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Kandungan Kimia Kulit Singkong 2023

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Chemical Composition of Cassava Peels Collected

from Four Locations (Koko, Warri, Okada and
Benin City), Brewers` Spent Yeast and Three
Grades of “Caspeyeast”
*Idugboe1, O. D., Nwokoro2, S. O., Imasuen2, J. A.
Moist Forest Research Station, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN), Benin City, Nigeria
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
*Corresponding author, Email: oghoghoidugboe@yahoo.com, Tel: +2348037779595

Abstract: This study examined the proximate and mineral composition of cassava peels collected from Koko, Warri, Okada and Benin
City as well as Brewers’ spent yeast (BSY) from Bendel Breweries Nigeria Limited, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. Three grades of
“caspeyeast” (CPY) (combination of cassava peel and Brewers spent yeast at 25 %, 50 % and 75 % grade) were developed and evaluation
also. The cassava peels, “decanted” brewers spent yeast and various CPY grades were sun dried (30 – 350c) and milled for chemical
analysis according to the AOAC (1999) procedures. The experiment was set up as completely randomized design (CRD) in four
replications. The chemical analysis of the cassava peel revealed that all the parameters measured with the exception of K, Ca, and Mg
were significantly (P < 0.05) affected by location. Generally, the crude protein (CP) ranged between 3.9 and 5.0 %, CF (11.50 and 12.75
%) while that of EE, Ash and NFE ranged from 1.30 to 2.12 %, 7.5 to 8.1 % and 65.2 % to 66.38 % respectively. The chemical
composition of the brewer spent yeast revealed a CP value of 49.50 %, NFE of 35.90 % and 0.00 % CF. Among the CPY grades, the
CPY75% had the highest crude protein value of 35.30 which was significantly (P˂0.05) different from values obtained for CPY25% and
CYP50%. The crude fibre values were also significantly (P < 0.05) different with CPY75% having the lowest value of 3.00 % as against 8.10
% obtained for CPY25%. The values obtained for phosphorus in the respective grades were 9.56, 12.10 and 15.48 mg/kg, potassium
(14.46, 20.8 and 24.03 mg/kg), calcium (11.20, 17.06 and 19.88 mg/kg) and magnesium (8.02, 13.34 and 14.30 mg/kg). Significantly
(P<0.05) differences were observed in all the minerals evaluated among the CPY grades. Proximity and soil type of the locations seemed
to play a role in the proximate and mineral composition of cassava peels; as observed with Warri and Koko which were not significantly
(P > 0.05) different and same with Okada and Benin City. Generally, it was observed that increasing levels of BSY in the CPY grade
formulations resulted in proportionate increase in the crude protein and mineral composition of the emerging ingredient (“Caspeyeast”).
The CF and NFE values on the other hand, correlated inversely with increasing percentage of BSY of the “caspeyeast” grades.

Keywords: Cassava peels, Brewers spent yeast, Proximate, Chemical, Analysis, Koko, Warri, Okada, Benin City

1. Introduction Cassava peel is one of the agro-industrial by-products that

are readily available in countries where cassava is
The need for constant improvement of current popular cultivated and processed into food for man. The peel
protein sources as well as finding ways of exploiting the accounts for between 10 to 13 % of tuber by weight. It
neglected and underutilized feed ingredients cannot be contains about 5 % crude protein and reasonable amount
over emphasized. In view of the high prices of feed of minerals (Tewe and Kasali, 1986). However, the use of
ingredients, especially those of protein origin, it is cassava peel as feed for non- ruminant animals is limited
necessary to source for and develop alternative means of by its high fibre content and hydro-cyanic acid which is
substituting or supplementing these ingredients with by- deleterious to their growth and development (Tewe, 2004).
products which are not in competition with man for food. Many processing methods that have been used to enhance
This will go a long way in assisting to reduce the present the feeding value of cassava include sun-drying (Akinfala
cost of feed especially for monogastric animals. At et al., 2007), Parboiling (Salami, 1999), Soaking in water
present, major protein and energy feed sources for and retting (Salami and Odunsi, 2003) among others.
livestock feeds production are extremely expensive and These have however achieved different level of success.
scarce (Tewe, 2004). It has become imperative to explore Treatment of cassava peel with alkaline solution of lye
the use of other sources like Cassava peels, Cassava (Oladunjoye et al., 2010), enzyme supplementation of
leaves, Rice bran, Brewers spent yeast and other cassava peels (Midau et al., 2011) are some of the
ingredients considered as waste which are rich in energy available technical information for enhancing the nutritive
and protein. value of cassava peels. Brewers` Dried Yeast may also
have a placating effect on hydrocyanic acid in cassava
Fetuga (1977) stated that the formulation of an economic peel. This achieved considerable success with cassava
ration depends on the knowledge of nutrient requirement sievate (Pessu, 2004).
and effective use of available feedstuff; while Olomu
(2011) clearly emphasized that feed ingredients can be This study therefore investigated the proximate and
manipulated to achieve the same goal that animals do not mineral composition of cassava peels collected from
need ingredient as such but rather nutrients. Koko, Warri, Okada and Benin City as well as Brewers’
spent yeast (BSY) from Bendel Breweries Nigeria

Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20172389 DOI: 10.21275/ART20172389 1439
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Limited, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. The study was a. Caspeyeast 25 % = (75 % cassava peels and 25 %
also undertaken to develop and nutritionally evaluate the Brewers spent yeast mixture).
feed ingredient code named “Caspeyeast” which is a b. Caspeyeast 50 % = (50 % cassava peels and 50 %
combination of cassava peel and Brewers spent yeast at 25 Brewers spent yeast mixture).
%, 50 % and 75 % grades. c. Caspeyeast 75 % = (25 % cassava peels and 75 %
Brewers spent yeast mixture).
2. Materials and Methods
Chemical Analysis:
Sources of cassava peel
Dry Matter, Crude Protein, Crude Fibre, Ash, Ether
In this study samples of cassava peels were collected from Extract, Nitrogen Free Extract, Calcium and Phosphorus
cassava processing centres Koko and Warri towns in Delta according to the method of A.O.A.C. (1990) were
State and Okada and Benin City in Edo State Nigeria. Edo determined for the dried and milled cassava peels samples,
State Lies between latitude 6o and 301N of the Equator and the brewers spent yeast and the various “caspeyeast”
longitude 5o 401 and 6 oE of the Greenwich meridian in the (CPY) grades.
rain forest zone, with mean monthly temperature of 27.6
C. The area has an average annual rainfall and relative
humidity of 2162 mm and 72.5 % respectively (Edo NAA, Statistical Analysis
2015). Delta State lies between latitude 50 and 6 0E. The
states have an average annual rainfall of about 2667 mm in Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance. The
coastal areas and 1905 mm in the Northern areas. Its separation of means was carried out using the Duncan’s
natural vegetation can be demarcated into rainforest, multiple range tests (Steel and Torrie, 1980) at 5 % level
freshwater forest and mangrove swamp forest. of probability. Genstat, 2009 (12th Edition) package was
Collection and preparation of cassava peels and
brewers spent yeast 3. Results and Discussion
Fresh cassava peels collected from Koko, Warri, Okada The results of the proximate and some mineral
and Benin City were properly sun dried, well ground. compositions of cassava peels collected from four (4)
Fresh samples of Brewers spent yeast were collected into locations (Benin City, Okada, Koko and Warri) and
jerricans from Bendel Breweries (Nig.) Ltd. Ikpoba Hill, brewer spent yeast are presented in Table 1. The result of
Benin City, Nigeria. This was allowed to settle overnight, the cassava peel revealed that all the parameters measured
separation occurred in which the solid portion (white in with the exception of K, Ca, and Mg were significantly
colour) settles at the bottom while a light brown liquid (P<0.05) affected by location. The crude protein values
floats on top. The liquid were decanted and the residues where significantly (P < 0.05) different, with the highest
were spread in flat trays to dry out completely. The crude protein values obtained from Okada. The crude
sundried residue, (the brewers spent yeast) was then milled fibre, ether extract ash and nitrogen free extract from the
and bagged for analysis. four (4) locations where all significantly (P<0.05)
different. The crude protein (CP) ranged between 3.9 and
Caspeyeast formulation and preparation 5.0 %, CF between 11.50 and 12.75 % while that of EE,
Ash and NFE ranged from 1.30 to 2.12 %, 7.5 to 8.1 %
The Cassava peels and Brewers spent yeast were weighed and 65.2 % to 66.38 % respectively.
and mixed at different proportions to produce the
“caspeyeast” 25 %, “caspeyeast” 50 %, and “caspeyeast” The chemical composition of the brewer spent yeast
75 % graded levels of feed as follows: (Table 1) revealed that the crude protein (CP) value to be
49.50 %, NFE of 35.90 % and 0.00 % CF.

Table 1: Proximate Composition and some Minerals of Cassava Peels Collected from Benin City, Okada, Warri and Koko and
Brewer’s Spent Yeast
Cassava Peels Mean
Parameter Brewers’ Spent Yeast
Benin City Okada Warri Koko (X) ±SEM
Moisture Content (%) 8.500a 7.200c 7.967b 8.000b 7.917 0.307 6.10
Crude protein (%) 4.600b 5.000a 3.900c 4.100c 4.400 0.0646 49.50
Crude fibre (%) 12.00bc 11.50c 12.50ab 12.7a 12.175 0.1581 0.00
Ether extract (%) 1.300d 1.817c 2.123a 2.000b 1.81 0.0359 1.50
Ash (%) 7.500 8.1 7.517 8.000 7.7793 0.250 7.00
Nitrogen free extract (%) 66.10ab 66.38a 65.99ab 65.20b 65.92 0.307 35.90
Calcium (mg/kg) 0.3000 0.2993 0.3070 0.3233 0.3074 0.01104 6.38
Phosphorus (mg/kg) 0.2990b 0.3106b 0.3300ab 0.3567a 0.3241 0.01202 2.07
Potassium (mg/kg) 0.5430 0.5834 0.5790 0.5800 0.5713 0.01419 3.00
Magnesium (mg/kg) 0.2410 0.2138 0.2400 0.2403 0.0132 0.01315 4.56
Calculated Energy (Kcal/Kg) 2987.50 3060.84 3027.37 2992.52 3017.16 3,602.45
BSY= Brewers Spent Yeast
means with different superscripts in the same row differ (P<0.05) significantly.
Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20172389 DOI: 10.21275/ART20172389 1440
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
The cassava peels from Benin City, Okada, Warri and The brewer spent yeast (BSY) had 0.00 % crude fibre and
Koko showed significant (P < 0.05) difference in their high crude protein (49.5 %). This result is similar to the
proximate compositions (Table 4.1). In most of the report of a previous worker (Pessu, 2004). The NFE of the
parameters measured however, cassava peels from Warri BSY as well recorded high value of 35.90 %. This
and Koko were not significantly (P > 0.05) different. This substantiates the report of Olomu (2011) that BSY is
was also observed with Okada and Benin City. This may considered a proteinous ingredient. It therefore has a high
be related to the similarity in their soil composition as prospect in livestock feeding particularly monogastrics.
imparted on the cassava. Variations in data obtained from
Okada and Koko in all the parameters, were significantly From Table 2, it is observed that increasing levels of BSY
(P < 0.05) different. Proximity seemed to play a significant in the caspeyeast grade formulations resulted in
role in this disparity. The minerals considered (except P) proportionate increase in the crude protein of the emerging
in this research were not significantly different. Oyenuga ingredient. This is connected with the high crude protein
(1968) stated that crude protein levels of crops have been content of the BSY. The CF and NFE values correlated
attributable to environmental factors and cultivar inversely with increasing percentage of BSY of the
differences. caspeyeast grades. The high energy and fibre of the
cassava peel has a reflection in the observed results
Development and chemical composition of CPY25%, CPY50% and CPY75%. The mineral compositions
“caspeyeast” of the ingredients generated were positively influenced
with levels of BSY inclusion.
The proximate and some mineral composition of three
feed grades CYP25%, CYP50% and CYP75% are presented in From the present study, it can therefore be concluded that
Table 2. The results revealed that CPY75% had the highest the seemly wastes – Cassava Peels and Brewers Spent
crude protein value of 35.30 which was significantly Yeast – can be better utilized by the development of a feed
(P˂0.05) different from the crude protein values obtained resource referred to as “Caspeyeast”. The resultant feed
for CPY 25 % and CYP 50 %. resource culminated into protein entity that is high in
energy. Utilization of the “Caspeyeast” in livestock is
The crude fibre values were also significantly (P < 0.05) recommended for further studies.
different with CPY75% having the lowest crude fibre values
of 3.00 % as against 8.10 % obtained CPY25%. Some References
mineral composition of CPY 25 %, CPY 30 % and CPY
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Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20172389 DOI: 10.21275/ART20172389 1441
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
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Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20172389 DOI: 10.21275/ART20172389 1442

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