Litegine Intro Capstone
Litegine Intro Capstone
Litegine Intro Capstone
Table 1
Physical Characteristics of Experimental
Ethyl Alcohol
Table 1 Shows the physical characteristics of
experimental alcohol. The experimental
alcohol as reflected in the table has a clear
color. The volatility is slow and the smell is
II. Fermentation
1 Banana peel 1 kg
1 Sugar 21 g
1 Benzathine Penicillin G 22 mL
1 Sodium hydroxide 20 mL
The medium was formulated for the III. Testing the Effectiveness of
fermentation procedure, with two variations: Bioethanol as a fuel
fermentation solely with S. cerevisiae, and
fermentation with S. cerevisiae supplemented The fermentation process lasted for one week
with benzathine penicillin G. A volume of 22 and a half, after which we proceeded to the
mL from the column was combined with 10 distillation process. Afterward, we transferred
g/L of yeast (S. cerevisiae) in a 250-mL flask it into different vial bottles, with five samples
was sealed with cheesecloth to facilitate for different concentrations, as we added
anaerobic conditions and prevent the ingress Hexane (Methanol) to each.
of air. • Test Samples of Distilled Banana Peel
Daily pH monitoring was conducted on the Extract
samples, with adjustments made to maintain
the pH within the range of 5.0 to 5.5. During
this stage, the pH was adjusted to a range of
5.0-5.5, which corresponds to the optimal pH
for the enzymatic activity of S. cerevisiae,
through the addition of 20 mL NaOH.
Subsequently, the ethanol produced from the
juice of banana peel was separated through
distillation utilizing a rotary evaporator.
Trial 1 (Distilled product) Concentration of Hexane Observation
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