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Mallapur School, Hyderabad-76

Notes and questions to be attempted by the students

3. Laws of motion
UNIT (A): Contact and Non-Contact Forces
1) Effect of force :

I) Change in state of motion due to an applied force on an object can be:

a) From rest to motion(Ex: A boy striking a stationary ball with his legs)

b) From motion to rest (Ex: A goalkeeper stooping the ball by

applying force with his hands)

c) Change in direction of body (Ex: a cricketer striking a ball with his bat
and to sent it in some other direction)

II) Change in size or shape of a body or dimension of a body due to force applied:
Force can bring change in dimension.(Ex: Squeezing of a soft ball or
compressing of a spring.

2) The same Force can produce different effect on different bodies.

❖ A body in which the inter-molecular spacing between its constituent particles do not change when
force is applied is called a rigid body. Ex: A iron metal piece.
❖ A body in which the inter-molecular spacing between its constituent particles changes when force is
applied is called a non-rigid body. Ex: A sponge or paper.
3) Effect of force on a:

Changes state of rest, motion, direction of motion Changes state of rest, motion, direction of motion
or speed of body , speed of body and dimension of the body

4) Force:
• It is a physical cause which changes (or tends to change) either the size or the shape or the state of
rest or of motion of a body.

a) Contact forces
• The forces which are applied on bodies by making a physical contact with them are called
contact forces.
Examples: The force of friction, normal reaction force, tensional force, collision force and the force
exerted by the spring.

b) Non-contact forces:
• The forces experienced by the bodies even without being physically touched, are called non-
contact forces or forces at a distance.
1. Gravitational force: It is the force by which a particles attracts another particle due to its
2. Electrostatic force: It is the force between charges.
3.Magnetic force: It is the force between the magnetic poles
5) General characteristics of non-contact forces
1. The gravitational force is always attractive in nature, while the electrostatic force and the magnetic
force can be either be attractive or repulsive.
2. The magnitude or non-contact forces on two bodies depends on the distance of separation between
3. The magnitude of non-contact force varies inversely as the square of distance of separation.
(F α 𝑑2 )
4. On doubling the separation , the force becomes one-fourth
1. Differentiate between contact force and non-contact force.
2. State one factor on which the magnitude of a non-contact force depends. How does it depend on the
factors stated by you?
3.Give one example in each case where the (a)force is of contact (b)force is at a distance.
4. Classify the following forces as contact and non-contact forces: frictional force, normal reaction force,
gravitational force, electrostatic force, magnetic force, tension, forces during the collisions, weight
5. The separation between two masses is reduced to half. How is the magnitude of gravitational force
between them affected?
6. A spring is compressed against a rigid wall. Draw a neat labeled diagram showing the forces acting on
the spring with their direction?
Text Book - Exercise -3(a)- Q.No.2, 4(a,b),5,7

UNIT(B)Newton’s first law of motion and inertia

Force , according to the previous unit causes:
❖ change in the state of rest
❖ state of motion for a body.
❖ Change in dimension of a body
Our observations regarding rest and motion:

❖ A body will continue to be at rest unless force is applied.

❖ Moreover, force must act continuously on a body to keep it in motion. When force is withdrawn the
motion of the body ceases.
On investigating futhur:
Galileo proved that if a body at rest is set into motion it continues to move forever with uniform
velocity in the absence of any kind of force such as Frictional (force) to oppose its motion.
So, continuous force need not be acting on it.
Important conclusion: If a force sets a body in motion then another force acting on it brings it to rest.
Ex: A ball rolled over rough surface covers less distance before coming to rest than by a ball rolled
over a smooth surface. It is the frictional force of the surface which brings to ball to rest. The
frictional force is unavoidable.
So, it was Galileo put across the following points which is called “Law of Inertia”:
➢ A body at rest will remain at rest unless force is applied on it.
➢ A body is moving, will continue to move with the same speed in the same direction unless a force is
applied on it.
Later Newton put these observations of Galileo in the form of law which is called Newton’s First Law Of
Motion(also known as law of inertia)
1)According to Newton’s first law of motion, if a body is in a state of rest, it will remain in the state of rest
and if it is in the state of motion, it will remain moving in the same direction with the same speed unless an
external unbalanced force is applied on it
 a bottle kept on a table top,
 artificial satellites launched into space.

a) Other aspect of force:

b) Inertia and Mass:
Def: Inertia is the inherent property of each body by virtue of which it has a tendency too resist the change
in its state of rest or state of motion.
 The property of inertia is because of the mass of the body.
 Inertia of body is directly proportional to its mass(m)
 Hence greater the mass of a body more is the inertia and greater is the force required either to move
it or to bring it to rest if it is in motion and vice versa
Example : force needed to push a loaded bullock cart is more than the force needed to move an unloaded
Types of Inertia:

Inertia of direction:
A body moving in a certain direction cannot change its direction without any force being applied on it. It is
the property due to which a body maintains its sense of direction.
 On striking the coin at the bottom of a pile of carrom coins with a striker, lowest coin only
moves away, while the rest of the pile remains intact.
Ans: The reason is that as the striker hits the lowest coin, it moves (changes its state of rest), while
the remaining pile due to inertia of rest remains where it is and ultimately takes the place of
original pile due to the force of gravity.
 On shaking the branches of a tree, the fruits fall down.
 An athlete often runs before taking a long jump.
Ans: The reason is that by running he brings his entire body in the state of motion. When the body
is in motion, it becomes easier to take a long jump.
 Explain: When a running car stops suddenly, the passenger tends to lean forward.
Ans: A cyclist riding along a level road does not come to rest immediately after he stops pedaling.


1. Two equal and opposite forces act on a stationary body. Will the body move? Give reason to
your answer.
2. Name the physical quantity which causes motion in a body.
3. Give two examples to show that greater the mass , greater is the inertia of a body.
4. Name the factor on which the inertia of a body depends and how is inertia related to it?
IN TEXTBOOK – EXERCISE 3(B) – Q.NO. 3,14,18,21(e,d)

❖ The First Law of Motion talks about force only quantitatively. The Second law of Motion gives the
quantitative value of force i.e it becomes measurable.
In our observations we find:
1) It takes more amount of force to stop a moving a
boulder compared to a small stone moving with
same speed.
2) We also find it is difficult to stop a fast-moving car
compared the a slow moving similar car i.e more
force required to stop a fast-moving car than a slow

❖ The force needed to stop a moving body in a definite time depends on :

a) mass of the body and b) its velocity.
 A moving body has an instantaneous force possessed by it due to the combined effect of its mass and
velocity and thus the body has the capacity to do work. This instantaneous force is called linear
Def: It is the product of mass(m) and velocity(v) of body.
Mathematical expression : p = m v
• linear momentum is a vector quantity.
• Its S.I unit is : kg.m.s-1 (or) N.s
• its C.G.S unit is : g.cm.s-1 (or) dyne.s
Case i :If mass ‘m’ of a body remains constant and only its velocity changes such that its velocity ‘v’ is far
less than the velocity of light ‘c’ (i.e v<<<c) then the change in momentum ∆p=m∆v
Case ii : if a body moves with a velocity very near to the velocity of light (v <<< c) then the mass of the
body slightly increases. In this case the change in momentum is (∆p) = ∆(mv)
Imp: However , (∆p) = ∆(mv) is always true, whether mass ‘m’ varies or it remains constant.

You all know that when a force is applied on a body , its velocity changes and due to which its momentum
also changes.
Let a force ’F’ be applied on a body of mass ‘m’ for time ‘t’ due to which its velocity changes from ‘u’ to
‘v’. Then
F m ‘t’ m

Initial momentum of the body = mu

Final momentum of the body = mv u v
Change in momentum = (mv - mu) = m( v- u ) which is taking place in time ‘t’ second and mass ‘m’
remains constant.
∆p change in momentum m (v- u)
Therefore rate of change of momentum = = = ma
∆t time t
(since acceleration ‘a’ = t )
Hence = ma = mass x acceleration
Greater the force (F) applied , greater is the rate of change of linear momentum ∆t
=> ∆t α F => ma α F
=> F = ( k) ma where ‘k’ is proportionality constant and equal to 1
Then F = ma (is the mathematical form of Newton’s 2nd law of motion)
The rate of change of linear momentum of a body is directly proportional to the force applied on it and
the change in momentum takes place in the direction in which the force is applied.
According to Newton’s second law of motion
∆p ∆mv
F = =
∆t ∆t
This is the general form of Newton’s second law when the momentum changes either due to change in mass
or due to change in velocity or due to change in both the mass and velocity.
Imp: The second law takes the form F = ma only when velocities are much smaller than the velocity of
light, and when mass remains constant.
1. The acceleration produced in a body of given mass is directly
proportional to the force applied on it
i.e., a α F ( ‘m’ is const)

2. The force needed to produce a given

acceleration in a body is directly proportional to
the mass of the body i.e., F α m ( if acceleration
remains same)

3. If a given force (F) is applied on bodies of

different masses, the acceleration produced in them is
inversely proportional to their masses i.e.,
a α 1/m ( for a given force ‘F’)

Other important points:

• Force is a vector quantity. Its S.I unit is newton (N)
• One newton is the force which when acts on a body of mass 1kg, produces an acceleration of 1ms-2
• i.e., 1newton = 1kg x 1ms-2
• In C.G.S system the unit of force is dyne and 1dyne = 1g x 1cms-2
• Relation between newton and dyne: 1newton = 1kg x 1ms-2
1N =103 g x 102cms-2 = > 1N = 105 dyne.
• Newton’s 1st law of motion defines force only qualitatively, while Newton’s 2nd law of motion gives
the quantitative value of force.
• Newton’s 1st law of motion can be obtained from Newton’s 2nd law of motion .from Newton’s 2nd
law, F=ma.
• If F=0 , then a=0. This means if no force is applied on the body, its acceleration will be zero. if the
body is at rest , it will remain at rest and if it is moving, it will remain moving in the same direction
with the same speed when not acted upon by an external force. This is Newton’s 1st law of motion.
1. While catching a ball, the cricketer withdraws his hands along with the ball. In doing so, he increases
the time duration in which the ball comes to rest, thus reducing the impact of momentum of the ball
on to his hand. Thus his hands do not get hurt as the force of the moving ball reduces.
2. When glass vessels fall on a hard floor, they break, but they do not break when they fall on a carpet
or sand.It is because there is an increase in the time duration in which the glass comes to rest wen it
hits the carpet. The force on the glass reduces as the impact of momentum reduces.
3. Athletes often land on sand or foam after taking a high jump.
1. A body of mass 5kg is mvoing with velocity 2ms-1 . Calculate its linear momentum.
Sol: linear momentum (p) = mass (m) x velocity (v)
= 5kg x 2ms- 1
= 10 kg ms-1 or 10 N.s
2. Calculate the magnitude of force which when applied on a body of mass 0.5 kg produces an
acceleration of 5ms-2 .
Sol: we know that F=ma
= 0.5 kg x 5 ms-2
=5/10 x 5
= 2.5 N
3.A force of 10 N acts on a body of mass 2kg for 3s, initially at rest. Calculate (i) the velocity
acquired by the body and (ii) the change in momentum of the body.
Sol: (i) F= m(v-u) /t
10 N = 2kg (v-0) /3
30 = 2v => v = 30/2 => v= 15ms-1
(ii) ∆p =m(v-u) =2( 15-0) =2 x15 =30 N.s


theory questions: Q.No. 1,7,12 Numericals : 3, 8,10,
1. Define linear momentum and state its S.I unit.
2. Two bodies A and B of same mass are moving with velocities v and 2v respectively. Compare their
(i) inertia (ii) momentum.
3. Name the S.I and C.G.S unit of force. How are they related?
4. write the mathematical form of Newton’s 2nd law of motion. State condition if any.


Newton’s 3rd law explains about how the force acts on the object.
1)Newton’s 3rd law of motion
• It states that to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.
• The action and reaction never act on the same body, but they always act simultaneously on two
different bodies.
• In other words, the forces of interaction are always present in a pair.
1. Motion of boat in water
To move a boat ahead in water, the boatman pushes (action) the water
backwards with his oar and the water exerts an equal and opposite
force (reaction) in the forward direction on the boat due to which the
boat moves ahead.

The rocket exerts a force (action)on gases to expel them through
a nozzle backwards. The outgoing gases exert an equal and opposite
force (reaction) on the rocket due to which it moves up.




1. A boy pushes a wall with a force of 10N towards east. what force is exerted by the all on the
2. Name and state the action and reaction force in the following cases (a) a moving train colliding
with a stationary train
(b) firing a bullet from the gun
Q.NO. 2,3,7,8

A force of attraction exists between any two bodies in the universe because of their masses which is called
as the gravitational force of attraction.
The magnitude of this force can be determined using the law given by Sir Isaac Newton which is known as
Newton’s law of gravitation.
1) NEWTON’S LAW OF GRAVITATION : It states that the force of attraction acting between two
bodies is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of
the distance between them.
Thus from the beside diagram, the magnitude of force of attraction
between the two bodies is given as
F α m1 m2 --------------(i)

F α -------------(ii)

From (i) and (ii)

𝑚1 𝑚 2 𝑚1 𝑚 2
Fα => F = G
𝑟2 𝑟2

• G is the proportionality constant and its value remains same at all places and is independent of
nature of particles, temperature, medium, etc.
• ‘G’ is known as the universal gravitational constant.
• The value of ‘G’ = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2 kg-2
• Gravitational constant ‘G’ is numerically equal to the magnitude of force of attraction between to
masses each of 1kg placed at a separation of 1m.
a) It is always attractive .
b) It is directly proportional to the product of the masses.
c) It is inversely proportional to the square of separation between them.
d) It is significant between heavenly bodies, but is insignificant for ordinary bodies because of small
value of “G’.
3) FORCE DUE TO GRAVITY: It is the force with which the earth attracts a body towards itself which
can be taken to act vertically downwards at the centre of gravity of the body.
• Earth attracts a body of mass 1kg by a force of 9.8N towards its centre.
• As earth attracts an object towards it, the object also
attracts the earth towards it by an equal force.
Since the object is free to move, it starts moving
towards the earth, but the earth due to its large
inertia, does not move towards the object.


 When a body falls freely under the force due to gravity of earth, its velocity increases at a constant
rate and hence is an uniformly accelerated motion.
 Acceleration due to gravity denoted as (g) is same for all bodies irrespective of mass, size and shape.
 Acceleration due to gravity is defined as the acceleration produced in a freely falling body due to the
gravitational force of attraction of the earth.
 It is a vector quantity. Its S.I unit is ms-2
 The mean value of ‘g’ on earth’s surface is 9.8ms-2
 Value of ‘g’ on the earths surface varies from place to place. At equator it is less compared to that at
 At altitudes above the earth’s surface or at depth below the earth surface, the value of ‘g’ decreases.
The value of ‘g’ is zero at the centre of earth.
 The value of ‘g’ is different on different planets and satellites. On moon’s surface its value is one-
sixth the value of ‘g’ on earth’s surface.
a) If a body falls from rest freely from height ‘h’ under gravity, then the equations of motion are
(i) v = gt (ii) h = ½ gt2 (iii) v2 = 2gh
In this case the value of g is positive. (a= +g)
b) If a body is thrown vertically up with initial velocity ‘u’ to a height ‘h’ , there will be retardation
( a= -g) then the equations of motion are
(i) v = u - gt (ii) h = ut - ½ gt2 (iii) v2 = u2 - 2gh
c) c) If a body is thrown vertically up with initial velocity ‘u’ to a maximum height ‘hmax’ , there will
be retardation ( a= -g) then the equations of motion are:
(i) u = gt ii) hmax = ut - ½ gt2 (iii) u2 = 2g hmax
• The maximum height reached by the body hmax = u2 / 2g
• The total time of the journey (returning back to original position) tꞌ =2u/g


 In S.I system the gravitational unit of force is ‘kilogram force’ (kgf)

 One kilogram force is the force due to gravity on a mass of 1kg.
 1 kgf =9.8 N
 In C.G.S system the gravitational unit of force is ‘gram force’ (gf)
 One gram force is the force due to gravity on a mass of 1g.
 1 kgf = 1000gf 1gf = 980 dyne

1.Define the term acceleration due to gravity. Write its S.I unit
2. How are g and G related?
3.State Newton’s law of Gravitation.
Numericals Eexercise 3€
1. The force of attraction between two bodies at a certain separation is 10N. What will be the force of
attraction between them if the separation is reduced to half?
Sol: F α 1 / d2 d1 = d d2 = d /2
2 2
F1 = 1/d => 10 =1/d
F 2 =1/ (d/2)2 => F 2 = 4 / d2
therefore by comparing F 1 and F2 we get
F 1 / F2 = (1/d2 ) / (4/d2 )
=> 10 / F2 = 1 / 4
=> F 2 = 10 x 4 =40 N. Therefore the force is increased by 4times.
2. Find the weight of the body of mass 5kg. Take g= 10ms-2
Sol: W= mg
= 5 x 10 = 50 N
3. A body is dropped from the top of a tower . It acquires a velocity of 20ms-1 on reaching the ground.
Calculate the height of the tower. Take g= 10ms-2
Sol: applying the equation of motion v2 – u2 = 2gh
(20)2 - (0)2 = 2 x 10 x h
=> h= 20
=> h= 20 m
Theory Q.No. 3,7,8
Numericals Q.No. 7,9,16,17

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