Jurnal Internasional
Jurnal Internasional
Jurnal Internasional
Abstract: This research aims to determine the effect of the competence of human
resources, the application of government accounting standards, and the
regional financial accounting system on the quality of local government
financial reports at the SKPD of Sukoharjo Regency. This type of research is
quantitative research with a survey approach using an instrument in the form
of a closed questionnaire with a Likert scale. The sample in this research were
employees who worked in the finance or budget or treasury department at
SKPD Sukoharjo who met the criteria for the research sample as many as 66
people. The data analysis method used multiple linear regression analysis with
the help of SPSS 25.0 program. The results of the analysis show that the
competence of human resources, the application of government accounting
standards, and the regional financial accounting system have a significant
positive effect on the quality of local government financial reports at the
SKPD of Sukoharjo Regency either simultaneously or partially. The results of
the analysis of the coefficient of determination obtained a value of 63.8% of
human resource competence, the application of government accounting
standards, and the regional financial accounting system was able to explain the
variation of changes in the quality of local government financial report
variables and the remaining 36.2% was explained by other variables outside
the model. this research.
1. Introduction
Nowadays people's demands are increasing for good governance. The performance of
Regional Apparatus Work Units (SKPD) must be improved in order to produce quality
financial reports. Financial reports are a reflection of being able to find out whether a
government has been running well, so the government is required to be able to produce
quality financial reports. According to Defitri (2016) in his research the quality of local
government financial reports is the ability of the information presented in financial statements
to be understood, and to meet the needs of users in decision making, free from misleading
notions, material errors and reliable so that the financial statements can be compared with the
previous period. Where the financial statements produced have met the qualitative
characteristics of financial statements which consist of being relevant, reliable, comparable,
and understandable.
The preparation of quality financial reports requires competent Human Resources (HR)
and understands the rules for preparing financial statements with government accounting
standards. Human resources are an important factor for the creation of quality financial
reports. The success of an entity is not only influenced by its human resources but the
competence of its human resources. In this case, the competence of human resources has a
very important role to plan, implement, and control the entity concerned (Baguswani, 2020:
In preparing the financial statements, it is expected to be guided by the standards that
have been determined. Where based on Government Regulation No. 71 of 2010 government
accounting standards are guidelines in preparing and presenting financial statements.
Government accounting standards are an absolute requirement that must be used as
guidelines so that the quality of financial reports in Indonesia can be achieved improved. In
addition to the Government Accounting Standards (SAP) which serve as guidelines in the
process of preparing regional financial reports, the process of preparing financial reports must
also be carried out effectively and efficiently, on time and the data generated from these
financial reports must be accurate. Financial statements are prepared to provide an overview
of information about the position of assets, debts, and capital that occurs within the local
government. Local governments are obliged to publish information based on financial reports
as a basis for decision making. Thus the published information can be utilized by users
(Baguswani, 2020: 43).
In addition, in the preparation of financial statements, a financial accounting system is
also required. The regional financial accounting system is a procedure from the initial stage
of data collection to financial reporting on accountability for the implementation of the
APBD (Permendagri No. 64 of 2013). The Regional Financial Accounting System is an
accounting system that includes the process of recording, classifying, interpreting,
summarizing financial transactions or events in the context of implementing the regional
revenue and expenditure budget (APBD), carried out in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles (Daulay, 2019: 1- 2) .
Based on an audit from the BPK, the Sukoharjo district government received an
Unqualified Opinion (WTP) on the financial statements of the Sukoharjo district government
for the years from 2015 to 2020 , respectively . The PAP's opinion is clear evidence that the
Sukoharjo district government has shown good commitment and performance to the
community. In addition, there are still several problems related to the quality of financial
accounting reporting at the SKPD of Sukoharjo Regency. Regarding the competence of
human resources, it is still found that there are still insufficient competent accountants to
manage assets properly so that many financial reports and assets have become BPK's
findings. Regarding the application of government accounting standards, it is known that so
far the SKPD of Sukoharjo Regency is still not applying government accounting standards in
financial reporting so that the quality of regional accounting reports is less than optimal and
related to the application of government accounting standards, it is known that the
government has attempted to compile reports based on the regional financial accounting
system. So, that the resulting quality of regional financial reports can increase. However, in
reality, not all government employees understand the regional financial accounting system.
The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of human resource competence,
application of government accounting standards , and regional financial accounting systems
on the quality of local government financial reports at SKPD Sukoharjo Regency.
From the description above, a hypothesis can be made:
H1: Competence of human resources, application of government accounting standards , and
regional financial accounting systems has a significant effect on the quality of local
government financial reports at the SKPD of Sukoharjo Regency
H2: Human resource competence has a significant positive effect on the quality of local
government financial reports at SKPD Sukoharjo Regency
H3: The application of government accounting standards has a significant positive effect on
the quality of local government financial reports at SKPD Sukoharjo Regency
H4: Regional financial accounting system significant positive effect on the quality of local
government financial reports at SKPD Sukoharjo Regency.
2. Research Method
The population in this research includes employees of the accounting or financial
administration department at the BKD and the department at the SKPD of Sukoharjo
Regency. The sampling method used in this research is purposive sampling technique. In this
research, there are 66 employees as samples was obtained.
The type of this research is quantitative research with a survey approach. The main
source of information in this research is data obtained directly from the SKPD employees of
Sukoharjo Regency. The primary data was obtained through the distribution of questionnaires
at the BKD and the offices of the SKPD of Sukoharjo Regency.
The variables used in this research consisted of the dependent variable (bound) and the
independent variable (free). The independent variables in this research are the competence of
human resources (X1), the application of government accounting standards (X 2), and regional
financial accounting standards (X3) . While the dependent variable in this research is the
quality of regional financial reports (Y).
Data analysis methods include data quality tests consisting of validity and reliability
tests, classical assumption tests consisting of normality tests, multicollinearity tests and
heteroscedasticity tests and hypothesis testing consisting of multiple linear regression
analysis, model feasibility tests (f test), partial regression coefficient test (t test) and
coefficient of determination test (R2)
b. Reliability Test
Reliability Test Summary Results
Research variable r cronbach alpha Conclusion
HR Competency (X1) 0.901 Reliable
SAP deployment (X2) 0.879 Reliable
Regional Financial Accounting System (X3) 0.866 Reliable
Quality of Local Government Financial Reports (Y) 0.875 Reliable
Source: Processed primary data, 2022
Based on the table above, it is known that all statement items of all variables in this
research are declared reliable. This is because the value of r cronbach alpha of each research
variable has a value > 0.6. So that all statement items in this research questionnaire can be
used as research instruments.
c. Normality test
Normality Test Results
Variable Probability Conclusion
Unstandardized Residual 0.266 Normal
Source: Processed primary data, 202 2
Based on the results of the normality test to the residual value, the value is 0.266. This
probability number is greater than 0.05. This explains that the residual data from the
estimation results show a normal distribution of data. Thus the data in this research has
met the requirements of regression analysis.
d. Multicollinearity Test
Multicollinearity Test Results
Variable Tolerance VIF Information
HR Competency (X1) 0.742 1.348 Free of Multicollinearity
SAP deployment (X2) 0.745 1.342 Free of Multicollinearity
Regional Financial Accounting System (X3) 0.778 1,285 Free of Multicollinearity
Source: Processed primary data, 2022
Based on the table above, it states that the tolerance value of each independent variable is
> 0.1 and the VIF value is < 10. This means that this research is free from the symptoms of
multicollinearity in the regression model and meets the requirements of linear regression
e. Heteroscedasticity Test
Heteroscedasticity Testing Scatterplot Graph
Based on the picture above shows that the scatterplot graph shows that the points spread
randomly and are spread both above and below the number 0 on the Y axis. It can be
concluded that there is no heteroscedasticity in the regression model, so the regression
model is feasible to use to predict Report Quality. Local Government Finance based on the
input of the independent variable HR Competence, SAP Application and Regional
Financial Accounting System.
From the table above, the regression equation can be arranged as follows:
Y = 3.561 + 0.489X1 + 0.307X2 + 0.332X3 + e
In the table above, it can be seen that the Fcount value is 39.180 > Ftable (3.15) with a
probability of 0.000 (p-value < 0.05). This means that the regression model is feasible to
use or the independent variable has a significant effect on the dependent variable.
t test results
Variable t count t table Sig Conclusion
HR Competency (X1) 5,409 1.99897 0.000 Take effect
SAP deployment (X2) 2,948 1.99897 0.005 Take effect
Regional Financial Accounting System (X3) 3.544 1.99897 0.001 Take effect
Source: Processed primary data, 2022
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the HR competency variable (X 1) has a t-
count value of 5.409, which is greater than t-table of 1.99897 with a significance value of
0.000 < 0.05. So H2 is accepted, meaning that the competence of human resources has a
significant positive effect on the quality of local government financial reports at the SKPD
of Sukoharjo Regency.
SAP implementation variable (X2) has a tcount value of 2,948 which is greater than ttable
of 1,99897 with a significance value of 0.005 < 0.05. So H3 is accepted, meaning that the
application of government accounting standards has a significant positive effect on the
quality of local government financial reports at the SKPD of Sukoharjo Regency.
Regional Financial Accounting System (X3) variable has a tcount value of 3.544 which
is greater than the t table of 1.99897 with a significance value of 0.001 < 0.05. So H4 is
accepted, meaning the regional financial accounting system significant positive effect on
the quality of local government financial reports at SKPD Sukoharjo Regency.
Based on the table above, it is known that the results of the analysis obtained the Adjusted
R2 value of 0.638 so that it can be interpreted that the three variables, namely human
resource competence, application of government accounting standards, and regional
financial accounting systems are able to explain the variation of changes in the quality of
local government financial report variables of 63, 8%, while the remaining 36.2% is
explained by other variables outside this research model.
3.2. Discussion
1) The Influence of Human Resource Competence, Implementation of Government
Accounting Standards, and Regional Financial Accounting Systems on the Quality of
Local Government Financial Reports
Based on the results of the analysis of the F test, the calculated F value is 39.180 > F
table (3.15) with a probability of 0.000 (p-value < 0.05) which means human resource
competence, application of government accounting standards, and regional financial
accounting systems has a significant effect on the quality of local government financial
reports at SKPD Sukoharjo Regency , so that hypothesis one (H1) is accepted.
According to Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 71 of
2010 states that easy to understand is one indicator of the quality of local government
financial reports (LKPD). So the ability of human resources itself is very instrumental in
producing quality financial reports (Yunita, 2019: 38). In addition, to be able to produce
financial reports that are relevant, reliable, and trustworthy, local governments must have
a reliable accounting system. The government must also submit accountability for the
financial statements properly and correctly in accordance with Government Accounting
Standards so as to produce quality financial reports (Safridha, 2020 : 38). SAKD must
adhere to the principles of good regional financial management. The principles in SAKD
are indispensable for controlling regional financial policies, including: (1) accountability;
(2) Value for money; (3) Honesty in managing public finances; (4) transparency; and (5)
Control. In addition to the application of SAKD and the application of SAP, the presence
of human resource competencies (in this case local government officials) also contributes
to improving the quality of government financial reports (Fatmawati et al, 2021).
The results of this research support the research results of Triwahyuni et al (2016),
Adhitama (2017), Jultri et al (2021) and Shafira (2021). However, contrary to research
by Alysa Media Wulandari & Dadang Rahmat (2020)
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of the research, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1) Competence of human resources, application of government accounting standards and
regional financial accounting systems significant effect on the quality of local
government financial reports on SKPD Sukoharjo Regency . Based on the results of the
F-test obtained an F arithmetic value of 39.180 > Ftable (3.15) with a significance value of
0.000 < 0.05.
2) Human resource competence has a significant positive effect on the quality of local
government financial reports at SKPD Sukoharjo Regency. Based on the results of the t-
test, the t-count value is 5.409 < 1.99897 where the significance value is 0.000 < 0.05.
Based on the conclusion above, some suggestions can be made as follows:
1) For the Regional Government (SKPD) of Sukoharjo Regency
a. It is hoped that it is necessary to prepare human resources in order to improve the
quality of financial reports by holding training or training as well as technical
guidance on the preparation of financial reports so that employee knowledge and
experience can continue to be developed for each employee, especially those related
to the preparation of financial statements, if the employees have accounting education.
b. It is hoped that it is necessary to cooperate with relevant agencies or bodies such as
universities and the Indonesian Institute of Accountants from the Public Sector
Accountants Compartment (IAI-KASP) in training and technical guidance so that the
application of financial reporting standards is in accordance with the latest
2) For further research, it is expected to use a larger sample, expand the object of research,
vary and add other research variables outside of this research model which can have a
tendency to affect the quality of regional financial accounting reports so that they can be
more representative of research.
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