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E2SEM2 Question Papers

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Subject : Chemical Reaction Engineering -1 Test Name : E2S2_MID-I

Date 23-02--2024 Time : 45 Mints Max Marks : 15 Marks

Section -A
Answer the any of the following question. (1X7=7M)
1) Define Order and Molecularity of the Chemical reaction and write differences between them

and also define various ways of rate expression of chemical reaction. (7M)
2) Write short notes on representation of rate expression for elementary and non elementary reactions and

explain about kinetic models of non elementary reactions. (7M)

Section -B
Answer the any of the following question. (1X 8 =8 M)
1) The following table shows how the concentration of reactant A varied with time in a

particular experiment.
Time (min) Concentration of A (moVlit)
0 2.77×10
16 2.32×10
35 2.05x 10
58 1.59x10
80 1.26x10
163 0.58×10
Plot the data in the graph and determine the values of order and rate constant. (8M)
2) Write short notes on Collision theory and Transition state theory for temperature dependence

of rate expression and comparethe theories with Arrhenius theory. (8M)

****** ALL THE BEST ******

Note: Please provide one graph sheet to each student along with the answer script

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Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge T'echnologies

(Department ofChemical Engineering)

MID TEST -1(A.Y. 2023-2024)
Year/Sem: E2-SEM2 22 -02-2024

Mass Transfer Operations-I Time: 45 Minutes

Max.Marks: 15 Marks
SubjectCode:20CH 2202


Answer the following question. (1X 8= 8 Marks)

Derive the Fick's second order diffusion equation.
2. Derive steady state diffusion equation for component A is diffusing and B is non diffusing
of gaseous mixture.

Section -B
Answer the following question. (1X 7=7Marks)
1. Calculate the rate of diffusion of acetic acid (Mol wt. 60) across a film of non-diffusing
water (Mol wt. 18) mm thick at 290 K the concentrations
1 if of acetic acid on the opposite

sides of the film are 9% and 3% by weight respectively. The densities of 9% and 3%
solutions are 1012 and 1003.2 kg/m' respectively. The diffusivity of acetic acid in water is
0.95 x 10 m'/s.

2. A large tank filled with a mixture of gases A and B at 101 kPa and 298 K (25 "C)is
connectedtoanother large tank filled with a mixture of A and B of different compositions

of A and B at 101kPa and 298K. Thetanks are connected by a tube of inner diameter of
50mm and is 150 mm long. Calculate the steady state rate of transport of A through the

tube when concentration of A in one tank is 90mole% and other, 5 mole% assuming,
uniformity in composition in cach tank and transfer takes by molecular diffusion. The
diffusivity of A in B is 4.3 x 10 m'/s.

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N-20 Pradesh
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies-Andhra
E-2 Sem-2 MID-1 Examinations, Feb-24

20CH2203-Thermodynamics II

(Chemical Engineering Department)

Date: 22-02-2024

Time: 9:30AM 10:30 AM Max. Marks: 15

Part -A
Answer the followingQuestion/s.Each question carriesSeven marks 1X7= 7 Marks
1 Explain the following

Derive Gibbs-Duhem Equation

+ Partialproperties 3M

2 The molar volume of a binarymixture is given by 7M

V= 500x,+1000x, + x, (50x + 40.x,) cm³


Findtheexpressionsfor ,,,„I,

Part -B
Answer the following Question/s. Each question carries Eight marks 1X8=8 Marks
the expressions forAH m
Derive and mix
Estimate the second virial
coefficient for a mixture of propane and n-pentane at 500K 8M
and 10 bar

T.(k) P(bar) V,x10°(m'/mol) Z

Propane(1) 369.9 42.57 0.2 0.271 0.153 0.4

n-pentane(2) 469.8 33.75 0.311 0.269 0.269 0.6

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1. Define: a)Voltage b)Current and alsoState:c) Ohms law d) KCL e) KVL

2. A) Determine the equivalent resistance between Aand B
20 12

20 12

9 s2

B)Convert Star to Delta between the terminals a-b-c :

30 s2 20 2


3. Find Vo using the nodal analysis

2s2 O10v

4. Find I,,L, I,using mesh analysis.




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batch) Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies-Andhra Pradesh
E-2 Sem-2 MID-1 Examinations, February-24

20CS2207- Object Oriented programming through JAVA

(Chemical Engineering)
Date:24-02-2024 A.Y: 2023-24

Time: 3:30 PM 4:30 PM Max. Marks: 20

Part- A
Answer the following question/s. Each question carries sevenmarks
1 (a) Explain features of Java? 4M
(b) How does Java differ from C and C++? 3M
2 What is an access specifier? Explain differenttypes of Access specifierswith 7M
Part - B
Answerthe following Question. s. Each question carries eight marks
1| (a)What is the data type? Explain differenttypes of Data Types? 4M
(b) Write a program to print the first 'n'prime numbers and prime numbers up to 4M

2|(a)What is an operator? Explain different types of operators? 4M
(b) Explain different types of conditional statements? 4M

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Subject: Chemical Reaction Engineering -1 Test Name :

Date 03-04-2024 Time : 45 Min Max Marks : 15 Marks

Answer the followingquestion.
(1X7=7 Marks)

1) Derive the relationship between conversion and time for an elementary

A>R (with rate constant k) and R>A reversible reaction
(with rate constant k)
volume occurring in a constant
batch reaction system (by integral methodof analysis).

2) a) Explain about the concept (OR)

of variable volume batch reactor with suitable
mention the relations for rate expression example and
in differential form,
also concentration factional change in volume and
of reactant A for variation of temperatureand
pressure for this system.
b)Calculatethe value of (5M)
fractional change in
volume for a gas phase
with 40mol% of A, 20mol % of
R and 40mole % of inerts.
reaction 3A>R starting
Section- B

Answer the following question.

(1X 8 =8 Marks)
3) A first order homogeneous gas phase reaction, A>2R is
first studied in a constant pressure
reactor.At pressure 3 atm and starting
with pure A, the volume
min. Ifthe same reaction iscarried out in increases by 60% in 10
constant volume
of 3atm, find the time reactor with an initial Pressure
required for the pressure to reach 4 atm.

4) Derive the
Concentrationsrelations of A, R and
uni-moleculartype first order
S in terms of time
t for the following a
series reaction
occurring in a constant
with graphical volume batch reactor
representation of concentration
variations of A, R and S.
AR S: with rate
constants k and k
respectively. (8M)
************ ********* ***
* * *******k*********** * on

Shot Al
(Department of Chemical Engineering)
MID TEST –2(A.Y. 2023-2024)
Year/Sem:E2-SEM2 Date: 04-04-2024
Time: 45 Minutes
Subject:Mass Transfer Operations-I
Subject Code:20CH 2202 Max. Marks :15 Marks


Answer the following question. (1 X8 =8 Marks)

1. Derive relation between individual and overall mass transfer coefficients for both gas and
liquid phases

2. A stream of air at 100 kPa pressure and 300 K is flowing on the top of a thin flat sheet of
solid napthalene of length 0.2 m with a velocity of 20 m/s
The other data are:

Mass difussivity of napthalenevapor in air =6 x 10° m'/s, kinematic viscosity of air = 1.5
x 10 m'/s, concentarction of naphthaleneat the air-solid naphthalene interface =1 x 10
Calculate the mass transfer coefficient over the flat plate and rate of loss of naphthalene
from the surface per unit width.

Note: for heat tranfer over a flat palte, convective heat transfer coefficient for laminar flow

can be calculated by the equation :Nu -0.66Re"Pr. You may use analogy between

mass and heat transfer

Section -B
Answer the following question. (1 X 7=7 Marks)
1. Write briefly about different types of gas -liquid contacting equipments and explain

components oftray column.

the gas (o
2. A absorbed tower to be designed to absorb sulfur dioxide from air by scrubbing

by volume and the leaving gas is to contain 0.5% 0

with water. The entering gas is 20% SO,
The entering water is SO,free. The water flow is to be
890.7 kmol/hr. ame Te
SO; by volume.
30 'C and the total pressuU
air flow rate (SO, free basis)is 975 kg/hr. The temperature is

flow. on
is 2 atm. Calculate the concentration of solute in leaving liquid

Shot Al
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies-Andhra Pradesh
E-2 Sem-2 MID-2 Examinations, Feb-24

(Chemical Engineering Department)
Date: 04-04-2024 A.Y: 2023-24

Time: 9:30 AM 10:30 AM Max. Marks: 15

Part -A
Answer the following Question/s. Each question carries Seven marks 1X7= 7 Marks

1 Explain the following

+ The Lewis/Randall Rule

+ Poynting factor 3M
+ Raoult'slaw
2 Draw the neat sketch of the following VLE diagrams obeying Raoult's law for a 7M
binary system
a. T-xy
b. P-xy

Part -B
Answer the following Question/s. Each question carries Eight marks 1X8=8Marks
For thesystem methanol(1)/methyl acetate(2),the following equations provide a
reasonable correlation for vapor pressure
3643.31 2665.54
In P (kPa) =16.59158 In P," (kPa) =14.25326 -
T(K)-33.424 T(K) –53.424
Prepare a T-xy graph for a pressure of 100 kPa

At 318 Kand 24.4 kPa, the composition of thesystem ethanol (1)and toluene (2)at 8M
equilibrium is x1 = 0.3 and yl = 0.634.The saturation pressure at thegiven

temperature for the pure components are, P = 23.06kPa and =10.05kPa


(a)The liquid-phase activity coefficients

Shoton value of GE/RT for the liquid

e phase
AlQUad Camera 2024.O5.10O7:59
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies

(Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

MID- 2 (A.Y.2023-24)
Date: 06-04-2024
Year/Sem: E2-SEM2
Time:45 Minutes
Subject: Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Max. Marks: 15 Marks
Subject Code: 20EC2209

Section -A
Answer the any of the following question.

(7 M)
1.Explain the series RLC circuit with neat phasor diagrams.


applied a col of 0.06 H inductance and 2.5W resistance

2. A 230 V, 50 Hz a.c. supply is to

current (iii)phase
68 uF capacitor.Calculate (i)impedance (ii)
connected in series with a
(7 M)
power factor and (v)power consumed.
angle between current and voltage

Section -B
(1X 8 =8 M)
Answer the any of the following question.

& derive the EMF equation of a DC

1.Explain the working principle
of DC Generator
(8 M)


DC Generators with neat diagrams and equations.
2.Classifythe types of

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Technologies-Andhra Pradesh
Gandhi University of Knowledge
Examinations, April-24
E-2 Sem-2 MID-2

through JAVA
20CS2207- Object Oriented programming
(Chemical Engineering) A.Y: 2023-24
Date: 06-04-2024
Max. Marks: 15
Time: 3:30 PM 4:15 PM

Part A -
seven marks
Answer the following question/s. Each question carries 4M
(a) What is String? Explain about
three Strings default methods?
1 3M
(b) What is a String Tokenizer,Random class, Wrapper class?
2 (a) What is Encapsulation? What are the advantages of Encapsulation? 3M
(b) What is a String buffer class? Explain about two String buffer
Part -B
Answer the following Question/s. Each question carries eight marks
1(a) What is Inheritance in Java? Explain advantages and disadvantages of
Inheritance in java?
a class called Employee with methods called 4M
(b) Write a Java program to create
work() and getSalary(). Create a subclass called HRManager
that overrides
the work) method and adds a new method called
2 Explain Types of Inheritance with proper examples?


Shot Al

Subject: ChemicalReaction Engineering -1

Test Name: E2S2_MID-l|

Date: 07-05-2024 Time 45 Min Max Marks: 15 Marks

Section -A
Answer the following question. (1X7= 7 Marks)

I) Write the brief notes on plug flow reactor and mention its advantages, disadvantages and
industrial applications. (7M)

2) A specific enzyme E acts as a catalyst in fermentation of a substance A (the reactant). At a

given enzyme concentration in the aqueousfeed stream of 30 Vmin. Find the volume of plug
flow reactor and mixed flow required to achieve 90%
conversion of reactant A (CAo = 2.4
mol/lit). The kinetics and stoichiometry of the fermentation reaction aregiven by
A R, -A =(0.1CAY(1+0.5CA)molV(lit.min) (7M)

Answer the following question. (1X8= 8 Marks)

I) Write a performance equation for Ideal CSTR with graphical representation and derive an
expression for the concentration of reactant in the exit stream from a series of mixed reactors
of different sizes. Assume that the reaction follows first order kineticsand the holding time in
the ih reactor ast,. And also derive the relation for the reactors are of same size. (8M)


2) a) Derive the performance equation of recycle reactors applicable for any kinetics. And also

derive the relation for rate of reaction at optimum recycle conditions. (6M)

b) Anautocatalytic reaction AtR>R+R (k=1 lit/(mole.min)) with pure CAo 2.4 mol/litre

and molar flow rate 2.4 mol/minoccurring in a plug flow reactor, for 96% conversion of A,
what is the volume ofplug flow reactor. (2M)
N-20 Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge
Technologies-Andhra Pradesh
E-2Sem-2 MID-3
Examinations, Feb-24

20CH2203-Thermodynamics II

(Chemical Engineering Department)

Date: 06-05-2024 A.Y: 2023-24
Time: 3:30 AM 4:30 AM Max. Marks:15

Part- A

Answer the following Question/s.Each question carriesSeven marks 1X7=7 Marks


Consider the following simultaneous reactions. Express the reaction mixture

composition as function of the reaction co-ordinates. All reactants and products are
gaseous. 7M
A + 3B + D..(1) C

A + B E+ 4D..(2)
Initial number ofmoles: "4, 2moles n, =2moles

2 Write step wise procedure to calculate DEW T for VLE following modified Raoult's 7M
as mentioned y,P =xy PSa

Part -B
Answer the following Question/s.Each question carriesEight marks 1X8= 8 Marks
The following esterification reaction occurred at 373 K and atmospheric pressure
CH,COOH)+C, H,OH) >CHCO0C, H,(I) +H,0) 8M
If initially there is one mole of acetic acid and ethanol present,estimate the mole
fractionof methyl acetatein the reaction mixture at equilibrium

AHR =-3640

For the system methanol(1)/methyl acetate(2), the following equations provide a reasonable 8M
2 correction for the activity coefficients;

Iny = Ax,
where A=2.771 -0.00523T
Iny, =Ax'
In addition, the following equations provide
vapor pressures
3643.31 2665.54
In P =16.59158– In P =14.25326
T-33.424 T-53.424
Where T is in kelvins and the vapor pressures are in kPa. Assuming the Modified
Raoults Law
Calculate: T and v.}, for P=101.33kPaand x;=0.85
Shoton Y3O
AlQuad Camnera 2024.O5.10O8:01
Rajiv GandhiUniversity of Knowledge Technologies Nuzvid
(Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

MID- 3 (A.Y.2023-24)
Date: 07-05-2024 AN
Year/Sem: E2-SEM2 Time: 45 Minutes
Subject: Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Max. Marks: 15 Marks
SubjectCode: 23EE1209

(1X7=7 M)
Answer the any of the following question.

of a three-phase induction motor. (7M)

1. a) Explainthe torque-slip charecteristics

b) The frequency of the rotor-induced EMF of 400 V,three-phase, 50 Hz, six-pole,

induction motor is 2 Hz. Calculate the speed of the motor.


EMF equationof a transformer. (7M)

2 a) Define a transformer, derive the

b) A 200 kVA rated transformer has a full-load copper loss of 1.5 kW and an iron loss

of 1 kW.Determine the transformer efficiency at full load and 0.85 power factor.

Section -B
Answer theany of the following question. (1X8=8 M)

1.a)Draw and explain the forward characteristics of a p -njunctiondiode. (8 M)

b) Explain the operationof a full wave bridge rectifier with a neat circuit and also draw

the relevantwaveforms.


2.a)Draw the input and output characteristics of p-n-p transistor in common emitter
configurationand explain how they are obtained. (8M)
b) Explain how a transistor acts as a Amplifier?

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of Knowledge
N-20(batch) Gandhi University May-24
Rajiv MID-3 Examinations,
through JAVA
Oriented programming
20CS2207- Object (Chemical Engineering) A.Y: 2023-24

Max. Marks: 15
Time: 9:30 AM- 10:30

Part -A
carries seven marks 4M
question/s. Each guestion
Answer the following 3M
difterent types of

(a) What is an eror? Explain


types of Exccptions?
(b) Explain about
(OR) 7M
try-catch blocks in Java exception
in Java? Explain the purpose of

2 What is an exception

with examples.
Part- B
Each question carries eight
Answer the following Question/s.
3 a)Define applet? write about
the life cycle of an 4M
appletand application?
Write the differences between
of thread? 4M
4 a)Define thread?write about the life cycleexample code?
|(b) Explain about
building an applet with

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