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Softwere Install Guide

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NuDAQ PCI and NuIPC CompactPCI

DAQ Cards
Software Installation Guide
@Copyright 1999~2000 ADLink Technology Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

Manual Rev. 3.00: June 25, 2000

The information in this document is subject to change without prior

notice in order to improve reliability, design and function and does not
represent a commitment on the part of the manufacturer.

In no event will the manufacturer be liable for direct, indirect, special,

incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to
use the product or documentation, even if advised of the possibility of
such damages.

This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright.

All rights are reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced by
any mechanical, electronic, or other means in any form without prior
written permission of the manufacturer.

NuDAQ, NuIPC, PCIS-DASK and PCI series products names are
registered trademarks of ADLink Technology Inc. Other product names
mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only and may be
trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Getting service from ADLink
♦ Customer Satisfaction is always the most important thing for ADLink
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CHAPTER 1 DOS… … … . ................................................ 1

CHAPTER 2 WINDOWS 95 ........................................... 5

2.1 D EVICE INSTALLATION............................................................ 5
2.2 SOFTWARE D RIVERS I NSTALLATION ......................................... 8
2.2.1 Win95 DLL Software...................................................................... 8
2.2.2 PCIS-LVIEW/95................................................................................ 9
2.2.3 PCIS-VEE/95 ..................................................................................10

CHAPTER 3 WINDOWS 98 ......................................... 13

3.1 D EVICE INSTALLATION.......................................................... 13
3.2 SOFTWARE D RIVERS I NSTALLATION ....................................... 15
3.2.1 System Requirements.................................................................15
3.2.2 DLL - PCIS-DASK/98....................................................................15
3.2.3 PCIS-LVIEW/98..............................................................................18
3.2.4 PCIS-VEE/98 ..................................................................................19

CHAPTER 4 WINDOWS NT 4.0 .................................. 21

4.1 SOFTWARE D RIVERS I NSTALLATION ....................................... 21
4.1.1 System Requirements.................................................................21
4.1.2 DLL - PCIS-DASK/NT...................................................................21
4.1.3 PCIS-LVIEW/NT.............................................................................25
4.1.4 PCIS-VEE/NT..................................................................................26

CHAPTER 5 WINDOWS 2000..................................... 29

5.1 D EVICE INSTALLATION.......................................................... 29

Contents • i
5.2 SOFTWARE D RIVERS I NSTALLATION ....................................... 31
5.2.1 System Requirements.................................................................31
5.2.2 DLL - PCIS-DASK/2000 ...............................................................31
5.2.3 PCIS-LVIEW/2000.........................................................................34
5.2.4 PCIS-VEE/2000..............................................................................36

CHAPTER 6 LINUX ..................................................... 39

6.1 SOFTWARE D RIVERS I NSTALLATION ....................................... 39
6.1.1 System Requirements.................................................................39
6.1.2 Install PCIS-DASK/X ....................................................................39


UTILITY… ............................................... 43
7.1 W INDOWS NT 4.0................................................................ 43
7.2 W INDOWS 98 ...................................................................... 46
7.3 W INDOWS 2000 .................................................................. 47


CHAPTER 9 TROUBLE SHOOTING........................... 51

9.1 PCI_SCAN UTILITY ............................................................ 51
9.2 W INDOWS 95/98/NT/2000 TROUBLE SHOOTING ...................... 53

ii • Contents


1.1 DOS Borland C and Microsoft C Library and

In the following sections, we use PCI-7230/cPCI-7230 as an example to
show how to install the software utilities and drivers. The installation
procedure of the other PCI cards is the same as PCI-7230.

1. Put ADLink All-in-One CD into the appropriate CD-ROM drive.

2. If you use NuDAQ PCI card, type the following commands (X indicates
the CD-ROM drive):
If you use Compact PCI DAQ card, type the following commands:

Then the user interface will be shown as follows:

Dos • 1
ADLINK NuDAQ PCI Installation Rev. 3.00 (DOS Ve rsion)
(C)CopyRight ADLINK Technology Inc. 2000.3.1

Press UP or DOWN key to select a card, or ESC to exit


Install directory:

3. Press Up or Down key to select the type of the card, then press Enter
key to continue.
Please also input the directory that you want to install to.

ADLINK NuDAQ PCI Installation Rev. 3.0 0 (DOS Version)

(C)CopyRight ADLINK Technology Inc. 2000.3.1

Setup will install PCI6208 in the following directory.

To change to another directory, please input the directory
that you want to install.


Press Enter to install, or ESC to back.

Install directory:

2 • Dos
4. Press Up or Down key to select what kind of the library you want to

ADLINK NuDAQ PCI Installation Rev. 3.00 (DOS Version)

(C)CopyRight ADLINK Technology Inc. 2000.3.1

Press UP or DOWN key to select, or ESC to back

Borland C Library, Samples and Utility

Microsoft C Library, Samples and Utility

Install directory:

Then the installation will be completed, you can press Esc key to exit.

After installation, all the files of the card that you selected will be stored
in the installation directory.

Dos • 3

Windows 95

2.1 Device Installation

Windows 95 and NuDAQ/NuIPC data acquisition cards work very well
together because Windows 95 includes Plug and Play capabilities. Once
Windows 95 has started, the Plug and Play function of Windows 95
system will find the new NuDAQ/NuIPC cards. If this is the first time to
install NuDAQ/NuIPC cards in your Windows 95 system , you will be
informed to input the device information source.

Windows 95 • 5
Click Next button to go on installing device. The system will search the
device information on floppy drive A:. After it failed to load device
information from drive A:, the following window is prompted to let you
specify the location of device information. Place ADLink All-in-One CD
into the CD-ROM drive then click Other Location… button.

The following window then is prompted for you to specify the location of
device information.

6 • Windows 95
Please click Browse… button to invoke the Browser for Folder window,
then select the appropriate location for your NuDAQ/NuIPC card.

The device information files (.INF) are located in x:\Win95Inf\

<model_number>. (x indicates the CD-ROM drive) For example, the
device information file Pci7432.inf for PCI-7432 is located in

To ensure the success of hardware device installation, you can open the
Device Manager in Start>>Settings>>Control Panel>>System, and
then select the Device Manager tab.

Windows 95 • 7
Under Device Manager, you should find the device in DAQ. You can
double-click the device, select the Resources tab to check if I/O port
and IRQ resources for the device are allocated successfully.

2.2 Software Drivers Installation

2.2.1 Win95 DLL Software

1. Under Windows 95, put ADLink All-in-One CD into the
appropriate CD-ROM drive.
2. If autorun setup program is not invoked automatically, please
execute X:\Setup.exe.(X indicates the CD-ROM drive)
3. Select NuDAQ PCIàPCI-7230àDriversàWin95 DLL to setup
PCI-7230 DLL for Windows 95.

8 • Windows 95
Setup first displays a Welcome dialog box. Please click Next button to
go on installation. Setup then prompts the following dialog box for you
to specify the destination directory. The default path is
C:\ADLink\7230\w95. If you want to install PCI-7230 DLL for Windows
95 in another directory, please click Browse… button to change the
destination directory.

Then you can click Next to begin installing PCI-7230 DLL for Windows

2.2.2 PCIS-LVIEW/95

step 1. Place ADLink All-in-One CD into the appropriate CD-ROM

step 2. If autorun setup program is not invoked automatically, please
click the Start button on the Taskbar, and then choose Run.
step 3. Type x:\setup (x identifies the drive that contains the compact
disc) in Open text box, and then click OK.
step 4. Setup first displays the main screen. Select Software
step 5. Setup then displays the ADLink software product screen.
Select NuDAQ PCI Software.
step 6. In NuDAQ PCI Software screen select PCIS-LVIEW. Then
select for Win95 option.
Setup will detect LabVIEW directory and copy necessary files to
LabVIEW directory. If you don’t have LabVIEW installed in your
system or your LabVIEW is earlier than version 5.0, Setup will prompt

Windows 95 • 9
a dialog box for you to specify the LabVIEW directory. Please specify
your LabVIEW directory, then click OK button.

When the installation process completes, the PCIS-LVIEW/95

directory should contain the following files and sub-directories:

Sub-directory Description
Manual <DIR> PDF manual files, including User Guide and
Function Reference
Help <DIR> On-line help file
Lib <DIR> A copy of all library files (.llb). These file are also
copied to <LabVIEW Dir>\User.lib directory.
6208 <DIR> library file (.llb) and example programs for each
7200 <DIR> card
7230 <DIR>

All of the PCIS-LVIEW library files should be copied to <LabVIEW
Dir>\User.lib. They include 6208.llb, 7200.llb, 7230.llb, … If you don’t
find these files in <LabVIEW Dir>\User.lib, please copy them from

2.2.3 PCIS-VEE/95

step 1. Place ADLink All-in-One CD into the appropriate CD-ROM

step 2. If autorun setup program is not invoked automatically, please
click the Start button on the Taskbar, and then choose Run.

10 • Windows 95
step 3. Type x:\setup (x identifies the drive that contains the compact
disc) in Open text box, and then click OK.
step 4. Setup first displays the main screen. Select Software
step 5. Setup then displays the ADLink software product screen.
Select NuDAQ PCI Software.
step 6. In NuDAQ PCI Software screen select PCIS-VEE. Then
select for Win95 option.
When the installation process completes, the PCIS-VEE/95 directory
should contain the following files and sub-directories:

File/Sub-directory Description
Manual <DIR> PDF manual files
Help <DIR> On-line help file
7230 <DIR> User objects and sample programs for
7248 <DIR> each card
7250 <DIR>

Windows 95 • 11

Windows 98

3.1 Device Installation

Windows 98 and NuDAQ/NuIPC data acquisition cards work very well
together because Windows 98 includes Plug and Play capabilities. Once
Windows 98 has started, the Plug and Play function of Windows 98
system will find the new NuDAQ/NuIPC cards. If this is the first time to
install NuDAQ/NuIPC cards in your Windows 98 system and you haven’t
install ADLink Windows 98 software drivers (PCIS-DASK/98, PCIS-
LVIEW/98, DAQBench, etc.), you will be informed to install the device

You can click Next button to go on installing device. The device

information files are located in “DASK98Inf” directory of ADLink All-in-

Windows 98 • 13
One CD. However the device cannot work properly without the software
driver files. The installation of any NuDAQ device will get the
unsuccessful device installation. Therefore we suggest you just click
Cancel button to skip it.

After installing any ADLink Windows 98 software driver, the INF files and
Driver files are copied into appropriate directories. With the well-installed
Device Information Files (.INF) and Device Driver Files (.SYS), Windows
98 system will identify and install any plugged NuDAQ acquisition card
automatically at system startup time.

After installing any ADLink Windows 98 software driver then re-entering

Windows 98, to ensure the success of hardware device installation, you
can open the Device Manager in Start>>Settings>>Control
Panel>>System, and then select the Device Manager tab.

In Device Manager, you should find the device in NuDAQ. You can
double-click the device, select the Resources tab to check if I/O port
and IRQ resources for the device are allocated successfully.

14 • Windows 98
3.2 Software Drivers Installation

3.2.1 System Requirements

• An IBM PC/AT or compatibles, running Windows 98
• A hard disk with enough disk space to install PCIS-DASK
• A CD-ROM drive or 1.44-MB, 3.5-inch floppy disk drive
• Application development system
PCIS-DASK: any Windows 98 programming language that allows
calls to a DLL, such as Microsoft Visual C/C++, Microsoft Visual
Basic, etc.
PCIS-LVIEW: Need National Instruments LabVIEW version 4.0 or
• NuDAQ PCI-bus or NuIPC CompactPCI data acquisition cards that
the software driver supports

3.2.2 DLL - PCIS-DASK/98

step 1. Place ADLink All-in-One CD into the appropriate CD-ROM

step 2. If autorun setup program is not invoked automatically, please
click the Start button on the Taskbar, and then choose Run.
step 3. Type x:\setup (x identifies the drive that contains the compact
disc) in Open text box, and then click OK.
step 4. Setup first displays the main screen. Select Software
step 5. Setup then displays the ADLink software product screen.
Select NuDAQ PCI Software.
step 6. In NuDAQ PCI Software screen select PCIS-DASK. Then
select Win98 option.
Setup first displays a Welcome dialog box. Please click Next button to
go on installation.

When Setup displays a User Information dialog box, please fill items in
the dialog box.

Setup then prompts a dialog box for you to specify the destination
directory for PCIS-DASK. The default path is C:\ADLink\Pci-dask. If
you want to install PCIS-DASK in another directory, please enter the
directory you would like to install PCIS-DASK.

Windows 98 • 15
Then you click Next button and Setup will show the following window:

You can install PCIS-DASK in one of the following ways:

♦ Typical: Install all the files that PCIS-DASK provides, on the

hard disks , Dll files, Driver files, and all of the sample programs
of the cards that PCIS-DASK support, included.
♦ Compact: Installs a minimum set of files on your hard disks, INF
files, Dll files, and Driver files included.
♦ Custom: The Custom Installation dialog box is coming here for
you to select just the sample programs of the cards you want to
install. Custom Installation dialog box is shown below.

16 • Windows 98
The selective components include PCIS-DASK Library & all of the
sample programs PCIS-DASK supports. However, for a precise work
with PCIS-DASK, PCIS-DASK Library is the requirement. Here PCIS-
DASK Library MUST be selected.

When the software component installation process is completed,

Setup will launch the NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility, PciUtil. This
utility accompanied with PCIS-DASK/98 is provided for making card
configuration. Please refer to NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility section
for the usage of this utility.

If you choose “Typical” option in the “Select Components” window,

when the installation process is completed, the PCI-DASK directory
should contain the following files and sub-directories:

File/Sub-directory Description
LIB <DIR> PCIS-DASK import library and DLL. Pci-
Dask.lib for Visual C/C++. Pdask_bc.lib for
Borland C++.
INCLUDE <DIR> Include files for application programming.
DASK.BAS for Visual Basic Programming.
DASK.H for C/C++ programming.
DASK.PAS for Delphi programming.
INF <DIR> INF files for NuDAQ PCI-cards installation.
HELP <DIR> On-line help file.
MANUAL<DIR> PDF manual files, including User Guide and
Function Reference.
UTIL<DIR> Driver Registry utility.
SAMPLES <DIR> PCIS-DASK sample programs browser,
Examples.exe, and various sub-directories
for the sample programs of the cards that
PCIS-DASK supports.

After installing PCIS-DASK, the INF files and Driver files are copied
into appropriate directories. With the well-installed Device Information
Files (.INF) and Device Driver Files (.SYS), Windows 98 system will
identify and install any new plugged NuDAQ acquisition card

Windows 98 • 17
Note: ADLink will periodically upgrades PCIS-DASK to add support for
new NuDAQ PCI-bus and NuIPC CompactPCI data acquisition
cards, and the additional driver files for the new devices will be
included. Please refer to PCIS-DASK Read Me in PCIS-DASK
folder for the current card types that PCIS-DASK actually

3.2.3 PCIS-LVIEW/98

step 1. Place ADLink All-in-One CD into the appropriate CD drive.

step 2. If autorun setup program is not invoked automatically, please
click the Start button on the Taskbar, and then choose Run.
step 3. Type x:\setup (x identifies the drive that contains the compact
disc) in Open text box, and then click OK.
step 4. Setup first displays the main screen. Select Software
step 5. Setup then displays the ADLink software product screen.
Select NuDAQ PCI Software.
step 6. In NuDAQ PCI Software screen select PCIS-LVIEW. Then
select Win98 option.
Setup will detect LabVIEW directory and copy necessary files to
LabVIEW directory. If you don’t have LabVIEW installed in your
system or your LabVIEW is earlier than version 5.0, Setup will prompt
a dialog box for you to specify the LabVIEW directory. Please specify
your LabVIEW directory then click OK button.

18 • Windows 98
When the software component installation process is completed,
Setup will launch the NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility, PciUtil. This
utility accompanied with PCIS-LVIEW/98 is provided for making card
configuration. Please refer to NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility section
for the usage of this utility.
When the installation process is completed, the PCIS-LVIEW/98
directory should contain the following files and sub-directories:

File / Sub-directory Description

Plv.llb A copy of PCIS-LVIEW VI library. It is also
copied to <LabVIEW Dir>\User.lib
Util <DIR> NuDAQ PCI Configuration utility
Manual <DIR> PDF manual files, including User Guide
and Function Reference
Help <DIR> On-line help file
Menus <DIR> .mnu files. They are also copied to
<LabVIEW Dir>\Menus\adlink directory.
6208 Samples <DIR> sample programs for each kind of card
7200 Samples <DIR>
7230 Samples <DIR>

Please check if the following files are copied to your LabVIEW
1. If Plv.llb doesn’t exist in <LabVIEW Dir>\User.lib directory, please
copy it from <PCIS-LVIEW Dir>.
2. If <LabVIEW Dir>\Menus doesn’t have adlink sub-directory, or there
is no file exists in adlink sub-directory, please copy all files in
<PCIS-LVIEW Dir>\Menus to <LabVIEW Dir>\Menus\adlink

After installing PCIS-LVIEW, the INF files and Driver files are copied
into appropriate directories. With the well-installed Device Information
Files (.INF) and Device Driver Files (.SYS), Windows 98 system will
identify and install any new plugged NuDAQ acquisition card

3.2.4 PCIS-VEE/98

step 1. Place ADLink All-in-One CD into the appropriate CD-ROM


Windows 98 • 19
step 2. If autorun setup program is not invoked automatically, please
click the Start button on the Taskbar, and then choose Run.
step 3. Type x:\setup (x identifies the drive that contains the compact
disc) in Open text box, and then click OK.
step 4. Setup first displays the main screen. Select Software
step 5. Setup then displays the ADLink software product screen.
Select NuDAQ PCI Software.
step 6. In NuDAQ PCI Software screen select PCIS-VEE. Then
select Win98 option.
When the software component installation process is completed,
Setup will launch the NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility, PciUtil. This
utility accompanied with PCIS-VEE/98 is provided for making card
configuration. Please refer to NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility section
for the usage of this utility.
When the installation process is completed, the PCIS-VEE/98
directory should contain the following files and sub-directories:

File/Sub-directory Description
UserObj PCIS-VEE/98 user objects
Samples <DIR> Sample programs
Util <DIR> NuDAQ PCI Configuration utility
Manual <DIR> PDF manual files
Help <DIR> On-line help file

After installing PCIS-VEE, the INF files and Driver files are copied into
appropriate directories. With the well-installed Device Information Files
(.INF) and Device Driver Files (.SYS), Windows 98 system will identify
and install any new plugged NuDAQ acquisition card automatically.

20 • Windows 98

Windows NT 4.0

4.1 Software Drivers Installation

4.1.1 System Requirements

• An IBM PC/AT or compatibles, running Windows NT version 4.0 or
• A hard disk with enough disk space to install PCIS-DASK
• A CD-ROM drive or 1.44-MB, 3.5-inch floppy drive
• Application development system
PCIS-DASK: Any Windows NT programming language that allows
calls to a DLL, such as Microsoft Visual C/C++, Microsoft Visual
Basic, etc.
PCIS-LVIEW: National Instruments LabVIEW version 4.0 or later
PCIS-VEE: HP VEE version 4.0 or later
• NuDAQ PCI-bus or NuIPC CompactPCI data acquisition cards
those the software driver supports


step 1. Place ADLink All-in-One CD into the appropriate CD-ROM

step 2. If autorun setup program is not invoked automatically, please
click the Start button on the Taskbar, and then choose Run.
step 3. Type x:\setup (x identifies the drive that contains the compact

Windows NT 4.0 • 21
disc) in Open text box, and then click OK.
step 4. Setup first displays the main screen. Select Software
step 5. Setup then displays the ADLink software product screen.
Select NuDAQ PCI Software.
step 6. In NuDAQ PCI Software screen select PCIS-DASK. Then
select WinNT option.
Setup first displays a Welcome dialog box. Please click Next button to
go on installation.

When Setup displays a User Information dialog box, please fill items in
the dialog box.

Setup then prompts a dialog box for you to specify the destination
directory for PCIS-DASK. The default path is C:\ADLink\Pci-dask. If
you want to install PCIS-DASK in another directory, please enter the
directory you would like to install PCIS-DASK.

Then you click Next button and Setup will show the following window:

You can install PCIS-DASK in one of the following ways:

♦ Typical: Install all the files that PCIS-DASK provides onto the
hard disks , Dll files, Driver files, and all of the sample programs
of the cards that PCIS-DASK supports, included.
♦ Compact: Install a minimum set of files onto your hard disks. Dll
files, and Driver files, included.

22 • Windows NT 4.0
♦ Custom: The Custom Installation dialog box is coming here for
you to select just the sample programs of the cards you want to
install. Custom Installation dialog box is shown below.

The selective components include PCIS-DASK Library and all of the

sample programs PCIS-DASK supports. However, for a precise work
with PCIS-DASK, PCIS-DASK Library is the requirement. PCIS-
DASK Library MUST be selected.

When the software component installation process is completed,

Setup will launch the NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility, PciUtil. This
utility accompanied with PCIS-DASK/NT is provided for making the
driver registries and card configuration. Please refer to NuDAQ PCI
Configuration Utility section for the usage of this utility.

If you choose “Typical” option in the “Select Components” window,

when the installation process is completed, the PCIS-DASK directory
should contain the following files and sub-directories:
File/Sub-directory Description
LIB <DIR> PCIS-DASK import library and DLL. Pci-
Dask.lib for Visual C/C++. Pdask_bc.lib for
Borland C++.
INCLUDE <DIR> Include files for application programming.
DASK.BAS for Visual Basic Programming.
DASK.H for C/C++ programming.
DASK.PAS for Delphi programming.
HELP <DIR> On-line help file.

Windows NT 4.0 • 23
MANUAL<DIR> PDF manual files, including User Guide and
Function Reference.
UTIL<DIR> Driver Registry utility.
SAMPLES <DIR> PCIS-DASK sample programs browser,
Examples.exe, and various sub-directories
for the sample programs of the cards that
PCIS-DASK supports.

Note: ADLink will periodically upgrades PCIS-DASK to add support for

new NuDAQ PCI-bus and NuIPC CompactPCI data acquisition
cards, and the additional driver files for the new devices will be
included. Please refer to PCIS-DASK Read Me in PCIS-DASK
folder for the current card types that PCIS-DASK actually

After re-entering Windows NT and the NuDAQ devices you wish to

operate have been plugged in your computer, make sure the PCIS-
DASK device drivers corresponding to those NuDAQ cards are already
started. For PCIS-DASK to be able to communicate with NuDAQ PCI-
bus card, device driver AdlDask as well as the card’s own device driver
(e.g. PCI6208, PCI7200, PCI7230, PCI7234, PCI7248, PCI7250,
PCI7252, PCI7296, PCI7300A_RevA, PCI7300A_RevB, PCI7432,
PCI7433, PCI7434, PCI8554, PCI9111, PCI9112, PCI9113, PCI9114,
PCI9118, or PCI9812, etc.) must be started. You can open the “Control
Panel”, double-click “Devices”, and a Devices window will be shown as

If the device status is none, you have to select the AdlDask and our
device from the device list and then press the “Start” button.

24 • Windows NT 4.0
Note: The AdlDask driver must have been started as you set the card’s
own device driver status as started.


step 1. Place ADLink All-in-One CD into the appropriate CD-ROM

step 2. If autorun setup program is not invoked automatically, please
click the Start button on the Taskbar, and then choose Run.
step 3. Type x:\setup (x identifies the drive that contains the compact
disc) in Open text box, and then click OK.
step 4. Setup first displays the main screen. Select Software
step 5. Setup then displays the ADLink software product screen.
Select NuDAQ PCI Software.
step 6. In NuDAQ PCI Software screen select PCIS-LVIEW. Then
select WinNT option.
Setup will detect LabVIEW directory and copy necessary files to
LabVIEW directory. If you don’t have LabVIEW installed in your
system or your LabVIEW is earlier than version 5.0, Setup will prompt
a dialog box for you to specify the LabVIEW directory. Please specify
your LabVIEW directory then click OK button.

When the software component installation process is completed,

Setup will launch the NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility, PciUtil. This
utility accompanied with PCIS-LVIEW/NT is provided for making the

Windows NT 4.0 • 25
driver registries and card configuration. Please refer to NuDAQ PCI
Configuration Utility section for the usage of this utility.
When the installation process is completed, the PCIS-LVIEW/NT
directory should contain the following files and sub-directories:

File / Sub-directory Description

Plv.llb A copy of PCIS-LVIEW VI library. It is also
copied to <LabVIEW Dir>\User.lib
Util <DIR> PCI NT Driver Registry utility
Manual <DIR> PDF manual files, including User Guide
and Function Reference
Help <DIR> On-line help file
Menus <DIR> .mnu files. They are also copied to
<LabVIEW Dir>\Menus\adlink directory.
6208 Samples <DIR> sample programs for each kind of card
7200 Samples <DIR>
7230 Samples <DIR>

Please check if the following files are copied to your LabVIEW
1. If Plv.llb doesn’t exist in <LabVIEW Dir>\User.lib directory, please
copy it from <PCIS-LVIEW Dir>.
2. If <LabVIEW Dir>\Menus doesn’t have adlink sub-directory, or there
is no file exists in adlink sub-directory, please copy all files in
<PCIS-LVIEW Dir>\Menus to <LabVIEW Dir>\Menus\adlink


step 1. Place ADLink All-in-One CD into the appropriate CD-ROM

step 2. If autorun setup program is not invoked automatically, please
click the Start button on the Taskbar, and then choose Run.
step 3. Type x:\setup (x identifies the drive that contains the compact
disc) in Open text box, and then click OK.
step 4. Setup first displays the main screen. Select Software
step 5. Setup then displays the ADLink software product screen.
Select NuDAQ PCI Software.
step 6. In NuDAQ PCI Software screen select PCIS-VEE. Then
select WinNT option.

26 • Windows NT 4.0
When Setup displays a User Information dialog box, please fill items in
the dialog box.
When the software component installation process is completed,
Setup will launch the NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility, PciUtil. This
utility accompanied with PCIS-VEE/NT is provided for making the
driver registries and card configuration. Please refer to NuDAQ PCI
Configuration Utility section for the usage of this utility.
When the installation process is completed, the PCIS-VEE/NT
directory should contain the following files and sub-directories:

File/Sub-directory Description
UserObj PCIS-VEE/NT user objects
Samples <DIR> Sample programs
Util <DIR> PCI NT Driver Registry utility
Manual <DIR> PDF manual files
Help <DIR> On-line help file

Windows NT 4.0 • 27

Windows 2000

5.1 Device Installation

Windows 2000 and NuDAQ/NuIPC data acquisition cards work very well
together because Windows 2000 includes Plug and Play capabilities.
Once Windows 2000 has started, the Plug and Play function of
Windows 2000 system will find the new NuDAQ/NuIPC cards. If this is
the first time to install NuDAQ/NuIPC cards in your Windows 2000
system and you haven’t install ADLink Windows 2000 software drivers
(PCIS-DASK/2000, etc.), you will be informed to install the device driver.

You can click Next button to go on installing device. The device

information files are located in “DASK2000Inf” directory of ADLink All-in-
One CD. However the device cannot work properly without the software

Windows NT 4.0 • 29
driver files. The installation of any NuDAQ device will get the
unsuccessful device installation. Therefore we suggest you just click
Cancel button to skip it.

After installing ADLink Windows 2000 software drivers, the INF files and
Driver files are copied into appropriate directories. With the well-installed
Device Information Files (.INF) and Device Driver Files (.SYS), Windows
2000 system will identify and install any plugged NuDAQ acquisition
card automatically at system startup time.

After installing any ADLink Windows 2000 software driver then re-
entering Windows 2000, to ensure the success of hardware device
installation, you can open the Device Manager in
Start>>Settings>>Control Panel>>System, and then select the
Hardware tab.

In Device Manager, you should find the device in NuDAQ Boards. You
can double-click the device, select the Resources tab to check if I/O port
and IRQ resources for the device are allocated successfully.

30 • Windows NT 4.0
5.2 Software Drivers Installation

5.2.1 System Requirements

• An IBM PC/AT or compatibles, running Windows 2000
• A hard disk with enough disk space to install PCIS-DASK
• A CD-ROM drive or 1.44-MB, 3.5-inch floppy disk drive
• Application development system
PCIS-DASK: Any Windows 2000 programming language that
allows calls to a DLL, such as Microsoft Visual C/C++, Microsoft
Visual Basic, etc.
• NuDAQ PCI-bus or NuIPC CompactPCI data acquisition cards the
PCIS-DASK supports

5.2.2 DLL - PCIS-DASK/2000

step 1. Place ADLink All-in-One CD into the appropriate CD-ROM

step 2. If autorun setup program is not invoked automatically, please
click the Start button on the Taskbar, and then choose Run.

Windows NT 4.0 • 31
step 3. Type x:\setup (x identifies the drive that contains the compact
disc) in Open text box, and then click OK.
step 4. Setup first displays the main screen. Select Software
step 5. Setup then displays the ADLink software product screen.
Select NuDAQ PCI Software.
step 6. In NuDAQ PCI Software screen select PCIS-DASK. Then
select Win2000 option.
Setup first displays a Welcome dialog box. Please click Next button to
go on installation.

When Setup displays a User Information dialog box, please fill items in
the dialog box.

Setup then prompts a dialog box for you to specify the destination
directory for PCIS-DASK. The default path is C:\ADLink\Pci-dask. If
you want to install PCIS-DASK in another directory, please enter the
directory you would like to install PCIS-DASK.

Then you click Next button and Setup will show the following window:

You can install PCIS-DASK in one of the following ways:

♦ Typical: Install all the files that PCIS-DASK provides, on the

hard disks , Dll files, Driver files, and all of the sample programs
of the cards that PCIS-DASK support, included.

32 • Windows NT 4.0
♦ Compact: Installs a minimum set of files on your hard disks, INF
files, Dll files, and Driver files included.
♦ Custom: The Custom Installation dialog box is coming here for
you to select just the sample programs of the cards you want to
install. Cus tom Installation dialog box is shown below.

The selective components include PCIS-DASK Library & all of the

sample programs PCIS-DASK supports. However, for a precise work
with PCIS-DASK, PCIS-DASK Library is the requirement. Here PCIS-
DASK Library MUST be selected.

When the software component installation process is completed,

Setup will launch the NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility, PciUtil. This
utility accompanied with PCIS-DASK/2000 is provided for making
card configuration. Please refer to NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility
section for the usage of this utility.

If you choose “Typical” option in the “Select Components” window,

when the installation process is completed, the PCI-DASK directory
should contain the following files and sub-directories:

Windows NT 4.0 • 33
File/Sub-directory Description
LIB <DIR> PCIS-DASK import library and DLL. Pci-
Dask.lib for Visual C/C++. Pdask_bc.lib for
Borland C++.
INCLUDE <DIR> Include files for application programming.
DASK.BAS for Visual Basic Programming.
DASK.H for C/C++ programming.
DASK.PAS for Delphi programming.
INF <DIR> INF files for NuDAQ PCI-cards installation.
HELP <DIR> On-line help file.
MANUAL<DIR> PDF manual files, including User Guide and
Function Reference.
UTIL<DIR> Driver Registry utility.
SAMPLES <DIR> PCIS-DASK sample programs browser,
Examples.exe, and various sub-directories
for the sample programs of the cards that
PCIS-DASK supports.

After installing PCIS-DASK, the INF files and Driver files are copied into
appropriate directories. With the well-installed Device Information Files
(.INF) and Device Driver Files (.SYS), Win2000 system will identify and
install any new plugged NuDAQ acquisition card automatically.

Note: ADLink will periodically upgrades PCIS-DASK to add support for

new NuDAQ PCI-bus and NuIPC CompactPCI data acquisition
cards, and the additional driver files for the new devices will be
included. Please refer to PCIS-DASK Read Me in PCIS-DASK
folder for the current card types that PCIS-DASK actually

5.2.3 PCIS-LVIEW/2000

step 1. Place ADLink All-in-One CD into the appropriate CD drive.

step 2. If autorun setup program is not invoked automatically, please
click the Start button on the Taskbar, and then choose Run.
step 3. Type x:\setup (x identifies the drive that contains the compact
disc) in Open text box, and then click OK.
step 4. Setup first displays the main screen. Select Software
step 5. Setup then displays the ADLink software product screen.
Select NuDAQ PCI Software.
step 6. In NuDAQ PCI Software screen select PCIS-LVIEW. Then

34 • Windows NT 4.0
select Win2000 option.
Setup will detect LabVIEW directory and copy necessary files to
LabVIEW directory. If you don’t have LabVIEW installed in your
system or your LabVIEW is earlier than version 5.0, Setup will prompt
a dialog box for you to specify the LabVIEW directory. Please specify
your LabVIEW directory then click OK button.

When the software component installation process is completed,

Setup will launch the NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility, PciUtil. This
utility accompanied with PCIS-LVIEW/2000 is provided for making
card configuration. Please refer to NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility
section for the usage of this utility.
When the installation process is completed, the PCIS-LVIEW/2000
directory should contain the following files and sub-directories:

Windows NT 4.0 • 35
File / Sub-directory Description
Plv.llb A copy of PCIS-LVIEW VI library. It is also
copied to <LabVIEW Dir>\User.lib
Util <DIR> NuDAQ PCI Configuration utility
Manual <DIR> PDF manual files, including User Guide
and Function Reference
Help <DIR> On-line help file
Menus <DIR> .mnu files. They are also copied to
<LabVIEW Dir>\Menus\adlink directory.
6208 Samples <DIR> sample programs for each kind of card
7200 Samples <DIR>
7230 Samples <DIR>

Please check if the following files are copied to your LabVIEW
3. If Plv.llb doesn’t exist in <LabVIEW Dir>\User.lib directory, please
copy it from <PCIS-LVIEW Dir>.
4. If <LabVIEW Dir>\Menus doesn’t have adlink sub-directory, or there
is no file exists in adlink sub-directory, please copy all files in
<PCIS-LVIEW Dir>\Menus to <LabVIEW Dir>\Menus\adlink

After installing PCIS-LVIEW, the INF files and Driver files are copied
into appropriate directories. With the well-installed Device Information
Files (.INF) and Device Driver Files (.SYS), Windows 2000 system will
identify and install any new plugged NuDAQ acquisition card

5.2.4 PCIS-VEE/2000

step 1. Place ADLink All-in-One CD into the appropriate CD-ROM

step 2. If autorun setup program is not invoked automatically, please
click the Start button on the Taskbar, and then choose Run.
step 3. Type x:\setup (x identifies the drive that contains the compact
disc) in Open text box, and then click OK.
step 4. Setup first displays the main screen. Select Software
step 5. Setup then displays the ADLink software product screen.
Select NuDAQ PCI Software.
step 6. In NuDAQ PCI Software screen select PCIS-VEE. Then

36 • Windows NT 4.0
select Win2000 option.
When the software component installation process is completed,
Setup will launch the NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility, PciUtil. This
utility accompanied with PCIS-VEE/2000 is provided for making card
configuration. Please refer to NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility section
for the usage of this utility.
When the installation process is completed, the PCIS-VEE/2000
directory should contain the following files and sub-directories:

File/Sub-directory Description
UserObj PCIS-VEE/2000 user objects
Samples <DIR> Sample programs
Util <DIR> NuDAQ PCI Configuration utility
Manual <DIR> PDF manual files
Help <DIR> On-line help file

After installing PCIS-VEE, the INF files and Driver files are copied into
appropriate directories. With the well-installed Device Information Files
(.INF) and Device Driver Files (.SYS), Windows 2000 system will
identify and install any new plugged NuDAQ acquisition card

Windows NT 4.0 • 37


6.1 Software Drivers Installation

6.1.1 System Requirements

• An IBM PC/AT or compatibles, running Linux Kernel2.2.x
• A hard disk with enough disk space to install PCIS-DASK
• A CD-ROM drive or 1.44-MB, 3.5-inch floppy disk drive
• Application development system
PCIS-DASK: Using the appropriated C/C++ compiler (gcc or cc) to
compile the program.
• NuDAQ PCI-bus or NuIPC CompactPCI data acquisition cards the
PCIS-DASK supports

6.1.2 Install PCIS-DASK/X

step 1 . UNPACK
Place ADLink All-in-One CD into the appropriate CD-ROM drive.
Decompress the Pdask-Lx.tgz in /Software/Pcis-dask/Linux directory.
tar xvzf Pdask-Lx.tgz

This will extract the pci-dask_xxx ( where ‘xxx’ in pci-dask_xxx is the

version number ) directory with the following subdirectories:

Linux • 39
File/Sub-directory Description
lib <DIR> PCIS-DASK shared library .
libpci-dask.so for linux.
Include <DIR> Include files for application programming.
dask.h for C/C++ programming.
drivers <DIR> Kernel modules for NuDAQ PCI-cards.
High_Memory Management Module
Installation Script
docs<DIR> PDF manual files, including User Guide and
Function Reference.
samples<DIR> Some sample programs for NuDAQ device
util<DIR> Driver Configuration utility.


*** Note: If your DO NOT perform any continuous operation, ***

*** you can skip this section and jump to step3. ***

For contiguous memory allocation, we reserve memory in higher

memory space. And to reserve higher memory for drivers, user
should pass a command line argument to the kernel. User can either
use "append=" in /etc/lilo.conf or add commandline arguments to the
Lilo interactive prompt at boot time. If you add "append=" in
/etc/lilo.conf, you should execute /sbin/lilo to update the setting.

For example, if you have 64MB RAM and reserve 4MB memory for

In lilo.conf:


Or, Lilo interactive prompt :

LILO: linux mem=60M


40 • Linux
Because the architecture of PCI bus, the NuDAQ PCI devices can be
detected automatically. All user has to do is inserting modules and
making nodes for the devices.
You can do these manually, or use the applets we provide.
• pci-dask_xxx/util/dask_conf for driver configuration
• pci-dask_xxx/drivers/dask_inst.pl for driver installation
The dask_conf can configure device drivers, and save the
information of devices into pcidask.conf. (please refer to section 7.4 )

By the configuration file, pcidask.conf, the installation script

inserts the device modules configured before and the memory
management module if required. Then the script makes
device nodes according to the number of cards. To make
installation, execute the script as follows:



The library is provided as a shared library for Linux. To install the
library, type the following command:
cp libpci_dask.so /usr/lib
In addition, dask_inst.pl also involves the installation for the library.

Linux • 41

NuDAQ PCI Configuration

NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility, PciUtil, is used to set/modify the allocated
buffer sizes of continuous AI, AO, DI and DO operations.

7.1 Windows NT 4.0

The main window of NuDAQ PCI Configuration utility, PciUtil, is shown
as the following window. In Windows NT system , if any PCI card driver
has been registered, it will be shown on the Registered Driver list.

To register one of PCI card drivers, click New… button and a Driver
Configuration window appears.

NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility • 43

In this window, users can select the driver you want to register and
input the parameters in the box corresponding to AI, AO, DI, or DO for
the requirement of your applications. The “Buffer Allocated” of AI, AO,
DI, DO represent the sizes of contiguous Initially Allocated memory for
continuous analog input, analog output, digital input, digital output
respectively. Its unit is Kbytes, i.e. 1024 bytes. Device driver will try to
allocate these sizes of memory at system startup time. If system is not
able to provide the memory as size specified, the device driver will
allocate the memory as large as it can. You can use AI/DI/DO_
InitialMemoryAllocated function to get the memory size allocated. Only
the fields that are available for this card type are enabled, the others
are grayed. The size of initially allocated memory is the maximum
memory size that DMA or Interrupt transfer can be performed. It will
induce an unexpected result in that DMA or Interrupt transfer
performed exceeds the initially allocated size.

44 • NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility

After the device configurations of the driver you select is finished, click
OK button to register the driver and return to the PciUtil main window.
The driver you just registered will be shown on the registered driver
list as the following figure:

Then you can select Exit! command in the menu bar or Done button
to exit the driver registry utility. To make the registered drivers work,
you have to restart Windows NT system.

NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility • 45

7.2 Windows 98
The main window of NuDAQ PCI Configuration utility, PciUtil, is shown
as the following window.

From this window, user can select the driver you want to configure and
type the value in the box corresponding to AI, AO, DI, or DO according
to the requirement of your applications. The “Buffer Allocated” of AI,
AO, DI, DO represent the sizes of contiguous Initially Allocated
memory for continuous analog input, analog output, digital input, digital
output respectively. Its unit is Kbytes, i.e. 1024 bytes. Device driver will
try to allocate these sizes of memory at system startup time. If system
is not able to provide the memory as size specified, the device driver
will allocate the memory as large as it can. You can use
AI/DI/DO_InitialMemoryAllocated function to get the memory size
allocated. Only the fields that are available for this card type are
enabled, the others are grayed. The size of initially allocated memory
is the maximum memory size that DMA or Interrupt transfer can be
performed. It will induce an unexpected result in that DMA or Interrupt
transfer performed exceeds the initially allocated size.
After one device configuration of the driver you select is finished, click
“Apply”. While all of the device configurations you wish to modify are
done, click OK to exit the NuDAQ PCI configuration utility. To make
the configuration modification effective, you have to restart Windows
98 system.

46 • NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility

7.3 Windows 2000
The main window of NuDAQ PCI Configuration utility, PciUtil, is shown
as the following window.

From this window, user can select the driver you want to configure
and type the value in the box corresponding to AI, AO, DI, or DO
according to the requirement of your applications. The “Buffer
Allocated” of AI, AO, DI, DO represent the sizes of contiguous Initially
Allocated memory for continuous analog input, analog output, digital
input, digital output respectively. Its unit is Kbytes, i.e. 1024 bytes.
Device driver will try to allocate these sizes of memory at system
startup time. If system is not able to provide the memory as size
specified, the device driver will allocate the memory as large as it can.
You can use AI/DI/DO_InitialMemoryAllocated function to get the
memory size allocated. Only the fields that are available for this card
type are enabled, the others are grayed. The size of initially allocated
memory is the maximum memory size that DMA or Interrupt transfer
can be performed. It will induce an unexpected result in that DMA or
Interrupt transfer performed exceeds the initially allocated size.
After one device configuration of the driver you select is finished, click
“Apply”. While all of the device configurations you wish to modify are
done, click OK to exit the NuDAQ PCI configuration utility. To make
the configuration modification effective, you have to restart Windows
2000 system.

NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility • 47


Software Un-Installation
All ADLink’s Windows 95/98/NT/2000 software has the capability of
automatic un-installation.

To un-install software, open the Control Panel, double-click

Add/Remove Programs, select the software you want to un-install.

Software Un-Installation • 49

Trouble Shooting

9.1 PCI_SCAN Utility

A software utility "PCI_SCAN.EXE" is released to help you to diagnostic
the PCI card installation problem. It is located in PCI_SCAN\DOS
directory of ADLink All-in-One CD. You can also download it from our
web site, http://www.adlink.com.tw.

(a) Why PCI card can not be installed well?

The PCI card installation problem may happens according to the

following situations:

1. BIOS Setting
2. BIOS Compatibility
3. OS Device Driver Installation
4. OS Compatibility
5. Software Library Installation
6. Hardware failure

(b) What problem can be diagnostic by "PCI_SCAN.EXE"?

PCI_SCAN utility is used to help to list the BIOS setting under DOS. It
can not solve the installation problem. But you can use it to list the
system PCI resources, check if BIOS has assigned resource to your PCI
I/O cards, and check if the BIOS assign conflict resources to different I/O

This utility is executed under DOS, it is used to diagnostic the BIOS

compatibility and DOS installation problem.

Trouble Shooting • 51
(c) How to use this utility?

Whenever your card can not install or function well, please run this utility
at first.
1. When the system is power on, the BIOS will assign resource to the
PCI add-on card.
2. This utility must run under pure DOS mode. It call the BIOS to list all
the PCI resource in your computer, and show the resource on the
3. It will record the BIOS setting to a log file "PCI_SCAN.LOG".
4. Due to some OS (like Windows 98) may change the BIOS default
setting, the I/O cards resource getting under Windows 98 or NT may
different from which get under pure DOS environment. Therefore, we
recommend you to run this utility under pure DOS.

(d) What is the usage of the log file?

If there is a installation problem, please send us the Log file. We can

help you to diagnostic the BIOS compatibility problem.

(e) What's next step if the BIOS assignment is without problem?

1. Windows 95/98/2000: Please compare the BIOS setting with Device

Manager. If there is any conflict or unsolved problem of OS
installation, Device Manager may show a "!" mark for the PCI device,
otherwise, the PCI device has already been correctly installed.
2. Windows NT 4.0: Please compare the BIOS setting with NT

52 • Trouble Shooting
9.2 Windows 95/98/NT/2000 Trouble Shooting
Situation 1: After installation followed by re-entering Windows NT
system, the device doesn’t work.
1. Is the driver made registry or not?. If not, use NuDAQs device
configuration utility PciUtil to make registry for your device. Please
refer to NuDAQ PCI Configuration Utility section for the usage of this

2. If the driver has been made registry, check the device status in
Devices window (Control Panel>>Devices). If the device status is
none, do as follows:
(1) Select the device from the device list and then press the Start
(2) If the device is still not stated after pressing the Start button,
record the error message shown.
(3) Run utility Ntfdpci. The utility is located in PCI_SCAN\NT directory
of ADLink All-in-One CD. Install the utility, RE-START the system
and run Ntfdpci.exe in the installed directory.
(4) A log file NtPci.dat is generated after running Ntfdpci.exe. Send us
this log file and the error message got from step (2), so that we can
help you to diagnostic the device installation problem.

Situation 2: After installation followed by re-entering Windows 98

system, the device doesn’t work.
1. Is the device installed or Not? If the device was installed correctly by
proper INF file, you can find this device under NuDAQ class in Device
Manager. If not, Windows 98 might classify a NuDAQ PCI or NuIPC
CompactPCI DAQ device as a generic device and install it in the
Device Manager under Other Devices. PCIS-DASK/98 will not
recognize the device as a valid DAQ device.

2. The following steps will correct the problem:

(1)Open the Windows 98 Device Manager.
a. From the Start menu, select Settings>>Control Panel.
b. From the Control Panel, double-click on System.
c. In the System Properties dialog box, select the Device
Manager tab.
(2)Under Other Devices, remove the entries that correspond to your
DAQ devices.
(3) Restart your system. Windows 98 will re-identify all of your PCI or
CompactPCI DAQ devices. Then please install the device driver

Trouble Shooting • 53
according to the procedures described in Device Installation in
Windows 98 chapter.

Situation 3: After installation followed by re-entering Windows 95

system, the device doesn’t work.
1. Is the device installed or Not? If the device was installed correctly by
proper INF file, you can find this device under DAQ class in Device
Manager. If not, Windows 95 might classify a NuDAQ PCI or NuIPC
CompactPCI DAQ device as a generic device and install it in the
Device Manager under Other Devices. Windows 95 DLL of this
device will not recognize the device as a valid DAQ device.
2. The following steps will correct the problem:
(1)Open the Windows 95 Device Manager.
a. From the Start menu, select Settings>>Control Panel.
b. From the Control Panel, double-click on System.
c. In the System Properties dialog box, select the Device
Manager tab.
(2) Under Other Devices, remove the entries that correspond to your
DAQ devices.
(3)Restart your system. Windows 95 will re-identify all of your PCI or
CompactPCI DAQ devices. Then please install the device driver
according to the procedures described in Device Installation in
Windows 95 section.

Situation 4: If you want to use PCIS-DASK/98, but the devices have

been installed with Windows 95 software library?
1. Open the Windows 98 Device Manager.
a. From the Start menu, select Settings>>Control Panel.
b. From the Control Panel, double-click on System.
c. In the System Properties dialog box, select the Device Manager
2. Under DAQ, remove the entries that correspond to your DAQ devices.
3. Restart your system. Windows 98 will re-identify all of your PCI or
CompactPCI DAQ devices. Then please install the device driver
according to the procedures described in Device Installation in
Windows 98 chapter.

54 • Trouble Shooting
Situation 5: Performing continuous operations failed
1. The size of initially allocated memory of AI/DI/DO for your device is
not assigned or not large enough. Use NuDAQPCI configuration
utility PciUtil to set or modify the memory size. Please refer to
NuDAQPCI Configuration Utility section to know the usage of this
2. The buffer size your program asks for currently exceeds the size of
memory initially allocated. Use the related memory allocation size
report function (e.g. AI_InitialMemoryAllocated) to check the size

Situation 6: If you plugged new cards before PCIS-DASK installed, you

will be informed a unsuccessful device installation (Win
1. Because of the un-searchable System Driver Files(.SYS), the device
cannot work properly. Solving this problem, you just install the PCIS-
DASK Software Kit. After installing PCIS-DASK, the necessary
device information files (.INF) and system driver files (.SYS) will be
copied into the proper directories. And the devices you installed will
work well.

Trouble Shooting • 55

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