Biological Control of Plant Pathogens: A Global Perspective
Rachid Lahlali 1, * , Said Ezrari 1,2 , Nabil Radouane 1,2 , Jihane Kenfaoui 1,2 , Qassim Esmaeel 3 ,
Hajar El Hamss 1 , Zineb Belabess 4 and Essaid Ait Barka 3, *
1 Phytopathology Unit, Department of Plant Protection, Ecole Nationale d’Agriculture de Meknès, Km10,
Rte Haj Kaddour, BP S/40, Menkes 50001, Morocco; (S.E.); (N.R.); (J.K.); (H.E.H.)
2 Laboratory of Functional Ecology and Environmental Engineering, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University,
P.O. Box 2202, Route d’Imouzzer, Fez 30000, Morocco
3 Unité de Recherche Résistance Induite et Bio-Protection des Plantes-EA 4707-USC INRAE1488,
Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, 51100 Reims, France;
4 Plant Protection Laboratory, Regional Center of Agricultural Research of Oujda, National Institute of
Agricultural Research, Avenue Mohamed VI, BP428 Oujda, Oujda 60000, Morocco;
* Correspondence: (R.L.); (E.A.B.);
Tel.: +212-55-30-02-39 (R.L.); +33-3-2691-3441 (E.A.B.)
Abstract: The increase in the world population has generated an important need for both quality and
quantity agricultural products, which has led to a significant surge in the use of chemical pesticides
to fight crop diseases. Consumers, however, have become very concerned in recent years over the
side effects of chemical fungicides on human health and the environment. As a result, research into
alternative solutions to protect crops has been imposed and attracted wide attention from researchers
worldwide. Among these alternatives, biological controls through beneficial microorganisms have
gained considerable importance, whilst several biological control agents (BCAs) have been screened,
among them Bacillus, Pantoea, Streptomyces, Trichoderma, Clonostachys, Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, and
Citation: Lahlali, R.; Ezrari, S.; certain yeasts. At present, biopesticide products have been developed and marketed either to fight
Radouane, N.; Kenfaoui, J.; Esmaeel, leaf diseases, root diseases, or fruit storage diseases. However, no positive correlation has been
Q.; El Hamss, H.; Belabess, Z.; Barka, observed between the number of screened BCAs and available marketed products. Therefore, this
E.A. Biological Control of Plant review emphasizes the development of biofungicides products from screening to marketing and
Pathogens: A Global Perspective. the problems that hinder their development. Finally, particular attention was given to the gaps
Microorganisms 2022, 10, 596. observed in this sector and factors that hamper its development, particularly in terms of efficacy and legislation procedures.
Academic Editor: James F. White Keywords: biological control; biological control agents; crop diseases; antagonist
to parasitic attacks that farmers are still forced to control below the threshold of harmfulness
to survive and be efficient [9]. In addition, ongoing growth in productivity and international
trade boosts the incidence of certain diseases, thus requiring the application of more
pesticides. Subsequently, these pesticides increase environmental pollution and build up
chemical residues in the treated ecosystem [10]. Other alternatives such as genetic pathways
offer interesting control methods from a practical point of view, but also strengthen the
risks of the emergence of resistant genes in the pathogen [11]. Other alternatives such as
biological controls using microorganisms are a possible way to minimize the pollution and
nuisances associated with the use of synthetic chemicals and greatly reduce their negative
impact on the environment [12,13].
The concept of biocontrol has caused an important technological, economic, and
political debate aiming to develop sustainable agriculture at a lower ecological cost [14,15].
Accordingly, different countries have implemented a protective plan that can reduce around
50% of used pesticides [16]. These measures unequivocally illustrate a major awareness of
the accumulation of toxic residues in the environment and the various links within the food
chain. They also indicate the lack of alternatives to reduce the reliance of the agricultural
sector on pesticides. In this context, it appears crucial to deepen our knowledge about
biocontrols to improve their use and efficiency [15]. For all of these reasons, research is
progressing well towards a perspective of biological control, based on the application of
microbial inoculum, that could be added to the other aforementioned ways to develop a
strong strategy to fight plant diseases.
Promising achievements in terms of biological control have emerged, especially after
the successful use of certain antagonistic biocontrol agents (BCAs), in particular Pseu-
domonas spp., Bacillus spp., Burkholderia spp., and Trichoderma sp. against pathogens causing
foliar and soilborne diseases like Agrobacterium radiobacter var radiobacter, Erwinia spp.,
Fusarium spp., Rhizoctonia solani, Phytophthora spp. and Pythium spp. diseases [13,17].
Additional BCAs have showed an antagonistic effect against a wide spectrum of diseases,
namely bacterial species such as Burkholderia spp., Paenibacillus spp., Pantoea spp., Serratia
spp., Streptomyces spp., and fungal species such as Aspergillus spp., Beauveria spp., Fusarium
spp., Penicillium spp., and Phoma spp. Furthermore, in addition to halting the pathogen
proliferation, many of these BCAs can also directly promote plant growth [9,12,13,17,18].
However, in most cases, the efficacy of BCAs has always been found to be lower than that
of synthetic fungicides. This might be due to the complexity of the rhizosphere and the
need to apply a high amount of BCAs to cover the entire rhizosphere [19]. This can only
happen if the BCA is applied continuously and consecutively. In addition, the way BCAs
are formulated and applied can also affect their efficacies [20].
Even though the research for new microorganisms as potential biopesticides has
increased, biopesticides have been produced in limited numbers. However, small and
medium companies are starting to adapt to this new emerging market. The North American
region has the largest amount of the biopesticide market, reaching USD 539 million in 2015
and predicted to attain USD 1.67 billion by 2022 [21]. Research on biological control using
microorganisms is experiencing and gaining remarkable momentum, although applications
in the field are still limited. The factors limiting the use of BCAs in the field include the
inconsistent efficiency in protecting plants under field conditions, decreased availability in
the market, and the wide unacceptance of BCAs by farmers.
In this paper, we discuss the progress made on the prospecting of biocontrol agents,
their development, and their mechanisms of action, with a special emphasis on legislative
procedures and factors affecting their application and marketing development.
tium lives around plant roots and is formed up of many microorganisms, some of which
are beneficial such as bacteria, algae, and fungi [24]. Because it is a source of utilizable
carbon, the rhizosphere provides a supportive environment for crucial and intensive inter-
actions between plants, soil, microorganisms, and soil microfauna [25]. Plants can recruit
a unique beneficial rhizosphere microorganisms, which can help them to attenuate the
disease activity and make them more resistant to environmental stressors [26].
Understanding the role of rhizosphere microorganisms in pest and disease control
seems to be a rising research field, as evidenced by the high increase in studies conducted
between 2000 and 2019. When the term “rhizosphere” was added to a Google Scholar
search with the keywords “microorganisms”, “control”, “pest”, and “diseases”, the num-
ber of records retrieved increased from roughly 5000 (2000–2005) to 8500 and >20,000
(2006–2010 and 2011–2019, respectively). In the absence of this term, records dropped from
roughly 17,000 to 15,000 in the most recent period [27]. In the present review, we have ex-
tracted bibliometric data to perform a deep analysis and establish a network of worldwide
distribution-related articles on biocontrol agents. The bibliometric data were extracted
from the SCOPUS database (, accessed on 22 December 2021)
using the specific keywords ‘Rhizobacteria’ OR ‘Endophytes’ OR ‘Biocontrol agents’, from
which 1150 documents were obtained. The bibliometric analysis was performed using
different bibliometric indices, including the most popular used keywords, countries, and
the top journals, and was constructed using the VOSviewer processing software (v1.6.9.,
Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands) (Figure 1A). The network analysis showed
the worldwide distribution of related articles to biocontrol agents, which revealed the
relationship between keywords found and allows the obtainment of a comprehensive
perspective of the current research of this area (Figure 1B).
Figure 1. Bibliometric analysis of 1150 articles published on biological control according to the Scopus
database using specific keywords such as “Rhizobacteria” OR “Endophytes” OR ”Biocontrol” (A)
and the network analysis of their worldwide distribution (B); the larger the circle, the more intense
the scientific activity.
Since the use of pesticides to control pests and diseases has been linked to environmen-
tal, ecological, and human health risks, it has become necessary to seek out eco-friendly
biological agents known as biopesticides [28,29] to ensure biological control. The latter,
often known as “biocontrol”, is a method of reducing or eliminating the impact or damage
produced by a specific pest or weed by releasing a biocontrol agent, such as a predator,
herbivore, or pathogen [30]. To handle plant diseases, biological control is considered a
Microorganisms 2022, 10, 596 4 of 33
promising and reliable alternative to the use of synthetic fungicides [27,31]. Several billions
of dollars are being spent on biocontrol research, and the number of biocontrol drugs that
are available for various plant crops is rapidly expanding [32]. Biopesticides are microbial
or products generated from microbes, plants, and other biological organisms aiming to
control plant pests [29,33].
Biopesticides have long-term potential in improving sustainable agriculture [29]. There
are currently many (more than 440 species) control agents available for various pests [34].
BCAs are used to control plant diseases in crops, and they involve a variety of mecha-
nisms [35]. Van Lenteren et al. [34] presented the first list of BCAs registered worldwide,
which includes bacteria, fungi, mycoviruses, and bacteriophages [34]. Certain antagonistic
microorganisms have been identified from the rhizosphere of numerous agricultural plants
to inhibit some plant diseases and hence reduce the need for agrochemical pesticides.
In the last two decades, researchers have been studying the use of these specialized
antagonistic microorganisms in the biological control of soil-borne diseases. Biopesticides
are available inside the rhizosphere to combat pests and microbial diseases due to the close
connection of root-colonizing probiotic microorganisms with plant host cells [36]. Several
bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and nematodes have recently demonstrated antagonistic activity
that could be employed in the biocontrol of root and foliar diseases in a variety of crops,
and also insect pests [37,38]. Antibiotics, bacteriocins, siderophores, hydrolytic enzymes,
and other secondary metabolites produced by these beneficial rhizosphere microorganisms
inhibit pathogenic bacteria and fungi [28,32].
Direct antagonism of potential pests through the production of biopesticides is one of
the features of plant-probiotic microorganisms that contribute to plant health. Antagonistic
fungi such as Trichoderma spp., as well as bacteria from the genera Pseudomonas, Bacillus,
and Streptomyces, account for the majority of rhizosphere microorganisms commonly used
in biocontrols [27].
spore crystal mixtures of 12 Bt isolates, and it was found that the isolate F8.IIPR has the
maximum toxicity against Spilosoma obliqua Walker (100%), Olepa ricini Fabricius (92%),
and Helicoverpa armigera Hubner (100%) larvae [57]. Bacillus subtilis (BCB-19) and Bacillus
megaterium (SB-9) induced considerable larval death and growth inhibition in both H.
armigera and Spodoptera litura [58]. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens LMR2, Bacillus halotolerans (SF3
and SF4), and Bacillus mojarvensis SF16 were recently isolated from soil of fire blight host
plants in different Moroccan regions for their higher efficacy in reducing apple fire blight
disease [48]. Monilinia fructigena and Monilinia laxa, which cause brown rot disease of fruits,
are controlled by B. amyloliquefaciens SF14 and B. amyloliquefaciens SP10, respectively. In a
semi-commercial large-scale study, the efficacy of these strains was found to be comparable
to that of two commercial BCAs, but slightly lower than that of a commercial synthetic
fungicides [47,59]. The considerable biological control activity of a Bacillus velezensis strain
named ZW10, as well as its ability to boost host defenses, make it a potential biopesticide
for rice blast biocontrol caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae [60]. The commercially
available B. amyloliquefaciens FZB42 product has considerably decreased lettuce bottom
rot caused by R. solani. This reduction was due to the secretion of surfactin and other
FZB42-non-ribosomally synthesized secondary metabolites in the lettuce rhizosphere. Sub-
sequently, plant regulation genes are triggered and expressed to protect plants against the
pathogen R. solani [53].
In a dual culture bioassay, endophytic Bacillus strains obtained from cotton roots have
demonstrated an inhibitory efficacy against Verticillium dahliae strain VD-080. Scanning
electron microscopy examination underlined mycelial disintegration, curling, and shrink-
age of V. dahliae hyphae after treatment with methanolic extracts of isolated endophytes.
Furthermore, when compared to control treatments, cotton plants treated with two Bacillus
strains (HNH7 and HNH9) showed a considerable reduction in verticillium wilt severity.
Moreover, the expression of some defense-related genes was significantly higher in plants
treated with Bacillus strains and inoculated with VD-080 [54].
Pseudomonas chlororaphis isolates are used as biopesticides in agriculture as they protect
plants from various microbial diseases, insects, and nematodes. These isolates directly
suppress microbial pathogens, insects, and nematodes by producing a variety of metabo-
lites [36]. P. chlororaphis PcO6, isolated from the roots of dryland, enhanced plant health and
was used as a biofertilizer and BCA in agriculture. Plant growth is stimulated by an array of
metabolites generated by this bacterium through direct pathogen antagonism and induction
of systemic resistance in the plant. The mechanisms by which specific bacterial metabolites
create protection against pathogenic microorganisms, insects, and nematodes have been
identified in studies on PcO6. The role of a global regulatory system, the Gac/Rsm regulon,
in conferring protection against plant pathogens has been highlighted [61]. The Gac/Rsm
system network in PcO6 communicates the capacities required to adapt to various stressors
and enhance survival while also maintaining plant health by priming stress responses.
When the bacterium reaches a critical cell density, the Gac/Rsm network is activated,
causing the microbe to switch its nutrition consumption and create protectants instead of
adding cell mass. Other systems influencing gene expression are linked to the Gac/Rsm
system. Antimicrobials are produced when the Gac/Rsm network in PcO6 is activated,
which may help in sustaining plant root colonization and protecting the plant against
microbial diseases. PcO6 impacts microbiomes and plant health in the rhizosphere by
secreting antimicrobials and volatiles. The bacterium forms a protective biofilm on the
root surface, which acts as a physical shield and a water-holding gel [61]. Antifungal
compounds such as bacteriocin, HCN, and siderophore were produced by Pseudomonas
aeruginosa isolated from the banana field rhizosphere. Phytopathogens such as Aspergillus
niger, Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium oxysporum, and Alternaria alternata were suppressed by
the isolate’s bacteriocinogenic, siderophoregenic, and HCN rich broth. Bacteriocin has a
toxic effect on bacteria, whereas siderophore and HCN inhibit fungal phytopathogens. It is
worth mentioning that none of the helpful rhizobia were inhibited by these compounds. In
comparison to copper-based systemic chemical fungicide, the P. aeruginosa isolate showed
Microorganisms 2022, 10, 596 6 of 33
higher antifungal activity and a lower minimum inhibitory concentration [43]. The ability
of Pseudomonas sp. LBUM 223 to control common scab potato caused by Streptomyces scabies
was proven via PCA synthesis. This PCA synthesis is critical for LBUM 223’s capacity
to control common scabs of potato, limit pathogen growth, and inhibit the expression of
important pathogenicity genes [50]. Similarly, Lanteigne et al. [49] have identified DAPG
and HCN as the chemicals responsible for Pseudomonas sp. LBUM300’s capacity to inhibit
the growth of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in vitro and regulate the devel-
opment of bacterial canker in tomato under soil conditions. In both H. armigera and S. litura,
Pseudomonas spp. (SB-21) was reported to induce considerable larval death and growth
inhibition [58].
with high biocontrol capabilities against postharvest diseases and wilt diseases. As a result,
Wickerhamomyces anomalus Wa-32 reduced the severity of disease caused by V. dahliae up
to 40%, and that due to F. oxysporum up to 50%. Furthermore, the postharvest assays
revealed a high biocontrol performance against P. expansum and B. cinerea (up to 86 and
97% reduction in disease severity, respectively). Furthermore, W. anomalus Wa-32 and two
Metschnikowia pulcherrima strains showed significant action against B. cinerea (Mp-22 and
Mp-30). However, according to the same study, Candida lusitaniae Cl-28, Candida oleophila
Co-13, Debaryomyces hansenii Dh-67, and Hypopichia pseudoburtonii Hp-54 were the most
efficient against P. expansum, according to the study. This was also observed with grapes
and apples [71].
chitinases, which reduce pathogen virulence [76]. Finally, BCAs can reduce pathogen
infection pressure through the competition for nutrients and space where both BCAs and
pathogens compete with each other. This will help BCAs to establish themselves in the
environment through the physical occupation of the site, biofilm formation resulting in
reduced colonization of roots by the pathogen, and secretion of the essential micronutrients
chelating such as siderophores as well as the characteristics of BCAs, which have more
efficient uptake system for micronutrients in the case of the pests [72,79].
certain biotic stresses [85]. The microbial cells adhere to each other’s surface through
a complex matrix medium comprising a variety of extracellular polymeric substances
(EPS) including exopolysaccharides, proteins, and DNA, known as signaling molecules.
Microorganisms, including bacteria, cyanobacteria, and fungi, specifically interact with
plant tissues through quorum sensing (QS). The latter exists widely in all kinds of microor-
ganisms and is a communication channel for microorganisms [86] and allows individual
microbe within colonies to coordinate with each other. In one experiment on Arabidopsis, B.
subtilis 6051 formed a stable, extensive biofilm to protect plants from Pseudomonas syringae
attacks [87]. Furthermore, both the bacterium Azotobacter chroococcum and the fungus Tricho-
derma viride [88] can form biofilms to protect various crops against pathogens [89]. Strains
of B. velezensis QST713 can also develop a biofilm on inert surfaces to inhibit the growth of T.
aggressivum, which causes green mold disease [90]. The mechanism of biofilm formation is
a powerful tool that helps plants to protect themselves from pathogenic attacks. However,
previous knowledge of BCAs and plant species interactions is required before utilization,
as BCAs interact specifically with plant species, and thus, the adopted techniques should
be species-specific.
3.1.5. Parasitism
Parasitism is an important biological control mechanism exhibited by antagonists
to directly target pathogens that cause soil-borne and foliar diseases [121]. Parasitism
or predation occurs when an antagonist feeds on or within the pathogen. It causes the
immediate destruction of affected pathogens [122]. Some BCAs use parasitism mechanisms
by producing propagules which are aggregates of BCA around or inside the pathogen. The
density and the distance between a pathogen and its nearest BCA propagule are important
components in effectively controlling pathogens. The denser BCAs are to each other, the
more effective they are at controlling pathogens. Many pathogens share the same BCA
propagule as their nearest BCA neighbor, and this interaction between BCAs and pathogens
helps tremendously in the parasitism process [123]. Some pathogens are resistant to BCAs
if optimum environmental conditions are not fulfilled such as adequate temperature and
space. BCAs are also influenced by their quality and quantity when introduced to a tar-
geted ecosystem. Pathogen resistance can be determined by measuring the proportion of
pathogen propagules that remain infective as a function of the amount of BCAs introduced
to the system [124]. Consequently, efforts should be devoted to improving the parasitism
process for successful controls. Some of these measures include the use of mixtures of
BCAs, optimal timing of antagonist application, integrated biological and chemical controls,
and optimization of environmental conditions [124]. The consumption of one fungus by
another is called mycoparasitism [125]. Mycoparasitism specifically utilizes fungal cell-
wall-degrading enzymes to access the cells [126]. Trichoderma, for example, can effectively
eliminate phytopathogenic fungi through the suppression of other microorganisms at the
same site, making Trichoderma the dominant organism in the infested site [127–129]. Para-
sitism between yeasts and fungus was also studied. Cytological damage and protuberances
in the cell wall and degeneration of the cytoplasm were observed in vivo culture of both
Candida saitoana yeast cells with B. cinerea mycelium [125]. In 1991, Wisniewski et al. [125]
Microorganisms 2022, 10, 596 11 of 33
observed a strong in vitro adhesion of the antagonistic yeast Pichia guilliermondii cells to
B. cinerea mycelium [130]. Mechanisms of action determining the success of biocontrol
are complex, which, to some extent, may explain the limited effectiveness of biocontrol
against plant diseases in field crops. In this case, the screening of these BCAs can be
achieved by phenotype-based screenings by evaluating pathogen growth by dual culture
assay or by volatile antifungal compounds (VOCs) or by marker-based screening: secre-
tion of antimicrobial metabolites (antibiosis via bacterial supernatant), the secretion of
cell-wall-degrading or screening bacteria with specific inhibitory mechanisms [76,131].
pathogenesis-related proteins PR2, PR3, PR4, and PR5 [141]. Beneficial microbes cause early
plant ISR events such as increased expression of pathogenesis-related PR genes, increased
activity of defense-related substances such as phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, polyphenol
oxidase, peroxidase, β-1,3, glucanase, chitinase, and the accumulation of reactive oxygen
species [142,143].
Figure 3. Schematic model of signal transduction events triggered by microbes. Microbes may
produce microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) or damage-associated molecular patterns
(DAMPs), such as flagellin or chitin, which are perceived by pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs), or
other elicitors, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), or siderophores, which are perceived by
receptors. The activated receptors may then trigger different signaling cascades, acting as a precursor
for the biosynthesis of phytohormones that trigger defensive pathways. The kinase cascade may also
phosphorylate transcription factors that modulate the expression of early and late response genes.
Abbreviations: 3-indole acetic acid (IAA); abscisic acid (ABA); brassinosteroid (BR); cytokinin (CYT);
enhanced disease susceptibility (EDS); ethylene (ET); exopolysaccharides (EPS); gibberellic acid
(GA); induced systemic resistance (ISR), jasmonic acid (JA); lipopolysaccharides (LPS); nonexpressor
of pathogenesis-related genes (NPR); pathogenesis-related protein (PR); peptidyl arginine deiminase
(PAD), salicylic acid (SA); senescence-associated gene (SAG), systemic acquired resistance (SAR).
are efficient against fungal, bacterial, and viral invasion by ISR [139]. Trichoderma spp. and
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMFs) have long been considered to be widespread potential
BCAs [151,152]. A meta-analysis was conducted on papers published between 2010 and
2021 that looked at cross-talk in the tomato–Trichoderma–B. cinerea system. The analysis
was carried out on 15 publications, starting with a collection of 40 papers. Trichoderma’s
role in the control of grey mold in tomato leaves (decrease in disease intensity, severity,
and occurrence, as well as modulation of resistance genes in the host) was highlighted
in the research [151]. Defense priming, or AMF-induced resistance, is becoming more
widely recognized as AMF’s ability to induce systemic resistance to insect herbivores and
diseases [152].
The induction of a distinct physiological state known as “priming” occurs when plants
are infected with necrotizing pathogens or when helpful microorganisms colonize the roots
of plants. The different cellular defense mechanisms that are triggered during the attack
by pathogens or insects, or in reaction to abiotic stress, are activated faster, stronger, or
both in primed plants [153]. Plants often switch to a primed state of heightened defense
when they detect prospective opponents, invading pathogens, wound signals, or abiotic
stress, and some natural or manufactured compounds. The communication appears to vary
depending on the considered beneficial microorganism and the elicited plant species [154].
Here, we presented the molecular mechanisms by which some BCAs, especially Trichoderma,
confer plant protection [63]. Trichoderma is a genus of filamentous fungus that colonizes the
root surface and play an important role in stimulating plant growth. However, the main
proteins and chemical pathways that control this stimulation are still unknown [155]. Sev-
eral Trichoderma spp. can interfere with signaling networks in their host plants to improve
disease resistance and stress tolerance, in addition to their ability to directly antagonize
plant pathogens and boost plant growth [63]. Trichoderma isolates use different strategies
to boost the defense pathways of the plant host, depending on their origin and applica-
tion place. Whilst the phyllosphere Trichoderma isolate (BHUF4) used the SAR channel
to elicit the defense response in the host plant under Colletotrichum truncatum challenge,
the rhizospheric Trichoderma strain (T16A) used the ISR pathway [140]. Trichoderma adapts
to different interactions including inter- and cross-kingdom interactions [63]. For exam-
ple, during the mycoparasitism between Trichoderma species and the phytopathogenic
fungal infections, several signaling cascades are activated [156]. Important processes in
Trichoderma mycoparasitism are adapted such as the development of infection structures
called appressoria during mycoparasitism, the generation of hydrolytic enzymes, antimi-
crobial metabolites, and the induction of systemic resistance in plants. All these processes
rely on signaling pathways that are activated by the binding of host-derived ligands to
receptors [157].
evidenced by an increase in ToLOX D expression after 8 h of stink bug feeding. ToPIN2 was
also highly elevated 8 h after herbivore feeding, most likely because of the JA-cascade being
activated. Upregulation of ToPIN2 may play a role in the lowered growth rate of stink bug
nymphs [160]. Beneficial root endophytes, such as Trichoderma and Glomus spp., have been
proven in numerous studies to minimize endoparasitic nematode infections by eliciting the
plant immune system [80,161,162]. When attacked by root-knot nematodes (RKNs), tomato
plants treated with T. harzianum had their SA-signaling pathway and ET biosynthesis
activated, which helped in controlling the infection. Monitoring the expression of the
genes PR-1/PR-5 and JERF3/ACO, which are indicators of the SA- and JA/ET-dependent
signaling pathways, respectively, revealed this effect. Five days after nematode inoculation,
roots of plants pre-treated with T. harzianum-strains showed an over-expression of PR-1,
PR-5, and ACO genes. In T. harzianum-colonized plants challenged with nematodes, JERF3
gene expression remained unchanged [161]. Plants are primed against RKNs through BCA
contact with roots. BCA-mediated immunity appears to be dependent on SA-mediated
SAR and is linked to both the activation and inhibition of chitinase and glucanase enzyme
activities, as well as the inhibition of the plant antioxidant enzyme system [80].
Hence, the screening of such mechanisms can be based on phenotype-based screenings
by measuring plant growth and root colonization traits, a reduction in disease severity, and
alleviating abiotic stress. It can also be based on marker-based screening, either by using
specific medium culture for BCAs screening or by searching the presence of genes responsi-
ble for these mechanisms [76]. Some other techniques require a high-throughput tool, such
as induced systemic response markers, expression of pathogenesis-related) proteins at the
transcriptomic level, and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) [76,79]. BCAs
with multiple modes of action are highly demanded. The nature of the mode of action of
selected BCA is among the data requirements for the registration of BCA-based products.
These strains are generally selected based on their effectiveness against pathogens, host
range, availability, ease for mass production, formulation, and application by farmers. The
strains that had the lowest LC50 and LT50 are tested under greenhouse and later in con-
trolled field experiments. The formulation and field efficacy trials are conducted by partners
from the private sector and accredited laboratories, who conduct the required eco and mam-
malian toxicity tests and quality assurance for later commercialization of biopesticide [167].
However, field bioassays are required to confirm the efficacy of selected products.
The biopesticides are classified by governments so that the authorities can regulate
their use through authorizations. The main focus of this regulation is the environment,
human safety, and the reliability of the product. The efficacy and labeling of the biopes-
ticide also should meet the requirement set up by the authorities and EU for their safe
handling [168]. The regulation portfolio of biopesticide registration is normally a modified
version of the conventional chemical pesticides, with risk assessment. That includes tox-
icological and ecotoxicological evaluations, their mode of action, and host range. These
requirements can be challenging for regulators. One of the challenges is identifying the
appropriate biopesticides while at the same time ensuring safety and consistency standards
that are acceptable for commercialization [168].
conceptualization is often lacking, making mass production of the entire microbe in in vivo
conditions an expensive and time-consuming task. The cost of this approach is a major
constraint, as its production and licensing are too expensive when compared to chemical
agents [174,176]. Furthermore, ensuring BCAs reach right area at the right time and with
sufficient density to be effective, as well as keeping them permanently there, represent one
of the most challenging aspects of their use. Since biocontrol involves the introduction
of non-native living organisms, serious ecological impacts may be associated with them.
Non-native species, for instance, may become invasive and have harmful environmental
consequences if they spread beyond the area where they were introduced.
Moreover, some BCAs exhibit efficacy under in vivo circumstances in the laboratory, but
ecological restrictions hamper their performance under real full-scale conditions [177–179],
making them economically non-viable with chemical pesticides. Given the increasing
number of microorganisms used for biological control, few are recorded against plant
diseases in the EU, according to the European project ENDURE (European Network for
Durable Exploitation of Crop Protection Strategies). Several studies found that when certain
BCAs were introduced under commercial field circumstances, they were less effective or
altogether ineffective, despite their high performance in controlled conditions [45,180–182].
For example, many Pseudomonas BCAs showed a good performance in trials but cannot be
translated into consistent, efficient disease control in various field settings [182]. For the
antagonist, Candida oleophila strains, a significant difference in enzymatic activity existed
between in vivo and in vitro applications [15,183].
Despite the fact that BCAs are genetically stable, their use has not been very successful
due to ongoing climate change. As a result, it is critical to choose agents that are effective
across a variety of environmental situations (soil texture, temperature, humidity, radiation).
A small change in temperature amends the microbial concentration. The virulence of
the agents is decreased when they are exposed to UV rays from the sun. Some BCAs
only exhibit predatory behavior when nutrients are scarce rather than in normal growth
conditions. For example, Trichoderma spp. does not directly attack the R. solani when fresh
bark compost is introduced. The availability of cellulose itself is a reason for this. When
lower amounts of cellulose, genes governing chitinase synthesis, in Trichoderma spp. are
activated, the enzyme for parasitic activity is then produced [164,184].
Since BCAs have a limited shelf life, their viability must be managed. For instance,
Trichoderma viride is viable for four months, while Pseudomonas fluorescens can only survive
for three months [164,185]. Bacillus is thought to be a microbiological factory that generates
a large set of antimicrobial substances and is found in about 85% of commercially available
BCAs [175,186]. Although basic fermentation and formulation processes can create this type
of formula, the commercial applicability of such procedures is limited. This is due to a lack
Microorganisms 2022, 10, 596 17 of 33
A. Bacteria biopesticides
Agrobacterium radiobacter strain k84 Galltrol Agrobacterium tumeifaciens Ornamentals, Fruits, Nuts AgBioChem, Los Molinos, CA, USA
Cherries, cucurbits, grapes, leafy
Foliar pathogens, rots, Fire blight,
Bacillus subtilis QST 713 Serenade vegetables, peppers, potatoes, AgraQuest, Davis, CA, USA
and blights
tomatoes, and walnuts
Root-knot nematode, Remiform Cereals, millets, pulses, oilseeds,
nematode Cyst nematode, fibre crops, sugar crops, forage
Bacillus firmus NCIM 2637 Bionemagon —-
Burrowing nematode, Lesion crops, plantation crops, vegetables,
nematode fruits, etc.
Crop seeds, including seeds for
Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Growth products, White Plains, NY,
Bacillus subtilis GB03 Companion, Kodiak cotton, peanuts, soybeans, wheat,
Aspergillus, and others USA
barley, peas, and beans
Damping-off Becker Underwood, Ames, Iowa,
Cotton, beans, barley, wheat, corn,
Bacillus subtilis MBI 600 Subtilex; Histick N/T Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Alternaria, and USA; Premier Horticulture,
peas, peanuts, and soybeans
Aspergillus Quakertown, PA, USA
Bacillus subtilis var. amyloliquefaciens Shade and forest tree seedlings,
Taegro Rhizoctonia and Fusarium Earth BioSciences, Salem, OR, USA
strain FZB24 ornamentals, and shrubs
Ecoguard; Novozymes Biofungicide Ornamental plants and ornamental Novozymes Biologicals, Davis, CA,
Bacillus licheniformis strain SB3086 Foliar pathogens and blights
GreenRelief turf USA
GB34 Concentrate Biological
Bacillus pumilus strain GB34 Rhizoctonia, Fusarium Soybean Gustafson, Inc, Plano, TX, USA
Bio-Dart, Biolep, Halt, Taciobio-Btk,
Bacillus thuringiensis Lepidopteran pests Stored grains, fiber, and food crops —-
Tacibio, Technar
Bacillus thuringiensis tenebrionis Novodor, Trident Colorado potato beetle Potato —-
Almonds, blueberry, citrus crops,
Aphids, leafhopper, lygus, stink
Burkholderia spp. strain A396 Venerate cucurbits, fruiting, vegetables, —-
bug, thrips
Microorganisms 2022, 10, 596 19 of 33
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
C. Postharvest biofungicides
by far the most widely studied fungal BCA, its widespread use has been impeded by
its unpredictability in the field. Understanding how Trichoderma interacts with plants,
other microorganisms, and the environment is critical for developing and implementing
Trichoderma-based agricultural production and protection strategies [63].
only reduced B. longicaudatus populations on a single sample [208]. Timper et al. [202]
highlighted examples of how agricultural practices can help or hinder the biological control
of PPNs and other soil-borne pests. The effectiveness of nematode antagonists can be
improved by supplying additional food sources, such as when organic amendments are
provided to the soil. Some organic additions, such as manures and plants that contain
allelopathic substances, can, however, be harmful to nematode antagonists. Crop rotation,
fallow periods, tillage, and pesticide sprays are all examples of production practices that
can disrupt antagonistic organism populations directly. By diminishing antagonists’ pri-
mary nematode host, these measures can have an indirect effect [202]. BCAs are being more
widely utilized to combat a variety of PPN pests, and they are a safer alternative to toxic
chemical nematicides. Despite this, due to their lack of efficacy, uneven field performance,
and/or negative economic circumstances, they have been confined to a limited sector of the
pesticide industry. A holistic understanding of soil biological and ecological components
can improve the efficacy and biocontrol success including improved sampling, a better
understanding of BCAs interactions with soil biota and ecology, cost-effective BCAs use,
genetic manipulation for better PPNs control, grower acceptance and awareness of BCAs
techniques, and commercial application [205].
6. Conclusions
The available data suggest that the assumption that biological control is always more
sustainable than chemical control is not always valid. However, concluding the existence of
unique features related to the plant pathogen or the BCA that could explain the BCA’s lack
of effectiveness in practice is insufficient. Briefly, to ensure BCAs’ long-term efficacy against
target plant diseases, it is critical to understand how their efficacy may be compromised.
This knowledge will lead to the identification of risk factors that will promote the selection
of plant pathogen strains that are resistant to BCAs. It will also lead to the identification of
BCAs with a lower threat of failure efficacy, i.e., BCAs with modes of action that do not favor
the selection of resistant isolates in natural plant pathogen populations [203]. Manipulation
of the environment, the use of mixtures of beneficial organisms, physiological and genetic
enhancement of the biocontrol mechanisms, formulation manipulation, and the integration
of biocontrol with other alternative methods that provide additive effects can all help to
improve the efficiency of these biocontrol products. These BCAs could be used effectively
in sustainable agriculture to boost plant growth [28]. To ensure effective biocontrol, it is
critical to choose agents that are effective in a variety of situations, including soil texture,
wetness, temperature extremes, and competition [31]. In addition to the aforementioned
factors, the need for scientists to publish negative data, as well as their ability to do so,
appears to be critical to the success of biological control. The researchers will be able to
determine biopesticides weaknesses such as lack of efficacy, uneven field performance,
and/or unfavorable economic considerations to tackling them in the future [209].
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, R.L. and E.A.B.; methodology, S.E., N.R., H.E.H., J.K.,
Z.B., R.L. and E.A.B.; software, E.A.B., S.E., N.R., Q.E., H.E.H. and Z.B.; validation, R.L. and E.A.B.;
data curation, S.E., N.R., J.K., H.E.H., Z.B. and R.L., resources, Z.B. and R.L.; writing—original draft
preparation, S.E., N.R., J.K., H.E.H., Z.B. and R.L.; writing—review and editing, R.L., Z.B. and E.A.B.;
supervision, R.L. and E.A.B.; project administration, E.A.B. and R.L. All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This Research was financially supported by MESRSI under the SIRAM project of PRIMA
Call Section 2.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data used for the analyses in this study are available within
the article.
Microorganisms 2022, 10, 596 26 of 33
Acknowledgments: This research was financially supported by Department of Plant Protection, Ecole
Nationale d’Agriculture de Meknes, and Unité de Recherche Résistance Induite et Bio-Protection des
Plantes-EA 4707, Université de Reims Cham-pagne-Ardenne.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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