Sadeghi 2021
Sadeghi 2021
Sadeghi 2021 1059-9495/$19.00
Submitted: 25 April 2020 / Revised: 20 December 2020 / Accepted: 29 December 2020 / Published online: 24 February 2021
Ni-P-W composite coatings are resistant to wear and corrosion. TiO2 particles are used as a reinforcing
phase in the matrix of alloy coatings for abrasive applications. In this study, Ni-P-W-TiO2 coating was
precipitated on the AISI 304L steel substrate using an electroplating method. Electroplating was performed
at pH levels of 1, 2, and 3, and the effect of bath pH on microstructure, corrosion behavior, and wear
behavior was investigated. The coatings were characterized by scanning electron microscopy. In order to
investigate corrosion resistance, potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
(EIS) tests were used in 3.5 wt.% NaCl aqueous solution. The mechanical behavior of the coated samples
was investigated by examining wear resistance and micro-hardness. The results of potentiodynamic
polarization and EIS tests demonstrated the coating formed at pH = 2 had the highest corrosion resistance
(7058 X cm2) compared to the coated sample at pH = 1 (57 X cm2) and pH = 3 (10.59 X cm2). Also, the
results of the wear and micro-hardness test showed composite coating formed at pH = 2 had the highest
wear resistance and micro-hardness (677 Vickers) compared to the coated sample at pH = 1 (403 Vickers)
and pH = 3 (511 Vickers).
Table 1. Chemical composition and bath conditions for Ni-P-W-TiO2 composite coating
Coating mixtures Electrodeposition parameters/materials
Fig. 1 SEM surface morphology of Ni-P-W-TiO2 coating formed at (a) pH = 1, (b) pH = 2, and (c) pH = 3
The polarization resistance was also obtained using Stern- electrochemical parameters from the polarization test are given
Geary relation (Ref 24, 25): in Table 3.
The results showed that the coated specimen at pH = 2 had
ba bc
Rp ¼ ðEq 4Þ the highest polarization resistance and the lowest current
2:303iCorr ðba þ bc Þ corrosion. As a result, the coating formed at this pH had higher
In this regard, Rp is the resistance of polarization, ba and bc corrosion resistance. At pH = 1, the corrosion current was
are the slopes of anodic and cathodic Tafel curves, respectively, greatly increased due to the lack of uniform coating on the
and iCorr is the current density of corrosion. The obtained substrate surface and the presence of cavities in the coating
Table 3: The obtained information from the polarization curve of Ni-P-W-TiO2 composite coating formed at different
Sample Uncoated pH = 1 pH = 2 pH = 3
Table 4: Electrochemical parameters obtained from electrochemical impedance for samples coated at different pHs
Sample RS, XÆcm2 Rp or Rc1, XÆcm2 CPE1-T, FÆcm2 CPE1-P, FÆcm2 Rc2, XÆcm2 CPE2-T, FÆcm2 CPE2-P, FÆcm2
Fig. 12 SEM surface morphology after wear test for (a) uncoated and Ni-P-W-TiO2 coating formed at different pH; (b) pH = 1, (c) pH = 2,
and (d) pH = 3