Jcem 1664
Jcem 1664
Jcem 1664
Context: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of anovulatory infertility and
may be associated with adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes. However, it is difficult to
establish how much of this risk is due to PCOS and how much to obesity.
Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of PCOS upon fertility, pregnancy, and neo-
natal outcomes.
Design and Setting: Data were extracted from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD), a
longitudinal anonymized primary care research database in the United Kingdom. Patients with a
diagnosis of PCOS were matched to controls (1:2) by age (⫾1 y), body mass index (⫾ 3 U), and CPRD
practice. Standardized fertility ratios before and after diagnosis (index date) were calculated. Rates
of miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, premature delivery, delivery method, and
neonatal outcomes were compared.
Results: Nine thousand sixty-eight women with PCOS matched study criteria. Prior to index date
the standardized fertility ratio for patients with PCOS was 0.80 (95% confidence interval, 0.77–
0.83); following index date it was 1.16 (1.12–1.20). The adjusted odds ratios (95% CI) for miscarriage
(1.70; 1.56 –1.84), pre-eclampsia (1.32; 1.16 –1.49), gestational diabetes (1.41; 1.2–1.66), and pre-
mature delivery (1.25; 1.1–1.43) were all increased compared with controls. Of PCOS births, 27.7%
were by Caesarean section compared with 23.7% of controls (1.13; 1.05–1.21). Infants born to
mothers with PCOS had an increased risk of neonatal jaundice (1.20; 1.03–1.39) and respiratory
complications (1.20; 1.06 –1.37).
Conclusions: PCOS is associated with subfertility but fertility rates are restored to those of the
background population following diagnosis. Pregnancy complications and adverse neonatal out-
comes are more prevalent for women with PCOS independently of obesity. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab
101: 1664 –1672, 2016)
olycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common women require assisted reproductive techniques to help
P endocrine condition in women of reproductive age,
affecting 5–10% of the premenopausal population (1, 2).
them conceive. Most commonly, this involves the use of
clomiphene citrate as an agent to induce ovulation. How-
The disorder is characterized by hyperandrogenism, insu- ever, two randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled
lin resistance, and glucose intolerance, which lead to an trials have also established that metformin may improve
increased risk of type 2 diabetes (3). PCOS is also a com- ovulation and conception rates in clomiphene-resistant
mon cause of anovulatory infertility (4, 5), such that many women with PCOS (6, 7). Previous studies have shown
ISSN Print 0021-972X ISSN Online 1945-7197 Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; CPRD, Clinical Practice Re-
Printed in USA search Datalink; GDM, gestational diabetes; HES, Hospital Episode Statistics; ICD, 10th
Copyright © 2016 by the Endocrine Society revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Prob-
Received June 25, 2015. Accepted February 2, 2016. lems; OR, odds ratio; PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome.
First Published Online February 9, 2016
1664 press.endocrine.org/journal/jcem J Clin Endocrinol Metab, April 2016, 101(4):1664 –1672 doi: 10.1210/jc.2015-2682
doi: 10.1210/jc.2015-2682 press.endocrine.org/journal/jcem 1665
that the reproductive effects of the syndrome may also extend ized fertility ratios based on 10-year age bands using the non-
to a higher risk of many adverse outcomes in pregnancy, of PCOS population as the reference.
Miscarriages resulting in hospital admission were identified
which gestational diabetes (GDM), gestational hyperten-
through secondary care sources. Crude relative risk of miscar-
sion, premature birth, and early pregnancy loss are the most riage was calculated. Multivariate logistic regression predicting
studied (4, 5, 8, 9). Infants born to mothers with PCOS may miscarriage vs delivery was also performed adjusting for age,
also be at risk of adverse perinatal outcomes, including mac- BMI, number of previous births, and smoking history.
rosomia, low Apgar score, and meconium aspiration (9). Complications of pregnancy were defined as premature birth,
However, estimates of risk for these complications are dif- GDM, and pre-eclampsia, and were ascertained from both the
primary and HES data sources (Supplemental Table 3). Com-
ficult to ascertain due to heterogeneity in study design, small
plications were assigned to each delivery if they were recorded in
sample sizes, and inadequate matching for potential con- the preceding 295 days. The relative risks of each complication
founders such as obesity. In light of these uncertainties, we in the period, both before and after diagnosis of PCOS, were
Delivery methods births, an increased relative rate for mothers with PCOS
Supplemental Table 7 shows the method of delivery for (OR, 1.54; 95% CI, 1.22–1.95).
women with and without PCOS. Of PCOS births, 1606 Apgar scores (11) were available for 1731 (30.1%) chil-
(27.7%) were by caesarean section compared with 3243 dren born to mothers with PCOS and 4217 (31.0%) born
(23.7%) of non-PCOS. In logistic regression, the OR of to mothers without PCOS. Respective Apgar scores were
caesarean delivery for PCOS was 1.13 (1.05–1.21) after 6.33 and 6.43 at 1 minute and 6.97 and 7.02 at 5 minutes,
adjustment for other covariates including pre-eclampsia and were not significantly different between groups.
(2.54; 2.14 –3.00) and GDM (2.63; 2.25–3.06). Mean Neonatal inpatient admissions records for children
length of stay for delivery was significantly greater for could be linked to 3634 (62.7%) of births for women with
women with PCOS (3.8 vs 3.5 d; P ⫽ .002; Supplemental PCOS and 8557 (62.4%) of those without. Table 3 shows
Table 7). After adjustment for age, BMI, GDM, pre-ec- the number of defined neonatal complications recorded on
lampsia, and premature delivery, the respective means these admissions. There were significant increases for
were 3.7 vs 3.5 days (P ⬍ .001). jaundice (1.20; 1.03–1.39) and respiratory complications
(1.20; 1.06 –1.37).
Neonatal outcomes
Delivery outcome was available for 5757 (99.3%) Discussion
PCOS births and 13 607 (99.3%) non-PCOS births (Sup-
plemental Table 8). Multiple births occurred in 146 In this large population-based study, a diagnosis of PCOS
(2.5%) of PCOS births and 226 (1.7%) of non-PCOS was associated with a lower fertility rate, increased risk of
1668 Rees et al Fertility, Pregnancy and Neonatal Outcomes in PCOS J Clin Endocrinol Metab, April 2016, 101(4):1664 –1672
Figure 2. Upper panel: Time from index date (first diagnosis of PCOS) to consultation for infertility. Left upper panel: PCOS cases. Right upper
panel: Non-PCOS cases. Lower panel: Standardized specific fertility rates for women with and without PCOS, before and after index date.
adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes, and of oper- phenotype presenting at this age, but is also consistent
ative delivery, which were not attributable to obesity. with a trend toward regularization of the menstrual cycle
We observed an approximate 4-fold increase in con- in women with PCOS with advancing age (12). After di-
sultations for infertility in women with PCOS compared agnosis, fertility rates were restored in all age groups to
with matched controls. This is reflected in lower fertility those of the background population, suggesting that in-
rates for women with PCOS prior to diagnosis, particu- fertility in women with PCOS is eminently treatable. How-
larly in younger patients. This may reflect a more severe ever, it is not possible from the data to compare the in-
doi: 10.1210/jc.2015-2682 press.endocrine.org/journal/jcem 1669
Table 2. Hospital Admissions for Births, Miscarriages, study adjusted for obesity and fertility treatment (13)
and Complications of Pregnancy for Women With and which are themselves known to be associated with an in-
Without PCOS creased risk (18). In our study, which matched patients for
BMI, PCOS was associated with a significant increase in
pregnancy loss both before and after PCOS diagnosis.
n % n % For those pregnancies resulting in live birth there was
Before index date also significant increases in pre-eclampsia, GDM, and pre-
Identified pregnancies 3369 9437 mature delivery. Previous studies have suggested that the
Births 2778 82.5 8503 90.1 risk of GDM is increased in women with PCOS, but in-
GDM 93 3.3 235 2.8
Pre-eclampsia 188 6.8 466 5.5 terpretation of these studies and estimates of risk are dif-
Premature 171 6.2 427 5.0 ficult because of differences in study design and small sam-
Figure 3. Adjusted† ORs for GDM, pre-eclampsia, premature birth, and miscarriage for women with and without PCOS. *Denominator is all
pregnancies, adjusted for age, body mass index, number of previous births, and smoking history.
1670 Rees et al Fertility, Pregnancy and Neonatal Outcomes in PCOS J Clin Endocrinol Metab, April 2016, 101(4):1664 –1672
Table 3. Neonatal Complications Reported for Offspring of Women With PCOS and Matched Controls
(n ⴝ 3707) (n ⴝ 8656)
consistent with these findings, albeit that the OR was for those women identified as being prescribed metformin
slightly lower at 1.4. This is also in keeping with our pre- prior to estimated conception and during their first tri-
vious CPRD study, which showed that women with PCOS mester. It is difficult to be certain whether this represents
had a 50% increased risk of type 2 diabetes in the United a true adverse effect of metformin therapy or is more likely
Kingdom population (3). a reflection of residual confounding due to preferential
Our finding of an increased risk of pre-eclampsia is prescribing in higher risk pregnancies. A large, multicenter
consistent with many (4, 21), but not all (22) previous randomized clinical trial found no effect of metformin,
studies but the mechanisms by which this develops are administered late in the first trimester through to delivery,
unclear. One such pathway may involve hyperinsulin- on pregnancy outcome, with the exception of an apparent
emia, which is a common finding even in lean patients with reduction in later miscarriage and preterm delivery (28).
PCOS, and which has been implicated in hypertension We did not find an effect of metformin on early miscar-
developing in pregnancy (22, 23). riage rate, consistent with previous studies (29, 30).
Two meta-analyses assessing pregnancy outcomes in In our study we have also shown that caesarean section
women with PCOS have suggested that the risk of preterm was more common as a method of delivery in patients with
delivery is increased in patients with the syndrome (4, 24). PCOS, even after adjustment for possible confounders.
Of the studies that informed these analyses (5, 20, 22, 25, This is in agreement with some (9) but not all studies (4).
26), only one excluded patients with multiple gestation Indeed, in a meta-analysis of pregnancy outcomes in
(26), which is a major risk factor for preterm delivery in its women with PCOS where subgroup analysis was re-
own right. Mikola et al (22) found that PCOS per se lost stricted to higher validity studies, no increased risk was
its significance as a risk for preterm birth in a multivariate observed (4). An increased rate of operative delivery was
analysis which identified multiple gestation and nullipar- associated with a 6% increased length of stay in fully ad-
ity as independent predictors. This may be in keeping with justed analyses. This is likely to lead to adverse health
the observation that many women with PCOS need ovu- economic consequences, of a similar order of magnitude as
lation induction to conceive and that such treatment is that apparent in obesity (31). As anticipated, a diagnosis
more likely to result in multiple gestation pregnancies. We of PCOS was also associated with an increased risk of
found an increased risk of premature delivery in our pop- multiple births likely related to a greater use of assisted
ulation, which could not be explained by differences in conception, albeit that multiple births only accounted for
age, BMI, multiple gestation, or previous pregnancy. This a small fraction of the total.
observation is in keeping with that of Roos et al (9) in their Neonatal outcomes were generally worse for infants
study of singleton pregnancies. However, obesity may ex- born to mothers with PCOS although we did not find a
acerbate the risk of preterm birth. De Frène and colleagues difference in stillbirth nor in Apgar scores with controls.
(27) reported an almost seven-fold increase in the propor- This contrasts with Roos et al (9), who found an increased
tion of preterm deliveries when comparing obese and risk of low Apgar score at 5 minutes in infants born to
nonobese females with PCOS. mothers with PCOS but no increased risk of neonatal
The effect of metformin use for women with PCOS was death. However, we did note a significantly increased risk
inconclusive as this study was not powered to detect dif- for neonatal jaundice and respiratory distress. To our
ferences within the PCOS cohort and the effect of multiple knowledge, ours is the first study to report such associa-
testing should be considered in interpreting these results. tions. There was also a trend toward increased risk of low
However, there was a significant increase in pre-eclampsia birth weight in our study, a finding which has been shown
doi: 10.1210/jc.2015-2682 press.endocrine.org/journal/jcem 1671
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