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Dynamic Viscosity and Density of Liquids by Stabinger Viscometer (And The Calculation of Kinematic Viscosity)

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Designation: D7042 − 14

Standard Test Method for

Dynamic Viscosity and Density of Liquids by Stabinger
Viscometer (and the Calculation of Kinematic Viscosity)1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7042; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* D975 Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils

1.1 This test method covers and specifies a procedure for the D2162 Practice for Basic Calibration of Master Viscometers
concurrent measurement of both the dynamic viscosity, η, and and Viscosity Oil Standards
the density, ρ, of liquid petroleum products and crude oils, both D2270 Practice for Calculating Viscosity Index from Kine-
transparent and opaque. The kinematic viscosity, ν, can be matic Viscosity at 40 and 100°C
obtained by dividing the dynamic viscosity, η, by the density, D4052 Test Method for Density, Relative Density, and API
ρ, obtained at the same test temperature. Gravity of Liquids by Digital Density Meter
D6299 Practice for Applying Statistical Quality Assurance
1.2 The result obtained from this test method is dependent and Control Charting Techniques to Evaluate Analytical
upon the behavior of the sample and is intended for application Measurement System Performance
to liquids for which primarily the shear stress and shear rate are D6300 Practice for Determination of Precision and Bias
proportional (Newtonian flow behavior). Data for Use in Test Methods for Petroleum Products and
1.3 The precision has only been determined for those Lubricants
materials, viscosity ranges, density ranges, and temperatures as D6617 Practice for Laboratory Bias Detection Using Single
indicated in Section 15 on Precision and Bias. The test method Test Result from Standard Material
can be applied to a wider range of materials, viscosity, density, D6708 Practice for Statistical Assessment and Improvement
and temperature. For materials not listed in Section 15 on of Expected Agreement Between Two Test Methods that
Precision and Bias, the precision and bias may not be appli- Purport to Measure the Same Property of a Material
cable. D6751 Specification for Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock (B100)
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as for Middle Distillate Fuels
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this D7467 Specification for Diesel Fuel Oil, Biodiesel Blend
standard. (B6 to B20)
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the 2.2 ISO Standards:3
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the ISO 5725 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- methods and results
priate safety and health practices and to determine the ISO/IEC 17025 General Requirements for the Competence
applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. of Testing and Calibration Laboratories
2.3 Other Documents:4
2. Referenced Documents NIST Technical Note 1297 Guideline for Evaluating and
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 Expressing the Uncertainty of NIST Measurement Results
D445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent
and Opaque Liquids (and Calculation of Dynamic Viscos- 3. Terminology
ity) 3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 density (ρ), n—mass per unit volume.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on
Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of
3.1.2 dynamic viscosity (η), n—the ratio between the applied
Subcommittee D02.07 on Flow Properties. shear stress and rate of shear of a liquid.
Current edition approved May 1, 2014. Published July 2014. Originally approved
in 2004. Last previous edition approved in 2012 as D7042 – 12a. DOI:10.1520/
2 3
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http://www.ansi.org.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 100
the ASTM website. Bureau Dr., Stop 1070, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1070, http://www.nist.gov.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D7042 − 14 Discussion—It is sometimes called the coefficient of 6.1.1 Viscosity Measurement—The Stabinger viscometer
dynamic viscosity or, simply, viscosity. Thus, dynamic viscos- uses a rotational coaxial cylinder measuring system. The outer
ity is a measure of the resistance to flow or to deformation of cylinder (tube) is driven by a motor at a constant and known
a liquid under external shear forces. rotational speed. The low-density inner cylinder (rotor) is held Discussion—The term dynamic viscosity can also be in the axis of rotation by the centrifugal forces of the higher
used in a different context to denote a frequency-dependent density sample and in its longitudinal position by the magnet
quantity in which shear stress and shear rate have a sinusoidal and the soft iron ring. Consequently, the system works free of
time dependence. bearing friction as found in rotational viscometers. A perma-
3.1.3 kinematic viscosity (ν), n—the ratio of the dynamic nent magnet in the inner cylinder induces eddy currents in the
viscosity (η) to the density (ρ) of a liquid. surrounding copper casing. The rotational speed of the inner Discussion—For gravity flow under a given hydro- cylinder establishes itself as the result of the equilibrium
static head, the pressure head of a liquid is proportional to its between the driving torque of the viscous forces and the
density (ρ). Therefore the kinematic viscosity (ν) is a measure retarding eddy current torque. This rotational speed is mea-
of the resistance to flow of a liquid under gravity. sured by an electronic system (Hall effect sensor) by counting
the frequency of the rotating magnetic field (see Fig. 1 and Fig.
3.1.4 relative density (also called specific gravity (SG)),
2, No. 2).
n—the ratio of the density of a material at a stated temperature
6.1.2 Density Measurement—The digital density analyzer
to the density of a reference material (usually water) at a stated
uses a U-shaped oscillating sample tube and a system for
electronic excitation and frequency counting (see Fig. 2, No.
4. Summary of Test Method 3).
6.1.3 Temperature Control—The copper block surrounds
4.1 The test specimen is introduced into the measuring cells, both the viscosity and the density measuring cell in a way that
which are at a closely controlled and known temperature. The both cells are held at the same temperature. A thermoelectric
measuring cells consist of a pair of rotating concentric cylin- heating and cooling system (see Fig. 2, No. 1) ensures the
ders and an oscillating U-tube. The dynamic viscosity is temperature stability of the copper block within 60.005 °C
determined from the equilibrium rotational speed of the inner from the set temperature at the position of the viscosity cell
cylinder under the influence of the shear stress of the test over the whole temperature range. The uncertainty (k = 2; 95 %
specimen and an eddy current brake in conjunction with confidence level) of the temperature calibration shall be no
adjustment data. The density is determined by the oscillation more than 60.03 °C over the range from 15 °C to 100 °C.
frequency of the U-tube in conjunction with adjustment data. Outside this range the calibration uncertainty shall be no more
The kinematic viscosity is calculated by dividing the dynamic than 60.05 °C.
viscosity by the density. 6.1.4 The thermal equilibration time depends on the heat
5. Significance and Use capacity and conductivity of the liquid and on the difference
between injection temperature and test temperature. Adequate
5.1 Many petroleum products, and some non-petroleum temperature equilibration of the test specimen is automatically
materials, are used as lubricants and the correct operation of determined when successive viscosity values are constant
the equipment depends upon the appropriate viscosity of the within 60.07 % over 1 min and successive density values are
liquid being used. In addition, the viscosity of many petroleum constant within 60.00003 g/cm3 over 60 s.
fuels is important for the estimation of optimum storage,
handling, and operational conditions. Thus, the accurate deter- NOTE 1—The Stabinger Viscometer, manufactured by Anton Paar
mination of viscosity is essential to many product specifica-
tions. 6
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
5.2 Density is a fundamental physical property that can be is Anton Paar GmbH, Anton-Paar-Str. 20, A-8054 Graz, Austria. If you are aware of
used in conjunction with other properties to characterize both alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM International
headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
the light and heavy fractions of petroleum and petroleum responsible technical committee, which you may attend.
5.3 Determination of the density or relative density of
petroleum and its products is necessary for the conversion of
measured volumes to volumes at the standard temperature of
6. Apparatus
6.1 Stabinger Viscometer5,6

The Stabinger viscometer is covered by a patent. Interested parties are invited
to submit information regarding the identification of an alternative to this patented
item to the ASTM International headquarters. Your comments will receive careful
consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may
attend. FIG. 1 Viscosity Cell

D7042 − 14
7. Reagents and Materials
7.1 Sample Solvent, completely miscible with the sample.
7.1.1 For most samples, a volatile petroleum spirit or
naphtha is suitable. If the solvent dries up without residues in
an applicable time frame, the use of a separate drying solvent
is not required.
7.1.2 For residual fuels, a prewash with an aromatic solvent
such as toluene or xylene may be necessary to remove asphaltic
7.2 Drying Solvent, a volatile solvent miscible with the
sample solvent (see 7.1).
7.2.1 Highly concentrated ethanol (96 % or higher) is suit-
FIG. 2 Cell Block 7.3 Dry Air or Nitrogen, for blowing the measuring cells.
7.3.1 If the measuring cell temperature is below or near the
GmbH, fulfills the stated requirements when operated in the most precise dew point temperature of the ambient air, the use of an
mode of operation. appropriate desiccator is required.
6.2 Syringes, commercially available, at least 5 mL in
volume, with a Luer tip. All construction materials for syringes 8. Sampling, Test Specimens, and Test Units
shall be fully compatible with all sample liquids and cleaning 8.1 Sampling is defined as all the steps required to obtain an
agents, which contact them. aliquot of the contents of any pipe, tank, or other system, and
6.3 Flow-Through or Pressure Adapter, for use as an alter- to place the sample into the laboratory test container. The
native means of introducing the test specimen into the mea- laboratory test container and sample volume shall be of
suring cells either by pressure or by suction, provided that sufficient capacity to mix the sample and obtain a homoge-
sufficient care and control is used to avoid any bubble neous sample for analysis.
formation in the test specimen. All construction materials for 8.1.1 For some sample types, such as viscous lube oils that
adaptors shall be fully compatible with all sample liquids and are prone to having entrained air or gas bubbles present in the
cleaning agents, which contact them. sample, the use of an ultrasonic bath (see 6.7) without the
6.4 Autosampler, for use in automated injection analyses. heater turned on (if so equipped), has been found effective in
The autosampler shall be designed to ensure the integrity of the dissipating bubbles typically within 1 min.
test specimen prior to and during the analysis and be equipped
to transfer a representative portion of test specimen into the 8.2 Particles—For samples that are likely to contain par-
measuring cells. The autosampler shall transfer the test speci- ticles (for example, used oils or crude oils) pass the sample
men from the sample vial to the measuring cells of the through a 75 µm screen to remove the particles. For the
apparatus without interfering with the integrity of the test removal of iron filings the use of a magnet is appropriate. Waxy
specimen. The autosampler shall be able to mimic the proce- samples must be heated to dissolve the wax crystals prior to
dure for sample handling as set forth in 11.1 and 11.2. The filtration and a preheated filter shall be used.
autosampler may have heating capability as a means to lower 8.3 Test Specimen—A portion or volume of sample obtained
the viscosity of the sample for filling the measuring cells. from the laboratory sample and delivered to the measuring
6.5 Screen, with an aperture of 75 µm, to remove particles cells. The test specimen is obtained as follows:
from the sample. 8.3.1 Mix the sample, if required, to homogenize. Mixing at
6.6 Magnet, strong enough to remove iron fillings from the room temperature in an open container can result in the loss of
sample. Magnetic stirring rods are suitable. volatile material; mixing in closed, pressurized containers, or at
6.7 Ultrasonic Bath, Unheated (optional), with an operating sub-ambient temperatures is recommended.
frequency between 25 kHz to 60 kHz and a typical power 8.3.2 Draw the test specimen from a properly mixed labo-
output of ≤100 W, of suitable dimensions to hold container(s) ratory sample using an appropriate syringe. Alternatively, if the
placed inside of bath, for use in effectively dissipating and proper attachments and connecting tubes are used, the test
removing air or gas bubbles that can be entrained in viscous specimen may be delivered directly to the measuring cells
sample types prior to analysis. It is permissible to use ultra- using a flow through or pressure adapter (see 6.3) or autosam-
sonic baths with operating frequencies and power outputs pler (see 6.4) from the mixing container. For waxy or other
outside this range, however it is the responsibility of the samples with a high pour point, before drawing the test
laboratory to conduct a data comparison study to confirm that specimen, heat the laboratory sample to the desired test
results determined with and without the use of such ultrasonic temperature, which has to be high enough to dissolve the wax
baths does not materially impact results. crystals.

D7042 − 14
9. Calibration and Verification able Tolerance Band as stated in 9.4 and the error cannot be
9.1 Use only a calibrated apparatus as described in 6.1. The located elsewhere. For the adjustment procedure follow the
calibration shall be checked periodically using certified refer- instructions of the manufacturer of the apparatus.
ence standards as described in 9.2 and 9.3. The recommended 10.2 For an adjustment, use only certified viscosity and
interval for viscosity and density calibration is once a month, density reference standards that fulfill the requirements as
for temperature control once a year. For the calibration stated in 9.2. The reference standards have to be within the
procedure follow the instructions of the manufacturer of the viscosity, density, and temperature range specified by the
apparatus. manufacturer of the apparatus.
9.2 Certified Viscosity and Density Reference Standards— 10.3 After an adjustment procedure a calibration check
These are for use as confirmatory checks on the procedure in measurement shall be performed.
the laboratory. Certified viscosity and density reference stan-
11. Procedure
dards shall be certified by a laboratory, which has shown to
meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 or a corresponding 11.1 Standard procedure (rinsing and drying)
national standard by independent assessment. Viscosity stan- 11.1.1 Set the internal temperature control to the desired
dards shall be traceable to master viscometer procedures measuring temperature.
described in Test Method D2162. Density standards shall have 11.1.2 Set the determinability limits and temperature stabil-
a certified uncertainty of the density values of 0.0001 g/cm3. ity criteria to the values stated in Table 1 for the specific
The uncertainty of the reference standards shall be stated for product.
each certified value (k = 2; 95 % confidence level). See ISO 11.1.3 Make sure that the measuring cells are clean and dry
5725 or NIST Technical Note 1297. as described in 12.1.
11.1.4 Load a minimum of 3 mL of the test specimen to the
9.3 Thermometer—For calibration and adjustment of the
syringe if enough sample is available it is recommended to fill
temperature control, a digital thermometer with a probe diam-
the entire syringe. Pour at least 2 mL of the test specimen into
eter of 6.25 mm and a maximal length of 80 mm shall be used.
the measuring cells. Leave the syringe in the inlet opening and
For smaller probes the use of an adapter is suitable. The
start the measurement. Wait for the instrument to indicate that
uncertainty (k = 2; 95 % confidence level) of this thermometer
the determination is valid and record the values.
must be no more than 60.01 °C and has to be certified by a
11.1.5 Inject a further 1 mL without taking off the syringe
laboratory which has shown to meet the requirements of
and repeat the measurement.
ISO/IEC 17025 or a corresponding national standard by
11.1.6 If the deviation between two consecutive determina-
independent assessment. A suitable thermometer is available
tions exceeds the determinability limits as stated in Table 1 for
from the manufacturer of the apparatus.
this product, repeat step 11.1.5 until the deviation is within
9.4 Acceptable Tolerance—If the determined values of a these limits. Discard all previously determined values and
calibration check measurement do not agree within the accept- report the values of the last determination as the result.
able tolerance band of the certified values, as calculated from For products not listed in the precision section, it is
Annex A1, re-check each step in the procedure, including the the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish
special cleaning procedure from 12.2, to locate the source of reasonable determinability limits by a series of tests.
error. If the syringe is empty before obtaining a valid
NOTE 2—Values exceeding the acceptable tolerance are generally determination, rinse and dry the measuring cells as described in
attributable to deposits in the measuring cells that are not removed by the 12.1 and repeat step 11.1.4. If it is not possible to obtain a valid
routine flushing procedure. result within an applicable number of repetitions, report the
robust mean value and the standard deviation (k = 2; 95 %
10. Adjustment confidence level) together with a remark indicating that the
10.1 An adjustment has to be carried out when repeated determinability exceeded the limits stated in 15.2.1 for this
calibration check measurements do not agree with the Accept- product.

TABLE 1 Determinability Limits and Temperature Stability Criteria

NOTE 1—X is the average results being compared.
Base Oils, Formulated Oil, –20 °C 15 °C 40 °C 100 °C
Diesel Fuel, Biodiesel,
Biodiesel blends, and Jet Fuel
at –20 °C
Determinability Limit, viscosity, ηA 0.001 X (0.1 %) not available 0.001 X (0.1 %) 0.001 X (0.1 %)
Determinability Limit, density, ρA 0.0002 g/cm3 not available 0.0002 g/cm3 0.0002 g/cm3
Temperature equilibration viscosity 1 min within ± not available 1 min within ± 0.07 % 1 min within ± 0.07 %
0.07 %
Temperature equilibration density 1 min within ± not available 1 min within ± 0.00003 g/cm3 1 min within ± 0.00003 g/cm3
0.00003 g/cm3
The Stabinger Viscometer, manufactured by Anton Paar GmbH, uses the terms, “Repeat Deviation Viscosity, RDV” and “Repeat Deviation Density, RDD” in lieu of
“Determinability” in apparatus firmware and documentation.

D7042 − 14
11.1.7 Remove the test specimen immediately, rinse and dry NOTE 3—For specific information on proper configuration, follow the
the measuring cells as described in 12.1. manufacturer’s instructions.

11.2 Alternative Procedure (sample displacement)—For a 11.3.4 Configure the autosampler for a minimum of two
series of samples that are mutually soluble (for example, consecutive determinations per sample.7
various diesel fuels). It is the responsibility of the user of this 11.3.5 Transfer a portion of the sample into the appropriate
standard to determine the applicability of this procedure to sample vial. Cap or cover the vials as necessary.
each class of samples. Load sample(s) vial onto vial tray or holder and
11.2.1 Set the internal temperature control to the desired analyze the test specimens.
measuring temperature. Evaluate the data. Rerun samples which exceed the
11.2.2 Set the determinability limits and temperature stabil- determinability criteria established for the sample type being
ity criteria to the values stated in Table 1 for the specific analyzed. (See 11.3.1 and 11.3.2.)
product. 12. Cleaning of the Measuring Cells
11.2.3 Make sure that the measuring cells are clean and dry
as described in 12.1. 12.1 Fill the measuring cells with at least 3 mL of the
11.2.4 Load a minimum of 5 mL of the test specimen to the sample solvent (see 7.1). Check if the density cell is filled
syringe if enough sample is available it is recommended to use completely by examining the displayed density value. Start the
a 10 mL or larger syringe and to fill the entire syringe. Pour motor for at least 10 s. For poorly soluble samples, extend this
slowly at least 3 mL of the test specimen into the measuring time and repeat the procedure. Then rinse the measuring cells
cells. A slow flow ensures that the new test specimen displaces with the drying solvent (see 7.2) and pass through a stream of
the old one rather than merging with it. Leave the syringe in the dry air or nitrogen until the last trace of solvent is removed.
inlet opening and start the measurement. Wait for the instru- Make sure that the measuring cells are clean and dry by
ment to indicate that the determination is valid and record the checking if the air density value is lower than 0.0020 g/cm3. If
values. the value exceeds this limit repeat the procedure or parts of it.
11.2.5 Inject slowly a further 2 mL without taking off the 12.2 Special Cleaning Procedure—If necessary, clean the
syringe and repeat the measurement. viscosity measuring cell by manually wiping and brushing the
11.2.6 If the deviation between two consecutive determina- measuring rotors using a suitable sample solvent. If necessary
tions exceeds the determinability limits as stated in Table 1 for clean the density oscillator using suitable cleaning agents. This
this product, repeat step 11.2.5 until the deviation is within procedure must be carried out when repeated calibration check
these limits. Discard all previously determined values and measurements do not agree with the acceptable tolerance as
report the values of the last determination as the result. stated in 9.4. Follow the instructions of the manufacturer of the For products not listed in the precision section it is apparatus.
the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish
reasonable determinability limits by a series of tests. 13. Calculation of Results If the syringe is empty before obtaining a valid 13.1 The recorded values are the final results, expressed
determination repeat step 11.2.4. If it is not possible to obtain either as dynamic viscosity in millipascal-seconds or as kine-
a valid result within an applicable number of repetitions, report matic viscosity in square millimetre per second and as density
the robust mean value and the standard deviation (k = 2; 95 % in grams per cubic centimetre or kilograms per cubic metre.
confidence level) together with a remark indicating that the 13.2 Viscosity Index—If results are available from the same
determinability exceeded the limits stated in 15.1.1 for this sample at 40 °C and at 100 °C the Viscosity Index (VI) can be
product. calculated according to Test Method D2270 from the kinematic
11.2.7 For the next sample of this series repeat the steps viscosity results at the above temperatures.
11.2.4 – 11.2.6.
11.2.8 After the last sample of a series perform a cleaning 13.3 Density Extrapolation—If results are available from
procedure as described in 12.1. the same sample at 40 °C and at 100 °C density values at other
temperatures can be calculated by linear extrapolation from the
11.3 Procedure for Use with Autosampler: density results at the above temperatures. The limit for this
11.3.1 Set the determinability and temperature stability extrapolation temperature is given by the point where changes
criteria to values in Table 1 for the corresponding testing of state (for example, cloud point or gassing) of the involved
parameter(s) and temperature(s) of interest. Temperature sample occur. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard
control/stability requirements at the test temperatures of inter- to determine the applicability of this calculation to each class
est are provided in 6.1.3. For all other sample types, see 11.3.2 of samples.
for guidance.
11.3.2 For products not listed in the precision section, it is 14. Report
the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish 14.1 Report the following information:
reasonable determinability and temperature stability criteria by 14.1.1 The type and identification of the product tested.
a series of tests.
11.3.3 Configure the cleaning and drying routines for the 7
The Stabinger Viscometer, manufactured by Anton Paar GmbH, uses the terms,
autosampler for sufficient cleaning efficiency of the product “Repeat Deviation Viscosity, RDV” and “Repeat Deviation Density, RDD” in lieu
being tested. of “Determinability” in apparatus firmware and documentation.

D7042 − 14
14.1.2 The reference to this test method. 15.3 Bias—No information can be presented on the bias of
14.1.3 Any deviation, by agreement or otherwise, from the the procedure in this test method, because no material having
procedure specified. an accepted reference value has been tested.
14.1.4 The test results for the dynamic or kinematic 15.4 Relative Bias—No bias to Test Methods D445 and
viscosity, or both, to four significant figures, optionally also for D4052 was found to exist for base oils (see Appendix X1 and
the density to three decimal places in g/cm3 or integer in Appendix X2).
kg/cm3 (example: 0.877 g/cm3 or 877 kg/cm3), together with 15.4.1 Degree of Agreement between Results by Test Method
the test temperature. D7042 and Test Method D445—Results on the same materials
14.1.5 Date and time of the test. produced by Test Method D7042 and Test Method D445 have
14.1.6 Name and address of the test laboratory. been assessed in accordance with procedures outlined in
Practice D6708. The findings are:
15. Precision and Bias8
15.4.2 For formulated oils, RR:D02-17419 suggests a bias
15.1 Comparison of Results: correction of:
15.1.1 Determinability, (d)—Quantitative measure of the
Y 2 Estimate 5 0.996 X at 40 °C (1)
variability associated with the same operator in a given
laboratory, obtaining successive determined values using the Y 2 Estimate 5 X 2 2.3538e 2 02 at 100 °C
same apparatus for a series of operations leading to a single where:
result. It is defined as that difference between two such single Y-Estimate = estimated D445 result using D7042 result.
determined values as would be exceeded in the long run, in
only one case in 20, in the normal and correct operation of the Bias-corrected kinematic viscosity results from Test Method
test method.7 (See Table 1.) D7042, as per the bias correction equation that follows, may be
considered as practically equivalent to results from Test
15.2 Comparison of Results: Method D445, for sample types and property ranges studied.
15.2.1 Repeatability (r)—The difference between successive No sample-specific bias, as defined in Practice D6708, was
results obtained by the same operator in the same laboratory observed after the bias-correction for the materials studied.
with the same apparatus under constant operating conditions on
identical test material would, in the long run, in the normal and bias 2 corrected X ~ predicted Y ! 5 m X1b; (2)
correct operation of this test method, exceed the values m 5 0.996;
indicated only in one case in twenty. (See Table 2.) b 5 0 at 40 °C
15.2.2 Reproducibility (R)—The difference between two and
single and independent results obtained by different operators bias 2 corrected X ~ predicted Y ! 5 m X1b; (3)
working in different laboratories on nominally identical test
material would, in the long run, in the normal and correct m 5 1;
operation of this test method, exceed the values indicated only b 5 22.3538e 2 02 at 100 °C
in one case in twenty. (See Table 3.)

Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1773. Contact ASTM Customer be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1741.
Service at service@astm.org.

TABLE 2 Repeatability (95 %)

NOTE 1—X is the average of results being compared.
–20 °C 15 °C 40 °C 100 °C
Dynamic viscosity of base oils, mPa·s not available not available 0.00101 X (0.10 %) 0.0003516 (X+5)
Kinematic viscosity of base oils, mm2/s not available not available 0.00094 X (0.09 %) 0.0003473 (X+5)
Density of base oils, g/cm3 not available 0.00046 0.00030 0.00033
Dynamic viscosity of formulated oils, mPa·s not available not available 6.279E-03X (0.63 %) 1.209E-02X^0.5
Kinematic viscosity of formulated oils, mm2/s not available not available 0.6E-02(X + 10.6) 0.2068E-02(X+7.77)
Density of formulated oils, g/cm3 not available not available 0.00030 0.00020
Dynamic viscosity of diesel fuels, mPa·s not available not available 0.006705X (0.67 %) not available
Kinematic viscosity of diesel fuels, mm2/s not available not available 0.782E-02X^0.778 not available
Density of diesel fuels, g/cm3 not available not available 0.14E-02 (1.03 – X) not available
Dynamic viscosity of jet fuel, mPa·s 0.06477 not available not available not available
Kinematic viscosity of jet fuel, mm2/s 0.08560 not available not available not available
Density of jet fuel, g/cm3 0.00100 not available not available not available
Dynamic viscosity of biodiesel and mPa·s not available not available 4.000E{03 not available
biodiesel blends,
Kinematic viscosity of biodiesel and mm2/s not available not available 4.647E{03 not available
biodiesel blends,
Density of biodiesel and biodiesel g/cm3 not available not available 0.2E{03 not available

D7042 − 14
TABLE 3 Reproducibility (95 %)
NOTE 1—X is the average of results being compared.
–20 °C 15 °C 40 °C 100 °C
Dynamic viscosity of base oils, mPa·s not available not available 0.00540 X (0.54 %) 0.002563 (X+5)
Kinematic viscosity of base oils, mm2/s not available not available 0.00584 X (0.58 %) 0.002889 (X+5)
Density of base oils, g/cm3 not available 0.00177 0.00147 0.00131
Dynamic viscosity of formulated oils, mPa·s not available not available 0.5076E-02 * X^1.2 0.8223E-02X^1.0288
Kinematic viscosity of formulated oils, mm2/s not available not available 0.1087E-01(X + 10.6) 0.6346E-02(X+7.77)
Density of formulated oils, g/cm3 not available not available 0.00130 0.00120
Dynamic viscosity of diesel fuels, mPa·s not available not available 0.29822E- not available
01X (2.98 %)
Kinematic viscosity of diesel fuels, mm2/s not available not available 0.3374E-01X^0.778 not available
Density of diesel fuels, g/cm3 not available not available 0.7E-02(1.03-X) not available
Dynamic viscosity of jet fuel, mPa·s 0.1085 not available not available not available
Kinematic viscosity of jet fuel, mm2/s 0.14850 not available not available not available
Density of jet fuel, g/cm3 0.00270 not available not available not available
Dynamic viscosity of biodiesel and bio- mPa·s not available not available 9.595E{03X (0.96 %) not available
diesel blends,
Kinematic viscosity of biodiesel and mm2/s not available not available 9.603E{03X (0.96 %) not available
biodiesel blends,
Density of biodiesel and biodiesel g/cm not available not available 0.8E-3 not available

X = result obtained by Test Method D7042, Differences between bias-corrected results from Test Method
and D7042 and Test Method D445, for the sample types and
bias-corrected X = predicted Y result that would have been property ranges studied, are expected to exceed the following
obtained by Test Method D445 on the between methods reproducibility (RXY), as defined in Practice
same sample. D6708, about 5 % of the time. The RXY at 2 mm2/s was found
Differences between bias-corrected results from Test Method to be:
D7042 and Test Method D445, for the sample types and
œs 5.5480e 2 04*X^1.5558e0018.3839e 2 04*Y^2.6000e00d mm
/s at 40 °C
property ranges studied, are expected to exceed the following
between methods reproducibility (RXY), as defined in Practice
15.4.4 For jet fuel at –20 °C, RR:D02-175011 has deter-
D6708, about 5 % of the time. The RXY at 40 mm2/s was
mined relative bias as follows:
found to be 0.52156 mm2/s at 40 °C and RXY at 10 mm2/s was
Bias-corrected kinematic viscosity results from Test Method
found to be 0.08819 mm2/s at 100 °C.
D7042, as per the bias correction equation that follows, may be
15.4.3 For diesel fuels, RR:D02-174210 suggests a bias
considered as practically equivalent to results from Test
correction of:
Method D445, for sample types and property ranges studied.
Y 2 Estimate 5 0.9872 X 2 0.00015 at 40 °C (4) No sample-specific bias, as defined in Practice D6708, was
where: observed after the bias-correction for the materials studied.
Y-Estimate = estimated D445 result using D7042 result. bias 2 corrected X ~ predicted Y ! 5 m X1b;m 5 1;b 5 20.013373
Bias-corrected kinematic viscosity results from Test Method (6)
D7042, as per the bias correction equation that follows, may be where:
considered as practically equivalent to results from Test X = result obtained by Test Method D7042,
Method D445, for sample types and property ranges studied. and
No sample-specific bias, as defined in Practice D6708, was bias-corrected X = predicted Y result that would have been
observed after the bias-correction, for the materials studied. obtained by Test Method D445 on the
bias 2 corrected X ~ predicted Y ! 5 m X1b; (5) same sample.
m 5 0.9872; Differences between results from Test Method D7042 and
b 5 20.00015 Test Method D445, for the sample types and property ranges
studied, are expected to exceed the following between methods
where: reproducibility (RXY), as defined in Practice D6708, about
X = result obtained by Test Method D7042, 5 % of the time. RXY = 0.162 mm2/s at –20 °C.
and 15.4.5 For Biodiesel and Biodiesel blend fuels at 40 °C,
bias-corrected X = predicted Y result that would have been RR:D02-177612 has determined relative bias as follows:
obtained by Test Method D445 on the
same sample.
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1750.
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1776. Contact ASTM Customer
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1742. Service at service@astm.org.

D7042 − 14
Degree of Agreement between kinematic viscosity results by The dynamic viscosity range from 34 mPa·s to
Test Method D7042 and Test Method D445 (manual 411 mPa·s at 40 °C from 10 formulated oils by 19 laboratories
method)—Results on the same materials produced by Test and from 5.24 mPa·s to 39.2 mPa·s at 100 °C from 10
Method D7042 and Test Method D445 (manual method) have formulated oils by 18 laboratories.
been assessed in accordance with procedures outlined in The kinematic viscosity range from 40.164 mm2/s
Practice D6708. The findings are: to 150.71 mm2/s at 40 °C from 9 formulated oils by 19
D6708 Outcome: A3 laboratories and from 6.4682 mm2/s to 48.292 mm2/s at 100 °C
Bias-corrected kinematic viscosity results from Test Method from 10 formulated oils by 18 laboratories.
D7042, as per the bias correction equation that follows, may be The density range from 0.82989 g ⁄ cm3 to
considered as practically equivalent to kinematic viscosity 0.87300 g ⁄cm3 at 40 °C from 10 formulated oils by 20
results from Test Method D445 (manual method), for sample laboratories and from 0.79192 g ⁄cm3 to 0.83512 g/cm³ at
types and property ranges studied. No sample-specific bias, as 100 °C from 10 formulated oils by 19 laboratories.
defined in Practice D6708, was observed after the Precision values for formulated oils were first
biascorrection, for the materials studied. published in 2012.
bias 2 corrected X~ predicted Y ! 5 0.992 X10.022 (7) 15.5.3 Precision values for diesel fuels were obtained by
statistical examination of interlaboratory results obtained by 18
laboratories from eight diesel fuel grades (#1, #2, and #4 diesel
X = result obtained by Test Method D445 fuels according to Specification D975) in the dynamic viscosity
(manual), and range from 1 mPa·s to 6 mPa·s at 40 °C (kinematic viscosity
bias-corrected X = predicted Y result that would have been range from 1.6477 mm2/s to 7.2315 mm2/s at 40 °C) and ten
obtained by Test Method D445 (manual diesel fuel grades (#1, #2, and #4 diesel fuels according to
method) on the same sample. Specification D975) in the density range from 0.76920 g ⁄cm3
Differences between bias-corrected kinematic viscosity re- to 0.89174 g/cm3 at 40 °C.
sults from Test Method D7042 and Test Method D445 (manual Precision values for diesel fuels were first pub-
method), for the sample types and property ranges studied, are lished in 2012.
expected to exceed the following between-methods reproduc- 15.5.4 Precision values for jet fuel at –20 °C were obtained
ibility (RXY), as defined in Practice D6708, about 5 % of the by statistical examination of interlaboratory results obtained
time: by:
Between Methods R5 13 laboratories from 12 jet fuel grades (Jet-A, Jet-A1, JP8,
(8) SPK, SPK blend, and N2B viscosity standard) in the dynamic
~ 0.5 R X 2 1 0.5 R Y 2 ! 0.5 5 ~ 0.0000461 X 2 1 0.000038 Y 2.8! 0.5
viscosity range from 3.1705 mPa·s to 6.7489 mPa·s at –20 °C.
13 laboratories from 12 jet fuel grades (Jet-A, Jet-A1, JP8,
RX = reproducibility of D7042 as determined from ILS SPK, SPK blend and N2B viscosity standard) in the kinematic
#895, and viscosity range from 3.8087 mm2/s to 7.9824 mm2/s at –20 °C.
RY = reproducibility of D445 (manual method) as deter- 13 laboratories from 12 jet fuel grades (Jet-A, Jet-A1, JP8,
mined from ILS #895. SPK, SPK blend and N2B viscosity standard) in the density
15.5 Interlaboratory Study—Precision values for base oils range from 0.78672 g/cm3 to 0. 85998 g/cm3 at –20 °C. The
were obtained by statistical examination of interlaboratory degrees of freedom associated with the reproducibility estimate
results obtained by twelve laboratories from ten mineral oils from this round robin study are 18. Since the minimum
(base oils without additive package) in the dynamic viscosity requirement of 30 (in accordance with Practice D6300) is not
range from 2.05 mPa·s to 456 mPa·s at 40 °C and from met, users are cautioned that the actual reproducibility may be
0.83 mPa·s to 31.6 mPa·s at 100 °C and in the density range significantly different than these estimates.
from 0.82 g ⁄cm3 to 0.92 g/cm3 at 15 °C. Density results at Precision values for jet fuel at –20 °C were first
15 °C were calculated by linear extrapolation from the results published in 2012.11
obtained at 40 °C and 100 °C. The number of replicates was 15.5.5 Precision values for Biodiesel and Biodiesel blend
two, obtained in the shortest possible time interval, typically fuels at 40 °C were obtained by statistical examination of
10 min, using the standard procedure described in 11.1. interlaboratory results obtained by:
15.5.1 Precision values for base oils were first published in 13 laboratories from 12 biodiesel and biodiesel blend fuels
2003.13 and one synthetic viscosity standard (B100, B6, B10 and B20
NOTE 4—Base oil precision values were determined on instruments from varying feedstock and meeting the specifications of
using manual sample introduction only. D6751 and D7467) representing a dynamic viscosity range
15.5.2 Precision values for formulated oils (commercially from 1.9818 mPa.S to 4.4196 mPa.S and a kinematic viscosity
available formulated oils like motor oils, hydraulic oils, and range from 2.404 mm2/S to 5.0767 mm2/S.
synthetic gear oils) were obtained by statistical examination of 17 laboratories from 12 biodiesel and biodiesel blend fuels
interlaboratory results as follows: and one synthetic viscosity standard (B100, B6, B10 and B20
from varying feedstock and meeting the specifications of
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may D6751 and D7467) representing a density range from
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1555. 0.8237 g ⁄cm3 to 0.8704 g/cm3.

D7042 − 14
NOTE 5—The degrees of freedom associated with the reproducibility viscometers according to Test Method D445 and for base oils
estimate for density is 19. Since the minimum requirement of 30 (in by digital density meters according to Test Method D4052 in
accordance with Practice D6300) is not met, users are cautioned that the
actual reproducibility may be significantly different than these estimates. the same laboratories. Precision values for biodiesel and biodiesel blend
16. Keywords
fuels at 40 °C were first published in 2014.
15.5.6 The interlaboratory studies were performed accord- 16.1 density; dynamic viscosity; kinematic viscosity; Sta-
ing to Practices D6300 and D6708. For the determination of binger viscometer; viscosity; viscosity index
the relative bias the samples were also tested by kinematic


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Determine the standard deviation for site A1.3.1 If the coverage factor, k, is not known, use the value
uncertainty,15 σsite, from a laboratory quality control program. 2.
A1.1.1 If the standard deviation for site uncertainty, σsite, is A1.4 Construct the acceptable tolerance zone:
not known, use the value 0.30 % for viscosity and
0.0005 g ⁄cm3 for density. TZ 5 61.44=σ 2 site1SE2 ARV (A1.1)
A1.4.1 Worked out example for viscosity tolerance band:
A1.2 Determine the combined extended uncertainty, CEU,
of the accepted reference value (ARV) of the certified reference σ site 5 0.30 % (A1.2)
material (CRM) from the supplier’s label or included docu-
CEUARV 5 0.35 %
mentation. If the density uncertainty is not known use the value
0.0005 g ⁄cm3 for the CEU.
TZ 5 61.44=0.302 10.1752 5 61.44=0.0910.03 5 60.50 %
A1.3 Calculate the standard error of the accepted reference A1.4.2 Worked out example for density tolerance band:
value, SEARV, by dividing the CEU by the coverage factor, k, σ site 5 0.0005 g/cm3 (A1.3)
listed on the supplier’s label or included documentation.
CEUARV 5 0.0005 g/cm3

14 TZ 5 61.44=0.00052 10.000252 5 61.44 3 0.00056 5

These calculations are based on Test Method D6617.
See Test Method D6299. 60.0008 g/cm3


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 The bias calculation in accordance with Test Method of both test methods over the whole viscosity range tested in
D6708 applied to the results of the interlaboratory study on this interlaboratory study and also less than the uncertainty of
base oils (see 15.5) suggested a bias correction of (Y = certified viscosity reference standards (see Table X1.1). There-
0.998 X) at 100 °C. This corresponds to a deviation of 0.2 % of fore the bias can be considered insignificant.
the measured value. A comparison to the precision data from
this test method and from the reference test method shows that X1.2 The kinematic viscosity bias at 40 °C was found to be
the suggested bias correction is less than even the repeatability 1.000 X, corresponding to 0.0 %.

D7042 − 14
TABLE X1.1 Kinematic Viscosity Precision versus Bias (Base Oils at 100 °C)
NOTE 1—X is the average of results being compared.
Test Method D445 Test Method D445 at this study Test Method D7042
Reproducibility, R (95 %) 0.0065 X (0.65 %) 0.008916 X (0.89 %) 0.002889 (X+5)
Repeatability, r (95 %) 0.0011 X (0.11 %) 0.002299 X (0.23 %) 0.000347 (X+5)
Bias against Test Method D445 0.998 X (0.2 %)
Reference standard oil uncertainty 0.30 % to 0.32 % for the viscosity range of this study


X2.1 The bias calculation in accordance with Practice of this test method over the whole density range tested in this
D6708 applied to the results of the interlaboratory study (see interlaboratory study and also less than the uncertainty of
15.5) suggested a bias correction of (Y = 1.0053 X – certified viscosity reference standards (see Table X2.1). There-
0.0046 g ⁄cm3) at 40 °C. This corresponds to a maximum fore the bias can be considered insignificant.
deviation of 0.0003 g ⁄ cm3 over the density range tested in this
interlaboratory study. A comparison to the precision data from X2.2 The density bias at 15 °C was found to be
this test method and from the reference test method shows that 0.0000 g ⁄cm3.
the suggested bias correction is less than even the repeatability

TABLE X2.1 Density Precision versus Bias (Base Oils at 40 °C)

NOTE 1—X is the average of results being compared.
Test Method D4052 Test Method D4052 at this study Test Method D7042
Reproducibility, R (95 %) 0.0005 g/cm3 0.00044 g/cm3 0.0015 g/cm3
Repeatability, r (95 %) 0.0001 g/cm3 0.00010 g/cm3 0.0003 g/cm3
Bias against Test Method D4052 1.0053 X – 0.0046 g/cm3
Reference standard oil uncertainty Typically 0.0005 g/cm3


Subcommittee D02.07 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D7042 – 12a) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved May 1, 2014.)

(1) Added subsections 6.7 and 8.1.1. (5) Revised Table 1 to include Determinability for Biodiesel
(2) Revised subsection 14.1.4, test temperature reporting re- and Biodiesel blend fuels at 40 °C.
vised. (6) Revised Table 2, to include Repeatability data for Biodiesel
(3) Added subsection 15.4.5 Relative Bias estimates to referee and Biodiesel blend fuels at 40 °C.
method, D445. (7) Revised Table 3, to include Reproducibility data for Bio-
(4) Added subsection 15.5.5, information on biodiesel and diesel and Biodiesel blend fuels at 40 °C.
biodiesel blend fuels at 40 °C interlaboratory study.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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