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Objectives After studying this unit, you will be able to : know about ILO and its functioning know about its objectives Understand its main functions i.e. formulation, adoption and supervision of International Standards

ILO International Labour Organisation and Indian Labour Legislations

Structure 4.1 The International Labour Organisation 4.1.1 An Introduction to ILO 4.1.2 The Objectives of the ILO 4.1.3 The Structure of the ILO 4.1.4 The Finance of the ILO 4.2 International Labour Standards 4.2.1 Conventions and Recommendations 4.2.2 International Labour Code 4.2.3 Ratification Procedures 4.3 International Labour Standards and their Influence on Indian Labour Legislations 4.3.1 Details of Influences 4.3.2 Industrial Relations 4.4 Conclusion



An Introduction to ILO

The International Labour Organisation one of the principal international organisations established under the treaty of Versailles was created in 1919. Since then, it has been working ceaselessly for the establishment of universal peace through social justice. In 1969, it was awarded Nobel Peace Prize for its contributions in this area. In accomplishing this task, the ILO has mainly worked on the setting of International standards for national application, backed by technical corporation and education. There were 45 states who were members of ILO in 1919. India was one of the founder members. By now, the ILO membership has risen to 174. 4.1.2 The Objectives of the ILO The objectives of the ILO are enunciated in the preamble to its constitution supplemented by Article 427 of the Peace Treaty of Versailles, 1919 as well as by the Philadelphia Declaration of 1944. The ideology of the ILO is defined by these three instruments in the following terms. Whereas universal and lasting peace can be established only if it is based upon social justice. And whereas conditions of labour exist involving such injustice, hardship and privation to large numbers of people as to produce unrest so great that the peace and harmony of the world are imperilled. Whereas also the failure of any nation to adopt humane conditions of labour is an obstacle in the way of other nations which desire to improve the conditions in their own countries...


Introduction to Labour Legislation

Thus, the ILO has been "attempting to promote world-wide respect for the freedom and dignity of the working men and to create the conditions in which that freedom and dignity can be more fully and effectively enjoyed." During the Second World War, in April 1944, a conference was convened at Philadelphia. As a result of these deliberations, the aims of the ILO were redefined. This was termed the Declaration of Philadelphia which was later incorporated into ILO's constitution. This conference reaffirmed the principles of ILO, namely, that (a) (b) (c) (d) Labour is not a commodity, freedom of expression and of association are essential to sustained progress, poverty anywhere constitutes a danger to prosperity everywhere, The war against want requires to be carried on with unrelenting vigour within each nation, and by continuous and concerted international effort in which the representatives of workers and employers enjoying equal status with those of governments, join with them in free discussion and democratic decision with a view to the promotion of the common welfare.

The Declaration of Philadelphia set forth 10 objectives which the ILO was to further and promote among the nations of the world. The theme underlying these objectives is social justice. The objectives are as follows: (a) Full employment and the raising of standards of living, (b) the employment of workers in the occupation in which they can have the satisfaction of giving the fullest measure of their skill, and make their contribution to the common well being, (c) the provision, as a means to the attainment of this end, and under adequate guarantees for all concerned, of facilities for training and the transfer of labour including migration for employment and settlement, (d) policies in regard to wages and earning, bonus and other conditions of work calculated to ensure a just share of the fruits of progress to all, and a minimum living wage to all employed and in need of protection, (e) the effective recognition of the right of collective bargaining, the cooperation of management and labour in the continuous improvement of productive' efficiency and the collaboration of workers and employers in social and economic measures, (f) the extension of social security measures to provide a basic income to all in need of such protection and comprehensive medical care, (g) adequate protection for the life and health of workers in all occupations, (h) provision for child welfare and maternity protection, (i) the provision of adequate nutrition, housing and facilities for creation and culture, (j) the assurance of equality of educational and vocational opportunity. 4.1.3 The Structure of the ILO

The ILO is organised around 3 sub-systems: (1). An International Labour Conference (2). A Governing Body and (3). An International Labour Office The conference is the supreme policy making and legislative body. The Governing body is the executive council and the International Labour Office is the secretariat, operational headquarters and information centre. The International Labour Conference It is the policy making body of the ILO. The Conference comprises 3 groups representing governments, employers and workers in the ratio of 2:1:1. The sessions of the ILO are held at least once a year and all delegates may be accompanied by advisors, not exceeding two for each item on the agenda.


The government delegates to the ILC are mostly ministers, diplomats or officials subject to government instructions. Under the Constituion of the ILO, employers' and workers delegates are nominated by the governments in agreement with the relevant industrial organisations. Structure of the ILO International Labour Conference Which examines social problems and adopts conventions and recommendations for ratification by governments Electoral colleges of the conference Elect the
Governing Body

ILO International Labour Organisation and Indian Labour Legislations

Representative of Government employers Workers Research Investigation Technical cooperation Publications International Centre for Advanced Technical and Vocational Training Turin The Governing,Body

Ratio 2 1 1

International Labour Office

International Institute Labour Studies Geneva

This is one of the principal bodies of the ILO. It is a non-political, non-legislative, tripartite body. It carries out the decisions of the Conference with the help of the International Labour Office. It consists of 56 members of which 28 represent governments, 14 employers and 14 workers. Of the 28 member government contingent, 10 are appointed by the members of the States of Chief Industrial Importance and the balance are delegates of other governments. The criteria laid down for the selection of members of Chief Industrial Importance is the strength of its total industrial population. India is one of the ten States of Chief Industrial Importance. The period of office of this body is 3 years. It meets several times a year to take decisions on the programmes of the ILO. The functions of this body are given below: Functions of International Labour Conference and Governing Body of the ILC ILC 1. Formulates International Labour Standards 2. Fixes the amount of contributions by the member states Governing Body 1. Coordinates work of the organisation 2. Draws up an agenda for each session and subject to the decision of the International Labour Conference, decides what subject should be included in the agenda of the International Labour Conference 3. Appoints the Director General of the Office 4. Scrutinises the budget

3. Decides the expenditure budget estimates prepared by the Director General and submitted to the Governing body 4. Makes amendments to the consititution subject to subsequent ratification of the amendments by the 2/3 member


Introduction to Labour Legislation

States including 5 of the 10 states of industrial importance 5. Considers the report of the Director General 6. It appoints committees to deal with different matters during each session 7. It is empowered to regulate its own procedures 8. Selects ones in 3 years members of the Governing Body 9. Elects its Presidents 10. Seek advisory opinion from the International Courts of Justice 11. Confirm the powers, functions and procedures of Regional Conferences The International Labour Office

5.It follows up the implementation by member states of the conventions and recommendations adopted by the conference 6. It fixes the dates, duration and agenda of the Regional Conference 7. It has the power to seek advisory opinions from the International Court of Justice with the consent of the International Labour Conference

This is the third major body in the ILO system. It functions as the Secretariat of the ILO in Geneva. The Director General of the ILO is the Chief Executive of this office. The Director General is appointed by the Governing Body and he also acts as the Secretary General of the Conference. The staff bf this office is appointed by the Director General. He is assisted by two deputy director generals, six assistant director generals, one director of the International Institute for Labour Studies, one director of the International Centre of Advanced Technical and Vocational Training, advisors, chiefs of divisions, and other staff drawn from 100 nations. The constitution of ILO describes the main functions of this office. They are: 1. To prepare documents on the items of the agenda of the Conference. 2. To assist governments in framing legislation on the basis of the decisions of the ILC. 3. To carry out its function in connection with the observance of the conventions. 4. To bring out publications dealing with industrial labour problems of international interest. 5. To collect and distribute information of international labour and social problems. 4.1.4 The Finance of the ILO

The ILC fixes the budget on the recommendations of the Governing Body and member states make contributions accordingly. Contributions are fixed on an ad hoc basis from year to year.



The International Labour Standards, the quintessence of world wide experience in the progress towards higher social and economic objectives continue to be the principal means at the disposal of the ILO to achieve social justice throughout the world. The International Labour Conference, the legislative wing of the ILO provides a forum for discussion and deliberation of international labour problems and this formulates the standards in form of conventions and recommendations. The conventions and recommendations are collectively known as the international labour code. The need for standard setting activities, in overall ILO plans and programme, is the most important one. In the In-depth Review of International Labour Standards, (Feb, 1976), it element in the development of


ILO action," with which other forms of actions - studies and researches, operational activities, - must be coordinated. 4.2.1 Conventions and Recommendations

ILO International Labour Organisation and Indian Labour Legislations

There is a fundamental difference between Conventions and Recommendations. While Conventions are obligation creating instruments, Recommendations are guidance providing instruments. In other words, once the Conventions are ratified, by the member state, they become binding international obligations, whereas Recommendations are essentially guides to national action and do not create international obligations. At times, a Recommendation may act as a forerunner to a Convention and may gave the way for subsequent adoption of a Convention. Further , a Recommendation may play a supplementary role by spelling out the precise or detailed methods of application of the basic rules or the principles enshrined in a Convention. Generally Recommendations lay down higher labour standards than Conventions. Thus, though Recommendation does not create binding obligations, yet it is in no way an inferior form of standard. On the other hand, it surveys an extensive variety of functions and fulfils a different purpose. As the standards improve, the Conventions are revised and fresh amendments with higher labour standards, are adopted. 4.2.2 International Labour Code

The body of Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference constitutes the International Labour Code. As of now over 180 Conventions (and Recommendations) have been adopted by the Conference. The code has become for labour lawyers throughout the world what the Corpus Juris Civilis or the works of authority of the common lawyers are for other lawyers. The international labour code covers an enormous range of important subjects in the labour and social fields, which have been classified as under: No. Subject

1. Basic Human Rights 2. Labour Administration and Industrial Relations 3. Employment Policy and Human Resources Development 4. General Conditions of Employment 5. Employment of Children, Young Persons and Women 6. Industrial Safety, Healthy and Welfare 7. Social Security and Social Policy 8. Seafarers 9. Indigenous and Tribal Populations Migrants and Plantation Workers 4.2.3 Ratification Procedures

The ILO Standards are analogous to treaties requiring ratification by a competent national authority within a period of one year to 18 months at the latest from the closing session of I.L.C In India, the treaty making power is within the competence of the Government of India. The Tripartite Committee, set up to draw the programme of ratification of the ILO Conventions, makes a detailed survey. It is on the recommendation of this committee that India ratifies Conventions. In case where the committee does not recommend rectification of a particular instrument, it focuses the reasons for such actions. India has ratified so far36 conventions out of those adopted by the ILO.


Introduction to Labour Legislation

1. 2. 3.

Information on the measures taken in pursuance of the ratified convention has to be conveyed through annual reports to be sent to International Labour office. Some of the factors responsible for non-ratification are as follows: Inadequacy of coverage in India. Administrative inadequacies Legal difficulties



Details of Influences



According to National Commission on Labour "international obligations which devolve on India as a result of our long association with the ILO have to be discharged in the following

directions (1) Adopting the aims and objects of the ILO for national action (ii) Cooperation in ILO's programmes; and (iii) Progressive implementation of ILO's Standards." The influence of International Labour Conventions and Recommendations on Legislations in India is direct in some cases while in others the relationship is not so obvious. After ratification takes place, a Convention is given effect through new enactments, a modification in the existing laws, or a change in the administrative practice and procedure. The ILO's Conventions and Recommendations have had influence on the following: 1. Factories and Mines Legislations with regards to aspects like hours of work, weekly rest, holiday with pay and wages a) Employment of children and young persons b) Employment of women at night c) Industrial health, safety and welfare. 2. Wage-legislations - India ratified Convention 26 on minimum wages fixing machinery in 1955 and amended Minimum Wages Act to constitute an advisory Committee to advise on this matter. 3. Social Security - A number of Conventions and Recommendations dealing with workmen compensation, sickness insurance, invalidity, old age and survivors' insurance, unemployment provisions, maternity protection and general aspects of social security have been adopted by the ILO. India has directly or indirectly adopted some of them in its laws. 4.3.2 Industrial Relations

ILO International Labour Organisation and Indian Labour Legislations

Right from the beginning, the ILO has given attention to freedom of association, collective bargaining and constructive industrial relations. Relevant conventions are:the Right of Association (Agriculture (Noll) 1921, The Freedom of Association and Protection of Right to Organise (No87) 1948, and Right to organise and collective bargaining (No98), 1949. The Recommendations include- Collective Agreements (No91), 1951, The Voluntary Conciliation and Arbitration (No 92), 1951, and the Cooperation at the Level of Undertaking (No94), 1952. The existing Indian Legislation embodying the provisions of some of the above instruments is the Trade Union Act 1926. Other principles of these conventions and recommendations can also be seen in different industrial relations legislations.



Thus, the ILO standards have influenced Indian Labour Legislation, directly and indirectly. In fact, the blue print of our labour policy is based on ILO's Standards. The influence of ILO can be seen in our Directive Principles of State Policy (Articles 39, 41, 42, 43, 43A which lay down policy objectives in field of labour. They have been greatly influenced by ILO's preamble and Philadelphia Declaration. The National Labour bodies - The Indian Labour Conference and Standing Labour Committee resemble the two main structures of ILO. Therefore, the influence of ILO has been perceptible in Labour Legislations in India.


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