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1. Suicidal Mania the impulse to take one’s life

2. Homicidal Mania the impulse to kill
3. Dipsomania the impulse to drink liquor
4. Megalomania the impulse to a mass giant fame or power
5. Kleptomania the impulse to steal
6. Pyromania the impulse to set things on fire
7. Arithmomania the impulse to count everything
8. Ablutomania Mania for washing oneself
9. Aboulomania Pathological indecisiveness
10. Agromania Intense desire to be in open spaces
11. Andromania Nymphomania
12. Anglomania Craze or obsession with England and the English
13. Anthomania Obsession with flowers
14. Aphrodisiomania Abnormal sexual interest
15. Balletomania Abnormal fondness for ballet
16. Bibliomania Craze for books or reading
17. Bruxomania Compulsion for grinding teeth
18. Cacodemomania Pathological belief that one is inhabited by an evil spirit
19. Catapedamania Obsession with jumping from high places
20. Chinamania Obsession with collecting china
21. Choreomania Dancing mania or frenzy
22. Clinomania Excessive desire to stay in bed
23. Copromania Obsession with feces
24. Cytheromania Nymphomania
25. Dacnomania Obsession with killing
26. Demonomania Pathological belief that one is possessed by demons
27. Dinomania Mania for dancing
28. Dipsomania Abnormal craving for alcohol
29. Discomania Obsession for disco music
30. Doramania Obsession with owning furs
31. Doromania Obsession with giving gifts
32. Drapetomania Intense desire to run away from home
33. Dromomania Compulsive longing for travel
34. Ecdemomania Abnormal compulsion for wandering
35. Egomania Irrational self-centered attitude or self-worship
36. Eleutheromania Manic desire for freedom
37. Entheomania Abnormal belief that one is divinely inspired
38. Enosimania Pathological belief that one has sinned
39. Empleomania Mania for holding public office
40. Epomania Craze for writing epics
41. Ergasiomania Excessive desire to work
42. Erotomania Abnormally powerful sex drive
43. Etheromania Craving for ether
44. Ethnomania Obsessive devotion to one's own people
45. Eulogomania Obsessive craze for eulogies
46. Flagellomania Abnormal enthusiasm for flogging
47. Florimania Craze for flowers
48. Francomania Craze or obsession with France and the French
49. Gamomania Obsession with issuing odd marriage proposals
50. Graphomania Obsession with writing

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