Astm D7863-22
Astm D7863-22
Astm D7863-22
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D7863 − 22
D7863 − 22
3.1.3 heat transfer coeffıcient, n—a term, h, used to relate oped turbulent velocity profile. The use of a vertical heated
the amount of heat transfer per unit area at a given temperature section also helps in this regard due to less likelihood of
difference between two media and for purposes of this guide, forming voids near the walls. To minimize the contribution of
the temperature difference is between a flow media and its radiation heat transfer, which is proportional to the fourth
surrounding conduit. power of temperature, high wall temperatures (350 °C +) Discussion—The heat transfer coefficient for condi- should be avoided. However, for those cases where high wall
tions applicable to fluids flowing in circular conduits under temperatures are present, corrections for the radiant heat
turbulent flow is referred to as the convective heat transfer contribution are necessary. Conduction (heat flow through
coefficient. materials) will always be present to some extent and the design
of any test apparatus must account for all conduction paths,
4. Summary of Guide some of which contribute to heat losses. Energy balance, that
4.1 The convective heat transfer coefficient for flow in a is, accounting for all heat flows in and out of the system, is
circular conduit depends in a complicated way on many important for accurate determination of heat transfer coeffi-
variables including fluid properties (thermal conductivity, k, cients.
fluid viscosity, µ, fluid density, ρ, specific heat capacity, cp), 6.1.1 A conventional convective heat transfer apparatus
system geometry, the flow velocity, the value of the character- pumps the fluid of interest through a heated tube where the
istic temperature difference between the wall and bulk fluid, amount of energy absorbed by the fluid from the hot wall is
and surface temperature distribution. It is because of this measured. By allowing the walls to be cooler that the fluid,
complicated interaction of variables, test results can be biased then cooling transfer coefficients could be derived, but fluid
because of the inherent characteristics of the heat transfer heating is the focus of this guide. The heat transfer coefficient,
apparatus, measurement methods, and the working definition h (W/cm2 °C) may be derived through appropriate calculations.
for the heat transfer coefficient. Direct measurement of the Two types of wall boundary conditions are generally em-
convective heat flow in circular conduits is emphasized in this ployed: a constant wall temperature or a constant heat flux
guide. where heat is distributed over a given area such as W/m2. It is
4.2 This guide provides information for assembling a heat important to define the wall conditions because the temperature
transfer apparatus and stresses the importance of providing distributions in the axial flow direction, dT/dz, for the wall and
reporting information regarding the use and operation of the bulk fluid differ depending on wall condition. Measurement of
apparatus. the wall temperature distribution may be used to verify
boundary conditions and to obtain estimates of experimental
5. Significance and Use error.
5.1 The reported values of convective heat transfer coeffi- 6.1.2 A reliable method for setting up a constant heat flux
cients are somewhat dependent upon measurement technique condition is to utilize resistive heating of the conduit (the
and it is therefore the purpose of this guide to focus on methods conduit acts as a resistor when connected to the terminals of an
to provide accurate measures of heat transfer and precise electrical power supply). One advantage of this method is the
methods of reporting. The benefit of developing such a guide is relative ease for measuring the electrical power input (Watts)
to provide a well-understood basis by which heat transfer and inferring the wall temperature from the temperature
performance of fluids may be accurately compared and re- coefficient of resistance (α) for the wall material. Constant wall
ported. temperature boundary conditions are established by surround-
ing the heat transfer conduit with a medium at constant
5.2 For comparison of heat transfer performance of heat temperature (such as a thermal bath). A suggested setup for a
transfer fluids, measurement methods and test apparatus should constant flux heat transfer apparatus is shown in Fig. 1.
be identical, but in reality heat transfer rigs show differences
6.1.3 The apparatus shown in Fig. 1 exhibits a free surface
from rig to rig. Therefore, methods discussed in the guide are
at atmospheric pressure within the reservoir and therefore the
generally restricted to the use of heated tubes that have wall
system is open and non-pressurized. For fluids with low vapor
temperatures higher than the bulk fluid temperature and with
pressure, it may be necessary to run a closed and pressurized
turbulent flow conditions.
system. Desired bulk fluid temperature and wall temperatures
5.3 Similar test methods are found in the technical will significantly impact the design and operation of the loop.
literature, however it is generally left to the user to report Select seals within the pump to be compatible with the fluid
results in a format of their choosing and therefore direct and withstand the operating pressure and temperature. For the
comparisons of results can be challenging. loop shown, a constant speed pump with external bypass
control is employed. Variable speed pumps with no bypass may
6. Test Apparatus and Supporting Equipment be used; however, a pump speed control unit will be necessary.
6.1 Background—Convective heat transfer may be free The installation of a safety relief valve to prevent pressure
(buoyant) or forced. Forced convection is associated with the buildup is recommended.
forced movement of the fluid and heat transfer of this type is 6.1.4 The electrically heated test section is shown in a
emphasized herein. To greatly minimize to the buoyant vertical position. This arrangement generally prevents hot
contribution, the Reynolds number should be sufficiently high spots on the walls from forming mainly due to fluid voids or
to eliminate thermal stratification and provide a fully devel- the development of “convection cells” and stratified flows. The
D7863 − 22
electrical resistance of a steel or copper tube will be quite low, advantageous to accommodate sectioning of the tube upon the
and therefore extremely high electrical currents are necessary completion of a test sequence for the purpose of examining
to produce the desired heat flux. For 0.5 in. diameter tubes of deposits on the tube wall via carbon burn off methods (Test
a few feet in length, it is not uncommon to see currents in the Method D4530) or Auger electron spectroscopy. The latter
1000 amp range. Employ large copper buss bars to carry method is a widely used analytical technique for obtaining
current to the heated tube. Accurate measurement of voltage chemical composition of solid surfaces.4
and current will provide an accurate measure of power deliv- 6.1.8 Do not exceed temperature limitations set by pump
ered. Because of the presence of high currents, adequate safety seals and other seals. For many installations, this means that
systems should be employed. extremely hot fluids going through the loop (and heated
6.1.5 Due to the high electrical currents and potentially section) will need to be cooled before they enter the pump. This
extremely high tube temperature, both electrical and thermal cooling will set up thermal cycling of the fluid by heating and
isolation are needed at each end of the heated section. Use cooling the fluid every time the fluid circulates through the
ceramics that can be machined to manufacture isolators of loop.
desired characteristics. Many ceramic materials can handle 6.2 Required Measurements—Measure temperature (wall
1500 °F in an untreated condition, whereas simple heat treating and fluid) and flow rate to obtain sufficient information for
of these materials will allow for operation above 2500 °F. To calculating the heat transfer coefficient. However, when com-
further reduce heat losses, the heated tube will require substan- paring test results to observations of others, it is necessary to
tial insulation. Ceramic blankets work very well, especially for obtain fluid property data and dimensions of the test sections.
high temperature applications. The reason, convective heat transfer predictions are usually
6.1.6 Document wall roughness of the heated section. Com- cast in terms of non-dimensional groups of Nusselt number,
mercially drawn stainless steel tubing is preferred, but tube Reynolds number, and Prandtl number. Other non-dimensional
wall roughness shall approach hydraulically smooth conditions groups may also be applicable. Therefore values of fluid
with Darcy-Weisbach relative roughness values approaching
0.00001 or better.
6.1.7 The heated test section shall be easily removed for 4
Chourasia, A. R., and Chopra, D. R., Handbook of Instrumental Techniques for
inspection and for possibly changing tube sizes. It is especially Analytical Chemistry, Chapter 42, 1997.
D7863 − 22
viscosity (Test Method D445 or D7042, Practice D2270), where:
thermal conductivity (Test Method D2717), fluid density (Test Q = heat flow into the fluid (W),
Method D1298 or D4052), and heat capacity (Test Method A = characteristic area,
D2766) all as a function of temperature are necessary for ∆T = characteristic temperature
various heat transfer correlations. difference, and
6.2.1 Other properties of fluids are required for complete proportionality factor h = heat transfer coefficient.
documentation and safety of operation. These include boiling Note that the heat transfer coefficient is not clearly
range distributions (Test Method D2887), vapor pressure- defined until a specific area and characteristic temperature
temperature relationship (Test Method D2879), and autoigni- difference are stipulated, and it is for this reason, that a precise
tion temperature (Test Method E659). description of the methodology for obtaining the heat transfer
6.2.2 Suggested test section temperature measurements are coefficient shall be fully documented along with the reported
show in Fig. 2. This figure shows a constant heat flux boundary numeric values of h.
condition. A constant wall temperature condition may also be 6.3.2 For the heated wall section in Fig. 2, there are three
imposed by surrounding the tube within an isothermal bath. conventional definitions of heat transfer coefficients for the
6.2.3 The subscript “b” denotes a bulk fluid temperature fluid in the heated section.5
(sometimes referred to as the bulk mixing cup temperature) and Q 5 h 1 ~ π D L !~ T 01 2 T b1 ! (2)
the subscript “w” denotes a wall temperature. It is suggested
Q 5 h a ~ π D L ! @ ~ T 01 2 T b1 ! 1 ~ T 02 2 T b2 ! # ⁄2 (3)
that five or more wall temperatures be obtained over the test
section length. For a constant heat flux condition, dTw/dz is Q 5 h ln~ π D L ! @ ~ T 01 2 T b1 ! 2 ~ T 02 2 T b2 ! # ⁄
constant and the value of Tw increases from inlet to outlet and ln@ ~ T 01 2 T b1 ! ⁄ ~ T 02 2 T b2 ! # (4)
in the case of a constant temperature wall, Tw is a constant over Note that h1 is based on the initial temperature
the entire length. These temperature distributions should be
difference (T0-Tb)1, ha is based on the arithmetic mean of the
reported along with the test results to ensure reasonable
terminal temperature differences (T0-Tb)a, and hln is based on
comparisons of results from other sources.
the corresponding logarithmic mean difference (T0-Tb)ln. The
6.2.4 If the wall thickness is large (more than 10 % of the coefficient hln is preferable for most calculations because it is
diameter), the inside wall temperature may be significantly less dependent on L/D.
different than the measured outside wall temperature, espe-
cially for conditions of high heat flux. For these situations, the 6.4 Calculation of Heat Transfer Coeffıcients from Experi-
inside wall temperature shall be estimated or measured. Wall mental Data:
thickness, wall material, and heat rate (W or Btu/h) information 6.4.1 Calculation of heat transfer coefficients requires
is needed for estimating the inside wall temperature. The inside knowledge of the inlet and outlet wall temperature, the inlet
wall temperatures (measured or estimated) are used in the heat and outlet bulk flow temperature, flow rate, heat capacity of the
transfer coefficient equations cited in 6.3. fluid, and a characteristic area. For steady state flow (that is,
constant flow rate ṁ ) with constant heat capacity Cp, an energy
6.3 Calculations: balance over the heated length is:
6.3.1 Definitions of the Convective Heat Transfer Coeffı-
Q 5 ṁ C p ~ T b2 2 T b1 ! (5)
cient (for Flow in a Conduit)—Where a solid surface is warmer and combining with the definition for hln, we obtain the fol-
than the fluid (heat being transferred from the solid to the lowing:
fluid), the rate of heat flow across the solid-fluid interface
depends upon the area of the interface and the temperature drop
from the solid wall to the fluid as indicated in Eq 1. 5
Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, John Wiley and Sons, New
Q 5 h A ∆T (1) York (4th Printing), July 1964.
D7863 − 22
h ln 5 ṁ C p ~ T b2 2 T b1 ! ⁄πDL ~ T o 2 T b ! ln (6) Thermal conductivity k (kW/m-°K)
where: Length D or L (m)
Area, A (m2)
~ T o 2 T b ! ln 5 @ ~ T 01 2 T b1 ! 2 ~ T 02 2 T b2 ! # ⁄ln@ ~ T 01 2 T b1 ! ⁄ ~ T 02 Heat rate, Q (W)
2 T b2 ! # Heat Flux q” (W/m2)
Heat transfer coefficient h (w/m2-°K)
Nusselt number = hD/k (non-dimensional)
6.4.2 Similarly, expressions for h1 and ha are:
Reynolds number = Vavg D/ν = ρ Vavg D/µ (non-dimensional)
h 1 5 ṁ C p ~ T b2 2 T b1 ! ⁄πDL ~ T 01 2 T b1 ! (7) Prandtl number = ρ Cp/k (non-dimensional)
Average fluid velocity = Vavg = (m/s)
h a 5 ṁ C p ~ T b2 2 T b1 ! ⁄πDL @ ~ T 01 2 T b1 ! 1 ~ T 02 2 T b2 ! # ⁄2
6.6.2 Fluid properties vary with temperature and the tem-
perature to use for calculating fluid properties can be challeng-
6.4.3 While knowledge of Q is not required in Eq 7, Eq 8, ing especially for systems with large temperature gradients. A
and Eq 9 above, it is important that the conditions are met for reasonable temperature to use is the average bulk temperature,
which the definitions are based; namely all heat goes into the (Tb1+Tb2)/2. It is important to disclose the temperature used for
fluid over the prescribed length L and that there is no leakage calculating flow properties.
in the energy paths to regions outside the length L. Otherwise, 6.6.3 The preferable equation for calculating heat transfer
the calculated results will be biased and therefore comparisons coefficient is Eq 7 and fluid property data should be based on
of heat transfer coefficients are meaningless. the average bulk fluid temperature unless otherwise noted. An
6.4.4 Note also that Eq 6 may be written in terms of the alternative form of Eq 7 where electrical power is measured
electrical power supplied to the heated tube which may be directly is:
shown through uncertainty analysis to be a more accurate h ln 5 I 2 R⁄πDL ~ T o 2 T b ! ln (11)
method to obtain heat transfer coefficient measurements.
6.6.4 When the outside wall temperature is above the inside
Q 5 ṁ C p ~ T b2 2 T b1 ! 5 I 2 R (9) wall temperature (heat flux directed toward the center of the
where I is the current through the tube and R is the tube conduit), the following equation is appropriate for calculating
electrical resistance. The resistance R can be related to the wall the inside wall temperature from measurements on the outside
temperature by: wall given a specific heat flux.
R 5 R 0 @ 1 1 α ~ T 2 20! # (10) T i 5 T o 1q" ~ r 2 ⁄ k ! ln~ r 1 ⁄ r 2 ! (12)
D7863 − 22
on the horizontal axis (dependent variable). To accommodate a TABLE 1 Parameters for Forced-Convection Heat Transfer
wide range of fluid properties and test conditions, numerous Liquids
attempts have been made to collapse all data into a single FluidA Temp (°C) f1(T) f2(T)
curve, some more successful than others. For example, plotting Water 100 13.84 × 104 117
200 18.00 × 104 114
NuPr0.33 on the vertical scale and Re on the horizontal scale DP-DPO 150 2.43 × 104 28.5
(log-log scale) shows results in a straight line with high 300 3.19 × 104 25.0
goodness of fit for the case of convective heat transfer 400 3.21 × 104 22.6
Polyalkylene-glycol 150 1.62 × 104 36.6
(turbulent flow). 200 2.35 × 104 35.1
6.6.8 No matter how the data is plotted, it is extremely A
These are example fluids and are for reference only.
important to define how the heat transfer coefficient is calcu-
lated (hln most often used), specify the boundary conditions
(constant wall temperature or constant heat flux), and define 7. Report
the geometry and operating conditions of the experiment (tube
diameter, tube material, surface condition, orientation, closed 7.1 Measurement of heat transfer coefficients may be sub-
or open system, mean pressure, fluid properties, other proper- ject to much interpretation and it is therefore important to
ties as may be considered relevant). disclose not only the value of the heat transfer coefficient, but
6.6.9 It has been found that tabulated values of fluid the methodology employed to obtain such measurements.
properties that are grouped in special functions are extremely Reporting of heat transfer coefficient measurements shall
useful.7 It is recommended that the following quantities be include the following information:
provided as a function of temperature: 7.2 In the description of test apparatus, include a simple
f 1 ~ T ! 5 ~ ρ ⁄ µ ! Pr 0.33
k (13)
diagram and indicate whether the system is open or closed loop
1⁄3 0.33
and whether thermal and mechanical cycling occur.
f 2 ~ T ! 5 ~ ρ ⁄ µ ! Pr k (14)
7.3 Disclose the chemical and physical characteristics of the
6.6.10 The expression for f1(T) is derived as follows: test fluid. It is realized that some heat transfer fluids have The coefficient for forced convection inside tubes, proprietary formulations, but as a minimum include a table of
under turbulent conditions, may be obtained from: physical properties (viscosity, thermal conductivity, specific
Nu 5 0.023Re0.8Pr0.33µ c (15) heat capacity, vapor pressure, and density) versus temperature
and should be applicable for the intended temperatures for
where µc = (µ/µw)0.14 is a viscosity correction factor which which the fluid will be used. Include safety information such as
for this discussion will be assumed to be 1. (For reference, the flash point, autoignition temperature, and boiling range infor-
bulk fluid viscosity, µ, is evaluated at the bulk fluid temperature mation.
and µw is evaluated at the wall temperature.) Use the exponent
on the Prandtl number of 0.33 for both heating and cooling 7.4 Disclose physical characteristics of heated tube
with little loss of accuracy. (roughness, diameter, thickness, length, and material). Upon substitution of the values for Nu, Re, and Pr, 7.5 Disclose operating conditions of heated tube (boundary
and by separating all fluid property values from the equation, conditions, wall temperature).
use the following:
7.6 Disclose flow conditions (flow rate and bulk fluid
h 5 0.023~ v 0.8 ⁄ D 0.2! f 1 ~ T ! (16) temperature). For convection in tubes under laminar flow, the 7.7 The plot of Nusselt number versus Reynolds number
following is appropriate: (suggest Dittus-Boelter plot for turbulent flow conditions) is
h 5 1.62~ v ⁄ L D ! 1⁄3 f 2 ~ T ! (17) critical, and it is extremely beneficial to plot the convective
heat transfer coefficient as a function of flow conditions. Functions f1(T) and f2(T) and others (not included
7.8 Disclose the method for calculating heat transfer coef-
herein) are useful for quickly estimating the heat transfer
ficient (initial, arithmetic, logarithmic).
coefficient for a variety of fluids given a specific geometry, and
therefore making comparisons of heat transfer fluids in a direct 7.9 Report a table of functions f1(T) and f2(T) for the
manner. Table 1 shows values for several fluids, and it is intended temperature range of the heat transfer fluid. Develop
apparent that water is a very good heat transfer fluid with its a plot of Prandtl number versus the intended range of bulk fluid
high value of f1(T). temperature.
8. Keywords
Jasbir Singh, Heat Transfer Fluids and Systems for Process and Energy 8.1 convective heat transfer; heat transfer apparatus; heat
Applications, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York and Basel, 1985. transfer coefficient; heat transfer fluids; heat transfer rig
D7863 − 22
Subcommittee D02.L0 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D7863 – 17) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved July 1, 2022.)
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