Grid Forming BESS Connection Fact Sheet
Grid Forming BESS Connection Fact Sheet
Grid Forming BESS Connection Fact Sheet
This fact sheet contains information the NEM should always seek expert technical and
regulatory advice specific to their circumstances.
relevant to parties seeking to connect
battery energy storage systems Context
(BESS) with grid-forming inverter Grid-forming inverters set their own internal voltage
capabilities within the National waveform reference and can synchronise with the grid
or operate independently of other generation5. Grid-
Electricity Market (NEM), as of forming inverters with a firm energy source behind
December 2022. For additional them may be able to replace many of the capabilities
historically provided by synchronous generators as the
context, readers are recommended to
power system moves toward operation with high
also review the white paper on the penetrations of inverter-based resources (IBR). With
Application of Advanced Grid-scale focused engineering development, grid-forming BESS
may be able to deliver capabilities such as inertia and
Inverters in the NEM which is available system strength support to the future power system.
on the Australian Energy Market AEMO has prepared this document to provide
Operator (AEMO) website1. guidance to grid-forming BESS connection applicants
by summarising the approach to connecting these
This document relates to the connection of standalone projects under current technical and regulatory
BESS2 under rule 5.3 of the National Electricity Rules frameworks, and to highlight NER clauses that require
(NER)3, which require the negotiation of access particular attention and early discussion with the
standards under NER 5.3.4A and schedule 5.2. Hybrid relevant Network Service Provider (NSP).
connections and/or embedded connections under
NER 5.3A may require separate consideration by Connection and registration
connection applicants. This document does not
account for amendments the ‘Integrating energy process
storage systems into the NEM’ rule change will
introduce into the NER.4 The processes for connecting and registering a grid-
forming BESS in the NEM remain the same as for a
While AEMO has taken reasonable care in preparing grid-following BESS. However, grid-forming BESS are
this document, the information is necessarily general a comparatively new technology in the NEM, and
and is not to be construed as advice. Any investor in
1 Version 189 at time of publication
This does not preclude other types of applications or connection A more detailed definition of grid-forming can be found in AEMO’s
arrangements for the use of grid-forming inverter technology. “Application of Advanced Grid-scale Inverters in the NEM” white paper.
Inertia and system strength are valuable Grid-forming BESS are asynchronous generating
capabilities that can support power system units, by definition, for the purposes of connection
stability, but maximising their provision may not applications.
be appropriate or viable at all network locations. The assessment process for a grid-forming BESS is
therefore the same as for any other asynchronous
generator. However, the performance of this
6 8 Asynchronous generators are often referred to as inverter-based resources
nem/participate-in-the-market/network-connections and or non-synchronous generators. The terms synchronous and asynchronous are used here in line with their definitions in NER chapter 10.
For further information on system security framework developments under
the NEM2025 program, see:
technology differs from other asynchronous generators capability with sufficient time duration to coordinate
(such as grid-following inverters) and can in some with transformer tap operation may be used to
instances be designed to mimic the behaviour of a manage temporary current increases in this voltage
synchronous machine. This can have implications for range, beyond steady-state values, and to maintain
their ability to comply with some NER schedule 5.2 continuous uninterrupted operation.
S5.2.5.5 Generating system response to
Application of NER schedule 5.2 to grid- disturbances following contingency events
forming BESS
The assessment of this clause seeks to verify plant is
Applicants seeking to connect a grid-forming BESS able to remain in continuous uninterrupted operation
must comply with all relevant access standards. Within for a range of contingency events and ensure that the
these standards, close attention should be paid to plant does not have a negative impact on the system it
specific clauses where the control methodologies and is connecting to. A grid-forming inverter opposes the
behaviour of this technology could lead to a grid- voltage change caused by a fault and opposes a
forming inverter performing differently from grid- frequency rate of change caused by a supply-demand
following inverters that applicants may be more imbalance. It will also change active power in
familiar with. response to a voltage angle change, which can assist
Specifically, AEMO recommends that applicants in limiting vector shift and improve stability. Because of
carefully assess that their proposal meets the these characteristics the grid-forming inverter has the
requirements of the following clauses: potential to contribute positively to the power system
by reducing the impact of contingency events, but
S5.2.5.4 Generating System Response to Voltage inappropriate tuning can also have adverse impacts on
Disturbances the power system. There are often trade-offs between
Grid-forming inverters may respond almost tuning for various characteristics. The performance
instantaneously to voltage disturbances. Near characteristics of grid-forming inverters will need to be
instantaneous response to counteract voltage tuned to ensure negative impacts to the system are
disturbance is a beneficial characteristic that helps to limited, while maximising the aspects of this
stabilise the network voltage. technology that are beneficial to the power system.
A grid-forming inverter will begin increasing its Tuning for optimal power system performance might
injection of reactive current at voltages above 90% of require the grid forming inverter to be modelled by the
connection point normal voltage, and some NSP-appropriate wide area model and might be an
implementations might exceed the steady-state iterative process.
reactive current values that are consistent with There are some aspects of the current NER clause
reactive power requirements of NER clause S5.2.5.1. S5.2.5.5 wording that are not well targeted to the
Applicants should ensure that for operation in the performance characteristics of grid-forming inverters,
range 90% to 110% of connection point voltage the including paragraph (g) of the automatic access
generating system is able to maintain continuous standard and paragraph (o) in the corresponding
uninterrupted operation9 for its active power. Overload minimum access standard which consider reactive
current commencement, rise time and settling time.
Within the meaning of the NER.
These provisions are challenging because the reactive In some locations, such as in radial areas of the
current response of grid-forming inverters may not distribution network, specific disconnection
settle to a steady value over the duration of the fault. functionality or trip schemes may still be required to
This may affect rise time as well as settling time. In ensure the BESS is disconnected where islanding is
addition, the rapid reactive current response may unwanted or inappropriate.
change the voltage profile of the fault, affecting the
S5.2.5.13 Voltage and reactive power control
calculated rise time.
The objective in tuning the voltage and reactive
Noting that a connection applicant must demonstrate
controls should be to optimise the performance of the
performance that is ‘no less onerous’ than the
power system, within the range of access standard
minimum access standard, AEMO supports a flexible
requirements. The proponent should discuss site-
approach to drafting of generator performance
specific connection point conditions and tuning
standards for grid-forming BESS in these instances,
objectives and trade-offs with the NSP.
for these subclauses. For example, AEMO and the
NSP could decide not to specify requirements for Tuning of generating systems for this clause should
response durations, on the basis that the system is consider optimising the performance across the full
instead required to commence its response range of short-circuit levels anticipated for the
immediately following a change in voltage at the connection point. For the high end of the range the
inverter terminals. response to a step change in voltage will be slower but
more stable. At the lower end the performance will be
To address these issues in the medium term, AEMO
faster but less stable. The power system will generally
has proposed amendments to NER S5.2.5.5 and
tolerate slower response at high fault levels, but
suggests that applicants review its submission to the
stability could be reduced further for non-credible
‘Efficient reactive current access standards for
contingency events, particularly when fault level prior
inverter-based resources’ Rule change10.
to the contingency event is low. The tuning should
S5.2.5.8 Protection of Generating Systems from therefore prioritise stability of response at low fault
Power System Disturbances levels over speed of response at high fault levels,
where there is a trade-off between them.
Grid-forming inverters often have the capability to
survive the formation of an electrical island, and Tuning should be focussed on the quality of response
potentially sustain the operation of that island in for power system disturbances. Although in normal
conjunction with other generators and network assets. power system operating conditions setpoint steps are
This capability will be valuable during islanding and not important, response to power system disturbances
system split events involving few or no synchronous is of critical importance for maintaining power system
machines. It is recommended that, when agreed upon security.
by AEMO and the NSP, grid-forming BESS remain
online during these events wherever stable operation
for both voltage and frequency can be maintained.
Available from the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) website:
11 15
standards-inverter-based-resources 16
12 nem
strength-power-system 17
13 systems-project
consultations/ssrmiag 18
That will provide up to $100 million to accelerate demonstration of
advanced inverter capabilities: