Power Quality-New
Power Quality-New
Power Quality-New
Dr.E.Chandira Sekaran,
Associate Professor,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Coimbatore Institute of Technology,
Coimbatore-641 014.
Mobile No.:09629283060, 09442003930,
E-mail Id.:ecseeecit@gmail.com
Power Quality (PQ) and supply reliability are fast becoming recognized as important factors
for successful modern business. Electric power quality refers to maintain a near sinusoidal voltage
to a bus at rated magnitude and rated frequency. In addition, the energy supplied to customer must
be uninterrupted from the reliability point of view. Power Quality (PQ) related issues are of most
concern nowadays.
Power Quality problem is any problem in electric power system manifested in voltage,
current or frequency deviations those results in unsatisfactory operation or failure of electrical
equipments. Power Quality is a serious issue that touches almost all industrial, commercial and
residential customers in some way. The electric utility environment has never been one of constant
voltage and frequency. Until recently, most electrical equipment could operate satisfactorily during
expected deviations from the nominal voltage and frequency supplied by the utility. In the modern
industrial facility, many electrical and electronic devices have been incorporated into the
automated processes. The widespread use of electronic equipment, such as information technology
equipment, power electronics such as adjustable speed drives (ASD), programmable logic
controllers (PLC), energy-efficient lighting, led to a complete change of electric loads nature. These
power electronic devices increase productivity, increase the quality of products, and decrease the
cost to customers of those products. But these loads are simultaneously the major causers and the
major victims of power quality problems. Due to their non-linearity, all these loads cause
disturbances in the voltage waveform. As a result of this recent increase in equipment
vulnerability, the owners of industrial processes have experienced unexplained process
interruptions and unplanned equipment shutdowns. The source of these compatibility problems
may not be readily apparent to the industrial maintenance personnel. Likewise, personnel may not
be familiar with the solutions that are available to increase the reliability of process equipment.
Along with technology advance, the organization of the worldwide economy has evolved
towards globalization and the profit margins of many activities tend to decrease. The increased
sensitivity of the vast majority of processes (industrial, services and even residential) to PQ
problems turns the availability of electric power with quality a crucial factor for competitiveness in
every activity sector. The most critical areas are the continuous process industry and the
information technology services. When a disturbance occurs, huge financial losses may happen,
with the consequent loss of productivity and competitiveness. Although many efforts have been
PQ Event/Variations Characteristics
Voltage Transients
Description: Very fast variation of the voltage value for durations from
a several microseconds to few milliseconds. These variations may reach
thousands of volts, even in low voltage.
Causes: Lightning, switching of lines or power factor correction
capacitors, disconnection of heavy loads.
Consequences: Destruction of components (particularly electronic
components) and of insulation materials, data processing errors or data
loss, electromagnetic interference.
THD 100
where, Ml is the RMS value of the fundamental component and M2 to M∞ are the RMS values of the
harmonic components of the quantity M.
Another important distortion index is the individual harmonic distortion factor (HF) for
a certain harmonic. HF is defined as the ratio of the RMS harmonic to the fundamental RMS value of
the waveform, i.e.,
HF 100
IEEE 519, “Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in
Electrical Systems” was published in 1981(IEEE Std 519-1992). This document established limits
for voltage distortion levels acceptable to the distribution system. This document was widely used
in the industry. However, with the increased usage of non-linear loads, a rewrite of IEEE 519 was
made, considering the effects of harmonic currents producing distortion in voltages due to finite
system impedance. IEEE 519-1992 standard specifies limits on voltage and current harmonic
distortion for ‘Low Voltage, Primary and Secondary Distribution, Sub-transmission, and High
Voltage transmission systems’. Table IV lists the IEEE 519 recommended harmonic voltage and
voltage distortion limits for different systems voltage levels.
IEEE 519 Standard also specifies limits on the harmonic currents from an individual
customer that are evaluated at the PCC. The limits are dependent on the customer load in relation
to the system short circuit capacity at the PCC. Note that all current limits are expressed as a
percentage of the customer's average maximum demand load current (fundamental frequency
component) at PCC. The term the total demand distortion (TDD) is usually used which is the same
as THD except that the distortion is expressed as a percentage of some rated load current rather
than as a percentage of the fundamental current magnitude. TDD is defined as:
TDD 100
where, In, is the RMS magnitude of an individual harmonic current component, IL, is the maximum
RMS demand load current and n is the harmonic order. Table V provides limits on every individual
harmonic current component as well as limits on total demand distortion (TDD) for different
voltage levels.
Table V Harmonic Current Distortion Limits (In) In % of Load Current (IL)
11 11 n 17 17 n 23 23 n 35 35 TDD
20 4.00 2.00 1.50 0.60 0.30 5.00
20 50 7.00 3.50 2.50 1.00 0.50 8.00
50 100 10.00 4.50 4.00 1.50 0.70 12.00
100-1000 12.00 5.50 5.00 2.00 1.00 15.00
1000 15.00 7.00 6.00 2.50 1.40 20.00
20 2.00 1.00 0.75 0.30 0.15 2.50
20 50 3.50 1.75 1.25 0.50 0.25 4.00
50 100 5.00 2.25 2.00 1.25 0.35 6.00
100-1000 6.00 2.75 2.50 1.00 0.50 7.50
1000 7.50 3.50 3.00 1.25 0.70 10.00
<50 2.00 1.00 0.75 0.30 0.15 2.50
>50 3.50 1.75 1.25 0.50 0.25 4.00
Table VIII IEC 61000-3-2 Harmonic Current Limits, Class D and Certain Class C
Harmonic Number Relative Limit (mA/W) Absolute Limit (A)
3 3.40 2.30
5 1.90 1.14
7 1.00 0.77
9 0.50 0.40
11 0.35 0.33
13<n<39 3.85 n 0. 0.2 (13 n )
Many power quality variations that occur within customer facilities are related to wiring
and grounding problems. The primary function of grounding is to provide safety for equipment and
personnel. Other important functions of the grounding are to assure protective device operation and
noise control. However, grounding also provides a path for lightning and surge mitigation and
establishes an equi potential or zero-voltage reference point for the electrical system. In addition, a
grounding system is designed to ensure the proper and efficient operation of sensitive electronic
equipment. Performance grounding must be accomplished without conflict with the safety
requirements of the National Electric Code.
Typical power quality problems that are due to inadequacies in the wiring and grounding of
electrical systems are
Problems with conductors and connectors
Missing safety ground
Multiple neutral-to-ground connections
Ungrounded equipment
Additional ground rods
Ground loops
Insufficient neutral conductor
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is any natural or man-made electrical or
electromagnetic energy that results in unintentional and undesirable equipment responses.
Electromagnetic energy travels in the form of emissions, either conducted or radiated.
EMI is generally common-mode noise, which is induced onto a signal with respect to a
reference ground. The noise is coupled to ground from the power cables through the capacitance
between the power cable and ground.
Conducted emissions are generated inside electrical or electronic equipment and may be
transmitted outward through the equipment’s data input or output lines, its control leads, or its
power conductors. Conducted emissions may cause an EMI problem between equipment that
generates useful emissions and other equipment with low immunity to those same emissions.
Radiated emissions are radio-frequency electromagnetic energy that travels through the air.
Radiated emissions are also generated by electrical or electronic equipment and may be emitted
from poorly shielded or unshielded power and data cables, leaky equipment apertures,
inadequately shielded equipment housings, or normally operating equipment antenna.
Whether conducted or radiated, emissions include three properties: amplitude, frequency,
and waveform. EMI can occur in equipment with low immunity to emissions when any or all of
these properties vary from normal—for example, emissions that are too high in amplitude, too low
or too high in frequency, or whose waveforms are distorted. EMI can also occur when these
properties are within normal operating parameters, usually resulting from equipment’s low
immunity to emissions.