Medicinal Properties of Bala
Medicinal Properties of Bala
Medicinal Properties of Bala
Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2013; 1(2): 1-9 ISSN 2322 - 0910
Vernacular names[16-20]
long-petioled 3.8-7.5 cm long, stipules 9mm long, Pedicels axillary or crowded towards the ends of
linear, acute deflexed. Pedicel is often 2.5-5 cm long, branches, calyx 5-angular, hairy; lobes triangular,
axillary, solitary and is jointed very near the top. acuminate. Corolla yellow or white 8-12 mm. across.
Calyx is 12-8 mm long, divided to the middle; lobes Carpels 7-10 with 2 short awns. Seeds smooth,
ovate, apiculate. Corolla is 2.5 cm in diameter and is black(108). This plant distributed throughout the
yellow; open in the evening. Staminal tube is hairy at country especially in moist regions, ascending to an
the base; filaments long. Carpels are usually 15-20, altitude of 1800 m in the Himalayas(109).
longer than the calyx, with a distinct small acute Mahabala ghruta is one of the formulation to
point, hairy, ultimately shining and dark brown. Seeds treat the urinary, seminal and gynaecological
are brown-black, densely and minutely disorders and to help conception(110). Sukraksaya,
scrobiculate(91). Ksata, Ksaya, Visamajvara, Daurbalya, Vatavyadhi,
The flowers appear golden yellow and fruits Vatarakta, Raktapitta, Sopha(111).
are appear almost throughout the year, but mainly Mahabala is one of the formulation in Maha
seen in the months of August-December. This plant Visagarbha Taila, Navratnarajamrganka Rasa(112).
commonly found almost in every region of India and Nagbala
other countries like Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, etc. In
India, it is common weed on road sides and other Synonyms
waste places and hills upto 600 m(92,93). Akshatandula, Arishta, Balahvaya, Balottara,
Atibala is useful in the diseases like Pittaja Balya, Bhujangajihva, Gangeruki, Gavedhuka,
atisara in Ama stage(94), Vatarakta(95), Tridosha Hrasvagavedhuka, Jhasha, Jhusha, Khanda,
timira(96), Kaphaja pratishyaya(97), Vata diseases Kharagandhinika, Khirahitti, Lalajihva, Mahasamanga,
poultices purpose(98), recipe for management of the Shitabala, Shitapakini, Shitavara, Udanika, Visvadeva,
foetal malpresentations(99), urinary and the seminal Vruddhibala, Vruksharuha(113-116).
disorders(100), Meha, Raktapitta(101). Nagbala is a perennial much-branched herb;
Atibala found in the Balamula rasayana(102), branches prostrate or trailing, sometimes rooting,
Bala ghruta, Bala Taila, Narayana Taila, Maha more or less hairy. Leaves 1.2.5 cm. long, cordate,
Narayana Taila(103) formulations. ovate, acute or acuminate, serrate, sparsely clothed
with stellate hairs; petioles 1-2.2 cm. long. Pedicels
Sida acuta 1.2-3.8 cm. long, slender, axillary, solitary or twin,
Sida acuta Brum. fl. Ind. is a shrubby, much jointed a little above the middle. Calyx 4 mm. long, 5-
branched, branches slender terete, minutely stellately angled, hairy; lobes triangular, acute or acuminate.
hairy. Leaves 2.5-6.3 cm long, lanceolate with Corolla pale yellow, slightly exceeding the calyx.
rounded base sharply serrate, globrous on both sides, Carpels 5, smooth, not reticulated, muticous or with a
petioles 0-6 mm. long shorter than the stipules. small slightly 2-lipped beak, not cuspidate. Seeds
Padicels 1-2 in each axil, shorter or longer than the brown, glabrous.
petiole jointed about the middle. Calyx 6-8 mm. long, Nagbala is controversial herb. Two plants are
lobes triangular acute. Corolla nearly twice as long as mainly used with this name. One is Sida
the calyx yellow. Fruit 5-6 mm in diam., not Veronicaefolia and second is Grewia hirsuta
pubescent, strongly reticulated, toothed on the dorsal (Gangeruki).
margins. Seeds smooth black. It is found in hotter
parts of India. Generally in tropics area. In the Ayurveda Nagabala is one of the herb
in treatment of Kshaya(117), Panatyaya(118), Kasa(119),
Root sour and sweet, removes tridosha, emaciation(120), kshatakshina(121).
digestive and diuretic, useful in fever, burning of the
bosy and urinary discharges(104). Some of the formulations Satavaryadi
ghruta(122), Nagabala rasayana(123), Brahma
Mahabala rasayana (124), Indrokata rasayana(125), Yashtyahvadi
Synonyms ghruta(126), Nagabala kalpa(127), Nagabala taila(128),
Bhrhatphala, Bruhadbala, Devarha, Devasaha, Balamula rasayana(129).
Gandhavallari, Harshapuspa, Jyesthabala, Antioxidant effect(130), hepatoprotective
Katambhara, Kesavardhini, Kesharika, Kesharuha, effects (131) Abortifacient(132) properties of an extract
Mruga, Mrugadani, Mrugarasa, Pitapushpa, from Sida veronicaefolia found in the animal study.
Pitapushpi, Purasani, Sahadeva, Sahadevi, Sarini, Therapeutic uses
Varipushpi, Vatya, Vatyapuspi, Vatyayani(105-107).
1. Bala and Atibala both are taken with milk early in
Sida rhombifolia Linn. Sp. Pl. is a small erect the morning in Slipada.
under shrub, branches rough with stellate hairs. 2. Decoction of Atibala is useful in mutrakrchra.
Leaves very variable in shape up to 5 cm by 18 mm 3. Root powder of Atibala is given with sugar and
glabrous or subglabrous above grey-pubescent or honey.
hoary beneath, coarsely dentate towards the tip 4. Powder of Atibala, Bala and Devdaru is given
entire towards the base 3-5 nerved. Petiole up to 6 internally for galganda.
mm. long, pubescent swollen in the upper third.
5. Seeds of Atibala is useful in impotency, piles and The root bark decoction is used as a
urinary tract infection. demulcent in irritability of the bladder and in
6. Caraka mentioned Bala in so many diseases with gonorrhoea. The root is also used as a gentle tonic
different forms like(134). and diaphoretic and is employed in mild cases of
7. In Raktapitta-used Bala root should be used with debility and fever(140).
cow milk Anupan. The root of the Sida acuta is sour and sweet,
8. In bleeding piles –Milk or Ghee should be siddha removes "Tridosha", digestive and diuretic, useful in
by Bala and Prishnaparni and should be taken fever, burning of the body and urinary discharges
internally. mentioned in Ayurveda. The root is cooling,
9. In Gout-Prepare oil with Bala root Kalk and astringent, tonic and useful in nervous and urinary
decoction and use it internally and externally for diseases and in blood and bile disorders.
management of gout. It can be used with ginger in intermittent
Traditional Medicinal Uses fever. This is considered by the Hindoo practitioners
In Ayurvedic texts this is mentioned that Bala as a valuable stomachic and useful remedy of chronic
is Madhura in Ras and Vipaka, Laghu, Snigdha, bowel complaints.
Picchila in Guna and Sita Virya. It is Vat Pitta hara, In the gold cast the plant is used to cure
Balya, Brmhana and Vrishya Karm(135). It is reputed veneral diseases(141).
herb for its tonic and aphrodisiac properties. The The root and leaves of Sida rombifolia are
parts of plant are useful in various diseases like fever, sweetish, aphrodisiac, tonic, tridoshahar best for
fits, leucorrhoea, micturition, gonorrhoea colic, urinary complaints, discharges and strangury, useful
nervous disorders, general debility and heart in fever, heart diseases, burning sensations, piles and
irregularity. inflammation.
The roots and leaves of Sida rhombifolia Linn. The roots of its herb is a good treatment of
are bitter, sweet, emollient, cooling, aphrodisiac, rheumatism. In Assam the roots are taken internally
unctuous, strengthening and promote sexual vigour to control childbirth and it is also tied round the
and vital factor. These are good for rheumatism, abdomen for same purpose.
flatulence, colic, haemothermia, emaciation, vitiated
conditions of Tridosha, seminal weakness, arthritis It is also used as a valuable remedy in
and diarrhoea(136). pulmonary tuberculosis and rheumatism in Europe.
Phyto chemistry Sida cordifolia is slightly bitter and sweet,
tonic, astringent, emollient, aphrodisiac, Vataghan
Chemical constituents and Pittaghan. The bark cures urinary troubles and
Ephadrine, Hypapharine, Vasicinone, discharges. Its fruits are acrid and sweet, digestive,
Vascicine, vasicinol, Choline, Betain Phytoosterol are cooling, astringent, aphrodisioc, remove Pitta and
mainly found in Sida and its species. cough, increases Vata, useful in blood disorders,
The following alkaloids has been found in bleeding piles, throat disease, phthisis and insanity. It
Sida Cordifolia and its species B. Phenthylamine, is mentioned in Ayurveda texts.
Ephadrine, Pseudo-ephadrine, S – (+) – Nb – Hindu physicians used root decoction with
methyltryptophan methyl ester, hypahorine, ginger in intermittent fever and also used in fever
Vasicinone, Vasicinol, Choline and betaine(137). accompanied with shivering fits and strong heat of
Steurlic, malvalic and coronaric acids have the body.
been isolated from Sida seeds oil along with other The root bark is used with sesamum oil and
fatty acids. milk is very efficacious in curing cases of facial
Hescaes, n-alkane mixtures, alkanols, B- paralysis and sciatica when caused by the
sitosterol, Vanillic, P-coumaric, caffeic, fumaric and inflammation of the nervous concerned(142).
amino acids, alantolactone, isolantalactone are major 1-Crude extract of Sida rhombifolia produced
chemical constituents in it(138). sedative effect and significant potentiation of
Pharmacological Actions phenobarbitone sleeping time in mice. Extract did not
The flowers and unripe fruits are given with produce any change in normal temperature of mice
sugar in burning sensation in micturition(139). but 10 gm /kg dose showed significant decrease in
The root, leaf and fruits are Kaphahara and rectal temperature of pyretic rats 2 and 3 hours after
Vatahar, cures ulcers and biliousness and also useful administration(143).
in urinary discharge, scalding urine, leprosy and skin 2-In an experimental study on the Rasayana
infections, the fruit is also astringent and cooling. drugs viz. Bala, Atibala, Mahabala & Bhumibala have
Mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. been screened for their immune –enhancing
The leaves are demulcent and refrigerant and properties. Animals of drugs treated of group showed
are useful in gonorrhoea, gleet and scalding urine. statistically an enhanced production of anti S.typhi o
antibodies. Abutilon indicum (Atibala) was the best It also has anti pyretic, Anti-inflammatory,
drug in augmenting antibody production (Dixit 1978). contraceptive, anti fungal activity; It is a best nervine
CONCLUSION tonic for various neuro motor diseases like paralysis
From the above it can be concluded that the sciatica etc.
drug Bala (Sida Cordifolia and its species) proved to Thus it can be concluded that the drug is
have extensive medicinal value in the treatment of explored can become a single drug remedy for many
diseases like fever, urinary system, abdominal, pathological conditions on an effective cost and
Neurological disorder etc. available easily.
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Protective effects of Sida veronicaefolia against
ethanol induced hepatotoxicity in experimental *Address for correspondence
animals. Phytopharmacology 2012, 3(1) 137-144 Dr. Ashwini Kumar Sharma
Lecturer, P.G. Dept. of Dravya Guna
Rishikul Govt. P.G. Ayurvedic College &
Cite this article as:
Ashwini Kumar Sharma. Medicinal Properties of Bala (Sida Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.
Cordifolia Linn. and its Species). Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research Cell No: +918449910094
2013; 1 (2): 1-9. Email:
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