform and the
transacting party has been shown to be of crucial importance
right from onboarding to continued engagement, for providers
as well as consumers. However, in both practice and academia,
consumers’ trust in different targets has been well explored and
exploited with a limited focus on providers’ trust (Huurne et al.,
2017; Sun, 2010). As the trust formation mechanisms vary for both
providers and consumers, findings from consumers’ studies cannot
be generalized to the providers (Sun, 2010). The limited studies on
providers’ trust in online platforms have been mostly in the context
of e-commerce (Guo et al., 2017). The nature and degree of risks in
sharing platforms differ from e-commerce. Most sharing instances
involves two components: a) an online component and b) an offline
component. The online component is where users look for potential
peers, analyze the available cues on platform and decide whether to
share or not to share. This component is facilitated by the sharing
platforms. The offline component is the one where the actual sharing
of resource takes place, where peers may interact in a physical
world. This interaction is beyond the purview of the platform,
Information Systems (IS)

thus exposing both the parties to a range of risks. Particularly, in

this component, providers are highly vulnerable as the chances of
risks such as damage to property, theft, vandalism, safety risk, etc.
are high. Since consumer’s side is sufficiently focused on the prior
literature, we address this limitation by studying the provider’s side
in sharing economy platforms.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

VIII-A2 Analysis of Large Datasets

Project Team: Shankar Venkatagiri

Summary: Over the last year, I have helped IIM Bangalore set up IT
infrastructure to process large datasets, whose sizes may range
from a few gigabytes to terabytes (1000 GBs). Having begun to

VIII Information Systems (IS)

acquire large datasets from various sources, the logical next step is
to process the data and analyze the outcomes. This will eventually
help me publish papers based on empirical findings.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

VIII-A3 Ganga Hospitals Case Writing Project

Project Team: Shankar Venkatagiri

Summary: The Indian healthcare industry has matured across several

decades. Procedures of high complexity are routinely performed
with success at our hospitals. Large, integrated hospitals cover
multiple specialties (e.g., AIIMS, Fortis). More recently, tertiary and
quaternary care hospitals have started to focus on single specialties,
such as neonatology (e.g., Ovum), oncology (e.g., HCG), and so
on. Of particular interest is Ganga Medical Centre & Hospitals,
Coimbatore, whose primary areas of specialization are orthopedics
and plastic surgery.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

VIII-A4 Factors Affecting Adoption of Mobile Payment Services over Credit/Debit Cards:
An Investigation Post Facto the Demonetization Policy Shock in India

Project Team: Rahul De’, H Raghav Rao, Tejaswini Herath, and Abhipsa Pal

Information Systems (IS)

Summary: India’s economy is heavily entrenched in cash-based monetary
transactions, with cash transactions for small to large purchases
from daily groceries and restaurant bills to buying gold or real estate
(Chakravorti, 2017). This changed when the Government of India
initiated an economic policy shock, in November 2016, launching
its demonetization plan declaring 86% of banknotes in circulation
invalid and promoting cashless financial transactions (Escobedo,
2017). This economic policy shock caused a major disruption in
small businesses, agricultural transactions, hospital operations, and
domestic purchases (Shepard, 2017). The immediate result was a 300%
rise of digital transactions all over the nation (Security Intelligence,
2017). While Ghosh (2017) emphasizes a remarkable 435% increase in
Paytm’s traffic (a leading mobile payment app) post demonetization,
Goriparthi & Tiwari (2017) predict that demonetization will drive
migration from debit/credit cards to mobile payments, though both
offer cashless transactions. Though the economic policy shock has

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

driven digital transactions as a whole, demonetization alone cannot

explain the preference of newer and more complex technology of
mobile payments over traditional and low-maintenance credit/debit

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

VIII-A5 The Ethical Implications of Delegating Decision-Making Journey to Autonomous

(AI) Systems: Beyond the Trolley Problem

Project Team: Rahul De’

Summary: The study examines the ethical implications of delegating decision-

making journey to autonomous (AI) systems: Beyond the trolley

Sponsor: Facebook

Status: Ongoing

VIII-B Articles in Academic Journals

Name of Details of
Sl. No. Authors Title of Paper
Journal Publication
VIII-B1 De’, Rahul et.al. Climate change and International Vol. 63,
COP26: Are digital Journal of Aprill 2022,
technologies and Information Pg. 1-39
information management Management
Information Systems (IS)

part of the problem or

the solution? An editorial
reflection and call to action
VIII-B2 De’, Rahul and The Concept of Agency Information Vol. 25,
Sai Dattathranai in the Era of Artificial Systems 2023,
Intelligence: Dimensions Frontiers Pg. 29-54
and Degrees
VIII-B3 Banerjee, Shankhadeep An attractive Information & Vol. 59(6),
and Indranil Bose proposition? Persuading Management September
retail consumers to 2022, 103663,
prefer reward-based Pg. 1-17
crowdfunding for owning
upcoming technologies

VIII Information Systems (IS)

Name of Details of
Sl. No. Authors Title of Paper
Journal Publication
VIII-B4 Banerjee, Shankhadeep How attractive is a locale IIMB Vol. 34(2),
and Priya Seetharaman to e-tailers? Introducing Management June 2022,
a regional e-tailing Review Pg. 116-129
adoption model for non-
metropolitan India

VIII-E Working Papers

Sl. No. Author Title Working Year
Paper No.
VIII-E1 Dharanikota, Spurthy A Critical Success Factor Approach to 679 2023
Address Telemedicine Implementation
Challenges: A Longitudinal Study

VIII-F Articles in Periodicals, Financial Dailies, and Newspapers

Name of
Date of
Sl. No. Authors Title of Article Newspaper/
VIII-F1 Banerjee, Shankhadeep Tapping retail consumers to Indian August 16,
fund startups via reward- Retailer 2022
based crowdfunding
VIII-F2 De’, Rahul, PN Vamshi, Whither metaverse? Times of December 4,

Information Systems (IS)

and Mansi Agrawal India 2022

VIII-H Seminar/Conference/Workshop Presentations/Invited Talks

Title of Paper/ Name of

Dates of
Sl. No. Authors Session/ Conference and
Invited Talk Venue
VIII-H1 De’, Rahul Inauguration Speech: AIS India Chapter Monday
Paper Development Co-hosted by IIM 23, 2022
Workshop Shillong and IIM
VIII-H2 De’, Rahul AI and Applications Anahuac 2022
University, Mexico

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Title of Paper/ Name of

Dates of
Sl. No. Authors Session/ Conference and
Invited Talk Venue
VIII-H3 De’, Rahul Panel Discussion: TCS 2022
India Digital Personal
Data Protection Bill -
Way Forward
VIII-H4 Banerjee, Shankhadeep Guest Speaker Yu’s Foundation November
NTHU ISS Seminar 2022
Series held at the
National Tsing Hua
University, Taiwan
VIII-H5 Dharanikota, Spurthy A webinar on ISPMA 2022
Research Methods for
Product Management

VIII-I Articles in Conference Proceedings

Details of the Conference

Sl. No. Authors Title of Paper
VIII-I-1 Sowmya Kini and A Review of Literature Proceedings of the
Bandi, Rajendra K on Trust in Online Americas Conference
Platforms: Conceptual on Information Systems
Unified Framework (AMCIS 2022), August 10-
and Future Research 14, 2022, Minneapolis, USA
Information Systems (IS)

VIII-I-2 Shubha Krishnamurthy Importance of Pacific Asia Conference

and Bandi, Rajendra K Interactions in on Information Systems
Emerging Forms of (PACIS) 2022, July 5-9,
Telemedicine 2022, Taipei/Sydney
VIII-I-3 Banerjee, Shankhadeep, Impact of community Pacific Asia Conference
Bhattacharyya, S and recognition on the on Information Systems
Bose, I quality of online (PACIS) 2022, July 5-9,
reviewer contribution 2022, Taipei/Sydney

VIII-L Awards, Honours, and Achievements

VIII-L1 Prof. Shankhadeep Banerjee, Excellence in Teaching Award at Annual Faculty

Retreat IIM Bangalore 2022.

VIII Information Systems (IS)

VIII-M Doctoral Theses Completed by Doctoral Students during


Name of the Members of the

Sl. No. Dissertation Title
Student DAC Committee
VIII-M1 Sai Dattathrani Essays on the Agency of Al: Theory, Rahul De’,
Method, and Ethical Implications Rajendra K Bandi,
Jayaram Uparna

VIII-N Dissertation Proposals by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Name of the
Sl. No. Topic Date
VIII-N1 Shubha K Disembodied Care Practices in Telemedicine: February 2023
Adaptions and Diagnostic Outcomes

VIII-O Papers Presented by Doctoral Students in Conference/Seminar during


Details of the
Sl. No. Name of the Student Title of the Paper Date
VIII-O1 Sowmya Kini and A Review of Literature on Americas August
Prof. Rajendra K Bandi ‘Trust in Online Platforms: Conference on 2022
A Conceptual Unified Information
Framework and Future Systems,
Research Directions’ Minneapolis,

Information Systems (IS)

VIII-O2 Sowmya Kini Essays on Trust in Online PACIS 2022 July 2022
Platforms (Virtual)
VIII-O3 Shubha Krishnamurthy Importance of Interactions PACIS 2022 July 2022
and in Emerging Forms of (Virtual)
Prof. Rajendra K Bandi Telemedicine

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

T he Centre for Public Policy (CPP) is an independent policy think

tank engaged in pioneering research, teaching, training, and capacity
building. The centre, established in 2000 through a partnership agreement
between the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), Government
of India (GoI), United Nations Development Programme, and IIMB,
aspires to lead policy-thinking and praxis in India, promoting equitable,
inclusive, and sustainable solutions to emergent problems.

The twin objectives of the centre—to influence policy discourse and improve
governance—are achieved through rigorous research and stakeholder
engagement across domains. Its strong evidence-based research has focused
on government innovations, regulation, policymaking, administrative and
organizational reform, public-private partnerships, and IT in government.
A vibrant academic ambience for scholarly engagement has helped CPP
emerge as a platform for ideation, debate, and exploration.
Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

CPP faculty members represent diverse disciplines and research interests.

Some of the broad themes of ongoing research projects involving CPP
faculty members are: Financial Inclusion, Health, Urban Governance,
Gender, Environment and Sustainability, Education, Political Economy,
Regulation, Infrastructure, and Transportation Systems.

CPP engages with a variety of stakeholders/partners, including Central and

State Government agencies, legislative bodies, national and international
academic institutions and policy agencies, NGOs, private organizations,
and individuals.

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

IX-A Research Projects

IX-A1 Examining the Impact of Social Policies on Health Equity

Project Team: Arnab Mukherji and Hema Swaminathan

Summary: The specific objectives of this research project are to examine the

1. Major causes of morbidity and mortality in children

2. Major causes of morbidity and mortality in women under 50 years

of age

3. Major diseases

Sponsor: Sub-award from McGill University, Canadian Institutes of Health


Status: Ongoing

IX-A2 Social Identities and the Labour Market: What Can Household Surveys Reveal?

Project Team: Hema Swaminathan

Summary: India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. For
this growth to be sustainable and for its benefits to disperse across

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

the population, economic growth needs to be accompanied by the
creation of decent and well-paying jobs. But on this front, India’s
record has been poor. The State of Working India (SWI) 2018 report
documents the status of the labour market in India. Its major
conclusions are that the growth is creating fewer jobs in the economy
than it used to before the liberalization period and unemployment
rates are increasing, especially among the educated youth. Wage
levels are low and have severely lagged productivity growth rates
in the economy. The manufacturing sector is becoming more capital
intensive. Gender gaps in wages and labour force participation are
high across India. Women’s labour force participation has declined
substantially according to the National Sample Survey Organization
(NSSO). The data also suggests the existence of disparities along
other lines. Muslims and individuals belonging to lower castes tend
to be overrepresented in low-paying jobs.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

IX-A3 Social Identities and the Labour Market, Co-Principal Investigator

Project Team: Hema Swaminathan

Summary: This research project identifies the existing gaps in currently available
labour market data and proposes a range of methods (primary
survey, secondary survey, and lab experiments) to address them.
Through a novel sampling strategy, a detailed survey instrument,
and a unique implementation design, the primary survey will
capture labour market experiences (participation, roles, earnings,
and discrimination) of individuals with marginalized identity.

Sponsor: Initiative for What Works to Advance Gender Equality

Status: Ongoing

IX-A4 The Management’s Decision Dilemma over Expansion and Sustainability Plans
for the eLAJ Smart Clinics

Project Team: Arnab Mukherji and Allen P Ugargol

Summary: The NITI Aayog document titled ‘National Health Stack – Strategy
and Approach’ (dated July 2018) outlines challenges in the current
delivery of healthcare in India while the National Digital Health
Mission (NDHM) of August 2020 suggests opportunities for creating
an ecosystem for providing better healthcare services in the country.
Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing


Project Team: Arnab Mukherji

Summary: The research team will define and conduct an ambitious set of
research questions relating with health policy and system reform
to understand how primary health centers (PHCs) contribute to
achieving universal health care (UHC) by studying PHC reforms in
at least 2 states of India.

Sponsor: Alliance for Health Systems Reform (WHO)

Status: Ongoing

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

IX-A6 Exploring the drivers of vaccine hesitancy for COVID-19 vaccination and factors
influencing the same among groups prioritized for COVID-19 vaccination in
Bangalore district

Project Team: Allen P Ugargol, Dwajani S, and Vidya Jeevan

Summary: Despite the availability of vaccines, a vaccination program’s success

depends immensely on societal uptake of the vaccines to achieve
immunity. The study aimed to investigate the scale and factors of
vaccine hesitancy among groups prioritized for COVID-19 vaccination
in Bangalore district such that tailored and targeted strategies can
be developed to address these concerns, improve awareness and
acceptance among the population, and reduce the public health
burden. A total of 250 participants who had not received the first
dose of COVID-19 vaccination were approached. Twenty-five of
these individuals withdrew participation and hence 225 responses
were obtained. Overall reluctance to vaccination was higher among
women (56%) as compared to men (44%). Concerns about the side
effects of the vaccine were a distinct personal factor identified
among all clusters with a rate ranging from 40 – 75 %. Lack of
understanding of the disease, its transmission, effects, and prevention
were major contributors to vaccine hesitancy. We find that most
factors influencing vaccine hesitancy stem from a lack of evidence-
based information and mistrust regarding vaccines. Addressing

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

vaccine hesitancy hence requires a multifaceted approach. It involves
addressing concerns with transparent and accurate information,
building trust in the healthcare system, promoting vaccine education,
and addressing access barriers.

Sponsor: MGR Educational & Research Foundation

Status: Completed

IX-A7 Collaboration with Access Health International, India to deliberate towards the
formalization and standardization of education in Health Informatics to create a
cadre of well-qualified and trained health informatics professionals in India

Project Team: Allen P Ugargol

Summary: With the rapid adoption of technology in healthcare, accelerated

by the recent COVID-19 pandemic and recognizing that there is
now a greater need than ever for skilled healthcare professionals
with expertise in technology. ACCESS Health International brought
together industry and academic experts for multiple rounds of
discussions to understand and address the skill gaps in this area.
The health informatics curriculum so developed is designed to

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

produce well-rounded professionals with a combination of

healthcare, technology, and management skills, covering topics such
as medical terminologies, artificial intelligence, and data analytics.
The curriculum will be a valuable resource for any academic
institution looking to train the next generation of health informatics

Sponsor: Access Health International

Status: Completed

IX-A8 Labour Contractor and Contract Labour in India

Project Team: Rajalaxmi Kamath and Lakshmi Parvathy

Summary: Intermediaries are ever-changing and constantly evolving, yet

theories on intermediation continue to be an underdeveloped area of
economic theory (Benner, 2003). Of particular interest to this research
are the intermediaries in the labour market in India. The role of labour
market intermediaries in India, specifically the labour contractor,
have been discussed within informality literature (Barrientos, 2008;
De Neve, 2014; Mamgain, 2018; Mezzadri, 2016). Although there
has been some research on specific types of intermediari es, few
studies have built a comprehensive understanding and developed a
framework of typologies of labour market intermediaries. This extant
Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

research borrows the framework put forth by Benner, 2003 and Bonet
et al., 2013 in classifying labour market intermediaries and applies
it to the context of India. This framework primarily identifies three
kinds of labour market intermediaries (LMIs) based on the kinds
of activities undertaken, such as executive search firms that act as
brokers to fill jobs, temp agencies that lease labour to clients but also
less familiar entities such as professional employer organizations
(PEOs) that take on the legal obligations of employment for clients,

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

IX-A9 Educated Political Leaders and Development Outcomes in India

Project Team: Soham Sahoo

Summary: This project would investigate the impact of education level of

political leaders on development outcomes. Citizen-candidate models
of representative democracy suggest that identity of the politician

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

influences policy outcomes. In the Indian context, some studies have

looked at the effect of identity of politicians in terms of gender,
religion, caste, and criminal status on economic outcomes. However,
there is almost no published paper that has investigated the effect of
the education level of the leaders in the Indian context. Research on
other countries and some cross-country level studies reveal mixed
evidence on whether the education level of politicians makes them
more effective. Besides, if educated leaders have different policy
preferences than less-educated leaders, their relative effectiveness
may also vary across different outcomes. Thus, whether education
can be viewed as an indicator of a politician’s quality is an open
question. Our project will shed light on this issue by analyzing data
from India.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

IX-A10 Determinants of Private School Fees in India: The Market or the Politics?

Project Team: Soham Sahoo

Sponsor: University of Warwick

Status: Ongoing

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

IX-A11 Assessment of Impact of a School Quality Improvement Pilot in 1000 Representative
Government Schools in Uttar Pradesh

Project Team: Soham Sahoo and Ritwik Banerjee

Summary: The objective of this research project is to evaluate the impact of

the Gyan Shala intervention in 1000 government schools in Uttar
Pradesh. The intervention will be implemented through a randomized
control trial. The intervention is designed according to the model of
Gyan Shala – a school education program by the Education Support
Organization. The program aims at building a holistic approach
involving students, teachers, and pedagogical aspects in imparting
effective learning for students in their formative years.

Sponsor: Education Support Organization

Status: Ongoing

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

IX-A12 Demographic and behavioural representativeness of online labor markets:

Understanding development through alternate data sources

Project Team: Soham Sahoo, Ritwik Banerjee and Satarupa Mitra

Summary: In the social sciences, online surveys using convenience samples

are growing in popularity. These online platforms and recruitment
through commercial internet panels have proved to be a cheaper
alternative to the collection of data from the field, including
data on the university students. Further, the alternative of using
administrative data, especially in developing nations like India,
is riddled with multiple shortcomings. First, observational data
collected often by administration lack the details conforming to
international standards. This difficulty is exacerbated by the disparity
in nature between the data necessary for academic research and the
administrative data that is usually collected to monitor programs.
Second, the data collection process is infrequent and at irregular
intervals. Third, given the limited state capacity in developing
nations, the cost of collection of data is considerably high. This
adversely affects coverage of observational datasets that are often
compromised even when nationally representative. Finally, these
datasets lack a comprehensive focus on the whole range of behavioral
outcomes. For instance, none of India’s administrative datasets
provide information on behavioral characteristics such as time and
Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

risk preferences. However, it is now well established that these

behavioral traits have important micro and macro implications
(Akerlof, 2002; Frederick et al., 2002; Levitt and List, 2007).

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

IX-A13 Racialization and environmental injustice in Delhi

Project Team: Arpit Shah

Summary: Examine environmental injustice and residential segregation in the

National Capital Territory of Delhi.

Sponsor: EGAP, University of California Berkeley

Status: Ongoing

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

IX-A14 Environmental injustice in Bengaluru and Delhi using high-resolution paired


Project Team: Arpit Shah and Evan Lieberman

Summary: Researchers have argued that urbanization, which is one of the most
important drivers of environmental change in the Global South, holds
the promise of diluting existing inequalities based on caste, religion,
and income in India. In this research, we plan to combine high-
resolution spatial data from the Census and Election Commissions of
India with administrative and remote sensing information to examine
how urbanization can create new pathways for the creation of
environmental injustice through residential segregation in Bengaluru
and Delhi, two of India’s largest cities. In doing so, we will examine
the ‘diversity deficit’ hypothesis, which posits a negative relationship
between diversity and the provision of public goods (including
environmental goods). Preliminary evidence from our analysis
of residential segregation in Bengaluru indicates that a group’s
access to environmental goods (e.g., green spaces) and exposure to
environmental bads (air pollution, high temperature, etc.) is strongly
linked to that group’s position in a racialized hierarchy determined
by religion, caste, and income levels. To the best of our knowledge,
our study will provide the first high-resolution characterization of
environmental injustice in urban India.

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

Sponsor: VRSP, IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

IX-A15 Geospatial Analytics for Estimating the Impact of Pandemic on the Agrarian

Project Team: Deepak Malghan

Summary: Environment and development policy research has traditionally relied

on detailed individual- and household-level survey data which are
able to collect in-depth information on multiple dimensions related to
specialized study objectives, but they are costly, time consuming, and
difficult to scale-up and repeat. Further, data obtained from sparsely
located in-situ measurements of biophysical variables (such as water
and air quality data, meteorological data, etc.) often fail to provide
the necessary representative convergence needed to complement
information gathered from large-scale survey studies and are not
publicly accessible. The current proposal will focus on combining
remote sensing data with some of the most detailed village-level

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

administrative and survey data to develop a comprehensive post-

COVID economic recovery roadmap. The project will also contribute
to micro (village-level) economic planning by combining social,
economic, and ecological variables. We will use machine learning
algorithms at the frontier of this research to develop models to build
a real-time village-level longitudinal data of social and economic
change. Our platform can both help inform interventions that are
most likely to succeed, and also monitor the actual impact of the

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Completed

IX-A16 Caste Segregation and Rural Public Goods in Tamil Nadu

Project Team: Deepak Malghan and Gopinath Annadurai

Summary: One of the foundational hypotheses in political economy is the

negative association between ethnic diversity and development.
However, recent research has shown that this negative relationship
is modified by spatial segregation of diverse groups. Emerging
evidence from India suggests that spatial segregation modulates the
association between caste diversity and public goods provisioning.
Much of the evidence, for how the diversity and segregation are
Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

combined, has come from urban India. We know very little about
how segregation modulates development outcomes in rural India
despite caste-based segregation being one of the constitutive features
of India’s agrarian political economy.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

IX-A17 Residential Segregation in an Urbanizing India (Census Record Digitization)

Project Team: Deepak Malghan

Summary: This project investigates one of the foundational questions in urban

sociology — the impact of urbanization on agrarian cleavages such
as caste and religion.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

IX-B Articles in Academic Journals

Name of Details of
Sl. No. Authors Title of Paper
Journal Publication
IX-B1 Naveen Bharathi, Residential segregation Urban Vol. 59(14),
Malghan, Deepak, and public services in Studies 2022,
Sumit Mishra, and urban India Pg. 2912-2932
Andaleeb Rahman
IX-B2 Naveen Bharathi, Ethnic diversity and Economics Vol. 222,
Malghan, Deepak, and economic development Letters January 2023
Andaleeb Rahman with spatial segregation
IX-B3 Swaminathan, Hema, Women’s Legal Rights Population Vol. 48(2),
Isis Gaddis, and and Gender Gaps in and June 2022,
Rahul Lahoti Property Ownership in Development Pg. 331-377
Developing Countries Review
IX-B4 Kaushal Joshi, Contextualizing Journal of Vol. 58(6),
Arturo M. Martinez, Individual-Level Asset Development 2022,
Mildred Addawe, Data Collection: Evidence Studies Pg. 1258-1279
Christian Flora Mae Soco, from Household Surveys
and Swaminathan, Hema
IX-B5 S Chandrasekhar, Land use and cropping Food Vol. 14, 2022,
Vijay Laxmi Pandey, and decisions of agricultural Security Pg. 621-635
Sahoo, Soham households in India

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

IX-B6 Sonali Rakshit, and Biased teachers and Journal of Vol. 161,
Sahoo, Soham gender gap in learning Development March 2023
outcomes: Evidence from Economics
IX-B7 Arijit Nandi, Health care services use, PLOS Vol. 19(8),
Thomas J. Charters, stillbirth, and neonatal Medicine August 2022
Amm Quamruzzaman, and infant survival
Erin C. Strumpf, following implementation
Jay S. Kaufman, of the Maternal Health
Jody Heymann, Voucher Scheme in
Mukherji, Arnab, and Bangladesh: A difference-
Sam Harper in-differences analysis of
Bangladesh Demographic
and Health Survey data,
2000 to 2016
IX-B8 Shruti Verma and A Situational Review Health and Vol. 45(4),
Ugargol, Allen P of Recommended Population: October
Dietary and Lifestyle Perspectives 2022,
Management Guidelines and Issues Pg. 183-189
during the COVID-19

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Name of Details of
Sl. No. Authors Title of Paper
Journal Publication
IX-B9 Dwajani. S, Lavanya Ravi, Deleterious effect of International Vol. 11(6),
Abhishek Ram S, increased screen time Journal of June 2022,
A S Praveena, and among professionals Scientific Pg. 75-79
Ugargol, Allen P during the COVID-19 Research
pandemic in India
IX-B10 Sriram M S Financial Inclusion and Economic Vol. 57(20),
the Pandemic and Political May 2022,
Weekly Pg. 85-91

IX-C Books

IX -C1 Rajalaxmi Kamath and Vinay Reddy Venumuddala

Emerging Technologies and the Indian IT Sector

Chapman & Hall, 2023

This book examines the implementation of emerging technology

projects in the service-based Indian IT sector. The title shows
how emerging technologies impact IT-enabled Services (ITeS)
organizations and examines the mobility prospects for engineers and students
looking to enter the Indian IT sector. Indian IT, dominated by organizations
Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

offering ITeS, provides services to clients across the world. Fueling this sector’s
growth are engineering graduates. Emerging technologies, such as AI, Big Data,
Cloud, and Blockchain, have brought the IT and engineering education sectors to
a crossroad with global implications. The IT sector is facing growing demands for
new technology solutions from its clients, and it is engineering students who are
expected to upskill in order to build these solutions. The volume provides a rare,
bottom-up look at the intersection of technology, education, and organizational
structure, based on an ethnographic study.

IX-D Chapters in Books

Sl. Publication
Authors Title of Chapter Title of Book Editors
No. Details
IX-D1 Sriram M S Journey of FPO: State of Sector Gouri KV Authors
Understanding Report Farmer UpFront
Typology and Producer Publishing
Evolution Organisations in Services
India: A report Private
on FPOs in India Limited,
and emerging 2022

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

Sl. Publication
Authors Title of Chapter Title of Book Editors
No. Details
IX-D2 Kamath, Rajalaxmi From social Financializations Chiapello, Routledge,
and Nithya Joseph workers to of Development Anita Engels London,
proxy-creditors Global Games and Eduardo 2023
to bank tellers: and Local Gonçalves Gresse
Financialization Experiments (Eds)
in the work of
microcredit field
staff in a South
Indian town
IX-D3 Ugargol, Allen P, Care Care for Older Ajay Bailey, Chapter 6,
Bailey. A., arrangements Adults in India Martin Hyde, Pg. 86-117,
Hutter, I. and for older adults: and October
James, K.S. Exploring the K. S. James (Eds) 2022,
intergenerational Published
contract in online by
emigrant Cambridge
households of University
Goa, India Press

IX-E Working Papers

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

Author Title Working Year
Paper No.
IX-E1 Naveen Bharathi, A Critical Success Factor Approach to 672 2022
Malghan, Deepak, and Address Telemedicine Implementation
Andaleeb Rahman Challenges: A Longitudinal Study

IX-F Articles in Periodicals, Financial Dailies, and Newspapers

Name of
Sl. Date of
Authors Title of Article Newspaper/
No. Publication
IX-F1 Sriram M S All is not well in India’s The Print December
agriculture sector; State must 26, 2022
help farmers access market
IX-F2 Sriram M S The Importance of Anand The Wire August 5,
Teltumbde’s Thoughts in a 2022
Republic of Caste

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Name of
Sl. Date of
Authors Title of Article Newspaper/
No. Publication
IX-F3 Ugargol, Allen P How an MBA in Enterprise The Pioneer March 19,
Management helps in adapting 2023
to shifting global realities in
IX-F4 Ugargol, Allen P Envisioning age friendly health Express December
systems for India: A health Healthcare 29, 2022
policy imperative!
IX-F5 Ugargol, Allen P Ageing and inclusive climate Times of December
action advocacy India (Voices, 30, 2022
IX-F6 Swaminathan, Hema What do we Miss on Women’s The India February
Employment in Survey Data? Forum 21, 2023
IX-F7 Swaminathan, Hema Mind The Gender Gap Podcase: April 11,
Ep. 2 2022

IX-H Seminar/Conference/Workshop Presentations/Invited Talks

Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

Sl. No. Authors
Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

Invited Talk and Venue Event

IX-H1 Ugargol, Allen P Invited Talk: Health Informatics December
Dissemination Event for Network, convened 15, 2022
the Health Informatics by ACCESS – Health
Model Curriculum International
IX-H2 Ugargol, Allen P Invited participant at the India Habitat Centre, October
meeting convened by New Delhi 21, 2022
the Secretary, Ministry
of Health and Family
Welfare to discuss
the implementation
of the Public Health
Management Cadre
IX-H3 Mukherji, Arnab Webinar: Health Seeking Lakshmi Mittal and November
Behaviour in Four Family South Asia 23, 2022
Indian States Institute, Harvard

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

Sl. No. Authors
Invited Talk and Venue Event
IX-H4 Shah, Arpit Invited talk for paper MIT Political Science 2022
on climate justice in Department
IX-H5 Shah, Arpit Invited talk for paper CEMIS, University of 2022
on climate justice in Gottingen
IX-H6 Shah, Arpit Invited talk for paper CASI, University of 2022
on climate justice in Pennsylvania meeting
Bangalore in New Delhi
IX-H7 Shah, Arpit Invited talk for paper Azim Premji 2022
on climate justice in
IX-H8 Swaminathan, Hema Building the SDG International February
Economy: Emerging Conference on 11, 2023
Challenges and Emerging Perspectives
Prospects in Commerce,
Environment and
Management (ICCEEM)
organized by St. Xavier
College (Autonomous),

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

IX-H9 Swaminathan, Hema Emerging Imperative for Indian Banks December
Banks (Lead Speaker & Association (IBA) 9, 2022
Social Panel on ESG)
IX-H10 Swaminathan, Hema Digital Innovation & CSIR-CECRI March
Technology for Gender 2023
Equality (Panellist)
IX-H11 Swaminathan, Hema Women, Work, and CeMIS Winter November
Wealth: Measurement Colloquium 2022-23, 9, 2022
Challenges University of Gottingen
IX-H12 Gaddis I., Women’s legal rights UNU WIDER October
Lahoti R., and and gender gaps in Conference on Reducing 5-7, 2022
Swaminathan, Hema property ownership in Inequality, UNIANDES
developing countries Bogota, Colombia
IX-H13 Abraham, R., (S)he said what? 30th IAFFE Annual June 29-
Anjum, N., Comparing self Conference, Geneva July 1,
Lahoti, R., and and proxy reported Graduate Institute 2022
Swaminathan, Hema employment status

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

Sl. No. Authors
Invited Talk and Venue Event
IX-H14 Abraham, R., Does marriage and 30th IAFFE Annual June 29-
Lahoti, R., and motherhood impact Conference, Geneva July 1,
Swaminathan, Hema women’s participation in Graduate Institute 2022
labor markets in India?
IX-H15 Sriram M S Convocation Address: National Institute of 2022
Bankers Trust Bank Management,
IX-H16 Sriram M S Sustainable Rural India Rural Colloquy, August 8,
Growth: Pathways to Transforming Rural 2022
Resilient Future India Foundation
IX-H17 Sriram M S National Conference on Transforming Rural February
Youth Employability India Foundation 7, 2023
& Entrepreneurship
IX-H18 Lakshmi Parvathy From Thekedaar to 62nd Annual Conference April
and Staffing Solution of the Indian Society of 11-13, 2022
Kamath, Rajalaxmi Providers: The Evolution Labour Economics, IIT
of Indian Labour Roorkee, Uttarakhand
IX-H19 Sahoo, Soham When Criminality Annual Economics February
Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

Begets Crime: The Role Conference, BITS Pilani 10, 2023

of Elected Politicians in Hyderabad Campus
India (Invited Speaker)
IX-H20 Sahoo, Soham When Criminality 100 Years of Economic September
Begets Crime: The Role Development, Cornell 17, 2022
of Elected Politicians in University
IX-H21 Sahoo, Soham When Criminality PEGNet Conference September
Begets Crime: The Role (Kampala, Uganda) 1-2, 2022
of Elected Politicians in
IX-H22 Sahoo, Soham When Criminality German Development June 9-10,
Begets Crime: The Role Economics Conference, 2022
of Elected Politicians in University of
India Hohenheim, Germany
IX-H23 Sahoo, Soham When Criminality Nordic Conference June 15-16,
Begets Crime: The Role on Development 2022
of Elected Politicians in Economics, Helsinki
India Graduate School of
Economics, Finland

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

IX-I Articles in Conference Proceedings

Sl. Details of the Conference

Authors Title of Paper
No. Proceedings
IX-I-1 Ugargol, Allen P Care Arrangements for British Society of Gerontology
Bailey A., Older Adults: Exploring the 51st Annual Conference (BSG
Hutter I., and Intergenerational Contract 2022), July 8, 2022
James KS in Emigrant Households of
Goa, India
IX-I-2 Ugargol, Allen P The role of social Social Enterprise Consultation
entrepreneurship education: –Influencing a Positive Future
A scoping review of training for Social Entrepreneurship
opportunities for trailblazers in a Post COVID-19 and
in India and the possibilities Sustainability-Driven World,
they offer for achieving The Institute for Life course
developmental goals Development (ILD), University
of Greenwich, United Kingdom,
July 19, 2022
IX-I-3 Lakshmi Parvathy Labour Market 63rd Annual Conference of
and Intermediaries in India the Indian Society of Labour
Kamath, Rajalaxmi Economics (ISLE), Rajiv Gandhi
University, Itanagar, Arunachal
Pradesh, March 1-3, 2023

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

IX-K Leading Journal Publications

Journal articles which have appeared in leading academic journals, listed in Financial
Times 50, UT Dallas.

IX-K1 Authors: David Blakeslee, Ritam Chaurey, Ram Fishman, Deepak Malghan,
and Samreen Malik

Title: Ethnic diversity and economic development with spatial segregation

Journal: Economics Letters

Abstract: We revisit the negative association between ethnic diversity and

development to show how the diversity-development association is
conditional on spatial segregation. We introduce a new census-scale
micro-dataset from the Indian state of Karnataka (n = 36.5 million
rural residents). Using the first-ever spatially explicit enumeration
and coding of endogamous Indian caste groups (jatis), we develop
a multi-group metric for measuring local spatial segregation. We
find that diversity is a bane for development only when it is also

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

accompanied by high levels of spatial segregation. Our results

contribute to the emerging research on the implications of inter-
group contact and spatial proximity for economic outcomes.

IX-K2 Authors: Kaushal Joshi, Arturo M. Martinez, Mildred Addawe, Christian Flora
Mae Soco, and Hema Swaminathan

Title: Contextualizing Individual-Level Asset Data Collection: Evidence

from Household Surveys

Journal: Journal of Development Studies

Abstract: We present asset ownership estimates for men and women from
Georgia, Mongolia, and Philippines using individual-level data
collected through household surveys. The concept of asset ownership
includes reported and documented ownership and alienation
rights (right to sell and right to bequeath) over property. We find
significant gender gaps in property ownership—land, dwelling, and
other real estate—for reported and documented owners. Further,
our results suggest a positive correlation between documented
ownership and alienation rights. Women documented owners are
more likely to have some alienation rights and less likely to report
having no rights. Women, across countries, are also less likely to be
exclusive owners of property than men. We find mixed evidence of
divergence of ownership estimates for a sub-sample of households
Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

based on whether the information was collected by self-reporting

or proxy-reporting. The results reinforce the usefulness of collecting
high-quality individual-level asset data for a deeper understanding
of economic inequality within the household and for adopting a
multidimensional approach to understanding gendered property
ownership. We also identify the need for deeper research on marital
regimes and their impact on women’s property ownership.

IX-K3 Authors: Sonali Rakshit and Soham Sahoo

Title: Biased teachers and gender gap in learning outcomes: Evidence

from India

Journal: Journal of Development Economics

Abstract: We investigate the effect of stereotypical beliefs of teachers on

cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes of secondary school students in
two states of India. We measure teacher’s bias through an index
capturing teacher’s subjective beliefs about the role of gender
in academic performance. We tackle the potential endogeneity of

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

teachers’ subjective beliefs by controlling teacher fixed effects in a

value-added model that includes lagged test scores of students. We
find that a standard deviation increase in the biased attitude of the
math teacher increases the female disadvantage in math performance
by 0.09 standard deviation over an academic year. We also find
significant impacts on the gender gap in students’ math attitude,
academic self-confidence, and effort as potential mechanisms for the
effect on math score. We do not find any significant effect of English
teachers’ gender bias on English learning of the students.

IX-L Awards, Honours, and Achievements

IX-L1 Prof. Allen P Ugargol, International Award – Fellowship. Awarded Yusuf Hamied
Fellowship at Columbia Aging Centre, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia

IX-L2 Prof. Allen P Ugargol, National Award - Indian Council for Medical Research
(ICMR). ICMR’s Professor Surinder Mohan Marwah Award for his sustained and
significant research in the area of Ageing and Geriatric Care in India.

IX-L3 Prof. Soham Sahoo, Visiting Fellow, London School of Economics.

IX-M Doctoral Theses Completed by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

Sl. Name of the Members of the
Dissertation Title
No. Student DAC Committee
IX-M1 Gopi Shankar Institutional Design for Market Gopal Naik,
Gopikuttan Participation and Livelihood Security Hema Swaminathan,
of Smallholder Farmers: Case Rajalaxmi Kamath
Study of an Agricultural Marketing
IX-M2 Soumya Pal Essays on Economics of Poor Arnab Mukherji,
Environment Soham Sahoo,
Kunal Dasgupta

IX-N Dissertation Proposals by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Name of the Student Topic Date
IX-N1 Shivangi Rajora Banking Structures in Rural India and June 27, 2022
Poverty Alleviation
IX-N2 Tanieem Noor Darvesh Essays on Women Empowerment and December 9,
Economic Development 2022

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Name of the Student Topic Date
IX-N3 Sajad S Santhosh Urban Flood Vulnerability and Climate January 9,
Justice 2023
IX-N4 Deepti Sharma Essays on Policy Approaches to Bridging November 16,
Healthcare Deficits 2022

IX-O Papers Presented by Doctoral Students in Conference/Seminar during


Details of the
Sl. No. Name of the Student Title of the Paper Date
IX-O1 Tanieem Noor Darvesh Her Story Vs His Biannual December
and Story: Women’s Development 2022
Prof. Hema Swaminathan House Ownership and Economics
Bargaining Power Conference, IGIDR
IX-O2 Tanieem Noor Darvesh Her Story Vs His Story: Advanced Graduate July 2022
and Women’s House Workshop (AGW)
Prof. Hema Swaminathan Ownership on Poverty,
and Bargaining Power Development and
Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

IX-O3 Deepti Sharma and Tiding COVID-19 4th India Public December
Prof. Arnab Mukherji Waves in India: Policy Network 2022
Longitudinal Evidence Conference, IIM
from Indian Households Ahmedabad
IX-O4 Deepti Sharma and Tiding Covid-19 Waves Biannual December
Prof. Arnab Mukherji in India: Longitudinal Development 2022
Evidence from Indian Economics
Households Conference, IGIDR
IX-O5 Deepti Sharma, Does it Matter Who You The Econometric January
Prof. Hema Swaminathan Ask for Time Use Data? Society Conference, 2023
and Rahul Lahoti IIT Bombay,
IX-O6 Deepti Sharma, Does it Matter Who You International June 2022
Prof. Hema Swaminathan Ask for Time Use Data? Association for
and Rahul Lahoti Feminist Economics

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

Details of the
Sl. No. Name of the Student Title of the Paper Date
IX-O7 Lakshmi Parvathy and Labour Market 62nd Annual April 2022
Prof. Rajalaxmi Kamath Intermediaries in India Conference, Indian
Society of Labour
Economics, Roorkee
IX-O8 Lakshmi Parvathy and From Thekedaar to 62nd Annual April 2022
Prof. Rajalaxmi Kamath Staffing Solution Conference, Indian
Providers: The Society of Labour
Evolution of the Indian Economics, Roorkee
Labour Contractors
IX-O9 Gopinath Annadurai, Planning Fallacy - Online Student October
Midhila K S, and Breaking it Down Research Conclave 2022
Krishna A on Behavioral
Science, Judgment,
and Decision
Making, IIT Delhi
IX-O10 Gopinath Annadurai Economical 4th India Public December
Excludability and Policy Network 2022
Cultural Excludability: Conference, IIM
The Role of Culture Ahmedabad
in the Public Goods

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

IX-S Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Organized by CPP during

v Foundation Day Lecture

• CPP was set up on July 10, 2000, through a partnership agreement between the
Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), Government of India (GoI), United
Nations Development Programme and IIM Bangalore. In the past years we have
been organizing an annual foundation day lecture. Ms. Mrinal Pande, former Chair
of Prasar Bharti delivered the fourth Lecture series on: “Unseen Bipolarity at the
Heart of our Media Policies ” on 10th July 2022.

v 17th Annual International Conference on Public Policy and Management

(August 22nd to 24th, 2022)
• Papers: This year we had received 155 papers, number of Papers Presented
(including Special Tracks): 44.Nos.
• Pre-Conference Event: On 21st August 2022, Panel discussion on Indian Public
Finance, Panellists: Prof. N R Bhanumurthy, Vice Chancellor, Babasaheb Ambedkar

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

School of Economics; Prof. Vinod Vyasulu, President, CBPS; & Dr. M. Govinda
Rao, Member Advisory Board, CPP, IIM Bangalore.
Moderator: Prof. Rajalaxmi Kamath
• Inaugural Speech: On 22nd August 2022, Shri Gopalkrishna Gandhi, Former
Governor of West Bengal, delivered the keynote address on ‘Pre-Autumnal
Reflections-2022’. Chair: Prof. Rishikesha Krishnan, Director, IIM Bangalore
Moderator: Prof. Arnab Mukherji, IIM Bangalore
• Special Session: On 23rd August 2022, Shri C Chandramouli, IAS(Retired), Former
Registrar General & Former Secretary, DoPT delivered special session on Public
Policy in India: Empirical Evidence- The missing link.
Moderator: Prof. Arpit Shah.
• Closing Address: 24th August 2022, Prof Virginius Xaxa, Visiting Professor, Indian
Institute of Human Development delivered valedictory address on How Inclusive
are Public Policies in India? An Exploration.
Moderator: Prof. Hema Swaminathan
• Tracks: • The micro-politics of Public Policy: What can we learn from land
governance in India • Public Health Governance in India.
• Sessions: • Health Economics, Technology and Policy Management • Informal
Economy in India: Issues & Solutions • Environmental Governance & Sustainable
Marketing • Fiscal and Monetary Policy • Communities at the Margins • Financing
Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

Ecosystem for Micro Enterprises in India • Climate Change & Sustainable

Investments • IT Infrastructure, Economic Development & Public Policy
• Role of Ed-Tech in the Post-Pandemic Era • Reshaping Solidarities – Caste &
Public Policy • Women’s inheritance rights, income allocation & unpaid care work
• Inclusive sustainable growth: Gaps & possibilities
• Participants: 197 Nos.

v Impact/Failure Conclave 2022:

CPP in association with the Selco Foundation hosted the second edition of the “Impact/
Failure Conclave 2022” held between 25th - 29th November 2022.

v Inequality Conversations:
In the backdrop of World Inequality Report 2022 authored by Lucas Chancel, Thomas
Piketty, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zuchman, CPP has been organising a series of
talks under the theme of inequality. The following talks were delivered during the
• Inequality Conversations, Series – 5: Title of the talk” “Women’s Legal Rights and
Inequality in Economic Resources: A Global Perspective” delivered by Hema
Swaminathan held on 18th April 2022

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

• Inequality Conversations, Series – 6: Title of the talk “Inequality: Observations

from Rural India” Delivered by Prof Gopal Naik held on 17th May 2022
• Inequality Conversations, Series – 7: Title of the talk “Intellectual Property Rights
and Wage Inequality” Delivered by Prof Chirantan Chatterjee held on 20th June
• Inequality Conversations, Series – 8: Title of the talk “Inequality in Housing
Market” Delivered by Prof. Venkatesh Panchapagesan held on 9th September 2022:
• Inequality Conversations, Series – 9 Title of the talk “Matsya Nyaya through the
Kautilyan lens: A discussion on Kautilya’s views on Inequality” delivered by
Sriram Balasubramaniam held on 19th September 2022.

v Book talk and Workshops:

• Ms. Maja Daruwala, Chief Editor India Justice Report and Valay Singh Project
Lead. Topic: India Justice Report 2022 Moderator: Prof. Trilochan Sastry held on
20th January 2023.
• 1st District Case Workshop: A scoping exercise for Population Council, KEM-Pune,
The George Institute, Institute of Public Health Shillong, SOCHARA, and IIMB.
14th November 2022.
• 2nd District Case Workshop: Early Results for Population Council, KEM-Pune,
The George Institute, Institute of Public Health Shillong, SOCHARA, Center for
Health Research and Development, SAS and IIMB. 23-24 March 2023.

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

v Mahatma Gandhi National Fellowship (MGNF)
Programme Directors: Prof. Arnab Mukherji
This programme is in collaboration with the Government of India, a two-year blended
programme to train individuals with an undergraduate degree to work with the District
Skill Committees. MGNF is an opportunity for young, dynamic individuals to contribute
to enhancing skill development and promote economic development.
• Based on the success of Phase 1 the Ministry planned the national roll-out with
8 other IIMs to act as academic partners spanning 663 districts in India. ~24000
applications were received and ~15000 wrote the written exam. Due to COVID 19
pandemic, the admission cycle has been delayed by almost 3 months. Phase 2 is
started on the 25th of October 2021

v Lancet Citizen’s Commission and District Case Studies at IIMB

Goal of Lancet Citizen’s Commissions is to identify a pathway to ensure Universal
Health Coverage for India.
• Prof. Arnab Mukherji is functioning as a Commissioner on the Commission.

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

• Significant interest in discussions within the Commission on identifying Health

system success stories, failures, and status in rural, urban, tribal setting across the
• Significant faculty interest in supporting the mission. 10+ faculty members across
areas have written into support.
• Unit of Analysis: District (significant convergence with MGNF)
• Timeline: 8-10 months
• Initial work seeking to develop Universal Health Coverage Index

v Partnerships:
• Programme Director: Prof. Arnab Mukherji: Mahatma Gandhi National Fellowship
Award Phase 1 and Phase 2 (in collaboration with the Ministry of Skill Development
and Entrepreneurship, Government of India)
• Collaborated with Access Health International, India to deliberate towards the
formalization and standardization of curriculum for Health Informatics to create a
cadre of well-qualified and trained health informatics professionals in India. This
Model Curriculum on Health Informatics has been prepared and is now available:

Research Projects
Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

v Major International Research Collaborations

• Allen P Ugargol: Exploring a research collaboration with Columbia University
Mailman School of Public Health in April-May 2023

v Electives Offered by CPP

• Business Unusual: Understanding Alternative Business Models. M S Sriram
• Business Law: Anil Suraj
• Public Administration and Law: Anil Suraj
• Legal and Institutional Dynamics: Anil Suraj
• Ageism, Work and Society Allen Ugargol
• Climate Change, Society and Public Policy Arpit Shah
• Social Enterpreneurship: Trilochan Sastry
• Behavioral Economics and Public Policy Ritwik Banerjee
• Foundations of Development Economics Arnab Mukherji, Soham Sahoo, Rajalaxmi
Kamath and Allen Ugargol
• Social Theory for Framing Research Rajalaxmi Kamath

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

• Public Economics Rajalaxmi Kamath

• Corporate Excellence with Econometrics Tirthotanmay Das
• Health Economics: Theory and Practice for Fragmented Markets: Arnab Mukherji
& Allen Ugargol
• Rural Banking & Financial Inclusion: M S Sriram
• Education Economics and Policy: Soham Sahoo
• Building sustainable and livable cities: Arpit Shah
• Development Studies: Hema Swaminathan

v Publications
The Centre for Public Policy faculty has been active on the research front, publishing
their work in reputed journals, contributing chapters in books, and being active in
prestigious academic Conferences.

v Peer Reviewed Journals

• M S Sriram: Financial Inclusion and the Pandemic:
- Economic and Political Weekly.
• M S Sriram: Ela Bhatt (1933-2022) An Ongoing Journey: Commentary:
- Economic and Political Weekly

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

• A Mukherjee, G. Panayotov, R. Sen, H. Dutta, and Pulak Ghosh: Measuring
vaccine effectiveness from limited public health records in data-deficient countries:
Framework and estimates from India’s second COVID-19 wave;
- Science Advances
• W. Lu, H. Chen, and R. Song & Pulak Ghosh. On learning and Testing of
Counterfactual Fairness through Data Pre-processing
- Journal of the American Statistical Association
• W. Lu, M. Ma, and S. Yang & Pulak Ghosh: Multiplicative structural Nested Mean
Model for Zero-Inflated Outcomes
- Biometrika
• Ugargol AP, Mukherji A, & Tiwari R (2023). In search of a fix to the primary health
care chasm in India: can institutionalizing a public health cadre and inducting
family physicians be the answer?.
- The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia.
• Verma, S., & Ugargol, A. P. (2022). A Situational Review of Recommended Dietary
and Lifestyle Management Guidelines during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- Health and Population: Perspectives and Issues

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

• Patel, V., Bhadada, S., Mazumdar-Shaw, K., Mukherji, A., Khanna, T. and G. Kang.
(2022) A historic opportunity for universal health coverage in India.
- The Lancet
• Nandi, A., Charters, T. J., Quamruzzaman, A., Strumpf, E. C., Kaufman, J. S.,
Heymann, J., Mukherji, A. and Harper, S. (2022). Health care services use, stillbirth,
and neonatal and infant survival following implementation of the Maternal Health
Voucher Scheme in Bangladesh: A difference-in-differences analysis of Bangladesh
Demographic and Health Survey data, 2000 to 2016.
- Plos Medicine
• Althaf, S. and A. Mukherji. (2022) To Rx or not - Mainstreaming Informal Providers
- Vikalpa
• Ritwik Banerjee, Amadou Boly and Robert Gillanders: Anti-tax evasion, anti-
corruption and public good provision: An experimental analysis of policy spillovers:
- Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
• Ritwik Banerjee, Priyama Majumdar: Exponential growth bias in the prediction
of COVID-19 spread and economic expectation:
- Economica: Wiley Online Liabrary
• Rakshit, S., & Sahoo, S. (2023). Biased teachers and gender gap in learning
outcomes: Evidence from India.
Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

- Journal of Development Economics

• Kumar, A., & Sahoo, S. (2023). Caste, Gender, and Intersectionality in Stream
Choice: Evidence from Higher Secondary Education in India.
- Education Economic

v Popular Press/News Paper Articles:

• The India Forum, April 2023: What Do We Miss on Women’s Employment in
Survey Data?: Hema Swaminathan
• Podcast: Mind The Gender Gap: Invisible Women: Gaps in Gender Data in India:
Hema Swaminathan
• All is not well in India’s agriculture sector. State must help farmers access market
systems The Print December 26, 2022: M S Sriram
• The Importance of Anand Teltumbde’s Thoughts in a Republic of Caste. The Wire,
August 5th 2022: M S Sriram
• How an MBA in enterprise management is changing to adapt to shifting global
realities: In Voices, Times of India (TOI): Allen P Ugargol

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

• How an MBA in Enterprise Management helps in adapting to shifting global

realities: In Avenues, the Pioneer: Allen P Ugargol
• Envisioning age friendly health systems for India: A health policy imperative:
Express Healthcare: Allen P Ugargol
• Ageing and inclusive climate action advocacy: In Voices, Environment, Times of
India (TOI): Allen P Ugargol

v Working Papers:
• Prakash, N., Sahoo, S., Saraswat, D., & Sindhi, R. (2022). When Criminality Begets
Crime: The Role of Elected Politicians in India. IZA Discussion Paper 15259
• Jain, C., Kashyap, S., Lahoti, R., & Sahoo, S. (2022). Is economic development
affected by the leaders’ education levels? Evidence from India (No. 2022/68).
WIDER Working paper

v Book Reviews:
• Review of The Last Heroes: Foot Soldiers of Indian Freedom Deccan Herald,
December 11, 2022: M S Sriram
• Review of Forks in the Road: My Days at RBI and Beyond Business Standard,
November 16, 2022: M S Sriram
• Review of The Third Eye of Governance: Rise in Populism, Decline in Social
Research Business Standard, October 19, 2022: M S Sriram

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

• Review of Anchoring Change, Business Standard, September 13, 2022: M S Sriram
• Review of Land Guns Caste Woman, Business Standard, May 27, 2022: M S Sriram

v Edited Book:
• Inclusive Finance Report 2023: N S Vishwanathan

v Book chapters:
• Care arrangements for older adults: exploring the intergenerational contract in
emigrant households of Goa, India. In, Care for Older Adults in India (pp. 86-117).
Policy Press. Ugargol, A. P., Bailey, A., Hutter, I., & James, K. S

v External Grants:
• Soham Sahoo: Co-Investigator of the project “Determinants of Private School
Fees in India: The Market or The Politics?” funded by Faculty of Social Sciences
Research Development Fund, University of Warwick
• Pulak Ghosh: NSE - NYU Stern Grant on “Cash Transfers, Credit, and
Entrepreneurial Activity: Evidence from a Universal Basic Income Program

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

• Arnab Mukherji: District Case Studies, funded by CMC-Vellore

• Arnab Mukherji: PHC to UHC, funded by Alliance for Health Policy and Systems
Research, WHO

v Key Research Activities/ Projects

• Arnab Mukherji and Allen Ugargol: The Management’s Decision Dilemma over
Expansion and Sustainability Plans for the eLAJ Smart Clinics
• Vidya Jeevan, Dwajani S and Allen P Ugargol: Exploring the drivers of vaccine
hesitancy for COVID-19 vaccination and factors influencing the same among groups
prioritized for COVID-19 vaccination in Bangalore district (Co-Investigator)
• Allen P Ugargol: Collaboration with Access Health International, India to deliberate
towards the formalization and standardization of education in Health Informatics
to create a cadre of well-qualified and trained health informatics professionals in
• Arnab Mukherji: Vulnerability Index for Tamil Nadu
• Arnab Mukherji: UHC Index: A district level measure of health systems
• Soham Sahoo, Ritwik Banerjee and Satarupa Mitra: Demographic and behavioural
representativeness of online labor markets- understanding development through
alternate data sources.

v Designed new programme

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

• Hema Swaminathan: Designed new programme: Workplace Conflict: An

Opportunity for Growth

v Awards:
Allen P Ugargol
• Awarded the prestigious ‘Yusuf Hamied Fellowship 2022-23’ and invited as Visiting
Fellow to Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health for the Spring
of 2023. Exploring collaborative research with public health faculty at Columbia
• Awarded the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)’s Prof. Surinder Mohan
Marwah Award (for 2020) for sustained research work in the area of Ageing and
Geriatric Care in India
Arnab Mukherji
• Awarded a research grant funded by WHO to study the use of Primary Health
Care to achieve Universal Health Care

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

Pulak Ghosh:
• 2023 outstanding Paper Award in Financial Institutions (WRDS) at the MidWest
Finance Association Annual Meeting for the paper “Safety Nets, Credit, and
Investment: Evidence from a Guaranteed Income Programme“
• Selected as Fellow of Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER)
• Selected as Fellow of Luohan Academy
Ritwik Banerjee:
• Awarded Humboldt Foundation Fellowship for experienced Researcher.

v Positions:
N S Vishwanathan:
• Chair Governing Council Institute for Development of Research in Banking
Technology (Set up by RBI)
• Chair of the Academic Council, College of Supervisors (Set up by RBI)
M S Sriram
• Appointed on the Governing Council of Institute of Public Enterprises
• Appointed on the Board of Credit Access Life Insurance Company Limited
• Appointed the Chair of the Academic Council of National Institute of Bank

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

• Appointed as the Chair of SIDBI Expert Committee on Microfinance
Hema Swaminathan
• Invited to be an external member of IITM Institute Ethics Committee, 2023-2026
Pulak Ghosh
• Chair, Committee to prepare the guidelines for usage of AI/ML applications in
the Indian Securities market, appointed by SEBI
• Member, Organizing Committee for Seminar series on Innovation & Productivity
Growth in the Digital Era: East Asia and Beyond by Asian Bureau of Finance &
Economics Research
Arnab Mukherji, Rajalaxmi Kamath and Tirthotanmay Das
• Members, Cross-IIM MGNF Coordination Committee
Allen P Ugragol
• Member of the Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) at the Institute for Social and
Economic Change (ISEC), Bengaluru
• Member of the DSMB (Data and Safety Monitoring Board) of the Central Ayurveda
Research Institute, Bengaluru

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

• Member of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the Institute for Health
Management and Research (IIHMR), Bengaluru

v Academic Conference

Authors Conference details Date & Year
1. Prof. Hema Swaminathan 30th IAFFE Annual Conference: June 29 – July 1,
• S/he said what? Comparing self and 2022
proxy reported employment status
• Does marriage and motherhood
impact women’s participation in
labor markets in India?
• Panel Discussion: Low labour force
participation of women in India -
Explaining the policy gaps.
UNU WIDER Conference on 5-7 October
Reducing Inequality, 2022
UNIANDES, In Bogota, Colombia
• Women’s legal rights and gender
gaps in property ownership in
developing countries
Who is asked what? The effect of December 11,
Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

respondent identity and question 2022

framing on estimates of women’s
employment’. Presented at the Great
Lakes Institute of Management.
Who is asked what? The effect of February 9, 2023
respondent identity and question
framing on estimates of women’s
employment’. Presented at the IIHS
Internal Chat Box, IIHS
The imperatives of marriage, motherhood March 11-13,
and employment”, presented at the 2023
Gender Sensitive Economic Recovery
and Resilience in Asia, organised with
Inclusion Economics, Yale and ADB
Invited Speaker November 9,
CeMIS Winter Colloquium 2022-23, 2022
Women, Work, and Wealth:
Measurement Challenges

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

Authors Conference details Date & Year
DigitALL: Innovation & Technology for March 2023
Gender Equality” Panelist, CSIR-CECRI
Lead Speaker at SOCIAL PANEL on December 9,
ESG-Emerging Imperative for Banks: 2022
Indian Banks’ Association (IBA)

ICCEEM: Building the SDG Economy: February 11,

Emerging Challenges and Prospects: 2023
St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous),
Kolkata, State, Gender, and Economic
2. Prof. M S Sriram Sustainable Rural Growth: Pathways August 8, 2022
to Resilient Future – panel member in
the India Rural Colloquy: Organised by
Transforming Rural India Foundation
Panelist in National Conference February 07,
on Youth Employability & 2023
Entrepreneurship”: Organised by
Transforming Rural India Fopundation.
3. Prof. Soham Sahoo 100 Years of Economic Development September
Conference (Cornell University, USA 15-17, 2022

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

PEGNet Conference (Kampala, Uganda) September
1-2, 2022
German Development Economics June 9-10, 2022
Conference (University of Hohenheim,
Nordic Conference on Development June 13-15, 2022
Economics (Helsinki Graduate School of
Economics, Finland)
International Conference in June 30 - July 1,
Development Economics (Clermont- 2022
Ferrand, France);
Seminar at University of Manchester December 2,
Seminar at London School of Economics December 7,
4th Annual Conference in Economics & February 9-11,
Finance 2023

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Authors Conference details Date & Year
4. Prof. Rajalaxmi Kamath Lakshmi Parvathy and R. Kamath April 11-13,
(2022). From Thekedaar to Staffing 2022
solution providers-the evolution of
Indian labour contractor presented at
the 62nd Annual Conference of the
Indian Society of Labour Economics
(ISLE), organised by the the Department
of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT
Roorkee, Uttarakhand
Lakshmi Parvathy and R. Kamath March 3, 2023
(2023) Labour Market intermediaries
in India presented at the 63rd Annual
Conference of the Indian Society of
Labour Economics (ISLE), organized
by Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar,
Arunachal Pradesh
5. Prof. Allen P Ugargol Dissemination Event for the Health December 15,
Informatics Model Curriculum Report, 2022
which was created by the Health
Informatics Network, convened by
ACCESS Health International: New
Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

Invited participant at the meeting October 21, 2022
convened by the Secretary, Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare to discuss
the implementation of the Public Health
Management Cadre
Health Economics, Technology and August 22-24,
Policy Management’ at the XVII 2022
International Conference on Public
Policy and Management organized by
the Centre for Public Policy, Indian
Institute of Management Bangalore.
Hybrid round table discussion hosted February 4, 2022
by Access Health International between
select academic leaders to deliberate
towards the formalization and
standardization of education in Health
Informatics to create a cadre of well-
qualified and trained health informatics

IX Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

Authors Conference details Date & Year
Presented a conference paper titled July 8, 2022
Care Arrangements for Older Adults:
Exploring the Intergenerational
Contract in Emigrant Households of
Goa, India’ (co-authored with Bailey
A, Hutter I and James KS) at the British
Society of Gerontology’s 51st Annual
Conference (BSG 2022) themed Better
Futures for Older People Towards
Resilient and Inclusive Communities
in the Parallel Session titled “Parallel
session 7G: Care for older adults in
India: Living arrangements and quality
of life
The role of social entrepreneurship July 19, 2022
education: A scoping review of training
opportunities for trailblazers in India
and the possibilities they offer for
achieving developmental goals’ at the
Social Enterprise Consultation titled
‘Influencing a Positive Future for Social
Entrepreneurship’ in a Post Covid-19

Centre for Public Policy (CPP)

and Sustainability Driven World
organized by the Institute for Lifecourse
Development (ILD), University of
Greenwich, United Kingdom

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

X Entrepreneurship

E ntrepreneurship is the youngest academic area at IIM Bangalore.

Formed in 2017, it has five full-time faculty members, two secondary
members, and one visiting faculty. The area works closely with NSRCEL,
IIMB’s incubator, to explore practice-relevant research questions as well
as translate research into practice.

All the faculty members are research-active and have expertise in domains
such as family business, international entrepreneurship, corporate
entrepreneurship, effectuation, social entrepreneurship, hybrid
organizations, entrepreneurial cognition, social networks, and innovation.
They have published papers in prestigious international journals such
as American Journal of Sociology, MIS Quarterly, Journal of Business
Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, MIT-Sloan Management
Review, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Asia Pacific Journal of
Management, and others.

In the teaching sphere, the area offers MBA-level core courses such as
Entrepreneurial Mindset and Action, Entrepreneurial Management,
and electives such as Understanding Venture Capital and Creating and
Managing Strategic Partnerships. Doctoral courses offered include
Entrepreneurship Classics, Contemporary Entrepreneurship, Social
Network Analysis, Designing Research in Entrepreneurship as a Method
(DREAM), and International Entrepreneurship.

The area faculty are active in coordinating successful executive education

programmes focused on entrepreneurship such as the Women Start-
up Programme (WSP), 10,000 Women Programme in partnership with
Goldman Sachs, and Management Programme for Entrepreneurs and
Family Businesses (MPEFB). They also participate in many other general
management programmes.

X Entrepreneurship

X-A Research Projects

X-A1 CSR Implementation and Compliance with the Provisions of Sec 135 of Companies
Act 2013: An Empirical Investigation Using Data from 2014-15 to 2018-19

Project Team: Dalhia Mani and Bibek Bhattacharya

Summary: In 2013, India became the first country in the world to pass a law
which mandated firms that meet a certain threshold of profitability
or size to spend at least 2% of their average net profits for the
previous three years on CSR activities (Gatti, Vishwanath, Seele,
& Cottier, 2019; Jammulamadaka, 2018). Apart from the minimum
spend requirement, the law identified some broad sectors or causes
to which this money can be donated and specified detailed reporting
requirements for the eligible firms. This mandatory CSR regime has
drawn the attention of business scholars as well as researchers from
other disciplines (Afsharipourt, 2011; Bird, Mukherjee, & Duppati,
2017; Deodhar, 2016; Dhanesh, 2014; Kansal, Joshi, Babu, & Sharma,
2018; Subramaniam, Kansal, & Babu, 2017; Wang, Tong, Takeuchi,
& George, 2016). We investigate the success of this legislation both
for the companies and the intended beneficiaries. We find that
the impact of the legislation has fallen short of expectations both
in terms of the volume of CSR expenditure generated and the
activities to which it has been directed. In particular, we find that
the legislation has had a negative effect on the relationship between
CSR and profitability which in turn can have a perverse effect on
the willingness of companies to spend in this area. We conclude that
greater care has to be taken when implementing mandatory CSR if
it is to be effective. Our objective in this project is to leverage this
unique institutional context and rich empirical setting and contribute
to both management theory and practice. Next, we discuss relevant
literature to motivate the descriptive and theoretical topics which

we intend to tackle in this project.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

X-A2 Evolution and Resilience of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Long Durée Perspective

of the Bangalore Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Project Team: K Kumar and Manjunath A. N.

Summary: We take a long durée perspective (Braudel 1958) (a) to study the
evolution of entrepreneurial ecosystems (EE) and (b) to understand

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

what makes some of them resilient over time (Roundy, Brockman,

and Bradshaw 2017). We undertake to construct a thick and rich
historical narrative of how the Bangalore EE has shaped over the
decades since independence. Once the narrative is constructed, we
use it as a case study to investigate its resilience defined as “the
degree to which an EE can continuously recover from and adapt to
exogenous shocks and endogenous pressures” (Cadanesso, Pickett,
& Grove, 2006). We adopt a systemic view of entrepreneurship
(Dubini 1989) that suggests the importance of the infrastructure for
entrepreneurship and the co-evolution of business and administration
(Murmann 2003) where “foxes are likely to hunt better if they hunt
in packs” across policy, civic, and private sectors (Van de Ven
1993). We intend to explore if there is a pattern to the rise and fall
of entrepreneurial ventures within the ecosystem across sectors
and geographic sub-divisions of the city and if an EE possesses an
identity and image for itself with which the entrepreneurs and other
stakeholders identify (Albert and Whetten 1985; Ashforth and Mael

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

X-A3 IIMB History Project

Project Team: K Kumar, Bringi Dev, and Shainesh G

Summary: This is a project to capture the history of IIMB as part of the

forthcoming Golden Jubilee celebrations. Many volumes will be
produced focusing on different aspects of IIMB history such as
programmes, research, infrastructure, etc.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

X-A4 Constructing Materiality: Understanding the Aesthetic Production Value Chain

of Traditional Textiles

Project Team: Suresh Bhagavatula

Summary: Traditional textiles such as saris and other garments mean differently
to different stakeholders as they move through the value chain. These
fabrics move from the producers – weavers to consumers through
varied channels and each of these channels have the same or different
intermediaries. Broadly, these intermediaries are cooperatives,

X Entrepreneurship

master weavers, store owners, NGOs, social organizations, etc. As

the same piece of fabric traverses this chain, what it means to these
stakeholders differs. For instance, a customer may buy a purple-
coloured checked sari because it is her favourite colour or since it
reminds her of her grandmother or because she does not have it in
her wardrobe or because the storeowner gave a discount. For the
store owner, this sari has not been sold for many months and they
would like to dispose of it to bring in a more contemporary product,
as off-season and traditional saris like these do not sell. For a master
weaver and a weaver, it is just a part of their livelihood and perhaps
they chose this colour because that was the only colour available with
the local dye trader. While the narrative here may seem contrived
and convenient, the traditional textile market comprises millions of
such interactions across the value chain and years.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

X-A5 Cluster Development of Informal Ventures: The Case of Uppada Handloom


Project Team: Suresh Bhagavatula

Summary: There can be no single explanation why enterprises manufacturing

the same product concentrate in the same geographical area to form
clusters. Whatever be the reason for this phenomenon of venture
agglomeration, unless there are people wanting to set up firms,
however small they may be, clusters cannot come into existence.
Factors that make it easy for new firm formation in an industrial
cluster include:

a) Practical knowledge of setting up of a firm

b) Existence of skilled labour
c) Availability of raw material Entrepreneurship
d) Enabling support services
e) Favourable governmental policies, etc.

Considering the beneficial economic effects clusters bring about to

regions and countries, in addition to nurturing natural clusters, many
governments across the world have induced clusters as well.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

X-A6 Balancing Traditionality and Innovation: Strategic Entrepreneurship in the

Production of Handloom Saris

Project Team: Nilam Kaushik and Suresh Bhagavatula

Summary: Recent research calls for more dedicated attention towards crafts-
based ventures (Bell et. al, 2018; Korezen et. al, 2021). A call for
papers for a special issue on craft-based ventures in the Strategic
Entrepreneurship journal attests to the need for creating a dedicated
space for studying crafts-based ventures. In India, the study of
strategic entrepreneurship in the production and sales of handloom
saris is a relevant and rather understudied context which we aim to
use as our empirical setting to make a contribution to the management
literature on craft-based ventures. We are broadly interested in
understanding how producers and intermediaries involved in
the production of handloom-based saris balance authenticity,
traditionality and innovation (Kuhn and Galloway, 2015; Kroezen
and Heugens, 2019) to seek opportunities in the market and attain
competitive advantage.

Sponsor: IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

X-A7 Platform Scope Choice and Implications on Complementors’ Decisions: Evidence

from Wikipedia

Project Team: Ramya K Murthy and Anoop Madhok

Summary: In digital platforms, value is co-created by the platform sponsor and

an ecosystem of autonomous complementors (Jacobides et al., 2018;
Kretschmer et al., 2021). The value cocreation process begins with
the platform sponsor as the initiator of the ecosystem, choosing the
product and market space to compete and choosing which parts
of the value creation process to perform while opening the rest to

the complementors. The platform literature in the technology and

strategy streams has documented that such a choice encompasses
the technology (Boudreau, 2017; Gawer, 2014) and governance
elements, (Chen et al., 2021; Gawer, 2020) while shaping the value
creation process. However, we do not fully understand how the
scope choice impacts the complementors’ performance and their
decisions to participate and contribute to value creation within the
ecosystem. Since platform sponsors can only indirectly influence the
complementors, understanding how scope choices can impact the
complementors is vital. This project examines this issue by studying
the complementors’ decisions in response to platform scope changes.

X Entrepreneurship

Sponsor: VRSP, IIM Bangalore

Status: Ongoing

X-B Articles in Academic Journals

Sl. Details of
Authors Title of Paper Name of Journal
No. Publication
X-B1 Diana Hechavarria, Cross-Cultural Strategic Vol. 17(1),
Steven Brieger, Implications of Linguistic Entrepreneurship March 2023,
Levasseur, Ludvig, Future Time Reference Journal Pg. 61-94
and Siri Terjesen and Institutional
Uncertainty on Social
X-B2 Bibek Bhattacharya, Shaking Up (and Keeping Journal of Business Vol. 177, 2022,
Ipsu Khadka, and Intact) the Old Boys’ Ethics Pg. 763-778
Mani, Dalhia Network: The Impact of
the Mandatory Gender
Quota on the Board of
Directors in India

X-D Chapters in Books

Sl. Title of Publication

Authors Title of Book Editors
No. Chapter Details
X-D1 Bhagavatula, Suresh Do You Have Routledge Rachel Beth 2023
and Zuber S it in Other Handbook of Egenhoefer
Colours: Crafts and
Insights into Sustainability in
Handloom India
X-D2 Murthy, Ramya K Platform Handbook of C. Carmelo, 2023
and Anoop Madhok Scope and
Value Creation
Research on F. Zhu and
Digital Strategy G. Dagnino
in Digital

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

X-F Articles in Periodicals, Financial Dailies, and Newspapers

Name of
Sl. Date of
Authors Title of Article Newspaper/
No. Publication
X-F1 Mani, Dalhia What are the hindrances to Forbes June 17,
the growth of Indian family 2022
X-F2 Mani, Dalhia Women at Work: A Primer Deccan Herald May 25,
for Male Colleagues and 2022
X-F3 Siri Terjesen, How does future time reference Forbes December
Levasseur, Ludvig, impact the likelihood of 6, 2022
Diana Hechavarria, individual engagement in
and Steven Brieger social entrepreneurship?
X-F4 Bidisha Bhattacharjee The Jack Welch way: 11 Forbes May 12,
and measures entrepreneurs should 2022
Levasseur, Ludvig take to be the true leaders of
their ventures
X-F5 Murthy, Ramya K Digital Technologies Fuelling BW May 16,
The India Startup Story Businessworld 2023

X-G Other Publications (Magazines, Monographs, Reports, Working

Papers of other Institutes, etc.)

Authors Title of Publication Type of Publication
X-G1 Mani, Dalhia Karnataka Administrative Report on Improvements to
Reforms Commission Registrar’s office, Police Station,
etc. (Accepted, presented to
legislature, and published on GOK

website), 2022

X-H Seminar/Conference/Workshop Presentations/Invited Talks

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
X-H1 Mani, Dalhia Invited Talk: Building Mindtree 2022
and Leveraging
Networks in an Uncertain

X Entrepreneurship

Sl. Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

No. Invited Talk and Venue Event
X-H2 Mani, Dalhia Category Status 82nd Annual Meeting August
Reclamation: How a of the Academy of 5-9, 2022
Marginalized Gender Management,
Reclaimed its Status Seattle, Washington,
X-H3 Mani, Dalhia VCs in an Emerging 82nd Annual Meeting August
Market: Becoming of the Academy of 5-9, 2022
Increasingly Diversified Management
with Experience Seattle, Washington,
X-H4 Levasseur, Ludvig Time perspective and 5th Creative Spark March
Holt, D., and innovativeness in family Workshop, Berlin, 2023
Kammerlander, N. firms: Some theoretical Germany
X-H5 Mahmood, N., Theory of Digital Strategic September
Murthy, Ramya K Platform Ecosystem Management Society 17-20, 2022
and Madhok, A. Advantage Annual Conference
2022, London, UK
X-H6 Murthy, Ramya K Platform Sponsor IIM Ahmedabad January
and Madhok, A. Alliances and Ecosystem ICODO Conference 8-9, 2023
Value 2023
X-H7 Murthy, Ramya K Platform Scope 82nd Annual Meeting August
and Madhok, A. Choices and Ecosystem of the Academy of 5-9, 2022
Heterogeneity: A Management
Configurational Seattle, Washington,
Approach USA

X-J IIMB Case Studies @ Harvard Business Publishing

X-J1 Title: Pridebites: Roles and Decisions of Entrepreneurs and Investors

Author: Ludvig Levasseur and Jacqueline Gomes

Summary: PrideBites is a case that highlights the entrepreneurial journey of four

young graduates who witnessed the dearth of cheap, good quality,
and customizable pet products in the market and decided to make
these products. The founders also had to seek funds to grow their
business. The case walks readers through the decisions investors
make and the roles of entrepreneurs in successfully getting funds
from venture capitalists. This case also provides an opportunity for

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

students to understand Mises and Rothbard’s emergence and the

function of entrepreneurial profit and loss, and how this informs
everyday business life and experiences. It presents rich material to
understand that funding a venture is a result of a negotiation process
between the venture capital firm and the entrepreneurial firm and
is more an art than a science.

X-J2 Title: Mylab Discovery Solutions: Innovating Against all Odds

Author: Charu Rastogi, Srivardhini K. Jha, and Rishikesha T. Krishnan

Summary: Mylab Discovery Solutions is a biotechnology firm based in Pune,

Maharashtra, a state in the western part of India. The company is
focused on developing and commercializing diagnostic solutions
and automation in molecular, serology, and immunology areas. Its
applications are in clinical diagnostics, drug discovery, biomedical
research, agri genomics, and animal and food safety. Till early
2020, like any other young venture in a nascent market, Mylab was
struggling to raise funds and spread awareness of high-priced but
more accurate “molecular diagnostics” in a price-sensitive market.
Its fortunes changed in March 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic
struck. The firm was dubbed the “poster child of the COVID-19
pandemic” after it rose to the limelight for developing COVID-19
RTPCR and rapid antigen test kits. The next two years saw it
raising funds, automating and scaling production, doubling down
on research and development, launching multiple new products,
and pursuing inorganic growth through acquisitions and alliances.
However, by January 2022, the pandemic seemed to have run its
course. The founders, Hasmukh Rawal and Shailendra Kawade,
were considering strategies to maintain Mylab’s growth momentum.
Through a series of interviews with key players at Mylab, we
have developed a case study to delve into how a startup in the
nascent biotechnology industry in India succeeded in churning out

innovation after innovation and scaling up production of test kits

from a few hundred to hundreds of thousands in the span of a few
months. The learning objectives of this case are to understand the
unique challenges faced by ventures in nascent markets, compare
the ecosystem of ventures in nascent industries with those in mature
industries, and discuss how stakeholder relationships evolve as a
venture advances in its journey.

X Entrepreneurship

X-K Leading Journal Publications

Journal articles which have appeared in leading academic journals, listed in Financial
Times 50, UT Dallas.
X-K1 Authors: Diana Hechavarria, Steven Brieger, Ludvig Levasseur, and
Siri Terjesen
Title: Cross-Cultural Implications of Linguistic Future Time Reference
and Institutional Uncertainty on Social Entrepreneurship
Journal: Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Abstract: Using a sample of 205,792 individuals in 70 countries with 39
languages, this paper presents novel empirical evidence for how
a language’s future time reference, defined as the requirement that
speakers mark time in the future, affects a speaker’s likelihood of
engaging in social entrepreneurship. FTR subtly shapes a speaker’s
temporal orientation, such that speaking a futured language (i.e.,
strong FTR) favours a short-term orientation which positively
affects the likelihood of being a social entrepreneur. Furthermore,
institutional uncertainty arising from weakly entrenched institutions
moderates this relationship. Individuals who speak futured languages
in contexts characterized by regulatory institutional uncertainty
(weak rule of law, weak property rights, and strong corruption) are
more likely to engage in social entrepreneurship. Theoretical and
practical implications and future research directions are discussed.
Listings: Financial Times 50

X-K2 Authors: Bibek Bhattacharya, Ipsu Khadka, and Dalhia Mani

Title: Shaking Up (and Keeping Intact) the Old Boys’ Network: The
Impact of the Mandatory Gender Quota on the Board of Directors
in India
Journal: Journal of Business Ethics
Abstract: Prior research on the impact of mandatory quotas in one dimension Entrepreneurship
of diversity on other dimensions shows contradictory results. We
seek to resolve this puzzle by relying on theory in social psychology
on homophily and recategorization processes in hiring. In the context
of a law mandating a gender quota on Indian boards, we predict and
find that boards respond to the law by hiring new women directors
who are similar to existing directors in terms of caste and community
dimensions. We find that this homophily effect is impactful to the
extent that even high-status women directors cannot overcome it.
At the aggregate level, these organizational-level practices result
in caste and community inequalities remaining intact despite the

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

introduction of 1309 new women directors. We contribute to research

on inequality, board of directors, and affirmative action.
Listings: Financial Times 50

X-L Awards, Honours, and Achievements

X-L1 Prof. Ludvig Levasseur, Outstanding Reviewer Award, Managerial and

Organizational Cognition (MOC) Division of Academy of Management 2022.

X-L2 Prof. Ramya K Murthy, Finalist, ISPIM Dissertation Award 2022.

X-N Dissertation Proposals by Doctoral Students during 2022–2023

Sl. Name of the

Topic Date
No. Student
X-N1 Manjunath A N Entrepreneurial Agency in Regional May 6, 2022
Transformation: An Entrepreneurial History of
Old Mysore Region (1881 – 1956)
X-N2 Aman Bhuwania Essays on Venture Learning within Accelerators May 30, 2022
X-N3 Sneetha Saji Identity Work of Women Entrepreneurs December 16,

X-O Papers Presented by Doctoral Students in Conference/Seminar during


Sl. Details of the

Name of the Student Title of the Paper Date
No. Conference
X-O1 Sukanya Roy and VCs in an Emerging 82nd Annual August,
Prof. Dalhia Mani Market: Becoming Meeting of the 2022
Increasingly Diversified Academy of
with Experience Management

X-O2 Bidisha Bhattacharjee From Taking All to Giving International September
Back: A Philosophical Research 2022
Rendering of the Path to Conference on
Embedding Sustainability Sustainable Goals,
Orientation in Firms IIM-Bodh Gaya
X-O3 Charu Rastogi Challenges Faced by Green International September
Entrepreneurs in the Clean Research 2022
Tech Space in India Conference on
Sustainable Goals,
IIM-Bodh Gaya

XI Centre for Management Communication

XI Centre for Management Communication

T he Centre for Management Communication was established

to develop best practices in managerial communication. Our
objectives include conducting research in emerging areas of digital
communication, developing new courses, and working with practitioners
to develop robust case studies. Over the years, the centre has facilitated a
number of programs, webinars, and avenues for academic and professional

Centre for Management Communication

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

XI-A Research Projects

XI-A1 Climate Change and Health Communication: Frames of Newspaper Reporting

in India and How Health Inequalities Characterize Determinants for Setting the

Project Team: Deepti Ganapathy

Summary: This study will examine the range of healthcare issues being prioritized
by the news media, particularly newspapers at the national level in
India. It will aim to highlight issues—the impact of climate change
on the health of vulnerable sections of the population that exerts a
disproportionate burden on the healthcare system—that should be
of concern to policymakers, stakeholders, and journalists.

Sponsor: VRSP, IIMB

Status: Ongoing
Centre for Management Communication

XI-F Articles in Periodicals, Financial Dailies, and Newspapers

Name of
Sl. Date of
Authors Title of Article Newspaper/
No. Publication
XI-F1 Ganapathy, Deepti The latest IPCC report calls for The Times of April 1, 2022
concerted climate action India
XI-F2 Ganapathy, Deepti Preparing for crisis management: Forbes India June 1, 2022
The contact, direction,
and distance approach for

XI-H Seminar/Conference/Workshop Presentations/Invited Talks

Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

Sl. No. Authors
Invited Talk and Venue Event
XI-H1 Ganapathy, Deepti Mapping Climate Change International May 7-8,
through Press Narratives Conference on 2022
Climate Crisis
and Future
Implications, School
of Social Sciences and
Humanities, VIT-AP

XI Centre for Management Communication

Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

Sl. No. Authors
Invited Talk and Venue Event
XI-H2 Ganapathy, Deepti Corporate Sustainability Ethos Research April 2022
Group, Bayes Business
School, University of
London, London, UK
XI-H3 Ganapathy, Deepti Communicating Climate Kiran C Patel Centre October
Change to a Fragmented for Sustainable 31, 2022
Audience Development, IIT
XI-H4 Ganapathy, Deepti Computer-mediated Omaha School of November
Communication and Social Communication, 1, 2022
Media Fine Arts and Media,
University of

Centre for Management Communication

XI-H5 Ganapathy, Deepti Global Journalism and Loyola University, February
Media Maryland 16, 2023
XI-H6 Ganapathy, Deepti Keynote Speaker at REVA University December
International Conference 27-28, 2022
on Contemporary
Developments in
Entrepreneurship, Business
and Management in
Digitized Era - Towards
Industry 5.0
XI-H7 Ganapathy, Deepti Invited Panellist: IISc, Bengaluru November
Contextualizing Climate 28, 2022
Change Education for
Karnataka, Scaling-Up and
Strengthening Climate and
Environmental Education
Access to Children and
Youth in India: A joint
initiative of Centre for
Environment Education
and UNICEF, Government
of Karnataka (Second
Stakeholder Meeting)
XI-H8 Ganapathy, Deepti Invited Plenary Panellist Asian Conference October
for Political 12-13, 2022

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Title of Paper/Session/ Name of Conference Dates of

Sl. No. Authors
Invited Talk and Venue Event
XI-H9 Ganapathy, Deepti Invited Plenary Panellist, 7th East-West Center June 27-30,
Reframing the Conversation International Media 2022
on Climate Conference, Honolulu,
XI-H10 Ganapathy, Deepti Invited Panellist: WHO Belgrade, Serbia March
technical consultation on 21-23, 2022
building a global curriculum
for infodemic management
XI-H11 Bandi, Swati Invited Moderator for The Jyoti Nivas College 2022
Structural Transformation
of Media in the 21st Century
with Reference to Platform,
Politics, and Culture at
Centre for Management Communication

XI-J IIMB Case Studies @ Harvard Business Publishing

XI-J1 Title: Net Zero to Net Hero – Can We Gross It? (Part 1 & 2)

Authors: Deepti Ganapathy, Jacqueline Gomes, and Garima Dua

Summary: This is a two-part case that highlights the pressing need for businesses
to move towards sustainable practices. This is particularly relevant in
today’s climate crisis environment, where governments and businesses
need to work together at COP summits to lay out policy roadmaps.
Paving the way for sustainability in a firm, is a multipronged approach
with interlinkages to local as well as global policy directives and
understanding this, through the context of what CII does, gives the
bigger picture for any small, medium or large firms to strategically
plan and communicate their approach to achieving the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) as well as to be seen as clearly “walking
the talk” when it comes to showcasing themselves as being oriented
towards truly caring for the planet.

XII Centre for Corporate and Governance and Citizenship (CCGC)

XII Centre for Corporate and

Governance and Citizenship (CCGC)


and Citizenship
he Centre for Corporate and Governance and Citizenship (CCGC)
has established itself as a repository of knowledge and commitment
in the field of Corporate Governance and Corporate Responsibility under
the umbrella of Responsible Business.

and Citizenship
The core purpose of the Centre is to promote and shape better understanding,
appreciation, and delivery of good corporate governance through its
research, teaching, training, and policy support efforts and be the country’s
first choice go-to Centre of Excellence in Corporate Governance Research,
Teaching, Training, Dissemination, and Policy Support.

The focus of the Centre falls under the five broad areas of a) Advocacy,
b) Education, c) Training, d) Research, and e) Dissemination.

Centre Governance

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

CCGS : CEOs speak sessions : 2022-23

Centre for Corporate and Governance and Citizenship (CCGC)

• Gate Keepers & Whistle-Blowers : Implications for Corporate Governance

Mr M Damodaran, Chairperson, Excellence Enablers Pvt Ltd; Dr Omkar Goswami,
Founder & Chairperson, CERG Advisory Pvt Ltd ; Ms Padmaja Chunduru, MD & CEO,
National Securities Depository Ltd and Mr Vikram Chandra, Founder & CEO, Editorji
• The Tipping Point of Hubris : Corporate Takeovers & Market for Corporate Control
Mr Arun Maira, Former Member, Planning Commission of India; Mr N Krishnakumar,
Managing Partner, Mela Ventures and Mr Shriram Subramanian, Founder & MD, In-
Govern Research Services
• Panel discussion on Cyber Resilience Strategy, Cyber Forensics and Governance
Dr Gulshan Rai, Chief Information Security Officer, Prime Minister’s office, Government
of India; Mr K M Reddy, Chief Information Security Officer, Union Bank of India;
Mr Sujith Babu, Cyber Leader – India & SAARC, Cisco Systems and Mr Ajit Menon,
Chief Information Security Officer, Tata Consultancy Services
• Ways for the Future: Board Independence – Insider Influence and Vested Interests
Mr Sundararaman Ramamurthy, Managing Director & CEO, Bombay Stock Exchange;
Mr J N Gupta, Managing Director, Stakeholders Empowerment Services;
Dr Ashok Haldia, Past Secretary, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
• Boards & ESG : Action your Aspiration & Enhance Accountability
• Mr C K Venkataraman, Managing Director, Titan Company Ltd; Prof Lawrence Loh,
Director – CGS, NUS Business School, National University of Singapore and Mr Thomas
Thomas, CEO, ASEAN CSR Network

IIMB-CCGS Five Day Capability Building Initiative on Leadership and Governance

for NGO Leaders Two online workshops of five days each.
Dates : 7-11 February & 19-23 September 2022
Over 65 NGOs Leaders participated.
Objective was to enable NGOs and their leaders to develop competencies and skills that
can make them more effective and sustainable.

XII Centre for Corporate and Governance and Citizenship (CCGC)

 Mr Sanjay Khajuria, Director-Corp Affairs, Nestle India Ltd

Centre for Corporate and Governance and Citizenship (CCGC)

 Prof S Raghunath, Prof-Strategy, IIMB
 Prof P D Jose, Prof – Strategy, IIMB
 Mr Deepak Jain, Senior Adviser, Wipro Care
 Mr Sunil Kunte, Mentor & Mr Jaison George, CEO, Christel House
 Mr Harish Bijoor, Brand Guru
 Prof Sourav Mukherji, Prof – OD, IIMB
 Prof Padmini Srinivasan, Associate Prof – Finance & Accounting, IIMB
 Dr Nidhi Pundhir, Director, HCL Foundation
 Mr Aroon Raman, MD, Telos Investments & Technologies
 Prof Abhoy Ojha, Prof-HR, IIMB
 Prof L Sridhar, Chartered Accountant, Sridhar & Britto Chartered Accounts
 Mr L Prabhakar, Sr VP & Head-Social Investments, ITC Ltd
 Mr Dipak Marwah, Director, Brandmusiq
 Dr Aravind Srinivasan, Director-Projects, Aravind Eyecare System
 Mr Vishal Bali, Co-Founder & Chairman, Medwell Ventures
 Prof Debolina Dutta, Prof – OB & HRM, IIMB
 Mr Ashoke Joshi, Former Chairman, The Srinivasan Services Trust
 Prof Anil Suraj, Associate Prof-Public Policy, IIMB
 Prof Vijay Venkataraman, Assistant Prof – Strategy, IIMB

CCGS-NSRCEL Five Day Online Governance Programme for Start-ups

Theme : Establishing Corporate Governance to Ensure Your Start-up’s Long-Term Success
Dates : 5 – 9 September 2022
Over 60 CEOs & Senior Executives from Start-ups participated.
The workshop focused on adopting good Corporate Governance Practices by Start-ups.
 Mr Sateesh Andra, Managing Director, Endiya Partners,
 Mr Navas Meeran, Chairman, Meeran Group of Companies, addressed the inaugural
 Mr Ajay Nanavati, Former Chairman, Syndicate Bank and former MD, 3M India
 Mr N S Vishwanathan, Senior Fellow at IIMB and former deputy governor of RBI
 Prof S Raghunath, Prof-Strategy, IIMB
 Prof Padmini Srinivasan, Associate Prof – Finance & Accounting, IIMB
 Mr Harish HV, Managing Partner, ECube Investment Advisors

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

 Mr Bijou Kurien, Chairman, Retailers Association of India

Centre for Corporate and Governance and Citizenship (CCGC)

 Ms Dipali Ved, Talent Head – Consulting, Deloitte India

 Mr Vivek Kedia, Partner – Risk Advisory, KPMG India
 Prof Anil Suraj, Associate Prof-Public Policy, IIMB
 Mr Nishanth Ravindran, Senior Associate, AZB & Partners


• IIMB-Centre for Corporate Governance & Sustainability and Florida International University
College of Business jointly hosted an International Conference on Corporate Governance and
Analytics on 8th and 9th November 2022.
• Conference focused on theoretical and applied work on Corporate Governance and Analytics
• Programme structured with a combination of paper presentations, panel discussions and
• Speakers, authors and co-authors of the paper presentations at the conference include many of
the IIMB faculty members, industry other Indian institutions.
• Attended by delegates from academia and industry


Fostering Growth through Good Governance
• The Centre for Corporate Governance and Sustainability (CCGS), IIM Bangalore hosted a
one-day programme on “Fostering Growth Through Good Governance” on 10th March 2023
• Focused on enhancing the organizational effectiveness towards overall performance, governance
aspects, ethical business conduct and reporting beyond compliance that leads to the sustainable
growth of SMEs.

XII Centre for Corporate and Governance and Citizenship (CCGC)

• Sessions were addressed by speakers from Industry; IIMB and accounting and financial

Centre for Corporate and Governance and Citizenship (CCGC)

management agencies
• The programme was held under the aegis of the National Foundation for Corporate Governance
• The programme was attended by over 100 delegates from different sectors; representing Small
and Medium Enterprises.
• ASSOCHAM provided participants and speakers support to the programme.

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023


Centre for Corporate and Governance and Citizenship (CCGC)

• In May 2022, CCGS initiated a CEOs Survey on “Corporate Governance challenges in

• Survey covered key CEOs of industry across India
• Survey contained questions ranging from economy; technological changes; cyber threat;
ESG with the key focus on Corporate Governance & challenges
• Respondents to the survey are from sectors ranging from manufacturing, information
technology, agro and food processing, financial services, automobiles, and electronics.
• This survey also suggested some important areas of research and activities for IIMB-


• A series of video sessions with
CEOs on the key topics of Corporate
• Topics covered : Common threads and
themes on Corporate Governance;
Role of Independent Directors;
Board Succession; Board’s effective
functioning; and evolution &
importance of ESG
• Uploaded on CCGS website for wider

CCS Project : 2022

• CCGS facilitated a Contemporary Concern Study (CCS) project.
• Two groups of students worked on a project titled “My E-Haat”
• Project focused on Arts & Crafts.
• The students group submitted a detailed report on strengthening the value chain;
improving the digital marketing for better outreach / visibility and sales; and
strategies to improve the product quality, packaging & production plan.

XIII Data Centre and Analytics Lab (DCAL)

XIII Data Centre and Analytics Lab (DCAL)

D ata Centre Analytics Lab (DCAL) at the Indian Institute of

Management Bangalore (IIMB) represents the institute’s guiding
principle: Excellence in education comes through high-quality research. In
its short history since October 2012, DCAL has remained true to IIMB’s
original vision of a Centre of Excellence. Research with a focus on topics
related to Business Intelligence and Analytics has remained its core
activity. The centre strives to provide services, support, and a venue for
analytics research design and experimentation in data-intensive sciences.
It has published several case studies and publications in international
journals. DCAL has also organized Analytics and BAI conferences and

Data Centre and Analytics Lab (DCAL)

knowledge dissemination workshops while focusing on training next-
generation professionals and researchers. The faculty at the centre is
conducting original research on data-intensive settings in a number of
emerging areas such as how to measure and improve non-clinical services
in the healthcare domain and how social media analytics plays a big part
in building brand and achieving higher return on investment (ROI) for
movie franchises. The centre aims to be a worldwide hub for analytics and
business intelligence research in India.

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

XIII-A Research and Consulting Projects

XIII-A1 Intel-Supply Chain Resilience

Supply chain resiliency is the ability to respond quickly to operational disruptions

through flexible contingency planning and forecasting – from material sourcing to
logistics and the final delivery of products and services. The key to supply chain
resiliency lies in quickly identifying possible disruptions to supply chain and act
on it. The key to identifying these disruptions involve continuously monitoring
the worlds events through news sites/articles and any other sources. Any event
with a high risk of supplier disruption should be flagged and communicated to
the relevant teams for any initiation of BCP (Business Continuity Plan) so that the
effect of the event on the business is minimized.

One key capability within supply chain risk management is the ability to search
and identify potential supplier risks through ‘web scraping’ and the ability to
link/detect supplier risks based on vulnerabilities in the eco system. This project
focusses on using Generative AI to create a robust supply chain resilient system
Data Centre and Analytics Lab (DCAL)

which detects the potential threats to supply chain and severity of impact of these
threats. Objective of the project is to build a Generative AI model to extract the
intelligence from those inputs of incidents/articles or news feeds provided by
the business, and map those to potential suppliers which will be affected. The
model will create a generic supplier profile for affected suppliers based on context,
location and intelligence extracted by the AI model. Post identification of potential
suppliers which could be affected by the incident the objective is to creat a risk
score for these affected suppliers by ranking factors the severity of impact mapped
to the supplier information and its affect on supply chain resilience.

XIII-A2 SOGI – Winners in rummy game

Skill Online Games Institute (SOGI) is an initiative created to be a hub for reliable
and credible data concerning skill games online. SOGI’s main mission is to grant
industry stakeholders access to timely insights into the latest developments in the
online gaming industry and emerging global trends.

Objective of the project is to analyse the data of game of rummy and assess the
business strategy and skills that is used in the game using the game data. Data
Analysis to test if business strategy and skills are used in the game of rummy (Loss
aversion etc). Using the data to understand and list down the gaming strategies
that the consistent winners of the game use and is there a trend and pattern that
can be published in players and winner behaviour and game play.

The output of the data and statistical analysis will be published in the form of a
publication which can be consumed by the policymakers and gaming companies

XIII Data Centre and Analytics Lab (DCAL)

XIII-A3 Cargill

1. Problem Statement: Forecasting as a Service (FaaS) –

• The objective of the product is to utilize machine learning in python to

generate sales forecasts for over 600+ products, with a focus on improving
accuracy and minimizing absolute error.

• To build a robust forecasting “engine” that could make several statistical/

machine learning models that can be compared and come up with the best

2. Problem Statement: Price Freight forecasting (CASC) –

• The aim was to forecast the price of transportation along specific routes
from farms to cities in Brazil.

• To make the pre-processing techniques more robust such as data imputation,

data interpolation, anomaly detection and removal etc.

• To understand any statistical violation in the currently deployed global

Data Centre and Analytics Lab (DCAL)

prophet model.

XIII-H Conferences/Workshops Organized by DCAL

XIII-H1 Ninth International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence (BAICONF

2019) - 350+ participants benefited from the conference held during December 15-
17, 2022.

XIII-H2 Fourth Women in Data Science Conference (WiDS 2022) - 120+ participants
benefited from the conference held on April 9, 2022.

XIII-H3 Twelfth Symposium on Business Analytics and Intelligence - 241 participants

benefited from the conference held during July 15-16, 2022.

XIII-H4 First BAI & BDA Alumni Meet - 100+ participants benefited from the workshop
held during July 16, 2022.

XIII-H5 Masterclass on Artificial Intelligence - VIT Bhopal - 500 participants benefited

from the conference held during September 16, 2022.

XIII-H6 Workshop on Data Visualization and Storytelling – 27 participants benefited from

the workshop held during July 17-18, 2022.

XIII-H7 Workshop on Machine Learning Operations – 15 participants benefited from the

workshop held during December 13-14, 2022.

XIII-H8 Workshop on Data Visualization and Storytelling – 10 participants benefited from

the workshop held during December 13-14, 2022.

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

XIV Supply Chain Management Centre


S upply Chain Management Centre (SCMC) is a strategic multi-

disciplinary Centre of Excellence within IIMB, dedicated toward
carrying out specialized theoretical and applied research on supply
chain management and promoting and enduring industry–institute

Objectives of the Centre, Faculty Support & Organization:

Supply Chain Management Centre (SCMC)

We continue to strive toward consistently achieving the vision, mission,

and mandate set for the centre, as one of the Centres of Excellence at IIMB.

Vision: To be a globally recognized Centre for Supply Chain Management

dedicated to the creation and dissemination of new knowledge.

Mission: To bring together supply chain management practitioners from

leading industry organizations and IIMB academia for identifying,
documenting, researching, developing, and disseminating best practices.

XIV Supply Chain Management Centre (SCMC)

XIV-B Articles in Academic Journals

Name of Details of
Sl. No. Authors Title of Paper
Journal Publication
XIV-B1 Srikanth Krishnaprasad A pricing mechanism Journal of the Vol. 73(4),
and Tripathi, Rajeev R to improve capacity Operational 2022,
utilisation in ridesharing Research Society Pg. 741-753
XIV-B2 R. Sreedevi, Impact of a country’s Supply Chain Vol. 28(1),
Saranga, Haritha, and logistical capabilities on Management 2023,
Sirish Kumar Gouda supply chain risk Pg. 107-121
XIV-B3 Verma, Nishant K and Social Media Sustainability Information Vol. 25, 2023,
Ashish K Jha Communication: Systems Pg. 723-742
An Analysis of Frontiers
Firm Behaviour and
Stakeholder Responses

Supply Chain Management Centre (SCMC)

XIV-B4 Verma, Nishant K and Process flexibility in International Vol. 256,
Ashish K. Chatterjee the presence of product Journal of February
modularity: Does Production 2023,
modularity help? Economics Pg. 1-15
XIV-B5 Debarati Basu, Customer reciprocity International Vol. 14(2),
Kamalika Chakraborty, in greening: The role of Journal of 2022,
Shabana Mitra and service quality Quality and Pg. 238-257
Verma, Nishant K Service Sciences
XIV-B6 Debarati Basu, Mitigating credit risk: Applied Vol. 55(29),
Shabana Mitra and Modelling and optimizing Economics 2023,
Verma, Nishant K co-insurance in loan Pg. 3422-3441
XIV-B7 Satyam Mukherjee and Social brokerage and Journal of Vol. 40(2),
Jain, Tarun productivity of users Product March 2023,
in online innovation Innovation Pg. 231-254
networks Management
XIV-B8 Sunanda Katewa and Mobile Application’s Decision Vol. 53(5),
Jain, Tarun Quality and Pricing Sciences October
Decisions Under 2022,
Competition Pg. 896-931
XIV-B9 Satyam Mukherjee and Impact of COVID-19 on PLOS One Vol. 17(5),
Jain, Tarun the mobility patterns: An May 2022,
investigation of taxi trips Pg. 1-19
in Chicago
XIV-B10 Sapra, Amar and Integration of long- and Production Vol. 31(7),
Peter L. Jackson short-term contracts in a and Operations July 2022,
market for capacity Management Pg. 2872-2890
XIV-B11 Akansha Misra, Channel choice and European Vol. 302(3),
Saranga, Haritha and incentives in the cadaveric Journal of November
Tripathi, Rajeev R organ supply chain Operational 2022,
Research Pg. 1202-1214

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Name of Details of
Sl. No. Authors Title of Paper
Journal Publication
XIV-B12 Jain, Tarun, New product design Journal of the Vol. 74(1),
Hazra, Jishnu and decisions and free sharing Operational 2023,
T. C. E. Cheng of patents with rivals Research Society Pg. 59-80
XIV-B13 Jain, Tarun, Analysis of upstream Annals of Vol. 320,
Hazra, Jishnu and pricing regulation and Operations 2023,
T. C. E. Cheng contract structure in an Research Pg. 85-122
agriculture supply chain

XIV-H Seminars/Conferences/Panel Discussion

Research activities and Papers

The Centre has been actively pursuing research and consultancy assignments with the
Supply Chain Management Centre (SCMC)

government sector The following assignments were executed during the 2022-23 period.

Office of the Principal Accountant General (Audit-I) Karnataka, Bengaluru

The research project had the primary objective of comprehensively examining the supply chain
system of the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) in Karnataka. This encompassed
a detailed investigation into issues related to warehousing and the transport network, with
the overarching goals of identifying and quantifying inefficiencies, minimizing duplications,
and resolving bottlenecks within the system. A key focus of the project was to assess the
end-to-end IT systems implemented by the department, emphasizing the rectification of
deficiencies in the monitoring mechanisms associated with the scheme. Commencing in
July 2022, the project reached its completion in March 2023. The findings derived from the
research constitute an integral component of the final audit report, which is currently being
delivered by the Public Accountant General (PAG) office to the Karnataka state government.

Impact of MBM Measures on the Shipping Industry

This research project, commissioned by the Directorate General of Shipping, sought to
undertake comprehensive analytical and investigative research on the repercussions of
economic measures, specifically carbon taxes and Emission Trading Systems (ETS), on the
shipping industry. The study delved into the effects of different magnitudes of carbon levies
on key economic factors, including freight costs, landed costs, and the ultimate product
prices for India’s foremost traded commodities—Coal, crude oil, iron ore, and palm oil.

European Business and Technology Centre (EBTC)

EBTC and IIM B have co-authored a white paper on the warehousing industry in India.
The white paper tracks the growth of warehousing in India, identify key challenges faced
by the warehousing industry and distinguish the macro trends & developments in the

XIV Supply Chain Management Centre (SCMC)

warehousing industry. The paper focuses on the lack of technology and automation in the
industry and suggest some solution to work around it.

Conference, workshops, seminars

Conference on Maintaining safety and quality in the perishable food supply chain using

A conference, titled “Maintaining safety and quality in the perishable food supply chain
using technology,” was held on July 20, 2022, at the Indian Institute of Management,
Bangalore and organized by the Supply Chain Management in partnership with TagBox
Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and NASSCOM. TagBox is enabling organizations to make their supply
chains smarter and more reliable through IOT solutions, while NASSCOM is the premier
trade body and chamber of commerce for the IT industry in India. This was an invite-only
event where senior professionals from bodies like FSSAI, NCCD, an IIM Bangalore Prof.,
and senior SCM and technology leaders from various private sector organizations shared

Supply Chain Management Centre (SCMC)

their real-life experiences to improve the effectiveness of perishable food supply chains.
The conference garnered good response with more than 100 people attending the event.

Panel Discussion on Digital Technologies in Supply Chain

On October 15, 2022, a panel discussion on “Women in Supply Chain: In a League of Their
Own” was held. The panellists included Ms. Ushasri Tirumala (Senior Vice President and
India Head, Manhattan Associates (India) and Development Centre Private Ltd.), Meenakshi
Arun Subramanian (Director, Strategy and Transformation, Azure Cloud Supply Chain,
Microsoft), and Ms. Seema Mohanty (Global Supplier Manager, Bayer). The webinar was
moderated by Prof. Hema Swaminathan.

XIV-J IIMB Case Studies @ Harvard Business Publishing

XIV-J1 Anshuman Tripathy, Avani Mishra, and Shlok Sangoi, Akshaya Patra: The Covid-19
Pandemic and Thereafter

XIV-J2 Haritha Saranga and Shailaja Grover, Shawls or Stoles? Resource Optimization
Problem at Looms of Ladakh

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

XV Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

I IMB launched its Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) on January
15, 2018. The Centre aims to understand evolving best practices of
teaching and learning and disseminate such understanding for increasing
teaching effectiveness.

The Centre for Teaching and Learning at IIM Bangalore, launched in the year 2018, is
Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

dedicated to understanding the evolving best practices of teaching and learning and
disseminating such understanding to increase teaching effectiveness.

The Centre works towards achieving the following objectives:

• Facilitate the development of teaching content, such as teaching cases and teaching

• Launch initiatives for the benefit of the teaching-learning community.

• Create platforms for discussions around effective and emerging pedagogical practices.

• Evolve measures to evaluate teaching performance and learning.

• Provide teaching-related support and input to faculty members and doctoral students.

• Act as a national resource for improving teaching standards in higher education


Doctoral Consortium on Teaching for IIMB’s PhD scholars
A four-day Doctoral Consortium on Teaching 2023 was hosted, from 9 to 12 January 2023,
for the Institute’s PhD scholars.

In all, 23 PhD students, who are in the concluding stage of their doctoral study and soon
going to begin their journey as academics, participated in the programme.

The consortium focused on various aspects of effective teaching and was led by Prof. Sourav
Mukherji, faculty in the Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources Management area
of IIMB, and Dr. Arun Pereira, MIT-Sloan International Faculty Fellow and Emeritus Faculty
at the Chaifetz School of Business, Saint Louis University, USA.

XV Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Prof. Jitamitra Desai, faculty in the Decision Sciences area of IIMB, also held a session on
teaching quantitative subjects as part of the consortium.

Prof. Mukherji conducted sessions on case-based teaching, case writing, and course design.
Dr. Pereira introduced the participants to various drivers of learning. These sessions
provided appropriate and relevant input to the participants, which helped them design and
prepare their classes for the teaching practicum sessions.

The Teaching Practicum was an important component of the programme, which provided the
participants with an opportunity to take a class on their chosen topic, discover their unique
teaching style in the process, and get constructive feedback on how they can improvise and
deliver sessions more effectively as a teaching faculty.

On the last day of the consortium, Dr. Shekhar Seshadri, former Senior Professor and
Head of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at NIMHANS, conducted an
interactive workshop called ‘Body Talk’ with a focus on the ways an educator may develop
effective body and voice presence.

Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Doctoral Consortium on Teaching for PhD scholars from other Business Schools
The second Doctoral Consortium on Teaching at IIMB was organized from 30th January to
2nd February 2023.

For the second cohort, the Consortium’s programme structure was the same as that used for
the doctoral students at IIMB. The resource persons and instructors too were the same, i.e.
Prof. Sourav Mukherji, Prof. Jitamitra Desai, Dr. Arun Pereira, and Dr. Shekhar Seshadri.

The batch comprised 21 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) students, who are in their concluding
stages of doctoral study, from 13 management institutes and departments across India,
which include: IIM Indore, IIM Sambalpur, IIM Ranchi, IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Kashipur,
IIM Kozhikode, IIM Udaipur, ISB Hyderabad, EDII Ahmedabad, IIT Ranchi, IIT Kanpur, IIT
Kharagpur, and XLRI Jamshedpur. Four PhD students from IIM Bangalore also participated
in the conference. This was a well-structured residentaila programme.

HBP Case Review & Submission Process

CTL manages the case review and submission process for cases authored by IIMB faculty
that are published at Harvard Business Publishers website for Educators (HBPE). It provides
copyediting, peer review and publication related support for IIMB- HBPE cases. All of this is
done in consultation with and under the guidance of the Chair-CDOCTA.

The teaching cases written by IIMB Faculty and published at HBP for Educators continue to
be used by management institutions in India and abroad.

15 new IIMB cases were processed and added to the HBPE collection during the period
April 2022 – March 2023. See Table 1 for the list of cases processed and submitted to the
HBP during the mentioned period.

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

The Harvard Sales report indicate that over 1,18,654 copies of IIMB’s cases were sold worldwide
during the period January - December 2022. See Table 2 for the list of cases that sold more
than thousand copies during January-December 2022

‘Samiksha’ Webinar Series

CTL hosted 4 webinars during the period 2022-23. These webinars were streamed live and
are still available on IIMB’s YouTube channel.

Viewership ranged from 2000+ to over 60,000 views. See Table 3 for the list of webinars. In
the process, a database of 10,000+ participants was created which covers the top 250 colleges
and universities in India.

Teaching Tips on Tap

A database of short video clips or nuggets, each containing easy-to-implement and quick
teaching tips, has been built to help the teaching community be more effective in the
classroom. This time, the videos were in English, Tamil, and Kannada.
Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

See Table 4 for the list of 3 videos released in English.

See Table 5 for the list of videos released in Tamil and Kannada.

Tips on Research-Informed Teaching

Featuring IIMB faculty members, this new initiative of the Center for Teaching and Learning
at IIMB is an attempt to capture how research can be integrated into teaching and the ways
research and teaching complement each other.

The videos are short and crisp, and loaded with valuable input for academics who believe
in the power and relevance of research for informed and impactful teaching.

See Table 6 for the videos.

Table 1: Cases processed and submitted to the HBP during 2022-23

Author Case Title
1 Ranjani K, Neeraj Pandey, Sumi Jha, Shri Ram Temple: A Fintech Solution for
Poonam Singh, Upasna A. Agarwal, Large Scale Project
Vivek Khanzode, Manoj Tiwari, and
Dinesh Kumar Unni Krishnan
2 Deepti Ganapathy, Jacqueline Gomes, Net Zero to Net Hero - Can We Gross It?
and Garima Dua Part 2
3 Deepti Ganapathy, Jacqueline Gomes, Net Zero to Net Hero - Can We Gross It?
and Garima Dua Part 1
4 Charu Rastogi, Srivardhini K. Jha, and Mylab Discovery Solutions: Innovating
Rishikesha Krishnan against all Odds

XV Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Author Case Title
5 Abhishek Sahu and Debolina Dutta The Industry Dilemma: Allow Ethical
Moonlighting Or Lose To Gig Working?
6 Debolina Dutta and Chaitali Vedak entomo - Enabling People Experience for
the Digital World of Work
7 Padmini Srinivasan and Career at Crossroads: Passion or
Gopal Mahapatra Profession? (B)
8 Padmini Srinivasan and Career at Crossroads: Passion or
Gopal Mahapatra Profession? (A)
9 Srinivasan R, Satya Nandini A, and KNOLSKAPE: Transforming Learning
Srividya V Dynamics
10 Haritha Saranga and Shailaja Grover Shawls or Stoles? Resource Optimization
Problem at Looms of Ladakh
11 Anshuman Tripathy, Avani Mishra, Akshaya Patra: The Covid-19 Pandemic

Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

and Shlok Sangoi and Thereafter
12 Debolina Dutta dotin: Color me a talent!
13 Debolina Dutta FirstConnect Solutions - Gig Working to
Solve the Leaking Bucket
14 Ludvig Levasseur and Pridebites: Roles and Decisions of
Jacqueline Gomes Entrepreneurs and Investors
15 Sourav Mukherji and HR Facilitator at IOCL: Reviving Human
Gopal Mahapatra Touch

Cases that sold more than thousand copies during January-December 2022
Case Name Authors
1 Customer Analytics at Bigbasket - Product Paul Abraham, Manaranjan Pradhan,
Recommendations Lakshminarayanan S,
Ganesh Iyer,
Dinesh Kumar Unnikrishnan
2 Demand Forecasting for Perishable Short Raman Narasimhan;
Shelf Life Home Made Food at iD Fresh Food Amardeep Sibia;
Shirsha Ray Chaudhuri;
S.R. Vigneshwaran;
Dinesh Kumar Unnikrishnan
3 The Saffola Journey Srinivas Prakhya; Rochna Poddar
4 HR Analytics at ScaleneWorks: Behavioral Rahul Kumar;
Modeling to Predict Renege Dinesh Kumar Unnikrishnan
5 Coats Indonesia: Leadership Challenges in an Abhoy Ojha; Arun Bansal
Unfamiliar Culture

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Case Name Authors
6 Procter & Gamble India: Gap in the Product Seema Gupta;
Portfolio? Kanchan Mishra;
Ashish Maheshwari
7 Bosch Group in India: Transition to a Abhoy Ojha
Transnational Organization
8 Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat: S. Ramesh Kumar;
Brand Positioning and Consumer Behavior Mithun Sivagurunathan
9 Shodh - Market Research for Economy Avinash G Mulky
Housing (A)
10 Now You See It, Now You Do Not: The Case Padmini Srinivasan
Of Jet Airways And Its Accounting Policies
11 GHCL: Navigating the Pandemic Debolina Dutta
12 Improving Lead Generation at Eureka Forbes Nandini Seth;
Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Using Machine Learning Algorithms Manupriya Agrawal;

Manaranjan Pradhan;
Dinesh Kumar Unnikrishnan
13 Talent Acquisition Group at HCL Debolina Dutta;
Technologies: Improving the Quality of Hire Sushanta Mishra;
Through Focused Metrics Matthew J. Manimala

14 Gray to Green Transition - The Sustainability Haritha Saranga;

Journey of Dalmia Cement Sirish Kumar Gouda
15 Ace Designers - Competing Through Process Haritha Saranga;
Improvement Rupali Kaul; Krishnan Anand

16 Package Pricing at Mission Hospital Sriram TK; Shailaja Grover;

Satyabala Hariharan;
Dinesh Kumar Unnikrishnan

17 Breaking Barriers: Micro-Mortgage Analytics Jitendra Rudravaram;

Naveen Bhansali;
Swetha Murthy; Sutirtha Roy;
Unnikrishnan Dinesh Kumar
18 Pricing of players in the Indian Premier Unnikrishnan Dinesh Kumar;
League Kshitiz Ranjan
19 Retail Credit Scoring for Auto Finance Sujoy Roychowdhury; Srinivas
Limited Prakhya

XV Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Case Name Authors
20 A Dean’s Dilemma: Selection of Students for Dhimant Ganatra;
the MBA Program Dinesh Kumar Unnikrishnan
21 Data-Enabled Insights from Sericulture: Giriraj A;
Jayalaxmi Agro Tech Dinesh Kumar Unnikrishnan
22 Customer Analytics at Flipkart.Com Naveen Bhansali;
Jitendra Rudravaram;
Shailaja Grover;
Dinesh Kumar Unnikrishnan
23 Testing Marketing Hypotheses at WSES Dinesh Kumar Unnikrishnan
24 Forecasting Demand for Food at Apollo Sujoy Roychowdhury;
Hospitals Alok Shrivastava;
Dinesh Kumar Unnikrishnan
25 Markdown Optimization for an Indian Deepak George;

Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Apparel Retailer Karthik Kuram;
Ramalakshmi Subramanian;
Sumad Singh;
Dinesh Kumar Unnikrishnan
26 Sattva eTech: Managing Uncertainties in the Tarun Jain; Jishnu Hazra
Project Network
27 Nielsen: Market Research for Pantene Seema Gupta
28 Volkswagen in India Seema Gupta
29 Amber by Infeedo: The CEO’s Virtual Debolina Dutta
Assistant Revolutionizing Employee
30 Zomato Gold: Platform Overreach R. Srinivasan;
Sandeep Lakshmipathy;
Pramoth Joseph

Table 3: CTL webinars hosted during 2022-23

Date Topic Speaker/Panellists
18 Nov 2022 Design Thinking in Higher Prof. Ganesh Prabhu
Education (Keynote Speaker)
24 June 2022 Performing Arts Integrated Ms. Geeta Dharmarajan,
Learning Prof. Kaustuv Roy, and
Prof. Sreelata Jonnalagedda
(panelists); Ms. Lopamudra Dewan

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Date Topic Speaker/Panellists

12 May 2022 Cinema as a learning Tool in Dr. S Seshadri, former Professor,
Higher Education NIMHANS and Prof. Raghunath S
(panelists); Ms. Lopamudra Dewan
23 February 2023 Evaluating India’s Entrepreneurs Prof. Srivardhini Jha,
-- Their Impact on the World’s Mr. Vipul Parekh (an IIMB Alum
Most Competitive Industry in and Co-founder of BigBasket), and
partnership with the Wall Street Mr. Newley Purnell (the Wall Street
Journal Journal reporter) (panelists);
Ms. Yumiko Ono (Editor, News
Operations, APAC, The Wall
Street Journal) (Moderator)

Table 4: List of 3 TTT videos released in English

Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

TTT Video Topic Faculty’s Name

• Challenges in Teaching – Analog Shots Solution in a Prof. Rajalaxmi Kamath
Digital World
• On Teaching Pedagogies – Case Study Method and
Other Methods
• Being a Good Teacher

Table 5: List of TTT videos released in other Indian languages

TTT Video Topic Faculty’s Name
• Importance of a detailed session plan (in Tamil) Prof. B Mahadevan
• Tips to become great academics (in Tamil)
• Tips on faculty preparation before class and student Prof. M S Sriram
participation in class (in Kannada)

Table 6: List of videos on Tips on Research-Informed Teaching

Tips on Research-Informed Teaching Faculty’s Name
• Interconnections between Research and Teaching Prof. Jitamitra Desai
• Integrating Research into Teaching Prof. Varun Jindal
• Bringing Research into the Classroom Prof. Nilam Kaushik

XVI Mizuho India Japan Study Centre (MIJSC)

XVI Mizuho India Japan Study Centre


W ith the compelling business and national interests propelling the

fast-evolving India-Japan business environment, IIMB with its
academic and research competencies, conceived the idea of establishing
an India-Japan Study Centre to facilitate collaborative initiatives among
academia, industry, and government agencies of both the countries to
work on areas of mutual interest. These would include domains such
as business environment, government policies, innovation, project

Mizuho India Japan Study Centre (MIJSC)

management, sourcing, technology transfer, development and management,
sustainability, intellectual property rights, and understanding of local
culture and business practices. The sectoral focus would be on infrastructure
including energy, transportation, and Small and Medium Enterprises.

The India-Japan Study Centre @ IIMB, renamed as Mizuho India Japan

Study Centre (from April 2021 onwards to acknowledge the generous
contribution by Mizuho Bank), aims to become a leading research and
networking hub that would provide students, researchers, business
managers, and policy makers with a deeper understanding of Japanese
and Indian business. Bangalore, as a location, has one of the highest
numbers of Japanese companies and professionals in India. Focused
activities of the Mizuho India-Japan Study Centre @ IIMB will be aimed
at stimulating, strengthening, and sustaining Indo-Japanese academic-
business interactions.

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Ongoing Activities (Academic)

There are many activities which have continued from 2019-20. Some of these are:

• Research Projects funded by MIJSC

• Electives for PGP students

• Student Exchange

• Outreach activities (industry specific programmes/ collaborative activities/ webinars/

newsletter/ language programs etc.)

a. Elective courses from MIJSC: J-EMPS, BPIM – J

J-EMPS elective (offered by a team of faculty led by Prof Subhashish Gupta, and Profs.
N Ravi, Avinash Mulki & D. Krishna Sundar) is conducted for PGP students for the
two consecutive years.
Mizuho India Japan Study Centre (MIJSC)

BPIM-J elective (offered by Prof Krishna Sundar) for PGPs was not offered during the
current year.

b. Status of MIJSC funded Research Projects

MIJSC has sponsored twelve research projects till date. Of these, 8 have been completed, two
are in advanced stages and balance are being worked upon. The status of these projects is
summarized below:

XVI Mizuho India Japan Study Centre (MIJSC)

New Activities Launched / In Pipeline

Many new initiatives are on the anvil. Visionary Learning Community of India (VLCI)
is being worked on since July 2020. We are also exploring collaboration with Hiroshima
University for the VLCI project since Jan 2021.
a. Webinar Series
One initiative that has taken-off is a webinar-based lecture series which focuses on
bringing in experts from various fields to promote understanding of Japan in India
and India in Japan. These Webinar lecture series is designed to foster the interaction
of experts in the field to interact with IIMB and local/global community to produce
insights into the various challenges of industry, academia, and the society. Tatsujin-
Speak has the objective of bringing high-quality information and insights in the fields
of management and technology, to the informed and interested members of the public.
The format of the lecture series is a one-hour talk, followed by Q&As. The current status
is summarized below:

Mizuho India Japan Study Centre (MIJSC)

Name Expertise Date Topic
1 Dr. Happymon Jacob Associate Prof., 28 Apr’22 Bilateralism or
Diplomacy & Disarmament Multilateralism:
at School of International Geopolitical
Studies, JNU Alternatives for
India & Japan in the
2 Dr. Özlem Ergun Distinguished Prof. 21 Jul’22 Building Supply
Associate Chair, Graduate Chain Resilience:
Affairs in Mechanical & Strategies for
Industrial Engineering, Developed &
Northeastern University Developing Nations
3 Prof. Ruut Veenhoven Emeritus Prof. of Social 25 Aug’22 Geography of
Conditions for Human Happiness:
Happiness, Erasmus Perspectives Across
University, Rotterdam, Nations
4 Prof. Nobuyuki Ozaki Innovation Strategy Office, 02 Sep’22 Intelligent
Nagoya University, Japan, Transportation
Senior Fellow at Toshiba Systems in Japan
Corporation – Past & Current
5 Mr. Jayaram VP Engineering and 29 Sep’22 Developing Products
Balasubrahmanyan Head of India Operations, the Lean Way:
Atonarp Counterintuitive
Learnings for

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Name Expertise Date Topic
6 Dr. Punit Rathore Prof. Punit Rathore at IISc 4 Nov’22 Transportation
Bangalore and Researcher Revolution through
at Robert Bosch Centre for AI: An Advanced
Cyber Physical Systems Data Science
(RBCCPS) and Centre for Approach to
Infrastructure, Sustainable Mobility
Transportation and Urban
Planning (CIsTUP)

b. VLCI Program

Another outreach initiative is Visionary Learning Community of India (VLCI). The genesis
of this program is linked with Visionary Leaders for Manufacturing (VLFM) program
initiated by CII and mentored by Prof. Shoji Shiba, a well- known academician in Japan
Mizuho India Japan Study Centre (MIJSC)

and in the USA. Visionary Learning Community of India (VLCI) was conceptualized to
give state-of-art inputs to Engineering college students by forming learning communities
of SMEs, College faculty and engineering students. The current status is that over 50
Engineering colleges across India are giving these new inputs. It has been brought under
the aegis of MIJSC to offer certification programs, both for Faculty and Students of rural/
semi-urban engineering colleges from 2022-23 onwards.

MIJSC is also working on developing Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs) programs
for students and faculty, which will ensure world class inputs and reduce variability in
program delivery.

c. Newsletter

MIJSC Newsletter ‘SAYAKA’ Volume 2 has been released starting January ’22. Two
issues have been released till date which is shown below:

XVI Mizuho India Japan Study Centre (MIJSC)

d. MIJSC Publications

MIJSC successfully completed the Foundation Day event which marked its’ fifth
anniversary. The theme for the event was Connect. Explore. Develop. The event was
conducted on a hybrid mode in the presence of distinguished guests such as Ambassador
HE Sanjay Kumar Verma, Indian Ambassador to Japan as the Keynote Speaker; Mr.
Nakane Tsutomu Consul General of Japan at Bengaluru; Mr. Toshihiro Mizutani, Director
General of JETRO at Bengaluru; Prof. Tarun Panda, Dean of International Relations at IIT
Hyderabad; and Prof. H. S. Prabhakar, Japanese Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University
as speakers and other distinguished guests from industry, academia and IIM Bangalore.

The first session, ‘Connect’ included speakers who gave an overall perspective on India
– Japan relationships. They also focused on fostering Industrial linkages between India
& Japan and building India Japan business relationships by connecting effectively with
Centre’s current and future stakeholders. In the second session, ‘Explore’ the main
highlight was the showcasing (through milestones video presentation) of the Centre’s

Mizuho India Japan Study Centre (MIJSC)

growth and successes during the past year.

Two books which were published by MIJSC were released

Coffee Table Book – Volume 2 Monograph Book – Volume 2

With these publications, MIJSC has attempted to integrate the learnings and insights
derived from the research projects and the seminar/webinar under four key chapters
viz. Leadership, Management and Business; Innovation, Tradition and Society; People,
Politics, and Culture; and Science, Technology and Sustainability.

In the concluding session, ‘Develop’, President and CEO of Mizuho Bank gave a message
on building India – Japan bonds through MIJSC. The programme was attended by a
large number of dignitaries from the economic, technological, political, industrial, and
banking sectors from within the country and overseas.

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

e. Japanese Language Courses

In order to create not just industry ready, but Japan ready graduates, focus is on giving
Japanese language inputs to develop conversational competency in the students. A course
specifically designed with these objectives is planned to be launched early 2023.

f. Japan section in Library

MIJSC has already identified a place for “Japan Section” in IIMB library. We have
procured over 40 books at the Centre & we are further procuring over 100 books based
on faculty recommendations which would be displayed at the Japan Section in the
Mizuho India Japan Study Centre (MIJSC)

XVII IIMB Research Seminar Series

XVII IIMB Research Seminar Series

T he Research and Publications (R&P) team at IIMB organizes

regular research seminars, in which scholars from various national
and international management schools and centers of excellence are
invited to present their on-going or recently completed research. The
audience mainly comprises the faculty and doctoral students providing
enthusiastic and intellectual discussions on research topics. Details of the
research seminars during the academic year 2022–2023 are provided here.

IIMB Research Seminar Series

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Speaker Name and Institution

Sl. No. Title of the Talk Date
Institution Affiliated
XVII-1 Prof. Piyush Sharma Curtin My research journey and May 13,
Univeristy emerging research interests 2022

XVII-2 Prof. Karan Sonpar University Precarious Identites in Elite June 21,
College Dublin Occupations: Navigating 2022
Identity Tensions
XVII-3 Prof. Sudipta Sarangi Virginia Social Networks and June 30,
Polytechnic Intergenerational Mobility 2022
Institute and
State University
XVII-4 Prof. Gautam Udupa Research Unsecured Consumer July 06,
Director at Credit and Bankruptcy 2022
CAFRAL Policy in Emerging
XVII-5 Prof. Kunal Sen UNU-WIDER Can political July 11,
decentralization improve 2022
citizen welfare? Evidence
clues from a Lab-in-the-
Field Experiment in India
XVII-6 Prof. Suraj Prasad University of Instructions and Incentives July 13,
Sydney in Organizations 2022
IIMB Research Seminar Series

XVII-7 Prof. Aarti Singh University of Marginal propensities to July 14,

Sydney consume before and after 2022
the Great Recession
XVII-8 Prof. Bikram Karmakar University of Understanding Early July 18,
Florida Adoption of Hybrid Cars 2022
via a New Multinomial
Probit Model with Multiple
Network Weights
XVII-9 Prof. Raghuram The Wharton The impact of subscription August 17,
Iyengar School programs on customer 2022
XVII-10 Prof. Anand Deo Singapore Achieving Efficiency in September
University of Simulation of Distribution 07, 2022
Technology and Tails with Self-Structuring
Design Importance Samplers
XVII-11 Prof. Alexandre de Toulouse School Online Seminar: Data September
Cornière of Economics and competition: a simple 28, 2022

XVII IIMB Research Seminar Series

Speaker Name and Institution

Sl. No. Title of the Talk Date
Institution Affiliated
XVII-12 Prof. Chandan Kumar Le Moyne Municipal Bankruptcies October
Jha College and Crime 20, 2022

XVII-13 Prof. Bhanu Gupta Ashoka Notching Really Matters: November

University Effect of Third-party Audit 08, 2022
on Tax Compliance of
XVII-14 Prof. Shankha Basu University of Posting vs. Refraining: November
Leeds Differences in consumers’ 17, 2022
beliefs about their and
others’ achievement sharing
behavior on social media
XVII-15 Prof. Rashmi Barua Jawaharlal Access to Clean Water & November
Nehru the Role of Information and 24, 2022
University Transaction Costs: Field
Experimental Evidence
from India
XVII-16 Prof. N. Hemachandra IIT Bombay Decentralised Multi-Agent December
Natural Actor-Critic 06, 2022
Reinforcement Learning
XVII-17 Prof. Hema IIMB Gender Gaps in Ownership December

IIMB Research Seminar Series

Swaminathan of Nonagricultural 07, 2022
Enterprise in Georgia,
Mongolia and Cavite,
XVII-18 Prof. Ravi Seethamraju Sydney Adoption of Artificial December
University Intelligence in Auditing 08, 2022

XVII-19 Prof. Prasanna The Chinese Blood and Water: IT December

Karhade University of Investment and Control in 10, 2022
Hong Kong Family-Owned Businesses
XVII-20 Prof. Narendra Nath Ahmedabad Related Party Transactions December
Kushwaha University and Audit Fees: Indian 15, 2022
XVII-21 Prof. Arun Upadhyay Floria Career Concerns and December
International the Efficacy of Female 16, 2022
University Executive Independent

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Speaker Name and Institution

Sl. No. Title of the Talk Date
Institution Affiliated
XVII-22 Prof. Sreevas University of Innovation Ecosystems for January
Sahasranamam Strathclyde Emergencies 06, 2023
XVII-23 Prof. Jaideep Roy University of Political Economy of January
Bath Industrial Automation 13, 2023

XVII-24 Prof. Rish Singhania University of Spatial Misallocation January

Exeter of Native Labor and 16, 2023
XVII-25 Prof. Rahul Deb University Which wage distributions January
of Toronto are consistent with 18, 2023
Mississauga statistical discrimination?
XVII-26 Prof. Kulwant S Pawar University of Estimating Gravity January
Nottingham UK Coefficients with Multiple 23, 2023
Layers of Heterogeneity
XVII-27 Prof. Soumya World Bank Water-energy-climate January
Balasubramanya ‘nexus’: truthiness and 23, 2023
knowledge gaps
XVII-28 Prof. T.E.S. Raghavan University Shapley value and the January
of Illinois at nucleolus 24, 2023
IIMB Research Seminar Series

XVII-29 Prof. Praveen Pathak University Of Cryptocurrency Price January
Florida Determinants and Price 25, 2023
XVII-30 Prof. Sajal Lahiri Southern Illinois Estimating Gravity February
University Coefficients with Multiple 02, 2023
Layers of Heterogeneity
XVII-31 Prof. Stefan Dercon University of Gambling on Development: February
Oxford Why Some Countries Win 16, 2023
and Others Lose
XVII-32 Prof. A Kalaiarasn MIDS, Chennai Political Economy of February
and Brown Structural Transformation 17, 2023
University, RI, in India
XVII-33 Prof. Vivek Choudhary NTU Singapore To Err is Human: A Field February
Experiment in Nudging 22, 2023
Doctors Away from Drug-
to-Drug Interactions

XVII IIMB Research Seminar Series

Speaker Name and Institution

Sl. No. Title of the Talk Date
Institution Affiliated
XVII-34 Prof. Vikrant Vig Kellogg School Research Seminar and February
of Management Interaction with PhD 24, 2023
XVII-35 Prof. Anand Azim Premji Friends in high places: March 02,
Shrivastava University social connections and 2023
distress borrowing during
XVII-36 Prof. Ambika IIT, Understanding linkages March 20,
Aiyadurai Gandhinagar between caste and water in 2023

IIMB Research Seminar Series

Research and Publications Annual Report 2022–2023

Guest Seminar Speakers

Prof. Piyush Prof. Karan Sonpar Prof. Sudipta Prof. Gautam Prof. Kunal Sen Prof. Suraj
Sharma Sarangi Udupa Prasad

Prof. Aarti Singh Prof. Bikram Prof. Raghuram Prof. Anand Deo Prof. Alexandre de Prof. Chandan
Karmakar Iyengar Cornièr Kumar Jha

Prof. Bhanu Prof. Shankha Prof. Rashmi Prof. N. Hemachandra Prof. Hema Prof. Ravi
Gupta Basu Barua Swaminathan Seethamraju

Prof. Prasanna Prof. Narendra Nath Prof. Arun Prof. Sreevas Prof. Jaideep Roy Prof. Rish
Karhade Kushwaha Upadhyay Sahasranamam Singhania

Prof. Rahul Deb Prof. Kulwant S Prof. Soumya Prof. T.E.S. Raghavan Prof. Praveen Prof. Sajal Lahiri
Pawar Balasubramanya Pathak

Prof. Stefan Dercon Prof. A Kalaiarasn Prof. Vivek Prof. Vikrant Vig Prof. Anand Prof. Ambika
Choudhary Shrivastava Aiyadurai

Author Index
A Deepak Chandrashekar, 10, 12, 21, 22, 29, 31
Abhinav Anand, 9, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 73, 74, Deepak Malghan, 10, 36, 153, 154, 155, 157,
168, 169, 172 161
Abhoy K Ojha, 96, 98, 109 Deepti Ganapathy, 8, 190, 191, 192, 208
Allen Ugargol, 155, 156, 157, 158, 161, 168, Dinesh Kumar U, 8, 15, 37, 125, 126, 131, 134,
169, 172 137
Amar Sapra, 11, 114, 116, 120, 168, 169, 172,
203 E
Ana Marques, 168, 169, 172 E S Srinivas, 9, 105, 106, 107
Anand Venkateswaran, 168, 169, 172
Ananth Krishnamurthy, 127, 130, 132, 168, G
169, 172 Ganesh N Prabhu, 22, 23, 31, 84
Anil B Suraj, 11, 120, 168, 169, 172 Gaurav Jakhu, 49
Anshuman Tripathy, 7, 11, 115, 117, 120, 205, Gopal Das, 9, 12, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84
209 Gopal Mahapatra, 8, 12, 72, 97, 98, 104, 108,
Anubha Dhasmana, 11, 47, 120 209
Apurva Sanaria, 11, 91, 92, 96, 107, 110, 120 Gopal Naik, 34, 35, 36, 37, 49, 50, 126, 163, 167
Arnab K Basu, 11, 120 Gopal P Mahapatra, 8, 90, 103
Arnab Mukherji, 11, 74, 120, 147, 148, 155,
158, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 172, 173 H
Arpita Chatterjee, 11, 37, 38, 48, 120, 129 Haritha Saranga, 7, 11, 13, 97, 112, 113, 114,
Arpita Pandey, 11, 12, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 120 116, 117, 121, 122, 203, 205, 209, 210
Arpit Shah, 11, 120, 152, 153, 159, 166, 168, 169 Hema Swaminathan, 10, 147, 148, 155, 158,
Ashis Mishra, 11, 120 159, 160, 162, 163, 164, 166, 169, 170, 172,
Ashok Thampy, 11, 59, 66, 74, 120 173, 174, 205, 221
Avinash G Mulky, 11, 84, 120, 210
B Ishwar Murthy, 128
Badrinath S G, 11, 74, 120 Israel Fortin, 88, 89, 90
Bhuvanesh Pareek, 11, 120, 130, 132, 136
Bringi Dev, 11, 120, 180 J
Jayadev M, 64, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 113, 125
C Jayaram Uparna, 145
Chetan Subramanian, 40, 48, 49, 56 Jishnu Hazra, 11, 114, 116, 121, 122, 204, 211
Author Index
Jitamitra Desai, 11, 129, 130, 132, 135, 137,
D 207, 212
Dalhia Mani, 11, 24, 31, 109, 179, 183, 184, 185, Jose P D, 15, 16, 23, 32, 195
187, 188
Damodaran A, 34, 45, 46, 168, 169, 172 K
Debarati Basu, 11, 114, 120, 203 Kanchan Mukherjee, 91, 97, 98, 116
Debojyoti Das, 66, 137 K Kumar, 179, 180
Debolina Dutta, 7, 8, 95, 98, 101, 102, 103, 195, Krishna Sunder D, 64
209, 210, 211 Kunal Dasgupta, 46, 47, 50, 51, 56, 57, 129, 163

L Sai Yayavaram, 17, 18, 27, 31, 32
Ludvig Levasseur, 7, 10, 13, 183, 184, 185, 187, Sankarshan Basu, 9, 11, 66, 67, 68, 71, 73, 120
188, 209 Sarvesh Bandhu, 11, 52, 120
Seema Gupta, 210, 211
M Shabana Mitra, 114, 203
Malay Bhattacharyya, 11, 120 Shainesh G, 77, 78, 81, 84, 180
Manaswini Bhalla, 11, 46, 51, 120, 130 Shankar Venkatagiri, 140, 141
M S Sriram, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 175, 212 Shankhadeep Banerjee, 11, 13, 120, 142, 143,
Mukta Kulkarni, 12, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 108 144
Shibashis Mukherjee, 126
N Shubha Patvardhan, 21 , 26, 27
Nilam Kaushik, 10, 20, 22, 23, 30, 182, 212 Shubhabrata Basu, 11, 120
Nishant Kumar Verma, 10 Soham Sahoo, 10, 13, 43, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 150,
151, 152, 155, 160, 162, 163, 168, 169, 171,
P 172, 175
Padmini Srinivasan, 8, 67, 70, 72, 104, 195, Soudeep Deb, 127, 131, 137, 138
209, 210 Sourav Mukherji, 8, 87, 103, 195, 206, 207, 209
Prashant Chintapalli, 36 Souvik Dutta, 9, 10, 66, 68, 73, 80, 84
Prateek Raj, 18, 19, 32 Sreelata Jonnalagedda, 78, 84, 123, 211
Prithwiraj Mukherjee, 9, 10, 31, 66, 68, 73, 80, Srinivasan Murali, 44, 47, 52 ,56, 57
84 Srinivasan R, 7, 17, 28, 209
Pulak Ghosh, 13, 129, 130, 132, 137, 169, 171, Srinivasan Rangan, 59, 60, 68, 71, 74
173 Srinivas E S, 11, 92, 93, 94, 96
Srinivas Prakhya, 78, 137, 209, 210
R Sriram M S, 156, 157, 160
Raghunath S, 31, 195, 212 Soudeep Deb, 130, 133
Rahul De’, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145 Sourav Mukherji, 100
Rajalaxmi Kamath, 109, 150, 156, 157, 160, Subhashish Gupta, 38, 39, 46, 47, 52, 214
161, 163, 165, 166, 168, 169, 173, 176, 212 Suresh Bhagavatula, 11, 20, 31, 120, 180, 181,
Rajendra K Bandi, 11, 120, 140, 144, 145 182, 183
Rajluxmi V Murthy, 36, 137 Sushanta K Mishra, 13, 94, 95, 97, 99, 100, 101,
Ramesh G, 36 108
Ramya K Murthy, 182, 183, 184, 185, 188
Ravi Anshuman, 11, 60, 61, 63, 68, 74, 75, 120 T
Rejie George, 11, 22, 24, 30, 31, 74 Tirthatanmoy Das, 44, 45, 52, 137
Rishideep Roy, 126, 127, 132, 133, 137 Trilochan Sastry, 167, 168
Rishikesha T Krishnan, 24, 25, 26, 87
Author Index

Ritu Tripathi, 94
Ritwik Banerjee, 10, 11, 12, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, V
51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 120, 151, 152, 168, 170, Varun Jindal, 12, 65, 71, 74, 212
172, 173 Vasanthi Srinivasan, 15, 93, 94
Rupa Chanda, 38, 45, 47, 54, 55, 57 Venkatesh Panchapagesan, 10, 12, 61, 62, 63,
64, 66, 72, 73, 74, 167
S Vidhya Soundararajan, 45, 54, 84
Sabarinathan G, 68 Vijay Venkataraman, 19, 26, 27, 195
Sai Chittaranjan Kalubandi, 26

For further details, including copies of reports or
reprints and papers, please refer to contact details
available on the IIMB website, or write to the
following address:

Research and Publications

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Bannerghatta Road
Bangalore 560 076, India
caseaids@iimb.ernet.in, randp@iimb.ernet.in
Ph: +91 80 2699 3156

Editorial Team:
Nirmala Manoj
Akunthita Gogoi
The Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) was registered in 1972 and formally
inaugurated in 1973. The Institute offers Doctoral, Post-Graduate, and Executive Education
programmes. Long- duration, diploma-granting programmes offered by the Institute are the
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(PGP), the Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management (EPGP), the Post Graduate
Programme in Enterprise Management (PGPEM) and the Post Graduate Programme in Public
Policy & Management (PGPPM). IIMB's Executive Education is aimed at broadening the
outlook and strengthening the skills of practicing middle level and senior managers across
the globe to make them more effective in a fast-changing world scenario. The Executive
Education Programmes comprise short and long duration Open Programmes, Customized
Programmes that are designed to meet the specific needs of organizations and International
Programmes offered in collaboration with leading international business schools and
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adding value to their communities in the areas of Public Policy, Financial Management & Risk
Management, Corporate Governance & Citizenship, Entrepreneurship, Software & IT
Management and Supply Chain Management, to name a few. In 2017, IIMB also started two
country-based centres: Israel and Japan. IIMB has also established academic exchange
partnership arrangements with Business Schools and Universities around the world.

IIMB's focus on research and education in the area of management is enabled by faculty who
are actively engaged in research, teaching, consulting and pedagogy development. IIMB is
the first B-School in Asia to sign an agreement with Harvard Business Publishing (HBP) to
distribute teaching cases developed by IIMB faculty. Around 248 universities across more
than 300 countries have purchased the IIMB cases. In December 2022 IIMB has been re-
accredited by the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) for five years. Managed by
the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), this quality assessment
builds on existing national accreditation associations working in the field of management
research and provides an accreditation framework at an international level.

For more information on research at IIMB, visit: http://iimb.ac.in/iimb-research

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