Single Crystal
Single Crystal
Single Crystal
Procedia CIRP 22 (2014) 263 – 267
Crack repair of single crystal turbine blades using laser cladding technology
Boris Rottwinkel*, Christian Nölke, Stefan Kaierle, Volker Wesling
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hollerithallee 8, 30419 Hanover, Germany
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 511 27 88 234; fax: +49 511 27 88 100. E-mail address:
The formation of cracks in single crystal (SX) turbine blades is a common problem for aero-engines. To repair cracks, which are located
under the tip-area, a new method is to clad with single-crystal-technology. This technology use multi-layer cladding to replace the single crystal
material. To regenerate cracked material it is necessary to remove the crack affected material. The used notch geometries to remove the crack-
affected area must be weldable and also permit the material solidification in the same oriented plane as the original microstructure. To solidify
in the original structure a thermal gradient has to be introduced in order to guide the grain growth. This required gradient can be established by
inductive heating. To reduce the thermal effected zone, a laser source is used. In addition, it is also an efficient process to fill the notch. Also
the small local heat input and controlled material supply support the epitaxial growth. However, there are requirements to achieve a SX
structure without cracks and pores. Current achievements and further challenges are presented in this paper.
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Peer-review under responsibility of the Programme Chair of EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Through-life Engineering
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Peer-review under responsibility of the Programme Chair of the 3rd InternationalThrough-life Engineering Conference
264 Boris Rottwinkel et al. / Procedia CIRP 22 (2014) 263 – 267
enables extended limits for parts repair. In consequence, a 680 W, a wavelength of 940/980 nm and a fibre diameter of
higher quality level can be reached and the long term 400 μm was used. The used process parameters are
perspective offers an increased number of refurbished scrap summarized in Table 1.
As an additive manufacturing tool, the laser cladding a.
process is a well-established method to repair turbine blades.
Its advantage lies on the possibility of localized heat input,
which enables a reduced heat affected zone in the repair zone,
which supports the formation of a single crystalline structure.
The laser cladding process can be realized using powder or
wire as additive material.
To avoid nucleation in the laser cladding process, Kurz et
al. [2] postulate the columnar to equiaxed transition (CET)
(Fig. 2). This transition correlates the effect of the thermal b.
gradient to the solidification speed.
stresses, a thermal induction is used to preheat the substrate realized by an argon flow (8 l/min) through the conveyor. The
by means of an electromagnetic field. This decreases the powder feed rate was about 3 g/min. Prior to the
temperature gradient on the one hand, but reduces the residual investigations the process chamber was flooded with argon to
stresses. reduce the concentration of oxygen to a value below
Since the SX alloys do not contain grain boundary 2.000 ppm. Additionally, the argon flow for the powder
hardening elements, it is necessary that the reshaping transport also shield the process zone from oxidation. This
technique also results in a single crystal for the required enables an oxygen level below 500 ppm. An inductive heating
material properties to avoid cracking. To avoid the formation with a power of 3 kW and a dynamic controlled frequency of
of grains, the thermal gradient must be formed well. During 70 – 450 kHz was used to support the thermal gradient
laser cladding, the thermal gradient is orientated to the cold required for epitaxial solidification. For cooling the sample a
substrate and at the clad´s top rectangular to the clad water cooled mounting was used as heat sink. The cooling
direction. Using multi-track cladding, these orientations will medium was tempered to 18 °C. As control unit the
be extended to multi direction. These directions are influenced temperature control system TemCon was used to stabilize the
by the clad tracks next to each other. To avoid more thermal adjusted induction temperature.
gradient orientations, long processing times or even high The required distance between cooling and heating and the
energy levels should be avoided. subsequent gradient was focused in the first part of the
On the other hand, for the repair of cracked blades, the research. To reduce development time and costs at the 6-axis
thermal expansion of nickel-base superalloys results in high CNC-station, the gradient and the thermal distribution were
tensile stresses in the cladded notch. To avoid this, preheating numerically simulated with AnsysTM. These simulations result
of the samples shows advantages, even if this was negated by in the mandatory parameters for the required preheating
Gaeumann. To overcome this problem, a specific temperature temperature, distance between crack and cooling mount and
distribution is required to enable a heated and a cooled front the location of the induction coil. For verification of the
that controls the direction of solidification. correct solidification direction a metallographic analysis was
performed at selected samples after cladding. These results
2. Laser cladding technology were finally proven using electron back scattering diffraction
(EBSD), which is a technique commonly used to examine the
Initially the laser cladding trials were performed on small crystallographic orientation of materials and to detect the
flat CMSX-4 substrates (dimensions: 30 x 30 x 2 mm³) to preferred orientation of the crystalline material.
simplify the process setup and to reduce the number of
significant parameters. The substrates were casted with single 3. Results
crystal orientation and cut in a subsequent step using EDM
(Electrical Discharge Machining). CMSX-4 was used as Epitaxial solidification for claddings made of CMSX-4 on
substrate and also as addition powder material to process with flat CMSX-4 substrates could be realized using a laser based
similar materials. The focus diameter of the laser beam was process. A metallographic cross section is pictured in Fig. 6,
adjusted to 0.860 mm. To achieve a single-step process due to the specific preparation the directional solidification is
without predeposition of additive material before laser clearly visible. The cladded sample has a dimension of
treatment, a powder feeder and a coaxial powder nozzle were h 1.2 x w 1.1 x d 5 mm³ and was built by the overlap of five
used to transport the additive powder material into the single clads on top of each other, without applying any
processing zone. The used powder is spherical shaped and has additional preheating. This solidification behavior could be
a grain size distribution of 25 - 75 μm. The powder particles observed at short term processes and comparably small
did not show any gas inlets, which reduce the quality of the cladded areas only. The general processing times did not
clad and lead to pores. The experimental setup consisting of exceed 5 s.
the nozzle and the optical components is shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 6: Cross section of laser cladded CMSX-4 sample (single-track per layer)
larger samples, the clad was built with four tracks next to each the clad cladding process. The gradient could be established
other, which were overlapped by six layers. The final by the induction heating and the water cooling.
dimensions of these samples were: h 1.5 x w 2.1 x d 30 mm³. Table 2: Parameter for notch cladding
A total epitaxial solidification is achieved with the removal of Sample Focus diameter Feed rate Temp. Preheating
the last layer (Fig. 7). The required preheating temperature of [mm] [mm/min] [°C] [W/°C]
N1 0.860 100 1400 -
850 °C for tip cladding was determined theoretically in N2 0.860 100 1400 2000/650
advance and could be transferred directly to the process.
The result of sample 1 (N1) is shown in Fig. 10.
a. b.
metallographic analysis of the samples, cracks could be with the shown parameters is not possible yet. The interaction
detected. between the inductive preheating and the dendrite growth has
Another way to reduce the start of cracks was to reduce the to be analyzed in the next step.
preheating temperature. The initial temperature was calculated
to fit the required gradient. Thus the gradient was reduced. Acknowledgements
The preheating was controlled by a PID-Controller to set the
required temperature. By reducing the required temperature, The work was funded by the German Research Foundation
the influence from the thermal induction was reduced and the (DFG) in the framework of the work in the Collaborative
analysis shows the initial formation of a single crystal Research Centre 871 (CRC871).
microstructure in the bottom region. In order to reduce even
more the action of the thermal induction, the inductive
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realized applying a cladding with single crystal morphology.
The crack repair with notching the cracked tip and cladding