11Pdf Finance Diss
11Pdf Finance Diss
11Pdf Finance Diss
This work will focus on the use of some Value at Risk (VaR) techniques in studying
financial risk management with main emphasis on the South Korean financial
market. In particular, financial market data relating to the South Korean capital
market will be utilized in the study. The result will be compared with those obtained
from established cases drawn from other developed economies including the UK.
Financial risk management is a practice that involves the process of using financial
instruments in managing firms’ exposure to risks (including market risk, credit risk,
and volatility risk, to mention a few), thereby creating economic value for the firms
practice, there is the need to identify the sources of financial risks, measure the level
of risks involved, and finding efficient ways to management the risks (Crockford,
quantitative and qualitative. In general, various approaches and policies are adopted
in the management of financial risks. The pivotal guide, however, is to know when
and how to manage costly exposure to risks. In current banking practices, financial
framework and standards. Globally, many active banks have fully adopted the Basel
II Accord standards for the purpose of keeping a track of operational, credit and
market risks as well as giving appropriate reports on the risks facets. The Basel II
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Accord stipulates the capital reserve requirements that should be maintained by the
active banks in order to hedge against possible market and/or credit risks (Kaplanski
and Levy, 2007). Basel II Accord makes it mandatory for banks to use VaR as a
basis for determining the amount of capital adequately needed to cover market
and/or credit risk. In its recommendations, the standard stipulates that the minimum
capital requirement should be the constant multiple of previous day’s VaR (Allen, et
al, 2004).
Since the current collapse of the global financial market, a lot of discussions
concerning the roles of financial risk management before and after the crisis have
emerged. Although, over the years, different theories have been offered by many
economists on how financial crises develop and ways of preventing them (Allen, et
al, 2004; and Kaplanski and Levy, 2007), there is still no consensus reached yet.
Moreover, financial crises still occurs regularly the world over. A lot of people have
attributed the cause(s) of the current financial crisis to a number of factors, which
include market instability owing to the dramatic change in the ability to create new
credit lines that culminated to drying up of the flow of money and slowing down new
economic growth as well as hijacking commercial activities; this also resulted to the
decline of the housing market. The question then is: has the market been stable
throughout the period of boom before the eventual collapse of the market? If no, how
then did it get so bad? The bottom line is that the players in the market were
Inquiry Commission (FCIC) responsible for the establishment of the causes of the
2008 financial crisis has revealed that the crisis was avoidable (FCIC, 2011). The
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as the major causes of the crisis, and citing ethical breaches as the main component
In the US FCIC’s report, it was also added that “the collapsing mortgage-lending
standards and the packaging-up of mortgage-related debt into investment vehicles lit
and spread the flame of contagion”. Drawing from the US FCIC’s claim, it is crystal
clear that undermining the importance of financial risk management led to the
precipitation of the current financial crisis. However, after the crisis the issue of
the entire financial market activities. The financial crisis consequences are far-
reaching and the lessons learned from its occurrence are now being embedded in
Globally, most banking firms have now started to infuse various degrees of financial
risk management in their operational activities (Kaplanski and Levy, 2007) whilst
US, UK, Germany, and France, have continued in their effort to resuscitate their
Undergraduate Finance Dissertation: Sample
financial sectors by supporting the sector with various bail-out schemes and the
introduction of tighter regulatory policies and measures. The same steps have also
been taken up by big economies in the Asian market that were affected by the crisis
The South Korean banking sector adopted the Basel II capital standards in 2008 in
order to strengthen its regulatory and supervisory framework; in June 2008, the
capital adequacy ratio stood at 11.16. Furthermore, as part of the countries’ banking
sector regulatory efforts, a number of savings banks known to offer loans at higher
interest rates to individuals that cannot get loans from the big commercial banks
have been closed down after determining that the banks lacked sufficient liquidity
needed to match recent spike in withdrawals – this number currently stands at seven
(7) as at September, 2011 (Paper, 2011). On the other hand, the US banks have too
much money in their control and are not willing to give loans due to low interest
rates, even though it is costly to hold money. Financial risk management in banking
firms in South Korea is being operated poorly and a lot less seriously than what is
obtained in developed economies like the UK and the US, and regulatory activities
within the sector are relatively low compared to what is obtained in the UK and other
major developed economies. This is due, to a large extent, to the fact that the
Korean economy heavily relies on its manufacturing industry so that its banking
industry plays comparatively less prominent role in the economy (Pascha, 2010).
1. What are some of the reasons that made the South Korean banking firms
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3. If so, how?
The remaining part of the work is structured as follows: Chapter two will review some
financial market. An attempt will be made to compare the South Korean banking
sector with that of other developed countries with regards to the sizes, credit ratings,
and the implementation of the Basel II Accord standards as well as the effects of loss
on their operating activities. In Chapter three, the value at risk (VaR) methodology
will be discussed. In practice, different techniques are used to obtain VaR estimate.
Two of these (including the parametric analysis technique and Monte Carlo
market risk before and after the recent financial crisis using KOSPI index will be
analyzed. Using the techniques described in Chapter three, two separate estimates
will be obtained for the VaR - this will also involve running VaR
computations/simulations using the index data and interpreting the result of the
technique via Binomial test statistics on some proportions of exceptions. The work
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1. Introduction
attempt will be made to establish key facts regarding banking operations in South
Korea in relation to what is obtained in other developed economies including the UK,
the US, France, Germany, and Japan. Of particular interest in this chapter is to
identify the primary reasons why South Korean banking firms care less about
regulations following the implementation of the Basel II Accord with regards to its
The South Korean financial sector comprises of three groups, namely: (1) a central
bank (BOK); (2) deposit money banks – commercial and specialized banks, which
could be nation-wide banks, regional banks or foreign bank branches; and (3) non-
financial, and insurance institutions, and other institutions (Pascha, 2010). The
savings institutions provide small loans to individuals and raise funds from monies
received from time deposits; these include mutual savings and finance companies,
trust accounts banks, community credit cooperatives, and postal savings. Investment
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intermediaries between the money market and the countries capital market.
The development financial institutions include the Korea Development bank and
Export-Import bank (both banks engage in similar activities). They rely on the use of
government funds, foreign capital, and/or funds generated from the issue of special
debentures and provide medium-term to long-term loans and credit facilities to major
economic sectors including the export, parts and components industries as well as
foreign life insurance companies with branches and subsidiaries in South Korea.
The Korean banking industry has experienced rapid growth in the past five decades
preceding the era of global financial melt-down of the Asian market in the 1998, and
mobilization of financial resources for the business sectors particularly in the 1960s
and in the 1970s when it dominated the financial market before the establishment of
NBFIs (which grew rapidly due to their high interest rates and greater dependence
on the level of managerial autonomy they enjoy) by its government in the early
1970s and the development of the securities market with the bid to diversify
investment funds sources and to persuade the ‘unorganized curb market’ to take full
participation in the organized financial market (Wang, 2006; and Yao, 2009).
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Despite the Korean banking sector’s sustained growth in the past, it has suffered
major setback mainly due to the sector’s internal management inefficiency and
the drive for market discipline. With the country’s government primary economic
development tools of selective credit allocation and prolonged interest control, there
has been continual interference in the financial sector resulting to an inefficient and
and drive for innovation have been limited through the financial industry undue
oriented has dashed the rock due to political barriers and limited scope in eradicating
the inimical distortions deeply rooted in the financial sector (Pascha, 2010). This has
obviously left the banking sector to the brick of repeated unguided financial crisis
moral hazard in the financial sector and ensured continuous hindrance in the pursuit
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In 1988, the Basel Accord committee on capital adequacy launched a framework for
which goes by the name: “G-10”, while formulating the regulations that formed the
accord with the main focus on (KPMG, 2009; and Microsoft, 2009): (1) defining
regulatory capital requirement; (2) fixing minimum acceptable ratios for regulatory
capital to risk-weighted assets; and (3) measuring risk-weighted assets including off-
institutions were expected to adhere to two ratios, namely: (1) the ratio of Tier 1
capital to risk-adjusted assets, which should be at least 4 percent; and (2) the ratio of
Tier 1 plus Tier 2 capital to risk-adjusted assets, which should be at least 8 percent
(KPMG, 2009).
Not long after, due to concern of regulatory capital arbitrage, many regulators started
despite much efforts put in by the committee in formulating the Accord. Particular
concern in the Basel I Accord was the divergence between the Basel I risk weights
and the actual economic risks associated with some exposures (Microsoft, 2009).
This was found to have provided opportunities for banks to repackage risks such that
and observers believed that with new financial innovations in form of credit
derivatives and securitization techniques, it was very easy for banks to maintain
certain level of risk exposures or even increase risk exposures with relative ease.
This often amounts to lower level of regulatory measures for risk-adjusted assets.
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In June 2004, the Basel II Capital Accord was finalized by the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) after over five years of industry and regulatory consultation, with
within the financial system with regards to addressing the inherent risk profile
associated with credit, market, operational and other risks within the banking sector
and resolving the lapses experienced in the Basel I Capital Accord (KPMG, 2009).
This framework replaces the former 1988 Capital Accord. The Basel II framework is
measure market, credit, and operational risks, and also calculate the minimum
required capital
ensure that models used are valid through increased on-site inspections, and
regarding bank’s risk profile are published transparently in the annual financial
Table 1 summarizes the key differences between the two versions of the Capital
Table 1: The 1988 Capital Accord and the Basel II Capital Accord
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• A ‘one size fits all’ approach with no the process increasing risk
management methodologies
risk assessment
With the objectives of: (1) eliminating incentives that encourage regulatory capital
arbitrage; (2) aligning the regulation in order to engender best practices in credit risk
management; and (3) the provision of incentives to banks that enhance the ease and
capability of measuring and managing financial risks, the Basel II Capital Accord
weights (Microsoft, 2009; and KPMG, 2009). This will enable accurate reflection of
actual economic risks. Furthermore, the Basel II makes the effort of aligning banking
regulations with best practices particularly in the area of credit risk management.
capabilities of measuring and managing risks (Yao, 2009). In addition, the Basel
committee has also imposed a new operational risk capital charge, which is
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calibrated in a way that offsets the reduction in the capital charge for credit risk. This
regulatory capital within the banking system comes with great deal of commitment to
The South Korean banking industry adopted the Basel II Accord in 2008 with full
implementation in June of that year (Yao, 2009; and Pascha, 2010). Like other
member of the Asia Pacific countries and unlike the US and European countries, the
Korean financial market faces unique challenges on how the Basel II Capital Accord
is implemented. Firstly, the Basel II implementation across the Asia Pacific region is
occurring at such a time when risks are heightened, and the region’s economy and
changing credit culture and governance; constraint with data collection, integrity and
accuracy issues; and building of strong and reliable enterprises – both internally and
externally (Aziz, 2008). On the regulatory flank, regulators are saddled with the
challenges associated with the stringent qualifying requirements associated with the
Finally, with the crave for more vigilant oversight responsibility over the liquidity and
capital positions of banks by financial leaders and market players, it is more likely
that the Basel II Capital Accord standards will continue to evolve; this is likely to
bring in more changes to ensure effective and efficient financial risk management
paradigm – it is no more news that the Basel III Capital Accord is underway.
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Notwithstanding its shortcomings, the Basel II capital framework plays critical role
and serves as a key mechanism in the advancement of the financial sector reforms,
which promises the fortification of the overall corporate governance of the industry.
enhancement of the South Korean financial risk management efforts, which are very
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1. Introduction
In this chapter, the techniques used in estimating the Value at Risk (VaR) in the
considered. Using back testing, the two techniques can be compared with regards to
the market risk of financial assets portfolio. This approach was also recommended
by the Basel Committee on standard for Banking Supervision. However, the VaR
also has a number of limitations, which has led some researchers to consider a few
modifications of the VaR methodlogy (Kaplanski and Levy, 2003; and 2004). In
Kaplanski and Levy (2003; and 2004), comparisons of the optimal portfolio policies
made. From their findings, it is clear that the incentive for an agent to reduce the
portfolio VAR at the expense of the worst insurance states has a direct correlation
with the required level of eligible capital. This also corresponds to a requirement of
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In general, three major techniques of computing VaR are recognized; these include:
simulation technique (RiskMetrics Group, 1999; and Morgan & Reuters, 1996). In
Jorion (2001), a different classification has also been identified as the local-valuation
and full-valuation techniques. The formal include all the various techniques identified
with the parametric analysis, which value portfolio once and uses local derivatives for
the modelling of possible movements in stocks, while the latter includes the historical
and Monte Carlo simulations techniques, which imply that the portfolio is fully
revalued over a range of market scenarios. Here, only parametric technique and
In Duffie and Pan (1997), estimates of the risk of changes in the spreads of publicly
traded corporate and sovereign bonds were obtained using the three techniques
identified above and found that Monte Carlo simulation and variance-covariance
techniques are the best techniques for approximating short and long versions of the
reference option portfolio – in particular, the Monte Carlo simulation and delta-
approximation were found to be the best approximations for 1-day and 2-week
horizons, and the Monte Carlo simulation and delta-gamma approximations are
From Jorion (2001), the following more general steps can be used to construct the
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stocks) level;
Following Kravets (2007) the following steps will be adopted in this study:
1. Model stock prices and exchange rates volatilities and covariances using
4. Choose the most adequate VaR from two techniques computed in step 3
5. Define market risk as the most adequate VaR from step 4; and
be reserved in the bank for a specific period of time must be the value of money
three or four times more than the obtained VaR. Since the time series of security
prices are usually non-stationary such that their volatilities change in time, then the
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GARCH model is used for the heteroscedastic series volatilities and covariances
first differences of all the time series are considered. In the model considered in this
work, stock prices are taken as risk factors for which their volatilities and variances
can easily be computed. Given that the time series of the returns computed from the
stock prices are described by the GARCH (1, 1) process, the variance of returns is
given by:
?á= ?Ä
?á+ ?Ä?Ä--1 + ?Ä
?á hÄ?-á³1 (3.2)
Where: h6
?áis the conditional variance of the risk factor at time t;
volatility (and mean drift), delta, gamma, and correlation in estimating the VaR
and does not require extensive collection of historical data, however, it needs the
Undergraduate Finance Dissertation: Sample
estimate the volatility and the VaR subsequently. The most popular of them is the
GARCH model. Engel and Gizycki (1999) posited that GARCH models are very good
Using the variance-covariance parametric approach, then for each risk factor, the
Therefore, the bank’s total VaR is computed using the following formula:
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Using the Monte Carlo simulation technique (unlike the historical simulation
technique that uses actual historical rates), random scenarios are generated and
used in revaluing portfolio positions for VaR estimation. Moreover, the technique can
be adopted for all forms of financial instrument; it gives a full distribution of portfolio
values and works with any distribution. Furthermore, the technique does not require
which makes it more time-consuming; the result of Monte Carlo technique cannot be
The Binomial test statistic is needed to verify the adequacy of the VaRs obtained
using the variance-covariance and Monte Carlo simulation techniques. The Binomial
? - ? ?á
? = ~ ? ? ?? ? ? (0,1) (3.5)
?á?¹?á. ?Ð
?¹-¹ ?¹?á?á
Undergraduate Finance Dissertation: Sample
H0: P0 = P
H1: P0 ?áP
Decision: if the absolute value of the statistic, B, is less than the corresponding
critical value of the Normal distribution, then H0 is not rejected for which it will be
concluded that the VaR is adequate. Otherwise, the model would require a
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1. Introduction
Using the methods described in Chapter three, results on the VaR of the KOSPI
2. Data Description
Time series of the daily market stock prices have been considered. This is sourced
from the Yahoo! finance wed page for the period covering January 2008 – December
2009. Since the focus is on the market risk of the South Korean financial sector, then
the open positions of the daily market index is extracted. Table 1 below collects
some descriptive measures of the initial data (market price of stock) and the
Market Price Index
Undergraduate Finance Dissertation: Sample
deviation Obs.
In Figure 1 above, the dynamics of the daily market price index is captured. A
cursory look reveals that the times series of the daily market price index have trends,
hence, might be non-stationary. Further test to reveal this “stationarity” property will
be cited in a later part of the work. Figure 2 below shows the movement of the daily
market volatility for the KOSPI market price index. A maximum volatility level of
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3. Empirical Results
In this study, the time series of the market price index for the KOPSI market is
be stationary (i.e., it should have a random term with constant mean and variances),
which can be established using the Dickey-Fuller test for unit root (Dickey & Fuller,
1979). However, this is not true. Therefore, a new series of return expressed as
relative changes of the market price index is obtained. This is given by the natural
log of the ratio of the current market price to the market price of the previous day
(otherwise known as log returns). The log return series is consistent with time.
According to the Dickey fuller tests for stationarity, the log return time series have the
stationarity property. This is revealed in Figure 3; clearly, the time series data are
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distributed around the origin and have variance in time. This implies that the GARCH
model can be fully adopted in fostering a good description of the process obtained
The GARCH (1, 1) model is used to obtain an estimation for the variance (and
hence, the volatility) of the time series data for the KOSPI daily market return. This is
?g2?á+1 = ?g
?á+ ?g?g2?á+ ?g?g2?á. (4.1)
The result obtained for the variance estimation using the GARCH (1, 1) model is
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Parameters Estimates
?á 9.74E-06
?¸ 0.116
?Ø 0.869
Log-likelihood: 3525.2661
of açand ßçare less than one – this is necessary in order to ensure that the
conditional variances are positive and stationary. Moreover, it can be deduced that
the coefficients are equally statistically significant. The conditional variance forecast
is made for the market return after conducting the GARCH (1, 1) model parameter
Here, the estimate for the VaR parameter is obtained. To compute an estimate for
the VaR, the confidence level as well as the time horizon needs to be stated a priori.
estimate the VaR. Furthermore, although the Korean stock market is not so liquid in
Ukraine, however, the time horizon is set at 1 day. Therefore, using equation (3.3) in
Chapter three, the value at risk for the KOSPI market index is given by ? ? ? ?á?x?x?x?x=
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Using the Monte Carlo simulation technique, a set of 1000 random data were
simulated, from which anticipated market price index levels were computed. Figures
4 and 5 below show the market dynamics of daily market index price and
corresponding returns for KOSPI using the Monte Carlo Simulation technique.
Market Price Index
Figure 4: Dynamics of Daily Market Index for KOSPI using Monte Carlo
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Figure 5: Dynamics of Daily Market Returns for KOSPI using Monte Carlo
From the results on the VaR estimate using both the parametric analysis and Monte
Carlo simulation technique, it can be seen that the Monte Carlo simulation technique
gives a smaller VaR estimate than that obtained using the parametric analysis
technique but the better estimate is decided by the Binomial test. This can be
obtained by using formula (3.5) in Chapter three. Hence, using a small selection of
real observations from the South Korean market index, real proportions of
exceptions are found not to differ significantly from the expected proportions of
exceptions (5% is typically considered) using both methods. This implies that both
techniques give adequate estimate of the KOSPI VaR. However, the Binomial test
reveals that for any selection of the observations, the parametric analysis technique
Binomial test statistic of 0.75 “the best case occurs whenever the real proportion of
exceptions is exactly the expected proportion of exceptions, and the Binomial test
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statistic is equal to 0, and the worst case occurs whenever the absolute value of
Binomial test statistic is equal to the critical value (i.e., 1.96 for 5% level of
Settlement (BIS), the minimum capital requirement should be the “constant factor
between 3 and 4 multiplying the previous day’s VaR” (Kraverts, 2007). The value of
the constant depends on the result of the back testing conducted on the model.
Since the parametric analysis technique is selected over the Monte Carlo technique
in this study such that the Binomial test statistic of this technique gives a smaller
absolute value, therefore, VaR is equal to KRW 86.8922. Given that the Binomial
test statistic for the parametric analysis technique is equal to 0.75, which is 38% of
critical value 1.96, then the constant of capital reserve requirement should be
corrected by this addition (i.e., 38% of the back testing). The constant is calculated
Therefore, the capital reserve for the next day (i.e., 28-09-2011) is given as
That is, banks must have capital reserve of KRW 293.70 million the next day to
cover risk.
Lastly, it is remarked that the smallest possible value of capital reserve should be
defined if the best case of Binomial testing occurs - this is equal to the 3 multiplying
the VaR. Also, on the other hand, if the worst case occurs, the largest possible value
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In this study, the issue of financial risk management has been evaluated with
particular emphasis on the South Korean market. The country’s financial market has
been criticized for not attending to the true ethics of managing financial risks. For
instance, although the country’s banking sector had sustained growth in the past, it
has also been revealed that the sector has suffered major setback. Major reason
resulting to the scenario is opined on the fact that the sector’s internal management
intervention in the country’s financial sector has prevented the drive for market
discipline - there has been continual interference in the financial sector resulting to
institutions’ initiative and drive for innovation have been limited through the financial
oriented has dashed the rock due to political barriers and limited scope in eradicating
the inimical distortions deeply rooted in the financial sector (Pascha, 2010).
hazard in the financial sector and ensured continuous hindrance in the pursuit for
Undergraduate Finance Dissertation: Sample
question raised earlier, one cannot but agree with the fact that financial risk
management should be taken with all seriousness owing to its awful consequences.
In the course of this study, financial market data were gathered and analyzed in line
with the Basel II Capital Accord recommendations. In particular, market risk of the
country’s banking sector was investigated (other risks identified by the Accord
include credit and operational risks). As recommended by the Basel II Accord, Value
techniques) were used to estimate the VaR parameter, and a choice was made
between the two techniques using some back testing technique via Binomial test
statistic. It was found that given the nature of data used in this study, the parametric
analysis technique is preferred over the Monte Carlo simulation technique. From the
VaR estimate obtained using the parametric technique, hypothetical capital reserve
Undergraduate Finance Dissertation: Sample
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Pascha,W. (2010): “South Korea Country Report”. In: Bertelsmann Stiftung (Ed.),
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