CHN Imci
CHN Imci
CHN Imci
- program based service given by the barangay health services which means it
follows a protocol
Main Symptoms
Ask for how long?
Look at the child’s general condition
Abnormally sleepy or difficult to awaken?
Restless or irritable?
Sunken eyes?
Offer child fluid (not able to drink or drinking poorly? or eagerly or
Pinch the skin of the abdomen (color goes back very slowly – longer than 2
seconds; or slowly?
Is there blood in the stool?
Does the child live in a malaria area?
Has the child visited a malaria area in the past 4 weeks?
(If yes to either, obtain a blood smear)
For how long has the child had fever?
If more than 7 days, has fever been present every day?
Has the child had measles within the last 3 months?
Stiff neck, runny nose
Signs of measles:
Generalized rash
One of these: cough, runny nose, or red eyes
If the child has measles now or within the last three months:
Mouth ulcers; are they deep & extensive?
Pus draining from the eye
Clouding of the cornea
Has the child had any bleeding from the nose or gums or in the
vomitus or stools?
Has the child had black vomitus?
Has the child had black stools?
Has the child had abdominal pain?
Has the child been vomiting?
Look for bleeding from nose or gums
Look for skin petechiae
Feel for cold & clammy extremities
Check for slow capillary refill
If none of the above ASK or LOOK & FEEL signs are present & the
child is 6 months or older & fever is present for more than three days:
Perform the tourniquet test
Malaria Risk
VERY SEVERE Any general danger sign or *Give 1st dose of quinine (under
FEBRILE DISEASE/ Stiff neck medical supervision or if a
MALARIA hospital is not accessible within 4
*Give first dose of an appropriate
*Treat the child to prevent low
blood sugar
*Give one dose of paracetamol in
health center for high fever
(38.5°C or above)
*Send blood smear with the
*Refer urgently to the hospital
MALARIA Blood smear (+) *Treat the child with an oral
If blood smear is not done: antimalarial
NO runny nose & *Give one dose of paracetamol in
NO measles & health center for high fever
NO other cause of fever (38.5°C or above)
*Advise mother when to return
-pt has fever but no signs of immediately
runny nose, no measles, or any *Follow up in 2 days if fever
other cause of fever persists
*If fever is present every day for
more than 7 days, refer for
FEVER; MALARIA Blood smear (-) or *Give one dose of paracetamol in
UNLIKELY Runny nose or health center for high fever
Measles or (38.5°C of above)
Other causes of fever *Advise mother when to return
*Follow up in 2 days if fever
*If fever is present every day for
more than 7 days, refer for
*Treat other causes of fever
No Malaria Risk
VERY SEVERE Any general danger signs or *Give first dose of an appropriate
FEBRILE DISEASE Stiff neck antibiotic
*Treat the child to prevent low
blood sugar
*Give one dose of paracetamol in
health center for high fever
(38.5°C of above)
*Refer urgently to hospital
FEVER; NO No signs of very severe febrile * Give one dose of paracetamol
MALARIA disease in health center for high fever
(38.5°C of above)
*Advise mother when to return
*Follow up in 2 days if fever
* If fever is present every day for
more than 7 days, refer for
If measles now or within last 3 months
SEVERE Clouding of cornea or *Give Vit.A regardless of the
COMPLICATED Deep or extensive mouth ulcers previous dose
MEASLES *Give 1st dose of an appropriate
w/ danger signs antibiotic
measles in the past 3 months *If clouding of the cornea or pus
draining from the eye, apply
tetracycline eye ointment
*If fever is present every day for
more than 7 days, refer for
MEASLES WITH Pus draining from eye or *Give Vit.A regardless of the
EYE OR MOUTH Mouth ulcers previous dose
COMPLICATIONS *If pus draining from the eye,
apply tetracycline eye ointment
*If with mouth ulcers, teach the
mother to treat with gentian
*Follow up in 2 days
*Advise mother when to return
MEASLES Measles now or within the last 3 *Give Vit.A regardless of the
months previous dose
*Advise mother when to return
-just rashes immediately
Dengue Risk
SEVERE DENGUE Bleeding from nose or gums or *If vomiting or abdominal pain or
HEMORRHAGIC Bleeding in stools or vomitus or skin petechiae or (+) tourniquet
FEVER Black stools or vomitus or test are the only positive signs;
Skin petechiae or give ORS as in Plan B
Cold & clammy extremities or *If any other signs are positive,
Capillary refill >3sec or give fluids rapidly as in Plan C
Abdominal pain or *Treat the child to prevent low
Vomiting or blood sugar
Tourniquet test (+) *Refer urgently to hospital
*Do not give ASPIRIN
FEVER: DENGUE No signs of severe dengue *Advise mother when to return
HEMORRHAGIC hemorrhagic fever immediately
FEVER UNLIKELY *Follow up in 2 days if fever
persists or child shows signs of
*Do not give aspirin
Ear Problem
For (1) Very Severe Disease, (2)Acute Ear Infection, (3) Mastoiditis
(4) Pneumonia
(Trimethroprim+sulphamethoxazone) Give 3x daily for 5days
Give 2x daily for 5days
AGE or WEIGHT Adult Tablet Tablet 250mg
- 80mg Trimethroprim Syrup 125mg per 5ml
- 400mg Sulphamethoxazone
- 40mg Trimethroprim
- 200mg Sulphamethoxazone /5ml
2mos – 12 mos Adult Tablet: ½ Tablet: ½
(4 - <10kg) Syrup: 5ml Syrup: 5ml
12 mos – 5yo Adult Tablet: 1 Tablet: 1
(10-19kg) Syrup: 10ml Syrup: 10ml
For Dysentery
Give antibiotic recommended for Shigella in the area for 5 days
1st Line Antibiotic: CIPROFLOXACIN
Give 2x daily for 3 days
2-4mos (4 -<6kg) See doses above
4-12mos (6 -<10kg) “ “ “
12mos – 5yo (10-19kg) “ “ “
For Cholera
Give antibiotic recommended for Cholera in the area for 3 days
1st Line Antibiotic: Tetracycline
2nd Line Antibiotic: Erythromycin
Give 4x daily for 3days
AGE or WEIGHT Capsule 250mg
2-4mos (4 -<6kg) Not recommended
4-12mos (6 -<10kg) ¼
12mos – 5yo (10-19kg) ½ “ “ “
If Chloroquine/Primaquine
Explain to the mother that she should watch her child carefully for
30minutes after giving a dose of Chloroquine; if the child vomits within
30minutes, she should repeat the dose & return to the health center for
additional tablets
Explain that itching is a possible side effect of the drug but it is not
If Sulfadoxine/Pyrimethamine – give single dose in health center; well tolerared
w/in recommended dose;
Give for 3days Give single dose Give daily for 14 PYRIMETHAMINE
(DAY 1, 2, 3) in health center of days for P. Vivax DAY 1
Tablet 150mg base P. Falciparum Tablet 15mg base Give single dose in
Tablet 15mg base DAY 4 health center
DAY 4 Tablet
Sulfadoxine 500mg
Pyrimethamine 25mg
2-5mos ½ tab per day ¼
5-12mos ½ tab per day ½
1-3yo 1tab (day 1&2); ½ ¼ ¾
½ tab (day 3)
3-5yo ½ tab (day 1&2); ¾ ½ 1
1tab (day 3)
Treatment: Give one dose in the health center
Supplementation: Give one dose
As supplementation, give one dose in health center if:
Child is six months of age or older &
Child has not received a dose of Vit.A in the past nine months
Give paracetamol every 6hours until high fever or ear pain is gone
Give one dose daily for 14 days
Give 500mg Mebendazole as a single dose in health center if:
Hookworm/whipworm are a problem in children in the area &
The child is 2yo or older &
The child has not had a dose in the previous 6 months
- Start IV fluid immediately
- If the child can drink, give ORS by mouth while the drip is set up
- Give 100 ml/kg Ringer’s Lactate Solution (or if not available, normal
saline) divided as follows:
- Refer urgently to hospital for IV treatment
- If the child can drink, provide the mother with ORS solution & show her
how to give frequent sips during the trip
- Start rehydration by tube with ORS solution: give 20ml/kg/hour for 6
hours (total of 120ml/kg)
- Reassess the child every 1-2 hours:
* If there is repeated vomiting or increasing abdominal distention, give
the fluid more slowly
* If hydration status is not improving after 3 hours, send the child for IV
- After 6 hours, reassess the child; classify dehydration then choose the
appropriate plan (A,B,C) to continue treatment
- Start rehydration by mouth with ORS solution: give 20ml/kg/hour for 6
hours (total of 120ml/kg)
- Reassess the child every 1-2 hours:
* If there is repeated vomiting or increasing abdominal distention, give
the fluid more slowly
* If hydration status is not improving after 3 hours, send the child for IV
- After 6 hours, reassess the child; classify dehydration then choose the
appropriate plan (A,B,C) to continue treatment
- Refer urgently to the hospital for IV or NG tube treatment
After 2 days:
Check the child for general danger signs
Assess the child for cough or difficult breathing
Is the child breathing slower?
Is there less fever?
Is the child eating better?
If with chest indrawing or a general danger sign: give a dose of second-line
antibiotic or IM Chloramphenicol; then refer urgently to the hospital
If breathing rate, fever & eating are the same: change to the second-line
antibiotic & advise mother to return in 2 days or refer if the child had measles
within the last 3 mos
If breathing is slower, fever is less & eating is better: complete the 5 days of
After 5 days:
Has the diarrhea stopped?
How many loose stools is the child having per day?
If the diarrhea has not stopped (child is still having 3 or more loose stools per
day): do a full reassessment of the child; give any treatment needed; then refer
to hospital
If the diarrhea has stopped (child is having less than 3 loose stools per day): tell
the mother to follow the usual feeding recommendation for the child’s age
After 2 days:
Assess the child for diarrhea
Are there fewer stools?
Is there less blood in the stool?
Is there less fever?
Is there less abdominal pain?
Is the child eating better?
If the child is dehydrated, treat dehydration
If number of stools, amount of blood in stools, fever, abdominal pain or eating
is the same or worse:
Change to second-line oral antibiotic recommended for Shigella in the area;
give it for 5 days; advise mother to return in 2 days
Exceptions if the child:
- Is less than 12 months old, or
- Was dehydrated on the first visit, or
- Had measles within the last 3 months
* Refer to hospital
If fewer stools, less blood in the stools, less fever, less abdominal pain & eating
better: continue giving the same antibiotic until finished
If fever persists after 2 days, or returns within 14 days:
Do a full assessment of the child
Assess for other causes of fever
If the child has any general danger signs or stiff neck, treat as VERY SEVERE
If the child has any cause of fever other than malaria, provide treatment
If malaria is the only apparent cause of fever:
Take a blood smear
Give second-line oral antimalarial without waiting for result of blood smear
Advise mother to return in 2 days if fever persists
If fever persists after 2 days treatment with second-line oral antimalarial, refer
with blood smear for reassessment
If fever has been present for 7 days, refer for assessment
If fever persists after 2 days:
Do a full reassessment of the child
Assess for other causes of fever
If the child has any general danger sign or stiff neck, treat as VERY SEVERE
If the child has any cause of fever other than malaria, provide treatment
If malaria is the only apparent cause of fever:
Take a blood smear
Treat with first-line oral antimalarial
Advise mother to return again in 2 days if fever persists
If fever has been present for 7 days, refer for assessment
After 5 days:
Reassess for ear problem
Obtain child’s temperature
If there is tender swelling behind the ear or high fever, treat as Mastoiditis
Acute ear infection: if ear pain or discharge persists, treat with 5 more days of
the same antibiotic; continue wicking to dry the ear; follow up in 5 days
Chronic ear infection: check that the mother is wicking the ear correctly;
encourage her to continue
If no ear pain or discharge: praise the mother for her careful treatment; if she
has not yet finished the 5-day antibiotics, tell her to use all of it before stopping
After 5 days:
Reassess feeding
Ask about any feeding problems on the initial visit
Counsel the mother about any new or continuing feeding problems. If you
counsel the mother to make significant changes in feeding, ask her to bring the
child back again
If the child is very low weigh for age, ask the mother to return in 30 days after
the initial visit to measure the child’s weight gain
After 14 days:
Give iron; advise mother to return in 14 days for more iron
Continue giving iron every day for 2 months with follow up every 14 days
If the child has any palmar pallor after 2 months, refer for reassessment
Up to 4 months of age
Breastfeed as often as the child wants, day & night, at least 8x in 24 hours
Do not give other foods or fluids
4 to 6 months
Breastfeed as often as the child wants, day or night, at least 8x in 24 hours
If the child shows interest in semisolid foods or appears hungry after
breastfeeding or is not gaining weight adequately:
Give small amount of lugaw with added oil, mashed vegetables or beans,
steamed tokwa, flaked fish, pulverized roasted dilis, finely-ground meat,
eggyolk, mashed ripe fruit like banana, mango, avocado
Give these foods 1 or 2 times per day after breastfeeding
6 to 12 months
Breastfeed as often as the child wants
Give adequate amount of lugaw with added oil, mashed vegetables or beans,
steamed tokwa, flaked fish, pulverized roasted dilis, finely-ground meat,
eggyolk, bite-sized fruits
Give these foods 3x per day if breastfed & 5x per day if not breastfed
Feed the baby nutritious snacks like taho & fruits
1 to 2 yo
Breastfeed as often as the child wants
Give adequate amount of family foods or give rice, camote, potato, fish,
chicken, meat, mongo, steamed tokwa, pulverized roasted dilis, milk &
eggs, dark green leafy & yellow vegetables (malunggay, squash); add oil &
Give these foods 5x per day
Feed the baby nutritious snacks like fruits
If the child is less than 4mos old & is taking other milk or foods:
Build mother’s confidence that she can produce all the breastmilk that the
child needs
Suggest giving more frequent, longer breastfeeds, day & night & gradually
reducing other milk or foods
If other milk needs are to be continued, counsel the mother to:
Breastfeed as much as possible, including at night
Make sure that other milk is a locally appropriate breastmilk substitute,
give only when necessary
Make sure that other milk is correctly & hygienically prepared & given in
adequate amounts
Prepare only an amount of milk which the child can consume within an
hour; if there is some left-over milk, discard
If the child is not being fed actively, counsel the mother to:
Sit with the child & encourage eating
Give the child an adequate serving in a separate plate or bowl
Observe what the child likes & consider these in the preparation of his/her
If the child is not feeding well during illness, counsel the mother to:
Breastfeed more frequently & for longer periods if possible
Use soft, varied, appetizing, favorite foods to encourage the child to eat as
much as possible & offer frequent small feedings
Clear a blocked nose if it interferes with feeding
Expect that appetite will improve as child gets better