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Danfoss Pump

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4 Brakes .............................................................................................................

4.3 Service brake system ................................................................................. 3
4.3.1 Brake oil pump ....................................................................................... 3
5 Steering........................................................................................................... 5
5.2 Power-assisted system .............................................................................. 5
5.2.1 Hydraulic oil pump ................................................................................. 6
5.2.2 Priority valve .......................................................................................... 6
7 Load handling................................................................................................. 9
7.2 Lifting/lowering ........................................................................................... 9
7.2.3 Pressure reducer ................................................................................... 9
7.3 Protruding ................................................................................................. 11
7.3.9 Valve block pump unloading ................................................................ 15
10 Common hydraulics..................................................................................... 17
10.4 Pumps ...................................................................................................... 17
10.4.1 Gear pump with fixed displacement ..................................................... 17
10.4.2 Axial piston pump with variable displacement ..................................... 20
E Schematics ................................................................................................... 29
4 Brakes – 4 Brakes 3

4 Brakes

4 Brakes
mm mm mm mm mm mm

4.3 Service brake system

4.3.1 Brake oil pump
Gear pump with fixed deplacement, replacement

Read the safety instructions for oil before work, see Workshop
manual section B Safety.
1 Machine in service position, see Workshop manual section B
2 Depressurize the brake and hydraulic systems, see Workshop
manual section B Safety.
3 Mark up and detach the hydraulic hoses from the pump.

Plug all connections immediately to protect the brake sys-
tem from impurities.

4 Remove the attaching bolts, pull the pump out backwards and lift
it away.
5 Transfer the connection adapters to the new pump.

Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450 DDRF05.01GB

4 4 Brakes – 4.3.1 Brake oil pump

6 Apply sealant silicone on the brake pump's sealing surface facing

the spacer ring, see Workshop manual section F Technical data.
7 Fit the brake pump to the main pump.
Place the pump and check that the gear wheel engages in the
shaft and that the spacer ring is straight against the brake pump.
Fit the pump's attaching bolts.

8 Connect the hydraulic hoses to the brake pump.

Check that the O-rings are intact and are fitted correctly.

9 Close the drain valve and tighten the lock ring on the accumulator
charging valve.
10 Turn on the main electrical power and start the engine.
11 Check that the hose connections and the seal between hydraulic
oil pump and brake pump are sealed tightly.
Check the feed pressure from the brake pump, see Workshop
manual section 4 Brakes, group 4.3.1 Brake oil pump.
12 Check the oil level in the brake system, fill as necessary.

If the pump is replaced due to breakdown then change the
oil and filter in the brake system as well.

DDRF05.01GB Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450

5 Steering – 5 Steering 5

5 Steering

5 Steering
mm mm mm mm mm mm

5.2 Power-assisted system

Power-assisted steering system, function




1 6

Pos Explanation Signal description Reference
1 The hydraulic oil pump 2 pumps oil to the See pressure plate on Workshop manual section 10 Common
priority valve. left frame beam. hydraulics, group 10.4.2 Axial piston
pump with variable displacement

2 The priority valve gives priority to pressure Controlled by control and Workshop manual section 5 Steering,
supply to the steering valve before the work- monitoring system, error group 5.2.2 Priority valve
ing hydraulics. Also, the priority valve sends shown with error code.
control signal to hydraulic oil pump 2.

3 The shuttle valve selects the strongest load Controlled by control and Workshop manual section 10 Common
signal to the main pumps if hydraulic func- monitoring system, error hydraulics, group 10.5.3 Shuttle valve
tions are activated at the same time as the shown with error code.
steering wheel is turned.

4 The steering wheel is turned and acts on the - Workshop manual section 9 Frame,
steering valve's input shaft. body, cab and accessories, group 9.1
Controls and instrumentation

5 The steering valve pumps pressurized oil to - Workshop manual section 5 Steering,
the steering cylinder and sends load signal group 5.2.3 Steering valve
to the main pumps.

Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450 DDRF05.01GB

6 5 Steering – 5.2.1 Hydraulic oil pump

Pos Explanation Signal description Reference

6 The steering cylinder turns the wheels. - Workshop manual section 5 Steering,
group 5.2.4 Steering cylinder

Hydraulic diagram basic machine

5.2.1 Hydraulic oil pump

Hydraulic oil pump, general

Steering is supplied with oil from hydraulic oil pump 2, see Workshop
manual section 10 Common hydraulics, group 10.4 Pumps .

5.2.2 Priority valve

Priority valve, description

The priority valve separates the oil flow from main pump 2 so that there
is always oil to the steering valve. The remainder flows to the working
hydraulics or servo circuit.
The priority valve is load sensing and pilot pressure compensating.
Load sensing means that the valve adapts the steering signal to steer-
ing valve consumption. Pilot pressure compensating means that the
priority valve compensates for the pressure drop between the priority
valve and the steering valve via a separate line.
The priority valve has an integral pressure limiter on the load signal.
The pressure limiter maximises the load signal pressure.

DDRF05.01GB Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450

5 Steering – 5.2.2 Priority valve 7

Steering pressure, checking


Read the safety instructions for oil before work, see Workshop
manual section B Safety.
1 Operate and warm up the machine so that the hydraulic oil reach-
es operating temperature, at least 50 °C.
2 Machine in service position, see Workshop manual section B
˚C Safety.
3 Depressurize the hydraulic and brake systems, see Workshop
˚C manual section B Safety.

Operating menu, hydraulic oil temperature
4 Connect the pressure gauge to the pressure check connection
for hydraulic oil pump 2.
5 Start the engine and increase engine speed to approx. 1200 rpm.

Pressure check connections hydraulic oil pumps

1. Hydraulic oil pump 1
2. Hydraulic oil pump 2
6 Turn the steering wheel to full lock and read off the pump pres-
sure during the steering movement, compare to the steering
pressure on the hydraulic plate. Max. pressure measured on the
pump should be 1.5 MPa higher than the steering pressure on the
MPa hydraulic plate.
MPa 7 Turn off the engine and turn the start key to position I.
8 Depressurize the hydraulic and brake systems, see Workshop
manual section B Safety.
9 Turn the start key to position 0 and turn off the main electrical
MPa 10 Remove the pressure gauge and fit the protective cover on the
measuring outlet.



Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450 DDRF05.01GB

8 5 Steering – 5.2.2 Priority valve

DDRF05.01GB Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450

7 Load handling – 7 Load handling 9

7 Load handling

7 Load handling
mm mm mm mm mm mm

7.2 Lifting/lowering
7.2.3 Pressure reducer
Servo pressure, checking and adjusting

Read the instructions for oil before working, see Workshop man-
ual Workshop manual section B Safety.

1 Operate and warm up the machine so that the hydraulic oil is at

operating temperature, at least 50 °C. As an alternative, operate
until the cooling fan is activated.

˚C 2 Machine in service position, see Workshop manual section B


˚C 3 Depressurise the brake and hydraulic systems, see Workshop


manual section B Safety.

Operating menu hydraulic oil temperature
4 Connect a pressure gauge (0–25 MPa) to the test outlet on the
pressure reducer.

Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450 DDRF05.01GB

10 7 Load handling – 7.2.3 Pressure reducer

5 Start the engine and check the servo pressure. Compare with the
pressure plate.
MPa Turn the steering wheel or activate a load handling function to ac-
tivate the hydraulic oil pumps. The servo pressure is higher than
the standby pressure of the hydraulic oil pumps.





6 If needed, adjust the pressure with the adjusting screw. Loosen

the lock nut and turn the adjusting screw.

If the servo pressure is too high, a load handling function
must be activated so that servo pressure is used from the
accumulator for a reduction on the adjusting screw to be
seen on the pressure gauge. Sometimes the engine has to
be shut off between the checks.
Clockwise: reduce pressure.
Counter-clockwise: increase pressure.
7 Depressurise the brake and hydraulic systems, see Workshop
manual section B Safety.
8 Remove the pressure gauge and fit the protective cap on the
pressure check connection.

DDRF05.01GB Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450

7 Load handling – 7.3 Protruding 11

7.3 Protruding
Extension, function description

Condition Reference value Reference

Control switch Disengaged Workshop manual section 11 Common electric, group Ma-
noeuvre switch voltage

Overload system Boom out: passive Section 8 Control and monitoring system, group 8.2.1 Overload system

By-passed or attach- Workshop manual section 8 Control system, group 8.2.3 Load centre
ment within limit for limitation
Load centre limitation load centre limitation.

By-passed or boom Workshop manual section 8 Control system, group 8.2.4 Height limita-
height lower than tion
Height limitation height limitation


2, 4 5
D790-1 D794
Pa 18
D797-F D797-R
3,19 14, 20 D18 D24

6 6 D6 D14 15 21 m
C11 13
7 PS PL 24
11 PP A1 VA
16, 22
C- 17, 23
P B1 VB C+


Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450 DDRF05.01GB

12 7 Load handling – 7.3 Protruding

Pos Explanation Signal description Reference

1 Control lever (S815-P2) sends volt- Boom in: US815/P2 = 0.5–2.0 V Workshop manual section 7 Load
age signal proportional to lever handling, group 7.1.1 Control lever
Zero position: US815/P2 = 2.0–3.0 V
movement to Control unit cab (D790- D1: Diagnostic menu, see Workshop
1). Boom out: US815/P2 = 3.0–4.5 V
manual section 8 Control system,
0.5 V is the fastest retraction speed group BOOM, menu 1
and 4.5 V is the fastest extension
speed. Lower voltages than 0.5 V
and higher voltages than 4.5 V are
used to detect malfunctions in ca-
bling and controls.

2 Control unit cab (D790-1) sends re- Controlled by control and monitor- Workshop manual section 11 Com-
quest for Boom out or Boom in with ing system, error shown with error mon electric, group Control
speed information on CAN-bus. code. unit cab

3 Control unit frame front (D797-F) ac- I = 380-650 mA Workshop manual section 7 Load
tivates Servo valve boom out handling, group 7.3.5 Manoeuvre
(Y6006) or Servo valve boom in valve lift, lower, protrude
(Y6007). D3: Diagnostic menu, see Workshop
At retraction of the boom Control unit manual section 8 Control system,
frame rear (D797-R) activates Sole- group BOOM, menu 6,
noid valve pump unloading (Y6062). BOOM, menu 7 and BOOM,
menu 2

4 Control unit cab (D790-1) sends re- Controlled by control and monitor- Workshop manual section 11 Com-
quest for increased engine rpm on ing system, error shown with error mon electric, group Control
CAN-bus. code. unit cab

5 Control unit engine (D794) increases Controlled by control and monitor- Workshop manual section 11 Com-
engine rpm. ing system, error shown with error mon electric, group Control
code. unit engine

6 Servo valve boom out (Y6006) or - Workshop manual section 7 Load

Servo valve boom in (Y6007) pres- handling, group 7.3.5 Manoeuvre
surizes the control valve's extension valve lift, lower, protrude
spool with servo pressure. D6: Diagnostic menu, see Workshop
manual section 8 Control system,
group BOOM, menu 6 and BOOM, menu 7

7 The control valve's extension spool - Workshop manual section 7 Load

changes position and pressurizes handling, group 7.3.5 Manoeuvre
valve block extension cylinder and valve lift, lower, protrude
sends load signal to the hydraulic oil

8 At boom retraction, valve block - Workshop manual section 7 Load

pump unloading drains the load sig- handling, group 7.3.9 Valve block
nal to one of the hydraulic oil pumps pump unloading
to tank so that only one pump gener-
ates pressure.

DDRF05.01GB Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450

7 Load handling – 7.3 Protruding 13

Pos Explanation Signal description Reference

9 The shuttle valve sends the strong- - Workshop manual section 10 Com-
est load signal if several functions mon hydraulics, group 10.5.3 Shuttle
are activated simultaneously. valve

10 The hydraulic oil pumps pump oil See pressure plate on left frame Workshop manual section 10 Com-
from the hydraulic oil tank. beam. mon hydraulics, group 10.4.2 Axial
piston pump with variable displace-

11 The pressure reducer reduces the See pressure plate on left frame Workshop manual section 7 Load
pressure from the hydraulic oil beam. handling, group 7.2.3 Pressure reduc-
pumps to servo pressure. er

12 Servo pressure is stored in the accu- See pressure plate on left frame Workshop manual section 7 Load
mulator. The non-return valve in the beam. handling, group 7.2.4 Accumulator
pressure reducer makes it possible servo circuit
to store the pressure when the en-
gine is shut off.

13 The servo filter filters the oil before - Workshop manual section 7 Load
the control valve. handling, group 7.2.2 Servo filter

14 At boom in Control unit frame rear U = 24 V Workshop manual section 7 Load

(D797-R) activates Servo valve, handling, group 7.3.7 Valve block pro-
blocking extension (Y6050). trude cylinder
D14: Diagnostic menu, see Workshop
manual section 8 Control system,
group BOOM, menu 2

15 At boom in Servo valve, blocking ex- - Workshop manual section 7 Load

tension (Y6050) acts on the blocking handling, group 7.3.7 Valve block pro-
spool in valve block extension cylin- trude cylinder

16 At boom out the blocking spool in - Workshop manual section 7 Load

valve block extension cylinder is handling, group 7.3.7 Valve block pro-
opened by hydraulic pressure from trude cylinder
the control valve.
At boom in the blocking valve opens
and releases the pressure from the
extension cylinder.

17 Extension cylinder extends or re- - Workshop manual section 7 Load

tracts the boom. handling, group 7.3.8 Protrude cylin-

18 Regeneration UB768-L1/1 = 5 V Workshop manual section 7 Load

Sensor hydraulic pressure lift cylin- handling, group 7.2.9 Sensor hydrau-
UB768-L1/2 = 0 V
der piston side left (B768-L1) sends lic pressure lift cylinder
UB768-L1/3 = 0.5–4.5 V
voltage signal proportional to cylin- D18: Diagnostic menu, see Workshop
der pressure in lift cylinders to Con- manual section 8 Control system,
trol unit frame front (D797-F). group OP, menu 3

Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450 DDRF05.01GB

14 7 Load handling – 7.3 Protruding

Pos Explanation Signal description Reference

19 Control unit frame front (D797-F) Controlled by control and monitor- Workshop manual section 11 Com-
sends information about pressure in ing system, error shown with error mon electric, group Control
lift cylinders. code. unit frame front

20 Control unit frame rear (D797-R) ac- U = 24 V Workshop manual section 7 Load
tivates Servo valve, regeneration handling, group 7.3.7 Valve block pro-
(Y6046), if the pressure is sufficiently trude cylinder
low for regeneration. D20: Diagnostic menu, see Workshop
manual section 8 Control system,
group BOOM, menu 3

21 Servo valve, regeneration (Y6046) - Workshop manual section 7 Load

pressurizes the regeneration valve. handling, group 7.3.7 Valve block pro-
trude cylinder

22 The regeneration valve changes po- - Workshop manual section 7 Load

sition and leads oil from the lift cylin- handling, group 7.3.7 Valve block pro-
der's rod side to the piston side. trude cylinder

23 Extension speed increases. - Workshop manual section 7 Load

handling, group 7.3.7 Valve block pro-
trude cylinder

24 Damping - Workshop manual section 8 Control

When extension is approx. 0.4 m system, group Sensor boom
from end-position, then damping is length
activated. Mechanical overload system
Mechanical overload system D24: Diagnostic menu, see Workshop
Sensor boom length (B769-3 or manual section 8 Control system,
B769-4) sends voltage signal to group OP, menu 1
Control unit frame rear (D797-R)
which sends damping on the CAN-
bus. Mechanical overload system with an-
alogue position sensor, or Electronic
overload system:
Mechanical overload system with D24: Diagnostic menu, seetab 8 Con-
analogue position sensor, or Elec- trol system, group OP, menu
tronic overload system: 4 and OP, menu 6
Sensor boom length (B777) sends
voltage signal proportional to boom
extension to Control unit frame rear
(D797-R) which sends damping on
the CAN-bus.

Hydraulic diagram basic machine

DDRF05.01GB Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450

7 Load handling – 7.3.9 Valve block pump unloading 15

7.3.9 Valve block pump unloading

Valve block pump unloading, description

For boom in, only a small oil flow is required. Solenoid valve pump un-
1 2 3 4
loading (Y6062) drains the control signal to hydraulic oil pump 1, to the
tank. This results in only one pump unit building up pressure, which re-
duces the use of engine power and thus fuel consumption. If other
5 functions are activated at the same time then the pressure signal will
pass through the shuttle valve, see Workshop manual section 10
6 Common hydraulics, group 10.5.3 Shuttle valve. The load signal trav-
els to the pumps required. The valve block is located standing on the
bracket for the oil filling point between the engine and transmission.
9 Solenoid valve pump unloading (Y6062) is supplied with voltage by
8 Control unit frame rear (D797-R) on activation.
The signal can be checked from the diagnostic menu, see Workshop
manual section 8 Control and monitoring system, group
BOOM, menu 2.

1. Solenoid valve engagement hydraulic pressure

2. Pressure signal to hydraulic oil pump 1
3. Valve block top lift hydraulics
4. Tank drain
5. Pressure signal in, from shuttle valve
6. Valve block pump unloading
7. Pressure signal to hydraulic oil pump 1
8. Solenoid valve pump unloading (Y6062)
9. Tank drain
10. Pressure signal in, from shuttle valve 1

Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450 DDRF05.01GB

16 7 Load handling – 7.3.9 Valve block pump unloading

DDRF05.01GB Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450

10 Common hydraulics – 10 Common hydraulics 17

10 Common hydraulics

10 Common hydraulics
mm mm mm mm mm mm

10.4 Pumps
10.4.1 Gear pump with fixed displacement
Gear pump with fixed displacement, description

There are two gear pumps with fixed displacement. One of them (po-
sition 2) pressurizes the brake system, see Workshop manual section
4 Brakes, group 4.3.1 Brake fluid pump. The other gear pump (position
1) circulates the hydraulic oil for the working hydraulics through a cool-
er and filters.
The gear pump pumps oil using two gears wheels that rotate opposite
each other. One is driven by the pump's input shaft and the other ro-
tates freely. The gear pump's flow is directly dependent on the speed
of the input shaft.
The cooling pump is mounted on the right main pump and is driven by
2 the main pump's shaft from the transmission's power take-off. The
pump's speed is directly dependent on the engine speed. The pump's
flow increases with the engine speed.

1. Pump cooling and filtering

2. Brake oil pump

Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450 DDRF05.01GB

18 10 Common hydraulics – 10.4.1 Gear pump with fixed displacement

Gear pump with fixed deplacement, replacement


Read the safety instructions for oil before work, see Workshop
manual section B Safety.
1 Machine in service position, see Workshop manual section B
2 Depressurize the brake and hydraulic systems, see Workshop
manual section B Safety.
3 Mark up and detach the hydraulic hoses from the pump.

Plug all connections immediately to protect the brake sys-
tem from impurities.

4 Remove the attaching bolts, pull the pump out backwards and lift
it away.
5 Transfer the connection adapters to the new pump.

6 Apply sealant silicone on the brake pump's sealing surface facing

the spacer ring, see Workshop manual section F Technical data.
7 Fit the brake pump to the main pump.
Place the pump and check that the gear wheel engages in the
shaft and that the spacer ring is straight against the brake pump.
Fit the pump's attaching bolts.

DDRF05.01GB Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450

10 Common hydraulics – 10.4.1 Gear pump with fixed displacement 19

8 Connect the hydraulic hoses to the brake pump.

Check that the O-rings are intact and are fitted correctly.

9 Close the drain valve and tighten the lock ring on the accumulator
charging valve.
10 Turn on the main electrical power and start the engine.
11 Check that the hose connections and the seal between hydraulic
oil pump and brake pump are sealed tightly.
Check the feed pressure from the brake pump, see Workshop
manual section 4 Brakes, group 4.3.1 Brake oil pump.
12 Check the oil level in the brake system, fill as necessary.

If the pump is replaced due to breakdown then change the
oil and filter in the brake system as well.

Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450 DDRF05.01GB

20 10 Common hydraulics – 10.4.2 Axial piston pump with variable displacement

10.4.2 Axial piston pump with variable

Axial piston pump with variable displacement,

The hydraulic oil pumps are of the type variable axial piston pumps
% # and are controlled with load signals depending on the flow demand
$ from respective function.
The left hydraulic oil pump (pump 2, pos 2) feeds the operating valve
for lifting and extension and also the operating valve of the attachment
hydraulics. At boom in pump 2 is shut off.
The right hydraulic oil pump (pump 1, pos 1) feeds the steering system
and also the lifting and extension operating valve. The priority valve
" ensures that there always is pressure in the steering system. The re-
! " maing flow is fed to the lifting and extension operating valve.
On each hydraulic pump there's a spacer block containing test outlets
for checking pump pressure. On the spacer block, there are non-return
valves that prevent oil from being pumped around between the pumps
instead of out into the hydraulic system.

On the spacer block for the right pump there is a branching to the at-
tachment hydraulics with a separate non-return valve.
On the spacer block for the left pump there is a branching to the pres-
sure reduction unit. he test outlet for this pump is situated on this

Hydraulic oil pump unit

1. Right hydraulic oil pump unit
2. Left hydraulic oil pump unit
3. Adjusting screw, stand-by pressure of pump
4. Adjusting screw, max. pressure of pump
5. Spacer block, pump pressure side
6. Test outlet, pump pressure left pump
7. Test outlet, pump pressure right pump

DDRF05.01GB Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450

10 Common hydraulics – 10.4.2 Axial piston pump with variable displacement 21

Axial piston pump with variable deplacement,


functional description

1 12
  7, 16
D7 D7  

2, 13

4, 17 5, 9 C15

C6 C6
8, 11, 18
6, 10 3, 14

Pos Explanation Signal description Reference
1 Control valve lift and extension sends See pressure plate Servo Workshop manual section 7 Load handling,
load signal when a function is activat- pressure lift and extension group 7.2 Lifting/lowering
ed. on left frame member.

2 Control signal goes to the shuttle valve See pressure plate Servo Workshop manual section 10 Common hy-
that sends load signal on to hydraulic pressure lift and extension draulics, group 10.5.3 Shuttle valve
oil pump no. 2. on left frame member.

3 Hydraulic oil pump no. 2 increase the See pressure plate Max. Workshop manual section 10 Common hy-
flow. pressure hydraulic oil draulics, group 10.4.2 Axial piston pump with
pumps on left frame mem- variable displacement

4 Solenoid valve, unloading main pump See pressure plate Servo Workshop manual section 7 Load handling,
(Y6062) leads load signal on to hydrau- pressure lift and extension group 7.3.9 Valve block pump unloading
lic oil pump no. 1 and the shuttle valve on left frame member.
(position 5).

5 The shuttle valve sends load signal on See pressure plate Servo Workshop manual section 10 Common hy-
to hydraulic oil pump no. 2. pressure lift and extension draulics, group 10.5.3 Shuttle valve
on left frame member.

6 Hydraulic oil pump no. 1 increase the See pressure plate Max. Workshop manual section 10 Common hy-
flow. pressure hydraulic oil draulics, group 10.4.2 Axial piston pump with
pumps on left frame mem- variable displacement

Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450 DDRF05.01GB

22 10 Common hydraulics – 10.4.2 Axial piston pump with variable displacement

Pos Explanation Signal description Reference

7 If any attachment function is activated, U = 24 V Workshop manual section 11 Common elec-
then control unit frame rear (D797-R) tric, group Control unit frame rear
activates solenoid valve top hydraulics Diagnostic menu, see flik 8 Control system
(Y6003). grupp HYD, meny 6.

8 Solenoid valve top hydraulics (Y6003) - Workshop manual section 7 Load handling,
controls an unloaded constant pres- group 7.4.2 Valve block top lift hydraulics
sure to hydraulic oil pump no. 1, this
functions as a load signal.

9 The shuttle valve sends load signal on - Workshop manual section 10 Common hy-
to hydraulic oil pump no. 1. draulics, group 10.5.3 Shuttle valve

10 Hydraulic oil pump no. 2 increases the See pressure plate Max. Workshop manual section 10 Common hy-
flow. pressure hydraulic oil draulics, group 10.4.2 Axial piston pump with
pumps on left frame mem- variable displacement

11 When solenoid valve top hydraulics - Workshop manual section 7 Load handling,
(Y6003) is not activated, the unloaded group 7.4.2 Valve block top lift hydraulics
pressure is directed to tank.

12 The steering valve sends load signal - Workshop manual section 5 Steering, group
when the steering wheel is turned. 5.2.3 Steering valve

13 The shuttle valve sends load signal on - Workshop manual section 10 Common hy-
to hydraulic oil pump no. 2. draulics, group 10.5.3 Shuttle valve

14 Hydraulic oil pump no. 2 increase the See pressure plate Steer- Workshop manual section 10 Common hy-
flow. ing pressure, on left frame draulics, group 10.4.2 Axial piston pump with
member. variable displacement

15 Priority valve directs pressure from See pressure plate Steer- Workshop manual section 5 Steering, group
pumps to steering valve. ing pressure, on left frame 5.2.2 Priority valve

16 At boom in, Control unit frame rear U = 24 V Workshop manual section 11 Common elec-
(D797-R) activates Solenoid valve, tric, group Control unit frame rear
pump unloading (Y6062). Diagnostic menu, see heading 8 Control and
monitoring system , group BOOM,
menu 2

17 Solenoid valve pump unloading - Workshop manual section 7 Load handling,

(Y6062) leads the pressure from the group 7.3.9 Valve block pump unloading
control valve to tank.

18 When solenoid valve top hydraulics - Workshop manual section 7 Load handling,
(Y6003) is not activated, the unloaded group 7.3.9 Valve block pump unloading
pressure is directed to tank.

DDRF05.01GB Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450

10 Common hydraulics – 10.4.2 Axial piston pump with variable displacement 23

Hydraulic oil pump, checking


Read the safety instructions for oil before work, see Workshop
manual section B Safety.

1 Operate and warm up the machine so that the hydraulic oil reach-
es operating temperature, approx. 50 °C.
2 Turn off the engine.
3 Connect pressure gauge to test outlet on hydraulic oil pump 1.
4 Start the engine and let it idle.
5 Check the stand-by pressure for one pump at a time in the follow-
ing order:
Hydraulic oil pump 1: 2.9 MPa
Hydraulic oil pump 2: 3.0 MPa
The settings apply to standard machine, certain machines can
have higher stand-by pressure. For correct stand-by pressure,
1. Hydraulic oil pump 1 see pressure plate. However, the difference in pressure between
2. Hydraulic oil pump 2 the different pumps must always be maintained.
6 Increase engine speed to approx. 1100 r/min and run extension
function against end-position (overflow).
Run out the boom to max. and continue to request max. exten-
sion with the control lever. This results in overflowing of the ex-
tension function.
7 Check max. pressure on hydraulic oil pump 1, the pressure
should match the value on the pressure plate.
MPa All pumps shall give the same pressure. The order between the
pumps is of no importance.
8 Turn off the engine.
9 Transfer the pressure gauge to the next pump and repeat steps
3–8 on all four pumps.





Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450 DDRF05.01GB

24 10 Common hydraulics – 10.4.2 Axial piston pump with variable displacement

Axial piston pump with variable displacement,



Read the safety instructions for oil before work, see Workshop
manual section B Safety.
1 Park the machine with the cab in its rearmost position and the
boom fully raised and extended halfway.

Make sure that the oil level in the hydraulic oil tank is
below the mouth of the axial piston pump's suction

If the premises do not permit the boom to be raised, the hydraulic

oil tank will have to be drained, seetab 10 Common hydraulics,
group 10.6.8 Hydraulic oil.
2 Disconnect the main power supply.
3 Depressurize the brake and hydraulic systems, see Workshop
manual section B Safety.
4 Disconnect the brake oil pump or cooling pump from the hydraulic
oil pump, depending on which pump is to be changed.
5 Suspend the gear pump.
6 Use a plastic bag or similar to protect the connection on the gear

DDRF05.01GB Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450

10 Common hydraulics – 10.4.2 Axial piston pump with variable displacement 25

Axial piston pump 2 (left)

Axial piston pump 1 (right) 7 Mark the hydraulic hoses and disconnect them from the axial pis-
ton pump.

Plug all connections immediately to protect the hydraulic
system from impurities.
8 Attach hoisting equipment to the axial piston pump.
9 Remove the axial piston pump.
Remove the retaining bolts and lift the pump away.
10 Clean the flange on the gearbox, removing all silicone remnants.

Be careful and make sure that no gasket remains fall
down into the transmission.

Gasket remains may fall into the transmission and

cause product damage.

11 Transfer the connection adapters to the new axial piston pump.

Check that the O-rings are intact and fitted correctly.
12 Brush sealing silicone on the axial piston pump flange that faces
the transmission, see Workshop manual section F Technical da-
13 Fit the axial piston pump in place.
Place the axial piston pump so that the pump shaft engages the
transmission's gears. Install the attaching bolts.
14 Connect the suction hose to the axial piston pump.

Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450 DDRF05.01GB

26 10 Common hydraulics – 10.4.2 Axial piston pump with variable displacement

Axial piston pump 2 (left)

15 Fill the pump with oil through the connections at the top.
Axial piston pump 1 (right)

Axial piston pump 2 (left)

Axial piston pump 1 (right) 16 Connect the hydraulic hoses to the axial piston pump in accord-
ance with the marking.

Check that the O-rings are intact and fitted correctly.
17 Brush sealing silicone on the gear pump's sealing face against
the spacer ring, see Workshop manual section F Technical data.

The illustration shows a separate pump.

DDRF05.01GB Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450

10 Common hydraulics – 10.4.2 Axial piston pump with variable displacement 27

18 Fit the gear pump in place.

Place the gear pump on the axial piston pump and install the at-
taching bolts. Be careful so that the O-ring on the spacer ring is
located correctly and that the gear pump's shaft engages the ax-
ial piston pump's output shaft.
19 Vent the axial piston pump, see Workshop manual section 10
Common hydraulics, group 10.4.2 Axial piston pump with varia-
ble displacement.

The illustration shows gear pump preassembled on
Vent the axial piston pump before starting the engine.
hydraulic oil pump 1
The oil in the axial piston pump may cavitate and
cause product damage.

20 Close the drain valve and tighten the lock ring on the accumulator
charging valve.
21 Turn on the main electric power and start the engine.
22 Check that the hose connections and seal between gear pump
and axial piston pump are airtight.
23 Check the pump pressures, see Workshop manual section 10
Common hydraulics, group 10.4.2 Axial piston pump with varia-
ble displacement.

24 Check the oil level in the hydraulic oil tank. The oil level shall be
at the top of the level glass. Top up as needed.

If the pump is replaced due to malfunction, change the oil
and filter in the hydraulic system as well.

Overfilling the oil.

Leakage and environmental damage.

The hydraulic oil level is checked with the boom com-

pletely lowered and retracted.

Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450 DDRF05.01GB

28 10 Common hydraulics – 10.4.2 Axial piston pump with variable displacement

Axial piston pump with variable displacement,



Read the safety instructions for oil before work, see Workshop
manual section B Safety.

1 Remove the hydraulic oil tank breather filter.

2 Connect compressed air at max. 10 kPa to the hydraulic oil tank's
connection for breather filter.

Axial piston pump 2 (left)

Axial piston pump 1 (right) 3 Loosen the hoses to the hydraulic system's feed from the axial
piston pump one at a time and let oil flow out. Tighten the connec-
tions when oil free of air flows out.
4 Remove the compressed air from the tank and fit the breather fil-
5 Turn on the main electric power and start the engine.
6 Let the engine idle for at least one minute. Check that all connec-
tions seal tight.
7 Lower the boom and raise it again very slowly so that the pump
operates under minimum load while air pockets are eliminated.
8 Turn off the engine.
9 Wash the engine bay.

DDRF05.01GB Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450

mm mm mm mm mm mm
1 2 3 4 5 6
C+ C-
C+ C- C+ C- 8

9 10
17 ACC B 16 H
15 14
45 12
B1 A1 B2 A2 M
44 A
P H 46 PP 13
T H 10
E Schematics


T T 29
E Schematics – E Schematics

D 26
48 24
48 PSS PS 18
34 30

Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450

40 36
3 23
E Schematics

33 392 1 20
43 3
33 X1 X1
33 T P
42 LS
B1 B1
T PP 21
37 32 31
35 22
S L2 L1 S L2 L1

011306 [A40470.0400 ver 01]

Hydraulic diagram basic machine

30 E Schematics – E Schematics

1. Lift cylinder 25. Oil return from attachment

2. Valve block lift cylinder 26. Brake oil filter
3. Extension cylinder 27. Hydraulic oil filter
4. Valve block extension cylinder 28. Cooler hydraulic oil
5. Lift cylinder 29. By-pass valve hydraulic oil cooler
6. Valve block lift cylinder 30. Fine filter hydraulic oil
7. Accumulator brake pressure 31. Priority valve
8. Brake valve 32. Pump cooling and filtering of hydraulic oil
9. Parking brake caliper 33. Non-return valve
10. Brake cylinder 34. Pressure feed to attachment
11. Wheel brake 35. Hydraulic oil pump 3 and 4
12. Drive axle block 36. Shuttle valve
13. Make-contact declutch 37. Pump brake system
14. Make-contact brake light 38. Valve block top lift hydraulics
15. Make-contact parking brake 39. Shuttle valve
16. Accumulator charging valve 40. Unloading valve attachment
17. Breaking contact brake pressure 41. Hydraulic oil pump 1 and 2
18. Cooler brake oil 42. Pressure limiting valve
19. Thermal by-pass valve 43. Valve block pump unloading
20. Breather filter brake oil tank 44. Pressure reducer
21. Brake oil tank 45. Accumulator servo pressure
22. Breather filter hydraulic oil tank 46. Servo filter
23. Steering valve 47. Control valve lift and lower as well as extension
24. Steering cylinder 48. High pressure filter

DDRF05.01GB Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450

E Schematics – E Schematics 31

Hydraulic diagram sliding cab





010452 (A54505.0100 ver. 1)

Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450 DDRF05.01GB

32 E Schematics – E Schematics

1. Control valve option frame

2. Hydraulic motor sliding cab
3. Solenoid valve engagement hydraulic pressure
4. Shuttle valve
5. Shuttle valve option
6. Hydraulic oil pump
7. Connection terminal

DDRF05.01GB Supplement for Workshop manual DRF 400–450

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