Maharashtra Public Service Commission Assessment: General Knowledge
Maharashtra Public Service Commission Assessment: General Knowledge
Maharashtra Public Service Commission Assessment: General Knowledge
General Knowledge
Section type : Online
Who among the following was honoured with the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2023?
I. Pierre Agostini
II. Katalin Karikó
III. Drew Weissman
Options :
1. Only I and II
4. I, II and III
2023 मध्ये, खालीलपैकी कोणाला वैद्यकशास्त्रातील नोबेल पारितोषकाचा बहुमान मिळाला होता?
I. पिएर अगोस्तिनी
III.ड्रयू वाईजमन
Options :
1. फक्त I आणि II
4. I, II आणि III
In November 2023, who was appointed as the Chief Information Commissioner in Central
Information Commission?
Options :
1. Heeralal Samariya
2. Rajiv Kumar
4. Amit Khare
Options :
1. हिरालाल सामरिया
2. राजीव कुमार
4. अमित खरे
Which Ministry of the Government of India observed the Vigilance Awareness Week 2023 from 30
th October to 5th November?
Options :
How many Lok Sabha seats are reserved for Scheduled Tribes, as on 26 January 2019?
Options :
1. 47
2. 54
3. 77
4. 84
26 जानेवारी 2019 रोजीच्या स्थितीनुसार अनुसूचित जमातींसाठी लोकसभेच्या किती जागा आरक्षित आहेत?
Options :
1. 47
2. 54
3. 77
4. 84
Options :
1. 72nd Amendment
2. 73rd Amendment
3. 74th Amendment
4. 75th Amendment
Options :
1. 72 वी सुधारणा
2. 73 वी सुधारणा
3. 74 वी सुधारणा
4. 75 वी सुधारणा
Which of the following subjects is included in the Concurrent List in the Indian Constitution?
I. Forests
II. Banking
Options :
1. Only I
2. Only II
3. Both I and II
4. Neither I nor II
Question Number : 6 Question Id : 630680569221 Is Question Mandatory : No Calculator :
None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0
भारतीय संविधानाच्या समवर्ती सूचीत खालीलपैकी कोणत्या विषयांचा समावेश केला गेलेला आहे?
I. वने
II. बँकिंग
Options :
1. फक्त I
2. फक्त II
3. दोन्ही I आणि II
Options :
1. M3 + (Total deposits with Post Office savings organisations – National savings certificates)
2. M2 + (Total deposits with Post Office savings organisations – National savings certificates)
3. M3 + (Total deposits with Post Office savings organisations + National savings certificates)
4. M2 + (Total deposits with Post Office savings organisations + National savings certificates)
Options :
1. M3 + (पोस्ट ऑफिस बचत संस्थांसह असलेल्या एकूण ठे वी - राष्ट्रीय बचत प्रमाणपत्रे)
For the year 2011–12, the poverty line for a person was fixed at Rs.______ per month for rural areas.
Options :
1. 706
2. 816
3. 926
4. 956
Options :
1. 706
2. 816
3. 926
4. 956
1. Mitochondria
2. Lysosomes
3. Vacuoles
4. Cell wall
Options :
1. तंतणि
ु का
2. लयकारिका
3. रिक्तिका
4. पेशी भित्तिका
Options :
1. Vitamin B1
2. Vitamin B2
3. Vitamin B3
4. Vitamin B12
Options :
1. जीवनसत्त्व B1
2. जीवनसत्त्व B2
3. जीवनसत्त्व B3
4. जीवनसत्त्व B12
Options :
1. 800 meters
2. 1200 meters
3. 1800 meters
4. 2200 meters
Options :
1. 800 मीटर्स
2. 1200 मीटर्स
3. 1800 मीटर्स
4. 2200 मीटर्स
As per Census 2011, male literacy rate in Maharashtra is approximately ______ percent.
Options :
1. 72
2. 76
3. 82
4. 88
Options :
1. 72
2. 76
3. 82
4. 88
Options :
1. Vindhyashakti
2. Simuka
3. Gautamiputra Satakarni
4. Vasishthiputra Pulumavi
Options :
1. विंध्यशक्ती
2. सिमूक
3. गौतमीपुत्र सातकर्णी
4. वासिष्ठीपुत्र पुलुमावी
Options :
1. Vakataka
2. Rashtrakuta
3. Pallava
4. Chalukya
Options :
1. वाकाटक
2. राष्ट्रकुट
3. पल्लव
4. चालुक्य
Question Number : 15 Question Id : 630680569230 Is Question Mandatory : No Calculator :
None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0
Options :
Options :
Intelligence Test
Section type : Online
Seven boxes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 and A7 are placed one above the other. Only two boxes are
placed above box A4. Only one box is placed between box A7 and A4. As many as boxes are placed
between box A7 and A5 as between box A5 and A1. Three boxes are placed between box A2 and
A3. A2 is placed above A3.
Options :
1. A2
2. A4
3. A6
4. A1
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 आणि A7 हे सात बॉक्सेस एकावर एक असे ठे वलेले आहेत. बॉक्स A4 च्या वर केवळ दोन बॉक्सेस
ठे वलेले आहेत. A7 आणि A4 यांच्यामध्ये फक्त एक बॉक्स ठे वलेला आहे. बॉक्सेस A5 आणि A1 यांच्यामध्ये जितके बॉक्सेस आहेत,
तितकेच बॉक्सेस A7 आणि A5 यांच्यामध्ये आहेत. A2 आणि A3 यांच्यामध्ये तीन बॉक्सेस ठे वलेले आहेत. A2 हा A3 च्या वर ठे वलेला
Options :
1. A2
2. A4
3. A6
4. A1
Question Number : 17 Question Id : 630680569232 Is Question Mandatory : No Calculator :
None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0
Seven boxes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 and A7 are placed one above the other. Only two boxes are
placed above box A4. Only one box is placed between box A7 and A4. As many as boxes are placed
between box A7 and A5 as between box A5 and A1. Three boxes are placed between box A2 and
A3. A2 is placed above A3.
Options :
1. A1
2. A4
3. A3
4. A2
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 आणि A7 हे सात बॉक्सेस एकावर एक असे ठे वलेले आहेत. बॉक्स A4 च्या वर केवळ दोन बॉक्सेस
ठे वलेले आहेत. A7 आणि A4 यांच्यामध्ये फक्त एक बॉक्स ठे वलेला आहे. बॉक्सेस A5 आणि A1 यांच्यामध्ये जितके बॉक्सेस आहेत,
तितकेच बॉक्सेस A7 आणि A8 यांच्यामध्ये आहेत. A2 आणि A3 यांच्यामध्ये तीन बॉक्सेस ठे वलेले आहेत. A2 हा A3 च्या वर ठे वलेला
Options :
1. A1
2. A4
3. A3
4. A2
Question Number : 18 Question Id : 630680569233 Is Question Mandatory : No Calculator :
None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0
In the following question below are given some statements followed by some conclusions based
on those statements. Taking the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance
from commonly known facts. Read all the statements carefully and then decide which of the given
conclusion logically follows the given statements.
I. No P is Q.
II. All Q are R.
III. No R is T.
I. All R are Q.
II. No R is P.
III. No T is Q.
Options :
I. एकही P हा Q नाही.
I. सर्व R हे Q आहेत.
Options :
Number of pens in five shops S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 are compared. Number of pens in S3 are more
than only S1. Number of pens in S5 are less than S2 but more than S4. No two shops have same
number of pens. Number of pens in S2 are more than how many shops?
Options :
1. 2
2. 1
3. 4
4. 3
आहे. S5 मधील पेन्सची संख्या ही S2 पेक्षा कमी आहे पण S4 पेक्षा जास्त आहे. कोणत्याही दोन दुकानांमध्ये पेन्सची संख्या समान
Options :
1. 2
2. 1
3. 4
4. 3
In a certain code language, ‘GOLF’ is written as ‘7529’, ‘GUYS’ is written as ‘2830’, ‘YOLU’ is written
as ‘8507’. What is the code for ‘S’ in that code language?
Options :
1. 2
2. 8
3. 3
4. 0
एका विशिष्ट सांकेतिक भाषेत ‘GOLF’ ला ‘7529’ असे लिहिले जाते आणि ‘GUYS’ हे ‘2830’ असे लिहिले जाते, ‘YOLU’ हे
‘8507’ असे लिहिले जाते. त्याच सांकेतिक भाषेत ‘S’ साठीचा संकेत काय असेल?
Options :
1. 2
2. 8
3. 3
4. 0
‘P + Q’ means ‘P is the brother of Q’, ‘P × Q’ means ‘P is the mother of Q’, ‘P ÷ Q’ means ‘P is the
father of Q’ and ‘P – Q’ means ‘P is the sister of Q’.
Options :
2. Daughter
3. Son
‘P + Q’ चा अर्थ ‘P हा Q चा भाऊ आहे’ असा होतो, ‘P × Q’ चा अर्थ ‘P ही Q ची आई आहे’, असा होतो, ‘P ÷ Q’ चा अर्थ ‘P हा Q
Options :
2. मुलगी
3. मुलगा
Letters given on the left side of (::) are related with each other by some Logic/Rule/Relation. Select
the missing letter pair on the right side of (::) from the given alternatives based on the same
Options :
(::) च्या डाव्या बाजूला दिलेले अक्षरसमूह काही तर्क / नियम/ संबंधांनुसार एकमेकांशी निगडीत आहेत. त्या तर्क / नियम/ संबंधांनुसार
दिलेल्या पर्यायाच्या आधारे (::) च्या उजव्या बाजूला प्रश्नचिन्हाच्या जागी येणारा अक्षरसमूह निवडा.
Options :
In the following question, select the odd letter/letters from the given alternatives.
Options :
1. NM
2. RQ
3. CB
4. QS
Options :
1. NM
2. RQ
3. CB
4. QS
In the given question, a statement is followed by two courses of action. Based on the information
given in the statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true. Identify which
course(s) of action logically follows.
Course of Action:
I. Search-and-rescue operations should be conducted immediately.
II. People should leave town A and move to town B.
Options :
1. Only I follow
2. Only II follow
विधानामध्ये असलेली प्रत्येक बाब सत्य मानायची आहे. कोणती कृती योजना तर्क संगत असेल हे ओळखा.
कृती योजना:
Options :
In the following question, select the missing number from the given series.
Options :
1. 36
2. 35
3. 37
4. 38
Options :
1. 36
2. 35
3. 37
4. 38
Section type : Online
1. Quantitative Data
2. Qualitative Data
3. Ordinal Data
4. Interval Data
Options :
1. Quantitative Data
2. Qualitative Data
3. Ordinal Data
4. Interval Data
Which type of data analysis involves the examination of more than one variable at the same time?
Options :
1. Univariate Analysis
2. Bivariate Analysis
3. Trivariate Analysis
4. Multivariate Analysis
Which type of data analysis involves the examination of more than one variable at the same time?
Options :
1. Univariate Analysis
2. Bivariate Analysis
3. Trivariate Analysis
4. Multivariate Analysis
Which type of data source involves gathering new data directly from original sources, specifically
for the research at hand?
Options :
1. Secondary Source
2. Tertiary Source
3. Primary Source
4. Quaternary Source
Which type of data source involves gathering new data directly from original sources, specifically
for the research at hand?
Options :
1. Secondary Source
2. Tertiary Source
3. Primary Source
4. Quaternary Source
Question Number : 29 Question Id : 630680569300 Is Question Mandatory : No Calculator :
None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0
If three numbers are in geometric progression and their product is 27, which measure of central
tendency would be the cube root of this product?
Options :
1. Arithmetic Mean
2. Geometric Mean
3. Harmonic Mean
4. Median
If three numbers are in geometric progression and their product is 27, which measure of central
tendency would be the cube root of this product?
Options :
1. Arithmetic Mean
2. Geometric Mean
3. Harmonic Mean
4. Median
In a sorted dataset of 100 values, which measure of central tendency represents the average of
the 50th and 51st values?
Options :
1. Mode
2. Geometric Mean
3. Median
4. First Quartile
In a sorted dataset of 100 values, which measure of central tendency represents the average of
the 50th and 51st values?
Options :
1. Mode
2. Geometric Mean
3. Median
4. First Quartile
In a dataset of exam scores, the range is found to be 40. The lower quartile (Q1) is 55, and the
upper quartile (Q3) is 75. Calculate the quartile deviation for this dataset.
Options :
1. 10
2. 15
3. 20
4. 30
In a dataset of exam scores, the range is found to be 40. The lower quartile (Q1) is 55, and the
upper quartile (Q3) is 75. Calculate the quartile deviation for this dataset.
Options :
1. 10
2. 15
3. 20
4. 30
Which measure of dispersion takes into account all data values and is expressed in the squared
units of the original data?
Options :
1. Range
2. Quartile Deviation
3. Variance
4. Coefficient of Variation
Which measure of dispersion takes into account all data values and is expressed in the squared
units of the original data?
Options :
1. Range
2. Quartile Deviation
3. Variance
4. Coefficient of Variation
Options :
1. Skewness
2. Variance
3. Kurtosis
4. Range
Options :
1. Skewness
2. Variance
3. Kurtosis
4. Range
Which type of index number measures the relative change in the purchasing power of money over
Options :
1. Price Index
2. Quantity Index
4. Volume Index
Question Number : 34 Question Id : 630680569305 Is Question Mandatory : No Calculator :
None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0
Which type of index number measures the relative change in the purchasing power of money over
Options :
1. Price Index
2. Quantity Index
4. Volume Index
Which method of constructing index numbers uses a fixed base year and compares subsequent
years to this base year?
Options :
2. Paasche's Method
3. Laspeyres' Method
Which method of constructing index numbers uses a fixed base year and compares subsequent
years to this base year?
Options :
3. Laspeyres' Method
Which component of time series represents short term fluctuations that occur in most time series?
Options :
1. Trend
2. Seasonal variation
3. Cyclical variation
4. Irregular variation
Which component of time series represents short term fluctuations that occur in most time series?
Options :
1. Trend
2. Seasonal variation
3. Cyclical variation
4. Irregular variation
Which type of index number measures the change in the general level of prices of goods and
services over time?
Options :
Which type of index number measures the change in the general level of prices of goods and
services over time?
Options :
Which method of constructing index numbers assigns weights to items based on their relative
Options :
Which method of constructing index numbers assigns weights to items based on their relative
Options :
Which component of a time series refers to the long-term movement in data after eliminating
other components such as seasonal, cyclical, and irregular movements?
Options :
1. Trend
2. Seasonal variation
3. Cyclical variation
4. Irregular variation
Which component of a time series refers to the long-term movement in data after eliminating
other components such as seasonal, cyclical, and irregular movements?
Options :
1. Trend
2. Seasonal variation
3. Cyclical variation
4. Irregular variation
Which component of time series analysis typically spans over multiple years and might be linked
to economic conditions?
Options :
1. Trend
2. Seasonal variation
3. Cyclical variation
4. Irregular variation
Which component of time series analysis typically spans over multiple years and might be linked
to economic conditions?
Options :
1. Trend
2. Seasonal variation
3. Cyclical variation
4. Irregular variation
In time series analysis, which component represents the fluctuations that cannot be ascribed to
the trend, seasonal, or cyclical components?
Options :
1. Trend
2. Seasonal variation
3. Cyclical variation
4. Irregular variation
In time series analysis, which component represents the fluctuations that cannot be ascribed to
the trend, seasonal, or cyclical components?
Options :
1. Trend
2. Seasonal variation
3. Cyclical variation
4. Irregular variation
What component of a time series is responsible for the periodic oscillations that are driven by
natural or cultural occurrences, such as yearly temperature patterns or holiday shopping trends?
Options :
1. Trend
2. Seasonal variation
3. Cyclical variation
4. Irregular variation
What component of a time series is responsible for the periodic oscillations that are driven by
natural or cultural occurrences, such as yearly temperature patterns or holiday shopping trends?
Options :
1. Trend
2. Seasonal variation
3. Cyclical variation
4. Irregular variation
In linear regression analysis, which type of model uses multiple predictors to explain the variance
in a dependent variable?
Options :
3. Polynomial Regression
In linear regression analysis, which type of model uses multiple predictors to explain the variance
in a dependent variable?
Options :
3. Polynomial Regression
What does a regression coefficient of zero indicate about the relationship between the predictor
variable and the response variable?
Options :
3. No linear relationship
What does a regression coefficient of zero indicate about the relationship between the predictor
variable and the response variable?
Options :
3. No linear relationship
Options :
Options :
In multiple regression analysis, what is the primary advantage of including more than one
independent variable?
Options :
In multiple regression analysis, what is the primary advantage of including more than one
independent variable?
Options :
Options :
2. The relationship between the variable and the response is likely not by chance
Options :
2. The relationship between the variable and the response is likely not by chance
Which of the following measures the total value of all finished goods and services produced within
a country's borders in a specific time period without deducting depreciation?
Options :
Which of the following measures the total value of all finished goods and services produced within
a country's borders in a specific time period without deducting depreciation?
Options :
Which measure accounts for the total value of finished goods and services produced by a
country's residents, regardless of the location of production, and excludes depreciation?
Options :
Which measure accounts for the total value of finished goods and services produced by a
country's residents, regardless of the location of production, and excludes depreciation?
Options :
How is Net Domestic Product (NDP) calculated from Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
Options :
1. GDP - Depreciation
4. GDP + Depreciation
How is Net Domestic Product (NDP) calculated from Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
Options :
1. GDP - Depreciation
2. GDP × Net Investment
4. GDP + Depreciation
Which of the following is an example of an intermediate good in the context of Gross Domestic
Product (GDP)?
Options :
1. A finished automobile
2. A new smartphone
4. Consumer electronics
Which of the following is an example of an intermediate good in the context of Gross Domestic
Product (GDP)?
Options :
1. A finished automobile
2. A new smartphone
4. Consumer electronics
Options :
2. Net exports
3. Consumption by households
4. Private savings
Which component is NOT typically included in the calculation of GDP using the expenditure
Options :
2. Net exports
3. Consumption by households
4. Private savings
Options :
Options :
How is Net Domestic Product (NDP) different from Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
Options :
1. NDP considers the total income earned by citizens, while GDP does not
3. NDP includes income from abroad, while GDP only considers domestic production
4. NDP focuses on the number of goods produced, whereas GDP considers the value of services
How is Net Domestic Product (NDP) different from Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
Options :
1. NDP considers the total income earned by citizens, while GDP does not
3. NDP includes income from abroad, while GDP only considers domestic production
4. NDP focuses on the number of goods produced, whereas GDP considers the value of services
Question Number : 55 Question Id : 630680569326 Is Question Mandatory : No Calculator :
None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0
How is Net National Product (NNP) derived from Gross National Product (GNP)?
Options :
2. By subtracting the capital consumed or depreciated over the year from GNP
How is Net National Product (NNP) derived from Gross National Product (GNP)?
Options :
2. By subtracting the capital consumed or depreciated over the year from GNP
In data presentation, which of the following tables shows the relationship between two sets of
data entries?
Options :
In data presentation, which of the following tables shows the relationship between two sets of
data entries?
Options :
Options :
Options :
Which type of frequency table displays the distribution of data across multiple variables
Options :
Which type of frequency table displays the distribution of data across multiple variables
Options :
Options :
Options :
Options :
Options :
Options :
1. P(A∪B)
2. P(A∩B)/P(B)
3. P(A)×P(B)
4. P(B)/P(A)
Options :
1. P(A∪B)
2. P(A∩B)/P(B)
3. P(A)×P(B)
4. P(B)/P(A)
Options :
Options :
Two events, A and B, are independent. Which of the following correctly represents the probability
of both A and B occurring?
Options :
Two events, A and B, are independent. Which of the following correctly represents the probability
of both A and B occurring?
Options :
According to the additive law of probability, what is the probability of the union of two mutually
exclusive events A and B, denoted by P(A ∪ B)?
Options :
2. P(A) + P(B)
3. P(A) × P(B)
4. P(A) - P(B)
According to the additive law of probability, what is the probability of the union of two mutually
exclusive events A and B, denoted by P(A ∪ B)?
Options :
3. P(A) × P(B)
4. P(A) - P(B)
Which of the following terms is NOT directly associated with Bayes Theorem?
Options :
1. Prior probability
2. Posterior probability
3. Marginal probability
4. Dependent probability
Which of the following terms is NOT directly associated with Bayes Theorem?
Options :
1. Prior probability
2. Posterior probability
3. Marginal probability
4. Dependent probability
Which sampling method involves dividing the population into homogeneous subgroups and then
taking a random sample from each subgroup?
Options :
3. Systematic Sampling
4. Cluster Sampling
Which sampling method involves dividing the population into homogeneous subgroups and then
taking a random sample from each subgroup?
Options :
3. Systematic Sampling
4. Cluster Sampling
In which sampling method does one randomly select a starting point and then select every kth
element from the population list?
Options :
3. Systematic Sampling
4. Cluster Sampling
In which sampling method does one randomly select a starting point and then select every kth
element from the population list?
Options :
3. Systematic Sampling
4. Cluster Sampling
Options :
3. When sampling a large geographic area and it's not feasible to compile a complete list of the
Options :
3. When sampling a large geographic area and it's not feasible to compile a complete list of the
4. When a population is homogeneous and there is little variation between units.
Options :
Options :
Options :
2. The population is divided into homogeneous groups, and samples are taken from each group.
3. Sampling at regular intervals from a list.
Options :
2. The population is divided into homogeneous groups, and samples are taken from each group.
Options :
1. Systematic sampling divides the population into clusters, then selects all individuals from
random clusters.
Options :
1. Systematic sampling divides the population into clusters, then selects all individuals from
random clusters.
Options :
Options :
Options :
2. Systematic sampling
4. Cluster sampling
In which sampling method is the use of auxiliary information particularly beneficial to reduce
Options :
2. Systematic sampling
4. Cluster sampling
The CSO primarily concerns itself with which aspect of statistics in India?
Options :
4. Livestock statistics
Question Number : 74 Question Id : 630680569345 Is Question Mandatory : No Calculator :
None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0
The CSO primarily concerns itself with which aspect of statistics in India?
Options :
4. Livestock statistics
Which of the following best describes the main activity of the NSSO?
Options :
Which of the following best describes the main activity of the NSSO?
Options :
What is the primary function of the State Directorate of Economics and Statistics?
Options :
What is the primary function of the State Directorate of Economics and Statistics?
Options :
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) majorly collects and analyzes data related to what sector?
Options :
3. Agriculture census
4. Births and deaths
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) majorly collects and analyzes data related to what sector?
Options :
3. Agriculture census
Which major census in India is conducted under the supervision of the Registrar General?
Options :
1. Agricultural Census
2. Economic Census
3. Livestock Census
4. Population Census
Which major census in India is conducted under the supervision of the Registrar General?
Options :
1. Agricultural Census
2. Economic Census
3. Livestock Census
4. Population Census
Options :
Options :
Which among the following types of data is primarily collected by the NSSO?
Options :
1. Forest Statistics
2. Livestock Census
3. Labour Statistics
4. Industrial Statistics
Which among the following types of data is primarily collected by the NSSO?
Options :
1. Forest Statistics
2. Livestock Census
3. Labour Statistics
4. Industrial Statistics
In the context of the Reserve Bank of India's functions, which of the following pertains to the
qualitative control measure employed by the RBI?
Options :
In the context of the Reserve Bank of India's functions, which of the following pertains to the
qualitative control measure employed by the RBI?
Options :
The Sample Registration System (SRS) in India, a significant source of demographic data, is a
responsibility of which organization?
Options :
4. Planning Commission
The Sample Registration System (SRS) in India, a significant source of demographic data, is a
responsibility of which organization?
Options :
4. Planning Commission
Question Number : 83 Question Id : 630680569354 Is Question Mandatory : No Calculator :
None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0
Options :
Options :
Which property of an estimator indicates that it approaches the true parameter value as the
sample size increases?
Options :
1. Unbiasedness
2. Efficiency
3. Sufficiency
4. Consistency
Question Number : 84 Question Id : 630680569355 Is Question Mandatory : No Calculator :
None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0
Which property of an estimator indicates that it approaches the true parameter value as the
sample size increases?
Options :
1. Unbiasedness
2. Efficiency
3. Sufficiency
4. Consistency
In the context of linear regression, the ordinary least squares (OLS) method aims to:
Options :
In the context of linear regression, the ordinary least squares (OLS) method aims to:
Options :
According to the Gauss-Markov theorem, the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator is:
Options :
4. Always consistent
According to the Gauss-Markov theorem, the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator is:
Options :
4. Always consistent
Options :
Options :
Options :
Options :
Which of the following properties ensures that the expected value of an estimator equals the true
population parameter?
Options :
1. Efficiency
2. Sufficiency
3. Consistency
4. Unbiasedness
Which of the following properties ensures that the expected value of an estimator equals the true
population parameter?
Options :
1. Efficiency
2. Sufficiency
3. Consistency
4. Unbiasedness
Options :
2. Minimum Variance
3. Maximum Likelihood
Which estimation method gives estimators that maximize the probability of the observed sample
Options :
2. Minimum Variance
3. Maximum Likelihood
What is the key assumption of the Gauss-Markov Theorem related to the error terms?
Options :
What is the key assumption of the Gauss-Markov Theorem related to the error terms?
Options :
Which of the following best describes a situation where the null hypothesis specifies a single value
for a parameter, while the alternative hypothesis specifies all other possible values?
Options :
1. Composite Hypothesis
2. Simple Hypothesis
3. Dual Hypothesis
4. Unilateral Hypothesis
Which of the following best describes a situation where the null hypothesis specifies a single value
for a parameter, while the alternative hypothesis specifies all other possible values?
Options :
1. Composite Hypothesis
2. Simple Hypothesis
3. Dual Hypothesis
4. Unilateral Hypothesis
Which rate measures the number of deaths in a particular population scaled to the size of that
population, per unit of time?
Options :
4. Replacement Rate
Which rate measures the number of deaths in a particular population scaled to the size of that
population, per unit of time?
Options :
4. Replacement Rate
Which rate measures the average number of daughters that would be born to a woman if she
passed through her lifetime conforming to the age-specific fertility rates of a given year?
Options :
1. Gross Reproduction Rate (GRR)
Which rate measures the average number of daughters that would be born to a woman if she
passed through her lifetime conforming to the age-specific fertility rates of a given year?
Options :
Which statistic measures the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births in a particular
Options :
2. Fertility Rate
Which statistic measures the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births in a particular
Options :
2. Fertility Rate
Which of the following provides information about the expected number of years of life remaining
at a given age?
Options :
3. Life Table
Which of the following provides information about the expected number of years of life remaining
at a given age?
Options :
3. Life Table
If a country has a high number of births and a low number of deaths in a given year, which of the
following will likely increase?
Options :
4. Morbidity Rate
If a country has a high number of births and a low number of deaths in a given year, which of the
following will likely increase?
Options :
4. Morbidity Rate
If the Gross Reproduction Rate (GRR) is exactly 1 in a population, what does it signify?
Options :
If the Gross Reproduction Rate (GRR) is exactly 1 in a population, what does it signify?
Options :
If a region's Infant Mortality Rate suddenly spikes, which of the following factors could be a
potential cause?
Options :
If a region's Infant Mortality Rate suddenly spikes, which of the following factors could be a
potential cause?
Options :
Options :
4. Probability that a person aged exactly x will die before reaching age x+1
Options :
4. Probability that a person aged exactly x will die before reaching age x+1