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Me432l Complete A4

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Revised 2012

ME 432L

Bachelor of Science in
Mechanical Engineering


College of Engineering Education

University of Mindanao
Davao City Philippines


Engr. Cresencio P. Genobiagon Jr.

Engr. Paolo Gavino
Engr. Dominador Go

The authors would like to thank the following persons who had helped in the making of this
laboratory manual.

Michelle Acledan, the Director for Faculty Development of the University of Mindanao for her
guidance and support in the conceptualization of this laboratory material.

Engr. Leo Largo and Engr. Esther Consuelo Tan for their encouragement to pursue the development
of this material.

The faculty of the Mechanical Engineering for their professional contribution.

And most to the Lord Almighty for giving us the gift of wisdom and perseverance,

Laboratory Safety Guidelines

Safety rules and regulations should be posted in the laboratory to remind

students to perform laboratory experiments with caution. This is to ensure that
safety will always be given priority in doing laboratory works. The following
guidelines have been established to minimize or eliminate hazards in the
laboratory. These guidelines have also been provided to maintain a safe
laboratory environment. Students are required to follow the following
laboratory safety guidelines:

Never perform unauthorized work, preparations or experiments.

Use the safety equipment provided. Know the location of the fire extinguisher
and the first aid kit.

Handle instrument carefully. Improper handling of the instruments can cause

damage if procedure in operating an instrument/apparatus is not clear.

Electrical circuits should be examined carefully for proper wiring. Application

of power to a circuit containing wiring errors can cause serious damage.

Arrange the instruments in an orderly manner within the vicinity of the

equipment to be tested so that reading and recording of data is easily facilitated.

The source of power should always be connected last, and the circuit should be
checked and approved



1 Pressure Measurements 1

2 Temperature Measurements 4

3 Platform Scale Calibration 9

4 Specific Gravity & Viscosity of Fuels/Lubricants 10

5 Measurement of Area 13

6 Measurement of Length & Speed 15

7 Flow Measurements 17


Thermodynamics an Engineering Approach, Sixth Edition, by Yunus A. Cengel & Michael A. Boles
Introduction To Thermodynamics by Engr. Charlito Canesares, PME
Kent, William, Mechanical Engineers' Handbooks, Wiley Engineering Handbook Series (1950)
Morse, Frederick T., Power Plant Engineering, Litton Educational Publishing, Inc. (1953)
PSME Code, Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineering Code, Manila Philippines (1998)
Severns, William H., Degler, Howard E. and Miles, John C., Steam, Air and Gas Power, John Wiley
& Sons Inc. (1954)
Fribance, Austin E., Industrial Instrumentation Fundamentals, Mc-Graw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
Shoop and Tuve, Mechanical Engineering Practice

Pressure Measurements

OBJECTIVE: To calibrate Bourbon tube pressure gauges using a deadweight


APPARATUS: Pressure gauges Bourbon tube,

Adjustable wrench 2 pieces type 200 and 600 psig,

Deadweight gauge tester set, 5000 psig, 2 pcs.

Set of masses (0.5 kg, 1 kg, 1.5 kg)


The accuracy of the pressure gauge can be determined by subjecting it to known

pressures. Three sets of incremental reading per run are to be taken (up and down
readings). The resulting gauge values are to be plotted against corresponding standard
pressure values.

Bourdon Gauge

1. Attach and tighten the pressure gauge to the dead weight tester using an
adjustable wrench.
2. Calibrate the bourdon gauge and set the pointer to zero by opening the relief
3. When the pointer of the gauge points to zero, close the valve tightly. Once
securely tightened, the apparatus is now ready for use.
4. Place a 500 g mass on the platform and note the reading on the pressure gauge
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 using a 1 kg and 1.5 kg mass.

Table of Results

Mass ( kg) Area (A) Gravity (g) Press(P=F/A) Press (GR) Difference
0.5 kg 0.02 m 9.81 m/s2
1 kg 0.02 m 9.81 m/s2
1.5 kg 0.02 m 9.81 m/s2




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1. Compare the gauge readings versus the calculated values, Is there a systematic
difference between the experimental and calculated values of pressure readings?
If yes, cite possible factors that would account for the difference in values.

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Temperature Measurements

OBJECTIVE: To calibrate temperature measuring devices by comparison to a standard



Thermocouple, liquid- in- glass thermometer; range: 100- 200° C, 3 pcs.

Standard thermometer, 300° C,1 pc.
Thermometer comparison bath with stirrer
And electric heating element


Heating experiment:

1. Prepare 2 liters of water in a container.

2. Submerge the heater in the container.
3. Heat the water at any temperature.
4. Place the three temperature reading devices, namely: Standard Temperature
Reading Instrument, Thermocouple, and liquid-in-glass Thermometer.
5. Record the readings of each temperature device.

Cooling experiment:

1. Prepare 2 liters of water in a container.

2. Add ice in the container.
3. Immerse the three temperature reading devices, namely: Standard Temperature
Reading Instrument, Thermocouple, and liquid-in-glass Thermometer.
4. Record the readings of each temperature device.

Tables and Results:

Device Readings TR - TV Error CF

Std. Thermometer


TR – Temperature Reading, Reading obtained from instrument to be calibrated

TV – True Value, Reading obtain by standard thermometer
Error = (TR – TV)/ TV
CF- Correction Factor = 1 – Error


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For obtaining true value of temp w/ the use of Thermocouple or Liquid-in-glass

TV = TR x CF





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1. As water boils in a beaker during an experiment, the reading on the thermometer

monitoring its temp. is 104 0C.
a. What is the percent error of the thermometer?
b. Compute for the correction factor for thermometer?

2. A student borrowed a thermometer that has a correction factor of - 0.01.

a. What will be the reading on the thermometer if it is use to measure the temp.
of a mixture of water and ice?
b. What is the percent error of the thermometer?

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Platform Scale Calibration

OBJECTIVE: To calibrate a mass measuring device with the use of material

known density.

APPARATUS: Platform scale Steel drum, 200 liter capacity

200 liters water. Standard thermometer


1. Place the steel drum on the platform scale & record your reading.
2. Fill the drum with 200 liters of water.
3. Measure the temperature of the water.
4. Take the reading of the platform scale.
5. Compute the difference of the two mass readings.
6. Compute for the corresponding mass of the water based on the density at the
given temperature.
7. Compute for the error and correction factor of the platform scale.

Mass Temp Computed Error Corr.

Trial mass Factor
Empty drum Drum w/ Water (as
water weighed)

Mass of water as weighed= Mass of Drum w/ water – Mass of Drum

Computed Mass of Water = Density of water x volume of water
Error = ( Mass of Water as weighed - Computed Mass of Water)/ Computed Mass of
Correction factor = (1-Error)

Specific GravityCF =SG(1-0.0007(Temp-15.6))

Density = SG x 1000 kg/ m3

Trial 1

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Trial 2

Trial 3

Trial 4





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Questions & Problems:

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Specific Gravity and Viscosity
of Fuels/Lubricants

OBJECTIVE: To master the proper method of determining the specific gravity

of both fuels and lubricating oils.

To determine the effect of change in temperature to the specific

gravity and viscosity of liquids.

APPARATUS: Hydrometer, 1000 ml Graduated Cylinder,

Std. Thermometer, 1 liter of gasoline,
1 liter of engine oil. or any liquid aside from water)


1. Prepare 1000 ml graduated cylinder

2. Pour the gasoline into the 1000 ml graduated cylinder until it reaches near full.
3. Immerse the thermometer into the cylinder and record the reading.
4. Submerge the hydrometer in the cylinder and wait until the hydrometer stops
5. Take the reading from the graduation of the hydrometer.
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 using another liquid.
0 0
Liquids SG@ 15.6 SGCF API Baume
Engine Oil
Any Liquid

API and 0Baume gravity units
API = (141.5/ S.G.@ 15.6 0C) - 131
Baume = (140/ S.G.@ 15.6 0C) – 130

Correction factor: ( SG @ Temperature t)

SGCF = SG@ 15.6 ( CF)


Temp in 0C

CF = 1 – 0.00072(t – 15.6)

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Temp in 0F

CF = 1- 0.0004(t – 60)


Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3




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Questions & Problems:

1. How does the temp of liquid affect its viscosity?

2. Supposing 28 0API liquid fuel oil is used in a certain combustion operation,

wherein the temp reading of the fuel before combustion is 72 0F, what will be
its specific gravity of the fuel oil?

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Measurement of Area

Objectives: For the student to familiarize the usage of planimeter

Apparatus: Planimeter


1. Using the planimeter, compute the area of the differently sized figures
2. Compare the area of the differently sized figures using given parameters
( Diameter, Side, Edge, etc..)

Figures(Shapes) Planimeter Computed Error Correction True

Reading(PR) Area(CA) (E) Factor(CF) Value(TV
Irregular shape


Error = (CA - PR)/CA

CF = 1 – Error
TV = CF x PR


Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

Trial 4

Trial 5


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1. The perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 15 in. What is its area in cm2?

2. If a circle has a diameter of 2 cm, what will be its’ area?
3. The length of the rectangle is twice its width, if its’ diagonal length is 12 cm,
then the area will be_____.

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Measurement of Length & Speed

Objective: To compare speed values using the tachometer versus mathematical


Apparatus: Tachometer, Steel Tape,

Stop watch, Vernier Caliper


1. Attach rubber wheel to the tachometer shafting.

2. Roll the tachometer rubber wheel to a length of 4 ft.
3. Measure the time elapsed during the activity.
4. Record the velocity reading in the tachometer
5. Compare the result of the velocity reading from the tachometer to the computed

Tables and Results:

Device distance(d) time(t) velocity(v) Difference(D)



d = vt
C = 2πr


d – distance
t – time
v – velocity
C - circumference
r - radius


Trials 1

Trials 2

Trials 3


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Questions & Problems:

1. An automobile is traveling at 70 km/hr, if the time consumed during the travel is

30 mins. What is the distance travel in miles?
2. If there is a significant difference between the computed value and
experimental value, what maybe the contributing factor for the said difference?
3. When traveling from Green Meadows to Matina and vice versa will take an hour,
what is the total distance traveled if the average velocity is 50 km/hr.
4. A rat fell on a bucket of a water wheel with diameter of 600 cm which travelled
an angle of 190 deg. Before it dropped from the bucket. Calculate for the linear
centimeter that the rat was carry by the bucket before it fell.

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Flow Measurements

Objective: To provide the students experience with practical application of variable

head flow and be able to calibrate an orifice plate.

Apparatus: Steam generator,

electric, cap.100 psig, (10kw),
1 pc. Container can or graduated cylinder, 1 liter,
1 pc. Weighing scale, 2 kg.,
1 pc. Stopwatch, with 1/10 sec. timer,
1 pc. Hg manometer, ( 250 mm. Hg) U-tube,
1 pc. Orifice plate (1/2 dia. with 1/8” hole)
Condenser set-up, fabricated (includes ½ insulated piping from steam
generator and orifice plate).


1. The orifice in an insulated conduit for stream flow is calibrated by supplying

different steam flow rates from an electric steam generator.
2. A manometer, whose legs are attached to the upstream and downstream sides of
the orifice plate, is to indicate the pressure differential created for a particular
flow rate.
3. To get their actual flow rates, the steam for a certain flow rate should be
condensed, collected, timed and weighed.
4. Differential manometer readings are then plotted against corresponding actual
flow rates calculated by weighing.

Table of Results:

Time(t) Pressure(P) Area(A) Velocity(V) Flowrate(Q)

UT Man

UT Man – U Tube Manometer

AR – Actual Reading


Q = AV (Continuity Equation)
P = γh (Pressure Head)


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Questions & Problems:

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