Witold Brostow1, Haley E. Hagg Lobland1, Sagar Pal2 and Ram P. Singh1, 3
Laboratory of Advanced Polymers & Optimized Materials (LAPOM), Department of Materials
Science and Engineering, University of North Texas, 1150 Union Circle # 305310, Denton, TX
76203-5017, USA; wbrostow@yahoo.com, haleyhagg@gmail.com; http://www.unt.edu/LAPOM/;
Department of Applied Chemistry, Indian School of Mines - Dhanbad, Dhanbad - 826 004, India;
sagarpal1@hotmail.com; 3 Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research (IISER), Pune,
India; singh.prakash.ram@gmail.com
The fact that water is the most important material used by mankind defines the importance of water
purification. Wastewater and industrial effluent treatment require removal of suspended solids for
purification and possible re-usage. The removal can be accomplished by gravitation (very slow), by
coagulation (dependent on electric charge situation) and by flocculation (not dependent on electric
charges and the fastest). Inorganic flocculants are used in very large quantities, they leave large
amounts of sludge and are strongly affected by pH changes. We describe the mechanism of
flocculation by polymers in ppm concentrations by strong solvation of the liquid by the flocculant,
thus pushing the solid particles outside the solvated domains. The solid particles aggregate in much
smaller regions then available to them. Polymeric flocculants cause formation of large cohesive
aggregates (flocs) and are inert to pH changes. Both natural and synthetic polymers are used as
flocculants. Natural polymers are biodegradable, are effective at large dosages and are shear stable.
Synthetic polymers are highly effective flocculants at small dosages and have high tailorability but
poor shear stability. Concern for environmental and ecological issues warrants the use of
biodegradable flocculants. Natural polysaccharides such as starch, guar gum, alginate, glycogen or
dextran can be used. Chemical modification of these polysaccharides to improve their flocculation
efficacy is possible, including grafting polyacrylamide branches on polysaccharide backbones and
insertion of cationic moieties on the backbones. We discuss flocculants based on polysaccharides
more in detail since they provide both shear stability and biodegradability. Since flocculants exist as
polymers in solution, their standard characterization is in terms of the radius of gyration; that radius
is related to the flocculation efficacy. Drag reduction (DR) is also related to flocculation since the
same polymeric agents cause both. DR is briefly described and the common mechanism of both
phenomena is explained. Possibilities of using recycled industrial water after flocculation as
agricultural water are pointed out. Such usage results in less contamination of the environment and
also in saving fresh water.
158 Brostow, Hagg Lobland, Pal and Singh
emulsions are still smaller, 0.05 – 5 µm, hence how ppm concentrations of a flocculating agent
the removal of particles from emulsions (de- are sufficient. In Figure 1 we show a schematic
emulsification) is even more difficult. illustrating how one chain pervades a large
volume of the liquid.
The second process, still widely used, is
coagulation. Destabilization of colloidal
suspensions occurs by neutralizing the electric
forces that keep the suspended particles
separated4. The aggregates formed in the
coagulation process are small and loosely
bound; their sedimentation velocities are
relatively low – although higher than in gravity
separation. Given the nature of the process, the
results are strongly dependent on pH and its
domains. We shall return to this issue in a The surface charge explanation is in terms of
quantitative way later in this review when contamination of solid particles in solution by
looking at suspensions containing specific solids electrostatic adsorption of ions on their surfaces.
and flocculants used to treat them. We see why this cannot be a general mechanism
of flocculation. There are suspensions in which
It has been found that polymeric flocculants are
also drag reduction (DR) agents9, 10. The DR flocculation occurs while the electrostatic forces
phenomenon is used to advantage in oil pipeline are unimportant. Needless to say, in the pres-
conduits, oil well operations, flood water ence of ions we can have flocculation enhanced
disposal, fire fighting, field irrigation, transport by electrostatic adsorption of ions. The adsorp-
of suspensions and slurries, sewer systems, tion can cause repulsion between solid particles,
water heating and cooling systems, airplane tank attraction of counter ions into the vicinity of the
filling, marine systems. Most airplane pass- particles, and thus formation of an electrical
engers do not realize that filling their plane fuel double layer - a phenomenon known for a cen-
tank would take much more time without the use tury or so.
of DR agents. The importance of drag reducers
in saving human life during a fire can hardly be Since it was clear for a long time that the
electrostatic mechanism cannot be operational in
We do have a joint explanation of flocculation a number of systems in which flocculation
and DR. The large volumes pervaded by occurs, as far back as 1952 a bridging mechan-
polymeric chains cause DR. In turbulent flow ism model of flocculation was developed by
the solvated domains such as seen in Figure 1 Ruehrwein and Ward11. One assumes that a
resist the eddies of turbulence and - not much single polymer chain forms a bridge between
affected - move along the flow. The only differ- two or more particles. The basics of this model
ence is in the shape; the domains in flow are have been subsequently refined, but the main
oval rather than static appoximately spherical points are unchanged; the loops and tails of the
ones. It has been demonstrated that solvation adsorbed polymer chain on one particle protrude
numbers obtained from ultrasound velocities are
into solution and get attached to a second solid
related to the DR efficacy; the larger the solv-
particle. The first problem with this model is that
ation number, the stronger is a given DR agent6.
Thus, a domain flows as a unit, with some it cannot explain how ppm concentrations of a
perturbation to its shape caused by the turbu- polymer are sufficient to cause flocculation.
lence along the way. Here we see the reason for Second, what would be the force pushing a
DR: individual solvent molecules solvated by macromolecular chain to get adsorbed on a
polymer chains are not ‘attacked’ individually second particle? But assume for the sake of
by eddies of the turbulence. When such an attack argument that such force exists, that anchoring
occurs, the solvent molecules defend themselves of a macromolecular chain on two distinct
collectively. The solvent molecules inside the suspension particles occurs somehow, conceiv-
domains (see again Figure 1) are protected even ably as a consequence of simple Brownian
more than those which by solvation are attached dynamics motions. Then a 'bridge' would result
to macromolecular chains outside. in doubling the mass of the suspension particle,
We now return to flocculation. Given the not more. The fact that flocs are much larger and
practical importance of this phenomenon, heavier than just twice the size of particles
various explanations have been advanced before before flocculation cannot be explained by the
the mechanism described in Ref. 5 was formul- bridge formation. Thus, we are left with the
ated. Two such explanations still mentioned on solvation model described in the beginning of
occasion are surface charge neutralization and this Section as the only one explaining the
bridging. We shall consider them in turn. totality of observed phenomena.
OH + C e ( IV ) O H
C e ( IV )
C o m p le x
O +
OH H + C e ( III) + H
O C. C
C o m p le x or
C H 2O H
O +
H H + C e ( III) + H
O C .C
F re e ra d ica l
F re e R a d ica l + V inyl M o no m e r G ra ft C o p o lym e r
O +
F re e R a d ica l + C e (IV ) H H + C e ( III) + H
Figure 5. Flocculation settling velocity for several suspension media as a function of the radius of gyration of
the flocculating agent. While for silica suspensions we have only two experimental points, the data have been
sufficient to evaluate parameters in Eq. (2) and plot the curve.
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