AC Lab 7 Adnanl
AC Lab 7 Adnanl
AC Lab 7 Adnanl
A resonant circuit, also called a tuned circuit, consists of an inductor and a capacitor together
with a voltage or current source. It is one of the most important circuits used in electronics.
For example, a resonant circuit, in one of its many forms, allows us to select a desired radio
or television signal from the vast number of signals that are around us at any time.
A network is in resonance when the voltage and current at the network input terminals are in
phase and the input impedance of the network is purely resistive. The resonance of a parallel
RLC circuit is a bit more involved than the series resonance. The resonant frequency can be
defined in three different ways, which converge on the same expression as the series resonant
frequency if the resistance of the circuit is small.
The basic parallel-resonant circuit is shown in figure below. Of interest here is how the
amplitude and the phase angle of the output voltage Vo vary with the frequency of the
sinusoidal voltage source.
Theory and Methodology:
The complex admittance of this circuit is given by adding up the admittances of the
The change from a series arrangement to a parallel arrangement results in the circuit having a
peak in impedance at resonance rather than a minimum, so the circuit is an antiresonator.
The graph opposite shows that there is a minimum in the frequency response of the current at
the resonance frequency
when the circuit is driven by a constant voltage. On the other hand, if driven by a constant
current, there would be a maximum in the voltage which would follow the same curve as the
current in the series circuit.
Circuit Diagram
Equipment list
0 2.2
The main purpose of this experiment is to know about the parallel resonance
and to analyse a parallel resonance circuit with various frequencies, inductance and
capacitance. When the voltage and current input terminals are in phase and the
impedance of the network in purely resistive then the circuit network is in
resonance. At resonance the admittance of the circuit is at its minimum and is equal
to the conductance of the circuit. A parallel circuit containing a resistance, R an
inductance, L and a capacitance, C will produce a parallel resonance (also called anti-
resonance) circuit when the resultant current through the parallel combination is in
phase with the supply voltage. The resonance of a parallel RLC circuit is a bit more
involved than the series resonance. A parallel resonant circuit stores the circuit
energy in the magnetic field of the inductor And the electric field of the capacitor. In
a parallel resonance circuit at resonance there will be a large circulation current
between the inductor and the capacitor due to the energy of the oscillation, then
parallel circuits produce current resonance. The energy stored by resonance circuit is
constantly being transferred back and forth between the inductor and the capacitor
which results in zero current and energy being drawn from the supply. At resonance
it is one of the most important circuit used in electronics for instance, it always use
to select a designed radio on television signal from the vast number of signals that
are around use any time. To block a frequency or range of frequency resonance
circuit is used. In other words, “acting as a frequency filter to strain certain frequency
out to a mix of others”. There are many be errors behind this kind of results. Bread
board maybe errors, it had to be switched to another. The function generator had
some errors in it, as well as the oscilloscope as it did not plot any graph across the
resistor R due to loose wiring connection.