Review (Astuti, 2022)
Review (Astuti, 2022)
Review (Astuti, 2022)
Meta Analysis
Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Background: Teenage mother should be ready for the consequences to come. It is important to get
prepared both mentally and economically. A teenage mother and her offspring are at risk of
malnutrition and stunting. This study aims to analyze the correlation between maternal age and the
incidence of stunting based on published articles.
Subjects and Method: A systematic review was conducted to find the correlation between
maternal age and the incidence of stunting. The research was conducted by seeking into the database
by using PubMed, Ebsco, Google Scholar, and SpringerLink. The keywords used were "risk factor"
OR “determinant” AND “stunting” AND "young maternal age" OR "adolescent mother*" OR "teen
mother*" OR "adolescent pregnancy" OR "teen pregnancy" AND "logistic regression" OR “multiva-
riate”. The obtained articles underwent screening and conformity assessment. Articles that met the
criteria were subsequently extracted.
Results: 1,048 articles were discovered from PubMed, Ebsco, Google Scholar and SpringerLink
databases and 9 of them were included in the review. The articles were from Turkey, Tanzania,
Pakistan, Ghana, Uganda, Burundi, 2 articles were from Ethiopia, and 1 article covered Brazil,
Guatemala, India, Philippines, and South Africa. The prevalence of stunting in each region from the
obtained articles showed a variation from 13.8% - 79.5%. It discovered the correlation between
maternal age during pregnancy and incidence of stunting that pregnant women under the age of 20
were at greater risk for stunting compared to women aged ≥ 20 years (OR 1.37 – 7.56). Women at a
younger age were at greater risk of having stunting children.
Conclusion: The correlation between maternal age during pregnancy and stunting indicates that
the younger the mothers, the higher the risk for stunting. The risk for stunting will decrease with the
increasing maternal age at the time of delivery.
Fardhiasih Dwi Astuti. Jl. Prof. DR. Soepomo Sh, Warungboto, Kec. Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta City,
Special Region of Yogyakarta. Email:
and communities that may increase mor- (Akpinar and Teneler, 2022).
bidity and mortality rate. Stunting can in- There have been a lot of studies
crease the risk for the incidence of infectio- conducted on mothers who give birth at a
us diseases, reduce intelligence and for long young age and its risk for stunting among
term it can increase the risk for non- children, however they do not discuss it
communicable diseases (Soliman et al., comprehensively. This study will analyze
2021). Stunted children suffers from cogni- the impact of giving birth at a young age on
tive development reduction by 7% compa- the incidence of stunting in children who
red to those who are not stunted (Ekholue- are born based on literatures/ articles
netale et al., 2020). The condition of stun- published in journals.
ting in children is associated with impaired
fat oxidation which is a risk factor for obe- SUBJECTS AND METHOD
sity. It generates obesity during adolescen- 1. Study design
ce and adulthood. The obesity will increase This study is a systematic review. The
the risk for non-communicable diseases search for articles was carried out syste-
(Hoffman et al., 2000). matically and comprehensively by using
The incidence of stunting is associat- several databases consisting of: PubMed,
ed with the first 1000 days of life. Many Ebsco, Google Scholar and SpringerLink.
factors may contribute, including maternal The search for the articles was not limited
knowledge, maternal height less than 150 by the year of publication of July 2022. The
cm, maternal body mass index (BMI) < 18.5 keywords used in the article search include-
kg/m 2 , birth weight < 2.5 kg, the existence ed "risk factor" OR “determinant” AND
of two or more toddlers in one house, and “stunting” AND "young maternal age" OR
diet diversity and repeated diarrheal episo- "adolescent mother*" OR "teen mother*"
des are also risk factors for stunting (Berhe OR "adolescent pregnancy" OR "teen preg-
et al., 2019). Maternal factors related to the nancy" AND "logistic regression" OR
incidence of stunting include maternal age. “multivariate”.
Mothers who marry, become pregnant and 2. Population and sample
give birth at a young age may give impacts The study used PICO (Population-Interven-
on the growth of children (Wells et al., tion-Comparative-Outcomes) approach as a
2022). A study conducted in 18 countries in reference for the criteria for articles includ-
Asia, Africa, and Latin America reveals that ed in the systematic review. Population in
in 3 out of 7 countries in Asia and 6 out of 9 this study was children. Intervention was
countries in Africa there is an effect of gestational age in mothers <20 years. Com-
mothers who become pregnant and give parative was gestational age ≥20 years.
birth at a young age toward height restricti- Outcomes was stunting events.
on of children aged 0-11 month. Moreover, 3. Inclusion criteria
in all countries observed, poorer growth Inclusion criteria for the articles included
continued after 24 months among children in the review were research articles that
whose mothers are younger (Yu et al., discussed the history of maternal age
2016). A study shows that giving birth at during pregnancy and the incidence of
the age of 20-30 years may reduce the risk stunting in children, the study was primary
for stunting in children by 81% compared research, used an analytical observational
to giving birth at the age of <20 years research design, were presented in English
(aOR= 0.09; 95% CI= 0.03 to 0.29) and Indonesian. 480
Astuti et al./ Maternal Age Correlates with Stunting in Children
observational (n = 16)
Intervention was irrelevant (n = 46)
Outcome was irrelevant (n = 42)
(n = 9) 481
Astuti et al./ Maternal Age Correlates with Stunting in Children
The description of the articles included in the systematic review is presented in Table 1. 482
Astuti et al./ Maternal Age Correlates with Stunting in Children 483
Astuti et al./ Maternal Age Correlates with Stunting in Children
For the assessment of the articles included unmet question. The results of the assess-
in the review, the study used the reference ment obtained values that ranged from 9-12
for article quality assessment from CEBMa that met the quality.
with observational study design. Quality The study obtained articles discussing
assessment was conducted with 12 points of maternal age during pregnancy and the
questions. One point was given for each incidence of stunting, namely 9 articles from
question met and zero was given for each Turkey, 2 articles from Ethiopia, Tanzania, 484
Astuti et al./ Maternal Age Correlates with Stunting in Children
Pakistan, Ghana, Uganda, Burundi and 1 (Yang et al., 2018). Furthermore, there was
article covering Brazil, Guatemala, India, an article which revealed that the older the
Philippines, and South Africa. The results of mother, the lower the risk of stunting. The
the review of the article discovered the incidence of stunting decreased by 70% in
prevalence of stunting in Brazil was 667 mothers aged 45-49 years compared to
(13.8%), Guatemala 858 (79.5%), India 1841 mothers aged 15-19 years (Gonfa, 2013)
(49.8%), Philippines 1558 (62.2%), and
South Africa 372 (20.6%) (Fall et al., 2015). DISCUSSION
The prevalence of stunting in Uganda Based on the articles reviewed the highest
based on demographic survey data from prevalence of stunting was discovered in
1995, 2001, 2006 and 2011 respectively was Guatemala region. Results of several other
44.8%, 44.2%, 37.1% and 33.2%,.(Yang et surveys indicates the prevalence of the area
al., 2018). In Ambo Town area, Oromia are 68.5% in 1995 and 64.5% in 2014
region, Ethiopia, the prevalence of stunting (Gatica-Domínguez et al., 2019). This figure
in children under five was 51.3%. Stunting that is not much different from the result of
issue turned out to be the highest compared other studies. While the two regions in
to wasting and underweight cases (Gonfa, Ethiopia, based on the articles obtained,
2013). In Lideta sub-city, Addis Ababa, indicated much different prevalences. It is
Ethiopia, it was discovered that 19.6% of possibly due to differences in economic
stunting occurred in children (Degarege et levels or rural and urban areas resulting in
al., 2015) . differences in stunting prevalence (Degare-
The prevalence of stunting in children ge et al., 2015). Moreover, areas with a high
from a study in Turkey was 5.5%(Akpinar & prevalence are areas with food insecurity
Teneler, 2022). The incidence of stunting in (Gatica-Domínguez et al., 2019).
adolescent mothers compared to non-ado- The trend of stunting cases has
lescent mothers in Tanzania was 30.6% and decreased from year to year. The review
34.2%. (Mtongwa et al., 2021). In Burundi indicated a declining trend of stunting in
the prevalence of stunting in children was Uganda region. Based on WHO data, the
53% (Yiga, 2021). incidence of stunting has decreased,
Based on Table 2, it is revealed that however better efforts are still needed to
pregnant women aged <20 were at a greater achieve the target in 2030. The global
risk for stunting than mothers aged ≥ 20 prevalence of stunting in 2020 is 22.0%.
years (OR= 1.37 to 7.56). Women of younger Regions with the most cases are Asia and
age were at a greater risk (maternal age 15- Africa (UNICEF/ WHO/ WORLD BANK,
17 years OR= 9.97 and 18 – 19 years OR= 2021) .
7.56) (Wemakor et al., 2018) , (Age 13 – 17 This study indicated that adolescent
years OR= 3.42 and 18 – 22 years OR= 2.3) mothers aged < 20 years were at a higher
(Tariq et al., 2018). Age 13-17 were at a risk for the incidence of stunting than
greater risk for stunting. mothers aged over 20 years. Moreover, the
There are 2 articles about women aged increased risk for stunting will be greater in
20 - 34 with an odds ratio of 0.09 to 0.93 younger mothers. Age 13 – 17 had odds of
and was statistically significant (Degarege et 3.42 to 9.97. Similar results are revealed by
al., 2015) ,(Fall et al., 2015). However, after other studies that use demographic and
the age of 35, the odds of stunting increased health survey data from 61 countries. The
in OR= 1.18 (Fall et al., 2015), OR= 1.17 risk of stunting increases by 50% from the 485
Astuti et al./ Maternal Age Correlates with Stunting in Children
maternal age of 13 years and will decrease born to adolescent mothers are shorter
gradually by 20% until maternal age is 27 than children born to adult mothers. After
years (Danaei et al., 2016) (Finlay et al., one year period the incidence of stunting in
2011). The increased risk for stunting would adolescent mothers is 8% and adult mothe-
occur again at the maternal age of 35 years rs is 7% (Le Roux et al., 2019).
in accordance with the results of the review Factors that influence the incidence of
with OR = 1.18(Fall et al., 2015) , OR=1.17 stunting in adolescent mothers are greater
(Yang et al., 2018) . This trend also occurs because the economic level of adolescent
in the study conducted in 55 countries mothers tends to be lower than that of adult
(Finlay et al., 2011). mothers. In addition, exclusive breastfeedi-
Children who were born to young ng can be a protective factor toward stunti-
mothers have the potential for poor health ng. In adolescent mothers, exclusive breast-
conditions. In addition, the possibility of feeding is lower than in adult mothers (Le
other diseases is greater than in older Roux et al., 2019).
mothers. Anemia, underweight, diarrhea,
infant mortality, and wasting are conditions AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION
that may occur in children born to young FDA as a researcher contributed in draf-
mothers (Finlay et al., 2011). The incidence ting, reviewing articles and writing manu-
of stunting is not only affected by maternal scripts. AA contributed in article search,
age at the time of delivery, but also a lot of article assessment and data extraction. RR
other factors such as knowledge, social and contributed in reviewing and editing the
economic factors (Akpinar and Teneler, manuscript.
2022). The results of other studies indicate
that young mothers have low economic FUNDING AND SPONSORSHIP
conditions or come from poor families, and This research was funded by the re-
lack of knowledge due to dropping out of searchers themselves.
school. Children with early menarche have
a relatively long adolescence period, the CONFLICT OF INTERESTS
absence of parental guidance will lead them There is no conflict of interest in this study.
to promiscuity that evokes unwanted preg-
nancies.(Branson et al., 2015) . ACKNOWLEDGMENT
In addition, pregnancy during adole- The researcher would like to thank the
scence requires more energy and nutrients PubMed, Ebsco, Google Scholar and Spri-
both for mother and the offspring. Adole- ngerLink databases for providing articles
scence is the period of psychological, sexu- for this research.
al, neurological, and behavioral develop-
ment that requires more energy and nu- REFERENCES
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