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Online Tool Kit

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A Toolkit for Performing FEMA P-695
Andrew Hardyniec,a) M.EERI, and Finley Charney,a) M.EERI

The FEMA P-695 Methodology offers a procedure for evaluating the collapse
performance of seismic force resisting systems. The Methodology is necessarily
complex and analysis intensive. To manage collapse evaluation data and expedite
nonlinear dynamic analyses, a toolkit was created that streamlines the process
using seven graphical user interface modules. The modules step the user through
the FEMA P-695 process, culminating in a summary table of the evaluation
results. The Toolkit is beneficial for engineers with varying levels of familiarity
with the FEMA P-695 process. For those familiar with the process, the Toolkit
provides a simple procedure for organizing performance group data and
evaluation results while reducing the risk of errors. It also acts as an educational
tool for stepping new users through the intricacies of the process. The Toolkit is
demonstrated using an example performance group of special reinforced masonry
shear wall buildings.


The Methodology described in the FEMA P-695 report, Quantification of Building

Seismic Performance Factors (FEMA, 2009), is straightforward but computationally
extensive. The evaluation process requires substantial organization for the system
information, static and dynamic analyses, and results values for evaluating the validity of the
R value (ASCE 2010) for a structural system. Additionally, the process may need to be
repeated several times for a structural system to pass the evaluation process with an
appropriate R value, which is defined in the Methodology by a maximum probability of
collapse of 20% at the maximum considered earthquake (MCE) ground motion intensity for a
single representation of the structural system and a mean maximum probability of collapse of
10% at the MCE level for a group of structures incorporating the structural systems. The
process potentially requires thousands of analyses and generates several gigabytes of
computational data which ultimately culminates with two values, the static overstrength and

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 200 Patton Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061
adjusted collapse margin ratio, for each structural model that are used to evaluate the
performance of the seismic force resisting system. Confidently completing a full evaluation
process to arrive at an appropriate R value can be a time consuming and daunting task for
even a veteran of the process.

The FEMA P-695 Methodology is a procedure for consistently and rationally establishing
the response modification factor, R, deflection amplification factor, Cd, and system
overstrength factor, Ω0. The validity of these system parameters is evaluated for a
prototypical structural system, or archetype. The process begins by defining a set of building
configurations, known as index archetype configurations, that describe the overall range of
permissible configurations, called the archetype design space, for the structural system and
assigning a trial R value. The archetype design space is broad enough to capture the range of
possibilities feasible for the structural system but small enough for practical evaluation. It
encompasses many design aspects, such as structural configuration, seismic behavioral
effects, and loads. The set of index archetype configurations generally includes about 20 to
30 structural configurations, though the required number may be significantly larger when
the seismic design requirements cover a broad range of possible design situations.

Building configurations with common features or behavioral characteristics are grouped

together into performance groups. Configurations are categorized into performance groups
based on basic structural configuration, gravity load level, seismic design category, and
period domain. Nonlinear analysis models, referred to as index archetype models or index
models, are created from structural designs, or index archetype designs, based on the
configurations defining the performance group. The index archetype models within a
performance group represent the permissible variations in size and other key characteristics,
such as building height. Each performance group typically has between three and six
archetype index models.

The Methodology requires modal, nonlinear static, and nonlinear dynamic analyses to be
performed for all models in the archetype design space. A nonlinear monotonic static
pushover analysis is performed for each index model to determine the maximum base shear,
the effective yield roof drift displacement and ultimate roof displacement, taken at 80% of
the maximum base shear on the descending branch of the pushover curve. The first mode
period and associated mode shape of the index model are calculated from a modal analysis
and used to calculate the vertical distribution of forces for the pushover analysis and the
period based ductility, µT. The values from the static pushover analysis are used to calculate
the overstrength factor, Ω, for the individual index archetype models.

To assess the collapse susceptibility of the system, the Methodology requires that the
spectral acceleration at which 50% of the ground motion records in a scaled ground motion
record set cause collapse be found using an incremental dynamic analysis (IDA). Though
similar to the procedure proposed by Vamvatsikos and Cornell (2002), the IDA in the
Methodology collectively scales a set of normalized ground motion records based on the
median spectral acceleration of the record set rather than by different intensity for each
record. Before running any dynamic analyses, a ground motion record set from the
Methodology is selected, normalized, and scaled to the maximum considered earthquake
(MCE) ground motion spectrum at the fundamental period of the structure. During the IDA,
an intensity scaling factor is applied to all ground motion records in the set. The index model
is subjected to each scaled ground motion record while important responses, called collapse
parameters, are recorded. Collapse parameters are indicators for the onset of collapse of the
index model. Examples of collapse parameters include roof displacement, interstory drift
ratios, material strains, and hinge rotations. After completing all analyses for one intensity
measure, the intensity measure is changed and all analyses are run with the new intensity

Dynamic analyses are run until the intensity measure that causes the index model to
collapse for 50% of the ground motions in the selected record set is found within a user-
defined accuracy. This ground motion intensity is used to calculate the collapse margin ratio
(CMR) for the model, which is the ratio of the spectral acceleration associated with 50% of
the ground motion records causing collapse to the MCE spectral acceleration for the system.
To account for the difference in spectral shape between spectra of rare ground motion records
and the design spectrum, the adjusted collapse margin ratio (ACMR) is calculated by
multiplying the CMR by a spectral shape factor. This procedure, beginning with the
archetype design space, is repeated until the lowest R value in which all performance groups
pass the evaluations is found.

Though the FEMA P-695 Methodology has only recently been published, several
researchers have applied the procedure to new and existing systems. Applications to
reinforced concrete moment frames (Haselton et al. 2008; Haselton et al. 2010; Haselton et
al. 2011), short period systems (NIST 2012), wood frame structures (Filiatrault and
Christovasilis 2010), reinforced masonry shear walls, steel moment and braced frames (NIST
2010) are all available as well as applications to new structural systems (Marshal and
Filiatrault 2012; Vigh et al. 2013). The reader is encouraged to review these studies for
additional guidance in applying the FEMA P-695 process.

As discussed in the overview of the Methodology, several thousands of dynamic analyses

may need to be performed to complete the IDA. Such analyses require the development of
analysis models, proper selection and scaling of a ground motion set, the execution of
analyses in some methodical fashion, and the collection and post-processing of data. The
development and testing of such procedures alone can consume hundreds of hours before
even one performance group is evaluated. For example, a performance group with three
index models can be analyzed using the FEMA P-695 Far Field ground motion record set,
which contains 44 ground motion records. If ten intensity measures are required to find the
CMR for each index model, 1,320 nonlinear dynamic analyses are run to evaluate one
performance group. In addition to the complexity and time required to run the nonlinear
analyses, several gigabytes of data are produced that must be organized. If the structural
system does not pass the evaluation, the process must be repeated. Therefore, individuals
wishing to perform a FEMA P-695 evaluation must be experts in nonlinear dynamic analysis
of structures and highly proficient in data processing and management.

In recognition of this complexity and the volume of required analyses, a “Toolkit” was
created to minimize the need for analysts to develop custom procedures and thereby to
perform FEMA P-695 system evaluations in a fraction of the time that would otherwise be
required. The Toolkit was created primarily for performing FEMA P-695 evaluations with
planar models, but it includes many additional features, including the ability to perform
cyclic pushover analyses, scale ground motions according to Chapter 16 of ASCE 7 (ASCE
2010), and perform sensitivity studies on performance evaluation results. Although the
Toolkit saves time, it does not reduce the complexity of the analysis. Users who are new to
the FEMA P-695 Methodology can step through the process using examples that are included
with the Toolkit, but individuals performing a new evaluation of an arbitrary system must be
experts in structural analysis and data management.

The Toolkit has been developed entirely in Matlab (Mathworks 2012a) and uses
OpenSEES (McKenna et al. 2013a) exclusively for structural analysis. The user may execute
the Toolkit within the Matlab environment or use the stand-alone version, which runs outside
of Matlab. Users of the latter version of the program need not be proficient in Matlab, and
need not have the full Matlab program installed on their system. The required familiarity
with OpenSEES depends on the user’s intent. Users who take advantage of the built-in
examples need little proficiency in the OpenSEES scripting environment, TCL (Ousterhout
2011). Users who want to incorporate their own models must be proficient in OpenSEES and
TCL. However, use of the Toolkit greatly reduces the required effort in developing TCL
scripts. Currently, the Toolkit does not offer the incorporation of user subroutines.


The Toolkit is modular, consisting of six main modules, or tools, and one supporting
module to guide the user through the FEMA P-695 evaluation of one performance group.
Each module operates through the use of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The main
modules must be used in all FEMA P-695 analyses, but the supporting module is optional
and assists in acquainting users with the Toolkit. Figure 1 demonstrates the flow of the
FEMA P-695 evaluation process as completed using the Toolkit and Table 1 summarizes the
evaluation criteria for each performance group. Each module captures one step of the
process, interfacing with the other modules and input files to perform an evaluation of one
performance group. The modules that comprise the Toolkit include:

• Master Tool – encompasses all other tools and provides guidance for proceeding
through an analysis.

• Performance Group Tool – organizes all of the information that is required to create
a performance group, including the information for each index archetype model
associated with the performance group.

• Education Tool – supporting module that provides novice and experienced users
predefined OpenSEES (McKenna 2013a) models for familiarization with the Toolkit
and FEMA P-695 process. The Education Tool automatically generates the TCL
model files and copies them into the model directory for the index model.
Figure 1. Overview of FEMA P-695 evaluation in the Toolkit
Table 1. FEMA P-695 Performance Group Evaluation Criteria

Criterion Value Limit

20% Probability of Collapse at MCE ACMR ACMR20%
10% Probability of Collapse at MCE Average ACMR ACMR10%
System Overstrength Factor Ωo min(1.5*R,3.0)

• Pushover Tool – performs modal and pushover analyses for all index archetype
models and records pertinent results for the FEMA P-695 process.

• Ground Motion Selection and Scaling Tool – defines ground motion sets with their
associated scaling factors and passes the set to the Incremental Dynamic Analysis

• Incremental Dynamic Analysis Tool – sets up and performs an incremental dynamic

analysis (IDA) for each index archetype model subjected to the scaled ground motion
records from the Ground Motion Tool and records information pertinent to the FEMA
P-695 process.

• Performance Evaluation Tool – collects and processes all of the information

produced by the other tools for final evaluation.

All analysis tools offer options to run analyses within the tool or create analysis files to run
analyses outside of the tool. Details on the full capabilities of each tool are discussed in the
example. Additional information about the each module is available in the NIST report GCR
12-917-20 (NIST 2012).


The Toolkit has considerable flexibility in how various collapse measures may be
included in a system evaluation. Two kinds of collapse are considered by the Toolkit:

1. Simulated Collapse: A simulated collapse occurs when the lateral displacement at the
roof level of the structure or the maximum interstory drift ratio among all stories in
the structure changes dramatically over a small change in ground motion intensity. A
simulated collapse is defined using either an absolute criterion, based on the slope of
the IDA curve only, or a relative criterion, based on the relative change in slope of the
IDA curve. Figure 2 demonstrates an IDA of the roof displacement where simulated
collapses occurred for ground motions (GM) 1, 2, and 3, but not for GM 4.

2. Non-Simulated Collapse: A non-simulated collapse occurs when some damage

measure, or collapse limit, is exceeded prior to the occurrence of a simulated collapse.
Damage measures associated with non-simulated collapses may include strain, stress,
deformation, acceleration, force, or loss of strength (as associated with fatigue failures
of braces, for example). A non-simulated collapse parameter based on the lateral roof
displacement or maximum interstory drift ratio can also be defined for models of
structures, such as shear walls, that do not represent the simulated collapse behavior
of the system with fidelity. For those types of structures, the usable capacity of the
structure is believed to be exhausted at the non-simulated collapse limit. Collapse
limits can be taken from a published source, such as ASCE 41 (ASCE 2013), or
chosen based on a rational analysis. The FEMA P-695 process required a peer review
in which the validity of the collapse limits is evaluated. The occurrences of several
non-simulated collapses are shown in Figure 2. For example, the limits associated
with Nonsimulated Collapse 1 and 2 in Figure 2 may represent a maximum stress in
reinforcement bars and a maximum roof displacement for a masonry shear wall.
Non-simulated collapses that did not occur before a simulated collapse were not
represented on the IDA curve. For all ground motion records except GM 1, both non-
simulated collapse limits were exceeded before a simulated collapse was represented.

Figure 2. Demonstration of simulated and non-simulated collapses

An OpenSEES recorder must be defined for each non-simulated collapse parameter,
including the associated collapse limit, using the text-based recorder input file in the Toolkit.
Additional recorders that are not associated with a non-simulated collapse can also be
specified. Simulated collapses are evaluated after the analysis is complete in the
Performance Evaluation Tool. For example, three non-simulated collapse measures for a
reinforced concrete shear wall are:

1. Maximum compressive extreme fiber strain in the concrete

2. Maximum strain in steel reinforcement of a boundary element

3. Maximum lateral roof displacement

The collapse intensity value associated with each ground motion record is taken as the
lowest collapse intensity value from the simulated and non-simulated collapses.
Resurrections, or regions of IDA curves where the response parameter reduces with an
increase in the ground motion intensity factor, are not considered in the Toolkit; collapse is
taken as the lowest intensity value corresponding to the simulated or non-simulated criterion.
After the IDA curves and collapse intensity values are defined for all ground motion records,
the CMR is found using the median collapse intensity value from the ground motion set.
More details about collapse determination and calculation of the CMR are given in the NIST
report GCR 12-917-20 (NIST 2012).


The Toolkit has been written to minimize the level of proficiency needed for developing
TCL script for OpenSEES (McKenna 2013a). Only four basic TCL files need to be
developed by the user to completely define each index model: SetUpModel.tcl,
GravityLoad.tcl, ModelGeometry.tcl, and SectionAndMaterial.tcl. These files contain only
structural and gravity load information and are used as the basis for developing more detailed
TCL files for modal, pushover, and dynamic analyses. Besides the limitations placed on the
files described below, the user is free to develop the files in his or her own style. The
information input into these four files is similar to the information input into other structural
analysis programs, such as PERFORM-3D (CSI 2014a) and SAP2000 (CSI 2014b), for
defining structural properties and loading. These four basic TCL files are created
automatically for models selected from the Education Tool.
The script SetUpModel.tcl defines variables that are common to all analyses for the index
model. These variables include units, constant values, and flags for controlling analysis
parameters, such as turning on and off p-delta effects. This script is also used for defining
procedures that are pertinent to the model, such as procedures for defining member sections.
Commands for defining geometry and positioning loads (e.g., elements, nodes, and load
patterns) must be defined in the other three scripts as SetUpModel.tcl is called only once at
the beginning of a pushover analysis or IDA. However, the scripts GravityLoad.tcl,
ModelGeometry.tcl, and SectionAndMaterial.tcl are called at the beginning of each dynamic
analysis because the model information is erased at the end of each analysis. The units
definitions within this file are equivalent to defining the units in PERFORM-3D and

The script GravityLoad.tcl defines the magnitude and location of concentrated and
distributed gravity loads on the entire model. The gravity load is any load applied to the
model before the static pushover or dynamic analysis and is sustained throughout the
analysis. This script does not contain the code for running the gravity load portion of the
analysis. Entering the gravity load information into this file is equivalent to locating and
defining the magnitude of concentrated and distributed gravity loads in PERFORM-3D and

The script ModelGeometry.tcl defines the nodal coordinates and element connectivity of
the entire model. The boundary conditions, masses, and geometric transformations are also
defined in this script. The information in this file is equivalent to defining the nodal
coordinates, element connectivity, mass, boundary conditions, and second-order effects in
PERFORM-3D and SAP2000.

The script SectionAndMaterial.tcl defines the sections and materials for all elements in
the model. The information entered into this file is equivalent to defining the section,
material, and component properties in PERFORM-3D and SAP2000.

These four TCL files do not contain any analysis commands. The Toolkit uses analysis
parameters selected by the user in the individual modules to create analysis TCL files. The
analyses can be run directly through the modules, so the user does not need to run OpenSEES
(McKenna 2013a) outside of the Toolkit. Additional TCL scripts can also be included but
must be referenced from one of these four required TCL scripts. However, these four basic
files must be created for each index model, even if no information is saved in one or more of
them. All example structures included with the Toolkit demonstrate the information
provided in these files.


Recorder information is defined using a keyword format in the file RecorderStatic.txt for
the static analyses and RecorderDynamic.txt for the dynamic analyses in the model file
directory for each index model. The Toolkit interprets the information in these files and
writes the TCL code that OpenSEES interpret during the analyses. A roof displacement
recorder is automatically defined for pushover analyses, so the file RecorderStatic.txt is not
required. However, dynamic analysis recorders must always be defined. The Toolkit is
compatible with six different recorders in OpenSEES, including node, truss element, drift,
element section, element beam-column, and element fiber recorders. The general format of
each recorder definition in the recorder text files is as follows:

• Line 1: Keyword, unique type, IDA information, and stop limit

• Line 2 through Line N – 1: Model component information

• Line N: Results file prefix

For example, the recorder for the drift in a story bound by nodes 67 and 54 on the top and
bottom, respectively, is defined in RecorderDynamic.txt as:

*DRIFT  1  0.15  0.30  


where the first row defines the collapse limit, the second and third rows define the node tags
for the bottom and top of the story, the fourth row indicates that the drift ratio is based on the
horizontal displacements of the nodes associated with the tags in the second and third rows,
and the final row defines the prefix used in the results file names.


Prior to running any module, the user must have a variety of information about the
performance group being evaluated and each index archetype model within the performance
group. The required information for the performance group includes the structural system,
design R value, the ground motion record set, and the seismic design category. The required
information for each index model includes the number of stories, approximate fundamental
period (Ta), period adjustment factor (Cu), and design base shear. All of the information,
with the exception of the basic TCL files, recorder definition files, and non-simulated
collapse information, are typically entered directly into the Performance Group Tool using
the GUI. The data that are entered into the GUI may be saved to a text file for future use and
can then be recalled, edited, and saved for similar structures. Additionally, the data may be
entered into a text file directly or copied from another performance group and then imported
into the GUI. Further details on the necessary information for the performance group and
index models are discussed in the NIST report GCR 12-917-20 (NIST 2012).


The Toolkit file structure is comprised of seven folders in one main directory, as shown
in Figure 3. The main folder, called Toolkit in the illustration, contains the folders for the
documentation, ground motion information, performance groups, program files, and saved
ground motion scaling factors. Index model information, including the four TCL files and
the recorder text files, and the corresponding analysis results files are contained within
subfolders of the Performance_Group folder. Organization of the index model folders
enables results to be quickly accessed, even for large performance groups. Further details on
the file structure are discussed in the NIST report GCR 12-917-20 (NIST 2012).
Figure 3. Directory and file structure for the Toolkit


The Toolkit is provided in two variants: one that runs in the Matlab (Mathworks 2012a)
environment and a standalone version that does not require Matlab. However, the Matlab
Compiler Runtime (MCR) (Mathworks 2012b) is required to run the standalone version. The
use of either version of the program requires that the TCL interpreter (Ousterhout 2011) and
OpenSEES (McKenna 2013a) are installed on the local computer. Details on the installation
of the Toolkit are provided in the NIST report GCR 12-917-20 (NIST 2012).

In the version of the Toolkit run within the Matlab environment, all of the required
directories for executing the Toolkit are automatically created when the Toolkit is
downloaded to the user’s system. The files for running the program are provided in the main
Toolkit directory. In the standalone version of the program, all program operations are
performed by use of executable files. Prior to running the Toolkit, the user must install the
MCR (Mathworks 2012b), even if Matlab is already installed on the user’s computer. The
MCR is provided with the Toolkit program files. All of the required directories and files for
executing the Toolkit are automatically created when the standalone version of the Toolkit is
downloaded to the user’s system. The Matlab executables for running the program are
provided in the main Toolkit directory.
All files necessary to run the Toolkit, except OpenSEES, OpenSeesMP, and the TCL
interpreter, are provided on a website maintained at Virginia Tech. Persons wishing to obtain
access to this site must provide a written request to Dr. Finley Charney (fcharney@vt.edu).
After approval, the user will be provided with the appropriate login information and
passwords. The Toolkit is also available through NEEShub at nees.org. Access to the
program requires registration with NEEShub.


To demonstrate the simplicity of using the Toolkit and its range of capabilities, the
following example outlines the process of evaluating a performance group from a study of
short-period special reinforced concrete masonry shear wall systems (NIST 2012). Three
shear wall index models are included in this performance group with varying heights. Figure
4 and Table 2 summarize the properties of the performance group.

Figure 4. Dimensions of the special reinforced concrete masonry shear wall systems

Table 2. Properties of the special reinforced concrete masonry shear wall systems
No of Gravity Period C uT a Vdes/W SMT[T]
Design ID SDC R
Stories Loads Domain (sec) (g) (g)
M11DX 1 High Low Dmax 1 0.25 0.478 1.5
M21DX 2 High Low Dmax 1 0.26 0.274 1.5
M41DX 4 High Low Dmax 1 0.45 0.125 1.5

After defining the archetype design space and selecting index archetype designs for the
performance group, the next step, in general, is for the user to construct the TCL model files.
However, the models in the example performance group are included in the Education Tool,
so the TCL model files can be created by the Toolkit. Therefore, the example will outline the
procedure for selecting index models from the Education Tool.


The analysis process begins by opening the Master Tool, shown in Figure 5a. The Master
Tool is comprised of six segments, five corresponding to the five main modules and one
displaying the performance group directory name. Use of the Master Tool is not required as
each tool can be executed on a stand-alone basis. However, using the Master Tool is
recommended as it minimizes the likelihood that the analyst will attempt to operate a given
tool before all of the data are ready for that tool.

(a) (b)

Figure 5. Master Tool: (a) Initialized (b) After performance group is defined

A new performance group is created by selecting File -> New. The main directory for
the reinforced masonry shear wall performance group, PGRMSW, is created by the user in
the Performance_Group folder in Figure 3. After selecting the performance group
directory, the Performance Group Tool automatically opens. Closing any open tool returns
the user to the Master Tool where other tools are accessed. The color behind each
component indicates the status of that component, red for not completed and green for
completed. Moving the cursor over the buttons indicates the corresponding tool, as shown in
Figure 5b. The Master Tool aids the user in following the FEMA P-695 procedure by
allowing access only to the tools that apply to the next step in the process. For example,
closing the Performance Group Tool after the performance group is defined allows access to
the Pushover Tool, Ground Motion Tool, and IDA Tool, as shown in Figure 5b, but the static
and dynamic analyses must be completed before the Performance Evaluation Tool is


To begin the analysis process, the performance group and index model information is
input into the Performance Group Tool, as shown in Figure 6. The performance group
information is entered into the Performance Group panel of the Performance Group Tool and
the index archetype model information is input into the Index Model panel. Information for
the different index archetype models is input by selecting the archetype design ID number
from the popup menu at the top of the Index Model panel. If information about the index
models were predefined in a text file, it could be easily imported into the Performance Group
Tool using the Open button in the Index Model panel. Though the TCL model files for each
index model must be created by the user, the Performance Group Tool greatly reduces the
work required to perform analyses by organizing information for subsequent tools. No
computations are performed within this tool.

Figure 6. Performance Group Tool


The index model files in this example are created using the Education Tool. After
defining the model file directory for an index model in the Performance Group Tool, the
Education Tool is opened by selecting File -> Import -> Education Tool from the menu. The
Education Tool contains many structural models from multiple categories, including buckling
restrained braced frames, moment frames, and shear wall systems with variable parameters,
such as loads, geometric nonlinearity, and building height. As the intention of the Education
Tool is to acquaint novice users with the Methodology, the models are simple and generally
utilize non-simulated collapse parameters to describe collapse. The tool displays a preview
of the structure reflecting the options selected by the user. After selecting the appropriate
model and configuring the options, the four TCL model files are copied to the model file
directory by selecting the Select Model button. In addition, the corresponding text file
designating the recorded output and non-simulated collapse parameters for the dynamic
analyses, RecorderDynamic.txt, is also copied to the model file directory. Figure 7 illustrates
the selection of the two-story shear wall model.

Figure 7. Two-story shear wall model selection in the Education Tool

The TCL model files that are copied to the model file directory are already divided into
the four basic TCL files: SetUpModel.tcl, GravityLoad.tcl, ModelGeometry.tcl, and
SectionAndMaterial.tcl. After all of the index models are imported and the performance
group is saved, the Performance Group Tool can be closed.

The next step in the FEMA P-695 process is to run the pushover analysis. The Pushover
Tool is accessed by selecting the corresponding button from the Master Tool. This tool
offers the flexibility of performing either a monotonic pushover analysis or a cyclic pushover
analysis. From the monotonic pushover analysis of each index archetype model, the
Pushover Tool determines the maximum base shear, the effective yield roof drift
displacement, and the ultimate roof displacement to calculate the period-based ductility and
overstrength. In addition, an eigenvalue analysis is performed that calculates the period of
vibration and mode shape for the first mode of each index model. For a monotonic pushover
curve, the pushover analysis can be stopped based on the FEMA P-695 criteria, based on the
relative base shear or maximum ductility, or the pushover analysis can be performed up to a
prescribed maximum roof drift ratio. The user can also select either a lateral load distribution
based on the mass-normalized first mode shape, a uniform distribution, or a triangular
distribution. The analysis can be run within the Pushover Tool or the analysis TCL files can
be created by the tool to run the analysis outside of the Toolkit. When analyses are
performed within the tool, they can be stopped before completion, enabling the user to run
the analysis at a different time or make modifications to the models. Running analyses
outside of the tool requires the results to be imported for post-processing. After selecting
Submit Job for Analysis from the Submit Job panel, pushover curves are displayed in the plot
on the right side of the Pushover Tool, as shown in Figure 8. Individual pushover curves,
such as the pushover curve for index model M11DX shown in Figure 9, are displayed by
selecting “Individual Pushover Curve” from the popup menu under the plot. Additional
information from the pushover analysis of the index model, such as the maximum base shear,
first mode period, and period-based ductility, are included with the individual pushover
curve. The individual pushover curve also enables the user to review the pushover curve on
an appropriate scale, as demonstrated by comparing the pushover curves for index model
M11DX in Figure 8 and Figure 9.
Figure 8. Pushover Tool with analysis results

Figure 9. Individual monotonic pushover curve for index model M11DX


To scale the ground motions for the dynamic analyses, the Ground Motion Tool is opened
by selecting the corresponding button in the Master Tool. The FEMA P-695 Far Field
ground motion set is loaded into the Ground Motion Tool when it is initialized because this
ground motion set was designated for the performance group in the Performance Group Tool.
The Ground Motion Tool displays information about a particular ground motion record by
double-clicking on the record name in the list, which appears in the upper right corner of the
Ground Motion Tool, as shown in Figure 10a. After calculating the normalization and
scaling factors according to the FEMA P-695 Methodology for all models in the performance
group, the values are displayed in the table, shown in Figure 10b. The normalized and scaled
ground motion spectra can also be plotted, as shown in Figure 10c. The factors can be saved
in a Microsoft Excel (Microsoft 2007) spreadsheet using the tool.

Figure 10. Ground Motion Tool with computed scaling factors: a.) ground motion information
summary, b.) normalization and anchoring scaling factors, and c.) ground motion spectra

In addition to the Far Field ground motion set, the FEMA P-695 Near Field set can be
selected or a user-defined set can be specified. User-defined sets are formed either as subsets
of a predefined set or assembled from individual ground motion records. The Ground
Motion Tool can also perform scaling associated with Chapter 16 of ASCE 7 (ASCE 2010).
In addition, scaling can be based on the default ASCE 7 MCE ground motion spectrum or a
user-defined spectrum. The MCE spectrum can be modified based on the seismic design
category and damping ratio for Site Class D (ASCE 2010). The user also has the option to
spectrum-match ground motions. Spectrum matching is performed in the Ground Motion
Tool using RSPMatch (Al Atik and Abrahamson 2010). Additionally, scaling is either based
on both components of a ground motion record pair or the record with the highest pseudo-
acceleration at a user-specified period. The ground motions can either be scaled for all index
models in the performance group simultaneously or scaling can be performed at a user-
specified period. Though the Ground Motion Tool is capable of performing many different
types of ground motion record scaling, the default capabilities of the tool follow the FEMA
P-695 procedure. Because the ground motion record set specified in the Performance Group
Tool is automatically loaded when the Ground Motion Tool is accessed from the Master
Tool, the user only needs to compute the scaling factors using the Compute Factors button
and save the factors to proceed with a FEMA P-695 evaluation and must not exercise any
other scaling capabilities of the tool.


Incremental dynamic analyses are defined, performed, and reviewed within the IDA Tool.
The IDA Tool is initialized by selecting the IDA Tool button from the Master Tool. For the
masonry shear wall models, the IDA scale factors are set from 0.2 to 4.0 with 20 increments
in the IDA Scaling Factors panel. Damping is assigned in the Damping Properties panel as a
damping ratio of 5% in the first and third modes. The Toolkit assigns damping to all
elements in the models using the frequencies corresponding to these modes that were
calculated during the pushover analysis in the Pushover Tool. Damping can also be specified
using a pair of damping ratios and frequencies or by specifying the Rayleigh damping
constants directly. Stiffness proportional damping can be set proportional to the initial,
current tangent, or last committed tangent stiffness matrix. For this analysis, damping is
proportional to the initial stiffness matrix. The analysis options are set in the Analysis Control
panel and the default settings are used. The settings for the analyses in this example are
contained in the panels of the IDA Tool in Figure 11.
Figure 11. IDA Tool with analysis results

The analysis can either be run using serial or parallel computing with OpenSEES
(McKenna 2013a) or OpenSeesMP (McKenna et al. 2013b), respectively, by selecting the
appropriate option from the Submit Job panel. The analysis files are created for both serial
and parallel machines using the Write Tcl Input Files button, but only serial jobs can be run
directly through the IDA Tool using the Submit Job for Analysis button. When analyses are
run within the IDA Tool, IDA curves and analysis progress bars, which also indicate
numerical convergence, are plotted and updated during the analysis. If an analysis is run
outside of the IDA Tool using the TCL analysis files created by the tool, the results for each
index model must be imported into the IDA Tool to incorporate the results into the evaluation

Because of the large number of dynamic analyses and the nontrivial duration of each
analysis, running an IDA can take hours, days, or weeks. IDAs run outside of the Toolkit on
large multiple processor machines can drastically reduce the total duration of the analyses.
Given a range of intensity factors, the parallel analysis divides the total work among the
resources on the parallel machine. Parallel analyses have been tested on Ithaca, a cluster at
Virginia Tech, and the supercomputers on NEEShub. These analyses have shown to be
extremely efficient with reductions in run times of a factor of ten or better compared to serial
analyses. The IDAs for the masonry shear wall example were run by selecting the parallel
processing options in the IDA Tool and running the analyses on a separate supercomputer.

The process for defining a parallel analysis with the IDA Tool is straightforward. The
first step to running an analysis on a parallel machine is to create the analysis files. To write
the parallel analysis files, the parallel option is selected in the Submit Job panel of the IDA
Tool and the Write TCL Input Files button is selected. The IDA Tool creates analysis files
that are compatible with OpenSeesMP (McKenna 2013b).

The next step is to transfer the model, analysis, and ground motion files to the parallel
machine. The model files include SetUpModel.tcl, GravityLoad.tcl, ModelGeometry.tcl, and
SectionAndMaterial.tcl. The analysis files are created by the IDA Tool and include
DefineVariablesDynamic.tcl and RunDynamicMP.tcl. Before running the analysis, the path
to the directory containing the ground motion records and the results file directory must be
updated in the file DefineVariablesDynamic.tcl. The ground motion records must all be
contained within one directory. For example, the masonry shear wall models used the FEMA
P-695 Far Field record set, so the folder P695_Far_Field was transferred to the parallel
machine. Additionally, the file created during the modal analysis containing the structural
periods, Natural_Frequency.out, must also be transferred to the results directory for each
index model with Rayleigh damping.

After the analyses have completed successfully, the convergence and IDA results files
need to be transferred back to the correct corresponding index model results folder on the
local machine. The IDA Tool is used to review the results from analyses performed on a
separate machine. After opening the performance group in the Master Tool and selecting the
IDA Tool, the results are imported into the tool using the Import Results button. The results,
including the IDA spaghetti curves and progress bars, appear in the IDA Tool as if the
analysis were run through the tool. The results must be imported into the IDA Tool before
the Performance Evaluation Tool can be accessed. Figure 11 presents the IDA Tool with the
imported results for the four-story model. Double clicking on the figure of the IDA curves
opens the figure in another window and allows further processing of the curves, including
querying data points, changing the zoom of the plot, and saving the figure.

After all analyses are finished, the Master Tool will indicate that all modules are
complete except the Performance Evaluation Tool, which the user can now access. The
Performance Evaluation Tool analyzes the results from the analyses performed in the other
modules. While initializing the Performance Evaluation Tool, the performance group
information for the masonry models is automatically imported, as shown in Figure 12.
Information about the performance group and the index model selected from the list are
presented in the panels on the right side of the Performance Evaluation Tool. The
nonsimulated collapse parameters can be verified or changed using the Evaluation
Parameters panel. The simulated collapse parameters are also specified in this panel. The
user has the option of changing uncertainty factors, collapse limits, and the index models and
ground motions that are included in the performance group evaluation using the panels on the
left half of the Performance Evaluation Tool. This allows the user to perform sensitivity
studies on the results without running additional analyses. The performance group is
evaluated by selecting the Evaluate Performance Group button. The results of the evaluation
are displayed in the table in the lower right corner of the Performance Group Tool, as shown
in Figure 12. Additional tables of information are saved to Microsoft Excel (Microsoft 2007)
spreadsheets by selecting the Save Tables button. These tables are shown in Tables 3, 4, and
5 for the masonry shear wall performance group. Table 3 provides a summary of the design
properties and the first mode period for all index models in the performance group. The
results from the static and dynamic analyses are summarized in Table 4 with the static
overstrength and collapse margin ratio, respectively. Table 5 contains the comprehensive
evaluation results from the FEMA P-695 process. The ACMR for each index model is
presented with the acceptable ACMR, ACMR10%, and the average ACMR for the
performance group is presented with the acceptable ACMR, ACMR20%. Evaluation of the
ACMRs is presented in the final columns. Additionally, the collapse probability at the MCE
ground motion intensity, calculated from a collapse fragility curve fit to each model, is
included. Tables 4 and 5 also provide pertinent design properties for the index models,
allowing them to be used independently from Table 3.
Figure 12. Performance Evaluation Tool

Table 3. Design Properties for special reinforced concrete masonry shear wall archetypes
No. of Gravity Vdes/W SMT(T)
Design ID SDC R T(sec) T1(sec)
Stories Loads (g) (g)
M11DX 1 High Dmax 1 0.25 0.106 0.478 1.5
M21DX 2 High Dmax 1 0.26 0.097 0.274 1.5
M41DX 4 High Dmax 1 0.45 0.153 0.125 1.5

Table 4. Summary of analysis results

Archetype Static
No. of Gravity SMT(T) SCT(T)
Design ID SDC Overstrength CMR
Stories Loads (g) (g)
Number (Ω)
M11DX 1 High Dmax 3.13 1.5 2.39 1.6
M21DX 2 High Dmax 7.03 1.5 3.59 2.4
M41DX 4 High Dmax 12.34 1.5 4.49 3

Table 5. Summary of collapse performance evaluation

Archetype Static
No. of Gravity Based Collapse Acceptable
Design ID SDC Overstrength CMR SSF ACMR Pass/Fail
Stories Loads Ductility Probability ACMR
Number (Ω)
M11DX 1 High Dmax 3.13 1.6 0.59 1 1.6 3.78% 1.249 Pass
M21DX 2 High Dmax 7.03 2.4 0.76 1 2.4 0.047% 1.249 Pass
M41DX 4 High Dmax 12.34 3 0.97 1 3 0.002% 1.249 Pass
PG Mean 7.5 2.33 1.28% 1.404 Pass

A Toolkit was created to minimize the effort to implement and organize the results from a
FEMA P-695 analysis. The program consists of six main modules and one supporting
module. The Toolkit has the flexibility to streamline the FEMA P-695 process for expert
users and teach novice users the process without requiring him or her to be an expert in
nonlinear dynamic analysis.

The current release of the Toolkit reduces the work required to run a FEMA P-695
analysis and has many additional capabilities. However, future additions are planned for the
Toolkit to improve its capabilities. The additions are described as follows:

• Compatibility with SAP2000 and PERFORM-3D: Analyses within the Toolkit are
currently only performed by OpenSEES, requiring the user to be familiar with
OpenSEES and TCL. Though OpenSEES is a powerful analysis tool, it does not have
the widespread use of other structural analysis programs. Extending the compatibility
of the Toolkit to include SAP2000 and PERFORM-3D will broaden the audience of
the program. Models could be created and analyzed in SAP2000 or PERFORM-3D
and imported into the Toolkit for processing and evaluation.

• Direct CMR Determination: The current IDA Tool runs nonlinear dynamic analysis
with a set of IDA scale factors defined by the user before the analysis begins.
Therefore, the user must have insight into the approximate IDA scale factor
associated with 50% of the ground motion records causing collapse or run many more
analyses than is necessary to calculate the CMR. The user may also iterate on
analyses to find the CMR. Several CMR search methods using parallel computing are
available that find the CMR without calculating full IDA curves (Hardyniec and
Charney 2015). Incorporation of these methods would dramatically reduce the time
and effort for finding the CMR.

• Ground Motion Scaling According to Chapter 16 of ASCE 7-16: The next revision of
Chapter 16 in ASCE 7 (Haselton et al. 2014) will include updates to the ground
motion scaling procedure. The addition of this scaling procedure to the Ground
Motion Tool will enable users to scale ground motions for analyses with ASCE 7-16.

• Restart Option for IDA: An IDA may need to be stopped on a personal computer or
one of the analyses may fail and cause the analysis process to stop. The current
release of the Toolkit only allows analyses to be run in their entirety. If an analysis
crashes, the entire analysis must be rerun and the previous results are overwritten.
Incorporating the ability to restart the analysis would enable the user to run the
analysis from the point where it failed. It would also allow a user to stop the analysis
and restart the analysis when the computer resources can again be dedicated to the
analysis. The ability to restart an analysis would also enable a user to perform
additional analyses to refine the accuracy of the IDA scale factors without clearing
the previous results.

• Equivalent SDOF Models: Calibrating a single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model to

a multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) model enables the approximation of collapse
results for the MDOF model from an IDA of the SDOF model (Hamidia et al. 2013;
Vamvatsikos and Cornell 2005). Adding the capability of calibrating SDOF models
to the index archetype models using the Pushover Tool provides a simple model that
can be analyzed quickly using an IDA. The results from the IDA of the SDOF model
provide insight into the dynamic behavior of the index models and can be used to
initialize CMR search methods using parallel computing.

• Three-Dimensional Model Compatibility: Currently, the Toolkit is only compatible

with planar models. With the increased use of three-dimensional modeling,
expanding the compatibility of the Toolkit to include three-dimensional models will
enable analysts to utilize the capabilities of the Toolkit with a wider range of models.

• Analysis Report: An analysis report would further summarize the results of the
analysis process beyond the tables provided in the Performance Evaluation Tool. The
analysis report would be a collection of Microsoft Excel (Microsoft 2007) files that
are written by the individual tools. The Performance Group Tool, Pushover Tool,
Ground Motion Tool, IDA Tool, and Performance Evaluation Tool would all produce
spreadsheet files to document results obtained in each module


This work was supported by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
as part of the Applied Technology Council (ATC) Project ATC-84 (NIST GCR 12-917-20).
The authors want to thank Dr. Charles Kircher for his contributions throughout the
development of the Toolkit.

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