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B.TECH/ME/3RD SEM/MECH 2105/2016 B.

TECH/ME/3RD SEM/MECH 2105/2016

(vii) Involute profile of a gear tooth can be checked by Group - C
(a) Optical Flat (b) Optical Pyrometer
4. (a) Briefly explain with sketch how a Profile Projector works.
(c) Optical profile projector (d) Tooth Span Micrometer.
(b) How a Profile projector can be used for measuring pitch and thread
(viii) LVDT is usually used for measuring
angle of a screw?
(a) temperature (b) pressure
(c) density (d) displacement. (c) Explain with sketch how pneumatic gauges are used for measuring
(i) outside dia of a shaft and (ii) bore taper of a ball bearing inner
(ix) Sine bar should be
(a) used for measurement of an angle greater than 45°
4 + 4 + (2 + 2) = 12
(b) used for measurement of an angle less than 45°
(c) used for measurement of any angle 5. (a) (i) Explain “maximum metal limit” (MML) and “least metal limit”
(d) none of these. (LML) condition for hole shaft assembly with example.
(x) Symbol “inverted triangle” is used in engineering drawings for (ii) What is “Fit”? What are the different types of fit?
representing (b) Calculate the limits of tolerance and allowance for 25 mm shaft and
(a) shape of a component (b) surface Flatness hole pair designated H8d9 type of fit. Size 25 mm falls in the diameter
(c) hardness (d) surface roughness. step 18 and 30 mm. Take i = 0.45√D + 0.001 D microns, IT8=25i,
Group - B IT9=40i. Fundamental deviations for “d” type shaft is (-16 D0.44)
2. (a) Define the following with suitable sketches: (3 + 3) + 6 = 12
(i) Flatness of a surface
(ii) Roundness Group - D
(iii) Cylindricity. 6. (a) Explain graphically 3 cases when the conditions are:
(b) Explain with sketch how the following can be measured and by using (i) precise but not accurate
which instruments for a lathe (ii) accurate but not precise
(i) The machine is levelled with respect to horizontal plane (iii)accurate and precise
(ii) Radial runout of the headstock spindle (b) (i) What is the difference between followings (any one)
(iii) Parallelism of the headstock spindle with the guide ways.  active and passive transducer
(2 × 3) + (2 × 3) = 12  repeatability and reproducibility.
3. (a) Explain with a sketch how tooth thickness at pitch circle diameter is (ii) Write down the calibration method of a vernier caliper.
measured by using a Gear Tooth Calliper (No derivation required). (1 + 1 + 1) + (4 + 5) = 12
Why is this measurement not very accurate?
7. (a) With neat sketch of an actual “surface texture” indicate the
(b) Explain with a sketch what does a tooth span micro meter measures. parameters (i) lay, (ii) waviness, (iii) roughness (vi) sampling length.
Name the design parameters of the gear on which this measured
(b) In the measurement of surface roughness heights of 25 successive
value depends.
peaks and troughs were measured from the centre line and were 32,
(c) A 100mm sine bar is used to measure angle of a component. Slip 26, 37, 35, 42, 22, 35, 18, 42, 28, 35, 22, 37, 18, 42, 22, 32, 21, 37, 18,
gauges having total height of 25.882 mm is put under the sine bar 35, 22, 32, 18 and 34. If the sampling length is 25 mm determine
roller to make the top surface of the component horizontal. Calculate C.L.A. and R.M.S. value.
the angle of the component. (1 + 1 + 1 + 1) + (4 + 4) = 12
(3 + 1) + (3 + 1) + 4 = 12
MECH 2105 2 MECH 2105 3
B.TECH/ME/3RD SEM/MECH 2105/2016
Group - E B.TECH/ME/3RD SEM/MECH 2105/2016
8. (a) A Strain Gauge Load Cell has a single strain gauge mounted on the METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENT
surface of a cylindrical rod along the axis of the rod. The strain gauge (MECH 2105)
is connected to one of the arms of a Wheatstone bridge. The
magnitudes of the resistance of the strain gauge and other Time Allotted : 3 hrs Full Marks : 70
resistances in the other three arms of the bridge are same such that
Figures out of the right margin indicate full marks.
the bridge is balanced (output voltage is zero) when strain in the
strain gauge is zero. Candidates are required to answer Group A and
Given: Input voltage to the Wheatstone Bridge : ei any 5 (five) from Group B to E, taking at least one from each group.
Gauge Factor of the Strain Gauge : F = ∆R / (ϵ.R)
Cross-section area of the rod :A Candidates are required to give answer in their own words as far as
Young’s modulus of the rod material :Y practicable.

Develop the relationship between the axial strain on the rod and the Group – A
voltage developed in the bridge. (Multiple Choice Type Questions)
(b) Develop the relationship between the axial compressive force FC 1. Choose the correct alternative for the following: 10 × 1 = 10
applied on the rod and the voltage developed in the bridge.
(i) The ratio of the infinitesimal change in output to the infinitesimal
9 + 3 = 12 change in input is defined as
(a) sensitivity (b) resolution
9. (a) Explain with neat sketch how a LVDT indicates the magnitude and (c) threshold (d) accuracy.
direction of displacement.
(ii) For measuring comparatively larger internal diameter (for e.g.
(b) Explain the working principal of a bourdon tube gauge with neat 150mm) which instrument is suitable?
sketch. What are the parameters we consider to choose tube (a) Telescopic gauge (b) Inside tubular micrometer
material? Give two examples of tube material. (c) Vernier calliper (d) Vernier height gauge.
5 + (4 + 2 + 1) = 12
(iii) A Pitot tube is used for measuring
(a) diameter of a tube
(b) pressure of fluid flowing through the tube
(c) flow rate of fluid flowing through the tube
(d) density of the fluid flowing through the tube.
(iv) If the Fit between a shaft and hole is designated as N7/m6, assembly
will have
(a) interference fit (b) transition fit
(c) clearance fit (d) cannot be ascertained.
(v) “Waviness” is
(a) primary texture (b) secondary texture
(c) flaws (d) tertiary texture.
(vi) A surface finish of 0.1 micron Ra can be easily achieved by
(a) milling (b) turning (c) grinding (d) shaping.
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