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Lesson #4a

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All things Commercial: Lesson 4a

Welcome to the
ground floor of
the Nu-Covenant
Temple. Before
you receive the
pass to the
second degree.
You must show
proficiency in the
preceding degrees. Commit the Catechizer to memory.

Please utilize our free online forums to ask questions

about relevant content from the lessons. Please do not
share your lessons with non Nu-Covenant members. Upon
receiving the pass (stamp or seal of approval) you may
continue to gain knowledge in higher degrees that must
not be shared with members from the previous degrees.

Idealistically, it should be every member’s endeavor to

correct their status, erect their private Trust, confirm
nationality, and ultimately become a resident of the 1st
Republic of the Nu-Covenant with corresponding ID card
to represent the same. We have created a community
devoid of poverty where the criteria of the populous is an
in depth education for all members of our society. When a
people do not understand their own government and the
politics that it thrives off of, the people cannot understand
when they are being abused or exploited. Nu-Covenant
members are given full disclosure, yet all private
agreements are honored. What you do behind closed
doors is your business literally.

All things Commercial Lesson 4a


(Lesson 4A)

Please read suggested tomes and examine content

from the suggested DVD’s. Based on the lowest
percentile from the proficiency exams this lesson
has been carefully grafted in an endeavor to
improve the scoring of members of the 1st
Republic of Nu-Covenant.

It is imperative that you take heed to all of the

data in this lessons since the content in these
lessons are designed to protect you as a member
and Secured Party Creditor.

Before one can obtain an occupation from Nu-

Covenant it is very important that each neophyte
realize the expedience of these lessons. To work
for, swear by, or walk the path of the Nu-
Covenant experience we have to see to it that all
of us are on the same page when it comes to
tenets of our community.

Each member must know why we are empowered

to do that which we have been doing devoid of
speculation. Does this make sense to you? Of
course it does.

All things Commercial: Lesson 4a

Whether you are applying to be a Nuptial Curate,

Sovereign General, Midwife, Case Worker for Status
Correction, Mortgage Specialist, Debt Discharge
Medium, or simply a member in good standing; these
lessons cater specifically to your status both inside and
out of this community.

Please commit the following data to memory.

House Joint Resolution 192

This is a very prominent declaration that has been made

as far as Nu-Covenant members are concerned. The
House Joint Resolution according to civics and common
law represented several declarations of war against the
people. Are you walking with me on this matter? I pray
that you are.

All things Commercial Lesson 4a

The U.C.C (uniform commercial code) has its

inception in light of this legal conundrum.

Now remember, a Bill is a commercial presentment, not

law. Allow me to repeat this to you once again. A Bill is
a commercial presentment, not law. Now remember,
Congress does not pass laws anymore. They only pass

Now, when Bills are passed they become Acts and these
acts are enforced via statutes and codes. Statutes and
codes are strictly corporate jargon. Many of our
brothers and sisters have been convicted based on
statutes and codes and these elements are exponents of
corporate law, not common law. Therefore, your
indictment is none other than a Bill of Exchange.

(To read more on this data please read “Blood is

Thicker than Water: People Lie but DNA Doesn’t.”)

All things Commercial: Lesson 4a

Now, allow us to take a closer look at what exactly is a

Bill of Exchange. We need for you to have at least
surface knowledge of what a Bill of Exchange is in
order that you may be able to process other people’s
paperwork in the future if not your very own.
Furthermore, this data in time will bring you closer to
our nu-covenant disposition.

District Attorneys often only introduce key facts sufficient to

show the probability, both to save time and to avoid
revealing all the evidence.

The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides that

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or
otherwise infamous crime, unless on presentment of a
Grand Jury...."

All things Commercial Lesson 4a

However, while grand juries are common in

charging federal crimes, many states use grand
juries sparingly and use the criminal complaint,
followed by a "preliminary hearing" held by a lower
court judge or other magistrate, who will determine
whether or not the prosecutor has presented
sufficient evidence that the accused has committed
a felony. If the judge finds there is enough
evidence, he/she will order the case sent to the
appropriate court for trial.

A Bill of Exchange entails an order for one to pay a

certain amount to a third party. In terms of your
Indictment the Grand Jury may be represented as the
one charging you or demanding you to pay to order the
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA the third party that
has nothing to do with the allegation.


indictments generated that no more than fancy checks
demanding a payment for a crime not even perpetrated
against it. Yes, the indictment is none other than a
BILL of EXCHANGE in favor of the UNITED

An indictment is none other than a fancy check. Please

read page 139-143 of In Equity or Iniquity.

All things Commercial: Lesson 4a

If we are going to get out of this horrible position that

we find ourselves in today then we must take the time
out to study and apply that which we learn. It is now
that time once again in our study when we must take
matters into our own hands in intellectual and
responsible fashion.

Do you overstand what exactly I am saying to you? I

pray that you do. Please continue to hold my hand for
you are about to embark upon a journey like none have
ever before. I am your sibling in truth and I will help
you navigate through this paradigm if you consent to it.

Ye must overstand, that the system was not designed to

make you fail. More rather, the system was designed in
such a way that its hosts, known as ‘the educated’
would not know how to succeed. The system is not as
bad as we conceive. Many of us are just frustrated
because we do not understand it.

Now, this does not mean that we are endorsing this

system. We are just saying that in order to bring about
our own we have to learn how to make more
progressive strides in the one that presently stands. Are
you walking with me? I pray that you are.

Please continue to hold my hand.

All things Commercial Lesson 4a

Almost every aspect of life as you know it has been

commercialized. Earth, wind, water, fire, crime, life,
death, marriage, divorce, and your name are all subject
to civil practice. It is imperative to have a common law
stance with a civil practice vernacular. One must
corroborate the testimony of the other.

Remember, that which is legal and which is lawful,

represents two different things (see lesson 1).

Remember, that which is Lawful is in conformity with

that which is legal. That which is Legal sets the stage
for that which is Lawful. Are you walking with me on
this matter?

Now, your legal rights have been abrogated by the

lawful nature of ignorance called Assumpsit. Assumpsit
(presumption) is an expressed or implied promise or
contract not under seal on which an action may be

The data on the following page comes from the legal

dictionary online. Here is a very detailed yet concise
explanation of what exactly assumpsit is. Once again,
whether you are engaging in real estate, mid-wife
aspects, or other services for our Nu-Covenant
community contract law has to become your forte.
Whether you purchase or sell an item or service you
need to know these things.

All things Commercial: Lesson 4a


“[Latin, He undertook or he promised.] A promise by

which someone assumes or undertakes an
obligation to another person. The promise may be
oral or in writing, but it is not under seal. It is express
when the person making the promise puts it into
distinct and specific language, but it may also be
implied because the law sometimes imposes
obligations based on the conduct of the parties or the
circumstances of their dealings.

Assumpsit was one of the common-law Forms of

Action. It determined the right to sue and the relief
available for someone who claimed that a contract had
been breached.

When the Common Law was developing in England,

there was no legal remedy for the breach of a contract.
Ranulf Glanvill, a famous legal scholar, wrote just
before the year 1200 that "[i]t is not the custom of the
court of the lord king to protect private agreements, nor
does it concern itself with such contracts as can be
considered private agreements." Ordinary lawsuits
could be heard in local courts, but the king was
primarily interested in royal rights and the disputes of
his noblemen.

All things Commercial Lesson 4a

As commerce began to develop, the king's courts did

allow two forms of action for breach of contract—the
actions of Covenant and debt. Covenant could be
maintained only if the agreement had been made in
writing and under seal and only if the action of debt
was not available. One could sue on the debt only if
the obligations in the contract had been fully performed
and the breach was no more than a failure to pay a
specific sum of money.

Finally, in 1370, a plaintiff sought to sue a defendant

who had undertaken to cure the plaintiff's horse but
treated it so negligently that the horse died, and the
action was allowed. In 1375, another man was
permitted to sue a surgeon who had maimed him while
trying to cure him. These cases showed a new
willingness to permit a lawsuit for monetary damages
arising directly from the failure to live up to an
agreement. For the next hundred years the courts
began to allow lawsuits for badly performed obligations
but not for a complete failure to perform what was
required by contract.

Unexpectedly, this restriction was abandoned also,

and a new form of action was recognized by the
courts, an action in special assumpsit for breach of an
express agreement.

All things Commercial: Lesson 4a

Special assumpsit gave a new legal right to parties

who could not sue on a debt. Gradually, it became
possible to sue in assumpsit if the defendant owed a
debt and then violated a fresh promise to pay it. This
action came to be known as indebitatus assumpsit,
which means "being indebted, he promised."

As time passed, courts were willing to assume that the

fresh promise had been made and to impose
obligations as if it had. This allowed lawsuits for a
whole range of contract breaches, not just those
recognized by an action on the debt or in special
assumpsit. If the plaintiff could claim that services had
been performed or goods had been delivered to the
defendant, then the law would assume that the
defendant had promised to pay for them.

Any failure to do so gave the plaintiff the right to sue in

assumpsit. This development allowed such a wide
range of lawsuits based on promises to private parties
that it came to be known as general assumpsit.

Eventually, the right to sue was extended even to

situations where the defendant had no intention to pay
but it was only fair that he or she be made to do so.

All things Commercial Lesson 4a

This form was called assumpsit on quantum meruit.

Special assumpsit, general assumpsit (or indebitatus
assumpsit), and quantum meruit are all ex contractu,
arising out of a contract. Their development is the
foundation of our modern law of contracts.”

Each time that a brother or a sister is

incarcerated or accused of a debt via a
commercial presentment (example:
summons) the very conviction that qualifies
the allegation is predicated upon the
presumption of the Idem Sonans.

Now, Idem Sonans is the legal doctrine whereby a

person’s identity is presumed known despite the
misspelling of his or her name. Does this sound
familiar? It should. Your name in all caps represents
agreements that have been made on your behalf and
despite the fact that you have not been given full
disclosure, you are still held accountable for you are
considered to be the authorized signature of this legal
fiction (name in all caps) if not the fiction in itself.

This means that even in the case of criminal matters you

are being sued when you go to court (read Real Estate
or Legal Fiction).

All things Commercial: Lesson 4a

You are the organic living soul. Therefore, it is

imperative that you learn how to speak in ‘the Now’.
Speaking in ‘the Now’ punctuates the instrument that
you generated and confirms your disposition as the
organic living soul, not the civil dead corporate fiction.

Your instrument (official or legal document) can never

be outdated or lose the depth of its message so-long as
the content is reflective of the present speech. For
example, “Comes now here, Now therefore,

You must do everything in your power to diffuse the

presumption of the idem sonans. You must make a
distinction amongst you, the organic living soul and the
legal person (legal fiction) otherwise you will never
have the right to property and you will never reap the
real estate and tax benefits that a Sovereign is entitled
to: (read Sovereignty or Citizenship tome by Nysut:
Amun-Re Sen Atum-Re).

Based on today’s construct, no one may obtain

spirituality unless they obtain Economic Sovereignty.
Again this is based on the commercial pretense of the
construct in which we find ourselves submerged in
today. This is why the following data is very important
as far as your development is concerned in Nu-

All things Commercial Lesson 4a

What is the Uniform Commercial Code?

The Uniform Commercial Code governs commercial

transactions. If the UCC 1 is a financing statement then
why should it apply to you? Separating yourself from
the legal fiction and the organic living soul is done
through the UCC Financing statement. The secured
party declares by way of Financing Statement that the
debtor is a transmitting utility and a trust existing by
instrument and electricity (filing done in Iowa).

1. Can a debtor own property

A. A debtor can only conditionally own property
because according to the law that governs secured
transactions (UCC 9-105(d) a debtor is one who is
obligated on an account, chattel property, or general
intangible, even if he owns or has rights in the
2. Can the debtor and the Organic living soul be the
same person
A. Yes, also in UCC 9-105(d) it states: Where the debtor
and the owner of the collateral are not the “same
person”, the term "debtor" means the owner of the
collateral in any provision of the Article dealing with
the collateral, the obligor in any provision dealing
with the obligation, and may include both where the
context so requires;

All things Commercial: Lesson 4a

3. What is a Secured Party

A. A Secured Party is a lender, seller or other person in
whose favor there is a security interest, including a
person to whom accounts or chattel paper have been
sold. When the holders of obligations issued under an
indenture of trust, equipment trust agreement or the
like are represented by a trustee or other person, the
representative is the secured party;
4. What is Status Correction?
A. Status correction is changing ones status as a debtor to
have standing as a Secured party.

I pray that the sequence of this data is making our / your

mission more and more clear to you.

Yes, all things are commerce and you need to know the
following codes. Your knowledge of these codes and
terms in this lesson is mandatory for your proficiency
examine and as well your personal growth and
development in our Nu-Covenant community.

Please do not undermine these lessons. These lessons

were not created for the purposes of string you along.
These lessons were created in order that you might be
employed by our community or at the least be
empowered to execute on your own. At the least we
need our moral agenda to be as coherent as possible to
members of our community.

All things Commercial Lesson 4a

Furthermore, the common things in this lifetime have

been commercialized. Whether you are trying to buy or
sell property, marry or divorce, give birth or bury a
loved one, you need to raise your cognition in these
matters so that you will know how to navigate in this
Commercial Realm.

All crimes are commercial.

27 CFR 72.11 in part…

§ 72.11 Meaning of terms.

“As used in this part, unless the context

otherwise requires, terms shall have the
meanings ascribed in this section. Words in the
plural form shall include the singular, and vice
versa, and words importing the masculine
gender shall include the feminine. The terms
“includes” and “including” do not exclude things
not enumerated which are in the same general

All things Commercial: Lesson 4a

ATF Officer. An officer or employee of the

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF)
duly authorized to perform any function
relating to the administration or enforcement of
this part.

Appraised value. The value placed upon seized

property or carriers by the appraiser or
appraisers designated for the purpose of
determining whether the property or carriers
may be forfeited administratively.

Carrier. A vessel, vehicle, or aircraft seized

under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 11 for having been
used to transport, carry, or conceal a
contraband firearm or contraband cigarettes.
Vessels, vehicles, or aircraft seized under other
provisions of applicable laws shall be
considered personal property.

Commercial crimes. Any of the following

types of crimes (Federal or State): Offenses
against the revenue laws; burglary;

All things Commercial Lesson 4a

counterfeiting; forgery; kidnapping; larceny;

robbery; illegal sale or possession of deadly
weapons; prostitution(including soliciting,

procuring, pandering, white slaving, keeping

house of ill fame, and like offenses); extortion;
swindling and confidence games; and
attempting to commit, conspiring to
commit, or compounding any of the
foregoing crimes. Addiction to narcotic
drugs and use of marihuana will be treated
as if such were commercial crime…”

CFR stands for Code of Federal Regulations. 27 CFR

72.11 is one of the more prominent codes that members
of our Nu-Covenant community are supposed to beware
of as far as the implication of commerce is concerned
(for more data on this code of federal regulations read
In Equity or Iniquity by Nysut: Amun-Re Sen Atum-

All things commercial is the theme of this particular

lesson. The data in this tome has to become basic
knowledge to members of our nu-covenant community.
Are you walking with me? Continue to hold my hand.

All things Commercial: Lesson 4a

Here is yet another code that you must be made aware

of. Be sure to log on to our free streams and radio
shows to gather more data on these matters.

12 USC 411

“Federal reserve notes, to be issued at the

discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System for the purpose of making
advances to Federal reserve banks through the
Federal reserve agents as hereinafter set forth and
for no other purpose, are authorized. The said
notes shall be obligations of the United States and
shall be receivable by all national and member
banks and Federal reserve banks and for all taxes,
customs, and other public dues. They shall be
redeemed in lawful money on demand at the
Treasury Department of the United States, in the
city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any
Federal Reserve bank.”

12 USC 411 w/o recourse in addition to your

appellation denotes…

“Authorize Redemption of everything to be

redeemed to the secretary of Treasurer”

This is your relief and your recourse (study God

Given Rights or Man Made Privileges Double DVD).

All things Commercial Lesson 4a

“Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for

it is the author and source of law; but in our system,
while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of
government, sovereignty itself remains with the people,
by whom and for whom all government exists and acts.
And the law is the definition and limitation of power.

It is, indeed, quite true that there must always be lodged

somewhere, and in some person or body, the authority
of final decision; and in many cases of mere
administration, the responsibility is purely political, no
appeal lying except to the ultimate tribunal of the public
judgment, exercised either in the pressure of opinion, or
by the means of the suffrage.

But the fundamental rights to life, liberty, and the

pursuit of happiness, considered as individual
possessions, are secured by those maxims of
constitutional law which are the monuments showing
the victorious progress of the race in securing to men
the blessings of civilization under the reign of just and
equal laws, so that, in the famous language of the
Massachusetts bill of rights, the government of the
commonwealth ‘may be a government of laws and not
of men.” For the very idea that one man may be
compelled to hold his life, or the means of living or any
material right essential to the enjoyment of life, at the
mere will of another, seems to be intolerable in any
country where freedom prevails, as being the essence of
slavery itself.” Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356,

All things Commercial: Lesson 4a

For a more in depth elaboration on Sovereignty

Read Blood is Thicker than Water by Nysut:
Amun-Re Sen Atum-Re

Please remember, “Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356,

1886. This is very important.”

Lastly, you must come to the realization that the

manner in which you sign your name greatly
determines your potential destiny when it comes to
commerce. Amongst many things that you should
know is UCC 1-308.

UCC 1-308 Performance or acceptance under

reservation of rights

(1) A party who, with explicit reservation of rights,

performs or promises performance or assents to
performance in a manner demanded or offered by
the other party does not thereby prejudice the
rights reserved. Such words as "without prejudice,"
"under protest" or the like are sufficient.

(2) Subsection (1) of this Code section does not

apply to an accord and satisfaction.

All things Commercial Lesson 4a

UCC 1-308 denotes the Revocation of signature and

power of Attorney.

When signing an instrument one is not obligated to

confide in the parts of the instrument that they
might find suspect.

By signing UCC 1-308 you are converting the

paperwork put before you into a contract. UCC 1-
308 denotes performance or acceptance under
reservation of rights. It is the revocation of signature
and power of attorney.

You are not obliged to agree with all of the terms in

a contract. Furthermore, UCC 1-308 (formerly 1-
207) empowers you with the ability to transmute a
commercial presentation into a contract written in
your favor.

All things Commercial: Lesson 4a

Notable References:


Kill them with Paperwork pt.1 double dvd

Kill them with Paperwork pt.2 (Civil Rights or Civil

Privileges) double dvd

God Given Rights or Man Made Privileges

double dvd

Words Speak Louder than Actions double dvd

You may have stolen my Birth Right but not My

Blood Right dvd


In Equity or Iniquity

Kill them with Paperwork

Real Estate or Legal Fiction

Buy the House, Sign the Contract, Protect the Asset

Can You Out-think Your Oppressor

All things Commercial Lesson 4a


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