SEN0512 User Manual-En
SEN0512 User Manual-En
SEN0512 User Manual-En
User Manual
1 Introduction of Module
1.1 Introduction
The cable is 12PIN directly connected with FPC flexible line, with an interval of 0.5mm
PIN11 - NC -
Code 128/EAN128
Standard 2 of 5 ×
Interleaved 2 of 5
Industrial 2 of 5 ×
Matrix 2 of 5 ×
Code 39
Code 32 ×
Code 93 ×
Code 11 ×
Codabar ×
GS1 Databar ×
ITF-14 ×
QR code
Data Matrix
Aztec ×
Micro QR
Micro PDF417
2 Factory Mode Information
It‟s default and common to connect module and mainframe(such as PC, POS) by series
communication interface. Make sure communication parameter for module and mainframe are same,
then it will communicate smooth and correctly. Serial port related configuration: Baud rate:9600, Data
bit:8, Verification: No, Stop bit:1
1200bps 2400bps
4800bps *9600bps(Default)
19200bps 38400bps
57600bps 115200bps
3.1.2 Parity Bit
4 Read Mode
Set to button holding mode, press the button to trigger reading, and release the button to end
reading. If the reading is successful or the reading time exceeds the single reading time, the reading will
be finished.
Set to the button trigger mode, press the button to start reading, release the button, read will not
stop. If the reading is successful or the reading time exceeds the single reading time, the reading will be
On this mode, reading module read code continuous and automatic. Read successfully or the
reading time exceeds the single reading time,the reading will be finished,and automatically trigger the
next reading.
*Continuous Mode
4.2.1 Break Time Settlement
In automatic sensing mode, the reading engine detects the brightness of the surrounding
environment. When the brightness changes, module will begin to read, read successfully or the reading
time exceeds the single reading time,the reading will be finished. Regardless of the last read success or
failure, the module will be redetects the brightness of the surrounding environment.
Induction Mode
Stable time before entering the test environment. Default: 500ms, Unit:100ms, Range:0-9900ms
You can set the stable time by scanning the bar code, example:
Set 200ms,first scan the bar code below. Then scan the “0” and “2” bar code in the Digital Setting
Code (Appendix 1).
Set 1500ms,first scan the bar code below. Then scan the “1” and “5” bar code in the Digital Setting
Code (Appendix 1).
Stable Induction Time
There are three levels of sensitivity to choose from, default: high sensitivity.
Through the instruction to trigger the reading engine, and it can end the reading by instruction, read
successfully or the reading time exceeds the single reading time,the reading will be finished.
Host Mode
This parameter is the duration of a single decoding. Time from 0.5s to 25.5s, step size 0.1s. Default
3s. Example:
Set 0.5s, first scan the bar code below. Then scan the “0”,“0” and “5” bar code in the Digital Setting
Code (Appendix 1).
Set 10.5s, first scan the bar code below. Then scan the “1”,“0” and “5” bar code in the Digital Setting
Code (Appendix 1).
Infinite 3s 5s
It means, after reading a barcode, refuse to read the same code for a set period of time. Only after a
set period of time, it can be able to read and output. Default: 500ms, Unit:100ms, Range:0-9900ms.
5.1 Lighting
5.2 Collimation
There will be a pointing light beam which can help user to find best distance.
Note: Flashing and non-flashing functions only work if the collimation LED is set to be Always on or
on when read. After the LED is set to be off, if you want to set the LED flashing function, please first set
the collimation LED to be Always on or on when reading.
Flashing Non-Flashing
6 Prompts
6.1 Keyboard
Sweden UK Denmark
After enabling the virtual keyboard, you can output the correct data in any keyboard language mode.
When using virtual keyboard, you must make sure the keypad number keys are valid.
0ms 10ms
Output Ctrl combination key (this function is used with prefix and suffix) : Ctrl combination key output
control characters, specific functions are shown in appendix 4
ALT output control characters: full control character output is supported in Chinese environment,
refer to standard ASCII table for details
Output Enter and DownArrow: mask other control characters, output only: 0x07 output Enter,0x0A
output DownArrow, 0x0D output Enter.
Decoding success prompt light on a certain time, the premise is that the prompt light is used as a
decoding prompt.
Forbid *Allow
If the barcode cannot be decoded within the timeout period before releasing the trigger button, it is
allowed to send "unread" messages.Any possible prefix or suffix can be attached to this message.
When this function is disabled, no message can be sent to the host even if the barcode cannot be
Example: If the barcode is ab123dE, if scan the "convert to uppercase" bar code, the output is
AB123DE; if scan the "convert to lowercase" bar code,the output is abc123de.
Terminator character is add character format after decoding data: decoded data + terminator
*No Terminator CR LF
7.3 Add Prefix and Suffix
7.3.1 Prefix
7.3.2 Suffix(Similar to a prefix, you can add a newline to suffix if you need a newline)
Decoding data for header data hiding, it can be configured to hide any length.
If the configured length exceeds the barcode data length, all contents of the current barcode are
*Forbid Allow
Decoding data for middle data hiding,and any starting position and length can be configured.
If the starting position of the configuration exceeds the barcode data length, the current barcode is
not hidden.
If the configured length exceeds the remaining barcode data length, all barcode data after the
start location is hidden.
*Forbid Follow
Decoding data for tail data hiding, it can be configured to hide any length.
If the configured length exceeds the barcode data length, all contents of the current barcode are
*Forbid Follow
Set the number of Tail Header Characters
Set the number of Tail Header Characters, ranging from 1 to 255.
Scan the follow barcode and then scan the digital setting code. For example, if 16 characters need
to be hidden, then scan the digital setting code sequentially: 0, 1 and 6.
This function can replace any character in barcode data with another character, supporting data
number 1:1 or 1:n replacement, such as the replacement of A--B, A--BC, A--BCD...
Operation brief Description:
Complete Setting
Allow Forbid
Allow Forbid
Allow Forbid
Allow Forbid
8.5 UPC-A
8.5.1 UPC-A
*Allow Forbid
No Leading Code *System Characters (Default) System Character & Country Code
Allow *Forbid
8.6.2 UPC-A 5-bit Extra Code
Allow *Forbid
Allow *Forbid
8.7 UPC-E
8.7.1 UPC-E
*Allow Forbid
*No Leading Code System Characters (Default) System Character & Country Code
Allow *Forbid
Allow *Forbid
Allow *Forbid
Allow *Forbid
Allow *Forbid
8.11 UPC-E1
Allow Forbid
8.12 EAN-8
8.12.1 EAN-8
*Allow Forbid
Forbid Allow
Allow *Forbid
8.13.2 EAN-8 5-bit Extra Code
Allow *Forbid
Allow *Forbid
8.14 EAN-13
8.14.1 EAN-13
*Allow Forbid
Forbid *Allow
8.15 Bookland EAN(ISBN)
Allow *Forbid
Allow *Forbid
Allow *Forbid
8.17 CODE 128
*Allow Forbid
8.18 GS1-128(UCC/EAN-128)
*Allow Forbid
8.19 Interleaved 2 of 5
8.19.1 I 2 of 5
*Allow Forbid
First scan the bar code below, and then scan 0,4,2,0 bar code in Appendix 1 in sequence. Change
the selection or cancel an incorrect input setting, scan the bar code in Appendix 2.
Industrial 2 of 5 within a certain length range Industrial 2 of 5 in any length range
Allow *Forbid
Allow *Forbid
8.20 Matrix 2 of 5
8.20.1 Matrix 2 of 5
Allow *Forbid
First scan the bar code below, and then scan 0,4,2,0 bar code in Appendix 1 in sequence. Change
the selection or cancel an incorrect input setting, scan the bar code in Appendix 2.
Matrix 2 of 5 within a certain length range Matrix 2 of 5 in any length range
Allow *Forbid
Allow *Forbid
8.21 Industrial 2 of 5
8.21.1 Industrial 2 of 5
Allow *Forbid
First scan the bar code below, and then scan 0,4,2,0 bar code in Appendix 1 in sequence. Change
the selection or cancel an incorrect input setting, scan the bar code in Appendix 2.
8.22 Standard 2 of 5
8.22.1 Standard 2 of 5
Allow *Forbid
First scan the bar code below, and then scan 0,4,2,0 bar code in Appendix 1 in sequence. Change
the selection or cancel an incorrect input setting, scan the bar code in Appendix 2.
8.23.1 Code 39
*Allow Forbid
Allow *Forbid
8.24 Code 39 Full ASCII
Allow *Forbid
8.25 Code 32
8.25.1 Code 32
Allow *Forbid
Allow *Forbid
8.26 Code 93
8.26.1 Code93
Allow *Forbid
8.26.2 Code93 Length
8.27 Code 11
8.27.1 Code 11
Allow *Forbid
Allow *Forbid
8.28 Codabar
8.28.1 Codabar
Allow *Forbid
T initiators and terminators are allowed to be one of the four characters: "A", "B", "C", "D";The
terminator is also allowed to be one of the four characters "T", "N", "*", "E".
Remove the start and stop characters *Allow start and stop characters
8.29 MSI
8.29.1 MSI
Allow *Forbid
8.30 GS1-Databar
Allow *Forbid
Allow *Forbid
8.32 QR Code
8.32.1 QR Code
*Allow Forbid
*Allow Forbid
Only read Forward Only read Backward Forward and Backward both can read
8.34 PDF 417
*Allow Forbid
Allow *Forbid
Allow *Forbid
Allow *Forbid
8.38 Mirror
8.38.1 QR Mirror
*Forbid Allow
8.38.2 DM Mirror
*Forbid Allow
Appendix 1:Digital Setting Code
0 1
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
Appendix 2:Cancel Barcode
Change the selection or cancel an incorrect input, scan the bar code below.
Appendix 3: Code ID
Code Bar code Type
C Codabar
E Code 93
G Industrial 2 of 5, Standard 2 of 5
J MSI, MSI/Plessey
K UCC/EAN-128/GS1-128
V Matrix 25
r PDF417
u DataMatrix(DM)
q QR
a Aztec Code
x Maxi Code
c HanXin
Appendix 4: Character Comparison Table
Hexadecimal Keyboard
Scan Value Keyboard+Ctrl Operation
value Operation
1033 21h /A !
1034 22h /B „
1035 23h /C #
1036 24h /D $
1037 25h /E %
1039 27h /G „
1040 28h /H (
1041 29h /I )
1042 2Ah /J *
1043 2Bh /K +
1044 2Ch /L ,
1045 2Dh - -
1046 2Eh . .
1047 2Fh / /
1048 30h 0 0
1049 31h 1 1
1050 32h 2 2
1051 33h 3 3
1052 34h 4 4
1053 35h 5 5
1054 36h 6 6
1055 37h 7 7
1056 38h 8 8
1057 39h 9 9
1058 3Ah /Z :
1059 3Bh %F ;
1060 3Ch %G <
1061 3Dh %H =
1063 3Fh %J ?
1064 40h %V @
1065 41h A A
1066 42h B B
1067 43h C C
1068 44h D D
1069 45h E E
1070 46h F F
1071 47h G G
1072 48h H H
1073 49h I I
1074 4Ah J J
1075 4Bh K K
1076 4Ch L L
1077 4Dh M M
1078 4Eh N N
1079 4Fh O O
1080 50h P P
1081 51h Q Q
1082 52h R R
1083 53h S S
1084 54h T T
1085 55h U U
1086 56h V V
1087 57h W W
1088 58h X X
1089 59h Y Y
1090 5Ah Z Z
1091 5Bh %K [
1092 5Ch %L \
1093 5Dh %M ]
1094 5Eh %N ^
1095 5Fh %O _
1096 60h %W „
1097 61h +A a
1098 62h +B b
1099 63h +C c
1100 64h +D d
1101 65h +E e
1102 66h +F f
1103 67h +G g
1104 68h +H h
1105 69h +I i
1106 6Ah +J j
1107 6Bh +K k
1108 6Ch +L l
1109 6Dh +M m
1110 6Eh +N n
1111 6Fh +O o
1112 70h +P p
1113 71h +Q q
1114 72h +R r
1115 73h +S s
1116 74h +T t
1117 75h +U u
1118 76h +V v
1119 77h +W w
1120 78h +X x
1121 79h +Y y
1122 7Ah +Z z
1123 7Bh %P {
1124 7Ch %Q |
1125 7Dh %R }
1126 7Eh %S ~
UPC E0 with 2
0x49 GS1 DataBar-14 0x30
UPC E0 with 5
0x89 GS1 DataBar Limited 0x31
Appendix 6: Serial Port Instruction
When the scanner is not working, it is in sleep mode.Under the sleep mode, need to wake up first,
then send the effective command. (Wake up command:0x00,50ms,then send the effective command)
To start decoding and stop decoding the serial port command needs to be valid in host mode.
Please switch to the host mode first.
Table 6-1
Name Instructions
CMD_ACK 04 D0 04 00 FF 28
CMD_NAK RESEND:05 D1 04 00 01 FF 25
BAD_CONTEXT:05 D1 04 00 02 FF
DENIED:05 D1 04 00 06 FF 20
LED_OFF 05 E8 04 00 01 FF 0E
LED_ON 05 E7 04 00 01 FF 0F
PARAM_DEFAULTS 04 C8 04 00 FF 30
SCAN_ENABLE 04 E9 04 00 FF 0F
SLEEP 04 EB 04 00 FF 0D
START_DECODE 04 E4 04 00 FF 14
STOP_DECODE 04 E5 04 00 FF 13
RESET 04 FA 04 00 FE FE
10s:07 C6 04 08 00 88 64 FE 3B
Middle: 07 C6 04 08 00 8C 01 FE 9A
High: 07 C6 04 08 00 8C 00 FE 9B
Silent Forbid: 08 C6 04 08 00 F2 0C 00 FE 28
Allow: 08 C6 04 08 00 F2 0C 01 FE 27
Suffix 1 0B C6 04 08 00 69 31 68 32 6A 33 FD
Suffix 2 52
Suffix 0x0D 0x0A Implement a newline:
0B C6 04 08 00 69 00 68 0D 6A 0A FD
Always on :08 C6 04 08 00 F2 02 01 FE
Always off : 08 C6 04 08 00 F2 02 02
FE 30
Always on :08 C6 04 08 00 F2 03 01 FE
Always off : 08 C6 04 08 00 F2 03 02
1D Backward Forbid:08 C6 04 08 00 F2 91 00 FD A3
Barcode Reading Allow:08 C6 04 08 00 F2 91 01 FD A2
Norway: 08 C6 04 08 00 F6 01 10 FE
Poland:08 C6 04 08 00 F6 01 11 FE 1E
Portugal : 08 C6 04 08 00 F6 01 12 FE
Romania(Standard):08 C6 04 08 00
F6 01 13 FE 1C
Russia: 08 C6 04 08 00 F6 01 14 FE 1B
Slovakia: 08 C6 04 08 00 F6 01 15 FE
Spain: 08 C6 04 08 00 F6 01 16 FE 19
Sweden: 08 C6 04 08 00 F6 01 17 FE
Turkey_F: 08 C6 04 08 00 F6 01 19 FE
Turkey_Q: 08 C6 04 08 00 F6 01 1A FE
UK: 08 C6 04 08 00 F6 01 1B FE 14
Japan: 08 C6 04 08 00 F6 01 1C FE 13
Czech: 08 C6 04 08 00 F6 01 1D FE 12
Thailand Keyboard Kedmanee: 08 C6
04 08 00 F6 01 1E FE 11
Ukraine:08 C6 04 08 00 F6 01 1F FE
Arabic Language_101:08 C6 04 08 00
F6 01 20 FE 0F
Croatia: 08 C6 04 08 00 F6 01 21 FE
Korea:08 C6 04 08 00 F6 01 22 FE 0D
Bulgaria:08 C6 04 08 00 F6 01 23 FE
All uppercase: 08 C6 04 08 00 F2 A1 01
FD 92
All lowercase: 08 C6 04 08 00 F2 A1 02
FD 91
Case reversal: 08 C6 04 08 00 F2 A1
03 FD 90
Read Forbid:07 C6 04 08 00 01 00 FF 26
Allow:07 C6 04 08 00 01 01 FF 25
Read Forbid:07 C6 04 08 00 02 00 FF 25
Allow:07 C6 04 08 00 02 01 FF 24
UPC-E1 Forbid:08 C6 04 08 00 F2 15 00 FE 1F
Allow:08 C6 04 08 00 F2 15 01 FE 1E
Read Forbid:07 C6 04 08 00 04 00 FF 23
Allow:07 C6 04 08 00 04 01 FF 22
Read Forbid:07 C6 04 08 00 03 00 FF 24
Allow:07 C6 04 08 00 03 01 FF 23
Bookland EAN(ISBN)
Read Forbid:07 C6 04 08 00 53 00 FE D4
Allow:07 C6 04 08 00 53 01 FE D3
Output 13 Bit:08 C6 04 08 00 F1 40 01
0B C6 04 08 00 F5 04 00 F5 05 00
FD 30
0B C6 04 08 00 F5 06 00 F5 07 00
Code 39 Forbid:07 C6 04 08 00 00 00 FF 27
Allow:07 C6 04 08 00 00 01 FF 26
09 C6 04 08 00 12 06 13 00 FE FA
Length 16:
09 C6 04 08 00 12 10 13 00 FE F0
09 C6 04 08 00 12 0E 13 00 FE F2
Two Single length:
02 and 04:
09 C6 04 08 00 12 04 13 02 FE FA
16 and 14:
09 C6 04 08 00 12 10 13 0E FE E2
Within a certain length range:
02 to 09:
09 C-6 04 08 00 12 02 13 09 FE F5
0x02 to 0x37(55)Default:
09 C6 04 08 00 12 02 13 37 FE C7
14 to 15:
09 C6 04 08 00 12 0E 13 0F FE E3
15 to 16:
09 C6 04 08 00 12 0F 13 10 FE E1
Any length range:09 C6 04 08 00 12 00
13 00 FE F0
Code 39 Forbid:07 C6 04 08 00 30 00 FE F7
Check Bit Verification Allow:07 C6 04 08 00 30 01 FE F6
Code 93 Forbid:07 C6 04 08 00 09 00 FF 1E
Allow:07 C6 04 08 00 09 01 FF 1D
Code 11 Forbid:07 C6 04 08 00 0A 00 FF 1D
Allow:07 C6 04 08 00 0A 01 FF 1C
Code 11 None:07 C6 04 08 00 34 00 FE F3
Industrial 2 of 5 Forbid:07 C6 04 08 00 05 00 FF 22
Allow:07 C6 04 08 00 05 01 FF 21
0B C6 04 08 00 F5 00 00 F5 01 00
FD 38
Standard 25 / Forbid:08 C6 04 08 00 F2 23 00 FE 11
Codabar Forbid:07 C6 04 08 00 07 00 FF 20
Allow:07 C6 04 08 00 07 01 FF 1F
09 C6 04 08 00 18 05 19 04 FE EB
Within a certain length range:
04 to 09:09 C6 04 08 00 18 04 19
09 FE E7
Any length range :09 C6 04 08 00 18
00 19 00 FE F4
PDF417 Allow:07 C6 04 08 00 0F 01 FF 17
Forbid:07 C6 04 08 00 0F 00 FF 18
QRCode Allow:08 C6 04 08 00 F0 25 01 FE 10
Forbid:08 C6 04 08 00 F0 25 00 FE 11
MicroQRCode Allow:08 C6 04 08 00 F1 3D 01 FD F7
Forbid:08 C6 04 08 00 F1 3D 00 FD F8
DataMatrix Allow:08 C6 04 08 00 F0 24 01 FE 11
Forbid:08 C6 04 08 00 F0 24 00 FE 12
Aztec Forbid:08 C6 04 08 00 F0 28 00 FE 0E
Allow:08 C6 04 08 00 F0 28 01 FE 0D