The Effects of Using Organic Fertilizer in Thegrowth of Petchay
The Effects of Using Organic Fertilizer in Thegrowth of Petchay
The Effects of Using Organic Fertilizer in Thegrowth of Petchay
Submitted By
Randy B. Orua
Submitted To
Dr. Leovegildo B. Mante, PhD.
Course Professor
Date Submitted
According to some studies, the agriculture sector is unsustainable in the
aspect of feeding the ever-expanding population globally without creating insights
about the environmental problem it creates, especially regarding the soil health.
Fields are optimized through the use of technologies and different practices that fail
to achieve the standards for sustainability. A lot of farmers practice the use of
basically chemical-based fertilizers which results to a considerable contribution to the
degrading of our natural resources, particularly the soil. The excessive use of
fertilizers, mainly inorganic, have made pollution to surface and groundwater
There is an impressive amount of farms, and even residential areas, that plant
vegetables. It has been practiced for centuries here in Philippines. It plays a very
important role for every Filipinos commodity. According to Chauburg, aside from
letting individuals meet their need for vitamins, protein, and mineral requirements,
planting vegetables also serve as a reliable source of income for farmers. It brings
relatively higher income than other crops due to the reason that growers can
produce a greater number of crops in a smaller area for a short period of time.
Petchay or pechay (Brassica rapa) belongs to the Brassiceae family and a
popular vegetable in the Philippines. Also known as snow cabbage, Chinese chard or
Chinese white cabbage is consumed both as raw and cooked. Ideally, it is eaten raw
to prevent possible loss of its nutritional value when heated. It is an excellent source of
income and a hobby even for limited space adopting the very popular vertical
gardening with the use of recycled containers as potting media. It therefore have an
important role in the Philippine economy as well as in the nutrition of Filipinos. It is
used mainly for its young, but fully expanded green leaves. The most often preferred
part is its succulent petioles.
The fertilizer that farmers most commonly used are the inorganic one.
However, the supply of it is limited and will incur high cost to growers. On the other
hand, the preparation of organic fertilizers may be long and laborious, it will give
more benefits to the soil as well as to the plant. Aside from its ability to supply
nutrients, organic fertilizers are also capable of improving the physical, chemical, and
biological properties of the soil which will be a significant factor for the yield and
development of the crops.
Keeping in view that the petchay growth and development will be achieved,
the use of different organic fertilizers such as goat manure, carabao manure, chicken
dung, and humus will be practiced. Since there is an increased in demand of
organically produced vegetables due to its health and functional benefits. This
research paper aimed to evaluate the effect of different type of organic fertilizers as a
source of nutrients on the growth and yield performance of petchay.
This research paper is aimed to achieve the following objectives:
To evaluate the effect of different type of organic fertilizers to the yield and
development of petchay
To evaluate what organic fertilizer have more desirable effects to the
growth of petchay
Data Analysis
Here are data gathered from plots of every group:
Group 1: Carabao Manure
No. of No. of
Plant randomly Leaf size Stem Size leaves Weight
crop Width Length Width Length
1 1 8.8 10.5 1 5 10 59
2 6 11 11.5 0.9 4 5 52
3 8 9.5 10.5 0.7 3 8 50 Average
4 11 8.5 10 0.7 3 10 50 Weight/
5 30 10.5 11.8 0.8 3 8 48 Plot
6 24 12 9.7 1.2 6 9 51
7 35 9 11 1.4 5.5 7 50
8 29 9.4 10 1.4 4 9 71
9 10 10 12.1 1.5 3 7 49
10 12 10.3 12 1.1 4 10 62
No. of Plants/Plot 78 Total Weight 542 g 3.4 kg
Carabao manure is an farm waste product, an untapped resource that has
been proven to be an effective, safeguard and economic bio-organic fertilizer. It is a
very good bio-material for enhancing soil fertility. This bio-organic resource can be
collected in every farm. Rosco, 2014 mentioned that carabao produces 10 kl. of
manure daily. Chemical analysis show that carabao manure has 18-20 C:N ratio. It
has 24-30% carbon, 0.8-22% nitrogen, 2.07% phosphorus, and 0.12-2.0%
potassium (Agaman, et. al). Carabo manure enhance plant growth because of the
decomposing microorganisms in the rumen and hormones in their urine.
In the table above, it is shown how carabao manure affected the growth and
development of pechay. The average leaf size after harvested is ranging from 10.4 to
16 cm, while the stem size is from 2.56 to 5 cm. The number of leaves produced on
average is 8.3 and average weight of 54.2
Group 2: Chicken Dung
No. of No. of
Plant randomly Leaf size(cm) Stem Size(cm) leaves Weight
selected (g)
crop Width Length Width Length
1 17 14 17 1 6 9 150
2 22 11.5 13 1.3 4 10 55 Average
3 25 17 20 2 7.5 11 175 Weight/
4 15 13.5 14 1 6 11 72 Plot
5 5 15.5 9.6 1 4 8 25
6 13 16 11 1 7 11 113
7 7 12 10 1.3 5 10 26
8 32 12 9 2 6 10 43
9 1 15 11 1 5.5 14 124
10 36 15 17 1 9 14 173
No. of Plants/Plot 79 Total Weight 1062g 7025g
(1 kg) (7 kg)
Chicken dung is a non-synthetic organic fertilizer which mean contains high
level of primary nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It also contains
important micronutrients for plant growth like calcium, magnesium, copper, and zinc.
Chicken dung enhanced the growth of pechay as a soil amendment. This treatment
produces the crop average leaf size ranging from 13.8 to 16 cm, stem size of 3.63
cm, number of leaves is 10.3, and average weight of 106.2 grams.
Group 3: Goat Manure
No. of No. of
Plant randomly Leaf size(cm) Stem Size(cm) leaves Weight(g)
crop Width Length Width Length
1 16 18 19 2 6 12 246
2 24 13 14 1.4 5 10 63 Average
3 26 18 17 1.6 7 10 155 Weight/Plot
4 3 10 12 1 5 8 49
5 35 19 18.5 2 6 13 200
6 28 15 18 1 7 12 190
7 13 11 12 1 5 7 49
8 23 12 13 1 5.5 11 100
9 17 16 17 1.5 8 11 176
10 10 16 15 2 7 10 157
No. of Plants/Plot 81 Total weight 1,385g 9003g
(1.4kg) (9kg)
Goat droppings are commonly used as a fertilizer in gardens and farms. The
naturally dry pellets are not only easy to collect and apply, but are less messy than
other animal wastes. This manure doesn’t typically attract insects or burn plant as
does from cow or horses. On average, goat manure has an NPK value of around
0.7% nitrogen, 0.3% of phosphorus, and 0.9% of potassium. Each batch can be
lightly different based on the feed the animal was consuming and how it was
processed on the farm it came from.
As a soil amendment, goat manure improve the soil fertility of the plot. The
growth and development of pechay is significantly above than the other organic
fertilizer used. On average, the leaf size of pechay is ranging from 15.15 to 18 cm,
while the stem size is ranging from 3.8 to 5.8 cm. The number of leaves is 10.4 and
the weight is 138.5 grams on average.
Group 4: Humus
No. of No. of
Plant randomly Leaf size (cm) Stem Size(cm) leaves Weight
selected (g)
crop Width Length Width Length
1 10 15 1.5 7 10 100
2 10 11 2 4 6 50 Average
3 12 15 1.5 5 7 60 Weight/
4 10 10 2 6 7 50 Plot
5 9 11.5 1 5 7 50
6 7 9 1 4 7 50
7 8 11 1 5 8 50
8 8 12 1 4 6 50
9 8 12.5 1 5 5 50
10 9 11 1.5 5 6 100
No. of Plants/Plot 42 Total Weight 560g
(4.5 kg)
Humus is the mature, natural compost extracted from woodland or other
spontaneous source for use as a soil conditioner. It is also used to describe a top soil
horizon that contains organic matter. It has may nutrients to improve soil fertility,
nitrogen is the most important with a C:N ratio ranging between 8 to 15%. Humus
have enhance the growth of pechay slightly above the results in using carabao
manure. On average, the leaf size is ranging 10.5 to 11 cm and stem size ranging
from 2.56 to 5 cm. The number of leaves produced on average is 6.9, and producing
average weight of 56 grams.
Treatment Leaf Size Stem Size No.of Weight
Carabao 9.9 10.9 1.07 4.05 8.3 54.2
Chicken 14.5 13.16 1.26 6 10.3 106.2
Goat 14.8 15.5 1.45 6.15 10.4 138.5
Humus 9.1 11.8 1.32 5 6.9 56
This table shows the summary of the average results or data gathered from
every treatments. The result of the treatments showed that organic fertilizers
produces significant improvement to the growth and development of pechay. Among
the said organic fertilizers, goat manure have been observe to exceedingly
enhanced the growth of pechay. Starting from the size of leaves and stem to its
weight. Although fertility of the soil is just one factor of soil productivity, it still have
big impact to the yield of crops. The tables shown above proves the results on what
organic fertilizer or manure could support more on growing crops with proper
management and care.