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Grade 9 LAS Q4Wk4

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Name of Learner: ___________________________________ An airplane is flying at a height of 5 kilometers above the ground.
Section:_____________________________________ The distance along the ground from the airplane to the airport is
Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in Mathematical System 7 kilometers. What is the angle of depression from the airplane to
Learning Competency with Code the airport? (Write the answer to the nearest degree.)
After going through this module, you are expected to illustrate
angle of elevation and angle of depression. (M9GE-IVd-1) STEPS IN SOLVING WORD PROBLEM:
Word Problems Involving Angle of Elevation and Depression
From the previous module, you have illustrated the angle of
elevation and depression and used trigonometric ratios to find
the other parts of a right triangle. This time let’s check your prior
DIRECTIONS: Draw the line of sight to the birds then identify if
the angle formed is an angle of elevation or an angle of
depression. Then, answer the problem on a separate sheet of

You have just learned how to draw pictures presented by the

information in the given problems. Using this skill, you can now
practice illustrating a word problem and solving problems
involving angle of elevation and depression.
SAQ 1: How do you identify the appropriate trigonometric ratio
use to solve the problem?
PROBLEM: “Based on the picture, if the distance of the man to SAQ 2: How is angle of elevation and depression relevant to real-
the birds is 25 miles and the height of the birds from man’s eye life situation?
level is 5 miles, what is the measure of the angle formed from the Now that you have a deeper understanding of the lesson, you are
man’s eyes to the birds?” (Write the answer in the nearest ready to do the activity in this section. Your goal is to apply your
degree.) learning to solve word problems involving angle of elevation and
In this section, you will be provided with an opportunity to depression. You will be given a real-life problem which you will
discover and solve problems in daily life through the following illustrate, label the identified parts, and solve for the unknown
activities. part using the trigonometric ratios.
DIRECTIONS: Label the diagram and solve the problem on a ACTIVITY 3
separate sheet of paper. Then, answer the guide questions below. Multiple Choice
Write the answer in the nearest whole number. Directions: Read and understand each item carefully. Choose the
letter that corresponds to your answer. (1/4 sheet of paper)

For items 1 to 5, refer to the problem below.

You are standing on a 10-foot tree house, looking down at a certain ______[1] Which is the correct illustration to the problem?
point where the ball hit the ground makes an angle of depression of
37, how far is that point from the base of the tree?
Guide Questions:
[1] How did you label the information presented in the problem?
[2] What is being asked in the problem?
[3] What trigonometric ratio did you use to find the distance of the
point from the base of the tree?
“What are the steps in solving word problems involving angle
of elevation and depression?”

A building is 16 meters high. At a certain distance away from
the building, an observer determines that the angle of
elevation to the top of it is 35. How far is the observer from ______ [2] What is the hypotenuse in the problem?
the base of the building? (Write the answer to the nearest A. 125cm B. 125m C. 45o D. the unknown
whole number.)
______ [3] What is asked in the problem?
A. Length of the string B. Height of the kite from the ground
C. Angle of elevation D. Distance of the man from the kite

______ [4] What trigonometric ratio must be used to solve the

A. Sine B. Cosine C. Tangent D. Cosecant

______ [5] What is the answer to the given problem?

A. 113.6m B. 88.4m C. 75.1m D. 62.8m
Prepared by:
Math Subject Teacher

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