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A Review of AM in Aerospace Application

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Revue des Composites et des Matériaux Avancés-Journal

of Composite and Advanced Materials

Vol. 31, No. 2, April, 2021, pp. 109-115
Journal homepage: http://iieta.org/journals/rcma

A Review of Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace Application

Meena Pant, Pritam Pidge, Leeladhhar Nagdeve, Harish Kumar*

Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Delhi, Delhi 110 040, India

Corresponding Author Email: harishkumar@nitdelhi.ac.in

https://doi.org/10.18280/rcma.310206 ABSTRACT

Received: 3 September 2020 In the era of Digital Manufacturing and supporting state-of-the-art, i.e. Additive
Accepted: 17 December 2020 manufacturing (AM) technology is getting more popular known as 3D printing, AM has
created its own space in the fastest growing industry. 3D printing has evolved in previous
Keywords: years, and now, it is being used in several social life domains. The main application of
additive manufacturing, aerospace industry, this process has found in prototyping, aerospace industry, biomedical and dental
lightweight component implants. Additive manufacturing prints a part in a layer by layer or line by line pattern.
It opposes the basic concept of traditional manufacturing. Advances in composite and
multi-material manufacturing provide new opportunities for the convenient manufacture
of lightweight parts and modern products, such as flapping wings, satellite brackets, and
lightweight components for the aviation industry. It is a particular technology that varies
from conventional and subtractive development in terms of lightweight, enhanced
features, lower fuel consumption, and optimized machine performance, so on. This paper
addressed the progress of AM in the aerospace field and addressed the issues of AM
linked to a specific aerospace component.

1. INTRODUCTION and ceramics. All metal and non-metal parts produced using
AM technology have potential applications in the aerospace
Direct digital manufacturing is a production methodology industry. Direct metal laser sintering, selective laser melting,
that essentially consists of creating net practical parts from the laser curing, and laser metal deposition are the most used
product design to be produced. Since additive manufacturing technologies for aerospace applications. A suitable selection
processes (AM) require a limited source of energy. It can print of process parameters is essential for a product that depends
complex parts so; this technique is suitable for automobile, on the requirements and end-use criteria [9]. The main
aerospace, biomedical, and other industrial application [1]. applications of AM in the manufacturing industry include
AM is a material joining process in which material either in rapid prototyping, direct component development, rapid
powder, sheet, and wire/filament form used to stack the layer tooling, and reconstruction of metal component [10, 11]. The
together to produce three dimensional (3D) component which evolution of AM minimizes the issue of inventory and shortens
opposes the subtractive manufacturing process. Direct the supply chain. The aerospace industry required high-quality
transformation of raw materials into complicated 3D shapes components which are often complex and time-consuming.
focused on digital data produced by slicing and rasterizing Although, the conventional manufacturing process is
computer-aided design (CAD) file enables substantial time insufficient for small-scale production because there is a lot of
and expense savings, where technology is appropriate for wastage of material during the machining process and making
manufacturing end-use parts [2]. American society of testing complex structures for the aerospace application takes several
and materials (ASTM) F-42 committee [3] has classified the months. The definition has changed after the restructuring of
AM process into seven categories (shown in Table 1) which the manufacturing sector.
are as follows: extrusion-based, photopolymerization based, Various industries adopted AM technology for making
direct energy deposition (laser cladding), powder bed fusion, prototypes. In 2017, nineteen percent of the AM market
material jetting (polyjet), sheet lamination (sheet forming) and compromised by aerospace industry. Research and Markets
binder jetting. Different AM technology covers a range of recently published a study in terms of AM is a disruptive
main parameters related to output response. The role of these technology for the aerospace industry and they announce the
parameters is essential for the final assessment of quality parts. possible growth rate of 23.01% between 2017 and 2021 [12].
Common metal AM types are direct energy deposition [4], In the aerospace industry, lightweight and fuel consumption
which includes laser engineering net shape (LENS) and free are the basic parameters which are the concern of the industry.
form electron beam manufacturing [5], and powder bed fusion The aerospace components are directly exposed to high-
include selective laser melting and electron beam melting [6, temperature environments, AM has the ability to handle higher
7]. The popular available AM technologies are stereo- temperatures materials that are hard to cast, such as nickel
lithography, multijet modeling, fused filament fabrication alloys and inter-metallic materials through conventional
(FFF) [8], and three-dimensional printing (3DP) for non- manufacturing.
metallic components such as plastics, and composite materials,

Table 1. Seven categories of additive manufacturing process [13]

Staring phase of
Techniques Strength of work Weaknesses Companies
Changing the resin is 3D Systems (US),
Stereolithography Photo polymerization Quick printing speed difficult to handle Envision Tec
(SLA) (liquid-based system) High resolution Machine set up larger than (Germany)
resin needed. Object
Powder based system 3D systems, EOS,
High strength Surface quality is porous
Powder bed fusion uses plastic, ceramic Blueprint, SLM
moderate stiffness nature
(PBF) and composites metal solutions
Good chemical resistance High costs, slow process
in the powder form Renishaw
Poor surface finishing
Fused filament Easy to handle Stratasys
Solid based system, Difficult to handle
fabrication (FFF) User friendly, Prototyping Voxel jet
extruder part
Reduce manufacturing lead Mcor technology,
Solid based adhesive Constraint to complex
Laminated object time SD 300 printer,
bonding between structure
manufacturing (LOM) Good process for larger Fabrisonic (US),
materials Poor surface quality
structure Mcor (Ireland)
3D systems Ex
Applicable for complex Poor adhesion between
One (US),
ceramic structure layers
Binder jetting Liquid based process Voxeljet
Fast and flexible method for Fine resolution difficult to
complex structure achieve
Minimize manufacturing cost
Require a dense support
Direct energy Metal and its element and time, Optomec (US),
deposition (DED) used in powder form Useful for printing of large POM (US
Low surface quality
High porosities in finished
Multi jet printing Multi jet fusion Full-color objects printing 3D systems

The incorporation of Wholer's association has been widely

recognized as the leading consulting firm and the most
prominent expert for AM in the world. Figure 1 and 2 shows
the progress of AM industry in various fields from 2016 to
2017. The present study reports the current status of AM in the
aerospace industry and discusses the limitation of AM.



Rapid developments in AM technology in the last few years

have led to the proliferation of technology and the application
Figure 1. Wohler’s Worldwide Report on the AM industry’s of such useful technology in the aerospace industry. Additive
in 2016 [14] Manufacturing was earlier a niche participant in the aerospace
industry for manufacturing the prototype of parts. However, in
recent developments of AM techniques have quickly become
a tactical technology that produces revenue around the supply
chain for the aerospace industry. In the aerospace industry,
companies are started already using dedicated systems to
manufacture parts via transforming AM's strategic dynamics
include Boeing, Airbus, Lockheed Martin, Honeywell, and
Pratt & Whitney, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL),
General Electric (GE). Some of the recent examples are
addressed as follows:
Airbus is investigating ninety different cases in which the
AM is used to operate aircraft of the next generation. In June
2014, Airbus Company developed a titanium bracket for an
aircraft application. The first titanium bracket was made by the
SLM process with bionic design and installed in Airbus A350
XWB [15]. Since it was a successful test, and it leads to a
manufacturing agenda for a company. 3D printing can save up
Figure 2. Wohler’s Worldwide Report on the AM industry’s to thousands of dollars by minimizing fuel consumption due
in 2017 [14] to reduced weight. We know that every kilogram weight
reduction can prevent 25% of CO2 emissions. Decarburization
is the main problem in the parts which are manufactured by

the conventional process so that these companies using AM titanium component with a diameter of 1.5 m and a thickness
technique to manufacture the part for aircraft applications. One of 0.5 m, carrying 48 aerofoils, were fabricated using the AM
of the most interesting facts of this technology is that it can be Electron Beam Melting technique. Using this technology,
designed virtually on the modeling software, manufactured at Rolls-Royce saved production time about 30 percent
the site, and tested within fewer periods. Now Airbus made compared to traditional methods of production.
small-scaled pilotless aircraft using this technology named The Agnikul COSMOS [25] Company incubated at IIT
THOR [16]. They installed the first 3D printed part in the Madras started using 3D printing technology to build a small-
commercial aircraft. Airbus engineers in its division of sized semi-cryogenic rocket of a range of 20 kilos Newton that
Defence and Space faced two major obstacles concerning to can hurl satellites of weight up to 100 kg in earth lower orbit.
bracket construction. The first challenge is that brackets must They designed it and planned to make with additive
securely connect the part and second is that it can withstand at manufacturing. As per the demand from customers for small-
a high temperature outside the earth’s atmosphere. This sized satellites, they are going to 3D print the engine and send
difficulty is overcome by fabricating the bracket through the them to space. The Team INDUS, they are looking to send a
3D printing process [17]. rover to the moon. It has 3D printed wheels bringing down the
General Electric (GE) Aviation uses the Powder Bed Fusion cost of the time to build it and also lowering down the cost.
system to manufacture the next level of complex jet engine This technology is proving itself very much promising in
parts using an EOS 3D metal printer. Jet engine nozzle aerospace applications [26]. Indian Space Research
manufactured by Direct Laser melting process. They said that Organization (ISRO) already started using 3D printing
this part is up to 25 percent lighter and more complex than its technology for 3D printed components for its spacecraft. The
predecessors and incorporates many assembled components in feed cluster component is 3D printed for GSAT-19 by its client
the past into one part [18, 19]. GE's executive team had seen to send it into space three years ago. Wipro 3D is a client of
the ability of AM and fundamentally changed how GE aviation ISRO who gives them 3D printed components for aircraft [27].
operates. Huge investments were made in GE's aviation They are printed the specific parts by 3D printing. These
business unit to improve 3D printing technology. GE specific parts include the thrusters for the satellite engine. As
Company improves the total capability of industry and has understanding the importance of AM in part consolidation
expressed a desire to print more than 100k pieces by 2020. 3D they started using 3D printing. It needs 7-8 years to mature this
printing technology has gone from producing a small technology to use in fully printed for aircraft application.
prototype to large industrial parts for industries, such as the ISRO has built its 3D printing manufacturing system to
titanium is used to 3D print the domes in onboard orbital produce small aircraft parts. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
satellites by Lockheed Martin [20]. It is an aerospace and (HAL) has started using 3D printing to make a part for 25 kg
defence corporation, highlighted its 5Ps (a proposal, small engine as its component. They are also working on the
production support, prototype, procurement& production) AM unmanned aerial vehicle to produce its parts with 3D printing
model to show the promise of a traditional U.S. lifecycle. technology. Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) is India's only
Airbus, with multinational safety and aerospace corporation manufacturer of armed military aircraft. They are making
Lockheed Martin, has signed an AM deal. To increase decisive steps in making "Made in India" a globe-class name
production with such emerging technology and to minimize by entering into additive manufacturing [28]. They used AM
overall costs, the partners will collaborate to find parts of the technology to set a reference model of an aircraft engine that
F-35 Lightning II aircraft. The part count was minimized by wages around 25 kN. The first 3D printed model was on show
making assemblies directly. This company is using this at Aero India expo-2015 as an operating platform.
technology to design 3D printed door handles, cup handles,
dome prototypes for aircraft, and toilet seats in military aircraft.
It is giving innovative solutions for complex manufacturing 3. APPLICATION OF AM IN AEROSPACE
processes with ease [21]. They also manufacture a 3D printed
fuel tank with the use of AM. They are also developing the AM has a wide scope in the aerospace application. It is a
giant 3D printed titanium parts for aircraft. Boeing makes a technology that differs from traditional and subtractive
choice using 3D Printing technologies. 300 Manufacturing manufacturing in terms of lightweight, improved performance,
parts for aircraft application made using 3D printing increased fuel economy, increased system efficiency, etc. The
technology, with 10 separate aircraft manufacturing programs. keyword additive denotes the making style of a printer that is
At current, more than 20,000 produced pieces with non- a layer over a layer rather than removing it from raw material.
metallic additives, it is expected to be enhanced more parts for The weight, fuel economy, and system efficiency matter a lot
the aircraft application [22]. for aerospace applications. Aerospace AM is on the verge of
Pratt and Whitney [23] create Aero Engine components taking off (Figure 3), with market dynamics and growing
using 3D printing technology. Pratt and Whitney have technical sophistication allowing AM to be taken up further
supplied their first engine for the C-Series passenger aircraft [29].
to the world’s largest aircraft maker, Bombardier. Using this In terms of fuel consumption, if we consider at the expense
technology significantly reduced manufacturing time and of holding an entity airborne or sending a rocket into orbit, the
complexity. From concept designs to prototype and then lighter parts make more difference. Undoubtedly, if the
convert into the final product using 3D printing technology component is light, it will have better fuel consumption, or
reduces wastage and raw material usage. It also helps in the improve system performance. The ultimate goal of this is to
precise production of components with intricate geometry with reduce the weight of parts by AM. For geostationary orbit, the
decreased tooling and enables the manufacture of different payload on it runs over thousands of kilograms. In such cases,
parts from an assembly in an integrated unit. Rolls-Royce [24] this light-weighting of components can help to reduce the fuel
aims to examine the more amount of the front bearing housing economy. In civil aviation, every kilogram carried cost
for engines. The complex shape and wide front bearing hundreds of dollars per year, per aircraft, an airline, or a rocket.

If we add the weight and cost through the aircraft fleet, the
overall expanse is immense. There are unknown possibilities
for light weighting in the airplane region. In an aircraft cabin,
think about all non-structural, non-light essential metal
elements. Instead of solid, these components can be made
hollow to lighten the part by rendering its internal lattice
structure to minimize weight without compromising its
usability. Metal 3D printing provides hundreds of possibilities
to extract mass and save fuel economy.

Figure 5. Satellite orbiting earth which can be lighten in

terms of weight [31]

3.2 Radio frequency filters

Waveguides and regulators for the metal radio frequency

(Figure 6) are vital components of a telecommunication
satellite. They behave like traffic cops to permit the movement
of signals and inform signals to go around. A satellite high via
placed will bring hundreds of these filters onto it to
communicate. Trying to find ways to reduce its weight and
speed up production, Airbus Defence and Space has been
exploring 3D metal printing. Consequently, the first 3D
printed RF filters to be tested and approved for use in
communication satellites were accomplished. Compared to
Figure 3. AM global market analysis [30] previous models, the new filters have decreased weight by 50
percent and designed as a single component instead of making
3.1 3D printed communication satellite assembly of different parts. The 3D printed RF filters were
rigorously tested and each met its specified requirement,
If this technology is used properly, it can have beneficial making technology an important tool in terms of weight loss,
effects on machine performance. As the parts are made with cost reduction, and improvement of production time.
3D printing its weight will be less so ultimately it impacts on
fuel consumption rate. The more the weight the more will be
the fuel required to carry the same. These two areas are directly
dependent on each other. Removing weight from parts or
assembly with the design and production process makes a
positive impact and leads to impressive system benefits. For
example, reducing weight on the reflectors of communication
satellite (Figure 4 & 5) reduces the fuel economy and
ultimately saves the cost with the same performance may be
improved with additive manufacturing.

Figure 6. 3D printed RF filters for communication satellite


3.3 Satellite bracket

Satellite brackets are fabricated by AM technology to

reduce its weight and to increase the fuel economy. These
skeleton liked brackets are 3D printed with titanium (Figure 7)
and optimized by topological optimization. To satisfy the
output criteria of the bracket, it is decided the most effective
arrangement of material. Such titanium-based brackets are 25
percent lighter than commonly produced methods and give
improved weight ratio stiffness. Metal 3D printing and digital
modeling provide the exclusive produced edition. These are
customized and designed to satisfy their particular position
Figure 4. Bracket made by AM to reduce the weight for and produced in half the time. In the aerospace industry, 3D
communication satellite [31] metal printing has made some major significant advances over
the last year. Companies like General Electric and government

agencies like NASA have invested in designing and creating
new 3D-printed alloys to withstand high-speed, high-heat
conditions while improving the engine's power-to-weight
ratio.AM can minimize scrap metal by up to 90 percent
compared to conventional manufacturing methods to improve
material costs.

Figure 9. 3D printed liquid rocket engine [33]

3.6 3D printed nozzle (injector heads)

The Ariane 6 Rocket engine is built with 3D printing

technology. By use of additive manufacturing the plan was to
reduce down the number of parts for system efficiency. This is
Figure 7. 3D printed titanium bracket [32] having injector heads with number and 3D printed. This
integration multiple nozzles as shown in Figure 10 with
3.4 Rocket engine for spaceship fabricated by 3D printer traditional machining were difficult but it was never with 3D
printing. The successfully printing of these injector heads with
3D printing offers versatility in complex design as a single fuel economy was achieved. This is an integration of injector
part. When it relates to the engine it is an assembly of series of nozzles with cost benefit of more than 50% and lead time
small parts for a spacecraft. But can one imagine it as a single reduction with three times as compared with traditional
part manufactured in a single stroke? As a single part, you can manufacturing process. This injector head is having 1800
integrate integral cooling channels into a combustion chamber holes and takes months with conventional process but with 3D
as a single all in one design. The US-based company named printing it just takes 35 hours. This is the advantage of this
LAUNCHER (Figure 8) is working on small to medium scale technology giving the new edge to manufacturing process.
payloads into space by printing a rocket as a single part with
3D printing. This 3D printed rocket is based on standard
design but it is extended with an internal cooling system
supported with ribs. This company is successfully printed and
successfully tested. With these results, it gave a hope to design
new innovative design considering cost-effectiveness by

Figure 10. 3D printed injector heads [33]


• AM is used for a variety of applications and operated

under different circumstances. Multifunctional
frameworks are simple to obtain via the massive
geometric freedom provided by AM technologies and
Figure 8. 3D printed rocket [33] have several possible advantages for the aerospace
industry. Changes are required to fulfill the ever-
3.5 Combustion chamber printed by 3D printer increasing functionalities in their physical shape,
height, weight, power, and resilience. The reason for
With 3D printing technology, the combustion chamber of using AM is to come up with a solution that can
the M4K machine is built successfully by AMCM Company. satisfy the needs of the final consumer. The following
It is the largest single piece combustion chamber (Figure 9) for are some of the issues as challenges observed:
liquid rocket engine in the world. It is made of copper alloys • Material is the most deciding factor to reduce the
and developed with the EOS system. final weight of the components and their reliability.
Metal powder analysis for the aerospace industry
includes measuring the average powder size, powder

size distribution, surface area, flowability, observable • Part quality can be enhanced by using post-
density, humidity, and product porosity are the processing steps like hot isostatic process, heat
common factors. For several cases, these details are treatments.
appropriate needed by the end consumer [34]. • Certification and qualification of AM parts and
• The printed part's intrinsic anisotropic property is processes are paramount and needs to be accelerated.
another AM disadvantage. The presence of this
defect changes the microstructure tends to be
expanding in some direction. It affects the 6. CONCLUSIONS
mechanical properties. The manufacturing staircase
perspective leads to induced porosity in the Additive manufacturing methods have attracted their
manufactured component of improper densification interest in aerospace components manufacturing. AM gives
[35]. engineers versatility in manufacturing complex patterns that
• Inadequate information on the properties of AM are difficult to produce using traditional techniques.
materials can lead to incorrect assessment of strength
and material application. • Molding and tooling are not required for AM
• 3D printing is applicable for small components techniques, therefore saving time, cost, and energy.
whereas, aircraft application required large This study explores the advancement of AM
components which slow down the progress of this techniques used by various parts of the economy.
technology. • Addresses in detail how AM methods in different
• Certification of quality products and their assurance industries can increase structural and aerodynamic
is an essential step before promoting the final AM performance. For all of AM's benefits, it still
manufactured part into the market. struggles from the constraints which need addressing.
• AM materials production costs are higher than the • Lack of quality-strength materials, lack of diagnostic
conventional methods because it needs the required methods, anisotropic properties, and low build
processes to turn the content of material into the volumes identify the potential of AM to become a
correct forms for AM operations. viable business solution.
• Additionally, ongoing advancement and
development in additive manufacturing would be a
5. DISCUSSION remarkable place in the future of aerospace
AM is revolutionizing the manufacturing process through
the ability to print complex geometries, reduce lead time, and
flexibility. Generally, traditional manufacturing like casting, REFERENCES
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shares-its-5-ps-for-industrial-3d-printing-136902/, Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.


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