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Clever Fool (5th Level).

After using your Play the

Fool talent, whether or not you are successful, you
Lvl Talents can take the Dodge action as a bonus action.

Improved Viciousness (7th Level). When you

1 Play the Fool, Slippery, Sneaky hit a Blinded, Distracted, Exhausted, Grappled,
Intoxicated, Prone, Restrained, or Sick opponent, it is
3 Trapmaker, Viciousness always considered a critical hit.

Execution (9th Level). When you hit an

Advanced Combat Training,

5 Incapacitated opponent, you can roll any number of
Clever Fool
your unspent influence dice and
7 Improved Viciousness
Gutter Rat Tricks

9 Execution Bleeding Strike. After hitting an opponent with an
attack, you may spend an influence die. The target
takes damage equal to the roll at the start of each of
their turns. This damage continues until either they
fall to 0 hit points, or the First Aid action is used to
stop the bleeding. Your trick DC sets the DC for the
First Aid action.

Talents Blinding Strike. When making a melee attack, after

Play the Fool (1st Level). You can take an action to
distract an opponent who can see and hear you.
Make a Charisma (Deception) check opposed by a
Wisdom (Insight) check from the target. If you win
rolling to hit but before determining the result, you
can roll an influence die and add it to the attack roll.
If the attack hits, in addition to the normal damage
the target must succeed on a Constitution saving
throw or be blinded until the end of their next turn.
the contest, the opponent is considered Distracted
by your antics until the beginning of your next turn. Gloat. After an opponent has made a successful
saving throw against a talent or attack you used
Slippery (1st Level). You have advantage on against them, you can use your reaction to roll an
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks made to escape influence die to apply a penalty equal to your roll,
bonds and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to escape potentially turning the success into failure.
a grapple. You can make such checks as a bonus
action during combat. Hobbling Strike. When making a melee attack, after

rolling to hit but before determining the result, you

Sneaky (1st Level). You have advantage on can roll an influence die and add it to the attack roll.
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made while trying to If the attack hits, in addition to the normal damage
move without making any noise. the target’s speed is reduced to 0 until the end of
Trap Maker (3rd Level). You have advantage on their next turn.
Intelligence (Security) checks made to determine if Killer Instinct. When you score a critical hit, you can
a trap you set works correctly. roll one influence die and add double the result to

Viciousness (3rd Level). When you hit an the total damage dealt.
Incapacitated opponent, it is always considered a Squirm. When an opponent successfully hits you
critical hit. with an attack, you can spend an influence die to
Advanced Combat Training (5th Level). Once impose a penalty on their attack roll equal to your
during your turn, when you take the Attack action influence roll. If the roll no longer meets or beats
you can make two attacks as part of that action. your defense, it is a miss.

Classes | Gutter Rat 29

[Agile Hero]

“Snake Plissken in my cab, ha, wait till I tell

Ñ Cabbie

Nothing in the world sounds as sweet to you as

the roar of a powerful engine and rubber tires
screeching. You look back on the vehicles you have
owned like others might consider their own children.
You can build ‘em, fix 'em, and drive ‘em like no

one else.

Motorheads have significant advantages

driving, flying, or operating any kind of
vehicle in an action setting. They are
also given a good number of skill and
equipment proficiencies making them
versatile heroes. Motorheads don’t
have many talents to use when not in
the driver's seat, but no one can match

e them when they are behind the wheel.


Saving Throws: Dexterity and Intelligence

Skills: Choose Three (Arts and Crafts,
Computers, Endurance, Mechanics,

Natural Science, Streetwise, and Vehicles)

Equipment: Basic, Advanced, and
Improvised Equipment
Expertise: Gain Expertise in Mechanics
and Vehicles, provided you already
have proficiency


Equipment Pack: Driver’s Pack

Weapons: Monkey wrench, Molotov
cocktail, heavy revolver
Backstreets. You have advantage on Wisdom
(Streetwise) checks made while navigating a vehicle.
Level Talents
Pool Burnout. You have advantage when making driving
speed contests.
1 Combat Driver 1
Daredevil Driver. You have advantage when
Advanced making a Dexterity (Vehicles) check to perform a
3 2
Combat Driver vehicle stunt.
5 3 Evasive Maneuvers. Until the start of your next turn,

Combat Training
you can take an action while driving a vehicle to give
7 Max Performance 4 disadvantage to all attack rolls against the vehicle
or its passengers.
9 Master Motorhead 5

Inconspicuous. You can use Dexterity (Vehicles)
when making checks to follow someone when
driving a vehicle and remain unseen. Furthermore,
you have advantage when making these checks.
Let’s Roll. You can enter and start or exit a vehicle
Combat Driver (1st Level). You do not have as a bonus action. Note that this assumes you have
disadvantage when making ranged attacks due the necessary keys or the like to open and start the
to being in a moving vehicle. You treat integrated vehicle. This also assumes you are within 5 feet of
vehicle weapons as Advanced Equipment instead of the vehicle's cockpit or driver's seat.
Military Equipment.

Motor Pool (1st-9th Level). The Motorhead gains
access to motor pool talents. At first level, you select
a single motor pool talent from the motor pool list.
When the number of motor pool talents increases,
Nimble. You have advantage when making driving
maneuverability contests.

Quick Fix. You can attempt to repair damage to a

vehicle as an action during a chase or combat. No
as shown in the Motorhead table, you choose tools are needed. Make an Intelligence (Mechanics)
an additional motor pool talent. These choices check to lower the level of one Vehicle Condition
are permanent. by one. The DC is based on the current level of the
condition. A totaled vehicle cannot be repaired with
Advanced Combat Driver (3rd Level). During a a Quick Fix.
chase, if you use the Brace or Gain Ground action
during your turn while driving/piloting a vehicle you Condition Level DC

can use a bonus action to make an attack with an

integrated vehicle weapon. 1 10

Advanced Combat Training (5th Level). Once 2 15

during your turn, when you take the Attack action 3 20
you can make two attacks as part of that action.

Max Performance (7th Level). The Strength, Repo Man. You can use Intelligence (Mechanics) or

Dexterity, and Constitution modifiers of any vehicle Intelligence (Vehicles) when trying to hotwire, open,
you are driving are each increased by 2. or control a vehicle without its keys. You also have
advantage on these checks.
Master Motorhead (9th Level). Double the number
of chase points you receive for winning a Dexterity Safety First. You have advantage on Dexterity
(Vehicles) contest, overcoming a challenge, or (Vehicles) checks made to avoid a crash.
avoiding a hazard as a driver of a vehicle. Too Cool. You have advantage on a single Charisma
check made while driving a vehicle. You can’t use
Motor Pool this talent again until you have taken a short rest.

Avert Disaster. You can re-roll one failed vehicle

damage saving throw. You can't use this talent again
until you have taken a short rest.

Classes | Motorhead 31
Street Warrior
[Strong Hero]

“I don’t give a fuck about your

war… or your president.”
Ñ Snake Plissken

If New York is a concrete jungle, you seek

to be its tiger. Only the tough survive,
and only the strong rise to the top.
That doesn’t mean you have to be a
monster, but it does mean you dare

not show weakness on the streets.
Failure is not an option.

The Street Warrior is an all-around fighter that

can use nearly any weapon effectively. Their
Determination talent means that bad luck and
enemy attacks only make them increasingly
dangerous. Taking wild risks for big damage almost
always pays off at some point during a fight.


Saving Throws: Strength and Constitution

Skills: Choose Two (Athletics, Acrobatics,
Endurance, Mechanics, Intimidation,

Equipment: Basic, Advanced,

Improvised, Historical, and
Military Equipment


Equipment Pack: Punk Pack

Weapons: Any
modifier to the result of each hit dice you roll. You
can then take your turn.
Level Talents
You’ll Regret That (3rd Level). You gain one
Bad Ass, determination point after failing a saving throw
Determination caused by an enemy's attack or hostile effect
Rise Up, You’ll Regret during combat.
3 That, Try It and Try It and Find Out (3rd Level). As a bonus
Find Out action, you can attempt to intimidate an opponent

Advanced within 100 feet who can see and hear you. Make a
5 contested Strength (Intimidation) check against
Combat Training
a Wisdom saving throw from the target. If you
7 Shrug It Off, Ticked Off win the contest, before the start of your next turn
the target’s next attack roll has disadvantage

against you.
9 Just Die Already
Advanced Combat Training (5th Level). Once
during your turn, when you take the Attack action
you can make two attacks as part of that action.

Talents Shrug It Off (7th Level). After failing a saving

throw, you can use a reaction and spend one
Bad Ass (1st Level). You can always use Strength
Determination point to re-roll the saving throw. You
instead of Charisma when making Intimidation
cannot use Shrug it Off and You’ll Regret That on
ability checks.

Determination (1st Level). Gain one point of
determination when you fail an attack roll against
an opponent in combat. You have a +1 bonus on
the same saving throw.

Ticked Off (7th Level). When you are hit for 15 or

more points of damage from a single attack from an
opponent, you gain one determination point.
attack rolls and a +2 bonus to weapon damage for
each point of determination you have. When you hit Just Die Already (9th Level). As an action, you
an opponent with an attack in combat, you lose one can make a single attack by spending all of your
point of determination if you have any. You lose all determination points. The bonus to attack and
determination points at the end of a long rest. damage is determined by the number of points
spent, up to the maximum shown on the table below.
The maximum number of determination points you
You cannot choose to spend fewer points than you
can accumulate is equal to your level.
have; even if it is more than 6, you must spend

Example: In the first round of combat, Echo makes them all.

two attacks against an opponent. He misses the
first attack and gains one determination point. His Points Attack Damage
second attack is now made with +1 to hit and +2 to
damage. He misses this as well and now has two 1 +1 +2
determination points. In the next round, Echo again
makes two attacks. His first attack has +2 to hit

2 +3 +6
and +4 to damage. Echo scores a hit and loses one
determination point. His second attack is at +1 to
hit and +2 to damage. He lands that one as well and 3 +6 +12
loses his last point of determination.
4 +10 +20
Rise Up (3rd Level). To use Rise Up, you must
have one or more determination points and at 5 +15 +30
least one unspent hit die. When you succeed on a
death saving throw, you can spend one or more
6 +21 +42
Determination points and spend an equal number of
hit dice to recover hit points. Add your Constitution

Classes | Street Warrior

Feats You have learned how to fight dirty and generally
behave like a conniving wretch. You gain the
following benefits:
Combat Mechanic (Minor Feat) ] You gain proficiency in Basic and
You are an expert in taking down vehicles by Improvised Equipment.
hitting them in just the right spot. You gain the ] You gain 1 additional influence die.
following benefit:
] Play the Fool: You can take an action to distract
] Whenever you successfully damage a vehicle, an opponent who can see and hear you. Make

but it is not totaled, you can choose the Body, a Charisma (Deception) check opposed by a
Control, or Power result on the Vehicle Damage Wisdom (Insight) check from the target. If you
Table instead of having the driver of the win the contest, the opponent is considered
vehicle roll. Distracted by your antics until the beginning of

your next turn.
Crazy Talk (Minor Feat) ] You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
checks made while trying to move without
You have learned how to communicate with crazies making any noise.
and have some insight into their twisted minds. You
gain the following benefit: ] You can learn two Tricks from the Gutter Rat
trick list.
] You can understand the intended meaning
of the strange things crazies say and can
communicate simple ideas to them in return. Advanced Gutter Rat Training (Major Feat)

from them. e
This allows you to effectively make social
challenges with Crazies or gather information
Prerequisite: Not a Gutter Rat (class), Gutter Rat
Training (feat), Level 8+

There aren’t many depths to which you would not

sink to get the upper hand over your enemies. You
Go Behind (Minor Feat)
gain the following benefits:
You have learned how to sucker your opponents
] You gain 1 additional influence die.
into leaving themselves open to a reversal. You gain
the following benefit: ] Your influence dice are now d8 instead of d6.
(Ignore this if your archetype is Charming Hero.)
] When an opponent within 5 feet misses you with
a melee attack, you can use your reaction to ] After using Play the Fool, whether or not you are

move directly behind them and make a melee successful, you can take the Dodge action as a
opportunity attack with advantage on the attack bonus action.
roll. You can only use this feat once against a ] You learn one additional Trick from the Gutter
given opponent. Rat trick list.
You cannot use Go Behind while you have 0
movement speed or there is no reasonable way to Motorhead Training (Major Feat)
move behind an opponent. This movement does not

provoke opportunity attacks. Prerequisite: Not a Motorhead (class), Agile Hero or

Agile Hero Training, Level 4+
Multiclass Feats You have a love affair with vehicles. You build them,
tune them, and drive them with passion and skill.
You gain the following benefits:
Gutter Rat Training (Major Feat)
] You gain proficiency in Mechanics and Vehicles
Prerequisite: Not a Gutter Rat, Charming Hero or if you don’t already have these proficiencies.
Charming Hero Training, Level 4+ (You do not gain alternate picks if you have
these proficiencies.)

34 Escape From New York | Part II

] You do not have disadvantage when making Advanced Street Warrior Training
ranged attacks due to being in a moving vehicle. (Major Feat)
] You treat integrated vehicle weapons
Prerequisite: Not a Street Warrior (class), Street
as Advanced Equipment instead of
Warrior Training (feat), Level 8+
Military Equipment.
] You learn two Motor Pool Talents of your choice. You live for the thrill of the fight and won’t back
down from anyone. Your reputation alone is enough
to scare away all but the toughest foes. You gain the
Advanced Motorhead Training (Major Feat) following benefits:

Prerequisite: Not a Motorhead (class), Motorhead ] You can accumulate a maximum of 6
Training (feat), Level 8+ determination points.
You are a demon on the road and a genius in the ] After failing a saving throw, you can use a

garage. You gain the following benefits: reaction and spend one determination point to
re-roll the saving throw.
] You gain Expertise in Mechanics and Vehicles if
you don’t already have Expertise in these skills. ] As a bonus action, you can attempt to
intimidate an opponent within 100 feet who
] If you use the Brace or Gain Ground action can see and hear you. Make a contested
during your turn while driving/piloting a vehicle, Strength (Intimidation)
you can use a bonus action to make an attack check against a Wisdom
with an integrated vehicle weapon. saving throw from
] You learn two additional Motor Pool talents of the target. If you
your choice.

Street Warrior Training

e (Major Feat)
Prerequisite: Not a Street Warrior (class), Strong
win the contest,
before the
start of your
next turn the
target has
Hero or Strong Hero Training, Level 4+ disadvantage
on their next
Through hard-fought experience, you have made attack roll
yourself into a well-rounded warrior ready to against you.
fight anyone, anywhere, at any time. You gain the
following benefits:

] You gain one equipment proficiency of

your choice. You cannot choose military
equipment unless you already have Advanced
Equipment proficiency.
] You can use Strength instead of Charisma when
making ability checks using Intimidation.
] When you fail an attack roll against an opponent

in combat, gain one point of determination.

You have a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a
+2 bonus to weapon damage for each point
of determination you have. When you hit an
opponent with an attack in combat, lose one
point of determination if you have any. You
lose all determination points at the end of a
long rest. You can accumulate a maximum of 3
determination points.

Equipment Due to the black powder shortage, bows,
crossbows, slingshots, and air-powered pellet
Owing to the lack of same-day delivery and internet guns are all popular ranged weapons for hunting
shopping, obtaining goods is a slower process in and combat. Some of the gangs have become
New America. Despite this, it’s still easy to find any adept at building bows and crafting arrows out of
legal product you may need. Black markets are scavenged materials.
especially common in New America, so illegal goods
are even a bit easier to acquire.
Equipment Packs
Within New York Max, things are very different.

There are some markets in Midtown Manhattan, but Most of the EVERYDAY HEROES equipment packs
most people simply go scavenging for what they work for Escape from New York, though you will want
need. If you want to find something you don’t have, to exclude some modern day items like cellphones,
you are most likely going to need to succeed on a smart watches, and so forth. Likewise, these packs
work perfectly well in the modern world.

Streetwise check or else bargain with a scavenger
who knows where to find what you need. If you
have enough Street Cred, you can probably borrow Driver’s Pack (Price Level 2)
what you are looking for from someone who has
it already. Clothes: Sneakers, jeans, t-shirt
Vehicle: A rusted 4-door American sedan
The city was abandoned very quickly, and much
of what was in the city on the day of the Attack on Gear: Car stuff, gas canister
America is still there. The only things that are in Weapons: Sawed-off shotgun
especially short supply are consumable goods like
ammunition, fuel, and food.

Restricted Items
e Punk Pack

Gear: Bag stuff

(Price Level 1)
Clothes: Sneakers, ripped pants, t-shirt, gang colors
in New America
Weapons: Baseball bat, throwing knife
In the world of Escape from New York, restricted
items from the Core Rulebook are still restricted.
Within Free Zones like New York Maximum Security Revolutionary Soldier Pack (Price Level 3)
Penitentiary there is no pervasive law enforcement,
Clothes: Second-hand military fatigues, a set of
and thus nothing is considered restricted. Many civilian clothes, jump boots
items are very hard to get, but nothing is strictly

illegal or necessarily going to get an alarmed Vehicle: Late-model compact import

reaction from other residents. Gear: Bag stuff, survival kit, secure shortwave
handheld radio, revolutionary pamphlets
Weapons: Combat knife, AK-47 assault rifle
Firearms in
New York Max Snake’s Mission Pack (Price Level 4)

Firearms are relatively scarce in New York Max.

What guns there are in the city were either Clothes: Urban camo pants, sleeveless black shirt,
combat boots, eye patch
abandoned there during the evacuation or later
smuggled into the city by revolutionaries and Vehicle: Gullfire glider
criminals. Even more scarce than guns is quality Gear: Pocket stuff, backpack, weapons belt,
ammunition. While there was a somewhat decent countdown watch with two-way miniature radio,
supply initially, over the years this has dwindled as emergency beacon bracelet, radio tracking device,
it was used up by the gangs. The raw materials for folding binoculars
making black powder simply aren’t common on the Weapons: Smith & Wesson Model 67 heavy revolver
island, so it is difficult to create new cartridges. with two quick loads and scope, MAC-10 SMG with
an integrated suppressor, optical scope and three
32-round magazines, three shuriken

36 Escape From New York | Part II


Equipment 37

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