Practice Test - Contemporary World
Practice Test - Contemporary World
Practice Test - Contemporary World
The countries in Asia who acquired weapons for mass destruction without the knowledge of the European countries
A. Welfare State C. Powerful Country
B. Weapon State. D. Powerful Country
2. The conference which convened to offer solution on economic problems after the Second World War
A. Breton Wood Conference
B. Geneva Conference
C. Washington Conference
D. Paris Conference
3. The international law used by the Philippines to claim the rights of the country in exclusive economic zone
A. 9-Line.
B. Geneva Accord
D. Treaty of Paris
4. During the Cold War, which country challenged the supremacy of US?
A. China
C. Japan
D. United Kingdom
5. Which of the following is TRUE for social or cultural globalization?
A. It refers to the migration of people from one place to another
B. It refers to the resolution of political disputes
C. It refers to the process of trade and capital mobilization
D. It refers to the international wars and conflicts
6. The current UN general secretary
A. Ban Ki Moon
B. Antonio Guterres
C. Aung San Suu Kyi
D. Christine Lagare
7. ASEAN Growth Area which aim shift economic activities from resource extraction to higher levels of processing and value-added
production, focusing on industries that adopt clean and green technologies.
8. What could be the MOST POSSIBLE reason why the ITO (International Trade Organization) was not ratified while GATT (General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) was?
A. Because the ITO is difficult organization to manage
B. Because the ITO is clearly an inefficient global institution
C. Because the United States has protectionist policies
D. Because GATT is the better alternative than ITO
9. The following countries are part of Global South except?
A. Brazil
B. South Korea
C. Mexico
D. Malaysia
10. The treaty which ended the Second World War
A. Potsdam
B. Shimonoseki
C. Versailles
D. Paris
11. The basis of the division of Korea
A. 24th parallel
B. 40th parallel
C. 17th parallel
D. 38th parallel
12. The basis of dichotomy in the world during the cold war
A. Geographical Setting
B. Religion
C. Political Ideology
D. Economic status
13. What is the most significant effect of the formation of the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
A. The opening of the different countries for world trade
B. The division of the rich and the poor countries
C. The opening of the countries for migration
D. The standardization of economic policies
14. The following are the basic principles of ASEAN except from one
A. Mutual respect for the independence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, and national identity of all nations.
B. Non-interference in the internal affairs of one another.
C. Settlement of differences or disputes thru war
D. The right of every State to lead its national existence free from external interference, subversion or coercion.
15. Which of the following leader of Russia who ordered the launch of Special Military Operation against Ukraine?
A. Vladimir Putin
B. Josef Stalin
C. Volodymyr Zelensky
D. Vladimir Lenin
16. The organ of United Nation designed to help newly independent country
A. Secretariat
B. General Assembly
C. United Nation Security Council
D. Trusteeship Council
17. The Philippines has a territorial dispute against China, What organ of UN will offer recommendation to end the conflict
A. International Court of Justice
B. Trusteeship Council
C. General Assembly
D. Secretariat
18. The treaty which ended the First World War
A. Treaty of Paris
B. Treaty of Potsdam
C. Treaty of Versailles
D. Treaty of Nanking
19. The following are the functions of International Monetary fund except
A. Avoid the coming of the World War Three
B. Foster global monetary cooperation
C. Facilitate international trade
D. Secure financial stability
20. Which of the following war resulted from the Cold War?
A. Korean War
B. Iraq-Iran War
C. Ukraine-Russian War
D. India-Pakistan War
21. The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro was entitled as
A. One vision, one identity
B. New Society
C. Win as One
D. The future we want
22. They believe that globalization had only negative impact to the different countries
A. Skeptics
B. Positivist
C. Transformationalist
D. Hyperglobalist
23. The Global Financial Institution which aims to eradicate poverty Information
A. International Monetary Fund
C. World Bank
D. World Trade Organization