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must be purchased separately for living mounts, aircraft, and Hacking

land or water vehicles.

Requirements: Intelligence (Computers) and Intelligence
Novice: You know how to line up a target. When making a
(Security) focuses
ram attack or attacking with a weapon while in your vehicle
or atop your mount, you enjoy a +1 bonus to attack rolls. If it’s stored in a computer, it’s yours for the taking.
Expert: You use the mobility of your vehicle or mount to Novice: Everything you need to know is a couple of keystrokes
attack with devilish agility. When you’re in a vehicle or away. When you succeed at an Intelligence (Cryptography)
mount, you can make an attack roll at any point of your or Intelligence (Security) test, the GM can provide you with
movement. Normally you’d have to attack at the beginning an extra item of information about the subject. Also, you can
or end of your movement. During a chase (see Chapter 8: use the Intelligence (Computers) focus instead of Communi-
Mastering the Rules), you can attack another participant as if cation (Investigation) and Intelligence (Research) if the infor-
their Chase Total was 2 points closer to yours than it really is. mation you seek can be found online and you have a means
Master: They better get out of the way! You gain +1 SP when- to connect. This also means that you consider Intelligence
ever you roll doubles on an attack roll while driving, piloting, (Computers) as a primary focus in an investigation for any
or riding, or on any test you make to direct your vehicle or task where Communication (Investigation) and Intelligence
mount. (Research) are primary focuses.
Expert: Security codes and countermeasures melt like butter
Freerunning under your efforts. If you fail a Dexterity (Sabotage) (elec-
Requirements: Dexterity 2, Dexterity (Acrobatics) focus tronics only) or Intelligence (Computers) test, you can re-roll
it, but you must keep the results of the second roll.
The roofs, alcoves, and catwalks of the city are your play- Master: You know all the shortcuts in electronics and
ground. programming. When you make an advanced test (see
Novice: Every move you make is part of one fluid motion. Chapter 8: Mastering the Rules) using Intelligence (Cryptog-
Using the Move action to stand up, climb, dismount, and the raphy), Intelligence (Computers), and Dexterity (Sabotage)
like does not reduce your Speed. Furthermore, whenever (electronics only), add +2 to the result of the Stunt Die for the
you’re in a chase on foot (see the chase rules in Chapter 8: purpose of reaching the test’s threshold. You can perform the
Mastering the Rules) add +1 to your Chase Total, in addition Cover Your Tracks exploration stunt for 2 SP in tests involving
to the Stunt Die result, whenever you succeed on a Chase Test. the above focuses.
Expert: When you run, gravity is merely an inconvenience.
Terrain-based hazards do not reduce your Speed. When you
Hurled Weapon Style
fall, if you succeed at a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test with a TN Requirement: None
determined by the GM based on height and nearby surfaces,
you suffer only half damage. You may also use Dexterity (Acro- You are adept with weapons you throw by hand.
batics) instead of Constitution (Running) for Chase Tests on foot, Novice: Your accuracy is uncanny. You gain a +1 bonus on
as long as you’re in a built up urban environment, or another attack rolls with weapons from the Thrown Weapons and
location where rapid climbing and bounding would be useful. Grenades group.
Master: Impressive acrobatics are just the way you natu- Expert: You can grab a throwing weapon in an instant. You
rally move. You can re-roll any die result of 1 on each die Ready a throwing weapon or grenade as a free action instead
in Dexterity (Acrobatics), Stamina (Running), and Strength of a minor action.
(Climbing, Jumping) tests, but you must keep the results of
the second roll. Master: You master your own leverage to throw further. You
can add your Accuracy to the range of throwing weapons and
Grappling Style grenades.

Requirement: Fighting (Grappling) focus Improvisation

You can subdue and restrain your opponents before they Requirement: Intelligence 1 or Willpower 1 or higher
know what’s happening.
You can come up with the next best solution to a problem.
Novice: You are slippery and swift. If you fail an opposed
Fighting (Grappling) test to avoid being grappled (as per the Novice: You can do a little bit of everything. You can make
Grapple stunt’s description), you can re-roll it, but you must an ability test that requires a specific focus, even if you don’t
keep the results of the second roll. have that focus. You don’t gain a focus bonus to your roll and
don’t generate SP on such rolls, but you are always consid-
Expert: If you successfully hit an opponent with an unarmed ered to have a primary focus in investigations.
Stunt Attack action and you choose a stunt from the grap-
pling category, you acquire 1 additional SP to apply to addi- Expert: Anything in your hands is a weapon or a tool. When
tional stunts. you perform the Whatever’s Handy combat stunt, the penalty
of your improvised weapon is reduced by 1 and lasts 2d6
Master: You can perform the Pin action stunt for 3 SP instead rounds before breaking. If improvising a tool instead of a
of the usual 4. In addition, your penalty to Defense when weapon, you can perform tests that require the tool, but you
using the Grapple and Pin stunts is halved. don’t generate SP when doing so.

58 Chapter 3 - Character Options

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