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Renr 3969

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4993 RENR3969_nh 3/30/06 10:58 AM Page 1

June 2004

Crankshaft Piston, Rings and Connecting Rods

C13 On-Highway Engine Installation Tool Required
Part No. Description
161-4164 Piston Ring Compressor

Engine Design
Bore 130 mm (5.12 inch)
Wear Sleeve and Seal Installation Tools Required
Stroke 157 mm (6.18 inch) Part No. Description Part No. Description
Number of Cylinders 6 5P-7293 Installer 5P-4194 Installer
8T-3098 Installer 5P-4230 Spacer
Cylinder Arrangement *In-line 5P-0290 Locator 1P-5515 Bolt (2)
Firing Order (Injection Sequence) 1, 5, 3, 6, 2, 4 9S-6030 Installer 9S-8858 Nut
Direction of Rotation Counterclockwise 9S-6012 Spacer
(Viewed from flywheel end)

Piston Cooling Jets

Literature References
a. 59.17 ± 0.25 mm (2.33 ± 0.010 inch)
Form Number Title
b. 250 ± 0.25 mm (9.84 ± 0.010 inch)
NENG2500 Dealer Service Tool Catalog
c. 55.3 mm (2.18 inch)
Special Instruction SMHS7100 gives the procedure for using the d. 10.7 mm (0.421 inch)
installation tools.
e. 250 ± 0.25 mm (9.84 ± 0.010 inch)
Note: There are holes in the bores for the main bearings, between Tighten the cooling jet bolt to a torque of 35 ± 3 N·m (26 ± 2 lb ft).

Engine Assembly Procedure

cylinders 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6 for piston cooling orifices.
These holes must have either orifices or plugs installed. Find this
information in OIL LINES in the parts book for your engine Torque Procedure
arrangement. Connecting Rod Bolt
Q - Denotes Critical Checkpoints Sub Assembly Sub Assembly Installation Parts Assembly Note: If a turbocharger is installed on the engine, be sure to install
Sub Assembly Installation Parts Assembly Parts Sequence Procedure orifices. a. Put engine oil on threads and nut seat.
Sub Assembly
Parts Sequence Procedure Note: If orifices are installed in the engine, be sure to install an engine b. Tighten both bolts to 130 ± 7 N-m (95 ± 5 lb ft).
Pump Fuel Injection a. Time fuel pump camshaft
Q – 26 oil cooler.
Clean oil passages. Governor Assembly with timing pin. c. Mark each nut and end of bolt.
Block Q–1 1. Connecting Rod Journal
Check liner projection. b. Install fuel injection pump 89 ± 0.020 mm (3.5 ± 0.0008 inch) d. Tighten both nuts from mark 60 ± 5o (1/6 of a turn)
Covers Diameter
housing assembly and fuel
Position block on engine Connecting Rod Journal -1- Maximum: 0.131 mm (0.005 inches)
Plugs Block filter.
2 stand with accessory drive bearing clearance Main Bearing Bolt
Liners side up. c. Install fuel pump drive Minimum: 0.033 mm (0.1 inches)
a. Put engine oil on threads and washer face.
Camshaft gear and torque. 2. Main Bearing Journal
Bearings Install main bearings to 108 ± 0.020 mm (4.25 ± 0.0008 inch) b. Tighten all bolts to 150 ± 5 N·m (111 ± 4 lb ft).
3 block and caps. 27 Install valve filters. Diameter
Main Bearing Journal -2- Maximum: 0.157 mm (0.006 inches) c. Mark each bolt and cap.
Install gasket and spacer
4 Oil main bearings. 28 bearing clearance Minimum: 0.059 mm (0.002 inches) d. Tighten all bolts from mark 60o
Install crankshaft and 3. Do not heat gear or wear sleeve to more than 300 °C (572 °F) before
5 Install gasket and cylinder
thrust plates. 29 installation.
Plate head. Lubricate Piston Assembly and bearings with clean engine oil.
Crankshaft Crankshaft Install and torque main Ring gaps must minimum of 120o apart.
Q–6 Cylinder Head 30 Install push rods. 4. Crankshaft End Play Maximum 0.50 mm (0.020 inch)
Gear Assembly bearing caps. Minimum 0.10 mm (0.004 inch)
Push Rods Cylinder Head 31 Install rocker arm assembly.
Rotate crankshaft and 5. Clearance between main bearing cap and cylinder block is press fit to
Q–7 Rocker Arm Assembly
check end play. Torque cylinder head and 0.038 mm (0.0017 inch) Loose.
Assembly Q – 32
rocker arm bolts.
Connecting Oil liners, rings and Main bearing cap width 178 ± 0.02 mm (7.008 ± 0.001 inch)
Rods bearings. Adjust valve lash and
Q – 33 Width of cylinder block for
Rings Piston & Rod Variable Valve Actuator lash. 178 ± 0.018 mm (7.0079 ± 0.0007 inch)
Install pistons and rod main bearing cap
Pistons Assembly caps. Check alignment of Install valve cover, breather
Q–9 34
Pins "V" marks on pistons and and glow plug leads.
Bearings cylinder block. Front Housing Install front housing.
Housing 35
10 Install piston cooling jets.
Install wear sleeve and seal
Cylinder Liners
Q – 11 Torque rod nuts. 36
to crankshaft.
Rotate crankshaft and
Q – 12 37 Install front support.
recheck endplay.
Flywheel 13 Install flywheel housing. Install crankshaft damper
Q – 38
Housing and pulley and torque.
Check flywheel housing
Covers Flywheel Q – 14 Pump Install water pump, regulator
bore and face runout. Water Pump
Housing Regulator 39 and elbows.
Plugs Assembly
Assembly Install wear sleeve and
Seals Elbows
15 seal to crankshaft and
Sleeve flywheel housing. 40 Install exhaust manifold.
Note: The word "FRONT" may be stamped on the pistons in some
Q – 16 Install flywheel and torque. 41 Install Turbochargers engines. Ensure that the word "FRONT" is toward the front of the
Check flywheel bore and 42 Install engine oil cooler. engine when the piston is installed. The etched number on the
Q – 17 Torque liner clamping arrangement in four steps: connecting rod must be on the right side of the engine in the
face runout. 43 Install oil filter base and filter. Step 1 - 27 N·m (20 lb ft) corresponding cylinder. Ensure that the piston and the etched
18 Install front timing plate. Install transmission oil Step 2 - 54 N·m (40 lb ft) number are correctly positioned.
Pump, cooler. Step 3 - 68 N·m (50 lb ft)
19 Install oil pump. Step 4 - 68 N·m (50 lb ft)
Gears Oil Pump 45 Install tube assemblies.
Tube Assembly Assembly
20 Install oil pan. 46 Install air compressor.
Suction Bell Installation Tool Required
47 Install fuel lines. Part No. Description Part No. Description
21 Set engine upright.
48 Install starter motor. 8T-0455 Cylinder Liner Installer
Put No. 1 piston at top Inspection Tool Required
22 center. Put timing bolt in 49 Install alternator. 1P-2394 Puller Plate 8B-7548 Puller Crossbar
flywheel. Install miscellaneous covers, 3H-0465 Plates 1P-5510 Tool Group
Install camshaft, thrust lines, and accessories.
Camshaft Camshaft Q – 23 50
washers, gear & torque. Compare completed engine Put liquid soap on bottom liner bore in block, on grooves in lower liner,
Gear Assembly with photos. and on o-rings. Install o-rings on liner. Put filler band in engine oil.
24 Install fuel pump idler gear.
Immediately install the filler band on the liner and install liner in the
Accessory Drive a. Install accessory drive cylinder block.
Q – 25
Assembly housing assembly.
Pump b. Time accessory drive
Governor Fuel Injection shaft with timing plate. Bore in liner (New) 130.037 ± 0.037 mm (5.12 ± 0.0015 inch)
Gear Assembly c. Install fuel pump drive Use again maximum 130.136 mm (5.12 inch)
Fuel Filter gear and torque.
Liner flange thickness 11.05 mm (0.435 inch)
Fuel Transfer d. Install fuel pump and
Pump governor assembly. Liner projection 0.120 to 0.060 mm (0.0071 to 0.0024 inch)
4993 RENR3969_nh 3/30/06 10:58 AM Page 2

Cylinder Head Flywheel Exhaust Manifold Variable Valve Actuator (VVA)

1. Maximum permissible "run out" (radial eccentricity) 0.15 mm
off center of bore (total indicator reading) (0.006 inch)
2. Maximum permissible "run out" (axial eccentricity) 0.15 mm
of face (total indicator reading) (0.006 inch)
3. Maximum permissible "run out" (radial eccentricity) 0.13 mm
off center of bore (total indicator reading) (0.005 inch)
4. Torque for flywheel bolts 300 ± 40 N·m
(221 ± 30 lb ft)

Note: Put 5P-3931 Anti-Seize Compound on threads of bolts and

View from right side of engine
Retighten bolts 1 thru 12 in numerical 55 ± 10 N·m
Note: Put 6V-4876 Anti-Seize Compound on threads, bolt heads, sequence to: (41 ± 7 lb ft)
washers and tighten bolts in the following Step sequence: 35 ± 5 N·m
Tighten the studs to the following torque:
Step 1. Tighten bolts 1 thru 26 in numerical 170 ± 10 N·m (26 ± 4 lb ft)
sequence to a torque of: (125 ± 7 lb ft) Set No. 1 Piston and TDC of Set No. 6 Piston and TDC of
Compression Stroke Compression Stroke
Step 2. Tighten bolts 1 thru 26 again in 170 ± 10 N·m
numerical sequence to a torque of: (125 ± 7 lb ft) Turbocharger Valves Cylinder Valves Cylinder

Step 3. Place a mark on bolts 1 thru 26 and 120 ± 5° VVA 1,2,4 VVA 3,5,6
Low-Pressure Turbocharger
rotate in numerical sequence clockwise to (1/3 turn) Crankshaft Hub and Vibration Damper
Step 4. Loosen bolts 1 thru 26 until the washers 0 ± 0 N·m 1) Loosen the jam nut until the lash adjustment screw can be rotated
are loose under the bolt heads. (0 ± 0 lb ft) easily.
Step 5. Tighten bolts 1 thru 26 in a numerical 170 ± 10 N·m 2) Insert feeler gauge between the intake rocker arm and the intake
sequence to a torque of: (125 ± 7 lb ft) valve piston.
Step 6. Tighten bolts 1 thru 26 again in 170 ± 10 N·m 3) Turn lash-adjusting screw clockwise until the VVA piston keeps the
numerical sequence to a torque of: (125 ± 7 lb ft) feeler gauge from being removed. There should be a tight hold on the
Step 7. Place a mark on bolts 1 thru 26 and 120 ± 5° feeler gauge. Turn the adjusting screw counter-clockwise to loosen the
rotate in numerical sequence clockwise to (1/3 turn) grip on the feeler gauge.

Step 8. Tighten bolts 27 thru 33 in numerical 55 ± 10 N·m 1. Tighten bolt holding hub to crankshaft to 55 ± 10 N·m 4) For field service: Set the lash to: 0.610 ± 0.075 mm
sequence to a torque of: (41 ± 7 lb ft) (40.24 ± 7.32 lb ft) (0.024 ± 0.003 inch)
Hit bolt with hammer and again tighten bolt to 55 ± 10 N·m 5) For factory assembly only: Set the lash to: 0.560 ± 0.05 mm
(40.24 ± 7.32 lb ft) (0.022 ± 0.002 inch)

Flywheel Housing 6) Hold the lash adjustment screw in place

and tighten the jam nut to:
50 ± 10 N·m
(36.59 ± 7.32 lb ft)
Valve Clearance 7) Recheck VVA lash setting.

Note: Put 5P-3931 Anti-Seize Compound on threads of the studs.

Apply lubricant to the threads of the studs and install nuts (1).
Apply lubricant to the threads of the studs of clamp (2).
12 N·m
Tighten clamp (6) to a torque of:
(8.78 lb ft)
Apply lubricant to the threads of the studs of clamp (3).
12 N·m
Tighten clamp (4) to a torque of:
(8.78 lb ft)

1. Maximum permissible "run out" (radial 0.30 mm

eccentricity) of the flywheel housing bore. (0.012 inch) Exhaust 0.64 mm (0.025 inch) High-Pressure Turbocharger
2. Maximum permissible "run out' (axial 0.38 mm Intake 0.38 mm (0.015 inch)
eccentricity) of the flywheel housing face. (0.015 inch)

Adjust following valves at No. 1 TC Adjust following valves at No. 6 TC

Timing Gears Valves Cylinder Valves Cylinder
Intake 1,2,4 Intake 3,5,6
Exhaust 1,3,5 Exhaust 2,4,6
Unit Injectors 3,5,6 Unit Injectors 1,2,4

Valve Cover

Note: Put 5P-3931 Anti-Seize Compound on threads of studs.

Apply lubricant to the threads of the studs and install nuts (1).
1. Camshaft Gear Bolt; torque to: Heat and Press Fit Apply tooling to the threads of the studs of clamp (3).
460 ± 60 N·m Apply tooling to the threads of the studs of clamp (2).
2. Camshaft Idler Gear Bolt; torque to: 9 N·m
(336.59 ± 43.9 lb ft) Tighten all bolts in number sequence to
(6.59 lb ft)
3. Crankshaft Gear Bolt; torque to: Heat and Press Fit
4. Idler Gear for water pump Bolt; torque 240 ± 40 N·m
to: (175.61 ± 29.27 lb ft)

©2004 Caterpillar Inc.

All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A.

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