2024 Promises and Challenges of Grid Forming Transmission System Operator Manufacture and Academic View Points
2024 Promises and Challenges of Grid Forming Transmission System Operator Manufacture and Academic View Points
2024 Promises and Challenges of Grid Forming Transmission System Operator Manufacture and Academic View Points
Abstract—With the increasing penetration of power electronic From the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) perspec-
converters in the power system induced by the energy transi- tive, requirements related to desired performance rather than
tion, Grid Forming (GFM) technology emerges as crucial for requirements on the detailed control structure are preferred.
complementing traditional synchronous generators in fulfilling
system needs. All over the world, TSOs have started introducing Consequently, in recent years, various Transmission System
performance-based requirements to define the desired behaviour Operators (TSOs) worldwide have introduced performance-
of GFM units without prescribing specific technical solutions. based requirements to define the desired behaviour of GFM
Based on these specifications, manufacturers design their grid- units without prescribing specific technical solutions, particu-
connected equipment. However, depending on requirements, chal- larly on the control strategy and the associated resource [5]–
lenges may arise in optimizing control strategies without hard-
ware modifications, potentially becoming cost-driving factors. [7]. This task involves projecting system-wide needs into
Intellectual property protection limits information disclosure, requirements for individual assets. Key challenges encompass
restricting the guidance available to TSOs during cost-benefit avoiding unnecessary constraints that could prevent OEM from
assessments. Academic contributions on GFM control and generic delivering cost-effective solutions while ensuring that they
models can bridge the gap, providing a fair portrayal of the ultimately comply with the proposed requirement set and that
general behaviour and then facilitates an open discussion on their
ability to meet the requirements and contribute to fulfil system they can effectively address system-wide needs.
needs. This survey paper provides a comprehensive overview of System developers and OEM design technical solutions
the perspectives offered by these diverse stakeholders. based on detailed specifications and a profound understand-
Index Terms—BESS, Grid forming, HVDC, system needs. ing of equipment constraints. As requirements accumulate,
challenges may arise in optimizing control strategies with-
out resorting to hardware modifications, potentially becoming
I. I NTRODUCTION cost-driving factors for the installation design. The details of
As we progress through the energy transition and the these technical solutions are often subjected to Intellectual
deregulation of the electricity sector, a growing imperative Property (IP) protection, limiting the information these parties
arises to align system needs with available resources capable are prepared to disclose and, consequently, restricting the
of meeting them. Their timely deployment and optimal real- guidance available to TSOs during cost-benefit assessments.
time utilization are crucial to ensure an affordable and reliable To bridge the gap, academic contributions on GFM offer a
power supply over time. In this context, Grid Forming (GFM) consistent framework of study for the various types of grid
can be seen as a technology with the potential to be deployed forming control, starting from basic concepts. This requires
in various resources, including Power Park Modules (PPM), to clarify the model of the system under control, propose a
Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) and Flexible AC rigorous procedure leading to various topologies of controls,
Transmission Systems (FACTS), to complement Synchronous some few variants and eventually design the parameters of
Generators (SG) in fulfilling specific system needs [1]–[4]. the controllers. The proposed generic models can facilitate
an open discussion on their ability to meet the requirements
and contribute to fulfil system needs, while shedding lights on
Submitted to the 23rd Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC 2024). the burden new requirements may impose on specific devices.
usually mandatory for large SG connected to the transmission on prospective scenarios and simplified models.
network [47], [48], and is regularly tested [30]. To some extent, • In anticipation: determination of preventive actions, rely-
this requirement has been extended to a specific category of ing on system state forecast and contingency analysis.
PEIR, with the subtlety that at least a GFM source (a virtual • In real-time: deployment of corrective actions when an
SM), external to the installation, is supposed to be part of the unforeseen event occurs, based on the system observation.
island [11], [28]. For HVDC systems, black start capability is Consequently, at the operational level, the security manage-
often required and tested during commissioning [49]. Although ment depends on our proficiency in:
the participation of PEIR in system restoration is beyond the • For preventive actions, precisely forecasting the system
scope of this work, it is recognized as a relevant research topic state within the time horizon determined by the delay in
for ensuring the resilient operation of future power systems. deploying countermeasures.
In conclusion, the task of safeguarding power system secu- • For corrective actions, accurately observing the system
rity extends beyond the act of balancing power. In this context, state and having levers that can be fully deployed before
system needs find definition in the complex equilibrium be- protective actions are triggered.
tween the diverse immunity of grid-connected devices and the • In both cases, making informed decisions regarding the
overall system performance. necessity, effectiveness, and optimality of these actions.
P1 (pu)
1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8
Udc1(pu) 1.04
Fig. 7: Response in active power to a frequency ramp 2.5 0.98
Hz/s for different inertia in active power controlling station 1.
Upper plot shows the active power in station 1. Lower plot
shows active power in station 2 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9
Time (s)
An example of a severe power disturbance is a large voltage Fig. 8a: Station 1, upper plot active power P1 , lower plot DC
phase jump in the grid. Assuming that the grid and internal voltage, station 1 in active power control
converter voltages are 1 pu, the instantaneous change in active
power caused by a phase jump is given by (2). Here, ∆Pδ is Since a virtual inertia slows down the voltage angle change
the change in active power, Xconv is the converter impedance of the converter, it will also slow down the active power
(including converter transformer), SCR is the short-circuit response time resulting in slow step responses in active power.
current ratio. It can be seen that the instantaneous change This is illustrated in Figure 9. For the same reason, slow
in power is proportional to the angular voltage change, thus recovery time after faults in the AC networks in the active
inertia has a negligible impact on the magnitude of power power controlling station results. The impact on fault ride
change. The level of inertia will however be reflected in the through behavior and some fast-acting control will increase
recovery phase after the disturbance. with higher inertia.
1 B. DC side and GFM control
∆Pδ ≈ 1 sin(∆δ) (2)
Xconv + SCR The implementation of GFM control as a voltage source
This is illustrated in Figure 8a-8b. Here, a positive phase behind impedance is also possible in the DC voltage
jump of 10 degrees is applied for five different virtual inertia controlling station. This can be beneficial for weak grids as
values in station 1 which is in active power control. Figure 8a shown in [90]. It should be noted that ”inertia” for dc voltage
shows the response of station 1. The corresponding response of control in this case does not resemble a true inertia as in
Station 2 which is in DC voltage control is shown in Figure 8b. active power control station i.e. it is just a measure of stiffness
The initial impact on the active power in station 1 is roughly so that a less stiff response (fast dc voltage control) resembles
the same for all cases. In the recovery phase, recovery to pre- low H and a more stiff response (slow dc voltage control)
fault value is affected significantly by the inertia. A higher resembles high H. Just as in the active power controlling
inertia gives a longer lasting active power deviation in station station, see Figure 9, an inertia requirement in the DC voltage
1 which is also reflected in the DC voltage controlling station controlling station will slow down the response of the voltage
2. The higher the inertia in station 1, the larger is the impact angle and thus result in a slower change in active power flow.
on the DC voltage of the link and the larger the active power This in turn will slow down and thus possibly deteriorate
reason is large temporary temporary over voltage. To illustrate
the discussion in this section, Figure 10 shows an example
of an HVDC-link experiencing a 3-phase fault near station
-0.6 1 which is in active power control operating as inverter.
1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 The connected AC grids on both stations are relatively
weak. In the DC voltage controlling station 2 operating as
rectifier in GFM operation, one fast DC voltage controller
corresponding to lower inertia and one slow DC voltage
1.02 controller corresponding to a higher inertia is considered. It
is seen that in the slow response case corresponding to higher
U dc2(pu)
inertia, the DC voltage controlling station is more sensitive
1 to the fault in the other station due to the slower DC voltage
control. Thus, it will not be possible for the DC link to
recover after this disturbance if the DC voltage controlling
0.98 station has higher inertia than feasible, as the control cannot
1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 react fast enough to keep the voltage below admissible levels.
Time (s)
As explained above, this impact is due to slowing down the
Fig. 8b: Station 2, upper plot active power P2 , lower plot DC
change in AC voltage angle. The very same behaviour can
voltage, station 2 in DC voltage control
be expected if the same fault is here applied at the terminal
of DC voltage control station instead if active power control
is slow due to high inertia constants. For faults close to the
rectifier, the converter may instead go into over-modulation,
i.e., lose control due to low DC voltage if the DC voltage
0.54 can not be controlled fast enough by the remote station.
P1 (pu)
0.48 H=2.5s
1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9
Time (s)
P 1 (pu)
jumps (depending on jump magnitude and grid strength) may
even pose a challenge in controlling multi modular converter
energy or submodule capacitor voltages, which is overlooked 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
if a simplified model is used. In the same way, a situation as
P 2 (pu)
depicted in Figure 10 would be difficult to evaluate without -1
a detailed representation of the DC side. There is a direct -1.2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
connection between the different requirements on an HVDC 1.05
U dc2
link and the physical design, and thus to the design cost. In
Udc (pu)
U dc1
The following example considers GFM capability of DC 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
voltage control in an HVDC connecting Power Park Modules Time (s)
(PPM’s). An HVDC converter can have islanded operation Fig. 11: Example of response to 10 degree phase jumps in
capability only if there is another supporting station that onshore grid.
controls the DC voltage in a stable manner. Figure 11 shows
a case where GFL wind turbines are connected to an offshore
converter controlling the voltage and frequency offshore as C. Transient current capability
is traditionally done, thus acting as a slack bus for offshore A VSC cannot tolerate transient overcurrent levels com-
power. This means that the offshore converter can be con- parable to those of a synchronous machine. It normally has
sidered as a constant power source not contributing to DC an impedance smaller than that of the synchronous machine
voltage control. As a consequence, DC voltage stability must and less current capacity. Further, during the fault and the
be ensured via DC voltage control in the onshore station. If following fault quasi steady state, the fault current provision is
GFM behavior in terms of inertia is required by the onshore limited to one per unit or slightly above that. It is important to
converter to supply/absorb the active power required by the note that this is the total current, including both positive and
AC grid depending on the type of transient events, there will negative sequence. It could thus be necessary to determine
be a conflict between maintaining the DC voltage stability how to prioritize between positive and negative sequence
and GFM behavior since the DC voltage control will be fault current provision from the converter. When the transient
slowed down. In the example in Figure 11, P1 is the active current is limited in the VSC, it will affect the behavior for
power in onshore converter, P2 is the active power in offshore large disturbances which will then deviate from that of a
converter, UDC1 and UDC2 are the DC voltages of onshore synchronous machine. Any GFM implementation must thus
and offshore converter respectively and δ1 is the grid phase be equipped with a scheme to limit transient overcurrent in
angle of the onshore grid. At t =0.1 s, a 10 degree negative order to guarantee continued operation. If the implementation
phase jump occurs. The active power infeed from offshore includes an inherent current controller, this is trivial. If a pure
converter remains constant throughout the disturbance period. voltage source emulation (VSE) scheme without underlying
This means that the energy fed to onshore in the phase jump current control is implemented, this must be performed by
comes from the converter submodule capacitance and cable other means. One possibility is to do a hard mode shift to
capacitance and the DC voltage starts to fall quickly. Soon current control when the disturbance is detected. Other possi-
after that, the DC voltage control in the onshore converter bilities include current limiters in parallel to the VSE scheme.
reacts to restore the DC voltage by taking the energy from Note that with a properly implemented current limitation
E. Synchronization
For a converter connected to a grid where other units can af- power. The conflict of the synchronization stability and the
fect frequency and voltage, some grid synchronization method inertia response of the GFM converter is discussed in [92],
is necessary to handle disturbances where the converter goes where a transient damping method (in which grid frequency
into limitation. The literature describes both schemes with and is estimated using a PLL) is added in the active power control
without a phase-locked loop (PLL). A relatively fast contin- loop.
uous synchronization to the grid may improve the transient An important aspect related rather to steady state behaviour
stability and possibility to resynchronize to the grid after large without any grid synchronization which may not be obvious
disturbances. Examples of such disturbances are large voltage is the power order tracking when frequency deviates from
angle jump or high RoCoF when converter operates at rated nominal, [93]. The deviation from the active power order
No synch.
aim to emulate the synchronous generator like the Virtual syn-
chronous machine [97] [98], Synchronverter [99], Inducverter
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
[100], Virtual induction machine [100]. With a Proportional
Integrator (PI) controller [101], the grid forming control is also
providing some inertial effect without using any information
on the grid frequency. The matching control [102] is based on
an analogy between the capacitor of the DC bus and the inertia
of the synchronous machine. The virtual oscillators has been
50 introduced in order to facilitate the self synchronisation [103].
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 In [104], the authors improve the power reference tracking
Time(s) capability of a grid forming control thanks to a feed-forward
Fig. 13: Example of active power response with different action on the angle.
synchronization speed to a grid frequency change from 50 In addition, the regular presence of an LC or LCL filter
to 50.2 Hz. on the AC side of a VSC also requires to be managed by
the control scheme as it brings additional dynamics to the
converter. A possible solution is to implement a cascaded
voltage-current loops [105], [106]. The optimal design of
the current and voltage controllers are not straightforward.
The evolution of the power system has been outlined in In [105] a tuning approach based on the optimization of the
previous sections. New rules are being incorporated to grid placement of eigenvalues is used. In [107], a specific Model
codes and, among them, notably those dealing with the GFM Predictive Control to design the voltage and current controller
capability. On the manufacturer side, providing solutions with is used. Alternative options for designing these controllers
such capabilities has important implications, as also described can be found in [108], [109]. Additionally, it is possible to
in previous sections. achieve direct voltage control, which is a simpler solution
In addition to this industrial challenge, a twofold theoretical requiring less tuning effort [96]. Consequently, the multitude
challenge has to be tackled: provide a definition of grid of grid forming control schemes, especially the diverse names
generated by the control vm and the actual modulated three- Vm
Fig. 16: Static model of the system
udc A
B vmb
vma vmb vmc
From that circuit, two expressions are easily derived for the
active power in terms of phase angle differences, namely:
Vm Vg
(a) Full model (b) Average model P = sin (δm − δg ) (6)
Fig. 14: Basic representation of a Voltage Source Converter
Vm Ve
P = sin (δm − δe ) (7)
Secondly, the grid connected to the converter has to be Xc + Xg
modeled. As shown in Fig. 15, the converter is assumed to From (6), it can be derived a first type of control [113]. In
be connected to a Thévenin equivalent system composed of the sequel, only the second formulation of the power (9) is
a voltage source ve in series with the grid inductance Lg . To considered to design the control.
simplify the analysis, the grid resistance is neglected, without Getting back to time domain, a time-varying angle is
loss of generality. On the converter side, a lossless connection associated to each angle in the phasor, according to:
is also considered in the form of an inductance Lc . With
a proper choice of per unit system, the transformer can be θx = δx + ωb t (8)
represented by merely its leakage inductance.
Substituting θm (resp. θe ) to δm (resp. δe ), Eq. (7) can be
In steady state, for a given grid frequency, it is possible to
rewritten as:
associate a phasor to each AC voltage according to:
Vm Ve
V x = Vx ej(δx ) (4) P = sin (θm − θe ) (9)
Xc + Xg
Its purpose has been presented in Section IV-D to mitigate the Active power ∆vm q
effect on a phase shift on the power variation in the converter.
∗ ∗ igdq vgdq
With the latter, the model under consideration is hybrid, since vm d
vm q
it refers to both the physical components as in Fig. 15, and Inverse Park
θ∗ Park
Transformation Transformation
the virtual reactance, as shown in Fig. 17a. A virtual voltage ∗
V is also added in the model. Introducing δ as the phasor abc
vg ig
angle associated to this voltage, the active power expression
is easily rewritten to take Xv into account: Lc ig Lg
V Ve
P = sin(δ − δe ) (11)
Xv + Xc + Xg vm vg ve
It is also possible to associate a time domain angle θ to δ,
it yields: Fig. 18: Overall organisation of a Direct Voltage grid forming
V Ve control
P = sin(ρ) (12)
Xv + Xc + Xg
with the angle ρ defined as: 1) Direct voltage control: Fig. 18 shows the overall organ-
isation of the first type of Grid Forming control. The symbol
ρ = θ − θe = δ − δe (13) ∗
is employed to designate a control reference, corresponding
to its equivalent variable in the system.
V is now taken as reference of the dq frame (see Fig. 17b). The core element is the active power control which gen-
The active power control will be based on the phase angle erate the angle θ∗ of the time varying virtual voltage v ∗
difference δ − δe . associated to V . Doing so, it can be understood that this
loop is also synchronising the converter to the grid. This
jXv jXc PCC jXg
Ig double functionality is summarized in a unique expression:
the power synchronisation control. An Automatic Voltage
V Vm Vg Ve
Regulator (AVR) is controlling the voltage Vg at the Point
of Common Coupling (PCC) (see Fig. 17a). More precisely,
it generates the magnitude V ∗ of that virtual voltage. As
(a) electrical circuit representation ∗ ∗
d previously explained, vm d
and vm q
are derived from V ∗ by
possibly adding a virtual inductance. Since there is direct link
∗ ∗
and V ∗ , this control can be called a Direct
jXv Ig between vm d
, vm q
Control Grid Forming. It is also referred in the literature as a
Voltage Control Grid ForMing (VC-GFM) control. This is the
jXc Ig name that will be used in the following sections.
ρ In ordre to identify the dynamic model, an open loop control
q δ δg jXg Ig is firstly considered to check its validity in dynamic conditions.
Note that this type of control could not be used in a real
ϕ application, only in simulation. By inverting Eq. (12) ρ∗ can
be obtained as a function of P ∗ . Assuming that both RMS
(b) phasor representation voltages Ve and V are equal to 1 pu, and linearizing Eq. (12)
Fig. 17: Static model extended to the virtual inductance yields:
ρ∗ = (Xc + Xv + X̃g )P ∗ (14)
0.7 (19)
0.6 j(Xc + Xv )
0.4 Decomposing this estimation into its d, q components yields:
0.2 ĩgd = −vgq /(Xc + Xv ) (20)
0 ĩgq = (V ∗ − vgd )/(Xc + Xv ) (21)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Time (s) The current references are set to the above estimated values,
Fig. 19: Simulation of an open-loop control of active power i.e.
i∗gd = −vgq /(Xc + Xv ) (22)
θe i∗gd = (V ∗ − vgd )/(Xc + Xv ) (23)
∗ s
vm = V ∗ − Rv ig (17) Fig. 21: Quasi static model and closed loop current control
s + ωf d
∗ s
vm = −Rv ig (18) The overall structure of grid forming control with current
s + ωf q control loop is shown in Fig. 22. The active power control
in which the washout filter avoids affecting the steady-state scheme is unchanged. No damping virtual resistance is needed
voltage, while ωf can be adjusted to obtain the desired for this control since the closed loop current control is already
dynamics. The response shown with blue curve in Fig. 19 has damping the grid modes.
been obtained for Rv = 0.09 pu. If the required bandwidth By way of illustration, Fig. 23 presents simulation results
on active power control is not too high, the small transient obtained for a step change of 0.5 pu of P ∗ . The gain Kpcc
can be considered negligible and both the static and dynamic has been set to yield a 3000 rad/s bandwidth for the system
models can be considered equivalent. It can be concluded that with current control loop. ωv has been set to 100 rad/s.
the dynamic system can be represented by the simple block The corresponding response time is around 3/ωv = 30 ms.
diagram shown in Fig. 20. The curves show that the responses with and without current
Power model
Loop (a) 1st formulation
∗ ∗ 1
vm d
vm q
vgdq igdq
P0 ω̃g 2
SW 1
Inverse Park ∗ Park
θ +
P ∗
ωc + ω ωb θ∗ - ρ P
θ∗ Transformation Transformation +− mp Vm Ve
+ ωc +s + +
s Xc +Xg +Xv
vm abc
Power model
vgabc igabc
1 − 1
Fig. 22: Overall structure of grid forming control with current R
SW 2
control loop Droop control
0.4 ωg = ω = 1 + mp (P ∗ − P ) (24)
or equivalently:
0.1 P = P∗ + (1 − ωg ) (25)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 which is a classical frequency control equation with mp as
Time (s) the droop coefficient. This can be seen akin an ”embedded”
Fig. 23: Simulation of open-loop active power control with a primary frequency support. However, it is not possible to limit
current control loop the contribution of the VSC to this primary frequency support.
If the VSC is not intended to participate in frequency
D. Closed-loop active power control control, it is possible to cancel its contribution by using the
estimate ω˜g of the grid frequency, i.e. (SW1 in position 2). In
We now get to the point of devising a closed-loop active this case, Eq. (25) becomes:
power control. Since the static model in Fig. 20 has been
shown to be a valid approximation of the system dynamics, P = P∗ + (ω˜g − ωg ) (26)
it can be used to design the sought controller. A step-by-step mp
approach is followed hereafter to define the various types of Since ω˜g = ωg in steady state, it can be deduced that the
control applied when opting either for VC-GFM or for CC- active power P is equal to its reference P ∗ . In the case of
GFM. The type of controller depends on the requirements for a fast frequency estimation, the embedded frequency support
the closed loop system. contribution mentionned above can be considered as cancelled.
The starting point is the very simple active power controller Then, it is possible to add an external frequency droop
presented in Fig. 24a. In this scheme, the voltage angle θe control of the type used in speed governors synchronous
can be seen as a disturbance for the active power control. The machines (see Fig. 24b with the SW2 closed). It is also
corresponding estimate θ̃e acts as a feed-forward action. It possible to limit the contribution to frequency support to a
is calculated by integration of the nominal voltage (SW1 in predefined value ∆Pmax .
ω ρ 0.2
ki ωb θ∗ -
P∗ +− +− + V Ve
Xc +Xg +Xv
s s
Power model 0.1
SCR = 20 H = 5s
0 SCR = 2 H = 5s
SCR = 20 H = 1s
(a) Adding an integrator in the loop
K - ω̃g 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)
Fig. 26: Simulation results with a PI controller – 0.5 step on
θ∗ ρ P
P∗ +−
1 ω ωb
- V Ve the active power reference
− 2Hs s Xc +Xg +Xv
Power model
For this second-order system, the damping ratio ζ and the then the damping ratio is decreasing as shown with (30). More
frequency ωn are given by, respectively: simulation results and the simulation models can be found in
s [117]. The table below is a summary of the control parameters
Hωb which will be used on the following sections.
ζ = kd (30)
2(Xc + Xg + Xv )
E. Current saturation and Large Disturbance Stability
ωn = (31) As it is well-known, the power electronic converters can-
2H(Xc + Xg + Xv ) not handle large currents like synchronous machines. Con-
With the already mentioned single degree of freedom it is sequently, in case of a large disturbance, a current limitation
not possible to control both ωn and ζ. A natural choice must be included in the control system to protect the converter.
d +- +- Kp−1 ++ +- Kp +- ++
vm d reactance method. Consequently, the maximum value of P (δ)
Lf ωm igq CSA Lf ωm decreases. In this context, Fig. 28 illustrates a scenario that
Lf ωm Lf ωm
igd igq
may arise in the case of a bolted fault. Under normal operating
+- ++ +- ++ vm
vm +- Kp−1 Kp ++
conditions, P (δ) intersects with the power reference P ∗ at
i∗gq i∗gqsat
vg q igq vg q
the point 1. When the fault is applied, P decreases rapidly
Fig. 27: Artificial threshold current loop and its inverse struc- till point 2. At this stage, δ increases while P remains at a
ture. very low level. At point 3, the fault is cleared, leading to
an increase in active power; however, the current limitation
remains activated. In the case of using a virtual reactance, the
When this disturbance is ended, the question of resynchroniza- active power increases until the curve PV I (δ) is reached (point
tion has to be studied carefully in order to recover a stable 4). It will be shown in the dynamic simulation that the angle
post-fault operation. These are the two aims of this section. decreases when the active power P is superior to P ∗ . Due
1) Solutions for Current Limitations in Grid-Forming Con- to the higher damping coefficient of a grid forming compared
trol: In order to limit the current, the virtual reactance-based to a synchronous machine, there is nearly no overshoot on
method stands out as a well-known approach for current the angle when the fault is cleared. Hence, the Equal Area
limitations in the literature [118], [119]. The basic idea is to Criterion cannot be applied to the grid-forming control. After
increase the virtual reactance already presented earlier in this reaching point 4, the angle decreases until it reaches the
article. This transient reactance value is dynamically adjusted original P (δ) at point 5 and then converges to the original
with respect to current limitation criteria, activated when the operating.
current exceeds a specific threshold In . A possible solution is In case of using the CSA method, the PCSA (δ) is given by
described by the following equations: the following equation [123]:
V Ve Imax
KpPV I σX/R δI if δI > 0 PCSA = p sin δ (37)
XV I = (34) V 2 + Ve2 − 2V Ve cos δ
0 if δI > 0 ≤ 0
The operation could be the same, but the angle at the
RV I = XV I /σX/R (35)
fault clearance was such that the active power P is lower
Where δI = Ig − In . KpPV I and σX/R denote the virtual than P ∗ after the fault. Consequently, the angle continues
reactance proportional gain and virtual reactance ratio, respec- to increase and the system is unstable. The limit stability
tively. For further insights into the optimal parameter selection, angles (ψmaxCSA , ψmaxV I ) are illustrated for both current
additional details can be found in [120]. limitation methods. It can be deduced that this classical CSA
Another method is called the Current Saturation Algorithm method provides less stability margin than the virtual reactance
(CSA). It entails a current control responsible for determining approach. Further insights provided in [110], [124] underscore
the saturated current [121], [122]. To limit the current, the the coupling of current saturation with active power control,
current references have to be saturated. In the case of a CC- resulting in a reduction in the critical clearing time. Indeed,
GFM, the current loop is already implemented and the CSA Eq. (37) illustrates how active power expression varies with
can be reduced to a limitation of current references. In the the current saturation state, influencing the system’s stability
case of a VC-GFM, current control is artificially introduced limit.
and canceled out by ‘”inverse current control” [122]. Fig. 27 This analysis is based on a static model; however, it is
presents a simple example with a proportional controller, but essential to validate the model’s accuracy through dynamic
it can be extended to other types of controllers. In normal simulations.
operation, the initial voltage references remain unchanged Accordingly, an 80% voltage drop is applied to a Thevenin
∗ ∗′ equivalent voltage source during 200 ms. The VC-GFM of
(vm d
= vm d
). However, when a current limitation is needed,
the ”CSA” block saturates the current references. Fig. 27 is implemented with H = 5s and a 0.3 pu virtual
2) Impact of Current Limitation Type on Large Disturbance reactance. The initial state of active power is set to 0.8 pu.
Stability: While the current has been limited, the question Fig. 29a confirms the general trends given by the static
of restoring a stable operating point when the disturbance is model. Although some dynamic phenomena are noticed, the
canceled needs to be addressed. The classical P (δ) curve can operating points observed are in line with those given by
references for the current loop. They are derived from the un-
saturated references i∗gdq , divided by a proportional coefficient
0.2 K such that:
0 1 – Initial
point i∗gdq = i∗gdq /K (39)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1
[rad] Applying Kirchhoff’s equations between PCC and the grid
(a) Power angle curve voltage source yields:
1 1
0 0
Merging these two equations, (22) and (23), leads to the
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
virtual system equation:
time [s] time [s]
1.2 1
V ∗ = ved + (Xc + Xv + Xg /K)i∗gq (41)
1 0 = veq − (Xc + Xv + Xg /K)i∗gd (42)
0.4 It results in the following expression for the virtual power
0 0.5 1
time [s]
1.5 2 0 0.5 1
time [s]
1.5 2 Pvirt (δ) curve:
(b) Dynamic response V Ve
Pvirt = sin δ (43)
Fig. 29: System response to 200 ms grid fault during the Xc + Xv + Xg /K
application of the current limitation. During normal operation Pvirt (δ) is similar to P (δ) since
K = 1. In case of current limitation K becomes larger than 1,
then the maximum of Pvirt (δ) is greater than the maximum
the static model and the system remains stable after the of P (δ). The most interesting feature of this method that,
fault clearance. Fig. 29b showcases the evolution of the main with the use of the virtual power, the virtual operating point
electrical variables with respect to the time. It has been can seamlessly converges towards this curve in case of large
checked with dynamic simulation that in the case of employing disturbance without any apprehension of over-current in the
CSA, the system becomes unstable. real current, as this latter is effectively limited by the CSA.
3) Improving Large Disturbance Stability through the Vir- Since this Pvirt (δ) has been enlarged compared with the two
tual Power Method: Numerous approaches have been pub- previous methods, the large disturbance stability is improved
lished to increase the stability margin of GFM control during for the virtual power and also for the real system since it is
large stability disturbances. One approach involved using a closely linked to the virtual one. In other words, it can be
PLL during current saturation and refining synchronization seen that there is a decoupling between the large disturbance
angle control [125], [126]. However, this method requires a stability enhancement principle and the current limitation.
complex control structure and a thorough understanding of Fig. 30 illustrates the theoretical evolution of the virtual
PLL-related dynamics. power following a bolted fault. The same types of operations
the virtual power method for the VC-GFM. Fig. 31: Presentation of VC-GFM architecture with the imple-
The key idea is to apply the principle of the inversion control mentation of the virtual power method.
loop to maintain the VC-GFM control scheme in normal
operation, and to switch to CC-GFM in the case of current
saturation, as shown in Fig. 31. Subsequently, the virtual power 5
P virt ( )
4- Virtual system
P( ) characteristic for E g = 1 pu
method, as previously described, can be applied during large resynchronisation
P virt ( ) characteristic for Eg = 1 pu
disturbances. 4
A1 ˜ A2
50 km (6 //) F WP2
32 km
65 km
(a) equivalent
70 km
˜= HVDC 2 ˜
GFM alternative.
Further studies using the participation factors of the dom-
inant modes, encircled in Fig. 35, have allowed the confir-
mation of previous findings as well: the VC-GFM-controlled
converter decouples the GFL-controlled converter from the
(b) weak grid, whereas the CC-GFM-controlled converter presents
Fig. 35: System eigenvalues for varying VSC22 proportions additional interactions due to its vulnerability to the PCC
under VC-GFM (a) and CC-GFM (b) voltage (used for the QSEM).