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Introduction To Water Treatment For All Grades

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Introduction to

Water Treatment
For All Grades
Course # 3101
State of Tennessee

Introduction to Water
Treatment for All Grades
Course #3101
Week 1
January 29 - February 2, 2018

Monday, January 29
8:30 Registration Amanda Carter
9:00 Overview of Water Treatment
10:15 Source Water Protection
11:00 Lunch
12:00 Preliminary Treatment
1:15 Coagulation / Flocculation

Tuesday, January 30
8:30 Sedimentation Amanda
9:45 Filtration
11:00 Lunch
12:15 Rules/Regs/Design Criteria
2:15 Safety

Wednesday, January 31
8:30 Disinfection / Chlorination Amanda
11:30 Lunch
Fleming Training Center 12:30 Tour - to be announced
2022 Blanton Dr.
Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Thursday, February 1
8:30 Lab Procedures Amanda
Amanda Carter 11:30 Lunch
Phone: 615-898-6507 12:45 Water Tanks
Fax: 615-898-8064
1:45 Taste and Odor

Friday, February 2
8:30 Exam Review Amanda
11:00 Lunch
12:15 First Week Exam
Table of Contents
Section 1 Overview 3

Section 2 Source Water 27

Section 3 Pretreatment 45

Section 4 Coagulation / Flocculation 61

Section 5 Sedimentation 77

Section 6 Filtration 93

Section 7 Regulations & Design Criteria 109

Section 8 Safety 223

Section 9 Disinfection 243

Section 10 Laboratory 273

Section 11 Storage Tanks 295

Section 12 Taste and Odor 309

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Overview of Water Treatment

Purpose of water treatment – to provide safe drinking water that does not contain objectionable
taste, odor or color; to provide adequate quantities of water for domestic, commercial, industrial
and fire protection needs.

All water produced by public water systems must be drinking water quality, even though only
about 1% of water produced is used for drinking and cooking.

Schematic of conventional water treatment:

 Water is withdrawn from a lake, reservoir or river at the intake
 It is screened to remove debris
 Water then enters the flash mixing tank where coagulants and other chemicals are added
 Then it is divided into the flocculation basin
 After flocculation, the water enters the settling basins where solids are removed
 Filtration then removes particles that are too small to settle by gravity
 The water is disinfected using some form of chlorine
 Other chemicals such as fluoride, phosphate corrosion inhibitors or pH adjustment
chemicals may be added
 After a minimum detention time, the water may be pumped to the distribution systems

Other processes may occur, such as pre-oxidation or activated carbon treatment.

Groundwater treatment is much less involved than surface water treatment. Groundwater has
fewer impurities. Aeration may be required to remove dissolved gases and aid in the removal of
dissolved minerals. Fluoride is sometimes added, but often the only step is disinfection.
Addition of chemicals to reduce corrosion may also be needed.

Various regulations exist to control contaminants in drinking water in order to ensure public
safety. Part of an operator’s job is to collect samples, test them and report the results to the state,
which enforces these regulations. Operators must be able to recognize problems in the treatment
process that could result in violations. They should also be familiar with the limits of certain
substances in water so they can recognize when lab tests indicate violations.

4 Overview
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Treatment Process Purpose

Raw Water
Removes leaves, sticks, fish and other large debris.

Prechlorination Kills most disease-causing organisms and helps control

(optional) taste and odor causing substances.

Chemicals Coagulants cause very fine particles to clump together

into larger particles.
(coagulants, Carbon can be added in the flash mix to help control taste
carbon) and odor causing substances.

Flash Mix Mixes chemicals with raw water containing fine particles
that will not readily settle or filter out of the water.

Coagulation - Gathers together fine, light particles to form larger

Flocculation particles (floc) to aid the sedimentation and filtration

Settles out larger suspended particles.

Filters out remaining suspended particles.

Kills/inactivates disease causing organisms. Provides

Filtration chlorine residual for distribution system.
Phosphates control corrosion, fluoride helps prevent
dental decay.
Chemicals Provides chlorine contact time for disinfection. Stores
water for high demand.
Clear Well

Finished Water

Section 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Common Abbreviations

ASTM – America Society for Testing and SDWA – Safe Drinking Water Act
Materials sMCL – secondary maximum contaminant
AWWA – America Water Works level
Association SOC – synthetic organic carbon
CCR – consumer confidence report SOP – standard operating procedures
CWS – community water system TDS – total dissolved solids
DBP – disinfection byproduct THM – trihalomethane
DO – dissolved oxygen TOC – total organic carbon
EBCT – empty bed contact time TWS – transient non-community water
GAC – granular activated carbon system
HAA – haloacetic acids USEPA – United States Environmental
HPC – heterotrophic plate count Protection Agency
HTH – high test hypochlorite; calcium UV – ultraviolet
hypochlorite VOC – volatile organic chemical
LCR – lead and copper rule
LSI – Langelier saturation index
MCL – maximum contaminant levels
MCLG – maximum contaminant level goal
MF – membrane filter
MGD – million gallons per day
MPN – most probable number
MRDL – maximum residual disinfection
MTF - multiple-tube fermentation
NCWS – non-community water system
NOM – natural organic material
NSF – National Sanitation Foundation
NTNCWS – non-transient non-community
water system
NTU – nephelometric turbidity units
OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health
P-A – presence-absence
PAC – powder activated carbon
PN – public notification
PPE – personal protective equipment
PPM – parts per million; mg/L
PSI – pounds per square inch
PWS – public water system
RPBP – reduced pressure backflow
RTCR – revised total coliform rule
SCBA – self-contained breathing apparatus
SCD – streaming current detector
SDS - safety data sheet

6 Overview
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Chemical Formula Common Name(s)

Al(OH)3 aluminum hydroxide; jellylike floc particles
Al2(SO4)3  7H2O alum; aluminum sulfate
AsO3 arsenite
AsO4 arsenate

Br2 bromine

CaCl2 calcium chloride

CaCO3 calcium carbonate
Ca(HCO3)2 calcium bicarbonate
CaO calcium oxide; unslaked lime; quicklime
Ca(OCl)2 calcium hypochlorite; HTH
Ca(OH)2 calcium hydroxide; lime; hydrated lime; slaked lime
CaSO4 calcium sulfate
CH4 methane
Cl2 chlorine
ClO2 chlorine dioxide
CO2 carbon dioxide
CuSO4  5H2O copper sulfate; bluestone; copper sulfate pentahydrate

Fe iron
FeCl3 ferric chloride
Fe(OH)3 ferric hydroxide
Fe2S2 iron sulfide
Fe2(SO4)3 ferric sulfate
Fe2(SO4)3  7H2O ferrous sulfate

HCl hydrochloric acid; muriatic acid

H2O water
HOCl hypochlorous acid
H2S hydrogen sulfide
H2SiF6 fluorosilicic acid; hydrofluorosilicic acid; silly acid
H2SO4 sulfuric acid

I2 iodine

KMnO4 potassium permanganate

MgCl2 magnesium chloride

MgCO3 magnesium carbonate
Mg(HCO3)2 magnesium bicarbonate
Mg(OH)2 magnesium hydroxide
MgSO4 magnesium sulfate
Mn manganese

Section 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Chemical Formula Common Name(s)

Na2Al2O4 sodium aluminate
Na2CO3 sodium carbonate; soda ash
NaF sodium fluoride
NaHCO3 sodium bicarbonate; baking powder
Na2O  (SiO2)3 sodium silicate
NaOCl sodium hypochlorite; bleach
NaOH sodium hydroxide; caustic soda
Na4P2O7 tetrasodium pyrophosphate
(NaPO)14Na2O sodium hexametaphosphate; sodium polyphosphate
Na2SiF6 sodium fluorosilicate; sodium silicofluoride
NCl3 trichloramine
NH2Cl monochloramine
NHCl2 dichloramine
NO3 nitrate

O3 ozone
OCl hypochlorite

SO4 sulfate

Zn3(PO4)2 zinc orthophosphate

8 Overview
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Suggested Water Treatment Exam References

The following are approved as reference sources for the water treatment examinations. Operators should use
the latest edition of these reference sources to prepare for the exam.

American Water Works Association (AWWA) Web site: www.awwa.org
Principles and Practices of Water Supply Operations Series:

• Water Sources
• Water Treatment
• Water Transmission and Distribution
• Water Quality
• Basic Science Concepts and Applications

Other AWWA References:

• Water Quality and Treatment

• Water System Security, A Field Guide

Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA) and National Rural Water Association
(NRWA) Web site: www.asdwa.org (available online in PDF format;

• Security Vulnerability Self Assessment Guide for Small Drinking Water Systems

California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) Foundation, Office of Water Programs


• Water Treatment Plant Operation, Volumes I and II

• Manage for Success


• Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 141 (www.gpo.gov)

• Community Public Water Systems Design Criteria, State of Tennessee, Department of Environment and
Conservation, Division of Water Supply, Nashville, 2008.
• Regulations for Public Water Systems and Drinking Water Quality, State of Tennessee, Department of
Environment and Conservation, Division of Water Supply, Nashville. June 2009.
• Rules Governing Water and Wastewater Operator Certification, State of Tennessee, Department of
Environment and Conservation, Board of Certification for Water and Wastewater Operators, Nashville,
TN, December 2009, Section 1200-5-3.

Study Guides
American Water Works Association, Operator Certification Study Guide: A Guide to Preparing for
Water Treatment and Distribution Operator Certification Exams (www.awwa.org;

Section 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center
Suggested Primary Water Treatment Exam References
The following are approved as reference sources for the ABC water treatment examinations. Operators should use the latest
edition of these reference sources to prepare for the exam. These reference are not the only reference an operator should use in
studying for the exam, however, these are the primary references used in developing the exam.

Water Treatment 1
• **CSUS Water Treatment Plant Operation Volume I
• **CSUS Water Treatment Plant Operation Volume II
• Regulations for Public Water Systems and Drinking Water Quality State of Tennessee Department of
Environment and Conservation Division of Water Supply Nashville, Latest Revision
• AWWA Basic Science Concepts and Applications
• Community Public Water Systems Design Criteria State of Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
Division of Water Supply Nashville, Latest Revision
• Rules Governing Water and Wastewater Operator Certification, State of Tennessee, Department of Environment and
Conservation, Board of Certification for Water and Wastewater Operators, Nashville, Latest Revision

Water Treatment 2
• **CSUS Water Treatment Plant Operation Volume I
• **CSUS Water Treatment Plant Operation Volume II
• Regulations for Public Water Systems and Drinking Water Quality State of Tennessee Department of
Environment and Conservation Division of Water Supply Nashville, Latest Revision
• AWWA Basic Science Concepts and Applications
• AWWA Water Treatment
• Community Public Water Systems Design Criteria State of Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
Division of Water Supply Nashville, Latest Revision
• Rules Governing Water and Wastewater Operator Certification, State of Tennessee, Department of Environment and
Conservation, Board of Certification for Water and Wastewater Operators, Nashville, Latest Revision

Water Treatment 3
• **CSUS Water Treatment Plant Operation Volume I
• **CSUS Water Treatment Plant Operation Volume II
• AWWA Basic Science Concepts and Applications
• Regulations for Public Water Systems and Drinking Water Quality State of Tennessee Department of
Environment and Conservation Division of Water Supply Nashville, Latest Revision
• AWWA Water Treatment
• AWWA Water Quality and Treatment
• Community Public Water Systems Design Criteria State of Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
Division of Water Supply Nashville, Latest Revision
• Rules Governing Water and Wastewater Operator Certification, State of Tennessee, Department of Environment and
Conservation, Board of Certification for Water and Wastewater Operators, Nashville, Latest Revision

Water Treatment 4
• **CSUS Water Treatment Plant Operation Volume I
• **CSUS Water Treatment Plant Operation Volume II
• Regulations for Public Water Systems and Drinking Water Quality State of Tennessee Department of
Environment and Conservation Division of Water Supply Nashville, Latest Revision
• AWWA Basic Science Concepts and Applications
• AWWA Water Treatment
• Community Public Water Systems Design Criteria State of Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
Division of Water Supply Nashville, Latest Revision
• Rules Governing Water and Wastewater Operator Certification, State of Tennessee, Department of Environment and
Conservation, Board of Certification for Water and Wastewater Operators, Nashville, Latest Revision

There are 2-3 primary references for each of exam. The ** denotes that 20+ of the exam items are linked to the noted reference.

Bold items have at least three items linked to them. Any references that are not in bold, have only 1-2 items linked to them.

The Tennessee State references are included, however, there is a sixth reference if the sixth had at least three items linked to it; in
some cases this was a tie of 2-3 references with just a few items each. State of Tennessee references are italicized.

10 Overview
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2805 SW Snyder Blvd., Suite 535 Ankeny, Iowa 50023

P: (515) 232-3623 F: (515) 965-6827

Water Treatment
A Need-to-Know Guide when preparing for the
ABC Water Treatment Certification Examination.

Copyright 2012 by the Association of Boards of Certification. All rights reserved. No

part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage
and retrieval system without written permission from the publisher. Printed in the USA.

Section 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

The Association would like to thank the members of the 2010-2011 Water Treatment Validation and
Examination Committee for their effort in conducting the job analysis and developing the ABC Need-to-
Know Criteria for Water Treatment Operators. Committee members included:

• Brian Thorburn, British Columbia (Chair)

• Gary Coleman, New Jersey
• Kim Dyches, Utah
• Ander Houlihan, Nova Scotia
• Bob Hoyt, Massachusetts
• Ken Kerri, California
• Chuck Kingston, Oregon
• Gerald Samuel, Alberta
• Scott Williams, Tennessee

As part of the development of its certification exams, the Association of Boards of Certification (ABC)
conducted a job analysis of water treatment operators in 2010. As part of this process, ABC conducted a
national survey of water treatment operators. This Need-to-Know Criteria was developed from the results
of ABC’s 2010 water treatment operator job analysis.

How the Need-to-Know Criteria Was Developed

Review of Task Survey
The results of the 2010 task analysis survey were provided to the ABC Water Treatment V&E Committee.
In the task analysis survey, operators rated job tasks and capabilities for frequency of performance and
seriousness of inadequate or incorrect performance. These two rating scales were used because they
provide useful information (i.e., how critical each task is and how frequently each task is performed)
pertaining to certification. Of the 1192 individuals in the water treatment industry who completed the
survey, 169 were class I operators, 254 were class II operators, 224 were class III operators, and 349
were class IV operators.

Analysis of Ratings
The composite criticality ratings and percentage of operators reporting that they performed the tasks were
presented to the Water Treatment V&E Committee in January 2011 to begin development of the new
Need-to-Know Criteria. V&E committee members were given the opportunity to retain tasks which did not
meet decision criteria (a criticality value of at least 10.5, and a percent performing value of at least 50%) if
a significant rationale could be provided for their importance on the examination. The V&E committee
members were also given the opportunity to remove any tasks which met criteria on the survey but were
deemed untestable or inappropriate for the water treatment certification examination. Final examination
blueprint weights were calculated by summing the criticality values of all remaining tasks, and dividing the
criticality value of each task by the grand total criticality value. Weights of individual tasks were summed
for each core competency area to determine the proportion of the water treatment certification
examination devoted to each core competency.

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Water Treatment NTK Overview
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Core Competencies
The essential tasks and capabilities that were identified through this process are called the core
competencies. The following pages list the core competencies for water treatment operators. The core
competencies are clustered into the following job duties:

• Monitor, Evaluate, and Adjust Treatment Processes

• Laboratory Analyses
• Comply with Drinking Water Regulations
• Operate and Maintain Equipment
• Perform Security, Safety, and Administrative Procedures
• Evaluate Characteristics of Source Water

The level of knowledge (i.e., comprehension, application, analysis) required for each task is also identified
in the following pages.

• Comprehension is the most basic level of understanding and remembering. Items written at the
comprehension level require examinees to recognize, remember, or identify important ideas.
• Items written at the application level require examinees to interpret, calculate, predict, use or
apply information and solve problems.
• Items written at the analysis level require examinees to compare, contrast, diagnose, examine,
analyze, and relate important concepts.

The level of knowledge is a hierarchy from basic comprehension to analysis. The level of knowledge
tested is cumulative. Therefore, tasks identified as application may include questions written at both the
application and comprehension levels. Tasks identified as analysis may include questions written at the
comprehension, application, and analysis levels.

About the Association of Boards of Certification

Established in 1972, the Association of Boards of Certification (ABC) is a non-profit member-driven
organization dedicated to protecting public health and the environment by advancing the quality and
integrity of environmental certification programs. ABC membership includes almost 100 certifying
authorities, representing more than 40 states, nine Canadian provinces as well as several international
programs. Existing solely for its members, ABC is the voice for the profession and serves as the conduit
for information in an ever-changing industry.

Over 70 certification programs currently test approximately 35,000 operators and laboratory analysts
annually through ABC’s industry-leading Certification & Testing Services. Over 400,000 water and
wastewater operators, laboratory analysts, and backflow prevention assembly testers have taken an ABC
exam since the testing program began in 1982.

ABC Vision
Promote integrity in environmental certification throughout the world.

ABC Mission
ABC is dedicated to advancing the quality and integrity of environmental certification programs.

ABC Objectives
• Promote certification as a means of protecting public health, the infrastructure, and the
• Promote uniformity of standards and best practices in certification.
• Serve as the technical resource for certification entities.
• Facilitate the transfer of certification between certifying authorities.
• Serve the needs of our members.

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Water Treatment NTK Overview
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ABC Water Treatment Certification Exams

The ABC water treatment certification exams evaluate an operator’s knowledge of tasks related to the
operation of water treatment systems. The ABC Water Treatment V&E Committee determined the content
of each exam based on the results of the national task analysis survey. To successfully take an ABC
exam, an operator must demonstrate knowledge of the core competencies in this document.

Four levels of certification exams are offered by ABC, with class I being the lowest level and class IV the
highest level. The specifications for the exams are based on a weighting of the job analysis results so that
they reflect the criticality of tasks performed on the job. The specifications list the percentage of questions
on the exam that fall under each job duty. For example, 27% of the questions on the ABC class I water
treatment exam relate to the job duty “Operate and Maintain Equipment.” For a list of tasks and
capabilities associated with each job duty, please refer to the list of core competencies on the following

ABC Water Treatment Exam Specifications

Blueprint Area Class I Class II Class III Class IV

Monitor, Evaluate, and Adjust Treatment Processes 30% 28% 31% 31%

Laboratory Analyses 12% 13% 11% 11%

Comply with Drinking Water Regulations 12% 12% 11% 10%

Operate and Maintain Equipment 27% 26% 24% 25%

Perform Security, Safety, and Administrative
13% 16% 18% 18%
Evaluate Characteristics of Source Water 6% 5% 5% 5%

Monitor, Evaluate, and

Adjust Treatment Class I Class II Class III Class IV
Chemical Addition
Chemical pretreatment Comprehension Comprehension Application Analysis
Chlorine dioxide
Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
Chlorine gas disinfection Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
Corrosion control Comprehension Comprehension Application Analysis
Fluoridation Comprehension Analysis Analysis Analysis
Ozone disinfection Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
pH adjustment Application Application Analysis Analysis
Sodium hypochlorite
Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
Ultraviolet disinfection Comprehension Comprehension Application Application

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Water Treatment NTK Overview
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Monitor, Evaluate, & Adjust

Treatment Processes Class I Class II Class III Class IV
Coagulation and Flocculation
Chemical coagulants Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Flocculation tanks Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Rapid mix units Comprehension Application Application Analysis

Clarification and Sedimentation

Dissolved air flotation Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Sedimentation basins Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Tube sedimentation Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Up-flow solids-contact
Comprehension Application Application Analysis

Cartridge filters Application Application Application Application
Diatomaceous earth filters Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Application
Direct filtration Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Gravity filtration Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Membranes (ultrafiltration,
nanofiltration, reverse Application Application Application Application
Microscreens Comprehension Comprehension Application Analysis
Pressure or greensand
Application Application Application Application
Slow sand filters Comprehension Application Application Analysis

Residuals Disposal
Discharge to lagoons N/A N/A Comprehension Comprehension
Discharge to lagoons and
N/A N/A Comprehension Comprehension
then raw water source
Discharge to raw water N/A N/A Application Analysis
Disposal to sanitary sewer N/A N/A Comprehension Comprehension
Land application N/A N/A Comprehension Comprehension
Mechanical dewatering N/A N/A Application Analysis
On-site disposal N/A N/A Comprehension Comprehension

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Water Treatment NTK Overview
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Monitor, Evaluate, & Adjust

Treatment Processes Class I Class II Class III Class IV
Residuals Disposal Continued
Solids composting N/A N/A Comprehension Comprehension

Additional Treatment Tasks

Aeration Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Backwash aids Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Coagulation aids Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Copper sulfate treatment Application Application Application Application
Electrodialysis Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Application
Filter aids Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Ion-exchange/softening Application Application Application Application
Iron manganese/softening Application Application Application Application
Lime-soda ash softening Comprehension Comprehension Application Analysis
Packed tower aeration Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension
Powdered activated
Application Application Application Application

Required Capabilities
Knowledge of: Ability to:
• Analysis and interpretation • Adjust chemical feed rates
• Basic chemistry • Adjust flow patterns
• Chemical properties • Adjust process units
• Drinking water treatment concepts • Calculate dosage rates
• General electrical principles • Confirm chemical strength
• Monitoring requirements • Diagnose/trouble shoot
• Normal chemical range • Discriminate between normal and abnormal
• Physical science conditions
• Principles of measurement • Evaluate facility performance
• Proper application of chemicals • Evaluate process units
• Proper chemical handling and storage • Interpret data
• Maintain processes in normal operating
• Measure chemical weight/volume
• Perform basic math
• Perform physical measurements
• Perform process control calculations
• Prepare chemicals
• Recognize abnormal analytical results

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Water Treatment NTK Overview
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Laboratory Analysis Class I Class II Class III Class IV

Algae identification Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
Asbestos Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
Biological Application Application Application Application
Chemical Comprehension Application Application Application
Chlorine Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
Coliform bacteria Application Application Application Analysis
Complete chain-of-custody Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Corrosivity Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension
Disinfectant by-products
Comprehension Comprehension Application Analysis
Dissolved oxygen Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension
Hexavalent chromium Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension
Inorganic minerals Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension
Jar test Comprehension Comprehension Application Analysis
Langelier Index Comprehension Analysis Analysis Analysis
Metals Application Application Application Application
Organics Comprehension Comprehension Analysis Analysis
pH Application Application Analysis Analysis
Physical parameters Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
Radiological parameters Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
Saturation Index Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension
Solids Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension
Streaming current analysis Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension

Required Capabilities
Knowledge of: Ability to:
• Basic chemistry • Accurately transcribe data
• Basic laboratory techniques • Communicate in writing
• Biological science • Communicate verbally
• Chemical properties • Determine what information needs to be
• Data collection recorded
• Laboratory equipment • Follow written procedures
• Material Safety Data Sheet • Interpret data
• Monitoring requirements • Measure chemical weight/volume
• Normal characteristics of water • Perform basic math
• Normal chemical range • Perform laboratory calculations
• Personal protective equipment • Perform physical measurements
• Pesticides • Prepare chemicals

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Required Capabilities Continued

Knowledge of: Ability to:
• Physical science • Recognize abnormal analytical results
• Principles of measurement • Record information
• Proper sampling procedures
• Quality control/quality assurance practices
• Safety procedures
• Standard methods

Comply with Drinking Water

Class I Class II Class III Class IV
40 CFR 141 Subpart A:
General (definitions, coverage,
variances and exemptions, Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
siting requirements, and
effective dates)
40 CFR 141 Subpart B:
Maximum Contaminant Levels Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
(arsenic, nitrate, turbidity)
40 CFR 141 Subpart C:
Monitoring and Analytical
Requirements (turbidity,
Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
coliforms, organic
contaminants, organic
40 CFR 141 Subpart D:
Reporting and Recordkeeping Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
40 CFR 141 Subpart E: Special
Regulations, Including
Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
Monitoring Regulations and
Prohibition on Lead Use
40 CFR 141 Subpart F:
Maximum Contaminant Level
Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
Goals and Maximum Residual
Disinfectant Level Goals
40 CFR 141 Subpart G:
National Primary Drinking
Water Regulations: Maximum
Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
Contaminant Levels and
Maximum Residual
Disinfectant Levels
40 CFR 141 Subpart H:
Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
Filtration and Disinfection
40 CFR 141 Subpart I: Control
Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
of Lead and Copper

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Comply with Drinking Water

Class I Class II Class III Class IV
Regulations Continued
40 CFR 141 Subpart K:
Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
Treatment Techniques
40 CFR 141 Subpart L:
Disinfectant Residuals,
Disinfection Byproducts, and Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
Disinfection Byproduct
40 CFR 141 Subpart
P:Enhanced Filtration and
Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
Disinfection Systems Serving
10,000 or More People
40 CFR 141 Subpart Q: Public
Notification of Drinking Water Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
40 CFR 141 Subpart S: Ground
Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
Water Rule
40 CFR 141 Subpart T:
Enhanced Filtration and
Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
Disinfection Systems Serving
Fewer Than 10,000 People
40 CFR 141 Subpart U: Initial
Distribution System Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
40 CFR 141 Subpart V: Stage 2
Disinfection Byproducts Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
40 CFR 141 Subpart W:
Enhanced Treatment for Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
40 CFR 143: National
Secondary Drinking Water Comprehension Comprehension Application Application

Required Capabilities
Knowledge of:
• Code of federal regulation
• Regulations
• Reporting
• Safe Drinking Water Act

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Operate and Maintain

Class I Class II Class III Class IV
Evaluate Operation of Equipment
Check speed of
Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Inspect equipment for
Comprehension Application Application Analysis
abnormal conditions
Measure temperature of
Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Read charts Application Application Application Analysis
Read meters Application Application Application Analysis
Read pressure gauges Application Application Application Analysis

Operate Equipment
Blowers and compressors Application Application Application Application
Chemical feeders Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
Computers (SCADA
Application Application Application Application
systems, HMI, etc.)
Drives Application Application Application Application
Electronic testing
Application Application Application Application
Engines Application Application Application Application
Gates Application Application Application Application
Generators Application Application Application Application
Hand tools Application Application Application Application
Hydrants Application Application Application Application
Hydraulic equipment Application Application Application Application
Instrumentation Application Application Application Application
Motors Application Application Application Application
Pneumatic equipment Application Application Application Application
Power tools Application Application Application Application
Pumps Application Application Application Application
Valves Application Application Application Application

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Water Treatment NTK Overview
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Operate and Maintain

Class I Class II Class III Class IV
Equipment Continued
Perform Maintenance
Backflow prevention
Application Application Application Analysis

Blowers and compressors Application Application Application Application

Bulk chemical storage

Application Application Application Analysis
Calibration of chemical
Application Application Application Analysis
Chemical feeders Application Application Application Application
Drives Comprehension Application Application Application
Electrical grounding Comprehension Application Application Application
Engines Comprehension Application Application Application
Gates N/A N/A N/A Comprehension
Generators Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension
Hydrants N/A N/A N/A Comprehension
Hydraulic equipment N/A N/A N/A Comprehension
Instrumentation Application Application Application Application
Lock-out/tag-out Application Application Application Application
Motors Application Application Application Application
Pipes Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension
Pneumatic equipment Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension
Pumps Application Application Application Application
Treatment units Comprehension Application Application Application
Valves Application Application Application Application

Required Capabilities
Knowledge of: Ability to:
• Facility operation and maintenance • Adjust equipment
• Function of tools • Assign work to proper trade
• General electrical principles • Calibrate equipment
• HVAC equipment • Communicate in writing
• Hydraulic principles • Communicate verbally
• Internal combustion engines • Diagnose/troubleshoot
• Lubricant and fluid characteristics • Differentiate between preventative and
• Mechanical equipment corrective maintenance
• Mechanical principles • Discriminate between normal and abnormal
• Operation and maintenance practices conditions
• Personal protective equipment • Evaluate operation of equipment
• Pneumatics • Monitor equipment

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Water Treatment NTK Overview
Section 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Required Capabilities Continued

Knowledge of: Ability to:

• Process control instrumentation • Operate safety equipment
• Proper lifting procedures • Order spare parts
• Start up and shut down procedures • Organize information
• Storage • Perform general maintenance
• Perform general repairs
• Perform physical measurements
• Recognize unsafe work conditions
• Record information
• Report findings
• Translate technical language into common
• Use hand tools

Perform Security, Safety,

and Administrative Class I Class II Class III Class IV
Write/complete reports
Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Manage Facility
Administer safety
Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension
Develop budget N/A N/A Comprehension Comprehension
Respond to complaints Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
Respond to Emergencies
Facility upset Application Application Application Application
Major spill response Application Application Application Application
Natural disasters Comprehension Application Application Analysis
System contamination Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
Safety Procedures
Calibration of
atmospheric testing Application Application Application Application
Chemical hazards and
Application Application Application Application
chemical spill response
Confined space entry Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis

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Perform Security, Safety,

and Administrative Class I Class II Class III Class IV
Procedures Continued
Safety Procedures Continued
General safety and health Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
Pathogens Application Application Application Application
Personal protective
Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
Record Information
Compliance Application Application Analysis Analysis
Corrective actions Application Application Analysis Analysis
Customer complaints Application Application Application Application
Facility operation Application Application Application Application
Laboratory Comprehension Application Application Analysis
Maintenance Application Application Application Analysis

Required Capabilities
Knowledge of: Ability to:
• Arbitration procedures • Assess likelihood of disaster occurring
• Building codes • Communicate in writing
• Disciplinary procedures • Communicate verbally
• Emergency plans • Conduct meetings
• Legislative process • Conduct training programs
• Local codes and ordinances • Coordinate emergency response with other
• Material Safety Data Sheet organizations
• Personal protective equipment • Demonstrate safe work habits
• Potential causes of disasters in facility • Determine what information needs to be
• Potential impact of disasters on facility recorded
• Principles of finance • Develop a budget
• Principles of management • Develop a public relations campaign
• Principles of public relations • Develop a staffing plan
• Principles of supervision • Develop a work unit
• Proper chemical handling and storage • Evaluate employee performance
• Proper lifting procedures • Evaluate promotional materials
• Public administration procedures • Evaluate proposals
• Recordkeeping policies • Generate capital plans
• Regulations • Generate long and short term plans
• Reporting requirements • Generate written safety procedures
• Retrieval • Identify potential safety hazards
• Risk management • Negotiate contracts
• Safety procedures • Operate safety equipment
• Safety regulations • Perform impact assessments
• Prepare proposals
• Recognize unsafe work conditions
• Report findings
• Select safety equipment

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Water Treatment NTK Overview
Section 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Evaluate Characteristics of
Class I Class II Class III Class IV
Source Water

Algae control Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Application

Bacteriological Application Analysis Analysis Analysis
Biological Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
Chemical Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
Chemical treatment (copper
Application Application Application Analysis
Identify and evaluate
potential sources of source Comprehension Application Analysis Analysis
water contamination
Monitor, evaluate, and adjust
Comprehension Application Analysis Analysis
source water
Physical Comprehension Comprehension Application Application
Stratification control Comprehension Comprehension Application Analysis

Required Capabilities
Knowledge of: Ability to:
• Contaminants • Communicate in writing
• Hydrology • Communicate verbally
• Normal characteristics of water • Discriminate between normal and abnormal
• Watershed protection conditions

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Water Treatment NTK Overview
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 1

The following are approved as reference sources for the ABC water treatment examinations. Operators
should use the latest edition of these reference sources to prepare for the exam.

American Water Works Association (AWWA)

• Principles and Practices of Water Supply Operations To order, contact:

Series: American Water Works Association
o Water Sources 6666 W Quincy Ave
o Water Treatment Denver CO 80235
o Water Transmission and Distribution Web site: www.awwa.org
Phone: (800) 926-7337
o Water Quality
Fax: (303) 347-0804
o Basic Science Concepts and Applications E-mail: custsvc@awwa.org

• Other AWWA References:

o Water Quality and Treatment
o Water System Security, A Field Guide

Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA) and National Rural Water Association

• Security Vulnerability Self Assessment Guide for To order, contact:

Small Drinking Water Systems ASDWA
1401 Wilson Blvd Ste 1225
Arlington VA 22209
Web site: www.asdwa.org
(available online in PDF format; select
Security,” then “Training and Tools”)
Phone: (703) 812-9505
Fax: (703) 812-9506
E-mail: info@asdwa.org

California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) Foundation, Office of Water Programs

• Water Treatment Plant Operation, Volumes I and II To order, contact:

• Manage for Success Office of Water Programs
California State University, Sacramento
6000 J St
Sacramento CA 95819-6025
Web site: www.owp.csus.edu
Phone: (916) 278-6142 (916) 278-6142
Fax: (916) 278-5959
E-mail: wateroffice@owp.csus.edu

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Water Treatment NTK Overview
Section 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Record Maintenance
Water and Distribution Systems
State of Tennessee

Record Must be kept for Source

Bacteriological Analysis 5 years 0400-45-1-.20(1)(a)
Chemical Analysis 10 years 0400-45-1-.20(1)(a)
Actions to correct
3 years after last action 0400-45-1-.20(1)(b)
Written reports,
summaries, 10 years after sanitary
communications relating survey
to sanitary surveys
Variances/exemptions 5 years after expiration 0400-45-1-.20(1)(d)
Turbidity Next sanitary survey 0400-45-1-.20(1)(f)
Daily worksheets and
Next sanitary survey 0400-45-1-.20(1)(g)
shift logs
Cross connection plans &
5 years 0400-45-1-.20(1)(h)
inspection records
Complaint logs 5 years 0400-45-1-.20(1)(h)
Facility maintenance
5 years 0400-45-1-.20(1)(h)
5 years (required)
Storage tank inspections 0400-45-1-.20(1)(h)
life of tank recommended
Lead & copper 12 years 0400-45-1-.33(12)
Bacteriological records
indicating disinfection of 5 years 0400-45-1-.17(8)
mains, tanks, filters, wells
Flush and free chlorine
Next sanitary survey
residual for new taps 0400-45-1-.17(33)
or 3 years
where main is uncovered
SDS At least 30 years 29 CFR1910.1020

26 Overview
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Learning Objectives
 Hydrologic Cycle
 Characteristics of Groundwater and Surface
Developing the Water Supply  Sources of Groundwater and Surface Water
AWWA WSO: Water Sources
 Water Rights
 Source Development and Protection
 Wells Operation and Maintenance
 Regulatory Publications and Rules
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Water Supply Hydrology and the

Hydrologic Cycle Hydrologic Cycle
 Hydrologic Water Cycle
 movement of water from the surface of the earth
to the atmosphere and back
 Process of evaporation and transpiration
 Condensation forms water vapor droplets
 Precipitation returns water to earth
 Water penetrates ground via infiltration,
percolation, and runoff
 Surface runoff occurs when ground is saturated

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Hydrologic Cycle Hydrologic Cycle

 Evaporation and Transpiration  Condensation and Precipitation
 Evaporation  Condensation
 the changing of liquid to gas  occurs when water vapor
(water to water vapor) condenses as it cools and
 Water is constantly forms tiny droplets of
evaporating from the earth water or clouds
 Transpiration  Precipitation
 the process in which water from the  occurs when the droplets
earth is absorbed by plants and become too heavy to stay
transferred to the air through the airborne
 these droplets fall back to earth as rain, snow, sleet or
5 6

28 Source Water
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Hydrologic Cycle Hydrologic Cycle

 Infiltration and Percolation  Surface Runoff
 As precipitation falls, it soaks into the ground  When the soil can hold no
 Infiltration more water, it flows
 the movement of water through the soil downward over the ground
 Some of the water goes back to the surface due surface
to capillary action  It flows into streams or lakes
 the movement of water above a water surface or, eventually, the ocean
 The rest percolates (continues downward) to the
water table

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 Water below the surface  Characterized by:
 Hidden resource  high TDS
 Fe & Mn
 Provides 20% of water
used in the US  high dissolved gases
 radon, CH4, H2S
 Has few contaminants
 low dissolved oxygen
 Resultant of infiltration
 low color
and percolation
 high hardness
 Relatively free from
micro contamination  Can be influenced by
natural and human
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Groundwater Aquifers
 Sources Unconfined Aquifers
 Aquifers  Upper surface is free to rise and fall
 confined and unconfined  Water table wells
 Springs  wells constructed to reach an unconfined aquifer

 Half of the world’s groundwater resource is located  Amount of water produced varies widely as water
within one mile of the ground surface table rises and falls in relation to rainfall
 Other half is found in deep aquifers  Indicates water table level of surrounding aquifer

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Aquifers Aquifers
 Characteristics
Confined Aquifers  Underground layer of gravel, sand, sandstone, shattered rock, or limestone

 Also known as Artesian  Flowing artesian well  Impermeable layer of rock, clay or granite keeps water from sinking downward

Aquifer  pressure causes water to

 Water table is upper surface of an aquifer
 Classified as water table or artesian and confined or unconfined
 Permeable layer confined rise above ground
by an upper level and lower surface
level of low permeability  Non‐flowing artesian well
material  water doesn’t rise to the
 Water recharge area surface
usually higher than main  Piezometric surface
part of aquifer
 height that water rises
 Water is usually under

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Groundwater Movement
Aquifers Terms & Materials Characteristics
 Porosity  Movement of water is naturally downhill
 amount of water the material will hold
 Hydraulic conductivity  Rainfall percolates down to the water table
 how easily the water will flow thought the aquifer  Water moves slowly through soil which
 Both determine how much the aquifer will yield removes suspended particles
 Pumping rates are higher in coarser material and cost  Soil acts as a natural filtration process
 Dissolved pollutants cannot be removed
 less pumping head loss
 Consolidated aquifer formations consist of limestone  Contaminants can be picked up
and fractured rock and produce large quantities of
water  Water table is never completely level
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Springs Surface Water Characteristics

 Occur if water table intersects  Higher turbidity  Precipitation dissolves
the ground surface
 Suspended solids gases in atmosphere
 Difficult to determine source
of springs  More color  Dust and solids from
 They should be considered  Microbial contamination
industrial processes
contaminated until sanitary  Usually soft, low in solids
survey is conducted  Impurities in snow and
rain and alkalinity, and pH
 Flows vary considerably and
are influenced by artesian slightly below 7
 Impurities from runoff
pressures  soluble formations such as
 Usually corrosive
 Enclose intake in a concrete limestone, gypsum, & rock  Seasonal changes
spring box salt affect characteristics

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30 Source Water
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Surface Water Supply and

Operating Problems Wells
 Contamination You surface water people stay awake!
 Loss of water source by evaporation & seepage
This is a GROUNDWATER people session.
 Weather (rain and snowfall)
 Exposure to environmental changes
 Icing
 Rainfall intensity and droughts
 Soil composition
 Human influences
 More and varied treatment processes
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Wells Parts of a Well

 Advantages  Sanitary seal
 prevents contamination
 Provide 20% of water used in US  seal has openings for discharge pipe, pump controls,
 Facilities cost less to operate and air vent
 Well casing
 Water is less turbid  liner to prevent
 Contains fewer bacteriological and viral walls from caving in
contaminants  protects water
 require less treatment
 Well casing vent
 Maintain uniform temperature  prevents pump vacuum and contamination from
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Parts of a Well Well Terms

 Grout  Static water level
 cement or other material that prevents water  water surface level when no water is being
from the surface from entering well drawn
 Intake screen  Pumping water level
 prevents sand or  level at which water drops and stabilizes as it is
other material from pumped
entering the well and  Drawdown
allows water to flow
 drop between static and pumping level
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TDEC – Fleming Training Center TDEC – Fleming Training Center

Well Terms Well Terms

 Cone of depression  Residual drawdown
 difference between the original water level and
 depression in the water level after pumping has stopped
water level around a  Well yield
well during pumping  rate of water withdrawal that a well can supply over
 Zone of influence a long period of time
 Safe yield
 length and depth of  maximum amount of water that can be withdrawn
Radius of Influence continuously during the driest periods
 determined by Cone  Specific capacity
of Depression  yield per unit of drawdown (can indicate problems)

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Well Location and Sanitary Well Operation and

Considerations Maintenance
 Located to produce max yield while being  Record Keeping
protected  Static water level after pump has been idle for a
period of time
 Deep as possible to prevent contamination
 Pumping water level
from the surface
 Drawdown
 If shallow groundwater source, ensure  Well production
casing and hole grouted  Well yield
 Prefer a 2 foot deep layer of clay within a 50  Time required for recovery after pumping
foot radius around the well  Specific capacity

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Well Operation and Procedures for Well

Maintenance Abandonment
 Regular Maintenance  Eliminate any physical hazards
 Plugging of screen most common problem  Take measures to prevent groundwater
 encrustation of biological growth contamination and protect other nearby wells
 precipitates of Fe, Mn, and hardness  Conservation of the aquifer
 Can be cleaned using hydrochloric acid  Return to geological conditions present before well
(muriatic acid) was constructed
 refer to AWWA manual M21  Private wells must be properly abandoned and
 Well can fail if screen collapses or corrodes
 can be a cross connection if home is connected to
 Bacteriological samples should be periodically both a well and public water supply
 Disinfection may be needed sometimes  it should be permanently disconnected
 Must be done properly
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32 Source Water
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Surface Water Source Surface Water Source

Development Development
 Includes all tributary streams and drainage  Factors
basins, natural lakes and artificial reservoirs  Quantity
or impoundments above the point of water  Quality
supply intake  Structures
 Impoundments and reservoirs
 Site preparation
 Construction
 Tennessee Public Water System Design Criteria
part 3
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Groundwater Source
Development Safe Drinking Water Act
 Includes all water obtained from drilled  SDWA
 Establishes primary drinking water standards
wells or springs
 Secondary standards
 General Well Construction Requirements  Public notification procedures and requirements
 Tennessee Public Water System Design  Federal Enforcement
Criteria part 3.3  Established a cooperative program among local,
state, and federal agencies
 EPA executive agency
 Established MCL’s (Maximum Contaminate Level)
 Established sampling and testing requirements

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Tennessee Water Program Water Quality Characteristics

 Governing agency  Four categories:
 Department of Environment and Conservation Bureau
 Physical
of Environment Division of Water Resources
 Rules/Regulations  Chemical
 Chapter 0400‐45‐1 Public Water Systems  Biological
 Sanitary surveys  Radiological
 Technical assistance
 Laboratory services
 Enforcement
 Environmental Field Offices(EFOs)
 Design criteria 35 36

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Physical Characteristics of Chemical Characteristics of

Water Water
 Relates to sensory qualities of water  Inorganic  Organic
 Temperature
 most familiar characteristic
 pH  Includes
 effects lake turnovers, dissolving of chemicals and palatability  indicator of acidity or  pesticides
 most desirable drinking water is considered cool alkalinity  herbicides
 Turbidity  Hardness  domestic wastes
 cloudiness of water
 indicator of health significance  Dissolved oxygen  industrial wastes
 operational considerations  measured in mg/L  watershed runoff
 aesthetics  Dissolved solids  Can cause taste, odor, and
 Color toxicity problems
 toxic minerals include
 indicates contamination, dissolved organics, and humic substances that could
form THMs • chromium • arsenic
 Taste & odor • lead • barium
 degradation aesthetic quality • mercury • fluoride
• silver • nitrate

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Biological Characteristics of
Water Radiological Factors in Water
 Aquatic life (algae)  Development of atomic energy and mining of
 Bacteria radioactive materials made it necessary to
 Coliforms examine safe limits
 Viruses  Divided into two categories:
 Protozoa  Natural and Man‐made
 Spores  Sources are
 Cysts  Natural deposits and Man‐made deposits
 Many originate with fecal discharges
 Not easily identified and isolated If someone is glowing, Be Suspicious! 
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Fundamental Principles
 The quality of source water is influenced by
natural and human activities
 It is the responsibility of the operators to
Water Source Protection minimize harm from both of these
 Surface waters are more influenced by
human activities
 Groundwater can also be influenced

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34 Source Water
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Source of Groundwater Benefits of Source Water

Contamination Protection Program
 Source control is the first barrier in a
multiple‐barrier treatment plan
 Water treatment methods are not 100%
effective in removing contaminants
 The risks of residual contaminants can be too
 As the quality of source water deteriorates,
the cost of treatment goes up and can
become prohibitive
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Benefits of Source Water Developing a Source Water

Protection Program Protection Program
 Increase in public confidence  Inventory and characterize the water source
 Decrease in public health risks  Identify pollutant sources and relative
 Due to difficulty to analyze, remove, and/or impact
disinfect pathogens with conventional  Assess vulnerability of intake to
methods, keeping pathogens out of the contaminants
source water may be the only way of  Establish source water protection goals
providing protection

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Developing a Source Water Developing a Source Water

Protection Program Protection Program
 Develop source water protection strategies  Identify area that needs protection and who
 Implement the program has an interest in protecting it
 Monitor and evaluate program effectiveness  For wellhead protection
 aquifer delineation
 For surface water sources
 watershed mapping

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TDEC – Fleming Training Center TDEC – Fleming Training Center

Developing a Source Water Developing a Source Water

Protection Program Protection Program
 Aquifer Delineation (Wellhead Protection  Aquifer Delineation (Wellhead Protection
Area) Area)
 Define the land area over the portion of the  Chemical contaminants can travel from
aquifer that influences the quality of the several thousand feet for relatively deep wells
water  USGS maps are a good place to start
 Should be identified and inventoried for  1986 SDWA amendments require each state
potential of contamination to develop a Wellhead Protection Program
 For microbiological contaminants, a small  Limit activities in area to protect well and
area is suitable aquifer from contamination
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Developing a Source Water Developing a Source Water

Protection Program Protection Program
 Watershed Mapping  Watershed Mapping
 Surface water sources
 Watershed is area sloped toward water source that drains to it  If utility can purchase lands in the
 Watershed should be identified and inventoried for potential watershed, it can limit activities that could
sources of contaminantion
 USGS (United States Geological Survey) affect water quality
 If land cannot be bought, buffer zones for
logging and agriculture operations should be
 Promote community activities that
emphasize protection of watershed

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Developing a Source Water Developing a Source Water

Protection Program Protection Program
 Identify Pollutant Sources and Relative  Assess Vulnerability of Intake to Contaminants
Impact  Purpose
 identify contaminant
 Sewage disposal
 identify amount of contaminant
 Urban, industrial, agricultural and mine  correlate land use to contaminant level
runoff  Assessment methods
 Animal population  water quality monitoring
 Forestry/soil disturbance runoff  modeling
 onsite assessment
 Recreation
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36 Source Water
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Developing a Source Water Developing a Source Water

Protection Program Protection Program
 Strategies  Vandalism and Terrorism
 Land use controls  Before 9/11/01, no serious threat
 buffer zones  Protect intakes
 land acquisition  Safeguard area around source, if possible
 comprehensive planning  Monitoring and surveillance may be required
 watershed/recharge area inspections if threat is serious
 Be alert of suspicious events

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Developing a Source Water Developing a Source Water

Protection Program Protection Program
 Title IV Drinking Water Security and Safety  Source of Contamination
 Must have assessment of system  After WHPA or watershed boundary for a
 Dateline is dependent on size of system water source has been determined, inventory
 ERPs (Emergency Response Plans) are due 6
of potential contaminant sources is to be
months after assessment performed
 Community volunteer effort along with
 Plans include actions, procedures, and
identification of equipment which can utility personnel is encouraged
prevent or lessen the impact of a terrorist act  volunteer fire dept., citizen group, etc.

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TDEC – Fleming Training Center

Developing a Source Water

Protection Program
 Regulations
 Tennessee Regulations for Wellhead
 Section 0400‐45‐1‐.34


Source Water
Section 2 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Water Sources and Characteristics Review Questions

1. Draw the basic hydrologic cycle.

2. What is the water table?

3. Define the term aquifer.

4. What two things determine the amount of water an aquifer will yield?

5. Describe the differences in water characteristics of groundwater and surface


6. Define the term watershed.

7. List six factors that influence the amount of surface runoff.

8. What is the purpose of an impoundment?

38 Source Water
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Water Sources & Treatment Vocabulary

A. Acid rain O. Infiltration
B. Appropriative P. Microorganisms
C. Aquifer Q. Nonpotable
D. Artesian R. Pathogenic organisms
E. Capillary fringe S. Percolation
F. Contamination T. Potable water
G. Cross connection U. Precipitation
H. Detention Time V. Raw water
I. Direct runoff W. Safe Drinking Water Act
J. Drawdown X. Safe yield
K. Evaporation Y. Stratification
L. Evapotranspiration Z. Transpiration
M. Hydrologic cycle AA. Trihalomethanes
N. Impermeable BB. Turbidity
CC. Water table
_____ 1. Water that does not contain objectionable pollution, contamination, minerals, or infective
agents and is considered satisfactory for drinking.
_____ 2. The introduction into water of microorganisms, chemicals, toxic substances, wastes or
wastewater in concentration that makes the water unfit for its next intended use.
_____ 3. Precipitation which has been rendered acidic by airborne pollutants.
_____ 4. The process of evaporation of water into the air and its return to earth by precipitation, in-
cluding transpiration, groundwater movement, and runoff into rivers, streams and the ocean.
_____ 5. The upper surface of the zone of saturation of groundwater in an unconfined aquifer.
_____ 6. An act passed by the US Congress in 1974 that establishes a cooperative program among
local, state and federal agencies to ensure safe drinking water for consumers.
_____ 7. Living organisms that can be seen individually only with the aid of a microscope.
_____ 8. Water rights to or ownership of a water supply which is acquired for the beneficial use of
water by following a specific legal procedure.
_____ 9. The drop in the water table or level of water in the ground when water is being pumped
from a well.
_____ 10. The process by which water vapor passes into the atmosphere from living plants.
_____ 11. Derivatives of methane in which three halogen atoms are substituted for three of the hy-
drogen atoms. Often formed by chlorination of organic matter.
_____ 12. Organisms capable of causing diseases in a host.
_____ 13. Water that may contain objectionable pollution, contamination, minerals or infective
Source Water
Section 2 TDEC - Fleming Training Center
_____ 14. A connection between a drinking water system and an unapproved water supply.
_____ 15. The annual quantity of water that can be taken from a source of supply over a period of
years without depleting the source permanently.
_____ 16. The slow passage of water through a filter medium or the gradual penetration of soil &
rocks by water.
_____ 17. Water flows over the ground surface or through the ground directly into streams, rivers, or
_____ 18. The process by which water vapor is released to the atmosphere by living plants.
_____ 19. The cloudy appearance of water caused by the presence of suspended and colloidal
_____ 20. The process by which atmospheric moisture falls onto a land or water surface as rain,
snow, hail, or other forms of moisture.
_____ 21. The formation of separate layers in lake or reservoir.
_____ 22. The process by which water or other liquid becomes a gas.
_____ 23. The porous material just above the water table which may hold water by capillarity in the
smaller void spaces.
_____ 24. The seepage of groundwater into a sewer system, including service connections.
_____ 25. The theoretical time required for a small amount of water to pass through a tank at a given
rate of flow.
_____ 26. Water in its natural state, prior to any treatment.
_____ 27. A natural underground layer of porous, water bearing materials usually capable of yielding
a large amount or supply of water.
_____ 28. The property of a material or soil that does not allow, or allows only with great difficulty,
the movement or passage of water
_____ 29. Pertaining to groundwater, a well or underground basin where the water is under a pres-
sure greater than atmospheric and will rise above the level of its upper confining surface if given an
opportunity to do so.


1. T 7. P 13. Q 19. BB 25. H

2. F 8. B 14. G 20. U 26. V
3. A 9. J 15. X 21. Y 27. C
4. M 10. L 16. S 22. K 28.
5. CC 11. AA 17. I 23. E 29. D
6. W 12. R 18. Z 24. O
40 Source Water
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 2

Parts of a Well – Matching

Draw a line from the term to its definition:

Allows water to flow freely from an aquifer

Sanitary Seal to a well; keeps sand out of a well.

Concrete area placed around the casing to

Well Casing support pumping equipment.

A liner placed in the bore hole of a well to

Intake Screen prevent the walls from caving in.

Prevents contamination from entering the

Grout well at the surface.

Seals the space between the casing and the

Well Slab bore hole.

Well Terms – Matching

Draw a line from the term to its definition:

Static Water Level Inverted cone-shaped depression in water

level while pump is operating.

Pumping Water Level Water level when no water is being pumped

from the aquifer.

Drawdown Difference between original water level and

the level after pumping has stopped.

Cone of Depression Well yield  drawdown.

Level to which water drops and stabilizes as

Zone of Influence it is pumped.

Length and depth of radius of influence as

Residual Drawdown determined by the cone of depression.

The drop between the static water level and

Well Yield the pumping water level.

The rate of water withdrawal that can be

Specific Capacity supplied over a period of time.

Source Water
Section 2 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Answers to Water Sources and Characteristics Review Questions

1. Condensation

Transpiration & Precipitation


Percolation &

2. The water table is the upper surface of an aquifer.

3. An aquifer is a porous, water-bearing geological formation.

4. The porosity and hydraulic conductivity determine the amount of water an aquifer will yield.

5. Groundwater: Surface water:

 High dissolved solids  Suspended solids
 Dissolved gasses  Higher turbidity
 Low color  Higher color
 High hardness  Lower hardness
 Free from microbes  Microbial contamination

6. A watershed is the land area that is sloped toward a water source and drains into it.

7. Six factors influencing the amount of surface runoff are:

rainfall intensity, rainfall duration, soil composition, soil moisture, ground slope, vegetation

8. An impoundment stores water for use during water deficiencies.

Answers to Water Supply Vocabulary:

1. D 10. I
2. H 11. J
3. L 12. B
4. C 13. N
5. K 14. F
6. M
7. G
8. A
9. E

42 Source Water
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 2

Parts of a Well – Matching

Draw a line from the term to its definition:

Allows water to flow freely from an aquifer

Sanitary Seal to a well; keeps sand out of a well.

Concrete area placed around the casing to

Well Casing support pumping equipment.

A liner placed in the bore hole of a well to

Intake Screen prevent the walls from caving in.

Prevents contamination from entering the

Grout well at the surface.

Seals the space between the casing and the

Well Slab bore hole.

Well Terms – Matching

Draw a line from the term to its definition:

Static Water Level Inverted cone-shaped depression in water

level while pump is operating.

Pumping Water Level Water level when no water is being pumped

from the aquifer.

Drawdown Difference between original water level and

the level after pumping has stopped.

Cone of Depression Well yield  drawdown.

Level to which water drops and stabilizes as

Zone of Influence it is pumped.

Length and depth of radius of influence as

Residual Drawdown determined by the cone of depression.

The drop between the static water level and

Well Yield the pumping water level.

The rate of water withdrawal that can be

Specific Capacity supplied over a period of time.

Source Water
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Climate
 Temperature, intensity and direction of wind movements,
type, pattern, intensity, and duration of precipitation
Watershed and Drainage Areas
INTAKES  Geology, topography, type and extent of vegetation, and
use by native animals
CSUS – Water Treatment Plant  Wildfires
Operation Vol. I
 Caused by lightning
 Reservoir Area
 Geology, land form including depth, area, and bottom
topography, and surface vegetation at the time the
reservoir is filled


 Nutrients  Algal Blooms
 Act as a fertilizer  Eutrophic lakes support large populations of phytoplankton
(very small plants) and zooplankton (very small animals)
 Phosphate
 A sudden large increase in phytoplankton is called an algal
 Nitrate bloom
 Organic nitrogen  Can last from a few days to several weeks or months
compounds  Problems:
 Lake will become eutrophic –  Taste and odor problems
rich in nutrients and plant life
 Shortened filter runs of traditional treatment plants
 Increased pH
Reduction in chlorine efficiency
 Dissolved oxygen depletion
 Organic Loading


 Tastes and Odors  Shortened Filter Runs
 Often related to occurrence of algal blooms  Clogged filters caused by diatoms and plankton in large
 Common taste and odors caused numbers
 Fishy
 Aromatic  Increased pH
 Grassy  pH will increase during daylight
 Septic
 Photosynthesis decreases carbon dioxide in water,
 Musty increasing the pH
 Earthy  pH will decrease during dark
 Odors most noticeable when hot water is in use  Respiration increases carbon dioxide, lowering the pH
 Geosmin and MIB (methyl-isoborneol) can be detected at
just a few parts per trillion (ppt)

46 Pretreatment
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3


 Dissolved Oxygen Depletion  Thermal Stratification
 Algal blooms increase the amount of DO as a result of  Layers of different temperature water within a lake or reservoir
photosynthesis  Different temperatures result in different densities
 When algal cells die, bacteria decomposing the cells  Decrease in density of warmer water on top slows the
consume the dissolved oxygen vertical mixing action and forms a barrier between the
 Can result in a fish kill upper and lower levels
 Epilimnion – upper, warmer layer
 Organic Loading
 Metalimnion – middle transition layer
 Result in color and chlorine demand increase
 Aka thermocline
 Increase disinfection by-product (DBP) precursors
 Hypolimnion – bottom, colder layer
 Anaerobic environment
 As temperatures drop, the lake will destratify
or “turnover”


 Anaerobic conditions
 Problems caused by reduction – removal of oxygen or sulfur
when oxygen is absent
 Noted by the presence of a rotten egg odor
 Iron and manganese in bottom sediments pass into solution
 Iron is changed from the oxidized ferric state into the
soluble ferrous state
 Manganese is changed from the oxidized maganic
state into the soluble manganous state

 Primary purpose should be to control, minimize or
eliminate any practices within the watershed area that
are harmful to water quality within the domestic water
supply reservoir
 Wastewater
 Nutrient loading of the lake
RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT  Microbial contamination
 Major source is septic systems
 Two dependable solutions:
Replace all septic systems with sewer
Adopt ordinances that regulate the design and
installation of septic systems

Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Fertilization  Livestock Grazing
 Results in large amounts of nitrogen in water  Increase erosion, turbidity and eutrophication
 Cause eutrophication and algal blooms
 Best solution is public education  Wildfires
 Soil Grading and Farming Practices  Large amounts of debris, nutrients, silt and other pollutants
 Contributes to turbidity of surface water  Fire prevention and control programs are a must
 Can be controlled through regulations and ordinances
 Limit the time of year of soil disturbance  Highway Stormwater Runoff
 Limit amount of time soil is left exposed  Toxic metals, nutrients, bacteriological constituents, oil and
grease, floating materials, trash and litter, pesticides,
herbicides, and deicing salts


 Purpose of Chemical Methods  Chemicals Available
 To prevent or control taste and odor problems resulting from  Copper sulfate pentahydrate (CuSO45 H2O)
algal blooms
 Aka bluestone
 To reduce the overall biological productivity
 Primary algicide
 To maintain acceptable aesthetic conditions in the lake or
 Toxic to many species of algae but does not present
health hazard to workers or consumers
 Can be a hazard to trout
 Must monitor copper levels in distribution system
 Chlorine
 Used as a bactericide or oxidizing agent, may also
produce the effects of an algicide
 High chance of producing DBPs


 Chemical Doses  Chemical Doses
 Three major water quality indicators affect the  pH
effectiveness of copper sulfate
 The lower the pH, the more effective the copper sulfate
 Alkalinity
More copper ions are present making it more
If methyl orange alkalinity < 50, dose 0.9
lb/ac-ft effective

If methyl orange alkalinity > 50, dose 5.4  The higher the pH, the less effective the copper sulfate
lb/acre Copper more likely to precipitate out leaving none
 Suspended Matter available as an algicide
Can reduce effectiveness by adsorbing  EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule limit the concentration
copper sulfate allowed for dosing of the water
 Temperature  Copper action level = 1.3 mg/L
Higher dosage feed rates
required below 50°F (10°C)

48 Pretreatment
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3


 Methods of Chemical Application  A small storage reservoir has a surface area of 5 acres
 Drag burlap bags containing the copper and contains 80 acre feet of water. How many pounds of
material through the water using a boat copper sulfate pentahydrate are needed for a 0.5 mg/L
dose of copper? Copper sulfate pentahydrate contains
 Simplest method
25% copper. Assume the alkalinity is 40 mg/L.
 Very small lakes and reservoirs
Known Unknown
 Dump dry copper sulfate crystals into hopper Area = 5 Acres Copper Sulfate, lbs = ?
mounted on a boat and fed into a broadcaster
Volume = 80 ac-ft
 Mix copper sulfate into solution and spray it onto
Dose = 0.5 mg/L
the reservoir surface
Purity = 25%
 Most efficient and safest method
Alkalinity = 40 mg/L
 Mount pipe with holes behind a 𝑚𝑔 𝑙𝑏
boat (𝑑𝑜𝑠𝑒, )(𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦, 𝑀𝐺𝐷)(8.34 )
𝑙𝑏𝑠 𝐿 𝑔𝑎
𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒, 𝑑𝑎𝑦 =
% 𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦

Known Unknown
Area = 5 Acres Copper Sulfate, lbs = ?
Volume = 80 ac-ft
Dose = 0.5 mg/L
Purity = 25%
Alkalinity = 40 mg/L  Monitoring
𝑚𝑔 𝑙𝑏 Historical data can show when an algal bloom may occur
𝑙𝑏𝑠 ( 𝐿)(𝑀𝐺𝐷)(8.34 𝑔𝑎𝑙 )

=  Monitoring should be carried out before, during and after
𝑑𝑎𝑦 % 𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦
the use of chemicals

80 𝑎𝑐 − 𝑓𝑡 326,000 𝑔𝑎𝑙 1 𝑀𝐺  Recordkeeping

= 26.08 𝑀𝐺  Important part of algae control program
1 1 𝑎𝑐 − 𝑓𝑡 1,000,000 𝑔𝑎𝑙
 Used to evaluate current and historical treatment programs
𝑚𝑔 𝑙𝑏  Designing new or revising existing programs
(0.5 𝐿)(26.08 𝑀𝐺)(8.34 𝑔𝑎𝑙 )
𝑙𝑏𝑠 =  Showing compliance with regulations

𝑙𝑏𝑠 = 435 𝑙𝑏𝑠


 Safety  Terminology
 Follow proper procedures for handling and chemical  Aeration – The process of adding air to water
 Wear special PPE for dust  Reaeration – The introduction of air through forced air
 Follow water safety procedures diffusers into the lower layers of the reservoirs

 Destratification – the development of vertical mixing within

a lake or reservoir to eliminate separate layers of
temperature, plant or animal life

 Reaeration-destratification – using air to destratify the


Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Purposes of Reaeration-Destratification Programs  Methods of Reaeration
 To eliminate, control, or minimize the negative effects on  Destratification
domestic water quality
 Alters or totally eliminates thermal stratification
 To increase recreational values of the reservoirs
 Hypolimnetic reaeration
 To reduce winter fish kills in water that becomes anaerobic
 Adds dissolved oxygen directly to the hypolimnion
during winter freezes
without significantly altering the pattern of the thermal


 Destratification  Purpose of Intake Structures
 Accomplished by inducing vertical mixing within the  Used to deliver water to water treatment plants
 Should be constructed on the basis of the specific function
 Mechanically by pumping hypolimnetic waters to the that they must serve at a give source
surface or by pumping surface waters downward
 Through the use of diffused air  Must be capable of supplying the maximum rate or flow
required for the water treatment plant
Diffusers release air near the bottom of the lake
 Should be constructed to prevent algal scums, trash, logs,
Asthe bubbles rise, they carry the cold, denser water and fish from entering the system
The cold, dense water will eventually settle back to
the bottom, creating vertical circulation
Disadvantage: deeper waters may become warmer
than desired for domestic water and for certain
species of fish


 Types of Intake-Outlet Structures  Types of Intake-Outlet Structures
 Single-level intakes  Multilevel intakes
 Located in the deepest portion of the stream or reservoir  Found in vertical towers located
so that water service can still be provided even when in deeper portions of the lake
the body of water is down to its minimum operating and extending above the water
level surface
 Most suitable in relatively shallow lakes that do not  Each inlet is equipped with an
stratify significantly and have fairly uniform water from individually operated gate or
top to bottom valve at the point of inlet
 Some intakes are inclined rather
than vertical
Commonly located on
inclined face of a dam

50 Pretreatment
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3


 Types of Intake-Outlet Structures
 Types of Intake Gates
 Single-level intakes
 Most common are slide gates, gate valves, and butterfly
 Advantages valves
Less complicated so less costly to construct on
multilevel structures  Intake Screens and Trash Racks
Easier and less costly to operate and maintain  Type depends on several factors
 Disadvantages  Depth(s) at which the inlets are located
Major water quality issues due to be located in the  Location of the intake structure in relation to where
hypolimnion debris accumulates in the reservoir or stream
Water may be anaerobic, have high levels of Fe &  Frequency and intensity of algal scum or algal mass
Mn, or contain hydrogen sulfide accumulations
 Multilevel intakes  Quantity and type of debris encountered
 Advantage: they make it possible to serve water from the  Size, depth, distribution, and number of fish, crayfish,
depth where the best water quality is located and other forms of aquatic life

 Operation and Maintenance Procedures
 Major causes of faulty operation of gates and valves
 Settlement or shifting of support structure, which could
cause binding of gates
 Worn, corroded, loose, or broken parts
 Lack of use
 Lack of lubrication
 Vibration
 Improper operating procedures
 Design errors or deficiencies
 Failure of power source or circuit failure
 Vandalism
 To adjust the tension on a travelling screen, turn the capstan

Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


A. Adsorp on O. Evapotranspira on

B. Aera on P. Hypolimnion

C. Aerobic Q. Inorganic

D. Anaerobic R. Metalimnion

E. Coliform S. Organic

F. Colloids T. Overturn

G. Conduc vity U. Oxida on

H. Decomposi on V. Potable

I. Destra fica on W. Precipitate

J. Diatoms X. Reduc on

K. Electrolyte Y. Sep c

L. Epilimnion Z. Stra fica on

M. Eutrophic AA. Threshold Odor Number

N. Eutrophica on

_____ 1. The conversion of chemically unstable materials to more stable forms by chemical or
biological ac on.
_____ 2. The upper layer of water in a thermally stra fied lake or reservoir.
_____ 3. The gathering of a gas, liquid, or dissolved substance on the surface or interface
zone of another material.

_____ 4. An insoluble, finely divided substance which is a product of a chemical reac on with-
in a liquid.

_____ 5. Substances that comes from animal or plant sources and always contain carbon.
_____ 6. The addi on of oxygen, removal of hydrogen, or the removal of electrons from an
element or compound.

52 Pretreatment
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

_____ 7. The increase in the nutrient levels of a lake or other body of water.

_____ 8. A measure of the ability of a solu on (water) to carry an electric current.

_____ 9. The middle layer in a thermally stra fied lake or reservoir.

_____ 10. The addi on of hydrogen, removal of oxygen, or addi on of electrons to an ele-
ment or compound.
_____ 11. The greatest dilu on of a sample with odor-free water that s ll yields a just-
detectable odor.

_____ 12. A condi on in which atmospheric or dissolved molecular oxygen is present in the
aqua c (water) environment.

_____ 13. The development of ver cal mixing within a lake or reservoir to eliminate separate
layers of temperature, plant, or animal life.

_____ 14. A condi on in which atmospheric or dissolved molecular oxygen is NOT present in
the aqua c (water) environment.

_____ 15. A substance which dissolves (separates) into two or more ions when it is dissolved
in water .

_____ 16. Material such as sand, salt, iron, calcium salts and other minerals materials.

_____ 17. The forma on of separate layers (of temperature, plant, or animal life) in a lake or
_____ 18. Water that does not contain objec onable pollu on, contamina on, minerals, or
infec ve agents and is considered sa sfactory for drinking.
_____ 19. A group of bacteria found in the intes nes of warm-blooded animals and also in
plants, soil, air and water. Their presence is an indica on that the water is polluted and may
contain pathogenic (disease causing) organisms.
_____ 20. The process of adding air to water. Air can be added to water by either passing air
through water or passing water through air.
_____ 21. The process by which water vapor passes into the atmosphere from living plants.

_____ 22. Very small, finely divided solids that remain dispersed in a liquid for a long me
due to their small size and electrical charge.
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

_____ 23. Reservoirs and lakes which are rich in nutrients and very produc ve in terms of
aqua c animal and plant life.
_____ 24. The most spontaneous mixing of all layers of water in a reservoir or lake when the
water temperature becomes similar from top to bo om.
_____ 25. A condi on produced by bacteria when all oxygen supplies are depleted.

_____ 26. The lowest layer in a thermally stra fied late or reservoir.

_____ 27. Unicellular (single cell), microscopic algae with a rigid internal structure consis ng
mainly of silica.

1. H 15. K

2. L 16. Q

3. A 17. Z

4. W 18. V

5. S 19. E

6. U 20. B

7. N 21. O

8. G 22. F

9. R 23. M

10. X 24. T

11. AA 25. Y

12. C 26. P

13. I 27. J

14. D
54 Pretreatment
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

Reservoirs and Intakes

Review Questions
1. Large quantities of what nutrients are undesirable in a water supply reservoir?

2. What is an “algal bloom”?

3. What types of tastes and odors are produced by algae?

4. What problems do algae cause on filters?

5. What is the influence of algal blooms on pH?

6. What is the influence of algal blooms on dissolved oxygen?

7. Increased organic loadings from algal blooms can cause what kind of water quality

8. When a lake warms in the spring or summer, how does the decrease in density of the
warmer surface water influence mixing action within the lake?

Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

9. What problems are caused by anaerobic conditions in reservoirs?

10. What should be the primary purpose of a watershed management program?

11. What problems can be caused in reservoirs from raw wastewater contamination?

12. How can the adverse impacts of soil disturbances from farming, logging, and
construction be minimized?

13. What problems can be created as a result of a wildfire?

14. Why are chemicals used in domestic water supply reservoirs to prevent or control
attached and floating aquatic growths?

15. What chemical other than copper sulfate may be used as an algicide?

16. How does suspended particulate matter in a reservoir reduce the effectiveness of
copper as and algicide?

17. What is the major factor limiting the maximum rate of application of copper sulfate in
the sources of a domestic water supply?

56 Pretreatment
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

18. What safety precautions should be taken by a person applying copper sulfate in the dry

19. What is the primary purpose of reaeration‐destratification programs in domestic water

supply reservoirs?

20. What are the most common types of intake gates?

21. List the factors that influence the type of screen needed in a specific reservoir.

Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Reservoirs and Intakes

Review Questions Answers

1. Phosphate, nitrate, and organic nitrogen compounds

2. Very large increase in plankton (algae) population over a very short period of time

3. fishy, aromatic, grassy, septic, musty, and earthy

4. clog filters reducing filter rates and run times

5. fluctuations in pH from day to night

6. increases DO during the bloom; decreases DO when algae dies

7. decreased oxygen levels, increase color and chlorine demand; increase DBP precursors

8. The decrease in density of the warmer water reduces the mixing action within the lake
and a barrier is formed between the upper and lower layers

9. Causes the release of hydrogen sulfide and cause iron and manganese in bottom
sediments to go into solution into the water

10. To control, minimize, or eliminate practices within the watershed of a domestic water
supply reservoir that would lower water quality

11. Nutrient loading and microbial contamination

12. Ordinances that limit such activities to those times of the year when the danger of
erosion from surface runoff is at a minimum

58 Pretreatment
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

13. During the runoff period, large quantities of debris, nutrients, silt, and other pollutants
may enter a water supply reservoir

14. to prevent or control taste and odor problems resulting from algal blooms

15. chlorine

16. reduces the effectiveness of copper as an algicide by providing sites or masses other
than algal bodies where the copper is adsorbed

17. regulations limiting the concentration of copper in potable water

18. special clothing, gloves, and breathing apparatus, personal flotation advice

19. to eliminate, control, or minimize the negative effects on domestic water quality that
occur during periods of thermal stratification and dissolved oxygen depletion

20. slide gates, gate valves, and butterfly valves

21. depth(s) at which the inlets are located, location of the intake structure in relation to
where debris accumulates in the reservoir or stream, frequency and intensity of algal
scum or algal mass accumulations, quantity and type of debris encountered, size, depth,
distribution, and number of fish, crayfish, and other forms of aquatic life

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Coagulation and Flocculation

 Nature of Particulate Impurities in Water
 Surface water contains suspended and dissolved
organic and inorganic material
 Settleable solids – Larger sized particles that can be
removed from water by slowing down the flow to allow
for gravity settling
 Nonsettleable solids – smaller sized particles that do
not readily settle
COAGULATION AND  Treatment is required to produce larger particles that
are settleable
FLOCCULATION  AKA Colloidal matter
California State University: Sacramento  Has a net negative charge
Volume I

Coagulation and Flocculation


 Natural Forces Between Particles  Need for Coagulation and Flocculation

 Zeta potential  To remove particulate impurities, particularly
 repelling force between any two particles of like nonsettleable solids and colors
charge  Chemicals are added that will cause the particles to
 Van der Waals force clump together in the coagulation process
 attraction between particles pulling them together  The particles to gather together to form larger particles
in the flocculation process
 Particles will stay in suspension of zeta potential is
greater than the van der Waals force

Coagulation and Flocculation Coagulation


 Coagulation  Process Description

 reduces the zeta potential so that van der Waals force  Coagulation describes the effect produced when
can pull particles together to form microfloc certain chemicals are added to raw water
 Flash mixing

 Flocculation  The mixing of the coagulant chemical and raw water

 Equally distributes the chemical through the water
 brings the microfloc particles together to form larger
particles called macrofloc  Chemical process occurs very quickly (in 2-5 seconds)
 Forms very small particles (microfloc)
 Detention time is less than 30 seconds

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

62 Coagulation/Flocculation
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

Coagulants Coagulants
 Polymers are commonly used as coagulation  Metallic salts react with other ions in the water
chemicals  Chemical quantities must be sufficient to exceed the
solubility limit of the metal hydroxide
 Primary coagulants neutralize the electrical charges of
 This will result in the formation of floc
the particles, which causes them to being to clump
 The floc will adsorb onto the turbidity in the water
 Polyelectrolytes are polymers that contain ionizable
 Coagulant aids add density to slow settling floc and
toughness to minimize the floc breaking up
 Cationic polyelectrolytes – polymers with positive charge
 Metallic salts – alum, ferric sulfate, ferrous sulfate
 Anionic polyelectrolytes – polymers with negative charge
 Synthetic organic polymers – cationic, anionic, nonionic  Nonionic polyelectrolytes – polymers without a charge

Coagulants Basic Coagulant Chemistry

 Considerations when choosing a coagulant  Coagulation is a physical and chemical reaction
 Polymer overdosing will adversely affect coagulation  Best pH range is 5 to 7 s.u.
 Coagulants react with the alkalinity in the water
 Not all water supplies can be treated with equal
and serves as a buffer to prevent pH from
 Some polymers lose their effectiveness when used in the
 If alkalinity in source water is too low, complete
presence of a chlorine residual
precipitation of coagulant may not occur
 Some polymers are dosage limited
 Alkalinity can be increased by addition of lime or soda

Process Performance Considerations Process Performance Considerations

 Methods of Mixing  Methods of Mixing
 Hydraulic mixing using flow  Mechanical mixing
energy in the systems  Paddles, turbines, and propellers
 With baffles or throttling  Versatile and reliable
valves if sufficient velocity to  Use greatest amount of energy
cause turbulence
 Turbulence mixes chemicals
with the water

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Process Performance Considerations Process Performance Considerations

 Methods of Mixing  Methods of Mixing
 Diffusers and grid systems  Pumped blenders
 Perforated tubes or nozzles  Coagulant added directly to the water being treated
 Equally distribute flow over entire basin through a diffuser in a pipe
 Sensitive to flow changes  Can provide rapid dispersion of chemical

 Require frequent adjustments  No significant head loss

 Considerably low energy consumption

Process Performance Considerations Flocculation

 Coagulation Basins  Process Description
 Accomplished in a special rectangular tank with mixing  Slow stirring process that causes the gathering together
devices of small, coagulated particles into larger, settleable
 Can occur in the influent channel or pipeline particles
 Shape of basin is part of system design  Floc Formation
 Controlled by rate at which collisions occur between
 Purpose is to create a floc of good size, density, and
 Best floc size rages from 0.1 mm to 3 mm

Flocculation Flocculation
 Process Performance Consideration  Types of Flocculators
 Insufficient mixing will result in ineffective collisions and  Paddle wheel flocculators
poor floc formation.  Horizontal
 Excessive mixing may tear apart or shear the floc that  Submerged mechanics
has been formed  Vertical
 Detention Time  Requires less maintenance
 Required for the necessary chemical reactions to take  Propeller, paddle, or
place turbine types
 Minimum 30 minutes with 45 minutes recommended

64 Coagulation/Flocculation
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Flocculation Flocculation
 Types of Flocculators  Flocculation Basins
 Turbulence resulting from the roughness in conduits or  Rectangular for horizontal flocculators
channels  Nearly square for vertical flocculators
 Limited use due to very localized distribution of  Compartmentalized basis achieve best flocculation
turbulence, inadequate detention time, and widely  Separated by baffles
variable turbulence
 Prevents short circuiting
 Solids-contact basins (upflow clarifiers)

 Combines coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation

process into a single basin

Interaction with Other Treatment

Process Control
 The effectiveness of the sedimentation and filtration  Most important consideration is selection of the
processes depends upon successful coagulation- proper type and amount of coagulant chemical
flocculation  Determined by jar testing
 Disinfection can be affected by poor coagulation-
flocculation performance
 Effective coagulation-flocculation promotes the
removal of natural organic matter

Process Actions
 Monitor process performance
Coagulation & Flocculation  Evaluate water quality conditions (raw and treated)
 Visual observations and routine laboratory tests
 Turbidity, alkalinity, pH, color, temperature, chlorine
 Check and adjust process controls and equipment
 Visually inspect facilities
 Observation of turbulence of water in flash mix
 Observation of size & distribution of floc in floc basins
 Uneven distribution could mean short-circuiting

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Formulas Example
 Detention Time  A water treatment plant treats a flow of 2.4 MGD.
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 The flash-mix chamber is 2.5 feet square and the
𝐷𝑇 =
𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 depth of the water is 3 feet. Calculate the detention
time in seconds.
 Units must be compatible Known Unknown
Flow = 2.4 MGD DT = seconds
Length = 2.5 ft
Width = 2.5 ft
Depth = 3 ft
𝐷𝑇 =

Known Unknown
Flow = 2.4 MGD DT = seconds

Example Length = 2.5 ft

Width = 2.5 ft
Preparation of Chemical Solutions
Depth = 3 ft

𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒  Concentration depends on type of polymer and the

𝐷𝑇 =
𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 polymer’s molecular weight
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = (𝐿)(𝑊)(𝑑)(7.48
)  The higher molecular weight, the more difficult it is to
𝑓𝑡 3 mix the polymer into solution
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = 2.5 𝑓𝑡 2.5 𝑓𝑡 3 𝑓𝑡 7.48  Solution becomes very viscous (thick)
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = 140.25 𝑔𝑎𝑙
 Anionic and nonionic dry polymers often prepared as
140.25 𝑔𝑎𝑙
𝐷𝑇 = very weak solutions (0.25%-1%)
2,400,000 𝑔𝑝𝑑
 Cationic dry polymers have small molecular weights so
𝐷𝑇 = 0.0000584 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠
they can be prepared at high solutions (5%-10%)
0.0000584 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠 24 ℎ𝑟 60 𝑚𝑖𝑛 60 𝑠𝑒𝑐
𝑠𝑒𝑐 =
1 1 𝑑𝑎𝑦 1 ℎ𝑟 1 𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝑠𝑒𝑐 = 5.0 𝑠𝑒𝑐

Recordkeeping Abnormal Conditions

 Source of water quality  Changes in source water turbidity
 pH, turbidity, temperature, alkalinity, chlorine demand, and  Verify the effectiveness of coagulant and dosage
 Best accomplished by running a jar test
 Process water quality
 pH, turbidity, and alkalinity  Visual observations of flash-mixing intensity as well
 Process production inventories as the condition of the floc in the floc basins
 Chemicals used, chemical feed rates, amount of water  Adjust mixer speed or coagulant dose
processed, and amount of chemicals in storage
 Process equipment performance
 Types of equipment in operation, maintenance procedures
performed, equipment calibration and adjustments
 Entries should include date, time, and operator initials

66 Coagulation/Flocculation
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Abnormal Conditions Troubleshooting

Source Water Operator Actions Possible Process Changes
Quality Changes
 Alkalinity, pH, and temperature changes impact floc
• Turbidity • Perform necessary analyses to • Change coagulant(s)
formation • Temperature determine extent of change • Adjust coagulant dosage
• Alkalinity • Evaluate overall process • Adjust flash-mixer/flocculator
 Temperature change may require adjustment of mixing • pH performance mixing intensity
intensity • Color • Perform jar tests if indicated • Adjust coagulant aid or filter aid
• Make appropriate process changes • Adjust alkalinity or pH
 Sudden increases in filtered water turbidity • Increase frequency of process
 Due to poor coagulation-flocculation performance • Verify response to process changes
at appropriate time
 Add filter-aid, such as nonionic polymer
 Run jar tests to see how to best adjust the process

Troubleshooting Troubleshooting
Source Water Operator Actions Possible Process Changes Source Water Operator Actions Possible Process Changes
Quality Changes Quality Changes
• Turbidity • Evaluate source water quality • Change coagulant(s) • Floc formation • Observe floc condition in basin: • Change coagulant(s)
• Alkalinity • Perform jar tests if indicated • Adjust coagulant dosage • Dispersion • Adjust coagulant dosage
• pH • Verify process performance: • Adjust flash-mixer intensity • Size • Adjust flash-
• Coagulant feed rate • Adjust alkalinity or pH • Floc strength (breakup) mixer/flocculator mixing
• Flash-mixer operation • Evaluate overall process performance intensity
• Make appropriate process changes • Perform jar tests if indicated: • Adjust coagulant aid
• Verify response to process changes • Evaluate floc size, settling rate, and • Adjust alkalinity or pH
at appropriate time strength
• Evaluate quality of supernatant:
clarity (turbidity), pH, and color
• Make appropriate process changes
• Verify response to process changes at
appropriate time

Enhanced Coagulation Enhanced Coagulation

 Process designed to remove NOM from water by  Chemical Reactions
adjusting both the coagulant dose and the pH  Fulvic and humic substances in water are negatively
 Adjust pH by adding acid or alkali charged
 Differs from “sweep” method where pH range is  Negative charge is neutralized and destabilized by
achieved by overdosing the coagulant positively charged coagulants
 Natural organic matter comprised of organic acids  Destabilized particles come together and form larger

called humic substances floc particles that can be settled out

 Chemistry that deals with this particular coagulation
 Composed of humic and fulvic acids
process is known as charge chemistry

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Enhanced Coagulation Enhanced Coagulation

 Chemical Reactions  Process Control
 pH range for color removal with aluminum sulfate is  Color results from presence of minerals, inorganic chemicals,
5.5 – 7.0 metals, decomposition of organic matter from soils, aquatic
 Optimum pH is 5.8 organisms, and vegetation
 pH range for color removal with ferric sulfate is  True color – color of the water from which turbidity has
4.0 – 6.2 been removed (filtered)
 Optimum pH is 4.5  Apparent color – color of the water that includes the color

 At the lower (optimum) pH, four effects take place that

and the suspended matter
enhance coagulation  Measured in color units

 Humic and fulvic molecules dissociate  Color is reported in whole numbers from 1 to 500

 Coagulant demand decreases  Sample pH is always reported with color units

 Flocculation is improved at lower pH  Color determinations will increase as the pH of the water
 Sulfuric acid addition preconditions the organic compounds increases

Enhanced Coagulation -
Enhanced Coagulation
 Process Control Treatment Condition Corrective Action
 pH optimization necessary for coagulation Flocculator Effluent

 Automated pH is a must High coagulation pH with 1. Increase acid feed

optimum color removal 2. Decrease alkalinity adjustment in raw water source
 pH backfeed process control loop required
High coagulation pH without 1. Increase coagulant
 Must have pH monitoring meter located after flash
optimum color removal 2. Decrease acid feed to maintain optimum pH
mix and feed valve controllers for acid and alkalinity
Low coagulation pH with 1. Decrease acid feed
chemical addition optimum color removal 2. Increase alkalinity adjustment in raw water source

Low coagulation without 1. Decrease acid if below optimal pH zone

optimum pH color removal 2. Increase coagulant and alkalinity

Loss of acid feed 1. Increase coagulant to achieve optimal pH

Enhanced Coagulation -
Laboratory Tests
 Process Control Water Quality Indicators
Treatment Condition Corrective Action  Turbidity, alkalinity, chlorine demand, color, pH,
Flocculator Effluent
temperature, odor, and appearance
Optimal pH without 1. Increase coagulant, decrease acid, or increase
optimized color removal alkalinity  Sampling Procedures
Optimal pH and color 1. Decrease coagulant
removal with floc carryover 2. Increase polymer
 Either grab samples or continuous sampling
3. Increase removal of settled floc  Process samples must be representative
4. Decrease flow-through velocities
 Water that is nearly as identical in content and
High turbidities and 1. Check for floc carryover
coagulant residuals in 2. Adjust polymer feed to enhance settling consistency as possible to that in the larger body of
settled water 3. Jar test to determine optimum acid and coagulant
water being sampled

68 Coagulation/Flocculation
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

Process and Support Equipment Process and Support Equipment

Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance
 Types of Equipment  Equipment Operation
 Liquid (solution) feeders  Before starting equipment, be sure unit is properly
 A diluted solution of known concentration is fed directly
lubricated and its operational status is known
into water being treated
 Fed through metering pumps and rotameters  After start up, always check for excessive noise and

 Dry feeders
vibration, overheating, and leakage
 Deliver a measured quantity of dry chemical during a
specified time
 Volumetric feeders – deliver a specific volume of chemical
during a given time
 Gravimetric feeders – delivers a predetermined weight
of chemical in a specific unit of time
 More accurate

Process and Support Equipment

Operation and Maintenance
 Preventive Maintenance Procedure
 Keep motors free of dirt and moisture
 Ensuring good ventilation in equipment work areas
 Checking pumps for leaks, unusual noise, vibrations, or
 Maintaining proper lubrication and oil levels
 Inspecting for alignment of shafts and couplings
 Checking bearings for wear, overheating, and proper
 Exercising infrequently used valves on a regular schedule
and checking all valves for proper operation
 Calibrating flowmeters and chemical feeders

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

CoagulaƟon and FlocculaƟon

A. Alkalinity M. Jar Test
B. Anionic Polymer N. Natural Organic Ma er (NOM)
C. Apparent Color O. Nonionic Polymer
D. Ca onic Polymer P. Par culate
E. Coagulants Q. Polymer
F. Coagula on R. Precipitate
G. Colloids S. Representa ve Sample
H. Composite Sample T. Total Organic Carbon
I. Disinfec on By‐product U. Trihalomethanes
J. Floc V. True Color
K. Floccula on W. Turbidimeter
L. Grab Sample X. Turbidity
_____ 1. An insoluble, finely divided substance which is a product of a chemical reac on with‐
in a liquid.
_____ 2. A single sample of water collected at a par cular me and place which represents
the composi on of the water only at the me and place.
_____ 3. An instrument for measuring and comparing the turbidity of liquids passing light
through them and determining how much light is reflected by the par cles in the liquid.
_____ 4. A polymer having posi vely charged groups of ions. O en used as a coagulant aid.
_____ 5. A polymer having nega vely charged groups of ions.
_____ 6. A sample por on of material or water that is a nearly iden cal in content and con‐
sistence as possible to that in the larger body of material or water being sampled.
_____ 7. Very small, finely divided solids (par cles that do not dissolve) that remain dispersed
in a liquid for a long me due to their small size and electrical charge.
_____ 8. A laboratory procedure that simulates a water treatment plant’s coagula on/
floccula on units with differing chemical doses and also energy of rapid mix, energy of slow
mix, and se ling me.
70 Coagulation/Flocculation
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

_____ 9. Color of the water that includes not only the color due to substances in the water
but suspended ma er as well.
_____ 10. Deriva ves of methane o en formed during chlorina on by reac ons with natural
organic materials in the water.
_____ 11. The clumping together of very fine par cles into larger par cles (floc) caused by the
use of chemicals (coagulants).
_____ 12. A contaminant formed by the reac on of disinfec on chemicals with other sub‐
stances in the water being disinfected.
_____ 13. A polymer that has no net electrical charge.

_____ 14. Clumps of bacteria and par culate impuri es that have come together and formed
a cluster.
_____ 15. The cloudy appearance of water caused by the presence of suspended and colloidal
ma er.
_____ 16. A very small solid suspended in water which can vary widely in size, shape, density,
and electrical charge.
_____ 17. Chemicals that cause very fine par cles to clump (floc) together into larger par ‐
_____ 18. Humic substances composed of humic and fulvic acids that come from decayed
vegeta on.
_____ 19. The gathering together of fine par cles a er coagula on to form larger par cles by
a process of gentle mixing
_____ 20. Color of the water from which turbidity has been removed.

_____ 21. A collec on of individual samples obtained at regular intervals.

_____ 22. The capacity of water to neutralize acids or resist a change in pH.

_____ 23. A measure of the amount of organic carbon in water.

_____ 24. A long‐chain molecule formed by the union of many monomers; used with coagu‐
lants to aid in binding small suspended par cles to large chemical flocs.
1. R 4. D 7. G 10. U 13. O 16. P 19. K 22. A
2. L 5. B 8. M 11. F 14. J 17. E 20. V 23. T
3. W 6. S 9. C 12. I 15. X 18. N 21. H 24. Q
Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Coagulation and Flocculation

Review Questions
1. What is the purpose of coagulation and flocculation?

2. What happens in the coagulation and flocculation processes?

3. What is the primary purpose of flash mixing?

4. Why are both primary coagulants and coagulant aids used in the coagulation process?

5. List four methods of mixing coagulant chemicals into the plant flow.

6. What is a hydraulic mixing device?

7. What is flocculation?

8. How long is the typical mixing time in the coagulation process?

72 Coagulation/Flocculation
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9. What is the recommended minimum detention time for flocculation?

10. What is an advantage of vertical flocculators over horizontal flocculators?

11. Why is coagulation‐flocculation important to other treatment processes?

12. How is the effectiveness of the solids removal processes commonly monitored?

13. List the typical functions performed by an operator in the normal operation of the coagulation‐
flocculation process.

14. Which laboratory tests would you use to monitor the coagulation‐flocculation process?

15. What would you look for when visually observing the performance of a coagulation‐flocculation

16. What information should be recorded for all entries in a record book?

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

17. What kinds of sudden changes in either raw or filtered water quality are signals that you should
immediately review the performance of the coagulation‐flocculation process?

18. What is the relationship between pH and color in a water sample?

19. List the process control water quality indicators of importance in the operation of the
coagulation‐flocculation process.

20. How do chemical liquid feeders work in the coagulation process?

21. Selection of a chemical feeder for a given application depends on what factors?


1. To remove particulate impurities and color from the water being treated
2. Chemicals are added that will cause the particles to begin to clump together
3. To rapidly mix and uniformly distribute the coagulant chemical throughout the water
4. Primary coagulants are used to neutralize the electrical charge of the particles and cause the
particles and cause the particles
5. Hydraulic mixing, mechanical mixing, diffusers and grid systems, pumped blenders

74 Coagulation/Flocculation
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

6. Hydraulic mixing devices rely on the turbulence created by flowing water to mix chemicals
with the water
7. A slow stirring process that causes the gathering together of small, coagulated particles into
larger, settleable floc particles
8. 2‐5 seconds with 30 seconds as maximum detention time
9. 30 minutes minimum with 45 minutes recommended
10. Vertical flocculators usually require les maintenance since they eliminate submerged
bearings and packings
11. It influences the effectiveness of the sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection processes. It
causes bacteria and other disease‐causing organisms to be bound up in suspended solids and
12. By measuring the turbidity of filtered water
13. Monitor process performance, evaluate water quality conditions, check and adjust process
controls and equipment, visually inspect facilities
14. Turbidity, alkalinity, temperature, color, pH, and chlorine demand
15. Observe the degree of agitation of the water in the flash mix and observe the size and
distribution of floc in the flocculation basin
16. Date, time of an event, and initials of the operator making the entry
17. pH, alkalinity, temperature, or chlorine demand
18. Color determinations are always extremely pH dependent and will always increase as the pH
of the water increases
19. Turbidity, temperature, alkalinity, chlorine demand, color, pH, odor and appearance
20. They feed a solution of known concentration directly into the water being treated
21. Type of chemical compound, availability of chemical, chemical form (dry or liquid), and the
amount to be fed daily

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

 To remove suspended solids that are denser than
water and to reduce the load on the filters
 Suspended solids

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

 Natural state
 bacteria, clays or silts
 Modified/preconditioned
 to form floc
 Precipitated impurities
SEDIMENTATION  hardness, iron precipitates formed by the addition of
1 California State University: Sacramento chemicals

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Particle size and distribution  Dissolved substances in water
 larger particles will settle out faster  Flocculation characteristics of the suspended
 Shape of particles material
 smoother circular particles will settle faster  Environmental conditions (e.g. wind effects)
 Density of particles  Sedimentation basin hydraulic and design
 Denser particles settle out better characteristics (i.e. inlet conditions & basin
 Temperature of water shape)
 Decrease in temperature increases settling time
 Electrical charge on particles
 Colloidal particles are generally negatively charged 3 4

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Sand and silt particles > 10 microns can be  Types
removed by sedimentation  Surface currents
 caused by winds

Source Diameter of Particle(microns)  Density currents

 caused by differences in suspended solids concentrations
Coarse turbidity 1 - 1,000
and temperature differences
Algae 3 - 1,000
 Eddy currents
Silt 10  produced by the flow of the water coming into and leaving
Bacteria 0.3 - 10 the basin
Fine turbidity 0.1 - 1  Can cause suspended particles to distribute
Viruses 0.02 - 0.26 unevenly
Colloids 0.001 - 1
 Can be reduced with baffled inlets or basin covers
5 6
1 micron = 0.001 mm

78 Sedimentation
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5

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 2 definitions  4 zones
 The actual time required for a small amount of water  Inlet zone
to pass through a sedimentation basin at a given rate  Settling zone
of flow  Sludge zone
 The theoretical (calculated) time required for a small  Outlet zone
amount of water to pass through a basin at a given
rate of flow
 Factors affecting detention time
 Short circuiting
 Effective exchange volume
 Portion of basin through which the water flows
 Other hydraulic conditions 7 8
 Basin inlet and outlet design

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Provides a smooth transition from flocculation  Largest portion of basin
basin  Provides calm, undisturbed storage of the
 Distributes flocculated water uniformly over the flocculated water to permit effective settling of
entire cross section of the basin the suspended particles
 If properly designed, it will decrease short
 Inlet baffle wall will
 Minimize density currents due to temperature
 Minimize wind currents
 Minimize tendency of water to flow at the inlet
9 10
velocity straight through the basin

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Serves as a temporary storage place for the  Provides smooth transition from sedimentation
settled particles basin to settled water conduit or channel
 Located at the bottom of the sedimentation basin  Can control basin’s water level

 If sludge becomes too great  Launders are used to uniformly collect

 Decrease effective depth of the basin settled/clarified water
 Cause localized high flow velocities  V-notch weirs are attached to launders to enable
 Cause sludge scouring a uniform draw-off of basin water
 Decrease in process efficiency  If water leaves sedimentation
 Sludge removed by scraper or vacuum moving basin unevenly or at too high a
along bottom of basin velocity, floc can be carried
 If removal devices do not cover full length of basin, it 11
over to the filters 12
may have to be drained and flushed to remove the

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

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 Rectangular Basin  Rectangular Basins
 Double-Deck Basin  Flow is in one direction
parallel to the basin length
 Circular and Square Basins

 called rectilinear flow

 Referred to as clarifiers
 High tolerance to changing water conditions
 High Rate Settlers
 Solids Contact Units

13 14

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 Double Deck Basin  Circular and Square Basins (center feed)
 Stack one rectangular basin on top of another  Often called clarifiers
 Doubles the effective sedimentation surface area  Water flows radially from center to outside
 Must keep velocity and flow as even as possible
 Bottom is conical and slopes downward for easier sludge
Effluent  More likely to have short circuiting


15 16

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 Circular Basins (peripheral feed with radial flow)  Circular Basins (peripheral feed with spiral flow)
 Flow is from the outside edge (periphery) to the center  Water enters at outside edges
of the basin  Flows in a circle around the basin
 Design is similar to central feed, radial flow  Leaves at the center collector
 called the launder

17 18

80 Sedimentation
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5

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 High-Rate Settlers aka Tube Settlers
 Increases settling efficiency of conventional
rectangular sedimentation basins
 Water enters the tubes and flows upward
 Settled particles collect on surfaces of tubes
or settle to bottom of basin
 Can be tube design or plate design of settlers

19 20

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 Solids-Contact Units  Solids-Contact Units
 Improves overall solids removal process  Uniform sludge blanket must be maintained
under certain design conditions  Sludge blanket sensitive to changes in water

 Combine coagulation, flocculation and temperature

sedimentation into a single basin  Changes in rate of flow should be made infrequently,
slowly, and carefully
 Water flows upward through a sludge
blanket or slurry of flocculated,  Operational factors of importance
suspended solids 

 Control of chemical dosage

 Mixing of chemicals
 Control of sludge blanket
 Perform a drawdown on sludge blanket to check
thickness and concentration
21  AWWA: check solids concentration 2 times a day 22
 State of TN: check solids concentration every 8 hours (3 times a

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Known as solids-contact clarifiers, upflow  Advantages
clarifiers, reactivators, and precipitators  Reduced maintenance costs since all 3 processes are
 Sludge – settled materials from coagulation or in one basin
settling  Ability to adjust volume slurry
 Operator can increase amount of slurry during good periods
 Slurry – the suspended floc clumps in the and remove it during periods when the coag process isn’t
clarifier functioning well
 Internal mechanism consists of 3 distinct  Disadvantages
processes that function in the same way as  Requires a high level of operator knowledge and skill
conventional treatment  Instability during rapid changes in flow, turbidity
 Sludge produce by the unit is recycled through level, and temperature
the process to act as a coagulant aid 23 24

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

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 Chemical Dosage
 Must be sufficient alkalinity
 Always run jar test before making any changes
 Sludge Control Effluent
 Accumulated sludge on bottom of clarifier (settling
zone) is removed via hydraulic means (water
 Recirculation Rate
 Established by speed of impeller, turbine, pumping
unit or air injection Influent

 Entire mass of suspended floc clumps billows and

flows within the chamber 25 26
Recirculation Zone –
 This recirculating sludge mixes with the raw water and where coagulation &
goes through coagulation & flocculation in the reaction zone flocculation occur

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Sludge must be removed from bottom of basins  Mechanical rakes
 To prevent interference with the settling process  Used in circular or square basins to push sludge
 To prevent the sludge from becoming septic or toward a center outlet of sloped basin floor
providing an environment for the growth of  Drag-chain & flights
microorganisms  Simplest mechanism for rectangular basins
 To prevent excessive reduction in the cross-sectional  Endless chain with scrapers (flights) pushes sludge
area of the basin (reduction in DT) into a sump
 Mechanical sludge removal devices  Has high operation and maintenance costs
 Mechanical rakes  Traveling bridges
 Drag-chain and flights  Spans width of sedimentation basin and travels along
 Traveling bridges basin walls
27  Sweeps hung from bridge remove sludge from basin 28

floor with suction pumps or by siphon action

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Mechanical Rake
 Sludge removal frequency depends on
 Rate of sludge buildup
 Dependent on amount of suspended material & flock removed
 Size and capacity of sludge pump
 Sludge level measured by
Travelling Bridge  Sludge blanket sounder
 Bubbler tube
 Aspirator
 Ultrasonic level indicator
 If sludge is too thick and bulks, increase removal frequency
 If sludge is too low in solids (soupy), decrease removal
Drag-chain and Flights 29 30

82 Sedimentation
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5

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 Performance of sedimentation basin depends on  Monitor
 Settling characteristics of suspended particles  Turbidity of water entering and leaving the
 Flow rate through basin sedimentation basin
Entering indicates the load on the sedimentation process
To control settling characteristics of particles

 Leaving reveals effectiveness of sedimentation
 Adjust coagulant dose
 Temperature of entering water
 Adjust coagulation-flocculation process  Colder water means slower settling
 Flow rate through basin controls process  Uneven distribution of floc may indicate raw
efficiency water quality change or operational problems
 Higher rate of flow means lower efficiency

31 32

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Floc observation  Sludge solids volume analysis - used to determine
 Floc should only be visible for a short distance in sludge solids concentration
sedimentation basin
 Collect sludge sample and pour known volume into a
 If visible for long distance beyond inlet, sedimentation is drying dish
 Place sample dish in drying oven and evaporate
 Sludge blanket sample to dryness at 103-105oC
 Normal density but close to surface means more sludge
 Weigh remaining solids
should be wasted
 Light density indicates coag-floc process must be
Sludge solids, % = (Weight of sample, mg)(1 mL) x100
adjusted (Volume of sample, mL)(1000 mg)
 Floc coming over weir at end of basin indicate density
currents, short circuiting, too deep sludge blankets, or
high flows 33 34
 Frequent clogging of sludge discharge line indicates too
high sludge concentration

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Influent and effluent turbidity and influent  Measurement of turbidity levels at inlet and
temperature outlet of sedimentation basin shows process
 Process production inventory removal efficiency
 Amount of water processed and volume of sludge  If coagulant dosage increases, sludge removal
produced frequency may also increase
 Process equipment performance  Decreasing water temperature decreases settling
 Types of equipment in operation, maintenance rate and vice versa
procedures performed, and equipment calibration  Increased settled water turbidity can lead to
premature clogging of filters

35 36

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center


Source Water Operator Action Possible Process Flocculation Operator Actions Possible Process
Quality Change Changes Process Changes
Turbidity 1. Perform necessary 1. Change coagulant Effluent Quality
Temperature analyses to determine 2. Adjust coagulant Changes
Alkalinity extent of change dosage Turbidity 1. Evaluate overall 1. Change coagulant
pH 2. Evaluate overall 3. Adjust flash mixer/ Alkalinity process performance 2. Adjust coagulant
Color process performance flocculator mixing pH 2. Perform jar tests dosage
3. Perform jar tests intensity 3. Verify performance of 3. Adjust flash mixer/
4. Make process changes 4. Change frequency of coag-floc process flocculator mixing
5. Increase frequency of sludge removal 4. Make process changes intensity
process monitoring 5. Increase alkalinity by 5. Verify response to 4. Adjust improperly
6. Verify response to adding lime, caustic process changes working chemical
process changes soda, or soda ash feeder

37 38

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center


Sedimentation Operator Actions Possible Process Sedimentation Operator Actions Possible Process
Basin Changes Changes Process Changes
Floc settling 1. Observe floc settling 1. Change coagulant Effluent Quality
Rising or floating characteristics: 2. Adjust coagulant Changes
sludge • Dispersion dosage Turbidity 1. Evaluate overall 1. Change coagulant
• Size 3. Adjust flash mixer/ color process performance 2. Adjust coagulant
• Settling rate flocculator mixing 2. Perform jar tests dosage
2. Evaluate overall intensity 3. Verify process 3. Adjust flash mixer/
process performance 4. Change frequency of performance flocculator mixing
3. Perform jar tests sludge removal • Coag-floc process intensity
• Assess floc size and 5. Remove sludge from • Floc settling 4. Change frequency of
settling rate basin characteristics sludge removal
• Assess quality of 6. Repair broke sludge 4. Make process changes
settled water rakes 5. Verify response to
4. Make process changes process changes
5. Verify response to
process changes 39 40

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Sludge removal equipment  Before starting equipment, ensure proper
 Sludge pumps lubrication
 Sump pumps  After start up and during operation,

 Valves
 Check for excessive noise, vibration, overheating, and
 Flowmeters and gauges
 Check pump’s suction and discharge pressures to
 Water quality monitors make sure they aren’t plugged
 Control systems  Sludge collectors, discharge lines, and troughs
should be periodically flushed to maintain a free
sludge flow.

41 42

84 Sedimentation
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5

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 Avoid electric shock (use protective gloves)  Keep protective guards on rotating equipment
 Avoid grounding yourself in water or on pipes  Do not wear loose clothing around rotating
 Ground all electric tools equipment
 Use the buddy system  Keep hands out of valves, pumps and other pieces
of equipment (lock out and tag power switches
 Use a lockout and tag system whenever electrical
before cleaning)
equipment or electrically driven mechanical
equipment is out of service or being worked on  Clean up all lubricant and sludge spills

 Use a lockout and tag systems whenever

mechanical equipment is out of service or being
worked on
43 44

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Use safety devices such as handrails and ladders  Be sure all underground or confined structures
 Close all openings and replace safety gratings are free of hazardous atmospheres
when finished working  Only work in well-ventilated structures

 Know the location of all life preservers  Use the buddy system

 Use the buddy system  Lock or chain valves when working in an area
that could be flooded

45 46

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

 Keeping electrical motors free of dirt and moisture
 Ensuring good ventilation in equipment work areas
 Checking pumps and motors for leaks, unusual
noise and vibrations, overheating, or signs of wear
 Maintaining proper lubrication and oil levels
 Inspecting for alignment of shafts and couplings
 Checking bearings for wear, overheating, and
proper lubrication
 Checking for proper valve operation
 Checking for free flow of sludge in sludge removal
collection and discharge systems 47

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Sedimenta on
A. Absorp on M. Plug Flow
B. Adsorp on N. Precipitate
C. Clarifier O. Representa ve Sample
D. Complete Treatment P. Sedimenta on
E. Density Q. Sep c
F. Deten on Time R. Shock Load
G. Dewater S. Short‐Circui ng
H. Direct Filtra on T. Slurry
I. Effluent U. Supernatant
J. Influent V. Tube Se ler
K. Launders W. Turbidity
L. Overflow Rate

_____ 1. A watery mixture or suspension (not dissolved) ma er; a thin, watery mud or any substance resem‐
bling it.
_____ 2. To remove or separate a por on of the water present in a sludge or slurry.
_____ 3. The gathering of a gas, liquid, or dissolved substance on the surface or interface zone of another

_____ 4. A sample por on of material or water that is as nearly iden cal in content and consistency as possi‐
ble to that in the larger body of water being sampled.
_____ 5. A measure of the cloudiness of water.
_____ 6. A type of flow that occurs in tanks, basins or reactors when a slug of water moves through a tank
without ever dispersing or mixing with the rest of the water flowing through the tank.
_____ 7. Water or other liquid flowing from a reservoir, basin, treatment process, or treatment plant.
_____ 8. A larger circular or rectangular tank or basin in which water is held for a period of me during which
the heavier suspended solids se le to the bo om.
_____ 9. The theore cal (calculated) me required for a small amount of water to pass through a tank at a
given rate of flow.

_____ 10. Liquid removed from se led sludge.

86 Sedimentation
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5

_____ 11. Sedimenta on basin and filter discharge channels consis ng of overflow weir plates and conveying

_____ 12. A condi on that occurs in tanks or basins when some of the flowing water entering a tank flows
along a nearly direct pathway from the inlet to the outlet.

_____ 13. A measure of how heavy a substance (solid, liquid, or gas) is for its size.

_____ 14. A condi on produced by bacteria when all oxygen supplies are depleted.

_____ 15. A method of trea ng water consists of the addi on of coagulant chemicals, flash mixing, coagula‐
on, minimal floccula on, and filtra on.

_____ 16. The taking in or soaking up of one substance into the body of another by molecular or chemical
ac on.

_____ 17. The arrival at a water treatment plant of raw water containing unusual amounts of algae, colloidal
ma er, color, suspended solids, turbidity or other pollutants.

_____ 18. A device that uses bundles of small‐bore tubes installed on an incline as an aid to sedimenta on.

_____ 19. A water treatment process in which solid par cles se le out of the water being treated in a large
clarifier or sedimenta on basin.

_____ 20. A method of trea ng water which consists of the addi on of coagulant chemicals, flash mixing, co‐
agula on‐floccula on, sedimenta on and filtra on. Also called conven onal treatment.

_____ 21. One of the guidelines for the design of se ling tanks and clarifiers in treatment plants;

_____ 22. An insoluble, finely divided substance which is a product of a chemical reac on within a liquid.

_____ 23. Water or other liquid flowing into a reservoir, basin, treatment process, or treatment plant.

1. T 7. I 13. E 19. P
2. G 8. C 14. Q 20. D
3. B 9. F 15. H 21. L
4. O 10. U 16. A 22. N
5. W 11. K 17. R 23. J
6. M 12. S 18. V
Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Review Questions
1. List as many factors as you can recall that affect particle setting in a sedimentation

2. What types of currents may be found in a typical sedimentation basin?

3. List the four zones into which a typical sedimentation basin can be divided.

4. What is the purpose of the settling zone in a sedimentation basin?

5. What are launders?

6. List three possible shapes for sedimentation basins.

7. Why are rectangular sedimentation basins often preferred over circular basins?

8. During the operation of a solids‐contact unit, what items should be of particular concern
to the operator?

88 Sedimentation
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5

9. List two advantages of solids‐contact units.

10. List the devices that may be used to provide recirculation in a solids‐contact unit.

11. Why must accumulated sludge be removed periodically from the bottom sedimentation

12. How can the depth of sludge in a sedimentation basin be measured?

13. The actual performance of sedimentation basins depends on what two major factors?

14. What items should an operator monitor during the normal operation of the
sedimentation process?

15. What should be attempted if the sludge line plugs frequently?

16. In the routine operation of the sedimentation process, what types of records should be

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Sedimentation Review Questions


1. (1) Particle size and distribution, (2) shape of particles, (3) density of particles, (4)
temperature of water, (5) electrical charge on particles, (6) dissolved substances in water,
(7) flocculation characteristics of the suspended material, (8) environmental conditions,
(9) sedimentation basin hydraulic and design characteristics

2. (1) Surface currents induced by winds, (2) density currents caused by differences in
suspended solids concentrations and temperature differences, and (3) eddy currents
produced by the flow of the water coming into and leaving the basin

3. (1) Inlet zone, (2) settling zone, (3) sludge zone, (4) outlet zone

4. To provide a calm, undisturbed storage place for the flocculated water for a sufficient
time period to permit effective settling of the suspended particles in the water being

5. Launders are skimming or effluent troughs used to uniformly collect settled water.
Adjustable V‐notch weirs are generally attached to the launders for controlling the water
level in the sedimentation basin

6. Sedimentation basins are available in circular, rectangular, or square shapes

7. Rectangular sedimentation basins are often preferred over circular basins because circular
basins are generally more sensitive to short‐circuiting and achieve poorer solids removal.

8. Care must be exercised to ensure that a uniform sludge blanket is formed and is
subsequently maintained throughout the solids removal process. Other important factors
include control of chemical dosages, mixing of chemicals, and control of the sludge

9. (1) Only one reaction unit to contend with, (2) ability to accumulate slurry during periods
of severe taste and odor problems, (3) use slurry accumulation to carry plant when
coagulation fails because of increased algal activities

10. Recirculation in a solids‐contact unit may be provided by impellers, turbines, pumping

units, or by air injection.

90 Sedimentation
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5

11. (1) Prevent interference with the settling process, (2) prevent the sludge from becoming
septic or providing an environment for the growth of microorganisms that can create
taste and odor problems, (3) prevent excessive reduction in the cross‐sectional area of the

12. The depth of sludge in a sedimentation basin can be measured with a sludge blanket
sounder, a bubbler tube, an aspirator, or an ultrasonic level indicator.

13. (1) the settling characteristics of the suspended particles, (2) the flow rate through the
sedimentation basins

14. The operator should monitor the turbidity of the water entering and leaving the basin and
the temperature of the water entering the basin.

15. Frequent clogging of the sludge discharge line is an indication that the sludge
concentration is too high. If this occurs, try increasing the frequency of operation of the
sludge removal equipment.

16. (1) influent and effluent turbidity and influent temperature, (2) process production
inventory, and (3) process equipment performance

Section 6 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


• Process Description
• Process of passing water through a material to remove floc and
particulate matter (colloids)
• Filter through a bed of sand, coal, or other granular substances

FILTRATION • Conventional Filtration

• Coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration
• Direct Filtration
• Sedimentation step is omitted


Reservoir Reservoir
Flash Mix Flocculators
Flash Mix Flocculators

Filter Basin Filter

Disinfection & Fluoridation
& Fluoridation
Finished Water Finished Water

Sludge Drying Beds

Distribution Distribution


• Physical and chemical process

• Removal mechanisms
• Sedimentation on media
• Adsorption
• Biological action
• Absorption
• Straining
• Removal mechanisms based on
• Chemical characteristics of the water being treated
• Nature of suspension
• Types and degree of pretreatment
• Filter type and operation

94 Filtration
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 6


• Gravity filtration • Particulate impurities are removed in/on the media

• Sand, dual media, and mixed media • Water level or pressure (head) above the media forces
• Pressure filtration water through the filter
• Mixed media • Types of gravity filters
• Single media
• Diatomaceous earth
• Depth of at least 30 inches
• Precoat filtration
• Dual media
• Slow sand filtration • Sand (10 inches) and crushed anthracite (20 inches)
• Multimedia
• To be approved by department
• Filtration Rates
• 2 gpm/ft2 for turbidity removal
• 3 gpm/ft2 for iron removal plants


• Similar to gravity filter except completely enclosed in a

pressure vessel
• Lower installation and operation costs ins small filtration


• Aka precoat filtration
• Filter media is added to the water as a slurry, then collected
on a septum or screening device
• After the initial precoat application, water is filtered by
passing it through the coated stream
• Primarily a straining process
• Can be operated as gravity, pressure, or vacuum filter

Section 6 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


• Water drawn through the filter media by gravity

• Filtration rates are very low
• Most particulate matter removed in top several inches of
• Entire layer must be physically removed when filter becomes
• No backwashing
• Schmutzdecke – fine sand and a sticky mat of suspended matter
that forms on the sand surface


• Classified by • Filter Production and Filtration Rate

• Effective size (ES) – size of a sieve opening that permits 10% of the • Measures of the amount of water that can be processed through an
particles to pass through individual filter in a given period of time
• If limiting head loss is a problem, but turbidity breakthrough is
• Filter production – measured in MGD (millions of gallons per day)
not, consider larger media size
• If turbidity breakthrough is a problem but not limiting head loss, • Filtration rate – used to measure flow of water through a filter
smaller media may be considered • Measured in gallons per minute per square foot (gpm/ft2)
• If both head loss and turbidity breakthrough are a constant • Aka hydraulic loading
problem, use a deeper filter bed with larger media • Filtration Rates (TN Design Critieria)
• Uniformity coefficient (UC) – the ratio of particle diameters
• 2 gpm/ft2 for turbidity removal
comprising 60% and 10% media weight
• Media with lower uniformity coefficients are composed of more • 3 gpm/ft2 for iron removal plants
uniform particles
• Specific gravity
• Hardness


• Filtration Efficiency • Filtration Mode

• Measured by overall plant reduction in turbidity • Water containing suspended solids is applied to the surface of the
• Removal efficiency depends on filter media
• The quality of the water being treated • Clogging – buildup of head loss (pressure drop) across the filter
• The effectiveness of the pretreatment (coag/floc) processes
• Total design head loss ranges from 6 to 10 feet
• Filter operation
• Clogging leads to breakthrough – a condition in which solids are no
• Filter design
longer removed
• Media type and thickness
• Solids pass into the filter effluent where they appear as
• Sand filters have fine, light grains on top that stop all increased turbidity
particulates at the surface
• Dual media filters have lighter larger diameter grains at
the top that stop the larger particles; smaller particles are
usually stopped farter down in the filter

96 Filtration
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 6


• Backwashing • Backwashing
• Process of reversing the flow of water through the filter media to • Water use for backwashing may be recycled directly to the
remove entrapped solids after headworks (ahead of the flash mix)
• Maximum head loss reached
• Filter Backwash Rule requires that recycled filter backwash water,
• Breakthrough occurs sedimentation basin sludge thickener supernatant, and liquids from
• Specified time period has passed sludge dewatering processes be returned upstream of all
• Filter media must be fluidized (expanded) by reversing flow conventional treatment systems
• Backwash rates of 10-25 gpm/ft2 required • Systems may apply to the State for approval
• Insufficient backwashing may not adequately clean filter • Purpose is to improve performance at filtration pants by
• Too high backwash rate may cause excessive loss of media reducing opportunity for microbes such as Cryptosporidium to
• Higher backwash rates are required at higher temperatures due to pass through the treatment process
less viscous water
• TN Design Criteria
• 50% bed expansion https://youtu.be/QrWXJ25wEkU


• Surface Wash
• Provides additional scrubbing action to remove attached floc and
other entrapped solids from the filter media
• 4 types:
• Baylis
• Fixed grid
• Rotary
• Air scour


• Filter Control Systems • Filter Control Systems

• Regulate flow rates through the filter • Regulate flow rates through the filter
• Control system types • Control system types
• Rate-of-flow – each filter effluent control valve is connected to • Declining-rate
a flow meter • Flow rate varies with head loss
• As the media begins to clog, the control valve opens to • Each filter operates the same but has variable, water
maintain a constant flow surface levels
• All filters operate at same flow rate • Self-backwashing (or Streicher design)
• Split-flow • Influent flow to each filter is divide by a weir
• Equal flow to each filter influent is split or divided by a • Water surface level varies according to head loss while
weir flow rate remains constant
• Effluent valve position controlled by water level in the filter • Reduces amount of equipment needed

Section 6 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


• Activated Carbon Filters • In-line Filtration

• High adsorptive capacity of activated carbon enables it to remove • The addition of coagulant chemicals immediately before the water
taste and odor causing compounds and other organics enters the filtration system
• Importance of Pretreatment • Filter aids are added directly to the filter inlet pipe and mixed by
the flowing water
• Floc particles carried over into the filter must be small enough to
penetrate the upper filter media • Separate flocculation and sedimentation facilities are
• Floc that is too large will clog the top portion of the filter bed
rapidly • Not as efficient as conventional or direct filtration
• Floc removal is accomplished by contact with the media grains • Important process control guidelines
• Ripening period - time after initial coating of media surfaces • Filter influent water quality – turbidity
with floc; subsequent applications of floc will build up on the • Filter performance - head loss buildup rate and filter run time
material previously deposited • Filter effluent water quality - turbidity
• High effluent turbidities may occur during the ripening


• Filter effluent turbidities will give a good indication of • Measurement of head loss buildup can indicate performance
overall process performance of solids removal process
• Operator should monitor filter influent turbidity as well as • Total designed head loss in a gravity filter is usually about 10 feet
filter effluent turbidity levels • Loss-in-head – actual head loss from a point above the filter media
to a reference point in the effluent
• Monitor head loss buildup and filter effluent color • Sudden increase in head loss may indicate surface sealing of the
• Guidelines would help evaluate normal process conditions filter media (lack of depth penetration)
and in recognizing abnormal conditions


• Filter Run Time or Length • Unit Filter Run Volume (UFRV)

• Should be calculated based on head loss, effluent turbidity and/or • Volume of water produced by the surface area of the filter during
elapsed run time the course of the filter run divided by the surface area of the filter
• A predetermined value set for each parameter as a cutoff point for • Expressed in gallons per square foot (gal/ft2)
filter operation • UFRV > 5,000 gal/ft2 is good
• When any one of these levels is reached, the filter is • UFRV < 10,000 gal/ft2 is better
• Filter run length not a satisfactory basis for comparing filter runs
• Examine and evaluate filter media annually
without considering filtration rate as well • Measure media thickness
• Can be lost during backwash
• Measure mudball accumulation
• Indicates insufficient backwashing

98 Filtration
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 6


• Observe backwash process to assess process performance • Calculate the filtration rate in gal/ft2 for a filter with a
• Watch for media boils, media carryover, waste wash water clarity surface length of 25 feet and a width of 20 feet when they
• Never “bump” filter to avoid backwashing applied flow is 2 MGD.
• Bumping is the act of opening the backwash valve during the course 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤, 𝑔𝑝𝑚
of a filter run to dislodge the trapped solids and increase the filter 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤, 𝑔𝑝𝑚 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 =
run = 2 𝑀𝐺𝐷 694 𝑔𝑝𝑚 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎, 𝑓𝑡 2
1 1 𝑀𝐺𝐷
• Observe the condition of the media surface and check for 1388 𝑔𝑝𝑚
= 1388 𝑔𝑝𝑚 𝑔𝑝𝑚
filter sidewall or media surface cracks =
𝑓𝑡 2 500𝑓𝑡 2
• After completion of backwash cycle 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 = 𝐿 𝑊
𝐴 = 25 𝑓𝑡 20 𝑓𝑡
𝐴 = (500𝑓𝑡 2 ) 𝑔𝑝𝑚
= 2.78 𝑔𝑝𝑚 𝑓𝑡 2
𝑓𝑡 2


• Convert ta filter backwash rate from 25 gallons per minute • Accurate records should be maintained
per square foot to inches per minute of rise. • Process water quality
𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒, 12 𝑖𝑛 𝑓𝑡 • Turbidity and color
𝑖𝑛 𝑓𝑡 2 • Process operation
𝑚𝑖𝑛 =
𝑔𝑎𝑙 • Filters in service, filtration rates, loss of head, length of filter
𝑓𝑡 3 runs, frequency of backwash, backwash rates, UFRV
25 12 𝑖𝑛 𝑓𝑡 • Process water production
𝑖𝑛 𝑓𝑡 2
𝑚𝑖𝑛 =
• Water processed, amount of backwash water used, and
𝑔𝑎𝑙 chemicals used
𝑓𝑡 3 • Percent of water production used to backwash filters
𝑖𝑛 = 40.1 𝑖𝑛
𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑖𝑛 • Process equipment performance
• Types of equipment in operation, equipment adjustments,
maintenance procedures performed, and equipment calibration


• Rapid changes in head loss buildup or turbidity • If filter turbidity removal efficiency is decreasing, evaluate
breakthrough may be indicators of abnormal operation coag/floc process and coagulant dosage
conditions: • Increases in source water turbidity may require a decrease
• Mudballs in filter media in filtration rates or backwash filters more frequently
• Media cracking or shrinkage
• Media boils during backwash
• Adding filter aids chemicals can help when pretreatment
• Excessive media loss or visible disturbance
processes don’t readily respond to source water quality
• Short filter runs
• Filters that will not come clean during backwash • Overdosing can cause sealing of the filter media
• Algae on walls and media • Decrease in alkalinity and pH can affect filtration since the
coag/floc process performance can decrease

Section 6 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


• Increases in filter effluent turbidity may also result from floc • Caused by the release of dissolved air in saturated cold
carryover from the sedimentation process water due to a decrease in pressure
• Short filter runs can be caused by increased solids loading, • Air is released from the water when passing through a filter
filter aid overdosing, excessively high filtration rates, bed by differences in pressure produced by friction through
the bed
excessive mudball formation, or clogging of the filter
underdrain system • The released air is entrapped in the filter bed
• Backwash problems can be resolved by adjusting backwash • Whenever a filter is operated to a head loss that exceeds
the head of water over the media, air will be released
flow rates, surface wash flow rates or duration, or adjusting
• Occurs more frequently when large head losses are allowed to
the time sequence or duration of the backwash cycle develop in filter
• Improper backwashing can result in mudball formation or • Causes shortened filter runs due to water flow being
filter cracks and shrinkage restricted due to bound air


• Filter underdrain system and head loss measurement • Filters should be washed before placing them in service
equipment should be checked if excessive head losses • Check length of cycle times set for backwash and surface wash
remain after backwashing cycles are correct
• Surface wash should be activated before the backwash cycle starts
• Can be caused by reduction in size and number of and stopped before completion of the backwash cycle
underdrain openings • Filter wash should begin slowly and provide uniform expansion of
• Due to media clogging, corrosion, or chemical deposits the filter bed
• When backwash water coming up through filter becomes clear,
media is clean (3-8 minutes)
• Reduce backwash rate if media carryover or flooding of water
troughs occurs
• Waste backwash water is either recycled or sent to settling basin
• Supernatant is then recycled through the plant


• Set of treatment technique requirements that apply to all water Type of Filtration Monitoring Frequency Turbidity Level
systems using surface water and those using groundwater that is Conventional Every 4 hours < 0.3 NTU
under the influence of surface water (subpart H systems) Direct Every 4 hours < 0.3 NTU
• Defines surface water as “all water open to the atmosphere and Diatomaceous Earth Every 4 hours < 1.0 NTU
subject to surface runoff” Slow Sand Once per day* < 1.0 NTU
• Requires that all systems properly filter the water
• All filtration systems must meet these standards in 95% of
• Requires that all systems using surface water to disinfect the water
(no exceptions) the measurements taken for each month (0400-45-01-.31)
• At least 99.9% (3-log) removal and/or inactivation of Giardia
cysts *For any system using slow sand filtration or filtration treatment other than
• At least 99.99% (4-log) removal and/or inactivation of enteric conventional treatment, direct filtration, or diatomaceous earth filtration, the
(intestinal) viruses Department may reduce the sampling frequency to once per day if it determines
that less frequent monitoring is sufficient to indicate effective filtration

100 Filtration
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 6


• A device which counts and measures the size of individual

particles in water
• Particles are divided into size ranges and the number of particles is
counted in each of these ranges
• One of the best monitoring tools available to optimize plant
performance for the removal of particles
• i.e. Giardia and Cryptosporidium
• Monitors the removal efficiency of particles in the same size range
as Giardia and Crypto
• Cannot replace other analytical tests for Giardia and Crypto
• Cannot tell difference between clay particle and microorganism

Section 6 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Filtra on
A. Absorp on H. Conven onal Filtra on

B. Ac vated Carbon I. Diatomaceous Earth

C. Adsorp on J. Diatoms

D. Air Binding K. Direct Filtra on

E. Backwashing L. Fluidized

F. Breakthrough M. Head Loss

G. Colloids N. Uniformity Coefficient

_____ 1. Adsorp ve par cles or granules of carbon usually obtained by hea ng carbon.

_____ 2. A method of trea ng water which consists of the addi on of coagulant chemicals, flash mixing, co-
agula on, minimal floccula on, and filtra on.

_____ 3. The head, pressure or energy (they are the same) lost by water flowing in a pipe or channel as a re-
sult of turbulence caused by the velocity of the flowing water and the roughness of the pipe, channel walls,
or restric on caused by fi ngs.

_____ 4. The ra on of the diameter of a grain of a size that is barely too large to pass through a sieve that
allows 60% material (by weight) to pass through

_____ 5. The process of reversing the flow of water back through the filter media to remove the entrapped
_____ 6. Very small, finely divided solids that remain dispersed in a liquid for a long me due to their small
size and electrical charge.

_____ 7. A fine, siliceous (made of silica) “earth” composed mainly of the skeletal remains of diatoms.

_____ 8. The clogging of a filter due to the presence of air released from water.

_____ 9. The gathering of a gas, liquid, or dissolved substance on the surface or interface zone of another
_____ 10. A method of trea ng water that consists of the addi on of coagulant chemicals, flash mixing, co-
agula on-floccula on, sedimenta on and filtra on.

_____ 11. Unicellular (single cell), microscopic algae with a rigid internal structure consis ng mainly of silica.

_____ 12. A mass of solid par cles that is made to flow like a liquid by injec on of water or gas

_____ 13. A crack or break in a filter bed allowing the passage of floc or par culate ma er through a filter.

_____ 14. The taking in or soaking up of one substance into the body of another by molecular or chemical
ac on.
102 Filtration
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 6

1. B

2. K

3. M

4. N

5. E

6. G

7. I

8. D

9. C

10. H

11. J

12. L

13. F

14. A

Section 6 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Review Questions
1. What is the major difference between conventional filtration and direct filtration?

2. List the particle removal mechanisms involved in the filtration process.

3. List the four specific classes of filters.

4. What material is used for precoat and body‐feed operations?

5. Filtration rate is commonly expressed in what units?

6. What is the major operation difference between sand and dual‐media filters?

7. What two main factors influence the time period before a filter becomes clogged?

8. Under what conditions is the filtration process stopped and the filter taken out of service
for cleaning or backwashing?

104 Filtration
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 6

9. List four types of surface wash systems for filters.

10. What is the primary purpose of using activated carbon (granular form) as filter media?

11. What is in‐line filtration?

12. When and where are filter aid chemicals used?

13. What factors must an operator measure to control the performance of the filtration process
on a day to day basis?

14. What is the most important water quality indicator used to monitor the filtration process?

15. List some of the typical functions performed by operators in the normal operation of the
filtration process.

16. What could cause a sudden increase in head loss through a filter?

Section 6 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

17. What types of records should be kept when operating a filtration process?

18. How would you identify an upset or failure in the filtration process or pretreatment

19. List the indicators of abnormal filtration process conditions.

20. How could you make a quick determination of filtration removal efficiency?

21. What problems may be encountered during backwash?

22. How does a filter become air bound?

23. What is the SWTR definition of surface water?

24. Particle counters can be used as a substitute for indicating the potential removal of what
two microorganisms that are a threat to public health when found in drinking water?

106 Filtration
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 6

Review Question Answers
1. Filtration, preceded by coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation, is commonly referred
to as conventional filtration process, the sedimentation step is omitted. Flocculation
facilities are reduced in size or may be omitted.

2. Sedimentation on media, adsorption, biological action, absorption, straining

3. Gravity filtration, pressure filtration, diatomaceous earth filtration, slow sand filtration

4. Diatomaceous earth

5. Gallons per minute per square foot

6. Sand filters require more frequent backwashing because of their smaller media grain size.
Dual media filters permit a higher filtration rate without a high head loss.

7. The amount of suspended solids in the water being treated and the filtration rate

8. A filter is operated until just before clogging or breakthrough occurs, a specified time period
has passed or a specific head loss is reached.

9. Baylis, fixed grid, rotary, air scour

10. To remove taste and odor causing compounds, as well as other trace organics from the

11. Inline filtration refers to the addition of filter aid chemicals immediately prior filtration.
Chemicals are added directly to the filter inlet pipe and are mixed by the flowing water

12. Filter aid chemicals are usually added just prior to filtration in the solids removal process
during normal operation and during periods of pretreatment process upset, or when
operating at high filtration rates.

13. Filter influent water quality (turbidity), filter performance, filter effluent water quality

14. Filter influent and effluent turbidity

Section 6 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

15. Monitor process performance, evaluate water quality conditions and make appropriate
changes, Check and adjust process equipment, backwash filters, evaluate filter media
conditions, visually inspect facilities

16. Surface sealing of the filter media

17. Process water quality, process operation, process water production, percent of water
production used to backwash filters, process equipment performance

18. Rapid changes in head loss buildup in the filter or turbidity breakthrough

19. Mudballs in filter media, media cracking or shrinkage, media boils during backwash,
excessive media loss or visible disturbance, short filter runs, rapid head loss buildup,
turbidity breakthrough, filters that will not come clean during backwash, algae on walls and

20. Comparing filter influent and effluent turbidity levels with those of recent record

21. Media boils, media loss, and failure of the filter to come clean during the backwash process

22. By the release of dissolved air in saturated cold water due to the decrease in pressure

23. All water open to the atmosphere and subject to surface runoff

24. Giardia and Cryptosporidium

108 Filtration
Time frame required
Record Category to keep records Source
Microbiological Records 0400‐45‐1‐.20(1)(a)
Routine distribution 5 years
Line repair records 5 years 0400‐45‐1‐.17(8)(a)
New line records 5 years
Keep updated, at least every 3
Bacteriological sampling plan years
Chemical Analysis 0400‐45‐1‐.20(1)(a)
Inorganics/ secondaries 10 years
SOC's 10 years
VOC's 10 years
THM's and HAA5's 10 years
Radionuclides 10 years
Lead and copper 12 years 0400‐45‐1‐.33(12)
Action regarding violations 3 years 0400‐45‐1‐.20(1)(b)
Certified Letters to Fire Departments regarding
Class C hydrants 5 years 0400‐45‐1‐.17(18)
Complaint file 5 years 0400‐45‐1‐.20(1)(h)
Consumer Confidence Reports 3 years 0400‐45‐1‐.35(h)

Cross connection plans and inspection records 5 years 0400‐45‐1‐.20(1)(h)

Daily worksheets, strip charts, shift logs 5 years 0400‐45‐1‐.20(1)(g)
Disinfection Profile 10 years
Disinfection SOP Keep updated
Keep updated, submit copy to
Distribution map DWS every 5 years 0400‐45‐1‐.17(15)
Distribution SOP Keep updated
Emergency Operation Plan Keep updated 0400‐45‐1‐.34(4)(a)
Facility Maintenance Records 5 years 0400‐45‐1‐.20(1)(h)
Flushing records Survey to survey or 3 years 0400‐45‐1‐.17(10)
MOR's 5 years
MSDS At least 30 years 29 CFR 1910.1020
New tap records Survey to survey or 3 years 0400‐45‐1‐.17(32)
Notice of Construction Survey to survey or 3 years
Plant SOP Keep updated
Public Notices 3 years 0400‐45‐1‐.20(i)
Sanitary surveys 10 years
Storage Tank Inspection Records 5 years 0400‐45‐1‐.20(1)(h)
Tank maintenance records Life of tank 0400‐45‐1‐.17(33)
Turbidity analysis: daily worksheets, calibration
data and strip charts 5 years 0400‐45‐1‐.20(1)(f)
Variances or Exemptions 5 years 0400‐45‐1‐.20(1)(d)


CHAPTER 0400-49-01


0400-49-01-.01 Application for Certificate 0400-49-01-.08 Classification of Wastewater

0400-49-01-.02 Examinations Treatment Plants and Wastewater
0400-49-01-.03 Fees Collection Systems
0400-49-01-.04 General 0400-49-01-.09 Classifications and Qualifications of
0400-49-01-.05 Definitions Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators
0400-49-01-.06 Classifications of Water Treatment and Wastewater Collection System
Plants and Water Distribution Systems Operators
0400-49-01-.07 Classifications and Qualifications of 0400-49-01-.10 Continuing Education
Water Treatment Plant Operators and 0400-49-01-.11 Summary Suspension and
Water Distribution System Operators Revocation of Certificate
0400-49-01-.12 Civil Penalties


(1) Application for certification by examination.

(a) A separate application for each certification shall be made on an original form approved
by the Board for that purpose and available upon request from the Secretary of the

(b) An application for certification must be submitted to the Secretary of the Board and
include the following items:

1. A sworn application signed by the applicant.

2. Payment of a non-refundable $100 fee for each application for examination.

3. A copy of any verifying document in support of an application must be submitted

with the application unless the applicant has previously provided such
documentation to the Secretary of the Board. This includes, but is not limited to,
proof of high school education or equivalent of the applicant. College transcripts,
if needed to document experience credit, must be submitted directly from the
college and/or university to the Secretary to the Board. Credit for enrollment in
special training courses and programs will only be granted to an applicant upon
verification that he/she satisfactorily completed all course or program
requirements. If training credit is requested, a copy of a course attendance card,
a class roster, or a certificate of completion must be submitted to the Secretary.
Verification of work experience must be provided in a written document signed by
a certified operator of a similar or higher classification, familiar with the
applicant’s work experience. However, if no such person is available, it may be
documented by a person in authority with the system. The Board may exempt
applicants from the verification of work experience requirement where there are
unusual circumstances.

(c) A complete application must be received by the Secretary sixty (60) days or more in
advance of the scheduled examination date for consideration. Applications received
less than sixty (60) days prior to an examination date will be reviewed for the next
examination. Upon written request by an applicant, the Board may choose to review,

April, 2017 (Revised) 1


(Rule 0400-49-01-.02, continued)

(5) An applicant shall be notified in writing whether his/her examination score was satisfactory for
the issuance of a certificate.

(6) An applicant who fails to achieve a satisfactory score may reapply for the next examination
by submitting an abbreviated application for examination with fees, but he/she shall not be
eligible to take another examination for the particular operator classification which he/she
failed until five months have elapsed from the date that examination was taken.

(7) All examinations shall be administered by the Board or its authorized representatives who are
empowered to maintain the integrity of all examinations.

(8) (a) An applicant shall be guilty of cheating upon a written examination who does an act
including, but not limited to, the following:

1. violates paragraph (2) of this rule; or

2. without express authorization from examination officials,

(i) removes examination materials furnished by the Board or the written

examination itself, in whole or in part, from the examination room, or

(ii) aids another applicant in answering examination questions during a written

examination; or

3. violates the examination rules.

(b) Upon a determination by the Commissioner that an applicant is guilty of cheating upon
a written examination for a particular operator classification, the applicant shall not be
issued an initial certificate of competency for that classification.

(c) An applicant shall be ineligible to again apply for certification in that same operator
classification for one year from the date the determination of cheating becomes final.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201 et seq. and 68-221-901 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
May 21, 2014; effective August 19, 2014. Rule renumbered from 1200-05-03. Amendments filed January
18, 2017; effective April 18, 2017.

0400-49-01-.03 FEES.

(1) Fees for Certification

(a) Fees for certification shall be required of each applicant and paid in advance as

1. Application fee for each operator examination or reciprocity request applied for

2. Discount annual renewal fee for each operator certificate:

(Payment prior to February 1)……………………………………..……………………$50

3. Standard annual renewal fee for each operator certificate:

(Payment from February 1 through June 30.)…...………...………………………….$100

(b) No application fee will be returned.

April, 2017 (Revised) 4


(Rule 0400-49-01-.03, continued)

(c) Upon payment of an application fee and approval by the Board, an applicant may take
any one scheduled examination during the following twelve (12) months. If an
applicant chooses not to take or fails to appear for, the first examination offered after
receiving approval, the applicant must register on a form approved by the Board to be
scheduled for a subsequent exam within the established time. The registration must
occur sixty (60) days in advance of the examination he/she wishes to take. If an
applicant does not take the examination within twelve (12) months of the Board's
approval, he/she must reapply by submitting a new application with fees in order to be
considered to take a subsequent examination.

(d) Each year a certified operator shall submit to the Board for the following year a
completed certificate renewal application and a fee for the renewal of each operator
certificate he/she possesses. Applications received prior to February 1 of each year
shall be subject to discount renewal fees. Applications received February 1 through
June 30 of each year shall be subject to standard renewal fees. Any person failing to
meet the June 30 deadline may, within sixty (60) days of the deadline, request that the
Board grant a variance. A variance may be granted when the delay was caused by
Board or staff error, Board action, or documented postal error. A completed certificate
renewal application or appropriate annual renewal fee for an expired certificate not
received by the Board by June 30 shall preclude the recertification of the operator in
his/her expired classification until he/she shall have fulfilled all the requirements for the
issuance of an initial certificate in that classification, including the satisfactory
completion of a written examination. When an operator classification is upgraded, the
certificate he/she was upgraded from becomes void; and no additional fee payment is
necessary until renewal.

(2) Fees for Cross Connection Control Training Registration

(a) Fees for Cross Connection Control Training registration shall be required of each
person and paid in advance as follows:

1. Registration fee for a Cross Connection Control Basic Class (full time employees
of public water systems as defined in T.C.A. § 68-221-703 and Department
employees who assist with cross connection control training or testing classes
are exempt)......... …………………………………………………………………...$275

2. Registration fee for a Cross Connection Control Renewal Class (full time
employees of public water systems as defined in T.C.A. § 68-221-703 and
Department employees who assist with cross connection control training or
testing classes are exempt)..……………………………………………………... $110

(b) No registration fee will be returned.

(c) The registration fee must be received thirty (30) days in advance of the class he/she
wishes to take.

(3) Fees for Cross Connection Control Testing Application

(a) Fees for Cross Connection Control Testing Application shall be required of each
person and paid in advance as follows:

1. Application for a Cross Connection Control Basic Test (Department employees

who assist with cross connection control training or testing are

April, 2017 (Revised) 5


(Rule 0400-49-01-.03, continued)

2. Application fee for Cross Connection Control Renewal Test (Department
employees who assist with cross connection control training or testing are
exempt)........................ .....................................................................................$60

(b) Application fees are not refundable or transferable.

(c) The application for testing conducted by the Department must be received a minimum
of thirty (30) days in advance of the test he/she wishes to take, however, applications
from private institutions may be received the day the test materials are submitted to the
Fleming Training Center.

(d) Prior to sitting for a test, an applicant must present proof of completion of training
accepted by the Department for the appropriate test. Basic training may be accepted
by the Department if it has a minimum class length of 480 minutes (300 minutes
minimum in classroom), including but not limited to the following topics: hydraulic and
backflow principles, theory of backflow and cross connection, codes and regulations of
a cross connection control program, responsibilities and actions in a cross connection
control program and mechanical equipment for cross connection control. Acceptable
training must also provide a minimum of one working practice station and test kit for
each three students. Renewal training may be accepted by the Department if it has a
minimum class length of 300 minutes (180 minutes minimum in classroom) including
but not limited to the following topics: hydraulic and backflow principles, theory of
backflow and cross connection, codes and regulations of a cross connection control
program, responsibilities and actions in a cross connection control program and
mechanical equipment for cross connection control. Acceptable training must also
provide a minimum of one working station and test kit for each three students.

(e) An applicant must take the test within twelve (12) months of receipt of the training

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201 et seq., 68-203-101 et seq., 68-221-901 et seq. Administrative History:
Original rule filed May 21, 2014; effective August 19, 2014. Rule renumbered from 1200-05-03.
Amendments filed January 18, 2017; effective April 18, 2017.

0400-49-01-.04 GENERAL.

(1) Certification under T.C.A. §§ 68-221-901 et seq., being the “Water and Wastewater Operator
Certification Act,” is available to any operator of a water treatment plant, a wastewater
treatment plant, a water distribution system, or a wastewater collection system who meets
the minimum qualifications of a given classification.

(2) Each person in direct charge at a water treatment plant, a wastewater treatment plant, a
water distribution system, or a wastewater collection system shall hold a certificate in a grade
equal to or higher than the grade of the treatment plant, distribution system, or collection
system he/she operates. The grade of a facility will be established by the criteria set forth in
this chapter of rules.

(3) All operating personnel making process control/system integrity decisions about water quality
or quantity that affect public health must be certified. A designated certified operator must be
available for each operating shift.

(4) Each water supply system and wastewater system required to have a certified operator shall,
no later than the first day of August annually, inform the Board, through its designated agent,
the Division of Water Resources, in writing of the name of each person who is a certified
operator in direct charge of any water treatment plant, wastewater treatment plant, water

April, 2017 (Revised) 6


(Rule 0400-49-01-.04, continued)

distribution system or wastewater collection system it operates. A system shall notify the
Division of Water Resources in writing within thirty (30) days of its loss of the services of a
certified operator in direct charge.

(5) A certified operator shall be responsible for keeping the Board Secretary informed of his/her
current address.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201 et seq. and 68-221-901 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
May 21, 2014; effective August 19, 2014. Rule renumbered from 1200-05-03.

0400-49-01-.05 DEFINITIONS.

(1) “Available” means that a certified operator must be on site or able to be contacted as needed
to initiate the appropriate action in a timely manner, based on system size, complexity and
the quality of either the source water or the receiving stream.

(2) “Board” means the board of certification as described in T.C.A. § 68-221-905.

(3) “Commissioner” and “Department” mean the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of
Environment and Conservation or his/her duly authorized representative.

(4) “Operating Shift” is that period of time during which operator decisions that affect public
health are necessary for proper operation of the system.

(5) “Process control/system integrity decisions” means decisions regarding the manipulation of
equipment, chemicals or processes that determine the quality and quantity of the water
supplied by a water treatment plant or a water distribution system, or the quality of the
effluent from a wastewater treatment plant or the integrity of a wastewater collection system.

(6) “Person in direct charge” as used in these rules means the person or persons expressly
designated to be in direct charge and so named in writing to the Board’s authorized
representative by each water supply system and wastewater system, whose decisions and
directions to system personnel control the manipulation of equipment and thereby determine
the quality and quantity of the water supplied by a water treatment plant or a water
distribution system, or the quality of the effluent from a wastewater treatment plant or the
integrity of a wastewater collection system.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201 et seq. and 68-221-901 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
May 21, 2014; effective August 19, 2014. Rule renumbered from 1200-05-03.



(1) Water treatment plants shall be classified by the Board or its authorized representative into
one of five groups, designated either as Small Water, Grade I, II, III, or IV. These
classifications shall be made according to the number of population served, the type of
treatment plant, and the complexity of treatment required for a particular water.

(2) The classification of a water treatment plant or a water distribution system may be changed
by the Board or its authorized representative because of changes in the conditions or the
circumstances upon which the original classification was based. Notice of such a
classification change shall be given to the management officers of the plant or system.

(3) Types of Water Systems:

April, 2017 (Revised) 7


(Rule 0400-49-01-.08, continued)

Push-button or visual methods for simple tests such as pH, settleable
solids ...………………………………………………………………... 3 pts.
Additional procedures such as DO, COD, BOD, gas analysis, titrations,
solids, volatile content ……………………………………………….. 5 pts.
More advanced determinations such as specific nutrients, total oils,
phenols, etc …………………………………………………………... 7 pts.
Highly sophisticated instrumentation such as atomic absorption and gas
chromatography ………………………………………………………10 pts.

These terms describe the minimum level of effluent quality attainable for treated
wastewater under standard design conditions in terms of the arithmetic mean of the
values for effluent samples collected in a period of thirty (30) consecutive days for the
following parameters: five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD 5 ); total suspended
solids (TSS); and acidity/alkalinity (pH).

1. “Equivalent to secondary wastewater treatment” means the 30-day average for

BOD 5 does not exceed 45 mg/l and there is no ammonia limit.

2. “Secondary wastewater treatment” means the 30-day average for BOD 5 does not
exceed 30 mg/l and there is no ammonia limit.

3. “Advanced secondary wastewater treatment” means that the biochemical oxygen

demand is expressed as the carbonaceous form (CBOD 5 ) that is equal to or
greater than 10 mg/l and is equal to or less than 25 mg/l; and there is an
ammonia limit.

4. “Tertiary wastewater treatment” means that the CBOD 5 is less than 10 mg/l and
there is an ammonia limit.

(b) Grade I Collection System. This classification is for a wastewater collection system
that uses collector and/or transmission lines to transport wastewater to a treatment
plant and which serves no more than five thousand (5,000) service connections.

(c) Grade II Collection System. This classification is for a wastewater collection system
that uses collector and/or transmission lines to transport wastewater to a treatment
plant and which serves more than five thousand (5,000) service connections.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201 et seq. and 68-221-901 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
May 21, 2014; effective August 19, 2014. Rule renumbered from 1200-05-03.



(1) (a) Grade IV Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator

Certification as an operator in this classification will be made only upon the satisfactory
completion by the applicant of the requirements of either parts 1 or 2 of this

1. An applicant must have a bachelor degree in engineering, chemistry or a related

science from an accredited college or university, must have twelve (12) months
of operating experience at a Grade III or a Grade IV Wastewater Treatment plant,
and must satisfactorily complete a written examination.

April, 2017 (Revised) 18


(Rule 0400-49-01-.09, continued)

Lift stations
Lines and equipment
Pipeline installation
Service connection installation
Leak detection
TV crew activities
Line repairs
Line cleaning
Manhole maintenance

(5) Summary of Wastewater Treatment Plant and Collection System Operator Education and

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators

Classification Experience Maximum Training Maximum Related

or College Work Substitution
Experience needed with: HS BS Degree Substitution

Grade IV Gained at a Grade III or IV Wastewater Plant *60 months 12 Months 36 Months 24 Months
*Regardless of the substitution allowances, a minimum of 1 year of actual work experience is required

Grade III Gained at a Grade II or III Wastewater Plant 12 Months 3 Months

Grade II Gained at a Grade I or II Wastewater Plant 12 Months 3 Months

Grade I Gained at a Grade I Wastewater Plant 12 Months 3 Months

Gained at Biological/Natural and 12 Months
Grade I Wastewater Plant 6 Months

Grade BNS Gained at a BNS Wastewater Plant 12 Months 3 Months


Classification Experience Maximum Training Maximum Related

or College Work Substitution
Experience needed with: HS Education Substitution

Grade II Gained at a Collection I or II System 12 Months 3 Months

Grade I Gained at a Collection I or II System 12 Months 3 Months

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201 et seq. and 68-221-901 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
May 21, 2014; effective August 19, 2014. Rule renumbered from 1200-05-03.


At least once during every continuing education period each certified operator shall satisfactorily complete
the required number of continuing education hours approved by the Board for the particular type of
certificate he/she holds. The continuing education period for a certified operator shall begin either with the
date the certified operator obtained his/her certificate or the date the certified operator last satisfactorily
completed the required number of continuing education hours and shall end at the conclusion of the
annual continuing education term three (3) calendar years thereafter. An annual continuing education

April, 2017 (Revised) 22


(Rule 0400-49-01-.10, continued)

term shall begin each year on October 1 and shall end on September 30 of the following year. The failure
of an operator to satisfactorily complete the required number of continuing education hours approved by
the Board Secretary during his/her continuing education period shall be grounds for the denial of his/her
application for the renewal of his/her certificate. An operator shall notify the Board Secretary upon his/her
satisfactory completion of the continuing education requirement by furnishing appropriate documentation
of course completion. Notification by the operator is not necessary in those cases where an agency
notifies the Board Secretary of such activity. An operator that fails to satisfactorily complete the required
number of continuing education hours during his/her continuing education period due to an unusual event
such as an incapacitating illness or similar unavoidable circumstances may make a written request to the
Board for an extension of time to do so. All requests by an operator for an extension of time to meet the
continuing education requirement must be made in writing to the Board either within two (2) months of the
elapsed continuing education period or by the date of return of the operator to active employment,
whichever is later. All such requests must be accompanied by complete supporting documentation of the
circumstances causing the failure to meet the continuing education requirement.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201 et seq. and 68-221-901 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
May 21, 2014; effective August 19, 2014. Rule renumbered from 1200-05-03.


(1) An operator’s certificate may be revoked when:

(a) In accordance with paragraph (2) of this rule, an operator has not used reasonable
care, judgment, or the application of his/her knowledge in the performance of his/her
duties as a certified operator, or

(b) In accordance with paragraph (3) of this rule, an operator is incompetent to perform
those duties properly; or

(c) In accordance with paragraph (4) of this rule, an operator has practiced fraud or

(2) An operator shall be deemed to have not used reasonable care, judgment, or the application
of his/her knowledge in the performance of his/her duties if he/she does not comply with the
laws, rules, permit requirements, or orders of any governmental agency or court which
govern the water supply system or the wastewater system he/she operates. Such acts of
noncompliance include but are not limited to the following:

(a) The intentional or the negligent failure by the operator or persons under his/her
supervision to act that results in a water supply system facility or a wastewater system
facility not operating in the manner in which it is capable of being operated for the
performance of its designed function.

(b) The intentional or the negligent failure by the operator or persons under his/her
supervision to comply with the monitoring, sampling, analysis, or reporting
requirements for a water supply system facility or a wastewater system facility.

(c) The intentional or the negligent unlawful discharge of wastes from a water supply
system facility or a wastewater system facility.

(d) The intentional or the negligent failure by the operator or persons under his/her
supervision to notify the Department of conditions: which may affect the quantity or
quality of water being supplied to the customers of a water supply system; which cause
the pollution of the waters of the State of Tennessee; or, which are violative of a
standard of water quality promulgated by any governmental agency.

April, 2017 (Revised) 23


(Rule 0400-49-01-.11, continued)

(3) An operator shall be deemed to be incompetent to perform his/her duties properly when
he/she does not possess the basic skills and knowledge necessary to operate a water supply
system facility or a wastewater system facility including laboratory functions or if he/she fails
to have a system of verification and oversight of employees under his/her charge.
Incompetency shall be determined by examining the technical skills of the operator in
operating the type of facility of which he/she is in direct charge.

(4) An operator shall be deemed to have practiced fraud or deception as follows:

(a) Obtained his/her certificate through fraud, deceit, or the submission of inaccurate data
regarding his/her qualifications upon his/her application for a certificate.;

(b) Has practiced fraud or deception during the performance of his/her duties as a certified
operator; or

(c) Has prepared and/or signed reports of laboratory analysis results for the system that:

1. Contain inaccurate data and are known or should be known by the operator to be
false; or,

2. Contain inaccurate data because the operator has not used reasonable care,
judgment, or the application of his/her knowledge either in the performance of the
laboratory analysis or in the preparation of the laboratory analytical reports.

(5) Revocation

(a) The Commissioner may initiate the process to revoke a certificate when he/she
believes an operator has engaged in any of the activities set forth in paragraph (1) of
this rule.

(b) The Commissioner shall give notice by mail to the affected operator of facts or conduct
that warrants revocation of the certificate and give the affected operator an opportunity
to show compliance with these rules by conducting an informal hearing as provided in
T.C.A. § 4-5-320(c).

(c) After the T.C.A. § 4-5-320(c) informal hearing, if the Commissioner determines that the
affected operator has failed to demonstrate compliance, the Commissioner shall issue
a notice of hearing for revocation and include a recommendation to the Board to revoke
and reinstate or not to reinstate the certificate. Any recommendation of reinstatement of
the certificate shall include terms for such reinstatement.

(d) The notice of hearing for revocation shall contain the information required by part 1 of
this subparagraph and be served in accordance with part 2 of this subparagraph.

1. The notice shall include:

(i) A statement of the time, place, nature of the hearing, and the right to be
represented by counsel;

(ii) A statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing
is to be held, including a reference to the particular sections of the statute
and rules involved; and

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(Rule 0400-49-01-.11, continued)

(iii) A short and plain statement of the facts or conduct that warrant a
revocation. (If the Commissioner is unable to state the matters in detail at
the time the notice is served, the initial notice may be limited to a statement
of the issues involved. Thereafter, upon timely, written application a more
definite and detailed statement shall be furnished ten (10) days prior to the
time set the hearing.)

2. A copy of the notice of hearing shall be:

(i) Served upon the operator no later than thirty (30) days prior to the hearing
date; and

(ii) Served by personal service, return receipt mail or equivalent carrier with a
return receipt,

A person making personal service on the operator affected shall return a

statement indicating the time and place of service, and a return receipt must be
signed by the operator affected. However, if the affected operator evades or
attempts to evade service, service may be made by leaving the notice or a copy
of the notice at the affected operator’s dwelling house or usual place of abode
with some person of suitable age and discretion residing therein, whose name
shall appear on the proof of service or return receipt card. Service may also be
made by delivering the notice or copy to an agent authorized by appointment or
by law to receive service on behalf of the affected operator, or by any other
method allowed by law in judicial proceedings.

(6) Summary Suspension and Revocation

(a) The Commissioner may initiate the process of summary suspension and revocation of
the certificate when the Commissioner believes that an emergency action is needed to
protect the public health, safety or welfare.

(b) The Commissioner shall give a notice to the affected operator by any reasonable
means and shall inform the affected operator of the intended action, the acts or
conduct that warrants summary suspension and revocation of the certificate and hold
an informal hearing, as provided in T.C.A. § 4-5-320(d), to give the operator an
opportunity to address the issue of whether there is an emergency.

(c) The Commissioner shall appoint a hearing officer to conduct this T.C.A. § 4-5-320(d)
hearing and the hearing shall be recorded and transcribed.

(d) After the informal hearing as provided in T.C.A. § 4-5-320(d), if the Commissioner
determines that an emergency action is warranted, the Commissioner shall issue an
Order of Summary Suspension and a notice of hearing for revocation and include a
recommendation to the Board to reinstate or not to reinstate the certificate. Any
recommendation of reinstatement of the certificate shall include terms for such

(e) The Order of Summary Suspension and the notice for revocation shall contain the
information required by part (5)(d)1 of this rule and be served in accordance with part
(5)(d)2 of this rule.

(f) When the Commissioner has issued an Order of Summary Suspension and Notice of
Revocation, the Board shall conduct its revocation hearing and render a decision within
ninety (90) days of the operator’s summary suspension. In the event the Board does

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(Rule 0400-49-01-.11, continued)

not render its decision within ninety (90) days of the operator’s summary suspension,
the Order of Summary Suspension shall expire and no longer be in force or effect.
However, the Commissioner may reissue an Order of Summary Suspension in
accordance with this paragraph, for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days.

(7) The revocation hearing before the Board shall be held in accordance with T.C.A. §§ 4-5-301
et seq. and Rule Chapter 1360-04-01 Uniform Rules of Procedure for Hearing Contested
Cases Before State Administrative Agencies.

(8) The Board may revoke the certificate of an operator when it is found that the operator has
practiced fraud or deception; that reasonable care, judgment or the application of such
operator’s knowledge was not used in performance of such operator’s duties; or that the
operator is incompetent to properly perform such operator’s duties. If the certificate is
revoked and is to be reinstated, the Board shall determine the timing, terms and conditions
for reinstatement.

(9) An operator who receives an order of the Board for the revocation of his/her certificate may
appeal the order to the Chancery Court of Davidson County within sixty (60) days.

(10) An operator whose certificate is revoked for failure to use reasonable care, judgment or the
application of operator knowledge in performing the operator’s duties or for incompetency
shall be ineligible to again apply for certification as an operator for a minimum of one (1) year.
An operator whose certificate is revoked for practicing fraud or deception, willfully violating
regulations or permit conditions, or falsifying records and reports shall be ineligible to again
apply for certification as an operator for a minimum of five years. When an operator whose
certificate has been revoked has applied for a certificate after the minimum time has passed,
the Board shall determine whether the operator has taken appropriate action to address the
circumstances that were the cause of the revocation. The Board may request records and
review his/her experience, education, training and past performance. The Board may
request the former operator’s presence at a meeting of the Board and interview him/her to
assess the potential of future violations. After the reviews, the Board shall decide to accept
or refuse the application.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201 et seq. and 68-221-901 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
May 21, 2014; effective August 19, 2014. Rule renumbered from 1200-05-03.

0400-49-01-.12 CIVIL PENALTIES.

(1) The Commissioner may assess the civil penalty authorized by law against a municipality,
utility district, corporation, or any person operating a water supply system or a wastewater
system if the competency of the person in direct charge of a system facility has not first been
certified in accordance with these rules.

(2) A certified operator may be assessed the civil penalty authorized by law for the same acts
and omissions that would constitute grounds for the revocation of his/her certificate by the

(3) Prior to issuing an order that assess a civil penalty, in accordance with paragraphs (1) and (2)
of this rule the Commissioner may hold a show cause meeting with the person or entity to
whom the order is proposed to be issued.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201 et seq. and 68-221-901 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
May 21, 2014; effective August 19, 2014. Rule renumbered from 1200-05-03.

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CHAPTER 0400-45-01


0400-45-01-.01 Authority 0400-45-01-.22 Reserved

0400-45-01-.02 Purpose 0400-45-01-.23 Reserved
0400-45-01-.03 Scope 0400-45-01-.24 Sodium Monitoring
0400-45-01-.04 Definitions 0400-45-01-.25 Volatile Organic Chemicals
0400-45-01-.05 Supervision of Design and Construction 0400-45-01-.26 Volatile Organic Chemical Sampling
0400-45-01-.06 Maximum Contaminant Levels Analytical and Other Requirements
0400-45-01-.07 Monitoring 0400-45-01-.27 Reserved
0400-45-01-.08 Turbidity Sampling and Analytical 0400-45-01-.28 Reserved
Requirements 0400-45-01-.29 Use of Non-Centralized Treatment Devices
0400-45-01-.09 Inorganic Chemical Sampling and Analytical 0400-45-01-.30 Reserved
Requirements 0400-45-01-.31 Filtration and Disinfection
0400-45-01-.10 Organic Chemical Sampling and Analytical 0400-45-01-.32 Fees for Public Water Systems
Requirements 0400-45-01-.33 Control of Lead and Copper
0400-45-01-.11 Radionuclide Sampling 0400-45-01-.34 Drinking Water Source Protection
0400-45-01-.12 Secondary Drinking Water Regulations 0400-45-01-.35 Consumer Confidence Reports
0400-45-01-.13 Alternative Analytical Techniques 0400-45-01-.36 Disinfectant Residuals, Disinfection
0400-45-01-.14 Laboratory Certification Byproducts, and Disinfection Byproduct
0400-45-01-.15 Monitoring of Consecutive Public Water Precursors
Systems 0400-45-01-.37 Stage 2 Initial Distribution System
0400-45-01-.16 Siting Requirements Evaluation for Disinfection Byproducts
0400-45-01-.17 Operation and Maintenance Requirements 0400-45-01-.38 Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts
0400-45-01-.18 Reporting Requirements Requirements (LRAA)
0400-45-01-.19 Notification of Customers 0400-45-01-.39 Enhanced Treatment for Cryptosporidium
0400-45-01-.20 Record Maintenance 0400-45-01-.40 Ground Water Rule
0400-45-01-.21 Monitoring for Corrosivity Characteristics 0400-45-01-.41 Revised Total Coliform Rule

0400-45-01-.01 AUTHORITY.

(1) These rules and regulations are issued under the authority of Public Acts of 1983, Chapter

(2) The Division of Water Supply is responsible for the supervision of public water systems.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-221-701 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
August 1, 2012; effective October 30, 2012. Rule was previously numbered 1200-05-01.

0400-45-01-.02 PURPOSE.

(1) The purpose of these rules and regulations is to provide guidelines for the interpretation of
T.C.A. § 68-221-701 et seq. and to set out the procedures to be followed by the Department
in carrying out the Department’s primary enforcement responsibility under the Federal Safe
Drinking Water Act. These rules and regulations set out the requirements which agents,
employees or representatives of public water systems must meet in the following areas: in
the preparation and submission of plan documents for public water systems; in the
supervision of all phases of construction; in supplying safe drinking water meeting all
applicable maximum contaminant levels or treatment technique requirements; in providing

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(Rule 0400-45-01-.02, continued)

adequate operation and maintenance of the system; and in complying with procedural
requirements for appealing orders issued by the Commissioner of the Tennessee
Department of Environment and Conservation against a public water system.

(2) Where the terms “shall” and “must” are used, practice and usage is sufficiently standardized
to indicate a mandatory requirement, insofar as any complaint action by the Department is
concerned. Other items, such as should, recommend, preferred, and the like, indicate
desirable procedures or methods.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-221-701 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
August 1, 2012; effective October 30, 2012. Rule was previously numbered 1200-05-01.

0400-45-01-.03 SCOPE.

These rules will apply to all public water supply systems that provide water for human consumption
through pipes or other constructed conveyances, if such system has at least fifteen (15) service
connections or regularly serves an average of at least twenty-five (25) individuals daily at least sixty (60)
days out of the year. A public water supply system is either a community water system or a non-
community water system. A community water system is a public water supply system which serves at
least fifteen (15) service connections used by year-round residents or regularly serves at least twenty-five
(25) year-round residents. A non-community water system is a public water supply system that is not a
community water system and which generally serves a transient population such as hotels, motels,
restaurants, camps, service stations churches, industry, etc. A Non-Transient Non-Community Water
System is a non-community water system that regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons over six
(6) months per year. These rules do not apply to public water systems which meet all of the following

(1) consists only of distribution and storage facilities (and does not have any collection and
treatment facilities);

(2) obtains all of its water from, but is not owned or operated by, a public water system to which
such regulations apply;

(3) does not sell water to any person; and

(4) is not a carrier which conveys passengers in interstate commerce.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-221-701 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
August 1, 2012; effective October 30, 2012. Rule was previously numbered 1200-05-01.

0400-45-01-.04 DEFINITIONS.

(1) "Action level" is the concentration of lead or copper in water which may determine the
treatment requirements that a water system is required to complete.

(2) “Bag Filters” are pressure-driven separation devices that remove particulate matter larger
than 1 micrometer using an engineered porous filtration media. They are typically
constructed on a non-rigid fabric filtration media housed in a pressure vessel in which the
direction of flow is from the inside of the bag to outside.

(3) “Bank Filtration” is a water treatment process that uses a well to recover surface water that
has naturally infiltrated into ground water through a river bed or bank(s). Infiltration is
typically enhanced by the hydraulic gradient imposed by nearby pumping water supply or
other wells.

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(Rule 0400-45-01-.04, continued)

(4) “Benchmark” A disinfection benchmark is the lowest monthly average value of the monthly
logs of Garidia Lamblia inactivation.

(5) “Business Plan” means a document which identifies source(s) of income or revenue sufficient
to meet expenses over a three (3) year period. The business plan will identify costs related
to retaining a certified operator, estimated annual infrastructure repair costs, depreciation,
facility maintenance fees, estimated annual monitoring costs, estimated costs of providing
public notices, estimated administrative costs, and any and all other operational, treatment,
and related costs (e.g. chemicals and other supplies used to treat water, etc.). The business
plan must include the re-payment of borrowed and amortized funds.

(6) “Capacity Development Plan” means a document(s) identifying what actions a public water
system is taking or shall take to become a “viable water system.” Such plan shall include
information concerning retention of a Certified Operator in direct charge; system ownership
and accountability; staffing and organizational structure; fiscal management and controls,
source water assessment and protection plan; “business plan;” and any and all other
information identifying any further action that shall be taken.

(7) “Cartridge filters” are pressure-driven separation devices that remove particulate matter
larger than 1 micrometer using an engineered porous filtration media. They are typically
constructed a rigid or semi-rigid self-supporting filter elements housed in pressure vessels in
which flow is from the outside of the cartridge to the inside.

(8) "Clean compliance history” is, for the purposes of Rule 0400-45-01-.41, a record of no MCL
violations under paragraph (4) of Rule 0400-45-01-.06; no monitoring violations under Rule
0400-45-01-.07 or Rule 0400-45-01-.41; and no coliform treatment technique trigger
exceedances or treatment technique violations under Rule 0400-45-01-.41.

(9) “Coagulation” means a process using coagulant chemicals and mixing by which colloidal and
suspended materials are destabilized and agglomerated into flocs.

(10) "Combined distribution system” is the interconnected distribution system consisting of the
distribution systems of wholesale systems and of the consecutive systems that receive
finished water.

(11) "Community Water System" means a public water system which serves at least fifteen (15)
service connections used by year round residents or regularly serves at least twenty five (25)
year round residents.

(12) "Compliance cycle" means the nine year calendar year cycle during which public water
systems must monitor for certain contaminants. Each compliance cycle consists of three
three year compliance periods. The first calendar year cycle begins January 1, 1993 and
ends December 31, 2001; the second begins January 1, 2002 and ends December 31, 2010;
the third begins January 1, 2011 and ends December 31, 2019.

(13) “Compliance period" means a three year calendar year period within a compliance cycle.
Each compliance cycle has three three year compliance periods. Within the first compliance
cycle, the first compliance period runs from January 1, 1993 to December 31, 1995; the
second from January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1998; the third from January 1, 1999 to
December 31, 2001.

(14) "Comprehensive performance evaluation (CPE)” is a thorough review and analysis of a

treatment plant’s performance based capabilities and associated administrative, operation
and maintenance practices. It is conducted to identify factors that may be adversely
impacting a plant’s capability to achieve compliance and emphasizes approaches that can be
implemented without significant capital improvements. For purposes of compliance, the

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(Rule 0400-45-01-.04, continued)

comprehensive performance evaluation must consist of at least the following components:
assessment of plant performance; evaluation of major unit processes; identification and
prioritization of performance limiting factors; assessment of the applicability of
comprehensive technical assistance; and preparation of a CPE report.

(15) "Confluent growth" means a continuous bacterial growth covering the entire filtration area of a
membrane filter, or a portion thereof, in which bacterial colonies are not discrete.

(16) “Connection” means the point at which there is a meter or service tap if no meter is present.

(17) "Consecutive system is a public water system that receives some or all of its finished water
from one or more wholesale systems. Delivery may be through a direct connection or through
the distribution system of one or more consecutive systems.

(18) "Contaminant” means any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter
in water.

(19) "Conventional filtration treatment" means a series of processes including coagulation,

flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration resulting in substantial particulate removal.

(20) "Corrosion inhibitor" means a substance capable of reducing the corrosivity of water toward
metal plumbing materials, especially lead and copper, by forming a protective film on the
interior surface of those materials.

(21) "CT" or "CTcalc" is the product of "residual disinfectant concentration" (C) in mg/1 determined
before or at the first customer, and the corresponding "disinfectant contact time" (T) in
minutes, i.e., "C" x "T". If a public water system applies disinfectants at more than one point
prior to the first customer, it must determine the CT of each disinfectant sequence before or
at the first customer to determine the total percent inactivation or "total inactivation ratio". In
determining the total inactivation ratio, the public water system must determine the residual
disinfectant concentration of each disinfection sequence and corresponding contact time
before any subsequent disinfection application point(s). "CT99.9" is the CT value required for
99.9 percent (3 log) inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts. CT99.9 for a variety of disinfectants
and conditions appear in Tables 1.1 through 1.6, 2.1, and 3.1 of part (5)(b)3 of Rule 0400-45-


is the inactivation ratio. The sum of the inactivation ratios, or total inactivation ratio shown as

Σ (CT99.9)
is calculated by adding together the inactivation ratio for each disinfection sequence. A total
inactivation ratio equal to or greater than 1.0 is assumed to provide a 3 log inactivation of
Giardia lamblia cyst. Disinfectant concentrations must be determined by tracer studies or an
equivalent demonstration approved by the Department.

(22) "Department” when used in these regulations shall mean the Division of Water Supply,
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, or one of the Division's Field

(23) "Diatomaceous earth filtration" means a process resulting in substantial particulate removal in
which (1) a precoat cake of diatomaceous earth filter media is deposited on a support
membrane (septum), and (2) while the water is filtered by passing through the cake on the

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(Rule 0400-45-01-.04, continued)

septum, additional filter media known as body feed is continuously added to the feed water to
maintain the permeability of the filter cake.

(24) "Direct filtration" means a series of processes including coagulation and filtration but
excluding sedimentation resulting in substantial particulate removal.

(25) "Disinfectant” means any oxidant, including but not limited to chlorine, chlorine dioxide,
chloramines, and ozone added to water in any part of the treatment or distribution process,
that is intended to kill or inactivate pathogenic microorganisms.

(26) "Disinfectant contact time" ("T" in CT calculations) means the time in minutes that it takes for
water to move from the point of disinfectant application or the previous point of disinfectant
residual measurement to a point before or at the point where residual disinfectant
concentration ("C") is measured. Where only one "C" is measured, "T" is the time in minutes
that it takes for water to move from the point of disinfectant application to a point before or at
where residual disinfectant concentration ("C") is measured. Where more than one "C" is
measured, "T" is (a) for the first measurement of "C", the time in minutes that it takes for
water to move from the first or only point of disinfectant application to a point before or at the
point where the first "C" is measured and (b) for subsequent measurements of "C", the time
in minutes that it takes for water to move from the previous "C" measurement point to the "C"
measurement point for which the particular "T" is being calculated. Disinfectant contact time
in pipelines must be calculated based on "plug flow" by dividing the internal volume of the
pipe by the maximum hourly flow rate through that pipe. Disinfectant contact time within
mixing basins and storage reservoirs must be determined by tracer studies or an equivalent

(27) “Disinfection” means a process which inactivates pathogenic organisms in water by chemical
oxidants or equivalent agents.

(28) "Disinfection profile” is a summary of daily Giardia lamblia inactivation through the treatment
plant. The procedure for developing a disinfection profile is contained in 40 CFR 141.172.

(29) "Distribution System" means all water lines up to the point of a meter. For unmetered
systems distribution system includes all lines up to the customer's service tap.

(30) "Domestic or other non distribution system plumbing problem" means a coliform
contamination problem in a public water system with more than one service connection that
is limited to the specific service connection from which the coliform positive sample was

(31) “Dose Equivalent" means the product of the absorbed dose from ionizing radiation and such
factors as account for differences in biological effectiveness due to the type of radiation and
its distribution in the body as specified by the International Commission on Radiological Units
and Measurements (ICRU).

(32) "Dual sample set” is a set of two samples collected at the same time and same location, with
one sample analyzed for TTHM and the other sample analyzed for HAA5. Dual sample sets
are collected for the purposes of conducting an IDSE under the provisions of Rule 0400-45-
01-.37 and determining compliance with the TTHM and HAA5 MCLs under the provisions of
Rule 0400-45-01-.38.

(33) "Effective corrosion inhibitor residual" for the purpose of the lead and copper rules only,
means a concentration sufficient to form a passivating film on the interior walls of a pipe.

(34) “Engineer” means the person or firm who designed the public water system and conceived,
developed, executed or supervised the preparation of the plan documents.

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(Rule 0400-45-01-.04, continued)

(35) “Enhanced coagulation” means the addition of sufficient coagulant for improved removal of
disinfection byproduct precursors by conventional filtration treatment.

(36) “Enhanced softening” means the improved removal of disinfection byproduct precursors by
precipitative softening.

(37) "Filter profile” is a graphical representation of individual filter performance, based on

continuous turbidity measurements or total particle counts versus time for an entire filter run,
from startup to backwash inclusively, that includes an assessment of filter performance while
another filter is being backwashed.

(38) “Filtration” means a process for removing particulate matter from water by passage through
porous media.

(39) "Finished water” is water that is introduced into the distribution system of a public water
system and is intended for distribution and consumption without further treatment, except as
treatment necessary to maintain water quality in the distribution system (e.g., booster
disinfection, addition of corrosion control chemicals).

(40) “First draw sample" means a one liter sample of tap water, for the purposes of the lead and
copper rules, that has been standing in plumbing pipes at least 6 hours and is collected
without flushing the tap.

(41) “Flooculation” means a process to enhance agglomeration or collection of smaller floc

particles into larger, more easily settleable particles through gentle stirring by hydraulic or
mechanical means.

(42) “Flowing stream” is a course of running water flowing in a definite channel.

(43) “GAC10” means granular activated carbon filter beds with an empty-bed contact time of 10
minutes based on average daily flow and a carbon reactivation frequency of every 180 days,
except that the reactivation frequency for GAC10 used as best available technology for
compliance with disinfection byproducts shall be 120 days.

(44) "GAC20” means granular activated carbon filter beds with an empty-bed contact time of 20
minutes based on average daily flow and a carbon reactivation frequency of every 240 days.

(45) "Gross Alpha Particle Activity" means the total radioactivity due to alpha particle emission as
inferred from measurements on a dry sample.

(46) “Gross Beta Particle Activity" means the total radioactivity due to beta particle emission as
inferred from measurements on a dry sample.

(47) “Ground water under the direct influence of surface water” means any water beneath the
surface of the ground with significant occurrence of insects or other macroorganisms, algae,
or large diameter pathogens such as Giardia lamblia or Cryptosporidium, or significant and
relatively rapid shifts in water characteristics such as turbidity, temperature, conductivity, or
pH which closely correlate to climatological or surface water conditions. Direct influence
must be determined for individual sources in accordance with criteria established by the
Department. The Department determination of direct influence may be based on site specific
measurements of water quality and/or documentation of well construction characteristics and
geology with field evaluation.

(48) "Haloacetic acids (five) (HAA5)” mean the sum of the concentrations in milligrams per liter of
the haloacetic acid compounds (monochloroacetic acid, dichloroacetic acid, trichloroacetic

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(Rule 0400-45-01-.04, continued)

acid, monobromoacetic acid, and dibromoacetic acid), rounded to two significant figures after

(49) “Halogen” means one of the chemical elements chlorine, bromine or iodine.

(50) "Human Consumption” - means the use of water that involves any drinking or ingestion of the
water by humans, any human skin contact or food preparation where the food is not brought
to boiling temperatures after contact with the water.

(51) “Initial compliance period" means the first full three year compliance period which begins
January 1, 1993. For public water systems having fewer than 150 service connections initial
compliance period shall be January 2, 1996, for the following contaminants:

(a) Antimony (m) endrin

(b) Beryllium (n) glyphosate
(c) Cyanide (o) oxamyl
(d) Nickel (p) picloram
(e) Thallium (q) simazine
(f) dichloromethane (r) benzo(a)pyrene
(g) 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (s) di(2ethylhexyl)adipate
(h) 1,1,2-trichloroethane (t) di(2ethylhexyl)phthalate
(i) dalapon (u) hexachlorobenzene
(j) dinoseb (v) hexachlorocyclopentadiene
(k) diquat (w) 2,3,7,8 TCDD
(l) endothall

(52) "Lake/reservoir” refers to a natural or man-made basin or hollow on the earth’s surface in
which water collects or is stored that may or may not have a current or single direction of

(53) "Large water system" for the purpose of lead and copper rule, means a water system that
serves more than 50,000 persons.

(54) "Lead service line" means a service line made of lead which connects the water main to the
building inlet and any lead pigtail, gooseneck or other fitting which is connected to such lead

(55) “Legionella” means a genus of bacteria, some species of which have caused a type of
pneumonia called Legionnaires Disease.

(56) "Level 1 assessment” is an evaluation to identify the possible presence of sanitary defects,
defects in distribution system coliform monitoring practices, and (when possible) the likely
reason that the system triggered the assessment. It is conducted by the system operator or
owner. Minimum elements include review and identification of atypical events that could
affect distributed water quality or indicate that distributed water quality was impaired;
changes in distribution system maintenance and operation that could affect distributed water
quality (including water storage); source and treatment considerations that bear on
distributed water quality, where appropriate (e.g., whether a ground water system is
disinfected); existing water quality monitoring data; and inadequacies in sample sites,
sampling protocol, and sample processing. The system must conduct the assessment
consistent with any Department directives that tailor specific assessment elements with
respect to the size and type of the system and the size, type, and characteristics of the
distribution system.

(57) "Level 2 assessment” is an evaluation to identify the possible presence of sanitary defects,
defects in distribution system coliform monitoring practices, and (when possible) the likely

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(Rule 0400-45-01-.04, continued)

reason that the system triggered the assessment. A Level 2 assessment provides a more
detailed examination of the system (including the system’s monitoring and operational
practices) than does a Level 1 assessment through the use of more comprehensive
investigation and review of available information, additional internal and external resources,
and other relevant practices. It is conducted by an individual approved by the Department,
which may include the system operator. Minimum elements include review and identification
of atypical events that could affect distributed water quality or indicate that distributed water
quality was impaired; changes in distribution system maintenance and operation that could
affect distributed water quality (including water storage); source and treatment considerations
that bear on distributed water quality, where appropriate (e.g., whether a ground water
system is disinfected); existing water quality monitoring data; and inadequacies in sample
sites, sampling protocol, and sample processing. The system must conduct the assessment
consistent with any Department directives that tailor specific assessment elements with
respect to the size and type of the system and the size, type, and characteristics of the
distribution system. The system must comply with any expedited actions or additional actions
required by the Department in the case of an E. coli MCL violation.

(58) “Locational running annual average (LRAA)” is the average of sample analytical results for
samples taken at a particular monitoring location during the previous four calendar quarters.

(59) "Man-Made Beta Particle and Photon Emitter" means all radionuclides emitting beta particles
and/or photons listed in "Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible
Concentration of Radionuclides in Air or Water for Occupational Exposure, NBS Handbook
69", except the daughter products of thorium 232, uranium 235 and uranium 238..

(60) "Maximum Contaminant Level" means the maximum permissible level of a contaminant in
water which is delivered at the free flowing outlet of the ultimate user of a public water
system, except in the case of turbidity where the maximum permissible level is measured at
the point of entry to the distribution system. Contaminants added to the water under
circumstances controlled by the user, except those resulting from corrosion of piping and
plumbing caused by water quality, are excluded from this definition.

(61) “Maximum contaminant level goal” or “MCLG” means that the maximum level of the
contaminant in drinking water at which no known or anticipated adverse effect on the health
of persons would occur, and which allows an adequate margin of safety. Maximum
contaminant level goals are non-enforceable health goals.

(62) "Maximum residual disinfectant level (MRDL)” means a level of a disinfectant added for water
treatment that may not be exceeded at the consumer’s tap without an unacceptable
possibility of adverse health effects. For chlorine and chloramines, a PWS is in compliance
with the MRDL when the running annual average of monthly averages of samples taken in
the distribution system, computed quarterly, is less than or equal to the MRDL. For chlorine
dioxide, a PWS is in compliance with the MRDL when daily samples are taken at the
entrance to the distribution system and no two consecutive daily samples exceed the MRDL.
MRDLs are enforceable in the same manner as maximum contaminant levels under Section
1412 of the Safe Drinking Water Act. There is convincing evidence that addition of a
disinfectant is necessary for control of waterborne microbial contaminants. Notwithstanding
the MRDLs, operators may increase residual disinfectant levels of chlorine or chloramines
(but not chlorine dioxide) in the distribution system to a level and for a time necessary to
protect public health to address specific microbiological contamination problems caused by
circumstances such as distribution line breaks, storm runoff events, source water
contamination, or cross-connections.

(63) "Maximum Total Trihalomethane Potential (MTP)" means the maximum concentration of total
trihalomethanes produced in a given water containing a disinfectant residual after 7 days at a
temperature of 25°C or above.

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(Rule 0400-45-01-.04, continued)

(64) "Medium- size water system" for the purpose of the lead and copper rule means a water
system that serves greater than 3,300 and less than or equal to 50,000 persons.

(65) "Membrane filtration” is a pressure or vacuum driven separation process in which particulate
matter larger than 1 micrometer is rejected by an engineered barrier, primarily through a size
exclusion mechanism, and which has a measurable removal efficiency of a target organism
that can be verified through the application of a direct integrity test. This definition includes
the common membrane technologies of microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and
reverse osmosis.

(66) "Near the first service connection" means at one of the twenty percent of all service
connections in the entire system that are nearest the water supply treatment facility, as
measured by the water transport time within the distribution system.

(67) "Non-Community Water System" means a public water system that is not a community water
system. A non-community water system is either a “transient non-community water system”
(TNCWS) or a “non-transient non-community water system” (NTNCWS).

(68) "Non-Transient Non-Community Water System" or NTNCWS" means a non-community water

system that regularly serves at least twenty five (25) of the same persons over six (6) months
per year.

(69) “Optimal corrosion control treatment" for the purpose of lead and copper rule only means the
corrosion control treatment that minimizes the lead and copper concentrations at user's taps
while insuring that the treatment does not cause the water system to violate any primary
drinking water regulation.

(70) "Person” means any individual, corporation, company, association, partnership, State,
municipality, utility district, water cooperative, or Federal agency.

(71) "Picocurie” (pCi) means that quantity of radioactive material producing 2.22 nuclear
transformations per minute.

(72) "Plan Documents" mean reports, proposals, preliminary plans, survey and basis of design
data, general and detailed construction plans, profiles, specifications and all other information
pertaining to public water system planning.

(73) “Plant intake” refers to the works or structures at the head of a conduit through which water is
diverted from a source (e.g., river or lake) into the treatment plant.

(74) “Point of disinfectant application" is the point where the disinfectant is applied and water
downstream of that point is not subject to recontamination by surface water runoff.

(75) “Point-of-Entry Treatment Device" (POE) means a device applied to the drinking water
entering a house or building for the purpose of reducing contaminants in the drinking water
distributed throughout the house or building.

(76) “Point-of-Use Treatment Device" (POU) means a treatment device applied to a single tap
used for the purpose of reducing contaminants in drinking water at that one tap.

(77) “Presedimentation” is a preliminary treatment process used to remove gravel, sand and other
particulate material from the source water through settling before the water enters the
primary clarification and filtration processes in a treatment plant.

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(Rule 0400-45-01-.04, continued)

(78) "Primary Drinking Water Regulation" means a regulation promulgated by the Department

(a) applies to public water systems;

(b) specifies contaminants which, in the judgment of the Department, may have any
adverse effect on the health of persons;

(c) specified for each such contaminant either;

1. a maximum contaminant level, if, in the judgment of the Department, it is

economically and technologically feasible to ascertain the level of such
contaminant in water in public water systems, or

2. if, in the judgment of the Department, it is not economically or technologically

feasible to so ascertain the level of such contaminant, each treatment technique
known to the Department which leads to a reduction in the level of such
contaminant sufficient to satisfy the requirements of Rule 0400-45-01-.06; and

(d) contains criteria and procedures to assure a supply of drinking water which dependably
complies with such maximum contaminant levels; or treatment techniques including
quality control and testing procedures to insure compliance with such levels and to
insure proper operation and maintenance of the system, and requirements to (i) the
minimum quality of water which may be taken into the system and (ii) siting for new
facilities for public water systems.

(79) “Public Water System” means a system for the provision of piped water for human
consumption if such serves 15 or more connections or which regularly serves 25 or more
individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year and includes:

(a) any collection, treatment, storage or distribution facility under control of the operator of
such system and used primarily in connection with such system; and

(b) any collection or pre-treatment storage facility not under such control which is used
primarily in connection with such system,

The population of a water system shall be determined by actual count or by multiplying the
household factor by the number of connections in the system. The household factor shall be
taken from the latest federal census for that county or city. Water systems serving multi-
family residences such as apartment complexes and mobile home parks shall include each
individual residence unit as a connection in determining the population for the system.

(80) "Rem" means the unit of dose equivalent from ionizing radiation to the total body or any
internal organ or organ system. A "millerem (mrem)" is 1/1000 of a rem.

(81) "Repeat compliance period" means any subsequent compliance period after the initial
compliance period.

(82) "Residual disinfectant concentration" ("C" in CT calculations) means the concentration of

disinfectant measured in mg/l in a representative sample of water.

(83) "Safe Drinking Water Act" means the Federal law codified in 42 United States Code 300f et
seq., Public Law 93 523, dated December 16, 1974 and subsequent amendments.

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(Rule 0400-45-01-.04, continued)

(84) "Sanitary defect” is a defect that could provide a pathway of entry for microbial contamination
into the distribution system or that is indicative of a failure or imminent failure in a barrier that
is already in place.

(85) "Sanitary Survey" means an on-site review of the water source, facilities, equipment,
operation and maintenance of a public water system for the purpose of evaluating the
adequacy of such sources, facilities, equipment, operation and maintenance for producing
and distributing safe drinking water.

(86) "Seasonal system” is a non-community water system that is not operated as a public water
system on a year-round basis and starts up and shuts down at the beginning and end of each
operating season.

(87) "Secondary Drinking Water Regulation" mean a regulation promulgated by the Department
which applies to public water systems and which specifies the maximum contaminant levels
which, in the judgment of the Department are requisite to protect the public welfare. Such
regulations may apply to any contaminant in drinking water

(a) which may adversely affect the odor or appearance of such water and consequently
may cause the persons served by the public water system providing such water to
discontinue its use, or

(b) which may otherwise adversely affect the public welfare. Such regulations may vary
according to geographic and other circumstances.

(88) "Sedimentation" means a process for removal of solids before filtration by gravity or

(89) "Service line sample" means a one liter sample of water collected in accordance with part
(7)(b)3 of Rule 0400-45-01-.33, that has been standing for at least 6 hours in a service line.

(90) "Single family structure" for the purpose of lead and copper rules means a building
constructed as a single family residence that is currently used as either a residence or a
place of business.

(91) "Slow sand filtration" means a process involving passage of a raw water through a bed of
sand at low velocity (generally less than 0.4 m/h) resulting in substantial particulate removal
by physical and biological mechanisms.

(92) "Small water system" for the purpose of the lead and copper rules only, means a water
system that serves 3,300 or fewer persons.

(93) “Subpart H systems” means public water systems using surface water or ground water under
the direct influence of surface water as a source that are subject to the requirements of Rules
0400-45-01-.17, 0400-45-01-.31 and 0400-45-01-.39.

(94) "Supplier of Water" means any person who owns or operates a public water system.

(95) "Surface water" means all water which is open to the atmosphere and subject to surface

(96) “SUVA” means Specific Ultraviolet Absorption at 254 nanometers (nm), an indicator of the
humic content of water. It is a calculated parameter obtained by dividing a sample’s
ultraviolet absorption at a wavelength of 254 nm (UV 254/ (in m) by its concentration of
dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (in mg/L).

June, 2016 (Revised) 11


(Rule 0400-45-01-.04, continued)

(97) "System with a single service connection" means a system which supplies drinking water to
consumers via a single service line.

(98) "Too numerous to count" means that the total number of bacterial colonies exceeds 200 on a
47 millimeter diameter membrane filter used for coliform detection.

(99) “Total Organic Carbon” (TOC) means total organic carbon in mg/L measured using heat,
oxygen, ultraviolet irradiation, chemical oxidants, or combinations of these oxidants that
convert organic carbon to carbon dioxide, rounded to two significant figures.

(100) "Total trihalomethane" (TTHM) means the sum of concentration in milligrams per liter of the
trihalomethane compounds trihalomethane (chloroform), dibromochloromethane,
bromodichloro-methane and tribomomethane (bromoform), rounded to two significant figures.

(101) “Transient Non-Community Water System” or “TNCWS” means a non-community water

system that regularly serves at least twenty-five (25) individuals daily at least sixty (60) days
out of the year. A transient non community water system is a public water supply system that
generally serves a transient population such as hotels, motels, restaurants, camps, service
stations churches, industry, and rest stops.

(102) "Trihalomethane" (THM) means one of the family of organic compounds, named as
derivatives of methane, wherein three of the four hydrogen atoms in methane are each
substituted by a halogen atom in the molecular structure.

(103) “Two-stage lime softening” is a process in which chemical addition and hardness precipitation
occur in each of two distinct unit clarification processes.

(104) “Uncovered finished water storage facility” is a tank, reservoir, or other facility used to store
water that will undergo no further treatment except residual disinfection and is open to the

(105) “Viable Water System” means a public water system which has the commitment and the
financial, managerial and technical capacity to consistently comply with the Tennessee Safe
Drinking Water Act and these regulations.

(106) "Virus" means a virus of fecal origin which is infectious to humans by waterborne

(107) “Waterborne disease outbreak" means a significant occurrence of acute infectious illness,
epidemiologically associated with the ingestion of water from a public water system which is
deficient in treatment, as determined by the appropriate local or State agency.

(108) “Wholesale system” is a public water system that treats source water as necessary to
produce finished water and then delivers some or all of that finished water to another public
water system. Delivery may be through a direct connection or through the distribution system
of one or more consecutive systems.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-221-701 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
August 1, 2012; effective October 30, 2012. Rule was previously numbered 1200-05-01. Amendments
and new rules filed November 24, 2015; effective February 22, 2016.


(1) Engineering - Plan documents for public water systems shall be submitted to the Department
at least thirty (30) days prior to the date on which action by the Department is desired.

June, 2016 (Revised) 12


(Rule 0400-45-01-.05, continued)

(13) Delegation of Plans Review Authority – Under T.C.A § 68-221-706, any unit of local
government may petition the Commissioner for certification to review and approve plans for
water distribution facilities within its jurisdiction. The unit of local government must have
adequate experience and expertise in water distribution and must adopt standards and
impose requirements which are at least as stringent as the Department’s. The request for
certification must be in writing and contain at least the following:

(a) The names of the individual(s) responsible for the review and approval together with
his/her experience and education. This person(s) must be employed by the unit of
local government and be a registered professional engineer in Tennessee.

(b) A copy of the standards, requirements and design criteria legally adopted and
enforceable by the unit of local government.

(c) The type of projects the unit of local government wishes to receive certification to
review. This may include but is not limited to water lines, distribution pumping stations
and distribution storage tanks.

(d) Procedures for maintaining records of all projects reviewed and approved by the unit of
local government.

(e) The wording to be used on the approval stamp.

(f) Plans review authority fee.

The Division of Water Supply will be responsible for reviewing the application for certification
and shall have up to 60 days from the receipt of the complete application to make a written
response. Units of local government will not be certified to review projects involving state or
federal funds, raw water pump stations, new water sources, treatment facilities, sludge
handling facilities, or any project designed by the staff of the local government. Any unit of
local government which receives certification for plans review shall submit one copy of any
plan documents it has approved to the Division of Water Supply. This shall be done within 10
days of the local government’s approval. The commissioner may periodically review the unit
of local government’s plans review program and prescribe changes as deemed appropriate.
The Division of Water Supply may execute a written agreement with a unit of local
government which has received plans review certification. Failure to comply with the terms of
the agreement may result in revocation of the plans review certification.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-221-701 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
August 1, 2012; effective October 30, 2012. Rule was previously numbered 1200-05-01.


(1) Inorganic Chemicals

(a) The maximum contaminant level for fluoride applies to community water systems. The
maximum contaminant levels for nitrate, nitrite and total nitrate and nitrite are
applicable to both community water systems and non-community water systems. The
maximum contaminant levels for the remaining inorganic chemicals apply only to
community water systems and non-transient non-community systems.

(b) The following are the maximum contaminant levels for inorganic chemicals:


June, 2016 (Revised) 15


(Rule 0400-45-01-.06, continued)

1. Antimony 0.006
2. Arsenic 0.010
3. Asbestos 7 million fibers/liter
(longer than 10 microns)
4. Beryllium 0.004
5. Barium 2.0
6. Cadmium 0.005
7. Chromium 0.1
8. Cyanide (as free cyanide) 0.2
9. Fluoride 4.0
10. Mercury 0.002
11. Nickel 0.1
12. Nitrate 10.0 (as Nitrogen)
13. Nitrite 1.0 (as Nitrogen)
14. Total nitrate and nitrate 10.0 (as Nitrogen)
15. Selenium 0.05
16. Thallium 0.002

(2) Organic Chemicals - The following are the maximum contaminant levels for organic

(a) The following maximum contaminant levels for organic contaminants apply to
community water systems and non-transient non-community water systems. The
maximum contaminant levels for volatile organic chemicals are given in paragraph (2)
of Rule 0400-45-01-.25.


1. Alachlor 0.002
2. Atrazine 0.003
3. Carbofuran 0.04
4. Chlordane 0.002
5. Dibromo chloropropane (DBCP) 0.0002
6. 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 0.07
7. Ethylene dibromide 0.00005
8. Heptachlor 0.0004
9. Heptachlor epoxide 0.0002
10. Lindane 0.0002
11. Methoxychlor 0.04
12. Polychlorinated biphenyls 0.0005
13. Toxaphene 0.003
14. 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxyproprionic acid 0.05
15. Pentachlorophenol 0.001
16. Benzo(a)pyrene 0.0002
17. Dalapon 0.2
18. Di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate 0.4
19. Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.006
20. Dinoseb 0.007
21. Diquat 0.02
22. Endothall 0.1
23. Glyphosate 0.7
24. Hexachlorobenzene 0.001
25. Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.05
26. Oxamyl (Vydate) 0.2
27. Picloram 0.5
28. Simazine 0.004

June, 2016 (Revised) 16


(Rule 0400-45-01-.06, continued)

29. 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Dioxin) 0.00000003
30. Endrin 0.002

(3) Turbidity - The requirements of paragraph (3) of Rule 0400-45-01-.06 apply to filtered surface
systems until June 29, 1993. The requirements in this paragraph apply to unfiltered systems
that the Department has determined, in writing, must install filtration until June 29, 1993, or
until filtration is installed, whichever is later.

The maximum contaminant level for turbidity is applicable to public water systems using
surface water source(s) in whole or in part. Furthermore, the maximum contaminant level for
turbidity is applicable to those systems using ground water which are required to install
turbidimeters pursuant to paragraph (11) of Rule 0400-45-01-.05. The maximum
contaminant levels for turbidity in drinking water, measured at a representative entry point(s)
to the distribution system are:

(a) One (1.0) turbidity unit, as determined by monthly average pursuant to Rule 0400-45-

(b) Two (2.0) turbidity units based on an average for two consecutive days pursuant to
Rule 0400-45-01-.08.

To meet the maximum contaminant level for turbidity, a public water system must meet both
subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph.

(4) Microbiological - The maximum contaminant levels for microbiologicals are applicable to both
community water systems and non-community water systems.

(a) Until March 31, 2016, the total coliform maximum contaminant level (MCL) is based on
the presence or absence of total coliforms in a sample, rather than coliform density.
Beginning April 1, 2016, the MCL for total coliform shall no longer be in effect.

The number of total coliform positive samples shall not exceed any of the following:

1. For a system which collects at least 40 samples per month, if no more than 5.0
percent of the samples collected during a month are total coliform-positive, the
system is in compliance with the MCL for total coliforms.

2. For a system which collects fewer than 40 samples/month, if no more than one
sample collected during a month is total coliform-positive, the system is in
compliance with the MCL for total coliforms.

3. A public water system which has exceeded the MCL for total coliforms must
report the violation to the Department no later than the end of the next business
day after it learns of the violation and notify the public in accordance with the
schedule of Rule 0400-45-01-.19 using the language specified in Rule 0400-45-

4. A public water system which has failed to comply with the coliform monitoring
requirements, including a sanitary survey requirement must report the monitoring
violation to the Department within ten (10) days after the system discovers the
violation and notify the public in accordance with Rule 0400-45-01-.19.

(b) Until March 31, 2016, any fecal coliform-positive repeat sample or E. coli-positive
repeat sample, or any total coliform-positive repeat sample following a fecal coliform-
positive or E. coli-positive routine sample, constitutes a violation of the MCL for total

June, 2016 (Revised) 17


(Rule 0400-45-01-.06, continued)

coliforms. For purposes of the public notification requirements in Rule 0400-45-01-.19,
this is a violation that may pose an acute risk to health.

(c) Fecal coliforms/Escherichia coli (E. coli) testing

1. If any routine or repeat sample is total coliform-positive, the system must analyze
that total coliform-positive culture medium to determine if fecal coliforms are
present, except that the system may test for E. coli in lieu of fecal coliforms. If
fecal coliforms or E. coli are present, the system must notify the Department by
the end of the day when the system is notified of the test result, unless the
system is notified of the result after the Department office is closed, in which
case the system must notify the Department before the end of the next business

2. The Department has the discretion to allow a public water system, on a case-by-
case basis, to forgo fecal coliform or E. coli testing on a total coliform-positive
sample if that system assumes that the total coliform-positive sample is fecal
coliform-positive or E. coli-positive. Accordingly, the system must notify the
Department as specified in part 1 of this subparagraph and the provisions of
subparagraph (b) of this paragraph apply.

(d) A public water system must determine compliance with the MCL for total coliforms in
subparagraph (a) and (b) of this paragraph for each month in which it is required to
monitor for total coliforms.

(e) No variance or exemptions from the maximum contaminant level for total coliforms are

(f) Maximum contaminant level goals for microbiological contaminants.

1. MCLGs for the following contaminants are as indicated:

Contaminant MCLG
(i) Giardia lamblia zero
(ii) Viruses zero
(iii) Legionella zero
(iv) Total coliforms (including fecal zero
coliforms and Escherichia coli)
(v) Cryptosporidium zero
(vi) Escherichia coli (E. coli) zero

2. The MCLG identified in subpart 1(iv) of this subparagraph is no longer applicable

beginning April 1, 2016.

(g) Beginning April 1, 2016, a system is in compliance with the MCL for E. coli for samples
taken under the provisions of Rule 0400-45-01-.41 unless any of the conditions
identified in parts 1 through 4 of this subparagraph occur. For purposes of the public
notification requirements in Rule 0400-45-01-.19, violation of the MCL may pose an
acute risk to health.

1. The system has an E. coli-positive repeat sample following a total coliform

positive routine sample.

2. The system has a total coliform positive repeat sample following an E. coli-
positive routine sample.

June, 2016 (Revised) 18


(Rule 0400-45-01-.06, continued)

3. The system fails to take all required repeat samples following an E. coli-positive
routine sample.

4. The system fails to test for E. coli when any repeat sample tests positive for total

(h) Until March 31, 2016, a public water system must determine compliance with the MCL
for total coliforms in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph for each month in
which it is required to monitor for total coliforms. Beginning April 1, 2016, a public water
system must determine compliance with the MCL for E. coli in subparagraph (g) of this
paragraph for each month in which it is required to monitor for total coliforms.

(i) The EPA Administrator, pursuant to section 1412 of the Federal Safe Drinking Water
Act, hereby identifies the following as the best technology, treatment techniques, or
other means available for achieving compliance with the maximum contaminant level
for total coliforms in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph and for achieving
compliance with the maximum contaminant level for E. coli in subparagraph (g) of this

1. Protection of wells from fecal contamination by appropriate placement and


2. Maintenance of a disinfectant residual throughout the distribution system;

3. Proper maintenance of the distribution system including appropriate pipe

replacement and repair procedures, main flushing programs, proper operation
and maintenance of storage tanks and reservoirs, cross connection control, and
continual maintenance of positive water pressure in all parts of the distribution

4. Filtration and/or disinfection of surface water, as described in Rules 0400-45-01-

.17, 0400-45-01-.31 and 0400-45-01-.39, or disinfection of ground water, as
described in Rule 0400-45-01-.40, using strong oxidants such as chlorine,
chlorine dioxide, or ozone; and

5. For systems using ground water, compliance with the requirements of an EPA-
approved State Wellhead Protection Program developed and implemented under
section 1428 of the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act.

(j) The EPA Administrator, pursuant to section 1412 of the Federal Safe Drinking Water
Act, hereby identifies the technology, treatment techniques, or other means available
identified in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph as affordable technology, treatment
techniques, or other means available to systems serving 10,000 or fewer people for
achieving compliance with the maximum contaminant level for total coliforms in
subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph and for achieving compliance with the
maximum contaminant level for E. coli in subparagraph (g) of this paragraph.

(5) Radionuclides-

(a) The following maximum contaminant levels for radium-226, radium-228, and gross
alpha particle radioactivity are applicable to all community water systems:

1. Combined radium-226 and radium-228: The maximum contaminant level for

combined radium-226 and radium-228 is 5 pCi/L. The combined radium-226 and
radium-228 value is determined by the addition of the results of the analysis for
radium-226 and the analysis for radium-228.

June, 2016 (Revised) 19


(Rule 0400-45-01-.06, continued)

2. Gross alpha particle activity (including radium-226 but excluding radon and
uranium): The maximum contaminant level for gross alpha particle activity
(including radium-226 but excluding radon and uranium) is 15 pCi/L.

(b) Maximum contaminant levels for beta particle and photon radioactivity from man-made
radionuclides in community water systems shall be as follows:

1. The average annual concentration of beta particle and photon radioactivity from
man-made radionuclides in drinking water shall not produce an annual dose
equivalent to the total body or any internal organ greater than four (4)

2. Except for the radionuclides listed in Table A, the concentration of man-made

radionuclides causing four (4) mrem total body or organ dose equivalents shall
be calculated on the basis of a two (2) liter per day drinking water intake using
the 168 hour data listed in “Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum
Permissible Concentration of Radionuclides in Air or Water for Occupational
Exposure,” NBS Handbook 69 as amended August, 1963, U.S. Department of
Commerce. If two or more radionuclides are present, the sum of their annual
dose equivalent to the total body or to any organ shall not exceed four (4)

Table A
Average Annual Concentrations Assumed
to Produce a Total Body or Organ Dose of a 4 mrem/yr.

Radionuclide Critical Organ pCi per Liter

Tritium Total Body 20,000

Strontium-90 Bone Marrow 8

(c) MCL for uranium. The maximum contaminant level for uranium is 30 micrograms per

(d) Compliance dates.

1. Compliance dates for combined radium-226 and -228, gross alpha particle
activity, gross beta particle and photon radioactivity, and uranium: Community
water systems must comply with the MCLs listed in subparagraphs (a), (b), and
(c) of this paragraph, beginning December 8, 2003 and compliance shall be
determined in accordance with the requirements of Rule 0400-45-01-.11.
Compliance with reporting requirements for the radionuclides under Appendix A
to Consumer Confidence Reports (Rule 0400-45-01-.35) and Appendices A and
B to Public Notification (Rule 0400-45-01-.19) is required on December 8, 2003.

(e) Best Available Technologies

The Department hereby identifies as indicated in the following table the best
technology available for achieving compliance with the maximum contaminant levels
for combined radium-226 and -228, uranium, gross alpha particle activity, and beta
particle and photon radioactivity.

Table B
BAT for Combined Radium-226 and Radium-228, Uranium, Gross Alpha Particle Activity,
and Beta Particle and Photon Radioactivity

June, 2016 (Revised) 20


(Rule 0400-45-01-.06, continued)

Contaminant BAT
1. Combined radium-226 and radium- Ion exchange, reverse osmosis, lime
228 softening.

2. Uranium Ion exchange, reverse osmosis, lime

softening, coagulation/filtration
3. Gross alpha particle activity Reverse osmosis
(excluding Radon and Uranium)
4. Beta particle and photon Ion exchange and reverse osmosis

(f) No variance or exemption for compliance with the MCLs listed in paragraph (5) of this
rule are allowed.

(g) Small systems compliance technologies list for radionuclides.

Table C
List of Small Systems Compliance Technologies for Radionuclides
and Limitations to Use

Unit Technologies Limitations Operator skill level Raw water quality

(see foot- required range
notes) and considerations.
1. Ion Exchange (IE) (a) Intermediate All ground waters.
2. Point of use (POU ) IE (b) Basic All ground waters.
3. Reverse osmosis (RO) (c) Advanced Surface waters usually
require pre-filtration.
4. POU RO (b) Basic Surface waters usually
require pre-filtration.
5. Lime softening (d) Advanced All waters.
6. Green sand filtration (e) Basic
7. Co-precipitation with (f) Intermediate to Ground waters with
Barium Sulfate Advanced suitable water quality.
8. Electrodialysis/ Basic to imtermediate All ground waters.
electrodialysis reversal
9. Pre-formed hydrous (g) Intermediate All ground waters.
Manganese oxide
10. Activated alumia (a)(h) Advanced All ground waters;
competing anion
concentrations may
affect regeneration
11. Enhanced (i) Advanced Can treat a wide range
coagulation/filtration of water qualities
National Research Council (NRC). Safe Water from Every Tap: Improving Water Service to Small
Communities. National Academy Press. Washington, D.C. 1997.
A POU, or “point-of-use” technology is a treatment device installed at a single tap used for the purpose
of reducing contaminants in drinking water at that one tap. POU devices are typically installed at the
kitchen tap. See the April 21, 2000 NODA for more details.
Limitations Footnotes: Technologies for Radionuclides:
The regeneration solution contains high concentrations of the contaminant ions. Disposal options
should be carefully considered before choosing this technology.

June, 2016 (Revised) 21


(Rule 0400-45-01-.06, continued)

When POU devices are used for compliance, programs for long-term operation, maintenance, and
monitoring must be provided by water utility to ensure proper performance.
Reject water disposal options should be carefully considered before choosing this technology. See
other RO limitations described in the SWTR Compliance Technologies Table.
The combination of variable source water quality and the complexity of the water chemistry involved
may make this technology too complex for small surface water systems.
Removal efficiencies can vary depending on water quality.
This technology may be very limited in application to small systems. Since the process requires static
mixing, detention basins, and filtration, it is most applicable to systems with sufficiently high sulfate
levels that already have a suitable filtration treatment train in place.
This technology is most applicable to small systems that already have filtration in place.
Handling of chemicals required during regeneration and pH adjustment may be too difficult for small
systems without an adequately trained operator.
Assumes modification to a coagulation/filtration process already in place.

Table D
Compliance Technologies by System Size Category for Radionuclide NPDWR's
Contaminant Compliance Technologies for system size categories
(population served)
25-500 501-3,300 3301-10,000
1. Combined 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
radium-226 and
2. Gross alpha 3.4 3.4 3,4
particle activity
3. Beta particle 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
activity and
photon activity
4. Uranium 1,2,4,10,11 1,2,3,4,5,10,11 1,2,3,4,5,10,11
Note: Numbers correspond to those technologies found listed in Table C.

(6) Disinfectant Residuals and Disinfectant Byproducts

(a) Bromate and chlorite. The maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for bromate and
chlorite are as follows:

Disinfection by-product MCL (mg/L)

Bromate 0 .010
Chlorite 1 .0

1. Compliance dates for CWSs and NTNCWSs. Subpart H systems serving 10,000
or more persons must comply with this subparagraph beginning January 1, 2002.
Subpart H systems serving fewer than 10,000 persons and systems using only
ground water not under the direct influence of surface water must comply with
this subparagraph beginning January 1, 2004.

2. The Administrator, pursuant to section 1412 of the Federal Safe Drinking Water
Act, hereby identifies the following as the best technology, treatment techniques,
or other means available for achieving compliance with the maximum
contaminant levels for bromate and chlorite identified in this subparagraph:

Disinfection Best available technology


June, 2016 (Revised) 22


(Rule 0400-45-01-.06, continued)

Bromate Control of ozone treatment process to reduce production of bromate
Chlorite Control of treatment processes to reduce disinfectant demand and
control of disinfection treatment processes to reduce disinfectant levels

(b) TTHM and HAA5.

1. Running Annual Average compliance (Rule 0400-45-01-.36)

(i) Compliance dates. Subpart H systems serving 10,000 or more persons

must comply with this part beginning January 1, 2002. Subpart H systems
serving fewer than 10,000 persons and systems using only ground water
not under the direct influence of surface water must comply with this this
part beginning January 1, 2004. All systems must comply with these MCLs
until the date specified for Locational Running Annual Average (Stage 2
Disinfection Byproducts Requirements (LRAA)) compliance in Rule 0400-

Disinfection by-product MCL (mg/L)

Total trihalomethanes (TTHM) 0.080
Haloacetic acids (five) (HAA5) 0.060

(ii) The Administrator, pursuant to section 1412 of the Federal Safe Drinking
Water Act, hereby identifies the following as the best technology, treatment
techniques, or other means available for achieving compliance with the
maximum contaminant levels for TTHM and HAA5 identified in this part.

Disinfection by-product Best available technology

Total trihalomethanes (TTHM) and Enhanced coagulation or enhanced
Haloacetic acids (five) (HAA5) softening or GAC10, with chlorine as
the primary and residual disinfectant

2. LRAA compliance (Rule 0400-45-01-.38)

(i) Compliance dates. The Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Requirements

(LRAA) MCLs for TTHM and HAA5 must be complied with as a locational
running annual average (LRAA) at each monitoring location beginning the
date specified for Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Requirements (LRAA)
compliance in subparagraph (1)(c) of Rule 0400-45-01-.38.

Disinfection by-product MCL (mg/L)

Total trihalomethanes (TTHM) 0.080
Haloacetic acids (five) (HAA5) 0.060

(ii) The Administrator, pursuant to section 1412 of the Federal Safe Drinking
Water Act, hereby identifies the following as the best technology, treatment
techniques, or other means available for achieving compliance with the
maximum contaminant levels for TTHM and HAA5 identified in this part for
all systems that disinfect their source water:

Disinfection by-product Best available technology

Total trihalomethanes (TTHM) and Enhanced coagulation or enhanced
Haloacetic acids (five) (HAA5) softening or GAC10; nanofiltration
and with a molecular weight cutoff of
equal to or less than 1000 Daltons;

June, 2016 (Revised) 23


(Rule 0400-45-01-.06, continued)

or GAC20

(iii) The Administrator, pursuant to section 1412 of the Federal Safe Drinking
Water Act, hereby identifies the following as the best technology, treatment
techniques, or other means available for achieving compliance with the
maximum contaminant levels for TTHM and HAA5 identified in this part for
consecutive systems and applies only to the disinfected water that
consecutive systems buy or otherwise receive:

Disinfection by-product Best available technology

Total trihalomethanes (TTHM) and Systems serving 10,000 or more:
Haloacetic acids (five) - (HAA5). Improved distribution system and
storage tank management to reduce
residence time, plus the use of
chloramines for disinfectant residual

Systems serving <10,000: Improved

distribution system and storage tank
management to reduce residence time.

(c) Maximum residual disinfectant levels.

1. Maximum residual disinfectant levels (MRDLs) are as follows:

Disinfectant residual MRDL (mg/L)

Chlorine........................………..…….. 4.0 (as Cl2).
Chloramines........................……..….... 4.0 (as Cl2).
Chlorine dioxide.....................……..…. 0.8 (as ClO2).

(d) Compliance dates.

1. CWSs and NTNCWSs. Subpart H systems serving 10,000 or more persons must
comply with MRDLs beginning January 1, 2002. Subpart H systems serving
fewer than 10,000 persons and systems using only ground water not under the
direct influence of surface water must comply with MRDLs beginning January 1,

2. Transient NCWSs. Subpart H systems serving 10,000 or more persons and

using chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant must comply with the chlorine
dioxide MRDL beginning January 1, 2002. Subpart H systems serving fewer
than 10,000 persons and using chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant and
systems using only ground water not under the direct influence of surface water
and using chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant must comply with the
chlorine dioxide MRDL beginning January 1, 2004.

(e) Best Available Control Technology

1. The following are identified as the best technology, treatment technology or other
means available for achieving compliance with the maximum residual
disinfectant level:

(i) Control of the treatment processes to reduce disinfectant demand and

control of disinfection treatment processes to reduce disinfectant levels.

June, 2016 (Revised) 24


(Rule 0400-45-01-.07, continued)

persons may collect all required samples on a single day if they are taken from different

(f) A public water system that uses surface water or ground water under the direct
influence of surface water, and does not practice filtration in compliance with Rule
0400-45-01-.31 must collect at least one sample near the first service connection each
day the turbidity level of the source water exceeds 1 NTU. This sample must be
analyzed for the presence of total coliforms. When one or more turbidity
measurements in any day exceed 1 NTU, the system must collect this coliform sample
within 24 hours of the first exceedance, unless the Department determines that the
system, for reasons outside the system’s control cannot have the sample analyzed
within 30 hours of collection. Sample results from this coliform monitoring must be
included in determining compliance with the MCL for total coliforms in paragraph (4) of
Rule 0400-45-01-.06.

(g) Special purpose samples, such as those taken to determine whether disinfection
practices are sufficient following pipe placement, replacement, or repair, shall not be
used to determine whether the coliform treatment technique trigger has been exceeded
compliance with the MCL for total coliforms in paragraph (4) of Rule 0400-45-01-.06
provided the water is not served to customers before negative analytical results are
obtained. Samples representing water served to customers prior to obtaining analytical
results shall not be special purpose samples and shall not count toward compliance
with the MCL for total coliforms in paragraph (4) of Rule 0400-45-01-.06 with the MCL
for total coliforms in paragraph (4) of Rule 0400-45-01-.06. After March 31, 2016, this
subparagraph is no longer applicable.

(2) Repeat Monitoring

(a) If a routine sample is total coliform-positive, the public water system must collect a set
of repeat samples within 24 hours of being notified of the positive result. A system
which collects more than one routine sample per month must collect no fewer than
three repeat samples for each total coliform-positive sample found. A system which
collects one routine sample per month or fewer must collect no fewer than four repeat
samples for each total coliform-positive sample found. The Department may extend
the 24-hour limit on a case-by-case basis if the system has a problem in collecting the
repeat samples within 24 hours that is beyond its control. In the case of an extension,
the Department must specify how much time the system has to collect the repeat

(b) The system must collect at least one repeat sample from the sampling tap where the
original total coliform-positive sample was taken, and at least one repeat sample at a
tap within five service connections upstream and at least one repeat sample at a tap
within five service connections downstream of the original sampling site. If a total
coliform-positive sample is at the end of the distribution system, or one away from the
end of the distribution system, the Department may waive the requirement to collect at
least one repeat sample upstream or downstream of the original sampling site.

(c) The system must collect all repeat samples on the same day and within 24 hours of
being notified of a positive result, except that the Department may allow a system with
a single service connection to collect the required set of repeat samples over a four
consecutive day period or to collect a larger volume repeat sample(s) in one or more
sample containers of any size, as long as the total volume collected is at least 400 ml
(300 ml for systems which collect more than one routine sample per month.)

June, 2016 (Revised) 27


(Rule 0400-45-01-.07, continued)

.06(4)(c) that was initiated by a total coliform-positive sample taken before April 1, 2016, is
completed, as well as analytical method, reporting, recordkeeping, public notification, and
consumer confidence report requirements associated with that monitoring and testing.
Beginning April 1, 2016, the provisions of Rule 0400-45-01-.41 are applicable, with systems
required to begin regular monitoring at the same frequency as the system specific frequency
required on March 31, 2016.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-221-701 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
August 1, 2012; effective October 30, 2012. Rule was previously numbered 1200-05-01. Amendments
and new rules filed November 24, 2015; effective February 22, 2016. Amendments filed March 7, 2016;
effective June 5, 2016.


(1) Ground water sampling – Samples shall be taken by suppliers of water that serve more than
50 connections or that have been directed to conduct monitoring under paragraph (11) of
Rule 0400-45-01-.05 for both community water systems and non–community water system at
a representative entry point(s) to the water distribution system at least once per day for the
purpose of making turbidity measurements to determine compliance with paragraph (3) of
Rule 0400-45-01-.06. Public water systems using water from a source not under the direct
influence of surface water are not required to monitor turbidity unless directed to do so under
the provisions of paragraph (11) of Rule 0400-45-01-.05.

(2) Turbidity measurements of surface water and ground water under the direct influence that
employs filtration - The minimum sampling requirements for systems using filtration treatment
shall be as follows:

(a) Turbidity measurements must be performed on representative samples of the system’s

filtered water every four hours, (or more frequently, as authorized by the rules) that the
system serves water to the public. A public water system may substitute continuous
turbidity monitoring for grab samples if approved in writing by the Department. For
systems serving 500 or fewer persons per day, the Department may allow the sampling
frequency to be reduced to once per day if it determines that less frequent monitoring is
sufficient to indicate effective filtration performance. Systems filtering surface water
and ground water under the direct influence of surface water shall comply with the
treatment technique standards found in paragraph (4) of Rule 0400-45-01-.31.

(3) Ground water systems under the direct influence of surface water and do not filter and have
qualified to avoid filtration - The minimum sampling requirements for ground water systems
under the direct influence of surface water and not employing filtration shall be as follows:

(a) Turbidity measurements must be performed on representative grab samples of source

water immediately prior to the first or only point of disinfectant application every four
hours (or more frequently, as authorized by the rules) that the system serves water to
the public. A public water system may substitute continuous turbidity monitoring for
grab sample monitoring if it validates the continuous measurement for accuracy on a
regular basis using a protocol approved by the Department. Turbidity must comply with
the limits specified in part (2)(a)2 of Rule 0400-45-01-.31.

(4) Reporting

(a) Ground water systems - All community water systems using a ground water source
with turbidity removal facilities and not designated as ground water under the direct
influence of surface water shall be required, if the results of a turbidity analysis indicate
that the maximum allowable limit has been exceeded, to confirm by resampling as
soon as practicable and preferably within one (1) hour. If the repeat sample confirms

June, 2016 (Revised) 30


(Rule 0400-45-01-.11, continued)

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-221-701 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
August 1, 2012; effective October 30, 2012. Rule was previously numbered 1200-05-01.


(1) The following maximum contaminant levels are established to provide a water that is
aesthetically pleasing to the consumer. These standards will apply to all community water
systems and to those non-community water systems as may be deemed necessary by the
Department. Monitoring for these contaminants will be set in the Monitoring Program for
each system, but in no event less than once every year for a surface and surface/ground
supply and once every three years for a ground water supply.

Maximum Contaminant Level

Contaminant per Liter (unless otherwise indicated)

(a) Chloride 250

(b) Color 15 (Color Units)
(c) Copper 1
(d) MBAS (Methyl Blue Active Substance) 0.5
(e) Iron 0.3
(f) Manganese 0.05
(g) Odor 3 (Threshold Odor Number)
(h) pH 6.5-8.5
(i) Sulfate 250
(j) TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) 500
(k) Zinc 5
(l) Fluoride 2
(m) Aluminum 0.2
(n) Silver 0.1

(2) The system may apply for monitoring waivers from the monitoring frequency specified in
paragraph (1) of this rule. The Department may issue monitoring waivers after considering:
historical data, whether or not there have been customer complaints concerning the
contaminant to be waived, any corrective action taken by the water supplier to correct the
secondary contaminant problem, and whether or not the system routinely monitors for the
contaminant as part of its treatment process monitoring program. The Department shall
determine the frequency, if any, a system must monitor after considering the historical data
available, the number and nature of customer complaints and other factors that may affect
the contaminant concentration, and specify the decision in writing to the system.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-221-701 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
August 1, 2012; effective October 30, 2012. Rule was previously numbered 1200-05-01.


If an alternative analytical technique is acceptable to the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency as being substantially equivalent to the prescribed test in both precision and accuracy
as it relates to the determination of compliance with any maximum contaminant level, they shall become a
part of these rules and regulations by inference.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-221-701 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
August 1, 2012; effective October 30, 2012. Rule was previously numbered 1200-05-01.

June, 2016 (Revised) 47


(Rule 0400-45-01-.15, continued)

by the Environmental Protection Agency will have compliance with the MCL determined on
the analytical results of its sampling.

(3) Those public water systems which purchase all their water and elect to use the analytical
results of the system from which it purchases water shall be deemed to be in compliance with
the monitoring and MCL requirements provided the seller of water is in compliance. Any
violation of an MCL or monitoring requirement by the seller of water will constitute a violation
for all systems which purchase water unless samples are taken as described in paragraph (2)
of this rule.

(4) All public notification requirements as contained in Rule 0400-45-01-.19 are the responsibility
of the individual public water system regardless of which public water system conducts the

(5) All public water systems must maintain records as required by Rule 0400-45-01-.20 of all
analytical results which pertain to the system regardless of which system actually did the

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-221-701 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
August 1, 2012; effective October 30, 2012. Rule was previously numbered 1200-05-01.


(1) Before a person may enter into a financial commitment for or initiate construction of a new
public water system or increase capacity of an existing public water system, he shall notify
the Department and, to the extent practicable, avoid locating part or all of the new or
expanded facility at a site which:

(a) Is subject to a significant risk from earthquakes, floods, fires, or other disasters which
could cause a breakdown of the public water system or a portion thereof; or

(b) Except for intake structures, is within the flood plain of a 100-years flood.

(2) All other siting requirements shall be in accordance with those set forth in “Design Criteria for
Public Water Systems” as published by the Department.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-221-701 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
August 1, 2012; effective October 30, 2012. Rule was previously numbered 1200-05-01.


(1) All community water systems which are designated as a surface supply and classified as a
filtration system and all iron removal plants which use gravity filters must have an operator in
attendance and responsible for the treatment process when the plant is in operation. Gravity
iron removal plants which have installed continuous monitoring equipment including
equipment for turbidity and chlorine residual with alarms and/or shutdown ability may seek
approval from the Department to operate the treatment plant in an automated mode without
an operator in attendance. All iron removal plants with pressure filters and using a ground
water source from an approved sand and gravel formation will not be required to have an
operator in attendance during all periods of operation provided suitable protection,
acceptable to the Department, is provided.

Non–community water systems which are classified as a surface supply will be required to
have a full time operator in attendance unless certain continuous monitoring equipment is

June, 2016 93

(Rule 0400-45-01-.17, continued)

Pursuant to T.C.A. § 68-221-904, all operators in direct responsible charge of a water supply
system, including the treatment plant and/or distribution system, must be certified by the
Department as competent to operate same.

Because the proper operation and maintenance of water systems is critical to a system’s
ability to provide safe water to the public and to comply with these rules, all water supply
systems must comply with the provisions of Chapter 0400-49-01. A violation of those rules is
a violation of this rule as well.

(2) All community water systems and those non-community water systems classified as a
surface source shall compile and maintain accurate daily operating records of the water
works system on forms prepared and furnished by the Department. The daily operating
records shall be submitted in a timely manner so they are received by the Department no
later than ten days after the end of the reporting month. Any special reports, deemed
necessary by the Department to assure continuous satisfactory operation of the water
system, shall be submitted to the Department.

Water systems which desire to use their own forms to report the daily operating results to the
Department must have prior approval of the form from the Department.

(3) All water quality tests, other than those listed in Rule 0400-45-01-.06 shall be made in
accordance with the latest edition of “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater” or alternate methods acceptable to the Department. The schedule of laboratory
tests followed in controlling the operation of a waterworks system will vary with the character
of the water; therefore, all waterworks systems must have the equipment necessary to
perform all laboratory tests pertinent to the control of the plant or system operation, and the
equipment shall be maintained in good working order at all times. Laboratory tests pertinent
to proper operation shall be prescribed by the Department for each community water system.

(4) Chlorine is the recommended disinfection agent. Other agents will be considered by the
Department provided they are effective and testing procedures for their effectiveness are
recognized in the latest edition of “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater”. All community water systems, using ground water as a raw water source and
serving more than 50 connections or 150 persons shall continuously chlorinate (unless other
disinfection methods are approved) and shall maintain a free chlorine residual in all parts of
the distribution system in the amount of not less than 0.2 mg/l. Public Water Systems using
surface water shall continuously chlorinate and maintain a free chlorine residual of 0.2 mg/l in
all parts of the distribution system. The residual disinfectant concentration specified by this
rule shall not be less than 0.2 mg/l in more than 5 percent of the samples each month, for
any two consecutive months the system serves water to the public. All public water systems
serving 50 or fewer connections that do not disinfect shall install continuous disinfection if the
system fails to comply with the maximum contaminant level for coliform, experiences a
disease outbreak or is directed to install disinfection by the department.

(5) All systems submitting samples for microbiological examination to the State laboratory must
submit said sample in the bottle(s) provided by the State and return the samples to the
proper State laboratory in the shipping carton provided by the State. The cost of postage for
shipping the sample to the proper State laboratory shall be paid by the supplier of water. All
samples submitted for microbiological examination must be collected and mailed to arrive at
the proper State laboratory not later than Thursday noon of any week. Thirty hours is the
limit allowed from the time of collection to the time of examination at the proper state

(6) Pursuant to T.C.A. § 68-221-711(6) the installation, allowing the installation, or maintenance
of any cross–connection, auxiliary intake, or bypass is prohibited unless the source and
quality of water from the auxiliary supply, the method of connection, and the use and

June, 2016 94

(Rule 0400-45-01-.17, continued)

operation of such cross–connection, auxiliary intake, or bypass has been approved by the
Department. The arrangement of sewer, soil, or other drain lines or conduits carrying
sewage or other wastes in such a manner that the sewage or waste may find its way into any
part of the public water system is prohibited.

All community water systems must adopt an ordinance or policy prohibiting all of the above
and submit a copy of the executed ordinance or policy to the Department for approval. All
community water systems shall develop a written plan for a cross–connection control
program to detect and eliminate or protect the system from cross–connections. The written
plan must be approved by the Department.

After adoption and approval of the cross–connection ordinance or policy and plan, each
community water system must establish an ongoing program for the detection and
elimination of hazards associated with cross–connections. Records of the cross–connection
control program must be maintained by the water supplier and shall include such items as
date of inspection, person contacted, recommendations, follow–up, and testing results.

(a) Public water systems must develop and implement an ongoing cross-connection
program. Cross-connection plans and policies shall present all information in
conformance with the “Design Criteria for Community Public Water Systems” as
published by the Department.

(b) The public water system shall ensure that cross-connections between the distribution
system and a consumer’s plumbing are surveyed and/or inspected and determined not
to exist or contain a significant risk or are eliminated or controlled by the installation of
an approved backflow preventer commensurate with the degree of hazard.

(7) All community water system shall prepare and maintain an emergency operations plan in
order to safeguard the water supply and to alert the public of unsafe drinking water in the
event of natural or man-made disasters. Emergency operation plans shall be consistent with
guidelines established by the Department and shall be reviewed and approved by the
Department. Systems shall include a drought management plan as a part of the emergency
operations plan. The drought management plans portions of the emergency operations shall
be submitted for approval as follows:

(a) Systems serving 3,000 or more connections including consecutive systems: June 30,

(b) Systems serving more than 1,000 connections and less than 3,000 connections
including consecutive systems: June 30, 2017.

(c) Systems serving 1,000 connections or less: June 30, 2018.

(8) (a) General-Public water systems, construction contractors and engineers shall follow and
document sanitary practices used in inspecting, constructing or repairing water lines,
finished water storage facilities, filters and wells. In lieu of writing their own disinfection
standard operating procedures, public water systems, engineers and contractors may
chose to follow the latest edition of the AWWA standards C-651, C-652 or equivalent
methods provided the method has been approved in writing by the department and is
available during the inspection, construction, maintenance or repair activity. The
documentation shall include bacteriological sample results, construction logs, standard
operating procedures and may include photographs where appropriate. All pipes,
tanks, filters, filter media and other materials shall be properly disinfected prior to being
placed in service. Any disinfectant used to disinfect shall be NSF approved or plain
household bleach and used in a manner that assures sufficient contact time and
concentration to inactivate any pathogens present. Bacteriological results including line

June, 2016 95

(Rule 0400-45-01-.17, continued)

repair records indicating adequacy of disinfection shall be maintained on file by the
water system for five years. All public water systems, contractors, and engineers shall
prepare and follow standard disinfection procedures approved by the Department when
inspecting, maintaining, repairing or constructing lines, tanks, filters and wells.
Procedures to ensure that water containing excessive concentrations of disinfectant is
not supplied to the customers or discharged in such manner as to harm the
environment shall be implemented.

All materials used for new or repaired water lines, storage facilities, filters, filter media,
and wells will be inspected prior to use for any evidence of gross contamination. Any
contamination observed shall be removed and the materials protected during

(b) Disinfection of New Facilities-Bacteriological samples will be collected and analyzed to

verify the effectiveness of the disinfection practices prior to placing new facilities in
service. Bacteriological samples shall be collected to determine the effectiveness of
the installation process including protecting the pipe material during storage,
installation, and disinfection. This can be demonstrated by collecting two sets of
microbiological samples 24 hours apart or collecting a single set of microbiological
samples 48 hours or longer after flushing the highly chlorinated water from the lines. In
either case microbiological samples in each set will be collected at approximately
2,500-foot intervals with samples near the beginning point and at the end point unless
alternate sampling frequency and distance between sampling points approval has been
obtained from the Department. Where sanitary conditions were not maintained before,
during or after construction, an additional bacteriological sample shall be collected from
a location representing the water from the contaminated area. Unsanitary conditions
include failure to document the sanitary handling of materials, to conduct construction
inspections and to maintain records, and to document sanitary practices during
construction and other hazards such trench flooding during construction. If the
constructed facility yields positive bacterial samples, additional flushing, disinfection
and bacteriological sampling shall be repeated until the water is coliform free.

(c) Disinfection of Existing Facilities-Drinking water mains, storage facilities and filters that
have been partially dewatered during inspection or repair shall, after the repair or
inspection is completed, be disinfected, and flushed prior to placing it back in service.
Bacteriological samples shall be collected immediately or as soon as possible after the
repair is completed and from a location representing the water contained in the
repaired line, tank or filter. The repaired facility may be returned to service prior to
obtaining bacteriological results. If the repaired facility yields positive bacterial
samples, additional flushing, disinfection and bacteriological sampling shall be
repeated until the water is coliform free.

1. If one-half or more of either the original or repeat bacteriological samples

collected from the repaired or renovated facility are total coliform positive, the
system shall notify the Department within 30 days that it has reviewed its
disinfection and sampling practices in an attempt to identify why the positive
samples occurred and revise its disinfection and sampling plans accordingly.

2. If any public water system collects a fecal coliform positive repeat sample or e-
coli positive repeat sample or a total coliform positive repeat sample following an
initial positive fecal coliform or e-coli sample collected from the repaired or
renovated facility, the system shall notify the Department within 24-hours and
issue a tier 1 public notice using the language specified in Appendix B of Rule

June, 2016 96

(Rule 0400-45-01-.17, continued)

(d) Inspectors, contractors, operators, public water systems or engineers that fail to
document and follow adequate disinfection procedures, and fail to collect
bacteriological samples during repairs, inspections or maintenance activities that
potentially would compromise the microbial quality of the water shall issue a boil water
advisory to the customers served by that portion of the public water system prior to
returning the facility to service. The boil water advisory shall remain in effect until
satisfactory microbial tests results are obtained.

(9) All community water systems shall be operated and maintained to provide minimum positive
pressure of twenty (20) psi throughout the distribution system. No person shall install or
maintain a water service connection to any premises where a booster pump has been
installed unless such booster pump is equipped with a low pressure cut-off mechanism
designed to cut off the booster pump when the pressure on the suction side of the pump
drops to twenty (20) psi gauge.

(10) All community water systems having more than 50 service connections shall establish and
maintain an adequate flushing program. The flushing program established shall help ensure
that dead end and low usage mains are flushed periodically, drinking water standards are
met, sediment and air removal and the free chlorine residual specified under paragraph (4) of
this rule is maintained. Records of each flushing are to be maintained by the water system.
These records shall include date, time, location, persons responsible and length of flushing.
In addition to the above information, the free chlorine residual will have to be measured and
recorded on the end of dead end mains after being flushed.

(11) All community public water systems serving more than 50 connections and which have their
own source of water shall be required to install, operate and maintain duplicate disinfection
equipment. Duplicate disinfection equipment means at least two chlorine cylinders
connected to at least two chlorinators. Each set of chlorine cylinders consists of one or more
cylinders which may be connected together by an automatic switchover valve. The two sets
of chlorine cylinders may tee in to a common feed line leading to the chlorinators, but may
not be connected together by an automatic switchover valve. The two sets of chlorine
cylinders must be weighed independently and operated simultaneously. At least two
chlorinators must be operated at all times with each feeding a part of the required dosage.
The chlorinators may discharge to a common manifold piping network to allow multiple
injection points. Facilities may be exempt from simultaneously operating duplicate
disinfection equipment if the facility has a reliable chlorine residual analyzer with an alarm
notifying a manned control center capable of immediately shutting down the treatment facility.
Facilities, which are staffed during the time water is treated, can use one set of chlorine
cylinders with the automatic switchover device provided the free chlorine residual is checked
at the facility every two hours. A reliable free chlorine residual analyzer with an alarm system
to a manned control center may be used for unmanned facilities that desire to use one set of
chlorine cylinders with the automatic switchover device.

Community public water systems serving more than 50 service connections which use a
hypochlorinator shall be required to have two solution pumps, two tanks for bleach solution
and operate both units at the same time. Noncommunity systems and community systems
serving less than 50 connections which use a hypochlorinator and show deficiencies in the
disinfection process shall also be required to have duplicate disinfection units.

(12) All public water systems which utilize a filtration system shall use the following bed
specifications and not exceed the following rates of filtration.

(a) Rapid Sand Filtration - 2.0 gallons per minute per square foot for turbidity removal, 3.0
gallons per minute per square foot for iron removal.

June, 2016 97

(Rule 0400-45-01-.17, continued)

There must be 30 inches of sand media with an effective size of 0.35 mm to 0.55 mm
and a uniformity coefficient not greater than 1.70

(b) High Rate Filtration - 4.0 gallons per minute per square foot for turbidity removal, 4.0
gallons per minute per square foot for iron removal.

There must be 30 inches of dual media with 10 to 12 inches of sand and 18 to 20

inches of anthracite. The sand shall have an effective size of 0.35 mm to 0.55 mm and
a uniformity coefficient not greater than 1.70. The anthracite shall have an effective
size of 0.8 mm to 1.2 mm with a uniformity coefficient not greater than 1.85.

(c) Existing water systems with rapid sand filters and approved for higher rates of filtration
by the Department will be allowed to continue at that rate provided the drinking water
standards are met. The water supplier must be able to document that the Department
approved the system for the higher rate.

(d) All mixed media filter beds will be at least 30 inches in depth and approved by the

(e) Filtration rates above 4.0 gallons per minute per square foot will be considered on an
individual basis. The Department will take into account the raw water characteristics,
the treatment units, operational history, and operating personnel.

(13) All community water systems serving 50 connections or more shall install duplicate pumps for
the raw water, finished water, and distribution pumping stations. A water system will not be
required to have duplicate pumps in a distribution pumping station under the following
conditions: limited number of service connections, availability of replacement pumps,
maintaining adequate flows and pressures without the pumping station, and for emergency
use only. All community public water systems using ground water supplies and having more
than 50 service connections must have duplicate wells and/or duplicate pumps in a spring
supply unless fed by gravity flow.

(14) All community water systems serving 50 connections or more are required to have 24 hours
of distribution storage based on the average daily demand for the past twelve months.
Distribution storage must be located so that the instantaneous demand can be met in all
areas at any time.

(a) Systems which purchase water for resale may utilize the storage of the supplier
provided the supplier has adequate distribution storage. Water systems that have
large ground storage tanks will be given credit for distribution storage provided auxiliary
power is available to pump water to the distribution system.

(b) Systems which have more than three (3) treatment facilities, have more than one
source of water, and which have special power arrangements so that it is unlikely that
all units would be down at the same time are not required to have distribution storage
provided the peak demand can be met.

(c) Water systems which have an average daily demand of 10 million gallons or more are
not required to have 24 hours of distribution storage provided the system has adopted
a contingency plan for emergencies that has been approved by the Department. The
contingency plan must demonstrate the water system is able to provide residential
service to all customers for a 24 hour period during any emergency involving the shut
down of the treatment facility.

June, 2016 98

(Rule 0400-45-01-.17, continued)

(d) Public water systems which utilize wells and provide only disinfection, pH adjustment,
corrosion inhibitor and/or fluoridation as treatment, may use the capacity of the wells
and the plant as part of the distribution storage under the following conditions:

1. The existing distribution storage tank(s) are adequate to meet the peak demands
on the system,

2. The well(s), disinfection equipment and other pumping facilities needed to supply
water to the distribution storage tank are equipped with an auxiliary power source
with automatic controls, and

3. The well field capacity is determined by removing the largest well from

(e) Public water systems may take into account private distribution storage facilities in the
following manner:

1. Private distribution storage may be counted as water system storage provided

the private storage tank floats on the water utility’s system and the water used
serves both the private and utility system demand.

2. The water utility may reduce the amount of needed distribution storage by
subtracting the average daily volume of any water user that has its own storage
tank. This can be done provided the private storage tank is used on a daily

3. Private distribution storage tanks used strictly for fire protection by the private
owner cannot be in the water systems distribution storage capacity.

(15) All community water systems serving 50 or more service connections must have and
maintain up-to-date maps of the distribution system. These maps must show the locations of
the water mains, sizes of mains, valves, blow-offs or flush hydrants, air-release valves, and
fire hydrants. One up-to-date copy of the overall system distribution map(s) is to be
submitted to the Division of Water Supply every five years.

(16) All vents on wells, springs, storage tanks, overflows and clearwells shall be properly
screened. All overflows on springs and tanks shall be screened and protected.

(17) All buildings and equipment used in and for the production and distribution of water (to
include chemical and other storage buildings) must be well maintained and be reliable and fit
for the purpose for which they are used. This includes, but is not limited to:

(a) When a water treatment plant is not producing water and an operator is not in
attendance, plant entrances must be locked.

(b) Equipment such as chemical feeders, pumps, turbidimeters, pumpage meters, alarm
systems, and air tanks shall be maintained and in good working condition. Pumps,
tanks, hoses, and other equipment used by system personnel shall be disinfected and
dedicated to its use if it comes into contact with water that may be consumed by

(c) Duplicate or backup equipment shall be available as necessary to maintain the

production of water meeting drinking water standards. Backup equipment or alternate
treatment means shall be available for feeding all chemicals critical for adequate water

June, 2016 99

(Rule 0400-45-01-.17, continued)

(18) All community water systems planning to or having installed hydrants must protect the
distribution system from contamination. All water mains designed for fire protection must be
six inches or larger and be able to provide 500 gallons per minute with 20 pounds per square
inch residual pressure. Fire hydrants shall not be installed on water mains less than six
inches in diameter or on water mains that cannot produce 500 gpm at 20 psi residual
pressure unless -the tops are painted red. Out of service hydrants shall have tops painted
black or covered with a black shroud or tape.

Existing Class C hydrants (hydrants unable to deliver a flow of 500 gallons per minute at a
residual pressure of 20 pounds per square inch (psi) shall have their tops painted red by
January 1, 2008.

The water system must provide notification by certified mail at least once every five years
beginning January 1, 2008, to each fire department that may have reason to utilize the
hydrants, that fire hydrants with tops painted red (Class C hydrants) cannot be connected
directly to a pumper fire truck. Fire Departments may be allowed to fill the booster tanks on
any fire apparatus from an available hydrant by using the water system’s available pressure
only (fire pumps shall not be engaged during refill operations from a Class C hydrant).

(19) Before any new or modified community water treatment facility can be placed in service, it
must be inspected and approved in writing by the Department.

(20) Each water system adjusting the fluoride content to the finished water must monitor for
fluoride quarterly using a certified laboratory and the calculation of the fluoride level will be by
running annual average. The recommended level of fluoridation in the finished water is 0.7
mg/l. Any public water system which determines to cease fluoridation treatment of its water
supply shall notify the local environmental field office within the department of environment
and conservation and the commissioner of the department of health of its decision to
discontinue fluoridation within the timeframe as specified by T.C.A. § 68-221-708(c).

(21) New or modified turbidity removal facilities may not be placed into operation until the facility
and the operator have been approved by the Department for the turbidity analysis.

(22) All pipe, pipe or plumbing fitting or fixture, solder, or flux which is used in the installation or
repair of any public water system shall be lead free. The term “lead free” shall have the
meaning given it in T.C.A. § 68-221-703.

(23) All dead end water mains and all low points in water mains shall be equipped with a blow-off
or other suitable flushing mechanism capable of producing velocities adequate to flush the

(24) All community water systems must establish and maintain a file for customer complaints.
This file shall contain the name of the person with the complaint, date, nature of complaint,
date of investigation and results or actions taken to correct any problems.

(25) The Department may, upon written notice, require confirmation of any sampling results and
also may require sampling and analysis for any contaminant when deemed necessary by the
Department to protect the public health or welfare.

(26) Those public water systems required to monitor for turbidity and chlorine residual must have
the laboratory approved by the Department before the results of these analyses can be
accepted for compliance purposes.

(27) By December 30, 1991, or 18 months after the determination that a ground water system is
influenced by surface water, all public water systems classified as a ground water system
impacted by surface water shall utilize treatment techniques which achieve:

June, 2016 100


(Rule 0400-45-01-.17, continued)

(a) At least 99.9 percent (3 log) removal and/or inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts
between a point where the raw water is not subject to recontamination by surface water
runoff and a point downstream before or at the first customer.

(b) At least 99.99 percent (4 log) removal and/or inactivation of viruses between a point
where the raw water is not subject to recontamination by surface water runoff and a
point downstream before or at the first customer.

(28) All public water systems using surface water shall provide disinfection to control the biological
quality of the water. Due consideration shall be given to the contact time of the disinfectant in
the water with relation to pH, ammonia, taste producing substances, temperature, presence
and type of pathogens, and trihalomethane formation potential. All disinfection basins must
be designed to prevent water short-circuiting the system. The disinfectant will be applied in
the manner needed to provide adequate contact time.

(29) All community water systems using ground water as the raw water source serving water to
more than 50 connections or 150 people will apply the disinfectant in the manner needed for
adequate contact time. Contact time for ground water systems shall not be less than 15
minutes prior to the first customer.

(30) Any surface supplied public water system or ground water systems under the direct influence
of surface water required to filter shall employ filtration in combination with disinfection that
will achieve 99.9% (3 log) and 99.99% (4 log) inactivation of Giardia lamblia and viruses
respectively between a point where the raw water is not subject to recontamination by
surface water runoff and a point downstream before or at the first customer. For the
purposes of determining removal or inactivation efficiencies for Giardia lamblia and viruses
Table 0400-45-01-.17(30)1 and 0400-45-01-.17(30)2 shall apply. The free residual
disinfectant concentration in the water entering the distribution system cannot be less than
0.2 mg/l for more than four hours.

TABLE 0400-45-01-.17(30)1

Assumed Log Removals by Filtration Method

and Required Levels of Disinfection

Treatment Assumed Log Removal Required Minimum Level of Disinfection

Giardia Viruses Giardia Viruses

Conventional filtration 2.5 2.0 0.5 2.0
Direct filtration 2.0 1.0 1.0 3.0
Slow Sand filtration 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0
Diatomaceous Earth filtration 2.0 1.0 1.0 3.0

TABLE 0400-45-01-.17(30)2

CT Values for Achieving 1-Log Inactivation of

Giardia Cysts

pH Temperature
o o o o
0.5 C 5C 10 C 15 C
Free Chlorine 6 55 39 29 19
7 79 55 41 26
8 115 81 61 41

June, 2016 101


(Rule 0400-45-01-.17, continued)

9 167 118 88 59
Ozone 0.97 0.63 0.48 0.32
Chlorine dioxide 1270 735 615 500
Values to achieve 0.5 log inactivation are one half those shown in the table.
CT values are for 2.0 mg/l free chlorine.
CT values for other concentrations of free chlorine may be taken from Appendix E of the guidance
manual for Compliance with the “Filtration and Disinfection Requirements For Public Water Systems
Using Surface Water Sources,” October, 1989, Edition, Science and Technology Branch Criteria and
Standards Division, Office of Drinking Water, USEPA, Washington, D.C.

(31) Each public water system must certify annually in writing to the Department that when
acrylamide and epichlorohydrin are used in drinking water systems, the combination (or
product) of dose and monomer level does not exceed the levels specified as follows:

Acrylamide = 0.05% dosed at 1 ppm (or equivalent)

Epichlorohydrin = 0.01% dosed at 20 ppm (or equivalent)

Public water systems can rely on manufacturer’s or third parties’ certification for complying
with this requirement.

(32) New service taps on existing mains that must be uncovered to make the tap, shall be flushed
and the free chlorine residual measured and recorded prior to connecting the service lines.
These records shall be retained until the next sanitary survey or for three years.

(33) All public water systems shall properly maintain their distribution system finished water
storage tanks. Each community water system shall establish and maintain a maintenance
file on each of its finished water and distribution storage tanks. These maintenance files
must be available for inspection by Department personnel. These files must include the
dates and results of all routine water storage tank inspections by system personnel, any
reports of detailed professional inspections of the water storage tanks by contractor
personnel, dates and details of routine tank cleanings and surface flushings, and dates and
details of all tank maintenance activities. The tank inspection records shall include dates of
the inspections; the sanitary, coating and structural conditions of the tank; and all
recommendations for needed maintenance activities. Community Water Systems shall have
a professional inspection performed and a written report produced on each of their finished
water and distribution storage tanks at least once every five years. Non-community water
systems shall have a professional inspection and written report performed on each of their
atmospheric pressure finished water and distribution storage tanks no less frequently than
every five years. Records of these inspections shall be available to the Department
personnel for inspection. Persons conducting underwater inspections of finished water
storage tanks shall comply with AWWA standard C652-92 or later versions of the standard.

(34) Paints and coatings for the interior of potable water storage facilities must be acceptable to
the Department. Paints and coatings accepted by the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) and/or the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) for potable water contact are
generally acceptable to the Department. Paint systems for steel tanks shall be consistent
with AWWA Standard D102-78. Factory coated bolted steel tanks shall be in accordance
with AWWA D103-87. Wire-wound circular prestressed concrete tanks shall be in
accordance with AWWA D110-86.

(35) By January 1, 1996, public water systems using surface water and ground water systems
under the direct influence of surface water that filter shall have rewash capability. Such
systems shall perform a rewash cycle, or filter to waste each time a filter is backwashed. The

June, 2016 102


(Rule 0400-45-01-.17, continued)

rewash cycle shall be conducted in a way and manner necessary to prevent the introduction
of contaminants such as pathogens and turbidity trapped in the filter into the clear well or
distribution system.

Existing filter plants may be approved to operate without rewash (filter-to-waste provisions) if
existing operational and backwash practices prevent water of unacceptable quality from
entering the clearwell or distribution system. To operate without rewash the water system
must demonstrate to the Department that filtered water turbidity after backwashing is reliably
and consistently below 0.5 NTU immediately after backwashing each filter. Approval to
operate without rewash must be approved in writing and approval must be renewed if any
modifications are made to the operation or design of the plant. Each filter that operates
without rewash must have a continuous recording turbidimeter and retain the records for a
period of five years.

(36) By January 1, 1995, all chemicals, additives, coatings or other materials used in the
treatment, conditioning and conveyance of drinking water must have been approved by the
National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) or American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
certified parties as meeting NSF product standard 60 and 61. Until 1995, products used for
treatment, conditioning and conveyance of drinking water shall have been listed as approved
by the US EPA or NSF.

(37) Any new Community Water System or Non-Transient Non-Community Water System
commencing operation after September 30, 1999 shall have a “Capacity Development Plan”
and be a “viable water system.”

(38) Public Water Systems identified as not complying or potentially not complying with the
requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act and in accordance with the priorities established
in the Department’s Capacity Development Strategy shall prepare a “Capacity Development
Plan” and demonstrate viability.

(39) Public water systems are not permitted to construct uncovered finished water reservoirs after
the effective date of this subparagraph.

(40) Benchtop and continuous turbidimeters used to determine compliance with limits set forth in
this rule chapter must be calibrated at least every three months with primary standards and
documented. Documentation shall be maintained for a period not less than five years.
Primary standards are Formazin, AMCO clear, Stablcal, or alternatives approved in writing by
the Department. Dilute Formazin solutions are unstable and must be prepared on the day of
calibration. Manufacturers’ recommendations on calibration procedure must be followed.

(41) Verifications for benchtop turbidimeters are comparisons to approved reference materials.
Verifications for continuous turbidimeters are comparisons to approved reference materials or
comparisons to a properly calibrated benchtop turbidimeter. Secondary reference materials
are assigned a value immediately after acceptable primary calibration has been completed.
Acceptable verifications for turbidity measurements greater than 0.5 NTU must agree within
10% from the reading assigned to the reference material after primary calibration.
Acceptable verifications for measurements 0.5 NTU or less must be within 0.05 NTU or less
from the reading assigned to the reference material after primary calibration. When
comparisons are made from a continuous turbidimeter to a benchtop turbidimeter, the
continuous measurement must be within 10% of the benchtop reading for measurements
above 0.5 NTU and 0.05 NTU for reading 0.5 NTU or less. When acceptable verifications
are not achieved the instrument must be re-calibrated with primary standards according to
paragraph (40) of this rule. Approved reference materials for benchtop turbidimeters are
primary standards and materials suggested by the manufacturer such as sealed sample cells
filled with metal oxide particles in a polymer gel. The 0.5 NTU ICE-PIC from Hach is an
approved reference material for secondary turbidity verifications for Hach continuous

June, 2016 103


(Rule 0400-45-01-.17, continued)

turbidimeters when utilized as per Manufacturers’ recommendations. All other reference
materials for turbidimeter verifications must be approved in writing by the Department.
Verifications for turbidimeters must be performed according to the following:

(a) Verification of benchtop turbidimeters must be performed daily and documented.

Verifications must include a sample in the expected working range of the instrument or
as close to the working range as possible. Documentation must include: assigned
reference material value after calibration, recorded daily reading for all reference
standards, instrument identification, and date.

(b) Combined filter effluent turbidimeters as required by part (5)(c)1 of Rule 0400-45-01-
.31 must be verified daily and documented. When reference material is utilized
documentation must include: instrument identification, date, assigned reference
material value after calibration, and daily value for reference material. When
comparisons to benchtop turbidimeters are utilized documentation must include:
instrument identification, date, continuous turbidimeter value, and benchtop
turbidimeter value.

(c) Individual filter turbidimeters as required by part (5)(c)4 of Rule 0400-45-01-.31 must
be verified weekly.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-221-701 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq. Administrative History: Original rule filed
August 1, 2012; effective October 30, 2012. Rule was previously numbered 1200-05-01. Amendments
and new rules filed November 24, 2015; effective February 22, 2016. Amendments filed March 7, 2016;
effective June 5, 2016.


(1) Except where a shorter period is specified in this Chapter, the supplier of water shall report to
the Department the results of any test measurement or analysis required by this part within
(a) the first ten days following the month in which the result is received or (b) the first ten
days following the end of the required monitoring period as stipulated by the Department,
which ever of these is shortest.

(2) All systems shall report to the Department within forty-eight (48) hours of the failure to comply
with Departmental drinking water regulations or other requirements (including failure to
comply with monitoring, maximum contaminant level or treatment technique requirements)
set forth in these rules and regulations, and in case of any of the following events shall
immediately notify the Department and responsible local officials:

(a) any major breakdown or failure of equipment in water treatment process which affects
the quality or quantity of the water leaving the treatment plant;

(b) any serious loss of water service due to a failure of transmission or distribution
facilities; or

(c) any situation with the water system which presents or may present an imminent and
substantial endangerment to health.

(3) Systems are not required to report analytical results to the Department in cases where a
State laboratory performs the analysis and reports the results to the Department.

(4) The public water system, within 10 days of completing the public notification requirements
under Rule 0400-45-01-.19 for the initial public notice and any repeat notices, must submit to
the department a certification that it has fully complied with the public notification regulations.
The public water system must include with this certification a representative copy of each

June, 2016 104


(Rule 0400-45-01-.19, continued)

Table 0400-45-01-.19(1)(a)

Violation Categories and Other Situations

Requiring a Public Notice

1. NPDWR violations:

(i) Failure to comply with an applicable maximum contaminant level (MCL) or maximum
residual disinfectant level (MRDL).
(ii) Failure to comply with a prescribed treatment technique (TT).
(iii) Failure to perform water quality monitoring, as required by the drinking water regulations.
(iv) Failure to comply with testing procedures as prescribed by a drinking water regulation.

2. Variance and exemptions under sections 1415 and 1416 of SDWA:

(i) Operation under a variance or an exemption.

(ii) Failure to comply with the requirements of any schedule that has been set under a
variance or exemption.

3. Special public notices:

(i) Occurrence of a waterborne disease outbreak or other waterborne emergency.

(ii) Exceedance of the alternate MCL for nitrate by non-community water systems (NCWS),
where the non-community system has been granted an alternate standard by the
(iii) Exceedance of the secondary maximum contaminant level (SMCL) for fluoride.
(iv) Availability of unregulated contaminant monitoring data.
(v) Other violations and situations determined by the department to require a public notice
under this rule, not already listed in Appendix A.

(b) Public notice requirements are divided into three tiers to take into account the
seriousness of the violation or situation and any potential adverse health effects that
may be involved. The public notice requirements for each violation or situation listed in
Table 0400-45-01-.19(1)(a) are determined by the tier to which it is assigned. Table
0400-45-01-.19(1)(b) provides the definition of each tier. Appendix A of this rule
identifies the tier assignment for each specific violation or situation.

Table 0400-45-01-.19(1)(b)

Definition of Public Notice Tiers


1. Tier 1 public notice-required for NPDWR violations and situations with significant potential to have
serious adverse effects on human health as a result of short-term exposure.

2. Tier 2 public notice--required for all other NPDWR violations and situations with potential to have
serious adverse effects on human health.

3. Tier 3 public notice--required for all other NPDWR violations and situations not included in Tier 1
and Tier 2.

(c) Who must be notified?

June, 2016 106


(Rule 0400-45-01-.19, continued)

1. Each public water system must provide public notice to persons served by the
water system, in accordance with this rule. Public water systems that sell or
otherwise provide drinking water to other public water systems (i.e., to
consecutive systems) are required to give public notice to the owner or operator
of the consecutive system; the consecutive system is responsible for providing
public notice to the persons it serves.

2. If a public water system has a violation in a portion of the distribution system that
is physically or hydraulically isolated from other parts of the distribution system,
the Department may allow the system to limit distribution of the public notice to
only persons served by that portion of the system which is out of compliance.
Permission by the department for limiting distribution of the notice must be
granted in writing.

3. A representative copy of the each type of the notice distributed, published,

posted and/or made available to the persons served by the system and/or to the
media must also be sent to the Department within ten days of completion of each
public notification.

(2) Tier 1 Public Notice-Form, manner, and frequency of notice.

(a) Violation of the MCL for total coliforms when fecal coliform or E. coli are present in the
water distribution system as specified in Rule 0400-45-01-.06, or when the water
system fails to test for fecal coliforms or E. coli when any repeat sample tests positive
for coliform as specified in Rule 0400-45-01-.07; Violation of the MCL for E. coli (as
specified in Rule 0400-45-01-.06(4)(f));

Table 0400-45-01-.19(2)(a)

Violation Categories and Other Situations

Requiring a Tier 1 Public Notice

1. Violation of the MCL for total coliforms when fecal coliform or E. coli are present in the water
distribution system as specified in Rule 0400-45-01-.06, or when the water system fails to test for
fecal coliforms or E. coli when any repeat sample tests positive for coliform as specified in Rule

2. Violation of the MCL for nitrate, nitrite, or total nitrate and nitrite, as defined in Rule 0400-45-01-
.06, or when the water system fails to take a confirmation sample within 24 hours of the system's
receipt of the first sample showing an exceedance of the nitrate or nitrite MCL, as specified in
Rule 0400-45-01-.09;

3. Exceedance of the alternate MCL for nitrate by non-community water systems (NCWS), where
the non-community system has been granted an alternate standard by the department;

4. Violation of the MRDL for chlorine dioxide, as defined in Rule 0400-45-01-.36, when one or more
samples taken in the distribution system the day following an exceedance of the MRDL at the
entrance of the distribution system exceed the MRDL, or when the water system does not take
the required samples in the distribution system, as specified in Rule 0400-45-01-.36;

5. Violation of the turbidity MCL under Rule 0400-45-01-.06, where the department determines after
consultation that a Tier 1 notice is required or where consultation does not take place within 24
hours after the system learns of the violation;

June, 2016 107


(Rule 0400-45-01-.19, continued)

6. Violation of the Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR) Rule 0400-45-01-.31, Interim Enhanced
Surface Water Treatment Rule (IESWTR) or Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment
Rule (LT1ESWTR) treatment technique requirement resulting from a single exceedance of the
maximum allowable turbidity limit (as identified in Appendix A) where the department determines
after consultation that a tier 1 notice is required or where consultation does not take place within
24 hours after the system learns of the violation;

7. Occurrence of a waterborne disease outbreak, as defined in Rule 0400-45-01-.04, or other

waterborne emergency (such as a failure or significant interruption in key water treatment
processes, a natural disaster that disrupts the water supply or distribution system, or a chemical
spill or unexpected loading of possible pathogens into the source water that significantly
increases the potential for drinking water contamination);

8. Other violations or situations with significant potential to have serious adverse effects on human
health as a result of short-term exposure, as determined by the Department either in its
regulations or on a case-by-case basis.

9. Detection of E. coli or enterococci in source water samples as specified in paragraph (3) of Rule

(b) When is the Tier 1 public notice to be provided? What additional steps are required?
Public water systems must:

1. Provide a public notice as soon as practical but no later than 24 hours after the
system learns of the violation;

2. Initiate consultation with the Department as soon as practical, but no later than
24 hours after the public water system learns of the violation or situation, to
determine additional public notice requirements; and

3. Comply with any additional public notification requirements (including any repeat
notices or direction on the duration of the posted notices) that are established as
a result of the consultation with the Department. Such requirements may include
the timing, form, manner, frequency, and content of repeat notices (if any) and
other actions designed to reach all persons served.

(c) What is the form and manner of the public notice? Public water systems must provide
the notice within 24 hours in a form and manner reasonably calculated to reach all
persons served. The form and manner used by the public water system are to fit the
specific situation, but must be designed to reach residential, transient, and non-
transient users of the water system. In order to reach all persons served, water
systems are to use, at a minimum, one or more of the following forms of delivery:

1. Appropriate broadcast media (such as radio and television);

2. Posting of the notice in conspicuous locations throughout the area served by the
water system;

3. Hand delivery of the notice to persons served by the water system; or

4. Another delivery method approved in writing by the department.

(3) Tier 2 Public Notice--Form, manner, and frequency of notice.

June, 2016 108


(Rule 0400-45-01-.19, continued)

(a) Which violations or situations require a Tier 2 public notice? Table 0400-45-01-
.19(3)(a) lists the violation categories and other situations requiring a Tier 2 public
notice. Appendix A to this rule identifies the tier assignment for each specific violation
or situation.

Table 0400-45-01-.19(3)(a)

Violation Categories and Other Situations

Requiring a Tier 2 Public Notice

1. All violations of the MCL, MRDL, and treatment technique requirements, except where a Tier 1
notice is required under subparagraph (2)(a) of this rule or where the department determines that
a Tier 1 notice is required;

2. Violations of the monitoring and testing procedure requirements, where the department
determines that a Tier 2 rather than a Tier 3 public notice is required, taking into account potential
health impacts and persistence of the violation; and

3. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of any variance or exemption in place.

4. Failure to take corrective action or failure to maintain at least 4-log treatment of viruses (using
inactivation, removal, or a Department-approved combination of 4-log virus inactivation and
removal) before or at the first customer under subparagraph (4)(a) of Rule 0400-45-01-.40.

(b) When is the Tier 2 public notice to be provided?

1. Public water systems must provide the public notice as soon as practical, but no
later than 30 days after the system learns of the violation. If the public notice is
posted, the notice must remain in place for as long as the violation or situation
persists, but in no case for less than seven days, even if the violation or situation
is resolved. The department may, in appropriate circumstances, allow additional
time for the initial notice of up to three months from the date the system learns of
the violation. The department will not grant an extension to the 30-day deadline
for any unresolved violation or to allow across-the-board extensions by rule or
policy for other violations or situations requiring a Tier 2 public notice. Extensions
granted by the department must be in writing.

2. The public water system must repeat the notice every three months as long as
the violation or situation persists, unless the primacy agency determines that
appropriate circumstances warrant a different repeat notice frequency. In no
circumstance may the repeat notice be given less frequently than once per year.
The Department will not through its rules or policies permit across-the-board
reductions in the repeat notice frequency for other ongoing violations requiring a
Tier 2 repeat notice. The Department will not allow through its rules or policies
less frequent repeat notice for an MCL or treatment technique violation under
Rule 0400-45-01-.07 (Monitoring) or Rule 0400-45-01-.41 (Revised Total
Coliform Rule) or a treatment technique violation under Rule 0400-45-01-.31
(Filtration and Disinfection). Department determinations allowing repeat notices
to be given less frequently than once every three months must be in writing.

3. For the turbidity violations specified in this paragraph, public water systems must
consult with the Department as soon as practical but no later than 24 hours after
the public water system learns of the violation, to determine whether a Tier 1
public notice under subparagraph (2)(a) of this rule is required to protect public

June, 2016 109


(Rule 0400-45-01-.19, continued)

health. When consultation does not take place within the 24-hour period, the
water system must distribute a Tier 1 notice of the violation within the next 24
hours (i.e., no later than 48 hours after the system learns of the violation),
following the requirements under subparagraphs (2)(b) and (c) of this rule.
Consultation with the department is required for:

(i) Violation of the turbidity MCL under Rule 0400-45-01-.06; or

(ii) Violation of the SWTR, IESWTR or LT1ESWTR treatment technique

requirement (Rule 0400-45-01-.31) resulting from a single exceedance of
the maximum allowable turbidity limit.

(c) What is the form and manner of the Tier 2 public notice? Public water systems must
provide the initial public notice and any repeat notices in a form and manner that is
reasonably calculated to reach persons served in the required time period. The form
and manner of the public notice may vary based on the specific situation and type of
water system, but it must at a minimum meet the following requirements:

1. Unless directed otherwise by the department in writing, community water

systems must provide notice by:

(i) Mail or other direct delivery to each customer receiving a bill and to other
service connections to which water is delivered by the public water system;

(ii) Any other method reasonably calculated to reach other persons regularly
served by the system, if they would not normally be reached by the notice
required in subpart (i) of this part. Such persons may include those who do
not pay water bills or do not have service connection addresses (e.g.,
house renters, apartment dwellers, university students, nursing home
patients, prison inmates, etc.). Other methods may include: publication in
a local newspaper; delivery of multiple copies for distribution by customers
that provide their drinking water to others (e.g., apartment building owners
or large private employers); posting in public places served by the system
or on the Internet; or delivery to community organizations.

2. Unless directed otherwise by the department in writing, non-community water

systems must provide notice by:

(i) Posting the notice in conspicuous locations throughout the distribution

system frequented by persons served by the system, or by mail or direct
delivery to each customer and service connection (where known); and

(ii) Any other method reasonably calculated to reach other persons served by
the system if they would not normally be reached by the notice required in
subpart (i) of this part. Such persons may include those served who may
not see a posted notice because the posted notice is not in a location they
routinely pass by. Other methods may include: publication in a local
newspaper or newsletter distributed to customers; use of E-mail to notify
employees or students; or, delivery of multiple copies in central locations
(e.g., community centers).

(4) Tier 3 Public Notice--Form, manner, and frequency of notice.

(a) Which violations or situations require a Tier 3 public notice? Table 0400-45-01-.19(4)
lists the violation categories and other situations requiring a Tier 3 public notice.

June, 2016 110


(Rule 0400-45-01-.19, continued)

Appendix A to this rule identifies the tier assignment for each specific violation or

Table 0400-45-01-.19(4)

Violation Categories and Other Situations Requiring a Tier 3 Public Notice


1. Monitoring violations for the primary drinking water contaminants, except where a Tier 1 notice is
required under subparagraph (2)(a) of this rule or where the department determines that a Tier 2
notice is required;

2. Failure to comply with an approved departmental or EPA testing procedure, except where a Tier
1 notice is required under subparagraph (2)(a) of this rule or where the department determines
that a Tier 2 notice is required;

3. Operation under a variance granted under Section 1415 or an exemption granted under Section
1416 of the Safe Drinking Water Act;

4. Availability of unregulated contaminant monitoring results, as required under paragraph (7) of this

5. Exceedance of the fluoride secondary maximum contaminant level (SMCL), as required under
paragraph (8) of this rule; and

6. Reporting and Recordkeeping violations under Rule 0400-45-01-.41.


(b) When is the Tier 3 public notice to be provided?

1. Public water systems must provide the public notice not later than one year after
the public water system learns of the violation or situation or begins operating
under a variance or exemption. Following the initial notice, the public water
system must repeat the notice annually for as long as the violation, variance,
exemption, or other situation persists. If the public notice is posted, the notice
must remain in place for as long as the violation, variance, exemption, or other
situation persists, but in no case less than seven days (even if the violation or
situation is resolved).

2. Instead of individual Tier 3 public notices, a public water system may use an
annual report detailing all violations and situations that occurred during the
previous twelve months, as long as the timing requirements of part 1 of this
subparagraph are met.

(c) What is the form and manner of the Tier 3 public notice? Public water systems must
provide the initial notice and any repeat notices in a form and manner that is
reasonably calculated to reach persons served in the required time period. The form
and manner of the public notice may vary based on the specific situation and type of
water system, but it must at a minimum meet the following requirements:

1. Unless directed otherwise by the Department in writing, community water

systems must provide notice by:

June, 2016 111


(Rule 0400-45-01-.31, continued)

1. Representative samples of a system’s filtered water effluent must be less than or

equal to 1 NTU in at least 95 percent of the measurements taken each month. In
systems using slow sand filtration, if the Department determines there is no
significant interference with disinfection at a higher turbidity level, the Department
may substitute this higher turbidity limit for a system.

2. The turbidity level of representative samples of a system’s filtered water must at

no time exceed 5 NTU.

(c) By December 31, 2001, subpart H systems that use conventional or direct filtration and
serve 10,000 or more persons and by January 14, 2005, subpart H systems serving
fewer than 10,000 persons shall employ filtration treatment that:

1. For systems using conventional filtration or direct filtration, the turbidity level of
representative samples of a system’s filtered water must be less than or equal to
0.3 NTU in at least 95 percent of the measurements taken each month,
measured as specified in subparagraphs (5)(a) and (c) of this rule.

2. The turbidity level of representative samples of a system’s filtered water must at

no time exceed 1 NTU, measured as specified in subparagraphs (5)(a) and (c) of
this rule.

3. A system that uses lime softening may acidify representative samples prior to
analysis using a protocol approved by the Department.

(d) A public water system may use a filtration technology not listed in subparagraph (c) of
this paragraph or in subparagraph (b) of this paragraph if it demonstrates to the
Department, using pilot plant studies or other means, that the alternative filtration
technology, in combination with disinfection treatment that meets the requirements of
paragraph (30) of Rule 0400-45-01-.17, consistently achieves 99.9 percent removal
and/or inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts and 99.99 percent removal and/or
inactivation of viruses, and 99 percent removal of Cryptosporidium oocysts, and the
Department approves the use of the filtration technology. For each approval, the
Department will set turbidity performance requirements that the system must meet at
least 95 percent of the time and that the system may not exceed at any time at a level
that consistently achieves 99.9 percent removal and/or inactivation of Giardia lamblia
cysts, 99.99 percent removal and/or inactivation of viruses, and 99 percent removal of
Cryptosporidium oocysts. The maximum allowable turbidity limits for subpart H
systems serving fewer than 10,000 persons using an alternative filtration technology
excluding slow sand and diatomaceous earth cannot exceed 1 NTU in 95 percent of
the samples taken each month or 5 NTU on any single sample.

(5) Monitoring Requirements

(a) Reserved

(b) The public water system must comply with the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for
total coliforms in paragraph (4) of Rule 0400-45-01-.06 and the MCL for E. coli in
subparagraph (4)(g) of Rule 0400-45-01-.06. The system must achieve the standard at
a frequency of at least 11 months of the 12 previous months that the system served
water to the public, on an ongoing basis, unless the Department determines that failure
to meet this requirement was not caused by a deficiency in treatment of the source

June, 2016 145


(Rule 0400-45-01-.31, continued)

The day’s samples cannot be taken at the same time. The sampling intervals
are subject to Department review and approval.

If at any time the free chlorine concentration falls below 0.2 mg/l in a system
using grab sampling in lieu of continuous monitoring, the system must take a
grab sample every 4 hours until the free residual concentration is equal to or
greater than 0.2 mg/l.

6. Until March 31, 2016, the residual disinfectant concentration must be measured
at least at the same points in the distribution system and at the same time as
total coliforms are sampled, as specified in paragraph (1) of Rule 0400-45-01-
.07. Beginning April 1, 2016, the residual disinfectant concentration must be
measured at least at the same points in the distribution system and at the same
time as total coliforms are sampled, as specified in paragraphs (4) through (8) of
Rule 0400-45-01-.41. The Department may allow a public water system which
uses both a surface water source or a ground water source under direct
influence of surface water, and a ground water source, to take disinfectant
residual samples at points other than the total coliform sampling points if the
Department determines that such points are more representative of treated
(disinfected) water quality within the distribution system. Heterotrophic bacteria,
measured as heterotrophic plate count (HPC) as specified in part (10)(a)4 of
Rule 0400-45-01-.14, may be measured in lieu of residual disinfectant

(c) Until March 31, 2016, the residual disinfectant concentration must be measured at least
at the same points in the distribution system and at the same time as total coliforms are
sampled, as specified in paragraph (1) of Rule 0400-45-01-.07. Beginning April 1,
2016, the residual disinfectant concentration must be measured at least at the same
points in the distribution system and at the same time as total coliforms are sampled,
as specified in paragraphs (4) through (8) of Rule 0400-45-01-.41. The Department
may allow a public water system which uses both a surface water source or a ground
water source under direct influence of surface water, and a ground water source, to
take disinfectant residual samples at points other than the total coliform sampling
points if the Department determines that such points are more representative of treated
(disinfected) water quality within the distribution system. Heterotrophic bacteria,
measured as heterotrophic plate count (HPC) as specified in part (10)(a)4 of Rule
0400-45-01-.14, may be measured in lieu of residual disinfectant concentration.

1. Turbidity as required by paragraph (4) of this rule must be continuously

measured and recorded on representative samples of the system’s combined
filtered water while the system serves water to the public. The highest turbidity
value obtained during each four-hour period must be reported. A public water
system may substitute grab sample monitoring if approved by the Department.
For any system using slow sand filtration or filtration treatment other than
conventional treatment, direct filtration, or diatomaceous earth filtration, the
Department may reduce the sampling frequency to once per day if it determines
that less frequent monitoring is sufficient to indicate effective filtration
performance. For systems serving 500 or fewer persons, the Department may
reduce the turbidity sampling frequency to once per day, regardless of the type of
filtration treatment used, if the Department determines that less frequent
monitoring is sufficient to indicate effective filtration performance. The highest
turbidity measured each four hours must be reported according to the following
four hour segments: 12:01 a.m. to 4:00 a.m., 4:01 to 8:00 a.m., 8:01 to 12 noon,
12:01 to 4:00 p.m., 4:01 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., 8:01 to 12 midnight. The intake of the
combined filter effluent turbidity monitor shall be located at or near the entry point
to the clearwell or at a location approved by the Department.

June, 2016 152


(Rule 0400-45-01-.31, continued)

The day’s samples cannot be taken at the same time. The sampling intervals
are subject to Department review and approval.

If at any time the free chlorine concentration falls below 0.2 mg/l in a system
using grab sampling in lieu of continuous monitoring, the system must take a
grab sample every 4 hours until the free residual concentration is equal to or
greater than 0.2 mg/l.

6. Until March 31, 2016, the residual disinfectant concentration must be measured
at least at the same points in the distribution system and at the same time as
total coliforms are sampled, as specified in paragraph (1) of Rule 0400-45-01-
.07. Beginning April 1, 2016, the residual disinfectant concentration must be
measured at least at the same points in the distribution system and at the same
time as total coliforms are sampled, as specified in paragraphs (4) through (8) of
Rule 0400-45-01-.41. The Department may allow a public water system which
uses both a surface water source or a ground water source under direct
influence of surface water, and a ground water source, to take disinfectant
residual samples at points other than the total coliform sampling points if the
Department determines that such points are more representative of treated
(disinfected) water quality within the distribution system. Heterotrophic bacteria,
measured as heterotrophic plate count (HPC) as specified in part (10)(a)4 of
Rule 0400-45-01-.14, may be measured in lieu of residual disinfectant

(c) Until March 31, 2016, the residual disinfectant concentration must be measured at least
at the same points in the distribution system and at the same time as total coliforms are
sampled, as specified in paragraph (1) of Rule 0400-45-01-.07. Beginning April 1,
2016, the residual disinfectant concentration must be measured at least at the same
points in the distribution system and at the same time as total coliforms are sampled,
as specified in paragraphs (4) through (8) of Rule 0400-45-01-.41. The Department
may allow a public water system which uses both a surface water source or a ground
water source under direct influence of surface water, and a ground water source, to
take disinfectant residual samples at points other than the total coliform sampling
points if the Department determines that such points are more representative of treated
(disinfected) water quality within the distribution system. Heterotrophic bacteria,
measured as heterotrophic plate count (HPC) as specified in part (10)(a)4 of Rule
0400-45-01-.14, may be measured in lieu of residual disinfectant concentration.

1. Turbidity as required by paragraph (4) of this rule must be continuously

measured and recorded on representative samples of the system’s combined
filtered water while the system serves water to the public. The highest turbidity
value obtained during each four-hour period must be reported. A public water
system may substitute grab sample monitoring if approved by the Department.
For any system using slow sand filtration or filtration treatment other than
conventional treatment, direct filtration, or diatomaceous earth filtration, the
Department may reduce the sampling frequency to once per day if it determines
that less frequent monitoring is sufficient to indicate effective filtration
performance. For systems serving 500 or fewer persons, the Department may
reduce the turbidity sampling frequency to once per day, regardless of the type of
filtration treatment used, if the Department determines that less frequent
monitoring is sufficient to indicate effective filtration performance. The highest
turbidity measured each four hours must be reported according to the following
four hour segments: 12:01 a.m. to 4:00 a.m., 4:01 to 8:00 a.m., 8:01 to 12 noon,
12:01 to 4:00 p.m., 4:01 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., 8:01 to 12 midnight. The intake of the
combined filter effluent turbidity monitor shall be located at or near the entry point
to the clearwell or at a location approved by the Department.

June, 2016 152


(Rule 0400-45-01-.31, continued)

2. The residual disinfectant concentration of the water entering the distribution

system must be monitored continuously, and the lowest value must be recorded
each day. If there is a failure in the continuous monitoring equipment, grab
sampling every 4 hours may be conducted in lieu of continuous monitoring, but
for no more than 5 working days following the failure of the equipment. Systems
serving 3,300 or fewer persons may take grab samples each day in lieu of
providing continuous monitoring on an ongoing basis at the frequencies
prescribed below:
System Size by Population Samples/ day
<500 1
501 to 1,000 2
1,001 to 2,500 3
2,501 to 3,300 4
The day’s samples cannot be taken at the same time. The sampling intervals
are subject to Department review and approval.

If at any time the free residual disinfectant concentration falls below 0.2 mg/l in a
system using grab sampling in lieu of continuous monitoring, the system must
take a grab sample every 4 hours until the free residual disinfectant
concentration is equal to or greater than 0.2 mg/l.

3. The residual disinfectant concentration must be measured at least at the same

points in the distribution system and at the same time as total coliforms are
sampled, as specified in paragraph (1) of Rule 0400-45-01-.07. The Department
may allow a public water system which uses both a surface water source or a
ground water source under direct influence of surface water, and a ground water
source to take disinfectant residual samples at points other than the total coliform
sampling points if the Department determines that such points are more
representative of treated (disinfected) water quality within the distribution system.

4. In addition to monitoring required by parts 1, 2 and 3 of this subparagraph, a

subpart H system serving 10,000 or more persons using conventional filtration
treatment or direct filtration must conduct continuous monitoring of turbidity for
each individual filter using an approved method in subparagraph (10)(b) of Rule
0400-45-01-.14 and must calibrate turbidimeters using the procedure specified in
paragraphs (40) and (41) of Rule 0400-45-01-.17. Systems must record the
results of individual filter monitoring every 15 minutes. In addition to monitoring
required by parts 1, 2 and 3 of this subparagraph by January 14, 2005, a subpart
H system serving fewer than 10,000 persons using conventional filtration
treatment or direct filtration must conduct continuous monitoring of turbidity for
each individual filter using an approved method in subparagraph (10)(b) of Rule
0400-45-01-.14 and must calibrate turbidimeters using the procedure specified in
paragraphs (40) and (41) of Rule 0400-45-01-.17. Systems must record the
results of individual filter monitoring every 15 minutes.

5. If there is a failure in the continuous turbidity monitoring equipment, the system

must conduct grab sampling every four hours in lieu of continuous monitoring
until the turbidimeter is repaired and back on-line. A system has a maximum of
five working days after failure to repair the equipment or it is in violation.

(6) Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

June, 2016 153

Rules and Regulation Exercise
1) Define a Subpart H system.

2) Define public water system.

3) The contract laboratory has reported this data (are these violations and if so, what is
the MCL?):

a) arsenic level at 0.05 mg/L.

b) nitrate level at 12 mg/L.

c) fluoride level at 4.3 mg/L.

d) atrazine level at 0.005 mg/L.

e) lindane level at 0.005 mg/L.

f) chromium level at 0.4 mg/L.

g) THM level at 0.09mg/L.

h) HAA5 level at 0.55 mg/L.

i) chlorine level at 4.3 mg/L.

j) chlorine dioxide level at 0.79 mg/L.

k) chloramine level at 3.9 mg/L.

l) fecal coliform-positive repeat sample

m) E. coli-positive repeat sample

n) Total coliform-positive repeat sample following a fecal coliform-positive or E. coli-

positive routine sample
4) The maximum contaminant levels for turbidity in drinking water, measured at a
representative entry point(s) to the distribution system are ___________ NTU as
determined by monthly average pursuant or ___________ NTU based on an average for
two consecutive days.

5) The maximum contaminant level for microbiologicals are based on the presence or
absence of total coliforms, these numbers shall not exceed any of the following:

a) A system that collects at least __________ samples per month shall have no more
than __________ % samples that are total coliform positive.

b) A system that collects fewer than __________ shall have no more than __________
sample collected for the month that are total coliform positive.

6) You serve a community of 32,000 people, how many samples would you need to collect
per month for total coliform?

7) You serve a community of 8,200 people, how many samples would you need to collect
per month for total coliform?

8) If a routine sample is total coliform-positive, you must collect a set of repeat samples
within __________ hours of being notified of the positive result. The system must
collect at least __________ repeat sample from the sampling tap where the original total
coliform-positive sample was taken, and at least __________ repeat sample at a tap
within __________ service connections upstream and at a tap within __________ service
connections downstream of the original sampling site.

9) Turbidity measurements must be performed on representative samples of the system’s

filtered water every __________ hours.

Operation and Maintenance Requirements

10) All community water systems that are designed as a __________ supply and classified
as a __________ system and all __________ removal plants that use gravity filters must
have an __________ in attendance and responsible for the treatment process when the
plant is in __________ .

11) Daily operating records shall be submitted so the Department receives them no later
than __________ after the end of the reporting month.

12) All water quality tests shall be made in accordance with the latest edition of
____________________________________________________________ or alternate
methods acceptable to the Department.

13) Free chlorine levels in the distribution system shall be maintained at no less than

14) All community water systems shall develop a written plan for a _______________
control program to detect and eliminate or protect the system from _______________.

15) Newly constructed or repaired water distribution lines, finished water storage facilities,
filters and wells shall be flushed and disinfected in accordance with ________________

16) All community water systems shall be operated and maintained to provide a minimum
positive pressure of ___________ psi throughout the distribution system.

17) All community water systems having more than 50 service connections shall establish
and maintain an adequate ___________ program. Records must be maintained and
shall include:

a) ________________________ d) ________________________

b) ________________________ e) _______________________

c) ________________________

18) All community public water systems serving more than 50 service connections and that
have their own source of water shall be required to install, operate and maintain
__________ disinfection equipment.

19) What is the filtration rate of a high rate filter?

20) How many inches of media are required?

a) Dual media:

i) Sand:

ii) Anthracite:

b) Mixed media beds:

21) All community water systems serving 50 connections or more are required to have
__________ hours of distribution storage based on the __________ __________ demand
for the past __________ months.
22) All community water systems serving 50 or more service connections must have and
maintain up-to-date __________ of the distribution system. These maps must show the
locations of the:

a) ________________________ d) ________________________

b) ________________________ e) ________________________

c) ________________________ f) ________________________

23) All vents on __________, springs, __________ __________, overflows and __________
shall be properly screened.

24) All community water systems planning to provide fire protection must have the
distribution system designed to provide fire flow. All water mains designed for fire
protection must be __________ inches or larger and be able to provide __________ gpm
with ___________ psi.

25) Public water systems that adjust the fluoride levels shall maintain the concentration of
fluoride in the finished water between __________ mg/L and __________ mg/L.

26) All community water systems must establish and maintain a file for customer
complaints. This file should include:

a) ________________________ c) ________________________

b) ________________________ d) ________________________

e) __________________________________________________________________

27) Any surface supplied public water system or ground water systems under the direct
influence of surface water required to filter shall employ filtration in combination with
disinfection that will achieve __________% ( _____ log) and __________% ( ______ log)
inactivation of Giardia lamblia and viruses respectively between a point where the raw
water is not subject to recontamination by surface water runoff and a point
downstream before or at the fist customer.

Public Notification Exercise
1. Tier 1:

2. Tier 2:

3. Tier 3:

Instructions: List what Tier of PN you would take with each situation listed below, no PN
can be a result also:

1. The contract laboratory has reported the fluoride result as 4.1 mg/L.

2. The system has received a positive result on Fecal coliform on analysis after a
positive total coliform repeat sample.

3. The contract lab has notified the system that the samples submitted for TMH’s were
analyzed after the holding times had expired. The specific monitoring period has also
passed. The lab sent the results to the system two weeks prior to their discovery of
the holding time error. This result has already been reported to the state.

4. A system has been notified by their lab that the Alachlor level was 0.001mg/L.

5. A small system must collect two total coliform samples per month, but failed to do so
last month.

6. The analysis for nitrate was 10.5 mg/L. A confirmation sample was collected within
24 hours. Its value was 9.3 mg/L.

7. The free chlorine residual is 5.0 mg/L in the distribution system.

8. A system had one positive total coliform sample during the month. All the repeat
samples and distribution samples were negative for the month.

9. A system has a sodium level of 5.9 mg/L.

10. A water system had one positive total coliform test and one positive total coliform on
a repeat sample during the same month.
11. The contract laboratory has reported the fluoride result as 3.7 mg/L.

12. A system that collects 60 samples per month had four positive total coliform samples
during the month. All the repeat samples and distribution samples were negative for
the month.

13. A system has been notified by their lab that the Dioxin level was 0.0000001mg/L.

1. violations and situations with significant potential to have serious adverse effects
on human health as a result of short-term exposure
2. public notice – required for all other NPDWR violations and situations with
potential to have serious adverse effects on human health
3. public notice – required for all other NPDWR violations and situations not
included in Tier 1 and Tier 2

Instructions: List what Tier of PN you would take with each situation listed below, no PN
can be a result also:

4. Tier 2 (Tier 3 if between 2-4 mg/L)

5. Tier 1
6. Tier 2 (Tier 3 if not reported to State)
7. NO PN, below MCL
8. Tier 3 (Tier 2 if chronic problem)
9. No PN because avg. samples = 9.9 mg/L < MCL
10. Tier 2
11. NO PN, can have 5%
12. NO PN, but notify State within 10 days, page 97
13. Tier 2
14. Tier 3
15. Tier 2
16. Tier 2
Rules and Regulation Exercise
1) Public water systems using surface water or ground water under the direct influence of
surface water as a source that are subject to the requirements of filtration. 1200-5-1-.04(87)

2) A system for the provision of piped water for human consumption if such serves 15 or more
connections or which regularly serves 25 or more individuals daily at least 60 days out of the
year. 1200-5-1-.04(75)

a) arsenic level at 0.05 mg/L. MCL is 0.05 mg/L

1200-5-1-.06 (1)(b) and

until 1/06, then 0.01 mg/L
b) nitrate level at 12 mg/L. MCL is 10 mg/L

c) fluoride level at 4.3 mg/L. MCL 4.0 mg/L

d) atrazine level at 0.005 mg/L. MCL is 0.003 mg/L

e) lindane level at 0.005 mg/L. MCL is 0.0002 mg/L

f) chromium level at 0.4 mg/L. MCL is 0.1 mg/L

g) THM level at 0.09mg/L. MCL is 0.08 mg/L

h) HAA5 level at 0.55 mg/L. MCL is 0.06 mg/L 1200-5-1-.06 (6)(b)

and (6)(c)

i) chlorine level at 4.3 mg/L. MCL is 4.0 mg/L

j) chlorine dioxide level at 0.79 mg/L. MCL is 0.8 mg/L

k) chloramine level at 3.9 mg/L. MCL is 4.0 mg/L

1200-5-1-.06 (4)

l) fecal coliform-positive repeat sample violation

m) E. coli-positive repeat sample violation

n) violation

4) 1.0 and 2.0 - Page 16, 1200-5-1-.06(3)

5) a) 40 and 5 , 1200-5-1-.06(4)(a)(1); b) 40 and 1, 1200-5-1-.06(4)(a)(1)

6) 30, 1200-5-1-.07(1)(c)

7) 9, 1200-5-1-.07(1)(c)

8) 24, 1, 1, 5, 5; 1200-5-1-.07(2)(a) and (b)

9) 4, 1200-5-1-.08(2)(a)

Operation and Maintenance Requirements

10) surface, filtration, iron, operator, operation; 1200-5-1-.17(1)

11) 10 days; 1200-5-1-.17(2)

12) ”Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”; 1200-5-1-.17(3)

13) 0.2 mg/L; 1200-5-1-.17(4)

14) cross-connection, cross-connections; 1200-5-1-.17(6)

15) AWWA standards C-651, C-652 or equivalent methods provided the method has been
approved in writing by the department and is available during the inspection, construction,
maintenance or repair activity; 1200-5-1-.17(8)(a)

16) 20; 1200-5-1-.17(9)

17) flushing; a) date, b) time, c) location, d) persons responsible, e)length of flushing;


18) duplicate; 1200-5-1-.17(11)

19) 4.0 gpm per square foot; 1200-5-1-.17(12)(b)

20) a) Dual media: 30 inches, i) Sand: 10-12 inches, ii) Anthracite: 18-20 inches, b) Mixed
media beds: 30 inches; 1200-5-1-.17(12)(b) and (d)

21) 24, average daily, 12; 1200-5-1-.17(14)

22) maps; a) water mains, b) sizes of mains, c) valves, d) blow-offs or flush hydrants, e) air-
release valves, f) fire hydrants; 1200-5-1-.17(15)

23) wells, storage, tanks, clearwells; 1200-5-1-.17(16)

24) 6, 500, 20; 1200-5-1-.17(18)

25) 0.9, 1.3; 1200-5-1-.17(20)

26) a)name of person with complaint, b) date, c) nature of complaint, d) date of investigation,
e)results or actions taken to correct any problems

27) 99.9, 3, 99.99, 4; 1200-5-1-.17(27)(a) and (b)

Section 8 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

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 Anaccident is caused by either an unsafe act

or an unsafe environment

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Federal – 29 CFR 1903.1

 Furnish a place of employment free of
recognized hazards that are causing or are likely
to cause death or serious physical harm to
 Comply with occupational safety and health
standards promulgated under the Williams-
Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of


TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

 Defined as any space where BOTH of the  Vaults  Storage tanks

following conditions exist at the same time:
 existing ventilation is insufficient to remove  Silos  Pits
dangerous air contamination and/or oxygen  Inside filters  Hoppers
deficiency which may exist or develop
 ready access/egress for the removal of a suddenly  Basins
disabled employee (operator) is difficult due to the
location and/or size of opening(s)
 Large enough and so configured that an
employee can bodily enter and perform assigned
 Limited or restricted means of entry or exit
 Not designed for continuous employee occupancy

5 6

224 Safety
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 Safety harness with lifeline,  PPE

tripod, and winch  Ladder
 Electrochemical sensors  Rope
 Ventilation blower with hose  Breathing apparatus

7 8

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 Contains or has potential to contain  Need to have atmosphere monitored!!!

hazardous atmosphere  Explosive or flammable air
 Contains material with potential to engulf  Toxic air
and entrant  Depletion or elimination of breathable
 Entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated oxygen

9 10

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 Detected by the smell of rotten  Product of waste decomposition

 Leaks in natural gas pipelines can saturate
 Loss of ability to detect short
exposures the soil
 Not noticeable at high  Explosive at a concentration of 5%
concentrations  Spaces may contain concentrations above the
 Exposures to 0.07% to 0.1% Lower Explosive Limits (LEL) and still have
will cause acute poisoning and oxygen above the 19.5% allowable
paralyze the respiratory center of
 Gasoline storage tanks, gas stations,
the body
 At the above levels, death and/or
petroleum product pipelines, accidental
rapid loss of consciousness occur spills by traffic accidents

11 12

Section 8 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

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 Decreases amount of  ALWAYS ventilate – normal air

oxygen present contains ~ 21%
 Oxygen deficient atmosphere if less
than 19.5%
 0.15% (1500 ppm) = DEATH  Oxygen enriched at greater than
 Will cause headaches at 23.5%
0.02% in a two hour period  Speeds combustion
 Leave area if oxygen concentrations
 Maximum amount of 0.04%
approach 22%
in 60 minute period
 At 8%, you will be dead in 6 minutes
 Colorless, odorless,  At 6%, coma in 40 seconds and then
tasteless, flammable and you die
13 14

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

 When O2 levels drop below 16%, a  In a confined space, the amount of

person experiences oxygen in the atmosphere may be
 Rapid fatigue reduced by several factors
 Inability to think clearly  Oxygen consumption
 Poor coordination  During combustion of flammable substances
 Difficulty breathing  Welding, heating, cutting or even rust formation

 Ringing in the ears  Oxygen displacement

 Carbon dioxide can displace oxygen
 Also, a false sense of well-being may
develop  Bacterial action

15 16

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 Should continuously sample the atmosphere  Alarms set to read flammable gasses
of the area exceeding 10% of the lower explosive limit
 Test atmospheres before entering  H2S exceeds 10 ppm and/or O2 percentage drops
below 19.5%
 Test for oxygen first
 Calibrate unit before using
 Combustible gases second
 Most desirable units simultaneously sample,
analyze, and alarm all 3 atmospheric

17 18

226 Safety
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 Employer shall document entry permits  Space to be entered  Hazards of permit

 Entry supervisor signs permits  Purpose space
 Permit posted  Date and authorized  Measures to

 Shall not exceed time required duration eliminate, isolate,

 Attendant ID by
or control the
 Retain permits for at least 1 year
name hazards
 Results of tests
 Authorized entrants
ID by name  Rescue and

 Entry supervisor
emergency services
name and signature  Communications

19 20

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 PPE (personal protective equipment)  Know signs, symptoms, and consequence of

 Testing equipment exposure
 Properly use equipment
 Alert attendant of warning signs, symptoms
and other possible hazards
 Exit when ordered to evacuate by supervisor
or attendant

21 22

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 Know signs, symptoms, and consequences of  Warn unauthorized persons to stay away
exposure  Perform non-entry rescue
 Possible behavioral effects of hazards  Do not perform any duties that interfere with
 Maintain accurate count of entrants primary duty of monitoring and protecting
 Remain outside permit space entrants
 Communicate with entrants
 Summon rescue and emergency units

23 24

Section 8 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

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 Knowledge of signs, symptoms, and  Employer shall train all employees on

consequences of exposure hazards, procedures, and skills to perform
 Verify appropriate entries, procedures, tests their jobs safely
and equipment  Employees trained before first assigned duty
 Terminate entries and cancel permits if  Employer shall certify training of employees
warranted  Maintain individual training records of
 Verify means for summoning rescue employees
 Ensure that acceptable conditions are
maintained and operations remain consistent
with entry permit

25 26

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

 Identification and evaluation of all hazardous  Identify,evaluate, and monitor hazards in

areas in workplace permit-required confined spaces
 Entrance permits filed  Post signs “Permit Required”
 Training certification  Prevent unauthorized entries
 Written confined space program  Re-evaluate areas
 Inform contractors
 Have a written program available for
 Have proper PPE
 Annual training (OSHA requirement)

27 28

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

 All electrodes removed and machines

disconnected from power sources
 Gas supply shut off
 Gas cylinders outside of work area
 All employees entering must undergo
confined space training
 Ventilation used to keep toxic fumes, gasses,
and dusts below max levels

29 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 30

228 Safety
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General Requirements Requirements When Lockout of Equipment

 Written program  Notify employees
 Utilize tagout system if energy isolating
device not capable of being locked out
 Employeesnotified after completion of work
 Lockout/tagout hardware provided
and equipment are re-energized
 Devices used only for intended purposes
 Tagout shall warn:
 Only trained employees shall perform

31 32

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Recommended Steps for Lockout/Tagout Steps for Restoring Equipment

 Notify employees that device is locked and  Check area for equipment or tools
tagged out  Notify all employees in the area
 Turn off machinery normally  Verify controls are in neutral
 De-activate energy  Remove lockout/tagout devices and re-
 Use appropriate lockout/tagout equipment energize device
 Release any stored energy  Notify employees maintenance and/or
 Try to start machine by normal means repairs are complete and equipment is

33 34

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Training Requirements Inspections

 Employer shall train all employees  Conduct periodic inspection, at least
 All new employees trained annually
 Recognition of applicable hazardous energy  Shall include review between the inspector

 Purpose of program
and each authorized employee
 Recommendation
 Procedures
 Frequent walk-throughs of work areas and
 Consequences
observation of Maintenance and Operation area

35 36

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Required Record Keeping  No written Hazard Communication Program

 Written lockout/tagout program  Inadequate Hazard Communication Training
 Training  PPE Hazard Assessment not done
 Annually and new employees  No Energy Control Program (Lockout/Tagout)
 Inspections  No MSDS on site
 Annual including new equipment, inspection of  No one trained in first aid
devices, and procedures
 No Emergency Action Plan
 Metal parts of cord and plug equipment not
 Unlabeled containers of hazardous chemicals

37 38

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Courtesy of TOSHA Winter 2007 Newsletter 40

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

OSHA says:
 Any electrical installations shall be done by a
professionally trained electrician
 Any employee who is in a work area where
there is a danger of electric shock shall be
 Employees working on electrical machinery
shall be trained in lockout/tagout procedures

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 41

230 Safety
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 Allows energy to be
transferred in an AC system for
one circuit to another
 Used to convert high voltage
to low voltage
 High voltage is 440 volts or higher
 Standby engines should be run
weekly to ensure that it is
working properly
 Relays are used to protect
electric motors
TDEC - Fleming Training Center 44

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Equipment Fire Protection Equipment

 Fire extinguishers shall be located where  Portable fire extinguishers inspected at least
they are readily accessible monthly and records kept
 Shall be fully charged and operable at all  Hydrostatic testing on each extinguisher
times every five years
 All fire fighting equipment is to be inspected  Fire detection systems tested monthly if
at least annually battery operated

45 46

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 Class C
 Class A  Use for areas electrical
 Used on combustible materials such as
wood, paper or trash  Best is carbon dioxide extinguisher
 Can be water based  Using water to extinguish a class C fire risks
electrical shock
 Class B
 Used in areas where there is a presence of  Class D
a flammable or combustible liquid
 Shall not be water based  Used in areas with combustible metal
 Example is dry chemical extinguisher hazards
 An existing system can be used but not  Dry powder type
 Use no other type for this fire

47 48

Section 8 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

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Types of Fire Extinguishers  Combination ABC are

Class Material Method
most common
A Wood, paper Water
 Have the types of
Flammable liquids Carbon dioxide,
B (oil, grease, paint) foam, dry available depending
chemical, Halon
upon analyses
C Live electricity Carbon dioxide, dry
performed in each
chemical, Halon area

D Metals Carbon dioxide

49 50

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

 To operate a fire extinguisher, remember the

word PASS

 Pull the pin. Hold the extinguisher with the

nozzle pointing away from you.
 Aim low. Point the extinguisher at the base of
the fire.
 Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly.
 Sweep the nozzle from side-to-side.

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 52

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 Gloves
 “Right to Know”
 Coveralls/overalls
 In 1983, OSHA instituted
 Face shield/goggles Hazard Communication
 Respirator/SCBA Standard 1910-1200, a rule
that gives employees the
 Boots
right to know the hazards
 Ear plugs/muffs of chemicals to which they
may be exposed in the

53 54

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 National Fire Protection Association Degrees of Hazard

 Chemical hazard label  Eachof the colored areas has a number in it
 Color coded regarding the degree of hazard
 Numerical system  4 extreme
 Health  3 serious
 Flammability  2 moderate
 Reactivity  1 slight
 Special precautions  0 minimal
 Labels are required on all chemicals in
the lab

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4 (extreme)highly toxic material
 Very short exposure can cause death or major
residual injury even with prompt medical
 A known/suspected carcinogen, mutagen, or
3 (serious)  toxic material
 Short term exposure may cause serious
temporary or residual injury even with prompt
medical treatment
 A know/suspected small animal carcinogen,
mutagen, or teratogen
57 58

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Health Flammability
2 (moderate)  moderately toxic material 4 (extreme)  extremely flammable
 Intense or continued exposure could cause  Flashpoint below 73oF
temporary incapacitation or possible residual
injury even with prompt medical treatment 3 (serious)  flammable
1 (slight)  slightly toxic material  Vaporizes readily and can be ignited under
 May cause irritation by only minor residual injury almost all ambient conditions
even without treatment  May form explosive mixtures with or burn rapidly
 Recognized innocuous material when used with in air
responsible care  May burn rapidly due to self-contained oxygen
0 (minimal)  no chemical is without some  May ignite spontaneously in air
degree of toxicity  Flash point at or above 73oF but less than 100oF
59 60

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Flammability Reactivity
 2 (moderate)  combustible
4 (extreme)
 Must be moderately heated or exposed to relatively
high temps for ignition to occur  Can explode or decompose violently at normal
 Solids which readily give off flammable vapors temperature and pressure
 Flash point at or above 100oF but less than 200oF
 Can undergo a violent self-accelerating
 1 (slight)  slightly combustible exothermic reaction with common materials or
 Must be preheated for ignition to occur
by itself
 Will burn in air when exposed at 1500oF for 5 min
 Flash point at or above 200oF  May be sensitive to mechanical or local thermal
 0 (minimal) shock at normal temperature and pressure
 Will not burn
 Will not exhibit a flash point
 Will not burn in air when exposed at 1500oF for 5 min
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Reactivity Reactivity
2 (moderate)
3 (serious)
 Normally unstable and readily undergoes violent
 Can detonate or explode but requires a strong change but does not detonate
initiating force or confined heating before  May undergo chemical change with rapid release
initiation of energy at normal temp and pressure
 Readily promotes oxidation with combustible  May react violently with water
materials and may cause fires  Forms potentially explosive mixtures with water
1 (slight)
 Sensitive to thermal or mechanical shock at
elevated temp  Normally stable material which can become
unstable at high temperature and pressure
 May react explosively with water without 0 (minimal)
requiring heat or confinement  Normally stable material which is not reactive
with water
63 64

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Special  OSHA moving from HCS (Hazard Communication Standard)

to GHS (Globally Harmonized System)
 Revised criteria for chemical hazard classification, labeling
W  water reactive & new format for Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
 Final rule effective May 25, 2012 but compliance dates are
phased in:
 Ox  oxidizing agent  Complete training on new label formats: 12/1/13
 Comply with label and SDS requirements: 6/1/15
 Update Hazcom programs: 6/1/16

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 Product identification  Physical/chemical properties

 Hazard Identification  Stability & reactivity
 Composition/info on  Toxicological information
ingredients Flammables Oxidizers Explosives Acute toxicity Corrosives
 Ecological information*
 First-aid measures
 Fire-fighting measures  Disposal considerations*
 Accidental release  Transport information*
measures  Regulatory information*
 Handling and storage  Other information (including
 Exposure controls date of SDS or last revision)*
Gases under
Carcinogens Environmental Irritant
* Non mandatory 67


TN Department of Environment and Conservation TDEC - Fleming Training Center

 Lower Explosive Level (LEL)

 Can HMIS or NFPA system be used?  minimum concentration of flammable gas or
vapor in air that supports combustion
 While, the hazard category does not appear on
the label, consider  Upper Explosive Level (UEL)
GHS HMIS/NFPA  maximum concentration of flammable gas or
Category Category
Hazard Hazard vapor in air that will support combustion
1 highest 1 slight  Teratogen
2 high 2 moderate
3 medium 3 serious  causes structural abnormality following fetal
4 low 4 severe exposure during pregnancy
NFPA categories were intended for emergency response, not
workplace hazards; only considers acute effects, does not consider  Mutagen
chronic effects  capable of altering a cell’s genetic makeup
69 70

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

 2.5 times as dense as air

 Liquid expands easily into gas at room
temperature 460 times
 Pungent, noxious odor
 Greenish-yellow color
 Toxic by inhalation, ingestion and through
skin contact
 May irritate or burn skin

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 71

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 Inhalation can cause serious lung damage and Safety Precautions for Chlorine Gas
may be fatal  Compressed air
 1000 ppm (0.1%) is likely to be fatal after a few  30 minute capacity
deep breaths
 Annually inspected
 half that concentration, fatal after a few minutes
 Trained/fit tested
 It takes as little as 3 ppm to be detected as a
distinct odor  PPE
 Rubber gloves
 Apron
 Goggles
 Safety shower, eyewash

73 74

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Where Chlorine Gas Is Used: Where Chlorine Gas Is Used (cont’d):

 Separate room for chlorine, with window to view  Must have a chlorine gas detection device
inside connected to an alarm that can be heard
throughout the treatment plant
 Ventilation provided for one complete air change  All gaseous feed chlorine installations shall be
per minute equipped with appropriate leak repair kits
 Air outlet located near the floor  A fusible plug, designed to melt at 158o to 165oF
 Air inlet near the ceiling
(70-74oC), is located in the valve on a 150-lb
cylinder and on the head of a ton container
 Temperature controlled room, 60oF  It is designed to relieve pressure in the cylinder
 Switches for lights and fans located outside of or container when exposed to high heat
room, crash-bar on door inside of chlorine room  Leak detection – an ammonia solution produces
 Vents from feeders and storage shall discharge to
white “smoke” in the presence of chlorine
the outside atmosphere, above grade  A sensor type leak detector is the best means of
detecting small leaks, less than 1ppm
75 76

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3 types of Containers Calcium Hypochlorite (HTH)

 150 lb cylinder – Emergency repair kit A  Dry, white or yellow granular material
 Ton cylinder – Emergency repair kit B  Strong oxidizer
 Railroad cars – Emergency repair kit C
 Reacts with organics and can start fires
 Gives off lots of heat when mixed with water
 Will give off chlorine gas when it reacts
 Always add HTH to water when mixing
 NEVER add water to HTH!!

77 78

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Calcium Hypochlorite (HTH) Calcium Hypochlorite (HTH)

 Granular HTH is safer to work with than  Ifa small amount of calcium hypochlorite is
tablet or liquid form spilled, the chemical should be disposed of
 HTH should be stored in a cool dry place by dissolving it in a large amount of water
away from acids, reducing agents, paints,
oils, and grease
 Use a carbon dioxide extinguisher to put out
fires started by HTH

79 80

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Calcium Hypochlorite (HTH) – PPE

 Eye protection, protective clothing
 Rubber gloves
 It will react with leather
 Rubber boots
 It will react with leather


Section 8 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Safety Quiz

Lockout / Tagout
True or False
1. The term “lockout” means to block the flow of energy to equipment and keep it blocked by
placing a lock to prevent accidental start-up.
True False

2. The term “tagout” means to place a tag on the power source to identify yourself and the
purpose of the lockout, and to warn others not to turn the power back on.
True False

3. If someone else has already applied a lock and tag to a piece of machinery you need to work
on, you should not add another one.
True False

4. After locking and tagging out the equipment, you should test the equipment to make sure it
won’t start.
True False

5. You don’t need to use the lockout / tagout procedure if a machine has a built-in safety shut-
True False

Confined Spaces
Fill in the blank:
6. A is a form designed to make sure workers can safely enter a
confined space by establishing procedures that must be followed.

7. The acceptable range for oxygen level in a confined space is %.

8. List some activities that can reduce the level of oxygen in a confined space:

9. Entry-level permits should be kept on file for at least year(s).

Multiple Choice
10. Which of these are examples of confined spaces? (Circle all that apply)
a) Storage tanks
b) Automobiles
c) Meter pits
d) Manholes
e) Meeting rooms

238 Safety
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 8

11. When must the atmosphere of a confined space be tested?

a) Only before a worker enters
b) Never, if adequate ventilation exists
c) Continuously
d) Only if welding or painting is being performed

12. Some gases in a confined space can be:

a) Colorless
b) Odorless
c) Deadly
d) All of the above

True or False
13. If dangerous conditions exist, you do not have to wait for trained rescue personnel to perform
a rescue.
True False

14. Carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide are two common dangerous gases found in confined
True False

Calcium Hypochlorite
Multiple Choice
15. Calcium hypochlorite:
a) Is an oxidizer
b) May cause a fire if contaminated
c) Can release hazardous chlorine gas if stored improperly
d) All of the above

16. Which form of calcium hypochlorite is the safest?

a) Granular
b) Tablet
c) Liquid

17. Calcium hypochlorite should be stored away from:

a) Acids
b) Paint
c) Reducing agents
d) Oils and greases
e) All of the above

Section 8 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

18. What should be used to extinguish a fire involving calcium hypochlorite?

a) Water
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Chemical smothering agents
d) All of the above

19. When cleaning up a small spill, you should dispose of the calcium hypochlorite by:
a) Burying it
b) Placing it in the trash can
c) Putting it back in the container
d) Neutralizing it with acid or ammonia
e) Dissolving it in a large amount of water

Fill in the blank

20. What personal protective equipment should you wear when handling calcium hypochlorite?

21. Why should smoking be prohibited in calcium hypochlorite storage areas?

22. Why must you never dispose of calcium hypochlorite in the trashcan?

240 Safety
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 8

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. Confined space permit
7. 19.5% - 23.5%
8. Poor ventilation, welding, absorption,
chemical consumption
9. One
10. A and D
11. C
12. D
13. False
14. True
15. D
16. A
17. E
18. B
19. E
20. Wear self-contained breathing apparatus
and protective clothing to prevent
contact with skin and eyes (rubber
gloves and rubber boots)
21. Fire hazard
22. Can react with organic material and
cause a flash fire

Section 8 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TOSHA Standards Requiring Annual Training

Class Regulation Who should attend?

All employees (inform-
Medical & Exposure existence, person responsible,
Records 1910.20(g)(1) location, right of access
All employees – based upon
1910.38(a)(5) other standards and
Emergency Action 1910.38(b)(4) requirements
All employees exposed to an
8 hour TWA or greater of
Noise 1910.95(k) 85dBA
Employees who respond to
Emergency Response 1910.120(q) spills of hazardous chemicals
Personal Protective
Equipment 1910.132(f) Employees who wear PPE
Employees who enter, attend
Permit-Required Confined or supervise P.R. confined
Space 1910.146(g) spaces
Employees who work on
Lock-Out/Tag-Out 1910.147(c)(7) machinery
At least one employee on
each shift, annual as required
First Aid 1910.151(b) by other standards
All fire brigade members
Fire Brigade 1910.156(c) (quarterly and annually)
All employees expected to
Portable Fire Extinguishers 1910.157(g) use fire extinguishers
Fork Lift Trucks 1910.178(1) Fork lift truck operators
Mechanical Power Presses 1910.217(f)(2) Operators
All employees exposures at or
Asbestos 1910.1001(j)(1) above PEL or excursion limit
Anyone with a potential for
exposure at any level – copy
of appendix A&B. If exposed
at or above action level, must
Lead 1910.1025(1) be trained
Employees who render first
Bloodborne Pathogens 1910.1030(g)(2) aid
Employees exposed or
1910.1200(h) potentially exposed to any
Hazard Communication TDL 800-1-9-.07 type of chemicals
Hazardous Chemicals in Employees exposed to
Laboratories 1910.1450(f)(2) chemicals

242 Safety
Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training



 Disinfection
– the destruction
of pathogenic organisms
 To prevent waterborne
disease outbreaks
Destroys only disease-causing
California State University: Sacramento
Water Treatment Plant Operation Vol. I
 Sterilization
– the destruction
of all organisms in the water
Not all microorganisms are bad!


 USEPA (US Environmental Protection Agency)  IESWTR
(Interim Enhanced Surface Water
Treatment Rule)
 Responsible for setting drinking water standards
 Increase public protection form illness caused by
 SDWA (Safe Drinking Water Act) Cryptosporidium
 Sets MCLs (maximum contaminant levels)for  DPBR (Disinfection By-Products Rule)
substances known to be hazardous to human health
 Limits amount of certain potentially harmful
 SWTR (Surface Water Treatment Rule) disinfection by-products that may remain in
drinking water after treatment
 Requires disinfection for all surface water supply
systems to protect against exposure to viruses,  LT2ESWTR(Long Term to Enhanced Surface
bacteria, and Giardia Water Treatment Rule)
 Builds upon earlier rules to reduce illness linked with


 pH
 Chlorine disinfects faster at pH of 7 than at pH > 8
 Hypochlorous acid disassociates at a higher pH
 Temperature
FACTORS INFLUENCING  Higher temperature means more efficient disinfection
DISINFECTION  Longer contact time required at lower temperatures
 Chlorine will dissipate faster in warmer waters
 Microorganisms
 Number and type greatly influence disinfection
 Cysts and viruses can be very resistant to disinfection

244 Disinfection
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 9


 Turbidity  Reducing Agents
 Excessive turbidity greatly reduces disinfection  Any substance that will readily donate electrons
 Demand for chlorine by reducing agents must be met
 Organic Matter
before chlorine becomes available to accomplish
 Organics can consume great amounts of disinfectants disinfection
while forming unwanted compounds such as
disinfection by-products  Inorganic reducing agents
 Reactions with organics and other reducing agents will  Hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S)
significantly reduce the amount chemical available for
disinfection  Ferrous ion (Fe2+)

 Inorganic matter  Manganous ion (Mn2+)

 Ammonia can combine with disinfectant chemical to  Ammonia (NH3)
form side compounds  Nitrite ion (NO2-)

 To destroy harmful organisms
 Physical
 Removes the organisms from the water, or
 Introduces motion that will disrupt the cells’ biological
activity and kill or inactivate them
 Alter the cell chemistry causing microorganism
to die
 Most widely used is chlorine because it is easily
obtained and leaves a measurable residual chlorine


 Physical Means of Disinfection  Chemical Disinfectants
 Ultraviolet Rays (UV)  Iodine
 Rays must come in contact with each microorganism  Limited to emergency use due to high cost and
negative health effects
 Lack of measureable residual
 Heat  Bromine
 Very limited due to handling difficulties
 Rolling boil for 5 minutes
 Ultrasonic Waves  Bases (sodium hydroxide and lime)
 High pH leaves a bitter taste in water
 Sonic waves destroy microorganisms by vibration
 Ozone
 High costs, lack of residual, difficult to store, high
maintenance requirements

Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Chemical Disinfectants  Properties of Chlorine
 Chlorine -- Cl2  Greenish-yellow gas
 100% pure
 2.5 times heavier than air
 gas
 Volume of gas will increase by almost 90% when
 Calcium hypochlorite -- Ca(Ocl)2 temperatures rise
 65% pure
 Liquid expands to 460 times the volume as a gas
 solid
 Can support combustion
 HTH – high test hypochlorite
 Sodium hypochorite -- NaOCl
 5-15% pure
 Liquid
 Bleach


Lowers pH

 Reaction with Water  Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are inorganic

Cl 2 + H 2O  HOCl + HCl reducing agents
hypochlorous hydrochloric
acid acid  Hydrogen sulfide reacts with chlorine to form sulfuric
 Free chlorine combines with water to form hypochlorous acid and elemental sulfur
 Causes odor problems
 Most effective disinfectant
 Dissociates at higher pH (greater than 7)  Ammonia reacts with chlorine to form chloramines
HOCl  H+ + OCl-  As ammonia concentration increases, the
hypochlorous hypochlorite disinfectant power of chlorine decreases
acid ion

 Hypochlorous acid has a much higher disinfection potential  Organics react with chlorine to form trihalomethanes
than hypochlorite ion (carcinogens)
 At pH = 7.5, of the chlorine present 50% will be HOCl and
50% will be OCl-


 Reactions with Water  May be used as a primary disinfectant
 May be applied in the form of calcium hypochlorite  Not affected by ammonia
(Ca(OCl)2) or sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)
 Very effective disinfectant at higher pH levels
Ca(OCl)2 + H2O  HOCl + Ca(OH)2
hypochlorous calcium
 Reacts with sulfide compounds to help remove and
acid hydroxide eliminate their characteristic odors
NaOCl + H2O  HOCl + NaOH  Can control phenolic tastes and odors
hypochlorous sodium
acid hydroxide  Effective oxidizing agent with iron and manganese
 Raises pH due to OH- ion  Does not form carcinogenic compounds from
 If is Ca(OCl)2 injected at the same point of as sodium treating organics
fluoride, a severe crust can form at injection point

246 Disinfection
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 9


 Disinfection Action  The process of adding chlorine to water until the
 Chlorine demand - the point where the reaction with chlorine demand has been satisfied
organic and inorganic materials (aka reducing  Further additions of chlorine will result in a chlorine
agents) stops residual that is directly proportional to the amount of
 Chlorine residual – the total of all the compounds with chlorine added beyond the breakpoint
disinfecting properties plus any remaining free chlorine
 Chlorine dose – the amount of chlorine needed to Demand Free
satisfy the chlorine demand and the amount of Breakpoint Residual
chlorine residual needed for disinfection
 Total chlorine dose = residual + demand

Dose = Demand + Residual


 Chloramines have been used as an alternative
disinfectant for over 70 years
 Anoperator’s decision to use chloramines
depends on several factors
 However, chloramination alone is not an
approved method of disinfection in the state of


 Chlorineis effective in control biological agents  Critical Factors
and eliminating coliform bacteria  Effectiveness of upstream treatment processes
 Injection point and method of mixing
 To ensure adequate control of coliform  Temperature
aftergrowth, a chlorine residual of 0.2 mg/L in the  The higher temp, the more rapid the disinfection
distribution system can be a good indicator  Dosage and type of chemical
 A lack of this residual could indicate the presence  The higher the dose, the faster the disinfection

of a heavy contamination  pH
 The lower the pH, the better the disinfection
 Contact time
 Longer contact time has better disinfection
 Concentration
 Chlorine residual

Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


“kill” is proportional to C x T  Prechlorination
 Application of chlorine ahead of any other treatment
 Destruction of organisms depends on the
 Benefits
concentration of chlorine added (C) and the
 Control of algal and slime growths
amount of time the chlorine is in contact with the
organisms (T)  Control of mudball formation
 Improved coagulation
 Inversely proportional
 Reduction of tastes and odors
 If one is decreased, the other must be
 Increased chlorine contact time
increased to ensure that “kill” remains the same
 Increased safety factor in disinfection of heavily
contaminated waters


 Postchlorination  Mains
 Application of chlorine after the water has been  After initial installation and any repairs
treated but before it enters the distribution system
 Tanks and Reservoirs
 Primary point of disinfection
 To resolve specific problems
 Rechlorination
 After initial installation, repairs, maintenance,
 Practice of adding chlorine in the distribution system repainting, and cleaning
 Common when distribution system is long or  Water Supply Systems
 i.e. Small water systems
 Wells
 Good practice whenever wells are used for public
water supplies

A piece of equipment used to feed liquid
chlorine solutions (bleach)
 Consistsof chemical solution
tank, diaphragm-type
OPERATION OF pump, power supply, water
CHLORINATION EQUIPMENT pump, pressure switch,
water storage tank

248 Disinfection
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 9

2 methods of feeding  Chlorine
gas may be removed from chlorine
containers by a valve and piping arrangement
 Directly pumped into water
 Chlorinegas is controlled, metered, and
 Pump through an ejector (injector)
introduced into a stream of injector water, and
 Draws in additional water for dilution of solution then is conducted as a solution to the point of
 Safety
 Protective clothing: gloves and rubber suit
 Self-contained pressure-demand air supply system
 Chlorine leak detector set at floor level
 Warning device located outside chlorine room


 Ejector – creates the vacuum that moves the  Plastic
chlorine gas (also called injector or eductor)  Commonly used for storage of hypochlorite solution
 Fitted with Venturi valve  Should be large enough to hold 2-3 days’ supply
 Check valve assembly – prevents water from  Fresh solution should be prepared every 2-4 days
back-feeding as the water moves through  Sodium hypochlorite will lose 2-4% concentration per
ejector month at room temperature
 Recommended shelf life of
 Rate valve – controls the flow rate at which 60-90 days
chlorine gas enters the chlorinator
 Diaphragm assembly – connects directly to the
inlet valve of the vacuum regulator


 Steel Cylinders  Steel Cylinders
 Safety for handling and storing  Contain 100 to 150 pounds
 Move cylinders with a properly balanced hand truck  Fusible plug is placed in the valve below the valve
 Can be rolled in a vertical position seat
 Always replace the protective cap when moving a cylinder  Safety device to prevent buildup of excessive pressures
 Keep cylinders away from direct heat and direct sun  Melts at 158°-165°F (70°-74°C)
 Transport and store cylinders in an upright position
 Store empty cylinders separate from full cylinders
Never store near turpentine, ether, anhydrous ammonia,
finely divided metals, hydrocarbons, or other materials
that are flammable
 Remove outlet cap from cylinder and inspect outlet threads
 Test chlorine cylinders at 800 psi every 5 years

Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Ton Tanks  Ship ton tanks by rail in multiunit cars, truck or
 Loaded weight of about 3,700 pounds
 Handle ton tanks with a suitable lift clamp or in
 Openings for fusible plugs and valves conjunction with a hoist or crane
 2 operating valves  Lay ton tanks on their sides
 6 fusible plugs (3 on each end)  Do not stack
 Separate tanks by 30 inches for access in case of
 Place ton tanks on trunnions that are equipped with
 In case of a leak, tank can be rolled so that the leaking
chlorine escapes as a gas not a liquid
 Uselocking devices to prevent ton tanks from rolling
while connected


 Whenever performing any work or maintenance  Ton Tanks

on chlorine cylinders, a self-contained breathing  Must be placed on their sides with valves in vertical
apparatus (SCBA)should be worn or at least positions to allow either chlorine gas or liquid to be
readily available removed
Top valve to remove chlorine gas
 Greater than maximum feed rate will result in 

freezing and a decreased rate of delivery  Bottom valve to remove liquid chlorine
 Must use an evaporator – used to convert liquid chlorine
 50 lb cylinder = 40 lbs/day
to gaseous chlorine
 Ton cylinder = 400 lb/day
 With evaporator = 9,600 lb/day

 Frosting may cause gas to condense to liquid

which could plug the chlorine supply lines

250 Disinfection
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 9

 Chlorine leak can be
smelled at concentrations
as low as 3 ppm
 Detectors can detect 1ppm or less
 Always work in pairs when looking for and
MAINTENANCE repairing leaks
 Ifleak is large, all persons in adjacent areas
should be warned and


 Any new or repaired system should be cleaned,  If leak is in cylinder, use emergency repair kit
dried, and tested for leaks  For 150 lb cylinder, Emergency Repair kit A
 Ammonia solution on a piece of  For ton cylinder, Emergency Repair kit B
cloth held near a chlorine leak  For railroad car, Emergency Repair kit C
will produce a white vapor
 Use concentrated ammonia solution of 28-30%
 A squeeze bottle filled with ammonia water to
dispense vapor may also be used
 If
leak is in the equipment, close the valves at


 Ifchlorine leaking as a liquid,  Leaksat valve discharge outlet can often be
rotate cylinder so leak is on top stopped by replacing the gasket or adapter
 Chlorine is escaping only as a gas
 Leaks at fusible plugs and cylinder valves usually
 Ifprolonged or unstoppable leak, emergency require special handling and emergency equipment
disposal should be provided
 Pinhole leaks in the walls of cylinders can be stopped
 Chlorine may be absorbed into solutions of caustic soda, by using a clamping pressure saddle with a
soda ash, or agitated hydrated lime turnbuckle available in repair kits
 Never put water on a chlorine leak  Temporary fix
 By-product (sulfuric acid) will make the leak larger A leaking container must not be shipped
 Leak around valve stem can be stopped by closing  Do not accept delivery of containers showing
the valve or tightening the packing gland nut evidence of leaking, stripped threads, etc.

Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Amperometric titration
 DPD tests
 Allsubpart H systems (surface water systems and
groundwater systems under the influence of
MEASUREMENT OF surface water) must provide disinfection
CHLORINE RESIDUAL  Must collect residual chlorine sample at the
same frequency and location as total
coliform samples


 Amperometric titration  DPD tests
 A means of measuring concentrations of  A method of measuring the chlorine residual in water
certain substances in water based on the
electric current that flows during a chemical  N,N-diethyl-p-phenylene-diamine
 The residual may be determined by either titrating
 1. place a 200 mL sample of water in titrator
or comparing a developed color with color
 2. Start the agitator standards
 3. Add 1 mL of pH 7 buffer 1. Collect a sample
 4. Titrate with phenylarsene oxide solution
(PAO)  Typically 10 mL or 25 mL
 5. End point is reached when one drop will 2. Zero instrument with sample blank
cause a deflection on the microammeter 3. Add color reagent
the deflection will remain 4. Read colored sample in spectrophotomer or colorimeter
 6. mL of PAO used in titration is equal to mg/L  “False positive” can occur when sample contains a
of free chlorine residual
combined chlorine residual

 Chlorine gas is 2.5 times heavier than air
 Extremely toxic
 Corrosive in moist atmospheres
 Very irritating to mucous membranes of the nose,
CHLORINE SAFETY throat, and lungs
PROGRAM Effect Cl2 concentration (ppm)
Slight symptoms after several hours’ exposure 1

Detectable odor 0.3-3.5

Noxiousness (harmful) 5
Throat irritation 15
Coughing 30
Dangerous from ½ to 1 hour 40
Death after a few deep breaths 1,000

252 Disinfection
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 9


 Everyperson should be trained in the use of self-  Mild chlorine exposure
containing breathing apparatus (SCBA), methods of
detecting hazards, and should know what to do in  Leave contaminated area
case of emergencies  Move slowly, breathe lightly without exertion, remain
 Clothing exposed to chlorine can be saturated with calm, keep warm, and resist coughing
chlorine, which will irritate the skin if exposed to  If clothing has been contaminated, remove as soon as
moisture or sweat possible
 Self-containedair supply and positive pressure  If slight irritation, immediate relief can come from
breathing equipment must fit and be used properly drinking milk
 Wear protective clothing to enter an area
containing a chlorine leak
 Chemical suit will prevent chlorine from contacting the
sweat on the body and forming hydrochloric acid


 Extreme Chlorine Exposure  Wash spills with large volumes of water
 Follow established emergency procedures
 Hypochlorite can damage eyes and skin upon
 Always use proper safety equipment; do not enter area
without self-contained breathing apparatus contact
 Remove patient from affected area immediately  Immediately wash affected are thoroughly with water
 First-aid  Nonflammable,however can cause a fire when
 Remove contaminated clothes comes in contact with organics
 Keep patient warm and cover with blankets
 Place patient in comfortable position on back
 Administer oxygen if breathing is difficult
 Perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation if breathing seems to
have stopped
 If chlorine has got in eyes, flush with large amounts of water
immediately (at least 15 minutes)

 Ultraviolet
light – band of electromagnetic
radiation just beyond the visible light spectrum
 UV light absorbed by cells of microorganisms
damages the genetic material to cease growth or

Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Based on internal operating design  Source of UV energy in majority of systems
 Low-pressure, low-intensity  Last between 8,000 and 10,000 hours
 Low-pressure, high-intensity
 Medium-pressure, high-intensity  Operate between 40o and 60oF
 Generate light by transforming electrical energy
into UV radiations
 Emits light at wavelength 253.7 nm
 Eachlamp protected by quartz sleeve with
watertight electrical connections


 Lamp assemblies mounted in a rack(s) that are  UV lamp can burn eyes
immersed in flowing water  Never
look into uncovered parts of the UV
 Can be enclosed in a vessel or in an open chamber without protective glasses
channel  Lamps contain mercury vapor that will be
 Enclosed in vessels in pressure systems released of lamp breaks
 Placed either horizontal and parallel to flow or
vertical and perpendicular to flow
 Number of lamps determines water depth in

 Water level over lamps must be maintained to  Light
must be intense enough to penetrate
ensure all microorganisms are exposed and to pathogens’ cell walls
prevent short circuiting  Intensity affected by the condition of the UV lamps
and the quality of the water
 Water level control device must be regulated by
 An old or dirty lamp has a reduced UV light intensity
the operator to:
 High turbidity inhibits light transmission, reducing the
 Minimize variation of the channel’s water level disinfecting power in proportion to its distance from
the light source
 Maintain the channel’s water level at a defined level
 High TSS inhibits light transmission and shields bacteria
 Keep the UV lamps submerged at all times protecting them from disinfection
 Prevent excessive water layer thickness above the top
 Low UV light intensity will produce a low level of
lamp row

254 Disinfection
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 9

 UV Dose Calculation  Routine Operations Tasks
 Intensity of UV radiation and contact time determine  Check UV monitors for UV transmission
the UV dose and, therefore, the effectiveness
 Routinely clean the UV lamps
 Expressed as mJ/sq cm (milli-joules per square
centimeter)  Wiping Systems
 Use worse case intensity for calculation (farthest  Should be observed to ensure proper operation of the
point from UV) wiping action of a bank and the proper wiping cycle

 Channel Volume Calculation  Monitoring Lamp Output Intensity

 Refers to the irradiated volume of the UV reactor  Lamp output declines with use

 Volume of bacteria exposed to UV radiation  Lamps should be replaced with output no longer
meets standards or burn out
 Fixed calculation

 Monitoring Influent and Effluent Characteristics  Routine Maintenance
 Must maintain velocities and low turbidity levels  Check UV monitor for reduction in lamp output
 Suspended particles shield microorganisms from UV light  Monitor process for major changes
 Flows should be somewhat turbulent to ensure exposure  Check for fouling of the quartz sleeves
to all microorganisms, but controlled so that water is
exposed for long enough for disinfection to occur  Check that all UV lamps are energized
 Bacteriological tests must be performed frequently  Monitor reports to determine UV lamp replacement
since there is no residual left by UV interval

 Emergency Alarms  Check quartz sleeves for discoloration

 UV systems require extensive alarm systems to ensure  Dewater and hose down UV channel if algae
complete disinfection and other attached biological growths form
on walls and floor

 Quartz Sleeve Fouling  UV lamps
 Occurs when cations attach to protein and colloidal  Service life ranges from 7,500 – 20,000 hours
matter that crystallizes on the quartz sleeves  Depends on
 This will decrease the intensity of the UV light  Level of suspended solids
 Frequency of on/off cycles
 Sleeve Cleaning
 Operating temperature of lamp electrodes
 Frequency depends on the quality of water being
treated and treatment chemicals used  Lamp output drops 30-40% in first 7,500 hours
 Lamp electrode failure is most common cause of lamp
 Best done by dipping bulbs an inorganic acid
solution for 5 minutes
 Do not throw used lamps in garbage can
 i.e. Nitric acid (50%) or phosphoric acid (5-10%)
 Must be disposed properly due to mercury content

Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

 Bluish toxic gas with pungent odor
 Alternative disinfectant
 Very strong oxidant and virucide (kills viruses)
 Must be generated on site
OZONE  Generated by passing an electrical current
through pure oxygen
Introduction to Water Treatment O2 + Energy  O + O
O + O2  O3


 Effectiveness of disinfection depends on
 Consists of 4 major parts
 Susceptibility of the target organisms
 Contact time  Air preparation unit

 Concentration of the ozone  Electrical power unit

 Ozone generator
 Because ozone is consumed quickly, it must be
exposed to the water uniformly  Contactor

 Residual ozone measured by the iodometric

 Dissolved ozone measured by Indigo test

Air preparation
 When air is used as the feed gas for an ozone
generator, it must be extremely dry
 Thepreparation unit usually consists of a
commercial air dryer with a dew point
monitoring system
 This is the most critical part of the system
 Airshould be clean and dry with a dew point
below -51°C (-60oF)

256 Disinfection
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 9

Ozone Generator
Electrical Power Units
 Consists of a pair of electrodes
 Usually a very special electrical control separated by a gas space and a layer of
system glass insulation
 Most common unit provides low
 Air passes through the empty space
frequency, variable voltage
 For large installations, medium frequency,  Electricaldischarge occurs across the
variable voltage is used gas space and ozone is formed
 Reduces power costs Oxygen from air + Electrical voltage  Ionized oxygen + Heat
O2 + electricity  2(O)
 Allows for higher ozone output
Ionized oxygen + Non-ionized oxygen  Ozone
2(O) + 2(O2)  2 (O3)


Ozone Contactor Types of Ozone Contactors

 Mixing chamber for the ozone rich  Turbine mixers
material and the water  Injectors
 Ozone has a very short life  Packed columns
 Must be evenly and efficiently  Spray chambers
introduced to the water to be treated  Fine-bubble diffusion
 Critical to the success of the system  Most common
 Small bubbles rise through the tank
transferring the ozone to the water


 More effective than chlorine in destroying viruses
 Low dosage may not effectively inactivate some
 No harmful residuals after ozonation viruses, spores, and cysts
 Complex technology requiring complicated
 No regrowth of microorganisms equipment
 Removes color, tastes, and odors  Ozone if very reactive and corrosive require
corrosion resistant materials
 Oxidizes iron, manganese, sulfides and organics  Ozone is very irritating and possibly toxic
 The cost of treatment can be relatively high in
capital and power costs
 Cannot be used as sole means of disinfectant in
Tennessee due to Cl2 residual requirements
 Can combine with bromide to form bromate
 A carcinogen

Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Ozone may be used for more than just  Inspectelectrical equipment and pressure
disinfection or viral inactivation vessels monthly
 When used prior to coagulation  Conduct a yearly preventive maintenance
 Treats Fe and Mn, helps flocculation, and removes program
 Should be done by a factory representative or an
 If applied before filtration operator trained by the manufacturer
 Oxidizes organics, removes color, and treats tastes and
 Lubricate
moving parts according to
manufacturer’s recommendations

 Ozone is a toxic gas and is a hazard to plants
and animals
 When ozone breaks down in the atmosphere,
the resulting pollutants can be very harmful
 Ozone contactors must have a system to collect
ozone off-gas.
 Ozone generating installations must include a thermal
or catalytic ozone destroyer

258 Disinfection
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 9

Fleming Training Center

Pipe Disinfection Formulas for 50 mg/L of HTH
If a pipe is of size not listed below, the following formula will
give the calculations needed to find the amount of HTH
needed, if the length of line is given:

Calculation Formula =
L= the length of the line in feet,
X = the diameter in inches

Or, Use the following Chart, if Pipe Diameter is listed


6 0.000935(L)

8 0.00166(L)

10 0.0026(L)

12 0.00374(L)

14 0.00509(L)

16 0.00665(L)

20 0.01038(L)

C24 0.01495(L)

Contact Amanda Carter At Fleming Training Center

(615) 898-6507

Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

DisinfecƟon Vocabulary
A. Amperometric Titra on W. Hypochlorina on
B. Bacteria X. Hypochlorite
C. Breakpoint Chlorina on Y. IDLH
D. Carcinogen Z. MPN
E. Chlorina on AA. Oxida on
F. Chlorine Demand BB. Oxidizing Agent
G. Chlorine Requirement CC. Pathogenic Organisms
H. Chlorine Residual DD. Postchlorina on
I. Chlororganic EE. Potable Water
J. Colorimetric Measurement FF. Prechlorina on
K. Combined Available Chlorine GG. Precursor, THM
L. Combined Available Chlorine Residual HH. Reagent
M. Combined Chlorine II. Reducing Agent
N. Combined Residual Chlorina on JJ. Reliquefac on
O. DPD KK. Steriliza on
P. Dew Point LL. Titrate
Q. Disinfec on MM. Total Chlorine
R. Eductor NN. Total Chlorine Residual
S. Enteric OO. Trihalomethanes
T. Free Available Residual Chlorine PP. Turbidity
U. HTH QQ. Ultraviolet
V. Hydrolysis

_____ 1. The Most Probable Number of coliform group organisms per unit volume of sample water

_____ 2. Any substance which tends to produce cancer in an organism

_____ 3. A chemical reac on in which a compound is converted into another compound by taking up water.

_____ 4. Any substance that will readily donate electrons

_____ 5. The applica on of chlorine to water to produce combined available chlorine residual

_____ 6. A hydraulic devise used to create a nega ve pressure by forcing a liquid through a restric on, such
as a Venturi.
260 Disinfection
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_____ 7. Organic compounds combined with chlorine

_____ 8. Organisms capable of causing diseases in a host
_____ 9. The total concentra on of chlorine in water, including the combined chlorine and the free available

_____ 10. Pertaining to a band of electromagne c radia on just beyond the visible light spectrum; used to
disinfect water

_____ 11. Addi on of chlorine to water un l the chlorine demand has been sa sfied; addi onal chlorine be-
yond this point will result in a free chlorine residual

_____ 12. Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health; the atmospheric concentra on of any toxic, corrosive or
asphyxiant substance that poses and immediate threat to life or would cause irreversible or delayed adverse
health effects

_____ 13. The amount of chlorine that is needed for a par cular purpose
_____ 14. The addi on of oxygen, removal of hydrogen, or the removal of electrons from an element or
_____ 15. The removal or destruc on of all microorganisms
_____ 16. The cloudy appearance of water caused by the presence of suspended and colloidal ma er
_____ 17. A pure chemical substance that is used to make new products or is used in chemical tests to meas-
ure, detect, or examine other substances

_____ 18. The applica on of hypochlorite compounds to water for the purpose of disinfec on.
_____ 19. The sum of the chlorine species composed of free chlorine and ammonia
_____ 20. The total chlorine, present as chloramine or other deriva ves, that is present in a water and is s ll
available for disinfec on and for oxida on of organic ma er

_____ 21. The applica on of chlorine to water generally for the purpose of disinfec on
_____ 22. The addi on of chlorine at the headworks of the plant prior to other treatment processes mainly
for disinfec on and control of tastes, odors, and aqua c growths

_____ 23. That por on of the total available residual chlorine composed of dissolved chlorine gas, hypo-
chlorous acid, and or hypochlorite ion remaining in water a er chlorina on.

_____ 24. A method of measuring the chlorine residual in water

_____ 25. An substance, such as oxygen or chlorine, that will readily add electrons
_____ 26. The return of a gas to the liquid state e.g. a condensa on of chlorine gas to return it to its liquid
form by cooling
_____ 27. The concentra on of residual chlorine that is combined with ammonia, organic nitrogen, or both
in water as a chloramine and is s ll available to oxidize organic ma er and kill bacteria
Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

_____ 28. The difference between the amount of chlorine added to water and the amount of residual chlo-
rine remaining a er a given contact me
_____ 29. Living organisms, microscopic in size, which usually consist of a single cell
_____ 30. The addi on of chlorine to the plant effluent, following plant treatment, for disinfec on purposes
_____ 31. The total amount of chlorine residual present in a water sample a er a given contact me
_____ 32. Of intes nal origin, especially applied to wastes or bacterias
_____ 33. Water that does not contain objec onable pollu on, contamina on, minerals, or infec ve agents
and is considered sa sfactory for drinking
_____ 34. The temperature to which air with a given quan ty of water vapor must be cooled to cause con-
densa on of the vapor in the air
_____ 35. A means of measuring unknown chemical concentra ons in water by measuring a sample’s color

_____ 36. A means of measuring concentra ons of certain substances in water based on the electric current
that flows during a chemical reac on
_____ 37. A chemical solu on of known strength is added drop by drop un l a certain color change, precipi-
tate, or pH change in the sample is observed (end point)
_____ 38. Natural organic compounds found in all surface and groundwaters that may react with halogens
such as chlorine
_____ 39. Calcium hypochlorite. Ca(OCl)2
_____ 40. The process designed to kill or inac vate most microorganisms in water, including essen ally all
pathogenic bacteria
_____ 41. The concentra on of chlorine present in water a er chlorine demand has been sa sfied
_____ 45. Deriva ves of methane in which three halogen atoms are subs tuted for three of the hydrogen

_____ 43. Chemical compounds containing available chlorine

262 Disinfection
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1. Z 12. Y 23. T 34. P
2. D 13. G 24. O 35. J
3. V 14. AA 25. BB 36. A
4. II 15. KK 26. JJ 37. LL
5. N 16. PP 27. L 38. GG
6. R 17. HH 28. F 39. U
7. I 18. W 29. B 40. Q
8. CC 19. M 30. DD 41. H
9. MM 20. K 31. NN 42. OO
10. QQ 21. E 32. S 43. X
11. C 22. FF 33. EE

Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Review Questions
1. What are pathogenic organisms?

2. What is disinfection?

3. Drinking water standards are established by what agency of the United States

4. MCL stands for what words?

5. How does pH influence the effectiveness of disinfection?

6. How does the temperature of the water influence disinfection?

7. What two factors influence the effectiveness of disinfection on microorganisms?

8. List the physical agents that have been used for disinfection (chlorine is not a physical

264 Disinfection
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9. List the chemical agents other than chlorine that have been used for disinfection.

10. What is a major limitation to the use of ozone?

11. How is the chlorine dosage determined?

12. List two organic reducing chemicals with which chlorine reacts rapidly.

13. What does chlorine produce when it reacts with organic matter?

14. How do chlorine gas and hypochlorite influence pH?

15. How does pH influence the relationship between HOCl and OCl‐?

16. What is breakpoint chlorination?

17. List the two most common points of chlorination in a water treatment plant.

18. Under what conditions should waters not be prechlorinated?

Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

19. What are the benefits of prechlorination?

20. List the major parts of a typical hypochlorinator system.

21. What are the two common methods of feeding hypochlorite to the water being

22. What type of container is commonly used to store hypochlorite?

23. How large a supply of hypochlorite should be available?

24. What is the purpose of the fusible plug?

25. What is removed by the upper and lower valves of ton chlorine tanks?

26. Why are one‐ton tanks placed on their sides with the valves in a vertical position?

27. If chlorine is escaping from a cylinder, what would you do?

266 Disinfection
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28. How can chlorine leaks around valve stems be stopped?

29. How can chlorine leaks at the valve discharge outlet be stopped?

30. What properties make chlorine gas so hazardous?

31. What type of breathing apparatus is recommended when repairing chlorine leaks?

32. What first‐aid measures should be taken if a person comes in contact with chlorine gas?

33. The UV light intensity that reaches the pathogens in the water is affected by what factors?

34. Routine maintenance of UV disinfection systems includes which tasks?

35. How often should quartz sleeves be cleaned?

36. The service life of UV lamps depends on which factors?

37. How can operators determine the proper way to dispose of used UV lamps?

Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

38. Why is ozone generated on site?

39. The effectiveness of ozone disinfection depends on which factors?

268 Disinfection
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 9

Review Questions
1. Pathogenic organisms are disease‐producing organisms
2. Disinfection is the selective destruction or inactivation of pathogenic
3. The US Environmental Protection Agency establishes drinking water
4. MCL stands for Maximum Contaminant Level.
5. Most disinfectants are more effective in water with a pH around 7.0 than at a
pH over 8.0.
6. Relatively cold water requires longer disinfection time or greater quantities of
7. The number and type of organisms present in water influence the
effectiveness of disinfection on microorganisms.
8. (1) Ultraviolet rays (2) heat, and (3) ultrasonic waves
9. (1) Iodine (2) bromine (3) bases (sodium hydroxide and lime) (4) ozone
10. The inability of ozone to provide a residual in the distribution system
11. Dose = demand + residual
12. Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia
13. Suspected carcinogenic compounds (trihalomethanes)
14. Chlorine gas lowers the pH; hypochlorite increases the pH
15. The higher the pH the greater the percent of OCl‐
16. The addition of chlorine to water until the chlorine demand has been satisfied
and further additions of chlorine result in a free available residual chlorine
that is directly proportional to the amount of chlorine added beyond the
17. Prechlorination ahead of any other treatment processes and postchlorination
after the water has been treated and before it enters the distribution system
18. When the raw waters contain organic compounds
19. (1) Control of algal and slime growths (2) control of mudball formation (3)
improved coagulation (4) reduction of tastes and odors (5) increased chlorine

Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

contact time (6) increased safety factor in disinfection of heavily

contaminated water
20. Chemical solution tank for the hypochlorite, diaphragm‐type pump, power
supply, water pump, pressure switch, and water storage tank
21. (1) Pumping directly into the water (2) pumping through an ejector which
draws in additional water for dilution of the hypochlorite solution
22. Plastic containers
23. A week’s supply of hypochlorite should be available
24. The fusible is a safety device. The fusible metal softens or melts at 158‐165oF
to prevent buildup of excessive pressures and the possibility of rupture due to
fire or high surrounding temperatures.
25. The upper valve discharges chlorine gas, and the lower valve discharges liquid
chlorine from ton chlorine tanks.
26. In this position, either chlorine gas or liquid chlorine may be removed.
27. Turn the cylinder so that the leak is on top and the chlorine will escape as a
28. By closing the valve or tightening the packing gland nut. Tighten the nut or
stem by turning it clockwise.
29. By replacing the gasket or adapter connection.
30. Chlorine gas is extremely toxic and corrosive in moist atmospheres.
31. A properly fitting self‐contained air or oxygen supply type of breathing
apparatus, positive/demand breathing equipment, or rebreather kits are used
when repairing a chlorine leak
32. First aid measures depend on the severity of the contact. Move the victim
away from the gas area, remove the contaminated clothes and keep the
victim warm and quiet. Call a doctor and fire department immediately. Keep
the patient breathing.
33. The UV light intensity that reaches the pathogens in the water is affected by
the condition of the UV lamps and the quality of the water.
34. (1) Checking the UV monitor for significant reduction in lamp output (2)
monitoring the process changes in normal flow conditions (3) checking for
fouling of the quartz sleeves and the UV intensity monitor probes (4) checking
the indicator light display to ensure that all of the UV lamps are energized (5)

270 Disinfection
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monitoring the elapsed time meter, microbiological results, and lamp log
sheet (6) checking the quartz sleeves for discoloration
35. Depends on the quality of the water being treated and the treatment
chemicals used prior to disinfection
36. Depends on (1) the level of suspended solids in the water to be disinfected
and the fecal coliform level to be achieved (2) the frequency of the on/off
cycles (3) the operating temperature of the lamp electrodes
37. Contact the appropriate regulatory agency. Do not throw UV bulbs in trash
because they contain mercury.
38. It is unstable and decomposes to elemental oxygen in a short time after

Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

 Process control monitoring

 All public water systems that provide some type of
treatment must monitor water quality
 Monitored to ensure safety and integrity
 Monitored to meet state and federal requirements
 Monitor raw, finished, and where you expect a
physical/chemical change in your plant
 Monitor in distribution system also
 Quality can degrade due to contamination or growth of

1 2

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Degradation Analysis
 Treated water is disinfected, not sterilized  The first step in water quality analysis is collecting
 Disinfection kills or inactivates harmful organisms samples which accurately represent the water
(pathogens)  Representative sample
 Organisms can grow in distribution system if  sample which contains basically the same constituents as the
conditions are right body of water from which it was taken
 To prevent growth of organisms  Improper sampling is one of the most common causes of
 Keep chlorine residuals up error in water quality
 Keep excess nutrients out  All chemical analysis must be kept for 10 years
 Prevent stagnation
 Prevent cross‐connections

3 4

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Types of Samples  Time composite ‐ equal volumes at different times

 Grab sample
 Single volume of water
 Flow‐proportional composite ‐ volume varies
 Representative of water quality at exact time and place of
sampling depending on flow rate
 Coliform bacteria, residual chlorine, temperature, pH,
dissolved gases
 Composite samples
 Representative of average water quality of location over a
period of time
 Series of grab samples mixed together
 Determines average concentration
 Not suitable for all tests

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Sample Volume and Storage Sample Labeling

 Volume depends on test requirements  Specific location (address)
 Use proper sampling container  Date and time sampled
 Follow recommended holding times and preservation  Chlorine residual
methods  pH and temperature
 If bottle already has preservative or dechlorinator in it,
 Sample type
don’t over fill or rinse out
 Name or initials of person taking sample
 If you have questions regarding volume, container or
holding times, check Standard Methods or contact the
lab if you have an outside lab do you analysis

7 8

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Sample Labeling
Sample Type
 D – distribution
 R – repeat Site 196 E. Main Street Billieville, TN

 S – same
Date / Time August 15, 2005 8:15 AM
 A – upstream
 B ‐ downstream
Sampled by Billy Joe Smith
 F – fixed/repaired line in service
 N – new line NOT in service Comments grab sample, monthly Bac’t
source water

 S – special sample pH <Residual

2 with Hchlorine
2SO4 and = 2.1 mg/L
stored at 4°C

9 10 10

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Selecting Sampling Points Raw‐water Sampling Points

 Raw‐water supply  Install valve or sample cock on raw‐water transmission

lines or well discharge pipe
 Treatment plant

 Distribution system

11 12

Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Treatment Plant Sampling Points Distribution Sampling Points

 Sampling from various points helps determine  Distribution sampling is the best indicator of system
efficiency of processes water quality
 Water quality changes in the distribution system:
 Sample at every point where a change in water quality  Corrosion
is expected  increase in color, turbidity, taste and odor
 Microbiological growth
 slime
 Finished water sample point usually at point of  Cross‐connections
discharge from clearwell

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TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Distribution Samples Monthly Distribution System Bacteriological

 Determine water quality at customers’ Samples
 Samples should never be
taken from a hydrant or hose
 Most common tests are chlorine
 Only collect samples from
residual and coliform bacteria approved faucets
 Number of samples depends on population served  Don’t collect samples from
or water source swivel faucets
 Only use cold water tap
 Front yard faucets on homes
with short service lines
15 16

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Monthly Distribution System Bacteriological  Only approved containers

Samples should be used
 Do not flame faucet with torch  125 mL volume
 Use alcohol or bleach solution to clean  Pre‐sterilized bottles
 Turn on faucet to steady flow and flush service line recommended
(2‐5 min) – getting water from the main line  Other bottles sterilized at 121oC
 Fill bottle to proper level for 15 min
 Should contain sodium
 Label bottle with pertinent information
 Refrigerate to proper temperature, 4oC
 Test as soon as possible – within 30 hours

17 18

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 Remove aerator or screen  Disinfect faucet with sodium hypochlorite

 Collect sample from cold water tap  Flush service line

 Sample from homes with short service lines  Adjust flow so that no splashing will occur
 same side of street as water main

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 Do not touch inside of lid of sample bottle  Always present in contaminated water
 Always absent when no contamination
 Do not set lid down or put it in your pocket  Survives longer in water than other pathogens
 Is easily identified
 Do not rinse bottle or allow it to overflow  Water treatment indicator organism
 coliform group (total coliforms)

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TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

 Multiple‐Tube Fermentation  The MCL for coliform bacteria is based on presence or

 Presence‐Absence Test absence
 MMO‐MUG  Finished and distributed water should be Zero
 Membrane Filter Method
 Must keep results for 5 years
 Enzyme (chromogenic/fluorogenic) Substrate Tests

23 24

Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

 0400‐45‐1‐.06(4) Microbiological  0400‐45‐1‐.07(2) Repeat Monitoring

 (a)1. If you collect 40 samples/month, no more than 5%  (a) If a routine sample is total coliform positive, the
can be positive to be in compliance system must collect a set of repeat samples within 24
hours of being notified of the positive result
 (a)2. If you collect less than 40 samples/month, no more
 (b) The system must collect one at original site, at least
than 1 sample can be positive to be in compliance one repeat within five service connections upstream and
 (c) If any routine or repeat sample test (+) for total at least one repeat within five service connections
coliform, it must be analyzed for fecal or E. coli downstream

25 26

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Enzyme Substrate Testing Colilert/Colilert 18 for P/A

 Equipment needed:
 Colilert (P/A)  Colisure
 Incubator
 Colilert Quanti‐Tray  Readycult ®Coliforms 100
 UV lamp
 Colilert‐18 (P/A) (P/A) and Fluorocult
 Comparator
 Colilert‐18 Quanti‐Tray
LMX Broth
 pH meter to check tryptic soy broth
 Colitag
 E*Colite  Sample bottle is used in the testing procedure
 Tests for total coliforms and E. coli in one step
 Sample turns yellow if positive for total coliforms
 Sample turns fluoresces if positive for E. coli

27 28

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Colilert/Colilert 18 for P/A cont’d Colisure

 Detects a single viable coliform per sample  Step 1
 For Colilert 18, samples need to be pre‐warmed to 35oC  Add reagent (shelf life is 12 months) to sample
before incubation period starts  Incubate for 24 hours
 if samples are not room temperature, they need to be pre‐
 Colilert 18 can lift boil water notices 6 hours earlier warmed before incubating
than other methods  Step 2
 Shelf life is 12 months for media packet  Read results
 yellow = negative
 magenta = total coliform positive
 magenta/fluorescent = E. coli positive

29 30

278 Laboratory
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Colitag E*ColiteTM
 Detects 1 CFU of total coliform or E. coli bacteria per  Add water sample to bag
100 mL sample  Push water into the
 Acid‐resuscitation technology medium compartment
 With self adjusting pH level  Incubate at 35oC for 28
 Detects chlorine‐injured cells hours
 Info at www.charm.com

31 32

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

E*ColiteTM Readycult® 100

 Interpretation  Add Readycult® snap packet (3 year
 If a blue sample does not fluoresce, continue incubating shelf life) to 100 mL sample
an additional 20 hours
 Incubate at 35.5oC for 24 hours
 Any color change to blue‐green (even if only at the
upper section of sample) confirms the presence of
total coliforms
 Don’t need a color comparator

33 Negative Positive Coliforms 34

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Readycult® 100 Membrane Filter Technique

 100 mL sample is filtered through a
membrane filter under a vacuum
 Filter placed on sterile Petri‐dish containing M‐Endo
 A light blue fluorscence indicates the presence of E. coli broth (food source for bacteria) for Total Coliforms
(94‐96% E. coli specific)  Petri‐dish labeled, turned upside down, placed in
 If confirmation of E. coli is desired, the indole test can be incubator at 35o +/‐ 0.5oC for 24 hours
performed directly in the same broth by adding Kovac’s  A coliform bacteria colony will grow at each point on
reagent (or Bactident ® Indole) filter where a viable bacterium was left during filtering
 If a red ring appears immediately, you have positive
 The colonies will appear red with a green‐gold metallic
35 36

Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Fecal Coliform Determination Membrane Filtration Pictorial

 Membrane filtration test
 More reliably indicates the potential presence of pathogenic
 Same procedure as Total Coliform, 100 mL sample is filtered
through a membrane filter under a vacuum
 Filter placed on sterile Petri‐dish containing mFC broth
 Incubation at
44.5o +/‐ 0.2oC for 24 hrs
 Bacterial colonies appear
 Looks for heat tolerant

37 38

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Colilert Method Pictorial  Free chlorine residual must be tested and recorded
when bacteriological samples are collected
 Two most common tests:
 Amperometric titration
 less interferences as color and/or turbidity
 DPD (N,N‐diethyl‐p‐phenylenediamine)
 Analysis should be performed ASAP
 Exposure to sunlight or agitation of the sample will
cause a reduction in the chlorine residual

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TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

 DPD colorimetric method most  Power of hydrogen

commonly used  Measurement of the hydrogen concentration
 Match color sample to a standard  Each decrease in pH unit equals 10x increase in acid
 Swirl sample for 20 seconds to mix  Indicates the intensity of its acidity or basicity
 Within one minute of adding reagent, place it into  Scale runs from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral
 pH probe measures milivolts, then converts into pH
 Different than Total Residual
 Must maintain a free residual of 0.2 mg/L throughout
 Temperature affects milivolts generated, therefore you
entire distribution system need a temperature probe as well for corrections
 Chlorine residual must not be less than 0.2 mg/L in
more that 5% of samples each month for any two
consecutive months
41 42

280 Laboratory
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 Calibrate daily with fresh buffers

 Use at least two buffers
 Gel filled probes are not recommended
for water industry
 Water is too clean for probe to make an accurate
 Store probe in slightly acidic solution
 Replace probes yearly
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

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 Added to drinking water for the reduction of dental  Methods

caries (cavities)  SPADNS
 Interferences  interferences are more common with this test
 alum or aluminum complexes can interfere
 Primary MCL = 4.0 mg/L
 Electrode
 Secondary MCL = 2.0 mg/L  TISAB removes most of the aluminum interferences
 State of Tennessee recommends 0.7 mg/L  Total Ionic Strength Adjustment Buffer
 Contains CDTA – used to tie up interferences
 Fluoridation of drinking water in the state of Tennessee
 store probe in a standard, the higher the better
is not required
 probes can last 3‐5 years
 can clean with toothpaste

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 Physical cloudiness of water  Measure samples ASAP

 Due to suspended silt, finely divided organic and  Keep sample tubes clean and scratch free
inorganic matter, and algae
 Gently mix samples prior to reading
 Nephelometric method measures scattered light
 Calibrate meter at least quarterly
 unit ‐ NTU
 Records must be kept until next sanitary survey
 SDWA stipulates monitoring requirements

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 Capacity of water to neutralize acids

 Due to presence of hydroxides, carbonates, and
 Many water treatment chemicals (alum, chlorine,
lime) alter water quality
 Titration using H2SO4 to pH endpoint or color change
of indicator

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 Expressed as mg/L CaCO3  Mainly due to calcium and magnesium

 Methyl orange or bromcresol green‐methyl red ions in solution
measures alkalinity  Can cause scale when water evaporates or
 Standard Methods makes no mention of methyl orange
when heated in water heaters and pipes
 End point color change may be difficult to see with  Test involves titration with 0.02 N EDTA
methyl orange standard from a red to a blue endpoint
 If using bromcresol green‐methyl red and water is  Precautions
chlorinated, use sodium thiosulfate to remove chlorine  Metal ions may interfere, so an inhibitor
that interferes with the color change may be needed
 Measured as CaCO3, in mg/L

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 Can precipitate out in distribution system  Established by EPA in 1991

 Elevated levels in water can cause staining of  All community and non‐community water systems must
monitor for lead and copper at customers’ taps
plumbing fixtures and laundry
 If aggressive water is dissolving these metals, system must
 sMCL for iron is 0.3 mg/L take action to reduce corrosivity
 sMCL for manganese is 0.05 mg/L  Samples must be take at high risk locations
 homes with lead service lines
 Water must sit in lines for at least 6 hours
 first draw
 One liter of sample collected from cold water tap in kitchen
or bathroom
 Test results must be maintained for 12 years

53 54

282 Laboratory
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 10

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

 Action levels  Orthophosphates work well for lead and copper

 Lead ‐ 0.015 mg/L protection
 Copper ‐ 1.3 mg/L  Polyphosphates work as sequestering agents – tie up
 If action level is exceeded in more than 10% of iron and manganese to prevent color and taste
samples, steps must be taken to control corrosion complaints
 Corrosion control program  Tie up calcium carbonate as a catalyst
 Source water treatment  Calcium (from alkalinity) is required as a catalyst
 Public Education  If low alkalinity, need a blend of polyphosphate and
 and/or Lead service line replacement orthophosphate
 Orthophosphate coats pipe; polyphosphate sequesters

55 56

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

 Common tests  High temperature combustion at 950oC

 Total phosphates  Sample is injected into a heated reaction chamber
 need to be digested before they can be analyzed packed with oxidative catalyst such as cobalt oxide
 Ortho‐phosphates
 Water is vaporized and the organic carbon is oxidized
 colorimetric test
 easily done with Hach test kit
to CO2 and H2O
 reactive phosphates  CO2 is transported in the carrier‐gas streams and is
 48 hour hold time measured by means of a nondispersive infrared
analyzer (NDIR)
 Samples are preserved with sulfuric or phosphoric acid
and cooled to 4oC

57 58

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

 Trihalomethane
 Chloroform
 Dibromochloromethane
 Bromodichloromethane
 Tribromomethane

 MCL = 0.080 mg/L

59 60

Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

 Haloacetic acids  Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water

 Monochloracetic acid  Treatment Rule (LT2ESWTR) requires Public Water
 Dichloroaecitic acid Systems (PWS) that use surface water or ground water
 Trichloroacetic acid under the direct influence of surface water to monitor
 Monobromoacetic acid their source water for Cryptosporidium, E. coli, or
turbidity for a limited period
 Dibromoacetic acid
 Based on the results additional treatment techniques
may be required for some systems
 MCL = 0.060 mg/L

61 62

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

 Crypto  Protozoan parasite

 Methods 1623 or 1622  Common in surface water
 10L in bulk or filtered  Resistant to traditional
 Matrix spike samples disinfectants
 E. coli  Can pass through filters
 Enumeration, not
 Causes cryptosporidiosis
 Filtration and alternative
 Turbidity
disinfectants can remove
and/or inactivate

63 64

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Schedule 1 Schedule 4
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Crypto Treatment Possible Crypto E. E.

1 monitoring installation extension monitoring 4 coli coli

Crypt Treatment Possible Crypt

Schedule 2 4 E. coli
o installation extension
E. coli
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
E. Crypto Treatment Possible E. Crypt
2 Crypto Treatment Possible Crypto 4 coli Monitoring installation extension coli o
monitoring installation extension Monitoring
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Schedule 3
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

3 Crypto
extension 65
Monitoring 65 66

284 Laboratory
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 10

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

 Read SDS for all chemicals used in lab Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
 Store chemicals properly  Keep on file for all chemicals
 Know where safety equipment is stored purchased
 Never pour water into acid  According to the Americans
with Disabilities Act of 1990,
 CPR and First Aid Training (TOSHA requirement)
MSDS’s should be kept for a
 Clean chemical spills immediately minimum of 30 years
 Follow published lab procedures (Standard Methods)  Includes all information shown
 Read and become familiar with Safety SOP on chemical label and more

67 68

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

 Must be readily available for employee review at all  Information provided:
 Identification
times you are in the work place  Hazards identification
 The can’t be locked in an office or filing cabinet to which  Composition
you don’t have access to  First aid measures
 If they are on a computer, everyone must know how to  Fire‐fighting measures
access them  Accidental release measures
 Exposure controls/personal protection
 If you request to see an SDS for a product you use at
 Physical & chemical properties
work and your employer can’t show it to you, after one  Stability and reactivity
working day you have the right refuse to work with  Toxicological information
that product until you are shown the correct SDS  Other information, including date of SDS preparation or last

69 70

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

 A QA/QC program consists of procedures that ensure

the precision and accuracy of tests performed on a
daily basis
 Precision ‐ repeatability
 Shooting at a target and hitting the same spot repeatedly
 Accuracy – closeness of test results to the correct
(known) value
 Shooting at a target and hitting the bull’s eye

71 72

Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Three Phases
 Keeping records
 Documenting that equipment is regularly calibrated
and temperatures are correct
 Perform QC tests to demonstrate precision and

73 74

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Record Keeping Quality Control Tests

 Maintain a complete and accurate list of exact  Duplicates
locations of all sampling sites  Blanks
 Maintain a complete and accurate list of all test  Lab standards
procedures used  Unknown lab standards
 Record method numbers on bench sheets
 Spikes
 Write in pen
 Initial your entries
 Use a notebook

75 76

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Duplicates Common Source of Errors for Duplicates

 Simplest form of QC test  Sample size  Titration
 Should be same size  Misreading burette
 Run two tests on one sample
 This shows how precise the analyst’s procedure is  Insufficient mixing  Weighing
 Sample results should yield very close results  Dirty glassware  Calibration
 goal is to have no difference  Calculation errors  Reagent water
 General recommendation is to run a duplicate every 10  Reagents

77 78

286 Laboratory
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 10

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Blanks Blanks
 Can show test interference  Positive blanks show a problem
 Should be treated as a sample  Bad reagents
 Take through all procedures  Bad technique
 Add all reagents or incubate along with other samples  Unclean glassware
 Bad distilled water
 Target value for a blank is zero

79 80

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Blanks Laboratory Standards

 Coliform tests  Determines accuracy
 A blank should never be positive  If the test value agrees with the true value, the test has
 Blanks should be run before you filter samples and when been performed accurately
you are done filtering samples
 Mix onsite or purchased from supplier
 if the pre‐sample blank has colony growth, the equipment
 Purchased standards should be the preference because
was not properly sterilized
 if the post‐sample blank has colony growth, the
this can reduce the possibility of having mixing errors
equipment was not cleaned well enough between samples  They also come with a certificate of analysis
 Perform along with duplicates
 One every 10 samples

81 82

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Unknown Laboratory Samples Spikes

 EPA quality control unknowns  Determine accuracy
 Commercially available  A known amount of standard is added to a sample
 Gives confidence to analyst  The results should equal the sample value plus the
 Can show deficiencies in the testing procedure added known amount
 Goal is to have 100% recovery of spike and sample
 If you use Hach methods, most have directions on how
to spike a sample

83 84

Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

Spikes Other Samples

 If your sample result was 100 mg/L and you added 50  Some labs split samples with other labs to check the
mg/L into the sample accuracy of the testing procedure
 you should yield 150 mg/L  If you are concerned that your contract lab is getting
wrong values, send in a known standard as a sample
 This does double your cost, but you can see how close
they are to the known value
 Don’t tell the contracted lab that the second sample is a

85 86

288 Laboratory
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 10

Total Coliform Monitoring Frequency for Community Water Systems

Population Served Minimum Number of Samples Per Month

25 to 1,000 1
1,001 to 2,500 2
2,501 to 3,300 3
3,301 to 4,100 4
4,101 to 4,900 5
4,901 to 5,800 6
5,801 to 6,700 7
6,701 to 7,600 8
7,601 to 8,500 9
8,501 to 12,900 10
12,901 to 17,200 15
17,201 to 21,500 20
21,501 to 25,000 25
25,001 to 33,000 30
33,001 to 41,000 40
41,001 to 50,000 50
50,001 to 59,000 60
59,001 to 70,000 70
70,001 to 83,000 80
83,001 to 96,000 90
96,001 to 130,000 100
130,001 to 220,000 120
220,001 to 320,000 150
320,001 to 450,000 180
450,001 to 600,000 210
600,001 to 780,000 240
780,001 to 970,000 270
970,001 to 1,230,000 300
1,230,001 to 1,520,000 330
1,520,001 to 1,850,000 360
1,850,001 to 2,270,000 390
2,270,001 to 3,020,000 420
3,020,001 to 3,960,000 450
3,960,001 or more 480

Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Total Coliform Action Flow Chart

Original Total

 2 Routine  1 Routine
Samples/Month Samples/Month
MONTH: 3 Repeat 4 Repeat
Samples Samples Routine
regular Sampling
monitoring NEXT
schedule or MONTH: 5
at least 5
Repeat Sample

Total Total Coliform Fecal or

Coliform Present (only) E. coli
Absent Present

Original Sample Original Sample


>1 positive sample for PWSs taking < 40 samples/month Acute MCL
>5% positive samples for PWSs taking  40 samples/month violation

No Yes

Total Coliform
MCL Violation

Contact Lab for 3 If State Requires Start

or 4 More Another Set of Notification
Repeat Samples Samples Process

290 Laboratory
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 10

Water Treatment and Distribution

Laboratory Practice Quiz

1. The MCL for total coliform bacteria is based on their .

a. Concentration in mg/L
b. Concentration in colonies per 100 mL
c. Presence or absence
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

2. The sample volume to be used when running a membrane filter test for coliform
bacteria is .
a. 20 mL
b. 40 mL
c. 60 mL
d. 80 mL
e. 100 mL

3. Records of bacteriological analyses must be kept at least .

a. Until the next sanitary survey
b. Three years or until the next sanitary survey
c. Five years
d. Ten years
e. Twelve years

4. Analysis of samples for determining bacteriological quality of the water must be

started within hours of collection.
a. 24
b. 30
c. 36
d. 42
e. 48

5. A bacteriological bottle contains a white powder which is placed in the bottle in

order to .
a. Keep the bottle clean
b. Kill any bacteria present
c. Remove any chlorine residual
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

6. When the membrane filter method for coliform analysis is used, a typical coliform
colony will be pink to dark red with a distinctive .
a. Greenish metallic sheen
b. Dull bluish coating
c. Shape
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

7. Any sample that contains coliform bacteria is a sample.

a. Grab
b. Negative
c. Positive
d. Representative
e. Routine

8. Any sample that does not contain coliform bacteria is a

a. Grab
b. Negative
c. Positive
d. Representative
e. Routine

9. For bacteriological sample to be useful, it must contain essentially the same

constituents as the body of water from which it was taken. This type of sample is
called a sample.
a. Grab
b. Flow-proportional time composite
c. Representative
d. Time composite

10. To remove any stagnant water from the customer’s service line, and to make certain
that water from the distribution main is being sampled, flush the faucet for
a. 1 – 3
b. 2 – 5
c. 5 – 7
d. 7 – 9
e. 10 – 15

11. Bottles for collecting samples for bacteriological analyses should .

a. Not be rinsed before use
b. Be rinsed before use
c. Be completely filled
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

292 Laboratory
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 10

12. Bottles for collecting samples for bacteriological analyses contain ,

which destroys any chorine residual in the sample.
a. Sodium arsenite
b. Sodium chloride
c. Sodium fluoride
d. Sodium hydroxide
e. Sodium thiosulfate

13. Samples for bacteriological analysis should not be taken from .

a. Swivel faucets
b. Leaking faucets
c. Faucets with aerators, strainers or hose attachments
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

14. A sample which consists of a number of grab samples taken from the same
sampling point at different times and mixed together before analysis is called a
a. Composite
b. Grab
c. Flow-proportional time composite
d. Representative
e. Time composite

15. High fluoride readings can result from all of the following causes except _________.
a. Polyphosphates can interfere with the SPADNS method, resulting in high
fluoride readings
b. Not accounting for natural fluoride in the water
c. Dilution of water which has been fluoridated with unfluoridated water in storage
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

16. What is the secondary maximum contaminant level for fluoride?

a. 0.2 mg/L
b. 0.4 mg/L
c. 2.0 mg/L
d. 4.0 mg/L

17. The maximum permissible level of a contaminant in water as specified in the

regulations of the Safe Drinking Water Act is the .
e. Maximum contaminant level
f. Saturation point
g. Zeta potential
h. All of the above
i. None of the above

Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

18. is an indicator used when measuring the total alkalinity

concentration on a water sample.
k. Eriochrome black-T
l. Bromcresol Green Methyl Red
m. Phenolphthalein
n. Sodium thiosulfate

19. A(n) is a device that sterilizes laboratory equipment by

using pressurized steam.
a. Autoclave
b. Beaker
c. Buret
d. Nepholometer
e. Pipet

1. C 8. B 15. C
2. E 9. C 16. C
3. C 10. B 17. A
4. B 11. A 18. C
5. C 12. E 19. A
6. A 13. D
7. C 14. E

294 Laboratory
Section 11 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 2


• Reasons for storing water

• Operating storage and
STORAGE TANKS emergency storage
• Size and location for storage
Disinfection tanks
Rules and Regulations
• Operation and maintenance
• Rules and regulations

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 4

Water Storage Water Storage

Purpose Purpose
• Equalizing supply and • Providing water during power or pump failure
demand • Providing adequate water for fire fighting
• Increasing operating
• Providing surge relief
• Increasing detention times
• Leveling out pumping
• Blending water sources
• Decrease pumping costs
• Decreasing power costs

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 6

Water Storage Water Storage

Capacity Requirements Type of Service
• Based on maximum water demands in different parts of • Operating storage
the system • Tank directly connected to distribution piping
• Too much storage can cause stagnant water and taste & • Fills and empties based on system pressure
odor problems • Emergency storage
• 20 % turnover rate to prevent it from becoming septic • Used for emergency, i.e. fire protection
• less sediment • Not suitable for potable use
• Subject to freezing due to lack of circulation

296 Storage Tanks

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 11

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 7 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 8

Storage Tanks Storage Tanks

Elevated Tanks
• Supported by steel or concrete
• Maintains adequate and uniform
• Minimizes variations in pressure
due to turning pumps on or off
• May require altitude valve to
prevent overflow
• One-way are best

• Elevated tanks • Standpipes • More expensive than ground

• Ground-level • Hydropneumatic
reservoirs system

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 10

Storage Tanks Storage Tanks

Standpipes Ground-Level Reservoirs
• Tank rests on ground • For raw water - lakes, ponds,
• Has greater height than diameter basins
• Stores volumes at low pressure • For finished water - ground
• Water must be turned over level or underground tanks
frequently to avoid stagnation • Lower initial cost than elevated
tank, but requires pumps to move
• 20% is bare minimum
• Located at high points in land • Main disadvantage is cost of
elevation booster pump station that must be
used with the tank

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 11 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 12

Storage Tanks Storage Tanks

Ground-Level Reservoirs
Hydropneumatic System
• Partially filled with water; partially filled with compressed
• 2/3 water to 1/3 air
• Air helps maintain pressure in tank
• Usually for very small water systems

• This is an old open-topped reservoir that has been

converted with a liner-cover

Storage Tanks
Section 11 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 13 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 14

Storage Tanks Tank Equipment

Selection and Location of Storage Monitoring Devices
• Determined by hydraulics, water demand, elevation of • Pressure sensor at base of tank
terrain, • Altitude valve
purpose of tank, etc • Level sensor inside tank
• Type of storage depends • Data transmitted to central location
on purpose of tank • Alarms can alert operator of high or low levels

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 15 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 16

Tank Equipment Tank Equipment

Air Vents Access Hatches
• Allow air to enter and escape as water level rises • For entry and ventilation during
• Require screens to keep out birds & other contaminants maintenance
• Mesh should be #24 and stainless steel • Hatch on roof requires rim to
prevent runoff from entering
• Hatch at bottom of tank must
withstand tank pressure
• Must be secured to prevent
• Locks must be in place since 9/11

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 17 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 18

Tank Equipment Tank Equipment

• Most ladders begin about 8 ft from
ground to deter unauthorized use
• May extend to ground if heavy
metal shield is locked in place to Coatings
prevent unauthorized entry • Protect interior and exterior of
• All ladders must meet OSHA regs, tank from corrosion without
including safety cage causing taste & odor problems
• Coatings must meet the
requirements of NSF (ANSI
Standard 61)

298 Storage Tanks

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 11

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 19 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 20

Tank Equipment Maintenance

Cathodic Protection
• Can assist in corrosion control
• Electrodes placed in tank which corrode instead of tank
and appurtenances
• Inspect annually

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 21 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 22

Tank Inspections Tank Inspections

• Must be professionally inspected every 5 years in
accordance with state requirements (Rule 33) • Inspection reports must be on
• Inspection by draining or by using a diver file and available for review by
State Sanitary Inspectors
• Visual inspections
recommended annually

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 23 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 24

Tank Inspections Storage Tank Collapse

• Requires draining the tank or using divers • Caused by massive leak in 42
• Check vents, overflows, paint, altitude valves, etc
inch water main which quickly
drained the tank
• Check for corrosion inside & outside
• 50,000 gallons per minute
• Considered confined space; get permit
• Vacuum formed sucking the
roof in

Storage Tanks
Section 11 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 25 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 26

Security Security
• Fencing, locks on access to manholes and other
necessary precautions shall be provided to prevent
trespassing, vandalism, and sabotage

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 27 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 28

Records Storage Tank Safety

• Every tank in your system should have a historical record • Follow regulations for confined spaces
file containing, as a minimum, the most current inspection • Inspect ladders and safety cages for damage
report • Use protective equipment
• Location, type of maintenance or repair performed, all
• Provide ventilation inside tank when inspecting
contract documents and specifications for repair, paint
• Provide adequate lighting with proper wiring to prevent
and equipment submittals, etc
shock hazard

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 29 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 30

AWWA Standard for Disinfection of Water

Chlorine Disinfection
Storage Facilities
• Before placing into service, all storage tanks shall be • Chlorine gas
disinfected • 100% available chlorine
• There are standards for disinfecting storage tanks • Calcium hypochlorite
covered by AWWA C652 • 65% available chlorine
• Covers materials, tank preparation, disinfectant application and • Sodium hypochlorite
sampling for coliform bacteria
• 5-15% available chlorine

300 Storage Tanks

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 11

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 31 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 32

Methods of Chlorination Methods of Chlorination

Method 1 Method 2
• Water tank shall be filled to overflow level with enough • A solution of 200 ppm available chlorine is applied directly
chlorine added to maintain at least 10ppm residual for 24 to the entire surface of the storage tank that comes in
hour period contact with water when it is full for at least 30 minutes
• Applied by brushing or spraying on
• Tank should be flushed with potable water before put back
into service
• WARNING – experienced operators only
• Hazardous to attempt

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 33 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 34

Methods of Chlorination Methods of Chlorination

Method 3 Bacteriological Sampling and
• Water and chlorine are added to the storage tank to make Testing
a 50 ppm available chlorine that fills about 5% of the total • Storage tanks must be tested for
storage volume coliform bacteria after chlorination
• This is held in the tank for no less than 6 hours procedure and before it is put
back into service
• The tank is then filled up to the overflow level and held for
at least 24 hours • “If the … facility yields positive Differs from
bacterial samples, additional standards
• There should be a 2 ppm residual chlorine remaining after
flushing, disinfection and
a 24 hour period
bacteriological sampling shall be
• All highly chlorinated water needs to be drained repeated until the water is coliform
free.” - 0400-45-01-.17(8)(a) & (b)

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 35 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 36

Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations

• From Community Public Water Systems Design Criteria • 8.0.2 Protection – All new finished water storage
Division of Water Resources structures shall have suitable watertight roofs or covers
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, which exclude birds, animals, insects, and excessive dust.
1997; Part 8

Storage Tanks
Section 11 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 37 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 38

Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations

• 8.0.3 Protection from Trespassers • 8.0.4 Drains – No drain on a water storage structure may
– Fencing, locks on access to have a direct connection to sewer or storm drain. Splash
manholes, and other necessary pad and drainway shall be provided to prevent erosion.
precautions shall be provided to
prevent trespassing, vandalism,
and sabotage.

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 39 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 40

Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations

• 8.0.5 Overflow – The overflow pipe of a water storage • 8.0.5 Overflow cont’d
structure should be brought down near the ground. No
overflow may be connected directly to a sewer or storm
• c. The overflow shall be protected
with a 24 mesh non-corrodible
screen with a flap valve.

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 41 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 42

Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations

• 8.0.6 Access – Manholes on scuttles above waterlines • 8.0.7 Vents – Finished water storage structures shall be
• a. shall be…on ground-level structures manholes should be vented by special vent structures
elevated 24 to 36 inches above the top or covering sod. • a. shall prevent the entrance of surface water
• b. shall exclude birds and animals
• c. shall…be covered with 24-mesh
non-corrodible screen cloth.

302 Storage Tanks

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 11

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 43 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 44

Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations

• 8.0.10 Safety – Safety shall be considered… • 8.0.14 Painting and/or Cathodic Protection – Proper
• a. ladders, ladder guards, balcony railings, and safe location of protection should be given to metal surfaces by paints or
entrance hatches shall be provided where applicable. other protective coatings, by cathodic protective devices,
or by both.
• a. paint systems consistent with AWWA standards, or…all paints
must be acceptable to FDA and EPA for contact with potable water
• b. cathodic protection should be designed and installed by
competent technical personnel

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 45 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 46

Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations

• 8.0.15 Turnover of Water – If the storage reservoir is sized • 8.0.16 Sampling – A suitable sampling tap should be
large than required for initial demand and there is more provided on all storage structures and be protected from
than 2 days storage, provisions shall be made for turnover public access
of the water tank and/or booster chlorinator
• 8.0.17 Disinfection – Finished water storage structures
shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA Standard
C652 before being put into service
• 8.2.5 (Pressure Tanks) Auxiliary Power – Auxiliary power
with automatic takeover capability shall be provided when
positive pressures are not available from system gravity

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 47

Rules and Regulations

Distribution Storage
• 8.3.1 The purpose of system storage is to have sufficient water
available to provide adequate flow and pressure at peak
demand as well as to provide for fire flow when needed. For
most water systems, a satisfactory rule-of-thumb to meet these
needs it to provide at least the average 24-hour demand in
elevated storage
• 8.3.4 Level Controls – Adequate controls shall be provided to
maintain levels in distribution system storage structures
• a. telemeter equipment should be used when pressure-type controls
are employed and any appreciable head loss occurs in the distribution
• b. altitude valves or equivalent controls may be required for a second
and subsequent structures on the system

Storage Tanks
Section 11 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Ground Storage Tank Inspection Report

Job No.: Date: Inspector:

Tank owner: Owner’s order #:

Owner’s representative: Title:

Mailing address:

Physical address:

City, State: Zip:

County tank is located: Seismic zone of county:

Telephone: Fax:

Location of tank:

Original Contractor #: Year built:

Original Manufacturer: Capacity:

Date of last inspection:

Diameter: Height:

Type of construction: Welded: Riveted:

Who is customer’s insurance carrier?

304 Storage Tanks

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 11

Storage Tank Vocabulary

A. Altitude Valve H. Hydropneumatic System

B. Booster Disinfection I. Overflow Level
C. Cathodic Protection J. Reservoir
D. Elevated Storage K. Riser
E. Elevated Tank L. Standpipe
F. Emergency Storage M. Tank
G. Ground-level tank

______1. An electrical system for preventing corrosion to metals, particularly metallic

pipes and tanks.
______2. A system using an airtight tank in which air is compressed over water
(separated from the air by a flexible diaphragm). The air imparts pressure to
water in the tank and the attached distribution pipelines.
______3. A structure used in a water system to contain large volumes of water or
other liquids.
______4. The maximum height that water or liquid will rise in a receptacle before it
flows over the overflow rim.
______5. A valve that automatically shuts off water flow when the water level in an
elevated tank reaches a preset elevation then opens again when the
pressure on the system side is less than that on the tank side.
______6. Storage volume reserved for catastrophic situations, such as supply-line
break or pump-station failure.
______7. (a) Any tank or basin used for the storage of water. (b) A ground-level
storage tank for which the diameter is greater than the height.
______8. A ground-level water storage tank for which the height is greater than the
______9. In the distribution system, storage of water in a tank whose bottom is at or
below the surface of the ground.
______10. In any distribution system, storage of water in a tank supported on a tower
above the surface of the ground.
______11. The vertical supply pipe to an elevated tank.
______12. A water distribution storage tank that is raised above the ground and
supported by posts or columns.
______13. The practice of adding additional disinfectant in the distribution system.

Storage Tanks
Section 11 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Storage Tank Review Questions

1. List 9 reasons for providing water storage in a distribution system.

2. List the 4 types of distribution storage tanks and a description of each.

3. What is the difference between operating storage and emergency storage?

4. Why should vent openings on storage tanks be screened?

5. What is the purpose of an altitude valve?

6. How often must storage tanks be inspected according to the Regulations for Public
Water Systems and Drinking Water Quality for the State of Tennessee?

306 Storage Tanks

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 11

7. After disinfection, what must be done before a tank is put back in service?

8. Name four things that should be considered when determining the type and the site
for a new storage tank.

9. Why should the overflow pipe on a storage tank never be directly connected to a
sewer or storm drain?

10. How are storage tanks protected from corrosion?

Storage Tanks
Section 11 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Storage Tank Review Questions

• Equalizing pressure and demand • Providing water during source or
• Increasing operating power failure
convenience • Providing adequate water for fire
• Leveling out pumping fighting
requirements • Providing surge relief
• Decreasing power costs • Increasing detention time
• Blending water source

• Elevated – tank on tower, provides pressure, minimizes pressure variations
• Standpipe – tank on ground, taller than diameter, stores large volumes of
water at low pressure, safer than elevated tank, may require pump
• Ground-level reservoir – diameter greater than height, requires pump
• Hydro-pneumatic – 2/3 water, 1/3 air; air helps maintain pressure, usually
used with wells; small tanks

3. Emergency storage is not considered to be potable water – for emergencies only,

e.g. fire protection.
Operating storage is directly connected to distribution system, fills and empties by
distribution pressure.

4. To keep out birds, insects, animals, etc.

5. To keep tank from overflowing

6. Professionally every 5 years

7. Bacteriological samples must be taken and must pass.

8. Water demand; Hydraulics, terrain; Purpose of tank; Public opinion

9. That would be a cross connection

10. Cathodic protection, coatings

Storage Tank Vocabulary

1. C 8. L
2. H 9. G
3. M 10. D
4. I 11. K
5. A 12. E
6. F 13. B
7. J

308 Storage Tanks

Section 12 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

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Sampling  There are few, if any, enforceable regulations
Methods of Determination
Methods of Removing
worldwide regarding taste and odor compounds in
drinking water

 They have the status of “Secondary Standards”

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 Customers expect their tap water to taste and smell

good  This lack of trust has
resulted in dramatic
 The problem is that if there is a taste or odor increase in the use of
problem present, your customer associates this with bottled water
unsafe drinking water

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 Aesthetic qualities of drinking water and their  The exact cause of taste and odor problems must be
measures are dependent on human perception identified, whether it is source contamination,
 Difficult to measure microbial metabolites, chemicals produced during
 Caused by a variety of substances treatment or chemicals produced in the distribution
system, in order to minimize the problem
 Organic matter
 Dissolved gases
 Industrial waste
 Leached metals

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310 Taste & Odor

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 Since researchers have been able

to identify causes of taste and
odor problems, control methods
can be used to improve the
aesthetic quality of drinking
 This means happier customers 

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 Taste tests can only be run on water known to be

safe for drinking  Human sense of smell is
 Usefulness is limited more sensitive than
 Classifications taste, so odor tests are
 Sweet run most commonly in
water treatment plants
 Sour
 Bitter
 Salty

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 Most frequently caused by algae or decaying organic  Odor tests can be used to evaluate how well a plant
matter removes taste and odor causing organic materials
 Intensity and offensiveness vary with the type of  Odor tests can also be used to detect problems in
organic matter the distribution system
 Classifications  Odors in dead‐end water mains may have a significant
Aromatic bacteriological buildup
Grassy Musty  Chlorine odor can indicate the loss of free chlorine
Septic Medicinal caused by stagnation, slime buildup, and/or anaerobic
Rotten egg conditions

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Taste & Odor

Section 12 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center TDEC ‐ Fleming Training Center

 Water samples should be taken from raw and

finished waters
 Preferably, use glass containers because plastic may
have their own odor
 Mixing of sample should be kept to a minimum until
ready for analysis
 Aeration may reduce odor causing compounds
 Odor tests should be run ASAP – within 24 hours

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Threshold Odor Test Flavor Profile Analysis

 Measured in Threshold Odor Number (TON)  Can be applied for both taste and odor causing
 Determined by diluting a sample with odor‐free  Panelists are trained in the proper methods of tasting
water until the least definitely perceptible odor is and sniffing samples and are taught to identify and rate
achieved the attributes of both tastes and odors
 More accurate with more people conducting test  Standards can be made from sucrose for sweetness,
citric acid for sourness, sodium chloride for saltiness, and
coffee for bitterness
Where: A = mL sample
TON = A + B B = mL odor‐free water
 Geranium leaves may also be used for a standard geranium
A odor in a water sample

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Quantitative Methods  There are two different areas taste and odor
 How much is present problems can begin
 Closed‐loop Stripping Analysis  Source water
 Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) by GC/MS  can be treated in source water or at the treatment plant

 Purge and Trap (dynamic headspace)  Distribution system

 can be caused by corrosive water leaching metals into
 Complaint calls can be received with Geosmin and water or low chlorine residuals resulting in bacterial
MIB at 10 ppt (parts per trillion) growth in water

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312 Taste & Odor

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Source Water Treatment Source Water Treatment

 Early detection of an algal bloom is best  Copper sulfate
 Usually have to have historical data to know when blooms occur  Operations methods
 Data tracking  aeration
 temperature  blending treated water with non‐treated water
 pH  selective withdrawal
 turbidity  Operational tools
 nutrient removal  alum
 Early detection by  ferric salts
 underwater visual inspection  artificial circulation ‐ prevents lake stratification
 flavor profile analysis  removal of fish ‐ stir up sediments
 algae collection and identification  dredging of lake/reservoir (extreme)

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Treatment in Plants Treatment in Plants

 Most plants don’t have the luxury of having  Oxidizers
protected reservoirs they can treat to prevent  Ozone
problems before the come into the plant  removes 90% of Geosmin and MIB
 Chlorine dioxide
 Best way to prevent is to look at historical data
 removes phenolic and medicinal odors
 e.g. if algal blooms occur when water reaches certain
 Potassium permanganate
 removes grassy and cucumber
 Biological filtration
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 Look at historical data  Problems

 What time of year are complaints made  Getting a good description from you customer
 Where there are breaks, repairs, or replacements on the
water main  e.g. one person may say the water has a metallic taste
and another may say it tastes like sewage
 Was there a possibility of cross‐connection and backflow
 Always remember, as temperature increases during the  Getting samples
summer, chlorine residual drops  Take at customer’s house
 Chlorine can mask a taste or odor  Make sure customer checks sample to see if taste or
 Bacteria can grow with low/no residual chlorine odor problem is present in the sample you just
 Either of these problems can cause taste and odor collected
 if not, no need to send to lab
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Taste & Odor

Section 12 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

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 Once a problem has been identified, work upstream  Some treatment methods may remove taste and
from the customers tap to find the source of the odor problems, by doing so, they may add new taste
problem and odors that are offensive
 Once you have solved a customer’s problem, you  For the treated water industry to move forward,
learn more about your distribution system and you more effort is need to:
increase customer confidence  Characterize taste and odors
 Operational tools  Develop analytical procedures
 Flushing mains  Detect and identify causes of taste and odor problems
 Reconfiguring mains  Develop economical solutions for minimizing taste
 Cross‐connection control and odor problems

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314 Taste & Odor

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 12

Examples of Customer Complaints

Customer Complaint Possible Cause

Red water or reddish-brown staining of Corrosion of iron pipes or presence of natural
fixtures and laundry iron in raw water
Bluish stains on fixtures Corrosion of copper lines
Black water Sulfide corrosion of copper or iron lines or
precipitations of natural manganese
Foul tastes and/or odors Byproducts from microbial activity
Loss of Pressure Excessive scaling, tubercule (buildup from
pitting corrosion), leak in system from pitting
or other type of corrosion
Lack of hot water Buildup of mineral deposits in hot water
system (can be reduced by setting thermostats
to under 140°F [60°C])
Short service life of household plumbing Rapid deterioration of pipes from pitting or
other types of corrosion

Taste & Odor

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