Chap 1 Digital Image Fundamentals DD
Chap 1 Digital Image Fundamentals DD
Chap 1 Digital Image Fundamentals DD
• If x,y and the amplitude values of f are finite and discrete quantities, we
call the image a digital image. A digital image is composed of a finite
number of elements called pixels, each of which has a particular
location and value.
1. What is an Image and what is Digital Image?…
f (x0,y0) f (x1,y1)
x x
1. What is an Image and what is Digital Image?…
In 8-bit representation
Pixel intensity values
rows columns change between 0 (Black)
f(645:650,1323:1328) = and 255 (White)
83 82 132 132 131 130
82 82 132 132 131 130
82 82 132 132 131 130
82 82 132 132 132 131
80 79 133 133 132 131
80 79 133 133 132 131
f(2724,2336) = 83
1. What is an Image and what is Digital Image?…
One Pixel
4. Types of Image processing
Image processing
(1) Low level processing: Primitive operations such as noise reduction, image
sharpening, enhancement etc. Input and output are images.
(2) Mid level processing: Image segmentation, classification of individual objects etc.
Here input are images but output are attributes of images for e.g. edges of image.
(3) High level processing: It involves making sense of recognized objects and
performing functions associated with visions. For e.g. Automatic character
recognition, military recognition, autonomous navigation etc.
7. Applications of Digital Image Processing ?
1. Biometrics
2. Vehicle number plate detection
3. Content based Image retrieval (CBIR)
4. Steganography
5. Medical imaging
6. Object recognition
7. Image enhancement and noise removal.
Thank You
• Nerves containing the retina leave the eyeball through the optic nerve bundle.
2. Realization of the blind spot
• Draw the two letters ‘D’ and ‘A’ on a piece of paper around 3 inches apart.
• Close your right eye and focus on letter ‘A’. Slowly move the paper near to your face.
• At some particular distance the letter ‘D’ will disappear. This is due to blind spot.
Mach Bands
5. Simultaneous contrast
• Each of small squares have the same intensity, but as the surrounding grey
level of each bigger square is different, the small squares do not appear equally
• Hence the intensity that we perceive are not actually the absolute values.
6. Optical Illusions
Fundamental steps in
Digital Image Processing
© Dr. Dafda
Fundamental steps in Digital Image Processing
Image Enhancement It is the process of manipulating an
image so that the result Is more
suitable than original for specific
Image Restoration
It is the process of recovering an
image that has been degraded. It uses
mathematical or probabilistic models.
Morphological Processing
Are the tools for extracting image
components that are useful in the
representation and description of shape.
Image Segmentation
Here the computer tries to
separate objects from the image.
Object Recognition
It is a process that assigns a label
(e.g. display board) to an object based
on its description.
Representation and Description
Representation deals with converting
the data into a suitable form for
computer processing.
Description deals with extracting
Image Compression It deals with techniques for reducing
the storage space required to save an
Image or the bandwidth required to
transmit it.
Colour Image Processing
It handles the image processing
of coloured images either as
Indexed image or RGB images.
Thank You
• The function f(x,y) may be characterized by two components: (1) the amount of
source illumination incident on the scene being viewed and (2) the amount of
illumination reflected by the objects in the scene.
f(x,y) = i(x,y) r(x,y), where 0 < i(x,y) < ∞ and 0 < r(x,y) < 1
• The interval of l ranges from [0,L-1]. Where l=0 indicates black and l=1 indicates
white. All the intermediate values are shades of gray varying from black to white.
Thank You
• Any image is denoted by function f(x,y) and the image is composed of many pixels.
• N4(p) = (x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1)
• ND(p) = (x+1, y+1), (x+1, y-1), (x-1, y+1), (x-1, y-1)
Basic relationships between pixels (Adjacency):
• Connectivity between pixels is a fundamental concept that simplifies the definition of
numerous digital image concepts, such as regions and boundaries.
(a) 4 - adjacency: Two pixels p and q with values from V are 4-adjacent if q is in the set
(b) 8 - adjacency: Two pixels p and q with values from V are 8-adjacent if q is in the set
(c) m – adjacency (mixed adjacency): Two pixels p and q with values from V are m-
adjacent if (i) q is in the set N4(p), or (ii) q is in ND(p) and the set N4(p) ꓵ ND(p) has no
pixels whose values are from V.
V = {1} V = {0,1,2,3,…..10}
0 1 0 1 66 9 90 7
0 0 1 0 92 166 6 19
0 0 1 0 110 66 5 77
1 0 0 0 8 80 133 70
Distance measures between Pixels:
• For pixels p, q and z with coordinates (x,y), (s,t) and (u,v) respectively, D is the
distance function or metric.
(a) Euclidean distance: De(p,q) = [ ( x- s)2 + (y – t)2]1/2
(b) City block distance: D4(p,q) = │ x- s│ + │y – t │
(c) Chessboard distance: D8(p,q) = max(│ x- s│,│y – t │)
Coordinate convention used to represent digital images Boxes inside the image represent pixels
If k is the number of bits per pixel, then the number of gray levels, L, is an integer
power of 2.
L = 2k
When an image can have gray levels, it is common practice to refer to the image as a
“k-bit image”. For example, an image with 256 possible grey level values is called an 8
bit image.
Therefore the number of bits required to store a digitalized image of size M*N is
b = M*N*k
How much storage capacity is required to store an image with size of 1024*768 and
256 gray levels?
As it has 256 gray levels, it is an 8 bit image since 28 = 256.
Hence storage capacity required = M*N*k= 1024*768*8 = 62,91,456 bits = 7,86,432
bytes = 786.432 KB
Thank You